HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-04-05, Page 7• easeeeseee, APRIL 5, 1872. 4 = HE HURON EXPOSITOR: APRIL 18779,,;1ftw rKE OSBORN PH' SEWIIK MACHINE: .00.. ,ocki-Slitch Sewing MACHINE. "housands throughout Canada are usirik these machines. They have n tested beyond all .question, make favorite lock -stitch, alike on biyat • and are pr „nounced superior to other machine offered the public, wide rancre of work, perfection ntv and e-xcellonce of mechani.sm, Otability, strength and durability, -00• $born Sewing .4.1fackine Has No Rival. ie improvements have lately. been de enabling the manufacturers to - it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing -Chines. Hundreds of testimonials are - ug received daily from oisz as well as *` operators attesting its wonderful iabilities. Will da an kinds of do.- ste scwiao-, from the finest cambric the coarses.t overcoat air upperleather.. xgANTE.0) TO BE AS REFRESIOUTDr NC ALE,SWARRANTED FOR. THREE YEARS. Ile Osborn Outfit is complete and; ,dily comprehended. Is sold. at one - If the price hitherto charged for ma.. [nes. doing a like range of work, the- , aufacturers being determined to c within the reach of every family in counties-. . TRIAL VEFORE PURCHASE Will 1011,-\ lee an that our machines ar# un- aaled, E GUELPH REVERSIBLE pre-emineatly the best Single -Thread chine offered, to the public—hence its Irvelous success.. Wil do allvarieties domestic sewing. PRICES C-Iti-wfax :DUCED. Hand Machine, with full outft, $12 ; -eadle do., $17. tW Each machine aranteed. - t -t-7- gents wanted.everywhere. Splen - ti inducements to make money. Apply to UELPM SEWINg MACHINE' CO., GUELPH; CANADA. NV. IN. WATSON, Agent, SEAFORTII. Stitch in Time saves 9 F nal. want to get the heat Family Sewing Machine in the Province outn.no, go to- : GEORG-E Wroxeter - Who is Agent for the celebrated S Tt ;EWING MACHINE. N. B.—Sewing Machine Needlea of all kinds, always kept on hand for sae. Lls*o, .461.GENT FOR E. SHOREY'S RGYAL• CANADIAN LOTHES-WRINGER. :Office at Miss Millin's Fashionable Diess-inalaing, staldisliwent, directly opposite the Post Office, Froxeter. • 219 NOTICE. FULIERPON1 (FORMERLY OF ChlTON,/ ATELL Imown. to the people of Seaforth and - surrounding country as the DO.MLNION IiANDSCAPE AnTIST, wishes ta notify the. -euple of Seaforth that he has commenced Bud -- tress in. the PQRTRALT LINE First door West of Mr.. Lux Drag Store. My long experience in the art enables me to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with a rial. The latest style of Pictures Call be obtained.- 1Thildren taken from 10- m to 2 p. fin BRING TEEM ALOCT. Young persons wishing to learn the art would da kell to come to me, as I can give theta my esPe"- deuce of over cloven years. . - J, mr, FuixErcals. Artiatr '!. . 9.11 Settforth. = WHY ARE • LAZAR-US, MORRIS. & CO'S Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR 'MURDER r oTreE..—Any person sending the attsvier to the above to the Agent,. M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTECt ithin the next thirty days, win re-' wive an order loin L. AL & Co. fol o pair of their superior new pattern • Eye GIassea. _ • FELLOW'S HYPOPHOSPIIITES. the diseases overcome by th6 u5e 1:1! * kellows (•ompound Syrap of Hyptiphosphiteei tat. constination, Asthio„ Constunption, LarYg.t.'" Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Chronic Brortclut: i. Chronic Dierrlaka, Afelanb.oly. Debility =. Lag from 'Iypladd. and other low fevers, Diplitb.erstia Proatration,Hyteria,Hptiehondria, Amenorrlacea, Chloroi, Ana•tain„ Lencorrhiea, Norvona Excite" bility, Marawns or Win -tint; Of the Muscles, •AP11°` • Ma, tw Loss of Voice, Chorea or St. Vitus's pt.`lace' Sluggialtuesa of the Liver Intatiapted and Feeble Aeticat of the Heart. Snfioeatin- Feelings' by itmeona cibstructiona of the Longs'and Air K i aages leading thereto, and Debility from vaxicos CaThlefl,. many sea of which appeared. hoPerie,56' Sold by Apotheettries. Price, $1.0 ; Six for :31-av' aT.N.MES I. FELLOWS, Chemist, St. John, N. L USD AND BECONI MNCI)ED BYTHE MOST a ' EIVONENT pHysiciANS •Wall 4,. it 4 NEW Ertm_AND FOR .....---.7.. , THE LAST 415 YEARS. . ok,-... " t -1.;1 " N-oTHIN-b ',BETTER." -.,, ..;‘,1 - _ --- CUTLER BROS. & CO., ---- BOSTON. ‘ :- --> Ntiii:50 CTS &Met Sold byttleDrUgtgiStS5 L3.1.1, ELLIOTT & Co, Toronto, Agen s. Confession of a Meddling Phis- .. band. It was about the buckwheat pan- ' cakes. I told Maria Ann any fool could beat her making those cakes, and she said I better - try it. So I did. emptied the batter all out of the pit• cher one evening, and set the cakes rayself. I got the flour, and the salt and the water, and warned by the pastiput in a liberal quantity ..of eggs and -shortening. I shorten- ed with talloW. from roast beef, be- cause I could not find any laid, The • batter (lid not look right. I light - e1 my -pipe and pondered—yeast, yeast to be sure. 1 had forgotten the yeast. went and -woke the baker, and got six cents' worth of yeaet. I set the pitcher behind the sitting-roona stove, and went to bed. In the morning I got ap early to en- oy my triumph; but I didn't. That meeting last week, says, the Bastrop yeast was strong \ enough to raise the Conservative, and, while clolefuly a • the betteis was running all waitine to hear called the case of his •esca.p shoal who I serve cciuld behol • from see,!! ed en a -asp dive a w whic shoo the manner of his departure,gave the reason ,therefor e "Having leusineSs needing ney presence at home, in. .Arkansas , " it said, " I thought that I might as well take a run-up there during the holiday season. between the indictment and the trial; but. .you needn't worry, my ekar ftiend, for I give you my word that I'll.be back in time . for the meeting of the Court." Ilia head being rather painful from its contact with the floor, and eociety " ch &ling "• him upcn the subject ir rah r more than was agreeable, the Sheeiff regarded himself as the worst served of all men that ever put their trust '13. human nature, and contem- • plated the .approacbing session of the criminal tribunal with dread• - of his own arraignment. He was resent in the Court, however, at its over the carpet. I scraped it up and put it into another dish. I get a fire in. the kitchen a,nd put on the grid- dle. The first lot Of cakes stuck to • the griddl. The second dittoed on- • ly more. Maria came down and aeleeci what was burning. She ad- visecl me to grease the griddle. I did it.. One end of the griddle got too hot, and'I dropped the thing on my tenderest corn, while trying to turn mound. Filially the cakes were ready for breakfast, and Maria got the otherithings ready We sat clown; My cakes did not have • exactly tie right flavor. 1 took one mouthful, Nt' and it satisfied me. lost my appetite at once. Maria. would not let me put •- one -on her plate. I think those cakes may be reckoned a dead loss. •4".- The cat would noteat them. 'The clog ,ran off and_ stayed three days after • one was offered_ him. The hens wouldn't go within ten feet of them. I threw them. into the back - yard, and there has not been a pig on the premiees since. I eat what is put before Dle now, and I do not allude to my mohe's system of cooking. • s A Man of His Word. ecl betrayr,waS tapped upon the der by -a gentlemanly stranger tad entered bebind- him unob- d. He turned, he stared, and scarcely credit his senses at ding once more the gentleman Arkansas. " Tiere I am, you said the latter, in good humor- jayment of the official surprise. for breath the Sheriff d into one' of his coat -pockets for rit rof arrest; having served h, with tremendous energy, •he k the gentleman by the -hand. u're a man of your word, if e ever was one," he exclaimed, tionally, " and my confidence in an. nature is fully restored." sPeetacle moved Court and spec - • as pathetically as it deserved, counsel for the dfen.dant at entered a , plea of insanity, ch is regarded as sure- to result corresponding verdict.—N. Y. id. • •business not t sympathize with an eminent phy ician, who informed his future 'wif that he had no time for courtship ; but if she would marry him, a d. be ready on a cer- tain day, he should be happy to meet her at the church and niake 4 her bis bride.----2174._ipte .Bor. Something About Morgan; The man,who drove the stage in which .Morga theman who " ex- posed" Maso ry, . was carried ofi, lives near Ridgeway. Station, Michigan, as we learn upon good authority, and expect everybody to believe; His iiarne is Charles Davis. Let no one imagine, however, that he knows what became of Morgan, or that if he does he will divulge the secret. But one thing we are as- sured—that he lives in constant dread of sopa° imaginary danger threatening him, and never leaves his house aI ne after dark. If he only wishesto go to his barn. after the sun has et, he calls -upon his wife to accompany him. He is now an old man, but the terror of his early days still hang over him.— Port Huron Times. yo ther emo hum The tato and • once whi in a Thor Leap Year Agony.. Rather a novel way of celebrat- ing the advent of leap year has been adopted in Southville, Kentucky, iand one quite Unpleasant to the vic- tims. This is nothing more or less than a public sale of the bachelors The Fieinity of Bastropon Louisi- and widowers of that enterprising • ana, was made quite gossipy six or town by theyoung ladies of that vi - seven. weeks ago by an animated per- einity. They bronght the following sonal diffiulty, in which a, notably prices: Lawyers (an inferior grade), veracious gentleman from Atkansas 5 a head ; farmers, from $4 -25 to felt obliged ta take the life of his 0p- 55 50; doctors (common stock, and •. ponent in. an argument. " if You re- .evidently aclrug in.the market), $5; peat that assertion, sir," observed the 1widowers, $1,000, bidding spirited; - Arkansas . gentleman, in emu- bachelors -without any distinctive mentary upon the other's Use of cer- professions or trades, 75c to $1 05, tain ,foreibIe biogrephical insinua- bidding slack. The high price paid tions, "1 give you. my word that. I for the widowers seems unaccounte will shoot yon." • Heedless of the able to the bachelors. - It is a pity courteous admonition, the too -vol- 1to hold_ up so strong '' an in ucemen -able offender presently committed the for men to wish to be widowers. repetition and—his funeralwas at. tended by a laree concourse of relit- To Those About to Marry. J_..- and frienclbs "T eave hint my My- advice is to marry as quickly .111111111111111111MIN SEED POTATOES FOR SALE, OF T.H111 following new -varieties: • CLIMAX., EXCELSIOR, " 1311ISSUS PROLIFIC, • and WILLARD SEEDLLNG. These vinictiea are of the best quality, unsur- passed for productiveness and warranted pure and true to nam. • "The best varieties of the day."—C.7Anatoara ' JAMES LANDESBORO UGH, 220 Lot 28, concession 8 Tuekersmith. t - word for it,' remarked the gentle- as possible, but noue but those who man from A rkansas, blowing into the are, unhappily, versed in such matters discharged barrel of his pistol, " and can be- aware of the manifold min- - \* that's a ledge I always redeem." or, to say nothing of major, evils •irhe moral dic:imity of the speaker's which a long engagement entails. position in thee matter cold not be The position of an affianced pair, af- • dispatecl, and ex_eiteci lively admira- ter a time becomes almost riclicul- tion among the choice spirits pres- ous. Premature congratulations are ent in. the bar -room at the time ; but poured forth by some over-enthmias- there was still a. certain facetious ab- tic friends,- while others cease to be- straction known as Law to be hu- lieve in, the ;reality of an ultimate mored, and two Smiling constables settlement, and become suspicious of, invited the hero of the hour`to bear tile sinceriy of your professions, them corapany as far as tihe parish and almost personally affronted at prison. "1 shall not go with you your delay. Then the difficulty of nay good fellows,' answered- he, re- sustaining, with appropriate effect,- prodacine his pistol fkora his pock- the character of an engaged. man is et, "and°I'll give you just three something enormous. • • minutes to get out of here ; but 1 .1 say nothing of the difficulty • ass my word that I'll report at the which a lady in. that delicate posi- prison inthalf an hour frOM now." tion has to encounter, for we all There was a dertain playful pointing k of a pistol after ttis, which indueea the minions- of judtice to. retire for p farther ordere ; and before those boulcl be received and obeyed the t .gentleman from Arkansas had pre-- c seated at the jail ,accoding to his word, and been placed under. arrest for " Ipinicidal frenzy." .6 In a day or two ..thereafter.a Grand. Jury indicted km for rimier ; and in the interval between the finding of this indictment and the meeting NEW PLOW FACTORY LAT S.EAFORYIL TUE SUBSCRIBERS beg to inforra the femora -'-iia the vicinity of Seaforth and the publit generally that they have opeued a NEW PLOW FACTORY In the preniises formerly oecupled by :D. Me- • Naught, North of Murray's Hotel, Main -street, Seaforth. SEED PEAS. THE UlbERSIGNED has on haiid and for -L-Sale, on Lot No. 16, Concession 2, H. R. S.; Tuekerstnith, a quantity of CROWN and Com - Peas are free Ire n foul Seed.. mon Small PEAS, suita,b_le for SEED. These 2284* JOHN HANNAH. • SEEDS- SEEDS. All kinds of Iron and Wrought-beaxn, and Wooden- • Handled CLoVER aro TIMOTHY SEED AND • SEED GRAIN PLOWS Rept on hand and made to order. Having had long experience in this bumph of business, we feel confident WO will be able to tux= out Plow' of the above desetiptions equal to those of any other establishment in the Province, and at prices to defy competition. REPAII?LYG promptly attended to. . MUNROE & II0GAN, 228-13 New Piov Factory, Seaforth. - . , of au kinds, Foi Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by JOHN -BEATTIE; At his Stall, in the Market, - sEAFORTH. 223-8-: now that they experience but little difficulty in making themselves per- tually agreeable at least •befoie narriage ; but with regard to a man, hiuk of the amiablle and excusable leceptions he is forced to be guilty )f—the real distaste,but profesOd leasure, with whichhe accompanies the beloved object" to the festive board of seine oppressive family friend, where, for two mortal hours at least, he has lo sit, the observed of all observers, next to the idol to whore he has been paying unceasing devotionfor the greater portion of the day, and to, whom now he has to make .himself agreeable—having exhausted every scrap of news every of the court to try him, the-captie was likely to realize a most irksome • • delay. The high character with which heliadcome into the parish - prison induced the Sheriff to treat him. With great respect, and extend- conceivable subject of conversation ! .ed to him privileges of most unusual - He is afraid to venture upon. any liberty; but a piisori is, at the best, tender aside; for fear he should be • but unsatisfactory quarters to a gen- theUght silly ; or to keep much to tlemeu of etpansive nature, and th. generalities, for fear he should be prisoner pined for a. change.. One considered slow. .day, while the Sheriff was cleaning • I have, indeed, remarked engaged • 'the dust Vora the key of the front couples who have been content to door of bis little Bastile, his guest sit in blissful silence, wrapped in from Arkansas, who was lounging contemplation of their approaching listlessly about -at the time, begged happiness ;: but such -a state of • leave to exardine the metallic curios- quiescence is rarely observable, and ity. Happy to confer the . trifling can scarcely be observed for an in- • peaue, the dignitary of the county definite period. handed over the key ;and was much, „astonished to find himself • siei ul- • taneously tripped from his • feet to the floor with a violence of concus- sional cerebraton, leaving him mo mentarily stunned. -Upon recovery of his senses, and search of the inatitution ' under his charge,' he fonlid himself locked in, and : a note of hurried explana- tion. thrust under the door. The. enote was from the Arkansas gentle- m other fir man, and, after grateful jipology, ter It is i possible for a man of • 0 Pair ltiren's Boots, • McNAUGHT • OULD respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and. vicn- ity, that he now =lies on business at his NEW SWOP, in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. Jobbing of allkind.s, and liorse-shoeing especially, promptly attended. to, • Terms reasonable. 164-t DAVID McNAUGHT. Worth $3 for $2 75. 170 Pair Women's Boots, Worth. $1 75 for $1 60, and A Job Lot of Girls' Boots, For 75c. worth $1 9,5. FARMERS SELL YOUR EGGS TO WM. THOMSON, • OF T14 -FI ECMONDVILLE GROCERY Also, a Job Lot of LADIES' JACKETS - Suitable for Spring, at half their value. 999. 999. THE SEASON OF LENT. • FISI-1, FISII EIS Cr -,ARLES WILSON T.T.A.S recently received. expressly for this season, a large quantity of rlis.33:, of various kinds, both -Li- dried and pickled, width he will sell At the SIGN of the 13LACK BEAR, (Logan's Old Stand,) Who will pay the HIGHEST PRICE in CASH, for any quan4y of GOOD FRESH. EGGS, Delivered at his store. One of my earliest recollecti▪ ons of such a couple is when they were sit- ting ii this state of tranquil •calm, and forming a very limited hand in • hand mutual assurance company of their own; but their example is scarcely to be quoted, as the partner- ship was shortly afterward ,dissolved forever; and Abe lady and gentle men are at present thousands of miles apar , and each belonging to an - A. G. McDOUGALL. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR, —AND— BLIND FACTORY. Cheaper than any other House in Town. All warranted. fresh and good. SEEDS SEEDS. A large Stock of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, from the beat growers, and at unusually low Prices. Be sure and call, mid you will be well repaid for lila doing. ROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS AS USUAL. CHARLES -WILSON, Sign of the 999, Main Street, Seaforth. 2•13 THE8aleriber hog a leave to thank his numerous caStomers for the liberal patronage extended to him mince comineneing business in Seafrth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of theism -lie. - Parties intending to build would do weltto give bin o a call, as he will eiontinue to keep on hand a large btock of all kinds of Groceries&Provisions Fon SALE CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED, of every description, kept constantly on hand, in- cluding Shearon & Co.'s No. 1. Come One, Come All, with your Eggs and get the Cash. _ WM. THOMSON, • EgmeadvilleGrocery. CHEA FARMS! CHEAP HOMES: ON THE LINE Or THE • PACIFIC RAILROAD. UNIO DRY PINE LUMBER, L • SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, :MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. • GREAT FIRE! TORONTO MILLINERY. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none 'put firt-class workmen are employed.. Particular attention. paid to Custom Planing. 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. SELLING OFF, at and under COST,. mISS A. ERWIN, Seaforth, in order to make room for an extensive stock of Summer Goods, Baia commenced sellina her Winter Stock of MILLIERY, at and ander Cot. This Sale WM last Only about Six Weeits, so that all -who want real Bargains in MILLINERY of all kind, would. do well to call early that they may have s good choice. •READ THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRIES. .... . • . • • • 4 4 .. • . 75. 0 40 .... 025 ... 1 OG DO YOU WANT TO SEE 0:11VIETITING NICE'? DRESS CAPS, LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS,.. LADIES' `TR1MINIED BONNETS, • . And. other Goods proportionately cheap. Tbe Stock is all new and in good. order. ,Also, on hand, a number of • MADAME BRIGGS' IMPROVED DIAGRAM, FOR CUTTING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES, BASQUES, BOYS' COATS, EW. • Price for each Diagrm, with full Instructions, $1 W. UNDERCIL ()THING 9 Of every description, kept constentlion hand. ivaLi Gloves and Ostrich Feathers cleaned and made as good as new for Fifteen Cnts. STORES,—Firt door North of TOSTEICS HOTEL. and centre [stare McCaxais' DLoct, fc;e0,til door North of the Station. SEAFORTFI, Fb. 28, 1872. TH03111B Si ELL, Main -street, Seaforth, Can. show you soMething worth looking at in the FURNITURE 11 e. He has just received a large quantity of NEW FURNITURE 0 r every description, whieh, for C EAPNESS, BEAUTY, • andQUAfiTY Is really worth going to see. A L.AND GRANT OF 12.000.000 ACRES • Of the Best Fanning and Mineral Lands in • 'America. • 3,000,000 Acres in NEBRASKA, 4 . In the GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, The Garden of the West, NOW FOR SAEE. These lands are in the central portion of the -United States, on the 4Ist degree of North latitude, the central line of -the great Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for grain -growing and stock -raising tuistirpassed by any in the United States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found. elsewhere. FREE Homesteads to Actual Settlers. THE BEST LOCATIONS TOR COLONIES. Soldiera Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. Free Passes to Purchasers of Land. Send for the new descriptiva pamphlt, with, new maps, published in English, German, Swed- iah an Danishi Mailed free everywhere. Addreas O. F. DANIS, Land ComMiasioner U. P. R. R. Co.. 223-15 OMAELks NEB- A. ERWN. LOOK TO YOER FEET. As the Buyer for the "DOMINION HOUSE" fears he has " PUT HIS FOOT INTO IT" an enormous N...EW STOCK of • By purchasing such MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', WOMEN'S,-- MISSES', • GIRLS', CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' Warerooms — Oppuaite Robertson's Hardware TOVESI TINWARE AND COAL OIL,, ATM. WHITNEY has just received a large stock La- of Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves, of the best manufacture; which she can sell as cheap as any in the trade. TINWARE,of every description, • kept constantly on hand and madeto order. Also, Stove Pipes, Eave Troughing, etc. Custom -work promptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attention. COAL 0114. A large stock of the very best Coal Oil kept con- tently on hand, and will be sold wholesale and retail. Remember the plate, Carmichael'sBlock, Main Street, Seaforth. Parties indebted by note or book accomit are re- quested to settle immediately.. Rags, wool -pickings, old iron, brass, copper, etc., taken in exchange for good. • 197 Suitable for Spring and Summer Wear; do not be alarmed at the vices asked, as he came honestly by them. N. M. LIVINGSTONE. • CAUTION. TRE Public are hereby cautioned against giving Creak to any person on my account, without ray written order or consent, as I will not be re, aitonsible for any debts so contrazted. JOHN 'COL -WELL. Tackenrcitb„ 3rd cn., March 21, 1672. 22.4-4* AIMEY-VILLE, March 1;1872,- STOPAND IlEA1)! And'by so doing you will ascertain that you can purchase every description of BOOTS AND SHOES At Prices that defy Competition. To know- this to be facts, we would advise our numerous • customers to call early and examine.our stock. We keep constantly on. 'haul- every description. of CUSTOM WORK made in the latest style an by first-class workmen. • All may call and be convinced that SPURR 8s SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE is the spot which tlie public has long been looking for and has come to light at last. Strict attention paid to repairs. Remember the spot, in GRIFFITH DAVIES' Old Stand, two doors South of the Post Office, Main st., Seaforth. SPURR & SON. 13.-2o advance put on goods on account of the rise on stock, 215 • • •