HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-04-05, Page 3AP 1872. S' ECLBCTRIC ! Worth Tex es its Weitht in Geld. po yen knevr anything a it ? trnot, it is time you di.t. see brit few preparations of inedieinte e withstood the itaptuttal. inagraent people for any .great length of time, One of reel L.= TItoMAS'Lcr cru. ()Ir.„ purt.ay prerar. of ale or some !of the best. Oils that ara, ,e -e, each one poSeessing virtues of its entifie pheadeiims etkow that. medicines may be rood of eeveral inerediente in certain fieed peee. dims or; meater power, arid produeing eitooL4 Lith coral ilevere-esult front the i.e elly one ['them, or in I4111e...reitcombnaltions. Thus ie tiou of thee -OA ehenrical Change hikes peel en .ce. WOrtottee, a compound which could not he poesibitity be made from ally other eorojeae.. ei or proportions of the same itigredients, or hew • iogredients, and entirely differane from ally_ ever before enatle,, one which prodnces the • e •• hing test. and haying a wilier mem it' 1 than alav medicine ever 'before di -'se. Itconteins rio alcohol or oiler volatile s oneeettegtlylosea u6thiug by evaporation. eer applied vou get the bertetit a every am, s with0 er pie•parations rtettriT rn t iat way, and you get only the ail quantity oe Oils. which they Mal- contain. "pared by S. Thomas. Phelps, & 1.11 -AN, Newcastle, Ont., sole Alt for the Do inoi. rree-Eciee e-Se.leeted and Eieetreeed. Ifiek$0,1 a and E. Lumstlen, Agents. ior ot,p. • The e FeuaLc Remedy, Jon ateteE '''oratterateen lame. S invainable medicine is unfailing in the atire dull those painful tend dangeroue disofteee , etieh the female constitution is subject. rates all excees and reinoveeallobstruothole, speeely cure rea4' be e•elitel on. o niarriea ladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will short time, bring on the monthly period with arity. est, eh(teild not be taken by Fernatea g the firet three monthsof Pregnae.y, aS they sure. r' en Aliser.rriage, but at arty ether e they are sefe. all casea Nte•Youst and. Spinal AffecUeent, in the batk-, and limbs, fatigue oat slight ex.. palpitaticin of the heart, hysterias, an& s, thesepilb will effee.t a cure when all other anti have fai,led: aaid although a powerfel -.ay, do not centain iron., C tuei1 antimony, ea hurtful to*he eonstitution1. tildirections in the pantphlet around each age, which eboulti be carefully preeerved. .Nioetee, New Yorle. Sole Proprietor. SLOO-inal -ents for postage, enclosed toN'ortheqe & Lyman. weastle. Ont.general agents for the Deeeteken; insure.a bottle, containing over 50 pills hy Iru I1l1ii, • Litenstien. , Sold in S00rth by E. Hickson & CO3 an RA ILWitY TIME TABLE. Trains lea* the Seaforth st‘tion as !oons-G - 1.40 P. M. GING EAST. alive& 1.40 P. m. reeses 7 r. Express. o''50 A. M. emiaseaple Mail. S 40 P. M. - Mail. - &.00t. M. HOW TO WAKE EY1 leanIS like the rest of Marekind are usually eireata to learn the but anti easiest mode. to . ke Money, here ie no Detainees by whieh a Farrier cut make mach Money eaeily and i bo Short a time as by GROWIXcr FLAX. rs -who desire to embark in thie Profitable ef A eeitailtint ar"tile earning year, the itdereiarel wteild eay'that he will, latee on hand at his LAX SEAFORTH _ - . lame supply of GDOD CLEAN Feeexe for Seed" 2`'.,ialt can bt hatl at any tune from now to the Firs i May next. In order that Farmers may be con-‘ head•that Flax is the most profitable crop they' !erow, they are referred to the folIewing state - "ear oiclaet year's yields. and cam aliee apply to 411er (Z the undertuentiened gentlemen for coll- imation of the statement. , Statement of last year's yield.. Antonia' t - Acree. Waher Burke oe Tlennas Lapslie...., 7 - Genre:- Habkirk1 MeMillan .. 1 ; John Meiheey I Evans 10- ; - S 7., D. Cita 1nekei errata - F William Payne... ... Ur. Meeteoeh........ D. Sproat .. . .. 11 bli. Eeay. .11 lecke plaid per ton ee12-. Pounds. P2,ttoa 38,500 6,740. 5,300 5,900 5,720 55,000 44,000 36,000 22,500 11,290 66,000 Received: - $72 00 231 00- 40 44 81 80 3540 SI 330 00 9900 2t1400 oo- 155 00 67 74 89600 - IL:a? Peice paid per tore Twelve Dollars. artiee are recommended to sew early, in order to teure acwa erop. Arty further informaeion xe- inked will. be cheerfully given by 33, SHANTZ, Proprietor, Seaforth Flax Mille. 044 J. P. Bii NEI ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County' of Huron. fet-des attended in all parts of the, muttr All ordere hit at Tera EXEOSITOR Mee ill be -promptly attended_ to. CORN COBS. COBS. ANTED, immediatelyby the undersirede quantity of CORN COBS, delivered ,m Sete- orth, for which. Cash i1 be paid. Apply to THOMAS STEPENS. TE S1Ar0BiTa TIUMBER YARD 71.14ABE 1WACDON letLD- EG t. info= the public that they have opened --"` a Lumber Yard Seaforth, near Sh.earsonew Mill. tat the gromal formerly used. as a Lteraber 'yard, by Mr. Thomas' Lee. ‘. They will keep constantly on hand a good assort-, Ment a ALL KINDS GE LUMBER, dreesed and lndreeeed. Also, LATH AND SIII-ealLES, all ca. :aleie.h they are prepared to eell at the 'lowest possi- rele fer Carat. Buiblere are' others will find it to their advent - age t9 inspect our stoek, and ascertain our PTieeg buf ore purchak,ingelbewliere, as we are & P°61b1072 RI offer good inducements to cash purchasere- M.AB1.1E & MAGDO-NALD- - 6 THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATIO OF aANADA; • . . . ONT. Licensed by the Dominion Governuient. CAPITAL, FIRST OF SAKETART, 1871. $231,242 25. Cash and Cash Items, $72,289 55. This Company continues to grow in the pttigy, eonfideuee. On the 1st January, len, it bad. la force Z.3.52,8 Policies, having, during the year 15701 le' sued the immense number of 12,319 Policies. Farmers, patronize your own CerteurAll. Company that hita done such good service aniottg° -yet'. For Insurance apply to CHARLES MORROW, 2C3 Agent, Clinton F. O. APRIL 5, 1872. , BRIEF NOTES. There is a village in Hopkins. County, Ky., called Ty-Whoppit3r. ..-_ St, Paul, Minn., employs its prisoners in clearkini sidewalks. Since the :Illinois Leghlature convened six of its members have - -- Li the State Prison at , Jack - 'son, Mich., 1.1.,000 cie,cfaio are now made daily: There are only thirty-one‘ con- victed murderer's . in the Michigan State Prison.. A.sparagus and Oen peas have made their appearance in the SaVan- nah- markets. - There (1.are twenty-eight white and -eleven coloredchurches in Memphis, Tenn. - —The type required to print 'Sir John Coleridge's late speech weighed over forty tons. One Scott, who runs -a skunk,: _skin tannery in Indianapolis, apr peals to it higher court ,frorh fthe persecutions of a nuisance -abating Mayor. — A: Western . female convert - jubilantly confessed that; finding her jewelry was leading her to perdition, she had given it all to her sister. The dyke at Duluth has been fully completed, and the "Zenith City of the -Unsalted Seas" wants co .know what .Superior is going to, do 'about it. a-7 the crop. In shell cases art should make up for what nature denies. Greens -Ward is to be preferred. Wet soggy land' should be plowed as dry 6 as possible with the furrows run .in 'a direction to facilitate drainage. The tilth should be deep and dead fur- rows should be provided to quickly convey away the surface water afterrains. Lime, slaked and pulverized, may be burrowed in to neutaalize the acids of decomposing vegetable Matter and. to warm the -soil. If there is any lack of such vegetabre matter, as in most clays, chip dirt -and ashes composted will form a good manure, and a compost of forest mold, lime and ashes, -would be still better. As concerns the mooted question of whether large is better than small' seed, the matter was, in our mind, decided in the negative hy.experi, ments made twenty years ago; but on the whole it is keeping on -the slag side to feed the smallest to cat- tle and swine, and plant fair, sound and middling sized tubers., " Green Corn ?Odder for Milk. • It has long- been a current opinion that green Om fodder was among the best of all succulent feed for the production of milk. But it is now stoutly held on pretty good anthor- ity that thisis not the case, and that if this forage is fed to milch cows at all' it Should be connection with grass. Closely studied this lconclusion is sound in theory as, doubtiess, in practice. Green corn stalks contain sugar in considerable proportion and more Or less starchy material capable of easy assimilation. and. capable of supplying the food elements es- sential to the production of the oil and fat in milk.! But th.e phosphor- ic acid,and probably some other constitutents Which exist in milk in small but absolutely necessary pro- portions, are not; plentiful in this forage, and must Come from some other source. Very young,green grass would, for use with cornstalks, prove of less value than that ap- proaching the blooma , and containin in its thickening j-uices More of the minerals drawn from the soil, the same remark being quite possibly equally appropriate to the ni- trogemzed components of the milk, the presence of which is equally es- sential to the healthful secretion of the „lacteal fluid. The feeding of bone dust to milch cows has met with some favor lately, and it would be worth while to find out -whether this mode of supplying the defIcien- cies of corn fodder may not be pos- sible. = % — A resident of Council Bluffs bsts invented a process for manufac- - turing a clear, inodorohs, non -ex- plosive and inexpensive gas from corn and cobs. -- A_ tough fellow in Geneva, Ill., a few days since, broke through the - ice on the Fox River and swam thereunder until he forma his way -out at an openine, -- If you wish to know how many friendi s you have; get nth office,; if you wish to know how many friends you haen't, get into trouble. GAIETIES. ieditor, speaks of a Winonsn THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FLOtfl TIAVING purchased grid thoroughly refitted the 41 -mills formerly \rued by the Idesers. SOOBIE, Ism now prepared. to iurnish ILY FLOUR, Second to NO Compare favo If you want A Dealers and ask INILESHALL'S W. SCOTT J. WHIT SIMON P JOHN CA Or at W. MA.RSHALL'S B IN SEAFORTII, And that 'will ably with any in the Do. VI,OVE, go to the following for MARSHA i,T,'S-Remetaber OUR : ROBERTSON, SIDE, WELL, ANAGH, Orders left -with W. S. ROBERTSON will he promptly attended to. Parties who wieh to Exchang,e Wheat for Flour, Are eertain to reeeive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition. W. MARSHALL. 186-tf '-wind which" just 20 on its hind ' legs and. howled." ' — A. clodor was asked to dance the Lancers. Be declined ; but expressed a willingness to lance the dancers. , --e- The Beston Post thinks that perhaps the -vanquishjed Havana bull' fighters had taken too many horns. — Queen Eliazabeth always dis- played her worst temper in. her best clothes. She was dreadfully ruffled , ------ A young lady asked for some lop hose in a country store and wa shown some implements with extiiaordinarY long handles. 71- A Pennsylvania paper wonders what was running in the Tittisville printer's head when he left.the " i" , out in Louise Kellogg's name. -- A minister not long ago preach- ed nom the text, " Be ye therefore steadfast :" but the printer made bim expound from "Be -ye there L for breakfast." • 1 MPORTAN'r TO HOU,SEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR I W.A. f.4 , -- " The strongest propensity in woman's nature," says a careful stu- dent of the sex, "is to *tit to know 'what is going qn, and, the next is to boss the job." . 1 . -- A , proud fatter in England lately explained to a schoo teacher 1 as follows : " What acc lants for John being sich a bad scolla • is that 'he's my sun by my' wife's rst hus- band. . — 9_ person haying been mention- ed who had been notorionsly unfor- tunate in his first marria,ge relation, and yet had soon afterward a marri- ed again, was asked if it was not rash to erabark anew in an adven- ture which he had already found to be so disastrous. ' "'No," said the philosopher elevating his hand and his countenance glowing with enthu- siaera, "it -was the triumph of hope over experience." ' _Which is the oldest woman's club7—The brooin-atick., -- When does a inan have to keep bis word l. ---When no one will take , „ Jim Fisk's First . Composition% One of his copy books, used when he -was about twel`ve years old, is still preserved by his stepmother at her borne in Brattleboro, and to say that it is a literary curioiity is to do meagre justice to one of the most orieinal of all the written results of schOol-boy labor examined by the critic. Hardly a tpage but shows the antibathy of the -boy to every- thing like set form, and hardly a line but bears evidence of his natur- al contempt for Uniformity. The little book contains t)Ihree or four compositions, one of which, entitled A Piece about the Dog, is as unique as anything ever penned by Arte mus Ward. A dote is an animal with fore legs because -be is a quadrooped. I like large dogs best because they can run - further and fight better than little dogs and they can .also cetch rabits' &big dog aint Worth much without hes got good breed into him. Then I had &ether hey a little one. They can also drag,sleds some has been learned to carry. sticks and baskets and seterer. The bull dog is the best fighting dog because most , like- ly he was made for that purpus. A terrier goes mostly for rats but they can also fight I think the new- foundland is the noblest dog be saves children from drownding and they are segasious,- This is all for the present. AT ALL TIMES. SHEARSON & CO., Proprietors of the ORTH MILLS, 3 SOMETHING INarlignweillgefts"nmvitma716*621-1."-1"."="11""m""1—RESTING TO CARRIA.G-E-MAKERS AND BLACKSMITH MS W. RO ERTSON CO HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Have on hand 200 Tons of Iron, 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. well-seiected Stock of - 301 Sets of Springs. 449 Sets Seamless Thimble Skeins. Also, a full. and - Carriage Trimmings and Hardware, 01 every desmiption, Which they had bought before thorecent ueat advauce in price of that material, and they will not be UNDERSOLD BY ANY HOUSE IN THE DOMINION. VIOLET Blaeksmithe Cartiage-Makers will do well to call and exandne our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ow Manufactnringthe best d; PASTRY FLOURS . In the Dominion. A large assortmene of HUBS, SPOKES AND BENT STUFF on hand. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 224 Intending 2turcha8er8 in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon getting our Family and Pastry Flours from the follewine Dealers, ONLY e--Thoe. Lee, A. M. fftrong, John °Walsh, James C.`Litidlaw, Alex. Ault, Thoma Kidd. J. McGinnis, -William Ault, G.8tH. Jack on, and.W. Thompson, Egmondville, and at the Seaforth Mills. Orders left at our office, Market Sanaa% will receive prompt attention. 11) Farmers 4 siring to exchange theirWheat Flour, at the Mill, ' May always eely upon getting our beat Family or Pastry Flour, n exchange, in quantities according to the value their wheat, A. SHEARSON & CO. 184-tf: it. 'Tis sweet tolieourt, But oh EOw bitter To court And then )aot git her, • ilo! Best Soil fo*, Potatoes. HUI RAH FOR 1872. WM. ATILT, 1 ,...;., - MAIN STREET, SzarORTH, TTAs 014 HAND a superior stook of FAMILY -lel( GROG RIES, embracing Teas of the best *duds, Su ars Raisins etc. Also. Crockery and SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS. NO HUMBUG. INK. J SEATTERI EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUCS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. SHOPS FOR SALE. VOR SALE, two shops and forty-four feet front- -1- age on Main Street, Seaforth, .apposite Car- l -niche -as Hotel, Apply to 19:5-tf. SEATTER. P ARTICULAR NOTICE. FARMERS, IF Y011 WANT TO GET SEEDS that are GENUINE AND RELIABLE, CALL AT STRONG 84 FA1RLEY'S 'Where yon can see one of the best assorted Stocks West of Toronto. This is no blow, for we are de- termined to keep nothing but the best quality of Seed, and o,t prices that cannot be beat. A comparison of quality and prices is respectfully Benched. TrMOTH.Y. SEED, FROM TWO DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS UPWARDS. CLOVER SEED, FROM SIX DOLLARS UPWARDS. Our Stock of JOHN LOCAN TURNIP MANGOLD & CARROT StED Is now complete. TOP ONIONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. To GARDENERS we offer special inducernente in the way of Cabbage, Early and Late ; Tomatoes, all varieties ; Onions, Mushroom Spawn; Celery, Beans, Peas, Corn, eta., ac., by the oz., all new Seed, no old Stock. Also, Orchard Grass, Red Top, White Clover and Alsike. OUR, STOCK OF Glassware, ad every otinar article usually kept in a first-elasS Grocery Store. PROVISIONS, Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Pork, etc., also, every description of FEED, Such as Cats, Peas, Bran and. Shorts, all of which w' be sold cheaper than the choapest. PARIII PRODUCE. The highest market price paid for all *ids of Farm Preduce. Remeniber the place, Main street, East Bide, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. 213 WM. AULT. Potatoes need 0. "strong" soil rather than a "Het " one. An pasture, where for',iyears the miner als have been left iiiidrained by other cropping than that of succulent gra.sses, will yield far better tubers, and. more of them, than the soil pre- viously tilled, evep. if enriched with abundance of common manures. Otherwise, of course, if green sand marl or ashes is applied to give the specific nutriment which this plant needs the most. A light, loamy,' upland greensward plowed in. the Spring and planted -with medium sized seed -will give a product of good sized and sound potatoes, while the rich murky ground, say of a low- lying swale where the wash of high- er fields adjoining will make grow two tons of grass' to the acre, will give far less in quantity, and a heavy percentage of what there is speckled With rot at that. , But it is often inconvenient, some- times impossible for the farmer to select a field especially adapted to ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. orp(E oF THE LONDoN, HURON) RE OVED. REMOVED: At. ROBERTSON, 11 .0 Where • ,AND But; GE BAIDWAY COMAANY, r ' LONDON, March 11, 1872. ) THE re emeuts of the act incorporating the 7-ele1}a0le,"Hiaron and Bruce 'Railway Company having beenaieipplied with, notice is hereby given that a general 'fleeting of the subscribers to t,he capital stook of the said Company will, by- order of the Board of Provisional Directors of the said Company, be held at the Mechanics' Institute, in the •Gity of London, on WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of April next, at the hour of two o'clock, P. M., for theTurpose of electing Direetore of the _said Company, aceortling to the provisions of the Charter. . ;MEIN RiltRE'LL, [signedat - President, Board of Provisional Directors, - • L. H. and B. Railroad Company.. THOMAS CIECTRCLIER, - 225-5 WHEi80eLcr:11;;14 COMPOUND ELIX ir of Phosphates and Calisayo..---There is no disease(' condition of the body in which Dr. 'Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya May not be used with positive benefft. Being a Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic, it nets physiologically in the same manner as our diet. It perfects Digestion, Assimilation and the ,formation of healthy blood. It sustains the vital force by supplying the waste constantly going on of nerve and ruusele, as the result of mental and physical exertion, enabling the mind and body to undergo great labor without fatigue. Its action in building up constitutions broken down with wasting chronic diseases, by fast living and bad habits is truly extraordinary, its effect being im- mediate in energizing all the orga.ns of the body. Phosphates, being absolutely essential to cell for- mation and the growth of tissues, roust, for all time be Nature's, great restorative and vitalizer. Bola all druggists at $1. 25-52 et -maker and Undertaker, EMOVED his ware -rooms to JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main,street, Seaforth, o has on hand a superior stock of Furni- ture of eyery deseription. CALL AND SEE 17'. UNDERTAKING. 11(tviflg purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's ate.,ARSE. I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in towu or country. • Coffins, All Sizes, Rept ecinstantly on hand. SiTROUDS ! SHROUDS! Groceries, Flour and Feed Will always be found to be complete in all its branches. Smokers, this is the place to buy your Myrtle Navy. The highest Market Price paid for all kinds ,of Farm Produce. OATS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OATMEAL. S N. B. -Parties wishing to enter into Flax Growing eau be supplied with Mr. • Has a Lot of SITAWLS, MANTLES, -AND- ; IDTIM SS GI-00403DS 'Mph he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Or nrily reasonable price that a customer may offe Therefore, Ladies, youvill please call at the d at our store on his terms. Goods as usual delivered in any of the villages. 224. STRONG M. ROBERTSON, B. Shantz' s Flax ee FAIRLEY. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE GLAREs THAT THE GARDNER SEWING MACHINE Is superior to any •• Manchester .Hbuse, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get your pick of the Goode they aro all sold. Sealortb., July 25,1871. 190 now in the Market. ------a---e-a.a.a. . , Having been examined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best judges the country eanpyocluce, and by them awarded Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion durnig the preseut year; and although all the leading Machines'veere arrayed against it, the GARDNER PATENT . has been declared VICTORIOUS OYER ALL COMPETITORB 7 CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's Old Stand, - Main stivet, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of S Which he can furnish cheaper than they eim be got elsewhete. 205 $1 0,600. ---MONEY TO LEND. erev, above ainount to Lend, hi sums of Five Hundred Dollars and upwards, at rates of in- terest from 71 to 8 per cent. Interest payable yearly or half yearly. AMOS W. RAY, Lot 7, Con. 1, Grey. 218-13 M ULDING & PAPER. THE undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT Morrisbanii P. O. (Also, a Fine Lot of Stray,' upon every test, and now stands foremost inethe rank of sewers. . SEE TILE 'LIST OF PRIZES FOR 1$71; First Prize at Toronte. First Prize at London -the great 'Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph --the great Central Fah. First Prize at St Catherines, County of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, Comity of Kent, First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simecte. First Prize in Mono, County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon County of Sluice°. First Prize et Wel- landport, County of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, Comity of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Ringsto ,n Diploma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a purely Canadian invention, surpittsing in simplicith durability, and usefulnees any other Sewing Machine now irt the market -whetlaer of Canadian, Ainerican, or English manufaeture. It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light Manufacturing Work, using all kinds of thread. It has a most eomplete SET OF ATTACYLVENTS. BUY NO OTHER. If the price is a little higher than some othere, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circulars and Samples. GARDNER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. c.,-- P. S. -Intending purchasers should not be misled by unscrupulous agents of other 'uompanies, evho keep Machines they do not sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. Call and examine the Gardner before purchasing any other, at Wren? tea Gatassea'S Warm:aortas, PETER GRASSIE, • HARNESS, HARES. Great Variety AT WILSON'S SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of ail kinds, "VALISES -not a few, 11THIPS-of all sorts, • COLLARS -0 -fl sizes, Brushes, Curry -Combs, Cards. Alt priees-from 10 cents up. Bells, -Bisakets, oireingies, Saddles, And in fact everything ustally forma in a first- etlais Saddler's Shop, and at prieeis extremely low. WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SME, CHEAP. Now is the timo to buy- as it is on the rise. C. ARMSTRONG. Main Street, Seafoeth. 0 WANTS A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL *AGON, or a nice STYLISH BUGGY ? WILLIAM GRASSIE, SEAFORTH _ }T AS on laand and for sale a number of handsome .single and double BUGGIES, all well finished and mimnfactared of the very best material. Also, LUMBER WAGONS Wilich, for excellence of build, and ease in running cannot be surpassed by any manufacturer in the Provinee. A. few DEMOCRAT WA.G.01•18 on hand, and uthre mating. 'WILLIAM GRASSIE sells as cheap as any other establislunent in the County. e BLACKSMITHINC I And General Job Work attended to promptly. Goderich-street, Seidel -tin Agents wanted. 179 -52_ - _ .• LEE 1 FLANNELS BLANKETS, YARNS, Seaforth. SWITZER 1-71.1 )-3 tit 0 --1 t (---) . w ri-i '•1> t -i H to n sg, rp 0 0 sp LINENS, STIIRTINGS, SHIRT TIES, SYRUPS, BIROQMS, isTo sooiNirp MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 3 JAMES WILSON • Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous Mends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by strict attention to .business and inanufaeturing a first-class article to merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the many. • Remember the Sigm of the GOLDEN BADDIA." • 215 TEETH EXTRA€TED WITHOUT PAIN. CCARTWRIGHT. le D. 8„ Surgeon Dentist, ‘.1 extracts teeth without pain,..hy thouse of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas., Olilce-Over the Fountain of i Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Sqngre. Attendance in Seaforth, at linox's Hotel, the linet (Tuesday andWeelnesday of each month, in Clinton, 4t the Commercial Hotel, On the /ollovring Thurs. 'days and Flidays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. • _ Parties requiring new Watt are requested -to eau, if at Seaforth arta Clinton, on pee first daa's of at. Over 54,000 patiente have had teeth extracted by the nee of the Gas. at Dr. Coulton's oftleea, New York. 203 FARMERS, REMEMBER THE TtC)X.33C)ItC) FLOURING AND GRISTING MILLS, ISAAC B. sHANTz TzEGs to state to the Farmers of Aft)tillop ana surrotindiug Townships that he Us HOW pur- chased the above Mill, and intends =nubile it hereafter on his own account The Mill is now in excellent running order, and -able to turn out ale most any amount of work. GRISTING AND CHOPPING attended to promptly, and satisfaCtion guarantRek. Being hirauelf a practical Miller and. thoroughly understanding tile business, he claims that he an turn .out our which, for appearanee or quality; cannot be Surpassed by any Mill in the Country. Flour exchanged for Wheat if desired. .218 ISAAC B. SHANTZ. CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR will, be held hereafter at LOYD'S 1:10TEt, SE.A.FORTH, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday in each Montill BEGINNING ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 18711. Large numbers of buyers well be in attendance, and perties having stock may rely on the best mare ket prieen. In connection 'with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton' are large and coinmodintis stablesand yard& 198 ROOPAS TO LET. 910 LET, in Scott's Bleck, two comniodio -3- ROW:US On the second nat. Apply to 195 MeCAI;(111-.EY liOLMSTFA