HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-04-05, Page 6f'• t = THE HURON EXPOSITOR Lion Tanaing. The lion -taming business is likely salon to come to.an end. In England, reeently, a performer in ,a den, of lions was killed ; and more recently till, one I-jerr Darioui had a nar- row escape at Philadelphia. It ap- isears that Darious entered the den of two lions and two tigers; but he • was new to 'them, having only a short time since arrived from Ger- , raw. Ile`was not performing re- gularly, but sin3ply practicing, and getting ready for ex.hibitions to take place in the spring. Having enter- ed the den, he observed that the tigers seemed uneasy and restless; they skulked in corners and 'oc- casionally growled, showing their teeth as if enraged. The trainer faced them, -'however, and tried to subdue Mena -with his whip. Mak- raising chickens in sufficient num- bers to keep the ranks of the laying stock always mainly filled with birls not old, which is indispensable to succesi. It should be remember- ed that eggs are more profitable than table fowls, except in case of early ohickens. sir as - Value of Scientific KnOwiedge. • While several passengers on: board a st4amboat were gazing into the hold to see the, machinery working, a boy asked his father if he under- stood the principle by which steam propelled the' boat I "Of course 1 do," replied the old gentleman. "If you study the laws of science you will understand the subject just as well. as I do. You see that long iron " pole that keeps aoing up and downwell, the lower king up his mind to retreat he did end stirs up .some wheels in a box, so, but while shutting • the gate one of the tigers got through. He kept his over the animal with his gaze, but happening tib turn, round it pouncediipen him, bearing him to the floor; but he moved .not, and saved his life by feigning death while the animals paw was upon him. The manager of the menagerie seeing the position of affairs, thrust Lis arms through the bars, and seizing the tiger by one of his hind legs, jerked it through the griting, and cried out to the trainer to '.save • Emelt The tiger yelled with pain, -while Herr Daiiousmadehis escap. •There was never a more marvellous escape from death. This shoUld- be the last attempt to tame wild ani- mals in that way the lion -tamers ustially do. .•••. Thia Lumber Trade of Canada. Few men among us have any ade- ' • --(pate idea of the enormous propor- tions of the\ lumber trade of the Do- minion. Take, for instance, the trade of the valley of the -St. Law- zence and the tributary valleys. The Ottawa: valley proyicled during the past season 100,000,000 feet ofsawn. deals, 285,000,000 feet of sawn boards, and the St. Lawrence val- young girl is sold 'by herparents at • ley provided 225,000,000 feet of sawn deals, and 150,000,000 feet of SMITH boards. In the Ottawa val- ley the proposed get out of logs was 3,200,000, and in the St. Lawrence 2,350,000. The exports for the • year 1870 and 1871 show a favor- able condition of affairs, anth tend Still further to impress one with the • Magnitude of the lumber interests of the Dominion's—Quebec_ lifirettry. and Lawrie. It is reported from Manitoba that Governor Archibald's Government • has really furnished Riel and Le - pine, the murderers of Scott, with an abundant supply of money to get them out of the Province; and- that Mr. McKay, the brother of Mr. • Archibald's Presitle,nt of the Council, escorted the two scoundrels to St. - Paul, in. the United State. This has been done, it is said, to prevent the arrest of these fagitives from justice under the proclamation of the «overnment of Ontario, offering a reward of $5,000 for their arrest and trial, and to prevent the Local Government of Manitoba from being involved in political trouble. ' • es Employment in New York.. It is said that merchants, bankers, and business men generally in New• York are at present inundated with applications for work by clerks in search of employment. The failure of various insurance offices, conse- quent - upon the Chicago fire, has swelled the ranks of these unfortun- ates. Persons in search of employ- ment slioiald remember that New York is always overstocked with clerks, and the. best chances for young men are in the West, not, ! - however in the large cities, butin the country districts. There areo men in the Western States who had the courage itt early life to leave the counters of Chicago and St. Louis, tc rough it in California andColo- rado. They bought land for cents which is now worth thousands of dollars. They dug the gt ound which Denver and Sacramento nor -cover.. qsheir vigor and physique is certain- ly as good to -day as that of theii fel- low -clerks, whom, at nineteen; they left at the desk, while 'they have more dollars than the others have cents. em. Farm Poultry. Farmers freqnentiv neglect their • fowls, not so much from a conviction 1 that sets a thing -a -ma -gig m motion, and that makes the engine go. You see its all easy enough by the aid of science. Don't you understand it iiowr The boy thought he did. Chinese Woraen. • The won of China are divided into two c es—the boUnd-footed, who are the aeries, and the large - footed, who are the common class. The latter carry the burdens, do all the drudging and out -door work, while their husbands do nothing. When a little girl is born, the , par- ents thinks the -gods are angry with them, and they hold a consultation as .to whether she will be allowed to live or not If she is, when she ar- rives at the age of four years, they held another consultation whether she shall be bound -footed or a large - footed woman, If she is chosen to be a bound -footed, she is not permit- tecl,to do anything ; but if otherwise, ahehastobe the family's slave. Thaw seen a woman . with four - children strapped to her back and rowing a boat, while her husband lay in the cabin smoking his pipe. Girls have no choice of their husbands; the the highest price they can obtain for her. She never sees her husband, nor he her, until after they are mar- ried. If he chaoses he can be •di- vorced from for her talking 'too much; if he becomes poor, or gets tired of her, he sells hes again. , THE BEST SEWING MACHINES • Made ean be had at WM. N. WATSON'S SEWINC MACHINE DEPOT, SEAFORTH. luribus Onions ! 1.911.01811.,11101 q-IRISTMAS HAS COME AND GONE3 NEW YEAR THE SAME, ,WINTER IS FAST LEAVING ITS, TI •:) AND SPRING BEGINS TO MAKE_ ITS APPEARANCE. : t le busy time of SEEDING will soon be upon us, and • "T_HE GENUINE HOIVEd' Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and • "THE OSBORN" Machine in all styles. . The Subscriberlas received a splendid supply of both these Machines, which are prenounced by ex- perienced hands to be superior to any others made. For strength, simplicity and perfection of con- struction; for range of work, from light gauze to beaver and leather; for beauty and exactness of stiteh, owing to the tension being perfect and al- ways equal on both upper and lower threads, and • for' durability these machines are unrivalled. Every machin'e warranted dud instructions given gratis. Machines sent out on trial, or rented by the month to responsible parties. • WM. N. WATSON, Seaforth.: TO THE FARMERS OF HURON. liARROWS & GANG PLOWS. that they don't pay as because there are so many other things to attend • to. Yet oftentimes the labor spent on more pretentious affairs is not as profitable as that devoted to poultry. Of course much depeng on location and the market. A ?rock of fowls such as is asual on farms will in most situations, if rightfully manag- ed, yield more in value annually. (either gross or net) than a good cow. But no farmer expects that a. cow can be tended a year and ber fodder raised, cut, and housed, with- -out considerable work. Fowls if allowed their freedom may be man- aged with much Iess labor than when they are yarded" but in any case a great deal a time must be spent in. • CD.. 0 WIT -SON, • SEFORTH, Has now on hand a large Stock of COLTON'S GANANAQUE • • A large number of these Harrows were sold in this part last year, and gave the highest satisfac- tion. Parties desiring to purchase are referred to the following gentle; uen who have used than: G. Edwin Cromwell, and Alexander Broadfoot, Tucker - smith; James Scott, and Jaines Ken-' ; John Whitefield, Grey; John Troyer, Hay ; Peter Crerar, Stanley, and many others. Parties who went these Harrows would do well to purchase as soon as possible, as there is likely to be great demand for them this season. PRICES LOW AND TERMS LIBERAL GANG PLOWS. Also, on hand, a number of the Massey Manufac- tmiug Company's superior Gang Plows. These Plows have had. .several valuable improvements added this season, and are now conseqUently ca- pable of performing :better work than ever before. 0.1! . C. WILSON, - 2l-• -1 AgrieUltural Implement Agent. • • to be prepared for it, you should give *COTT BERTSON A CALL AND SEE HIS Large and well -assorted Samples OF THE AND BUY FoBTIIWITH. , Delay not a moment—Delay is Dangerous. • Montreal Timothy Seed, No. 1. Red Clover. Alsikc Clover, a largo erop, not liable to be affected by Frost. White English Clover. Taros or Vetches, used extensively by Dairy Farmers for soiling Cows. Rape Seed, grown extensively for Sheep feeding. Canadian or Indian Corn, for early -feeding, a superior article. Skirving's Improved Purple -top Swede, selected, an old esteemed variety, very fine keepers. -N" Carter's Imperial Hardy Swede, a new variety of purple -top, well recommended. Sutton's Champion Purple -top Swede, a fine hardy variety of good shape and superior quality. Dawbarn's Improved Purple -top Swede. Dawbarn says it is the best Swede Turnip known, a very heavy crop,- and less tendency to run to neck than any other variety. Sharpc's Improved Purple -top Swede, a very heavy crop, good for general cultivation, a superior quality, small top, thick neck and largo bulb, very nutritious and hardy . - Yellow Aberdeen, a well-lmown variety and best for early winter use. White Globe, very large and good for early winter use and garden purposes. Long Red Mangold, very fun, large sod, and most used. Yellow Globe Mangold, the hardiest Mangold known. , Large White Belgian Carrots, very large, valuable for field culture. Long Orange Carrots, an old esteemed variety, good for garden use. 'Fine Long Red Carrot, large and well -flavored vtnicty, for garden use. CARDEN SEEDS. Blood Beet, one of the most popular for garden use. Early York Cabbage. Early Large York, large and firm head. Winning Steadt, best early variety for general cultivation. Large Drum -head, solid head, excellent for winter use. Large Red Onion, a sure crop, fine flavor. Long Hollow Crowned Parsnip, best garden parsnip known. A variety of Garden Beans. Mushroom Spawn, in Bricks; and a large quantity of Fresh Seeds in Packages. TEN BARRELS 0 CINCINNATI TOP ONIONS OR SETS, EXPECTED DAILY, _FOR SALE, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • - AND PLASTER, • . IN BAGS AND BARRELS. 11 to be had at SCOTT • ROBERTSON'S CANADIAN SEED STORE., APRIL 5, 1872, monesiseuesursxaessome sasessamswassaa m m THE OSBORN GUELPH SEWING MACHINE Ca. .41 0 m m 0 J. T. WILKIE, SURGE,ON DEN.TIST, Tay be consulted every MONDAY, at the MANSION HOUSE, SEAFORTH. 218 Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE.. Thousands throughout Canada are. now using these machines. They have been tested beyondall question, make the favorite -lock-stitch, alike on both sides, and are pr ,nouneed snperior any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and. excellence of mechanism) adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine Has- ir ImproveznYentRi s lly:i. velately been made, enabling the manufacturers to. claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines, Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from. old. as well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of de. mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARA-..".`TEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED,, •.0R, NO SALE, WARRANTED YOU THREE "YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold. at one- half the price hitherto charged for machines doing -a like range of work, the - manufacturers being determined to place it within the reach of every family in the ° vinAceeT21a111111AtrYT'E tiaPt°1torlYintemacTitE,eswilieo arerein . equaled. ' THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelous success. Will do all varieties of domestic sewing. P:R.ICES GREATLY REDUCE)). Hand. Machine, with full outfit;$12;. Treadle ' do., 17. Or Each machine guaranteed. if -7? Agents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make inoney. • Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO, 91,TELPH CANADA. W. N. WATiON, Agent, 180-1y SEAFORTIL • Stitch in Time saves 9 pARTIES wisbing NEW 'MILK canhave DELIVERED AT THEIR RESIDENCESP' - IN SEA -FORTH, Every week -day morning from date. JOHN HABEIRK, North Road. 206 November 16, 1871. W. H. OLIVER" SIGN OF THE a:7 IAA r--1 = I< CD u. r/2 (.1) g SCOTCH COI.L AR . A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf W. 11. °LINTER. MAIN QUEEN Insurance Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. •CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling CHIEF OFFICES—Queen Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechurch Street, London. CANADA_ BRANCH OFFicE—Exchange Buildings, Montreal. BOARD—WM. IfOrt0/1, Esq., Chairman: Henry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier, 'BANKERS—M01SOD'S Bank. Any -Inns — Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Bose. TF you want to get the best Family Sewing Machine in the Province of Ontui.o, go tg• GEORG-E MILLLN, Wroxeter Who is Agent for the celebrated osBOP,IE SEWING MACHINE. N. IL—Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds, always kept onhand for sale. Also, AGENT FOR E. R. SHOREY'S ROYAL CANADIAN MEDICAL Anvfs2R—William Sutherland, Esq. M. D. SuRvERon—Thomas S. Scott, Esq. Aunrron—Thomas R. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND. GENERAL AGENT,—A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Sacrement Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- ed Agent for the above Company, parties desiring to insure against less by fire can do so on the Most favourable ternas. • Life Policies granted on as advantage ous terms as any other respectable Com- pan3r doing business in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON, Agent OFFICE—BENSON & MEYER'S Law Office, • Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8„, 1870. 153-tf.— CLOTHES -WRINGER. Office at Miss Millin'a Fashionable Dress Establishment, directly opposite the Post „Office, Wroxeter. 219 NOTICE. J. W. FULLERTON, (PoRatEm.Y or cnumon,) JELLknown to the people of Seaforth artd- surrounding country as the DOMMTION LANDSCAPE „ARTIST, wishes to Tidily tba people of Seaforth that he has commenced Pasl- ness in the PORTRAIT LINE First door West of Mx. Lumsden's Drug Store. My long experience in the art enables me togive entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with s trial. The latest style of -Pictures can be obtated.- Children taken from 10 a. in. to 2 p.ln, = BRING- THEM ALONG. Young persons wishing to learn the art would do well to come to me, as I can give them my ape- • rience of over eleven years. 5'. W. FULLERTON. Arlisty 217.• Seaforth. WHY ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO'S Spectacles LIKE BRIGRAM YOUNG ON TRIAL s?oss MURDER!' Nover.---Any person Bending the answer to the above to the M. B. R. COUNTVR, SF,AFORTE, within the next thirty days, will re-- e,eive an order from L. M. & Co. fel a pair of their superior new pattern Eye Glasses. _ - FELLOW'S HYPOPHOSPIIITES. AMONGST the diseases overcome by the use of Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphitest are Constipation, Asthma, Consumption) T-dingit. is, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Chronic Drone:elf' is, Chronic Diarrixa, Melancholy. Debility result- ing from Typhoid and other low fevers, Diphthes* Prostration, Hysteria, Hypochondria, Amenorrhoof Chlorosis Leucorrlicea, Nervous Excite' bility, Marasmus or Wasting of the Mesel,es,A-Ph",' Gr Loss of Voiee, Chorea or St, Intuf; B Daum Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted ana Actioa of the Heart. Suffocating Feelings causea by mucous obstructions of the Lungs and Air l'afe sages leading thereto, and Debility from vale° causes, many eases of -which appeared hopel' StIld by Apotheearies. Price, $1.50; Six for Vow1.4 JAMES L FELLOWS, Chemist, -St. J131111, 31,23' PIIIL 5, Confession. of b: WaS abOatr •,onkii .Ss. beati anrhertiold 1 e I1 11' aid.. I emptied ti the pitcher one. ev rki cakes myself. I •-4 .the salt and the la by the past, put • -of eggs and short ed with tallow fr eatve 1 cou1d. nof • batter did not lo cycleas7toPbiePesuaren the yeast. 1 w baker, and got s* yeast. I set the sitting -room stay i:tmhemtioittta morning joy yl yeast was strong dead ; the batte over the carpet. put it into anoth iat116khefi itcherl glle.Ta l the griddle. TI ly more. *ar eked thwehatw to gr'ss did it. One en too hot; and 1 d arty tenderest co turit manna. wergot the Otheet e ready for dwn,'. My • exactly the took one satisfied me, onee.rribea, akes jay The cat would ran off and sta one was offer -wouldn't go vi threw them • and there has premises since. before inc now, to my mother's A Man 4. . =PUT:640N IVRY .13A.L1_5:A. . . La. FOR: Ott :131sa. outiie, -;t PRICE 50 CTS &SIDI DSED 'AND RECOM MENDED BYTHE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR THE LAST 45- YEARS. "NOTHING BETTER' CUTLER BROS. it GO BotToN. Sold bythe Druagls The vicinity ana, was made seven -weeks a zonal difficult -veracious gentl felt obliged ta ponent in an a peat that ass% Arkansas ge Illentary upon. tain foreibie tions, "1 give will shoot yo courteous ad uble offender p repetition an tended by a tives and frien word for it," man from Ar discharged bar thatika pied The moral di, position in th.e disputed, and tion among t ent itt the !ba there was stil straction kno mored, and t invited the h thern compait prison. " .my good fello producing hi et, "and I'II 3ninutes to g pass my wOr prison in hal There was a of a pistol af the minions further ord could be Tee gentleman sented ki to his word, arrest for In a. clay or t Jury indict itt the inter .of this indi of the court was likely •delay. The which he ha prison ind him. with .edto him p .liberty; bu bat 1111-satit tlemeu of e. prisoner p -day, while t -the dust ffo door of his from Arka listlessly& le -ave to e ity. Hac_ pleasure, handed we astonished tancously the floor siona4 cere mentarily of - his the instit- he found and a tion thru note was man and LYNT-kN, ELLIOTT & Co., Toronto, oen