HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-29, Page 7gAttot 29, 1 SKF J. SEATT,. :t N G BR O : Ana c1.e ler in Pure ll CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, AN YA + 0 TOILET AR'F`ICLES Agent for tiewiitg Ma Ulises, Droner - y xt..i cl'on easy terms. J. S < TTER Se Orth, Nov. ,l, 1S, 0. 594f. SHOPS FOR SALE. SALE, , twat shops and forty -font feet trout til \r.ti*,r Street, i etftrrt-h, opposite oa t- .ct s Ill tel. App1. to LAi:NOTICE, OCAN Ha a Loft of : A LSg MANTLES TL S, -_SNP- D ESS, -DOD$ Wthieh he is anxious to Sell Offs at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, )r az--y reasonable paiee that a customer may off. Therefore, Lzurt , you will please call at the • J a theste-rHouse MAIN,STREET, triton, twirl get your piek of the Goods before the ares all solei- for th,trli " 1.9:1 I ISN ESS, HARLNESS, 9 . u ph in Printing Machinery. In recording the pact that the cel fitc iz is ilo ' printed oy two Walter Presses (so-called after the 'atikare of the inventor, the chief pro- riet-0r of the London Ti n.,es,. to the � production of which these presses first Ltpplie 1) the pro.!,rictor thus s the Scotsman is now rhes:. writes : printed, a reel of tightly rolled pa- per, a-pe' in the foYii' 1n which 1t leaves the slier -mill, fully four miles in length, and weighing nearly six c silt, i5 placed at one end of the Ilia- ehiue, and in the process of unreel- ing hree -inn is damped, printed first on one side and then on the reverse with unfailing precision, is cut into sheets and delivered at the rate, of, fully 12,000 sheets an hour at the other end, of the machine. The ,delivery is made on two beards, each of which receives a sheet alternately.' e hoar ,l are watchedlads who, Great VaTi.ety A'E'WILSON'O� SEAF lid T Hs_ :TB N IZs o all kinds, v ALIS,ES-rrwt a few, WHIPS -of. all sorts, - G*oLLAlt --aU sizes. :,`u leen, CF[l r r•t�- �om $,: Canis. - All prieds-=frc>ru 1(l cents up. Bells, Blankets, Circntgles,; Saddles, And in Beet ( v€ rything usually found in a first--' 4:«s. Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely lei. n h JA'YIES SON Takes the opportunity of thankin his uumerort� fncrids dna e:tr:�turrrers for the liberal. support ex- tended toward in a for the pat year and hopes- iw .tritt attention to business and manufacturing t, ,ir,t-class article to merit afair share of the pat - r n:14e of the runny. da - ter the -Sign of at OottI2X S.ii,DL'Z.tf 215- TEETH-EXTV'-�.CTEI WITIIOU 1 AIN a shell with an inch .fathee would clrep '.itself into a walled angle, in which you had taken thelter. from a company of tha p-.thootei th, arid where it . was the! tain, if you put out your nothe, you'd get peppered {' How 1'" said the captain, wink- ing at the circle, " wily, take it cool and spit on the fusee." T1'ie party broke up,:and all re- tired except the, patrol. . The next morning a number of soldiers were assembled on the parade; and talk- ing in clusters, when along came the li ping lieutenant.' Lazily opening his eyes he remarked " I want to- try an experiment thith , mcr:ning, and thee. bow ex theedin gl y cool you can be." Saying this, he deliberately walk- ccl into the -captain's quaff tern; where a fire was burning ou the hearth, and plasm its hottest centre a powder 'anister, and instantly re- THE HUR014 EXPOSITOR:. , THE BEST SEWING MACHINES Made can be had at WK. N. WATSON'S n1h d by ac s vv ao , d ` h t lng the great speed 1 treated There was but iaot�vit s enc i � � k f e�•r E. jve still time to see drat the work one moa sttWI C MACHINE ®�'I" ess from the quarters, and SL 3FU1�1'H. -as upon the -parade-ground, O is properly done. The sole �:ttend-. i that4vv are those two the. road being built up for defe t "Tine (YLY17IN E 110 firE'' ladsnecessary' the occupant took one look1h ` lads. at the delivery boa.: ds, and pSewing llneiiiues, in all styles. and sizes, and: � third, - the striker, who starts, 1 r the machine and looks after the rolls as they . are unwound. While printing, the paper :travels thro.igh the machine at the ':rate .of nearly 1,000 feet per' minute, and a reel of paper four- miles long. is thus - :printed in less than 25 minutes.. The delay in changing fromone reel to another scarcely exceeds a minute canister, comprehended e his situa- tion its a.- tion and in a moment dashed the e door, but it was fastened on the outside. " Charley, let me out if you love. me," shouted the captain.. • "Thpit on the canithter !" shouted he, in return. Not a moment was to be lost ; he lxacd at first snatched up a ;blanket, to. cover his •egress, but now, drop - pilau it, he ' raised the window, and out he boiznded,`saus culottes, sans everything but a very short, under- garment, and thus, with ,hair alm' st on end, he dashed upon a full rade-ground. The shout which hailed him ' brought out the whole barracks to see wheat was the matter, and the . dignified 'captain pulley! a sergeant in front of him to hide himself. • " Why didn't you ' thpi.t pn it al" inquired the lieutenant. " Because there were no sharp- shooters in front to stop a retreat," answered the captain. "All 1; gut to they, then, ith," said the lieutenant, " that you might thafely have done it, for there wath n't `a things grain of powder in it:" The.captain has never spoken. of., nervousness since. WHEN your are in Seaforth, just run into Hank Paltridge's Photograph Gal- lery, 'twill do your heart good. Scott's .so that the production is thus al- most continuous. With the two Wal- ter presses in the- Scotsman Office, a length of -Paper equal to the distance between Edinburgh and Stirling— .36 miles—is printed each morning in two hours, or little more than the time taken by an ordinary train to travel th-at distance.: Each Fri- day, when the Weekly Scotsman,,in• Addition to the daily issue, is print- ed by the same machines, the length .of paper printed' is about 80_ miles or the distance,. as the crow Hies, be- tween Edinburgh and, Carlisle. t € kIZTWRIGIUT. L. D. S.., Surgeon Dentist', extracts teeth without pain by the use of the Natrona -Ode Gats. (flee -Elver the Founts of Fashion. Mr. Puactir•4 store, on, the Market Square- Attendance irr Seafcrtb, tet Enox's Hotel, the first Tut elle; and Wtqlnesday (}f each month; in Clinton.. at thi'G-»uurereial Hotel, on the following Thurs- his0101.pFridays. m The remainder of the time at ix s Strtttfurtl Fmrtii<:a requiring new teeth are requested to call,. if ttt'eafo ith and Clinton, on the first days: of at- tendauce. ` Over 54;0d0 patients have had teeth extracted b7 thecae of the ties. : at Dr. Ooulton'a: offish New- York. FARMERS, RE JEMBER THE 2.1:7140]E3,0.1:ZiC:) )1 RING AND (f14ISII1G MILLS: ISAAC B. SHANTZ E r;; ttr atttt€x to the Farmers of merino", arta surrounding 2 on n:.hips that -he has now Par- rIe sett tate above Mill, and intends riruning it dere:attt-r on hie own recount. The \till is now lat •_'rellt nt running order, and able to true out at" most any amount of work. - - GItISTIIN G AND °HO I G 208 attended to promptly,. and satisfaction guaranteed. Being himself a prettied Biller and thoroug1 W unfit-rstanding the business, he claims that he can tear out f:°rite ihieh, for appearance or qualitS -',rtirtt}t he eurpa ,tied by ant• Mill ia the (,:until- 1'1ottr exchanged for 'Wheat if desired. `'I t ISAAC B. SIIA-STZ. CATTLE FAIR. CATTLE FAI1t will be held. hereafter at L()O`k ID`S HOTEL, SFAFORTHI (OIrpusite the Station.) - t n`tll.e First Holiday in each monthr nI G.IN NG o.+ . Leatte nurabera of bur€•r . will be in attendance'. and premie,. having stock may rely on the best ni - k&_ t pricey *g IFi conneetit,u with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton: are large and coruntotliotts stables and yards. 198 R 00 'M'S TO 0 LET, in Scott's Block, twa co o -o• Ituome • . the second fiat. Apply to 1911 McCAt Gat & SOIBISTF, '• The Judge's- Wig._ LordEllenborough was once aljout to go on the circuit, when- Lady E. said that she would life to accom- pany him, He replied that he had no objections, provided she did not encumber the carriage with band- boxes which were his utter abhor- rence. They set off. During the first day's journey, Lord Ellen- borough, happening to stretch his legs, struck his feet against some- thing below the seat. He discov- ered that it was a. bandbox. His in- .dignation is not to be -described. Up went the window, and out went the bandbox. The coachmen stopped _and the footman, thinking the band- boat had tumbled out of the window by some extraordinary chance,were Ong to pick it up,1 when Lord Ellenborough furiously cried :out, "Drive on !'' The bandbox was ae- cordingly left by a cutch side. Hav- ing reached the 'county town where :he was to officiate as judge, Load Ellenborough proceeded to array himself; for his appearance ` in the ,courthouse. " Now, said - he, where's My wig—where is my wig 1" "My Lord," replied his attendant, "it wad thrown out of the carriage window." " THE OSBORNV " :iTaclzive it all styles. •les. The sub E iber hips received a splendid supply of both these., Tachiue5, which. are pronounced by ex- perienced hands to be superior to auy others made. For strength, simplicity and perfection of eon- ' struction ; for range of work, from light gauze to beaver and leather; for beauty and exact:les§ of stitch, -owing to the tension bent(; perfect and al- ways equal on both rrlipet and lower threads, and for durability these machines are umivailed.. Every machine warranted and instructions given gratis. 1111tel ues sent out on trial, or rented by tho mouth to' responsible parties,., 2•L}; - WM. N. WATl'SON, Seaforth. Hardships of the Rich. Block, Seaforth. - FARMS FOR SALE. LOT 27, Seeoud.Concession Mcliiilopi within one mile of-Seaforth; and Lot 17,° Eleventh Con., Mcliblop, eight miles from Seaforth; arid, also, Building Lots hi Seaforth. Terns. made to snit purchasers. Apply to - The rich often have it very hard. The care of a great estate or an ex- tensive business is a great burden. It deprives of _sleep and sometimes ruins health. When men are in this condition they are apt to think the state of the poor very enviable. It is said that " Seneca, with two .milli .ons of pounds out on usury, wrote on a table of gold in favor of ,poverty." No wonder. The poor ,man must have 1, ,en perplexed to death to collect so much interest money t it is undoubtedly true that God_ has made man with "ref- erence to gold as with :reference to food. Beyond a reasonable amount it cloys and museates. 0, if ell our rich leen did but understand God's plan ! He. gives to us 'un- eeasingly that we may enjoy the luxury of giving to others unceas- ingly. One of the sweetest pleas- ures of life is to give. . - How few understand it I How many carry ;a burden which night -instantly be trsnsformed,into a delight ! Jesus expresses this .truth with an em- phasis which cannot be- surpassed., when, be says, " It is more blessed 218-8 JA1IES BEATTIE, Seaforth. I'P,A BO O. °PUBLICO FARMERS . SELL YOUR EGGS COUNTER TO \TM. THOMSON, OF EGMONDVILLE GROCERY Pturjb US nms 7. W. H. OLIVER' C"1-4 C3 cc ) , t J ^rte CHRISTMAS . HAS COME AND GONE, 1 a-1 �_ P NEW YEAR THE SAME, WINTER IS FAST I, AND SPICING BEGINS TO MAKE ITS APPEARANCE. i A V I N T U , The busy tlic of SEEDING will soon be llUl us, and (Logen'a Stand,) Who will pay the HIGITRST PRICE in CASH, for any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS, Delivere FOR SALE CHEAP. 1114OUR AND FEED, - of every description, kept constantly on hand, in - eluding Shearson & Co.'s .No. 1. Come .0ne, Crone All, with your Eggs and get the Cash. Egmondville Grocery. - TO THE FARMERS OF HURON. TTAS just !received a very choice and soperior stook, of jewelry of every descaiption ; also, very choice lot of Violine, else Violin 'Strings in endless variety. Every .descliption- of Watches. Clocks and jewelry,repaired, and -warranted to give satisfaction. It is needlese to say, more, as Conn - ter is well enough known in the County of Huron. • Bookbinder, Hullett, T_TAs just' received a large Stook of the materials -Li- used in the businees, and is,now fully proper - ed to execute, on the Shortest notice .and la the latest styles, all ordere he may be favoured with. REGIBTERS, LEDGERS •& BLANK _BOOKS, OF ANY KIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shorteSt notice, and at pnices n'hich defy competition. made to ,order. OLD -AND "SEW BOO S HARROWS & GANG 'LOWS. Bound and repaired'at city prices. • Persons residing aa a distance by leaving their ` books at the Signal" Book Store, Goderich, or, at the, "Expointor" office, Seaforth, era J. R. Grant's Ainleyville !dating style, ratty rely upon them Alr communications addressed to the .undersign- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL MoGREGOR, • Constance p. 0., Ilullett CHEAP FARMS.: CHEAP HOMES), UNION RiaCIFIC A LAND GRANT OF to' give than to receive."J---1174toheil ffeet Farming and Of the Mai?, and R(ylector. Ninerot Lands ill to be prepared for it, you should give S- COTT ERTSO "Large and, well -assorted Sam.ples op THE FOLL Has now on hand a lipe Stock of COLTON'6 I GANANAQUE IRON HARROWS. A large nurnber of these Harrows were sold in this part last year,: and gave the highest satisfac- tion.- Parties-aleshang to purchase are teferred to the -following gentleruen who have used them: G.. Edwin Cresswell, andAlexander Broadfoot, Tucker - smith; James Scott, and jaanee Kerr ; John Whitefield, Grey ; John Troyer, 'Hay ;. Peter Creraa, Stanley, and many others. Parties who want these Hannws would do well to purehase soon as possible, as there ia". likely to be great demand. for them this sbasen. al malice. A Test of aourage 3,000,000 Acres in NE.K3ASE-4., In the A good stery has been told la a GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, e West, NOW FOR PRICES LOW AND TERMS LIBERAL GANG PLOWS. - Also, on. hand, a- number of the Massey 'Manufac- turing -CortipanY'e superior Gang Plows. These Plows have bail several valunble improvements added this season, and are now resequently en - pubic of performing better workthau evebefore: 0 0. WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent. cool deliberation and strona United. States, on the 41st degree of'N orth latitude, the central line of the • t T perae Zone of glee , nerves, and his aettinc7 square W 71th the -American Continent, and for f.,9;tiin-groviug s oc unsruptaised by any in the him in the following manner : The -United States. .quizzing the lisping officer, a lieu - always -- IN PRICE. more favorable terms _Gun_ elsewhere. -cool joker, the captain was tenant, tor his nervousness. presence of his company, n.ervous- Free Passes to Purchasers of Lanil. elven and more convenient to market: than tan be FREE Homesteads to Actual Settlers. THE BEST LOCATIoNS raft COLONIES. Soldiers Entitled to Homestead of 160 Acres: A GOOD OPENING FOR 4 WAGON -MAKER. SA/E, CHEAP, in the Nillage of Walton, 4: three Building Lota. These lots are situated in a. good business part of the yillage. There is on one of the lots, n, goad :Fraine -Dwelling-house and Thome Wagon Shop ; also, a. stable, wood:shed, and a never -failing well of water. On one of the other lots there is a Franie Dwelling -house, and upon the:this third lot there are no -buildings, Also, a goed Abel ofmak and othar lumber, together with spokes and hubs. This property will be solil in a block, cheitp,for Cash. There is not a better open- ing for a good Wagon -maker in the County than this offers, as there are none others in the. same -basineas within several milesii For further parti- culars apply to the Proprietor on the Premises, or RICHARD LAWRISON, lela Proprietor. nes's an nonsense ; I tell you, lieuteant, no brave man will be " Well," inquired his lisping Send for the new desaiptive. pamphlet, with new :naps, publialed in English, German, Swed - Isla and Danish. Mailed free everywhere. Address Ltuia. commis'tliuner I:. P. It. Co„ Am? BM FORTHWITH. Delay not a moment—Delay is Dangerous. SIGN 0 TIHL SCOTd1I COLLIE.. 1-1 0 cirA 7/2 A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., Ikept constantly on hand. - Repairing promptly attended to, .>nd. } charges moderate. Remembertheplaces - I sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Sweet, Seaforth. - 1G3tf W. H. OLIVER. Montreal Timothy Seed, No. 1. Red Clover. Alsike Clover, a large crop, not liable to be atIeeted by Frost. White English Clem.. Tares or Vetehes, used extensively by Dairy Farmers for soiling Cows. Rape Seed, grown extensively for Sheep feeding. Canadian or Indian Coin, for early feeding, a superior artiele. - • Skirying's :Improved Purple -top Swede, selected,. au ou esteemed variety, very fine .2 keepers. Cartet's Imperial Hardy Swede, a new varietylefipurple-top, well recommended. Sutton's Champion Purple -top Swede, a fine hardy vaxiety of good shape and superior Dawbarn's Lnproved Purple -top Swede. Dawbarn says it is the best Swede Turnip known, a very heavy crop, end less tendency tb run to neck than any other Sharpe's Improved Purple -top Swede, a very heavy crop, good for general cultivation, euperioaquality, small topathielt neek and large bulb, very nutritious and hardy. Yellow Aberdeen, a welli-known variety and best for eaaly winter use. White Globe, very largo and good for early winter use and garden puiposes. Long Red Mangold, very fine, large sort, and most -used. YelloW Globe Mangold, the hardiest 'Mangold known. Large White Belgian Cairts, very large, valuable for field culture. Long Ormage Carrots, an old esteemed variety, good for garden use. 'Fine Long Red Carrot, large and well-fiavored viniety, for garden -use. undereigned will be happ3- to be patronized -1- by his brothar fanners -of the TOWNSHIPS OF HAY. AND STANLEY As an Auction.eer. He is prepared to act as Such at very modeyte :MONEY TO LOAN, private funds, at 8 per cent. -Expenses low. ai onveyancing done cheap. HUGH LOVE, Soma, Hill's Green P. 0. AUCTION SALES. ARC HI 'ALD BISHOP Taales te inform, the public that he has taken -1-` ont County Auctionecr's License, and will, hereafter, be prepared to attend Auction Sales of Real Estate or Personal Property in any peat of the County, On the shot -teat notice. From the KileceSS he bete had. since commencing this bnsiness he feels confident that he can giM: the utmost All ordeta left with Robert Brown, Zurich, S. Sanuders, Post Office, Exeter, or addressed to the undersigned will receive nromot atteution. AlICitir,ALD DI: -,1•10P, CARDEN SEEDS. Blood Beet, one of the moat popular for garden use. 3,:airly York Cabbage. • Ilarly Large York, large and runt head. Winning Steadt, beat early valiety 'for general cultivation. Large Drun-head, solid head-, excellent for winter nse. • Large Red Onion, ft sive crop, fine flavor. Long ilollow Crowned Paranii, best garden. parsnip known. A variety of Garden Beans. Mushroom Spew:), in }hicks, and a large quantity of Fresh Seeds in Packages.. TEN BA RRELS OF CIN C TOP ONIONS OR SETS, EXPECTED 'DAILY, FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A_ND IN BAGS ANI McNAUGHT 013-1,1) respectfUlly intimate to the inhabitants bf Seaforth. and vicin- ity, that he now carries on Imsiness at his NEW MOP, in. rear of Killoran & Ryan's. , Jobbing 0-1 all kinds, and Norse -shoeing especially, promptly attended.to, kw' Terms reasoriable. QUEEN Insurance Corapany OF LIVERPOOL 84, LONDON. CA.PITAL - $2,000;000. Sterling Cling Onloss--Queen. Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechureh Street, London. Buildings? Montreal. BOARD—WM. Mortoik, Esq., Chairman: Henry Thomas, Bay, David Torrance, Esq., spathe Hon. James Perrier. BANKERS -410180111s Bank. LEGAL ADVISEES --- Messrs. liitchie, Morris & Rose. MEDICAL ADVISER--WilliaM Sutherland., Esq. M. D. SuitYEnoR—Thomas S; Scott, Esq. AunrroR—Thomas R. Johnson, Esq. P.ESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL AGENT,—A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Sacrament Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been. appoint- ed. Agent for the above Compa.ny, parties desiring to insure against less by tire can do so on the most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage ous terms as any other respectable Com- pany doing business -in Canada, JAIIRS IL BENSON, Agent Law Office, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8 1870. 153-tf.— CHEERING PROSPECTS All to be had at SCOTT ROBERTSON S CANADIAN SEED STORE. FOR AN ABUNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic in making timely preparations for the coin, ing harvest. I THOMSON 41z, WILLIAMS. While thanking their patrons f,or the lib- eral encouragement accorded. them in the past, would cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment oft Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combined _Machine, with Johnson's Improved Serf -Role, hat given complete satisfaction for the past owo years, and is. now offered. to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfect work. - The Cayuga Chief, Jr., ;dower,. Which has gained for itself a World-wide reputation 'is again offered as the most dura.ble, handy and best working Mower known, being constraetecl in the body of the raachine entirely of iron and steel, and with it -we defy competition. We also offer the Johnson's Self -Raking Single which thok first and second prizes atPro- vincial Exhibition 1870, This reaper is acknowledged to b'e superior to any other. pattern now in use, as it cuts perfeetly, takes up lodged or tangled grain better than any other rake or reel machine, and cuts equa,lly well from. either -Side of the field when wind is strong from any di- . rection, eau be raised. or lowered, when in motion and is very durable. We lilVite inspection of our machines and mode of manufacturing by pur- chasers before givin,„,o. orders elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction in every ma- chine, or no sale. , TERMS EASY, The agrieulturalists of Perth and ad- joining counties will not (we believe) be so blind to their own interests as to give their orders to shops more than 100 miles east, when there are iirst-class , Ivoiks in their mid,st, building largely the best machines. equal to any ,of the same machines made in the Province. Call and see usf-sencl in your orders by mail, or deal. with our agents, as in every case you will .get a perfect ma- chine, and on the same - terms as your neighbor. Our principles of business and. prices being established. •and form. All other kinds of irapiements con- stantly ofi hand. STEA3I-ENGINES BUILT, And. all kinds of MILL WORK done promptly. Address • 'MITCHELL, . 180 -ch Ontario