HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-29, Page 5SP JAt LO, 1872t. BIairffs, queue% -In rrteekerteneithe GA the teurnrife o Mr. Sohn DitshnIzta, of a dantthter. .Ritaborce. MeEiliott, tat e, 21st inst., the wife of Mr. Robert tiettohn, of a daughter. tm-in McKillop, on the 22atf the wife of Mr. Joseph Grieve,. of OIL Seaforth, on Wedneeday, th inst., the wife of Mr, Robert AEI, of a sem MARRIAGES.- r-HINN -If tr,TON, -At the West ClulrO11, ,`3traticercl- on the I2th a., by the Rev. Charlea Lavell, Mr. Jeremiah MeWhinney, of avick, to Mist Ittargareit Ifamilton, North Easthope. e----Ltvletasaaxae-At the reeidenee the bride's father, ou the 14th, the Rev., J. W. Bell, M. A. aa - a -al, lav the IeT J Scott, B. A. J. W. Scott, merchant, Listottel: Sarah, youngest daughter of lkitie Liviiotone, Listewel, and niec The laviueetone, the celebrate& riean explorer. DalATEIS. in Tut:km-smith, on Friday, the d Merch, Mary Jatee Boa, wife of ; Jelin Leislunan, aged. 21 years and. :e months. -At Armetroug's Hotel, Miky- oe Thureday, Mareh 28, George Ross, merchant, aged 35 years. ieral to take place on Saturday, net at 3 P.M. .Masonie honors. Alorris,'March 24. Win. EL of Richard Stacy, aged 6 years three months. .-4n Tuekerstrnth on Saturday, a lust, Jemiraa, youugest daughter 'maid Ross_ s our painful duty this week to re - the death of a fine and intelligent girt of eight years and eleven. zs, daughter cif Mr. Donald Ross, in Road, Tuckerereith. She had hken ill about two weeks ago witk e' in- the head, the name of which, rot learn. She lingered -on in -great until Saturday last, when death put t to her suffe-rizets in. spite of all :tedical aid coulddo for her. The anity syinpathize witb the parents their sad bereaveeneat In the of life we are in death." -- ie then, eta -nit fast and calm, resit. ley child. into His care, hotiM the struggle peove too lud, take thyeelt atist. that He to strengthen thee, Ha Holy Sphit send ; '•-att Foto:lc:lied by our distrees, :e will his comforts send. - --CUTPli-Mtn;cated, imm.i.glamMomx. ..irs.mml111111111111 HE MARKETS • SEAFORTR, March 28, 1872. Ipf.e$ on the market still continues _ nal buyers are. commencing to for the season. There will be no ush of gr5.-tin any more anti/ the Dart of May, When farmers will be wheat they have left after seeda ['he irtills here areezow all supplied, wheat. Fall -wheat is quoted' t higher than last week, while is considerably lower, ' Other remaia about as farmerly. ' (Jloy-. er I` eahy seed is not so brisk in de - .8 it has heen, and prices are quote ideralaly lower, We are inform-- much. of the seed, offered in the this year has been of inferior owing no doubt to the extreme of last season. Hay is scarce Z ,good demand, and commandS ices. • ,This is owing more:. how- cthe bad state. of the roads, and. sec-ate:at difficulty of getting it to a than, to the scarcity of . the Although the -winter has been d severe, feed for stock is not go - )e bc caree this aping as was at - 1 - .:autiltipate.d. We quote ta-_L 7.$1. 15 to 1 16 eat.... .... . . .......... 1 10 to 1 12 . - 0,50 to 055 ... • ...... .. .._ .... - .. 081 to 0 rr.4 . 0 5,7 to 050 -... .. .....-...:.- 0 15 to- -.0 15 0 14 to 014 G . , . . . . . . . . .. . . - . * . a Go to 000 . . 0 45 to 050 .14 (10 to 15 00 ./.. 6 00 to 750 21)0 le ' 1 00 to 2-00 per ib.,. e. _ - ... - . 0 08- to 010 mid- -- • • - -.........-2 00 to 2 25 113 per barrel,.. ... 1 00 to 0 00 - . - .. .....- ........- 0 05 to OE1)1 0 06 to- 008 4 50, to 500 2 25 to 001 4.- :, .4. lta,..hel, . -......... 550 to 501 eta, per eataea.. .. .... 8 00 to 4-00 CLINTON, Mali 23, 1872: --S........-..-$1 18O's 1 20 eat- - , . - ... . . .. . 1 15 tele 1 Ig 3e et 0 a4 ......... 0 50 ece- 0 52 - 0 60 ex Q01 . - - - 0. 12 eee 0 15 . -• 0 00 et• 0 15 5 00 ye 5 oa an 1400 et 10O be ,Lel 0 C0 tie 0 05i :ITALO LIVE. STOCK. 4:i.J51113,-; Titun.day,. -.Y.darch 28, 1372 Et-F.117s, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses, eat.cars. care. cars.. 1 9 53 6:2' 9 15 - 115 22 7 11 a, 4 `17-1 113 26 39 246 1 : 14 22 SLI FMENT:i. 50 36 27 27 6 19 '17 5 10 70 :`".1 14 - . — ...176 10-.3* 10 37 — 60 121 16 23 CATTLE. -eek cpeus on quite a strong ve market, induced by 4c ad- , New York yesb:rday. Prices y equal and perhaps a shade Ian lest week. Of 1S3 ears by Lake Shore since Saturday 125 cars w(..re through consign,. .:aving 58 cars ou the market be- -et wag left over ; 49 cars were to are ive to -day. Nearly if.t on the market was sold. at 7hte enaltv of thL stock as fair itfite equal to that sold last There were few stockers. MARCH Q9, 1872. • florae 20 eer loads of stockers and. tateers lora Canada were too late for the Morn- ing market. sava comprise 1,660. bead at $4 62& to ..$6 Kt for natives, against sales last -leek Tuesday of 1,114 head at $5 6211 to ly7 20. • Sales reported: c .• No. Smith 4 Faield, 111. • ...... .20, 1030 86 00 gonagb.an, do do.....33 1242 6 52 ,Same, oxen......14 1427 5 50 Same, Ill. Steers .. 68 12Q5 6 124. .And 37 Others. SHEEP. 'Gamily on Tuesday trade .is rather epliet and light. To day the market may be quoted about the same as the close of last week, though less active and with a much heavier supply, The 'receipts thus far hi theaiveek were 26 eara against 14 the previous week for the same tinae. Sales comprise 1,541 head at $6 501, to $950 for sheep, against sales last week Tuesclayof 884 head. at $7 85 to $9 for •sheep. Sales reported. since Friday t Waltman to Wiman & Co. 138 lid Ind. sheep, av 70, at $6 50. 1. Stark to Swope, 170 hd av 89, at .18 50. Kibbler to Lurch & Barnes, 493 lid, do -do av 88, at S8 75. To -day Willanan to Lurch. & :Barnes, -380. 0.. sheep, av 9S, at $9 50. Pfeiffer to 'Bishop &- Co:, 250 lid Ind. do, av 76, at $7 55. . Wilk:man to Kimball, 172 hd. 0. do, .av 9G, at $S, and $10 eatra an -the lot. Av. price. -.TKE HTTRON SE,y1). JUST RACE1VED AT THE • SEAFORTH MILLS ,FLOUR AND SEED. STORE, ,The market opens rather quietwith prices !firm at gnotations, which do not vary much from those of last Friday, 6hippers have paid $4 45 to $4 75, and butchers $5 to $5 25. There were only. 10 cars on the market this mornin,ct and two remained. unsold. at noon. The re- ceipts thus far in the week were 113 cars, against'13+ for the same tune the previ- • ous week. The steck is fair to good, with only a mall proportion of pigs. On Saturday. 138 heacl were sold, the highest price being 8n for 108 head averaging 227 lbs. Sales reported. on Mondayia Price. No. • Av. -162 175 8480 23 to city 204 5 26' 40 to city 217 5 00 TOROITO, Maaeh 28, 1872. The Liverpool market was agaia re- ported lower in flour and wheat, which revived the • unsettled feeling here. Wheat in Chicago was irregular and lower, in Milwaukee unsettled, and in New York dull and. lower. Flour in Montreal was reported, quiet and heavy, with a drooping tendency. There was very little business done either on change or outside. •Before the English advices were received there were sales of No. 1 superfine flour at equal to $5 35 f. o. c. here ; later, buyers were offering $5 25 to $5 30, which was refused. Spring extra was offered; at $5 45, without buyers. There was little or nothing done in wheat, buyers ancl sellers be -mg apart with regard to prices. • On the street Sautes and Delhi brought §1 30 to $1 31. Treadwell $1 20, and. Spring $1 17. Barley may be quoted. nominally at 65e to 66c for car loads on the track. 650 to 66e was paid on thestreet market. Peas quiet and without change. No • car loads offered. Street pries 69c to 70c. •. Oats quiet, weak. Buyers- at 40c for • car loads on the traek. Street price 410 to 43c. Seed dull. Clover weak and lower, no demand. for street lots at over $4 75, or for round. lots at over $5. Timothy la' el at $2 50, without much inquiry. • , GOLD. -The price of Gold in New York fluctuates- fro* 109 to 110. ' A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF • FIELD 'AND GARDEN SEEDS. • - , I Having purchased our Seeds frGrri the best Grocers and Importers 1Canada, e are prepared tosuPPlY 4 AGRICULTURISTS AND GAR ENEB. With the choicest saraples and. at picas which defy competition. No. 1 Clover and Tinp,othy Seed constan during the season. 1 . Farmers will find it to their interests to call and inspect bm• seeds as wo ar - money by it. • ly on. hand, certain they will FiCINC Seed Grain, of every description, To de had at the Flour and Seed tore. e ARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND, vita Side Main Street. THOMAS LEE. P. S.---Ladies-will please call and examine onr stook of French, English axil American Flower Seale, the fiuest assortment in Seaforth. 5 • • • US9 SE ameemmaerialeateresenrs FARM FIELD&CARDEN SEEDS FARM FOR SALE. The uudersigned offers for sae a valu- able Fuin in the Township of Hay, County of Huron, containing 100 acres - of excellent hardwood. land, 50 cleared . and nearly free from stumps. The farm is within 5.miles of Exeteriand one and a -quarter ranee from the London Road, in ft. Most prosperous lo- • cality. Land- rolling and rich sandy lorineewell watered. • The cleared part has been in pasture for several years. Terms easy. Apply to ROBERT M°22‘71* -S' e propietor, Lot 7, SecondConeessicin, Hay, orto D. McPf:fen'e Ofievery description, Of the Best Qualities and at the Lowest Rates, at - • I • Charles s Cheap Grocery Store. Mitchell. cICABLtS wir..,801 is coristaktly receiving fresh supplies to his '.tock of choice Groceries. • Teas, of the best brands. TOBACCOS, the best 'in Town. 0 , ALE, in quarter and half Casks, constantly on h ' - . - WINES AID LIQUORS, A VEILY FULL STOCK.- - 'Hie -hese nice paid -for Batter dnd Eggs. . CHARLES WILSON., Powell's Old Stand, sign of the 999, Main street, Settforth. FOR SALE A CUSTOM CARDING MACHINE, Picker, 4--LFulting-efill Naive', Press and Plates, Shearer, two power Looms, ShaftingePulleys, &c., all as good as new. Can be seen in the Logan Woolen • Factory, Godeaieh. A good. bargain will be given. Apply to R. HUNT, 22544 Kippen O. • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. „ xroTicE is hereby given to all parties having • claims.. against the estate of the -late .ALEX- .41..NDE13, FOSTER, in his lifetime of the village of Eemorlville, Township of Tuekersmith, Comity • of lanon, to hand the same to the undersignedereeu[or, exeeutor, on or before the 1st of Oetober, 1872. After, that (late the effairs of the estate will be clotted, and no further claims will be paid. All • parties indebted to the:quid estate are 151S0 110- tit:16i to se•ttle the same with the undersigned eracii tor forthwith. ' •• •THOMAS FOSTER. Clinton, March 25, 1872. • 225-5 • • NOTICE... filtRISTIAN ZAPFE, late hotel-keeper,Wag- •vf her's Comers Townlizto of Hay and tanley, - begs to inform his oldcustomers in the Tailming line that Ito has commenced business again as Tailor and Furnisher, in Main -street, in the vill- gee of Hayfield., whore he will be happy to have a call from hit; oId friends. Lae -tic -Id,. March 20, 1872. 225-4 _ CAUTION. ri lee, PUBLIC are hereby cantionedegainst giving •"credit to my wife, Sarah McArthur, or any other person, on my aorount, without my personal eracr and consecit, as front and after this date I will not be xespoestble for any debts otb.erwise contracted. ALEXANDER MeARTH CR. • 'eforris Veech 96 18'9 •225-4* HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH VOR SALE, a corner lot, on the Cornernf James • suit West streets, nearly oppoeite the school house, with, a.enat ona comfortable frame cottage thereon. Thielot is situated lu one of the rnost pleasant locelities of the Villtige, end will be sold --cheap. Apply to WM. BALL...eNTINE, •,225 'Seaforth. • -FARM FOR SALE. mum of 182 Acres for Selo, 20 arras in woods, ttoocl land and good builaings. Six miles from Clinton. and 3-.1 from leavlielet. 224 ALFRED STONEHOUSE. 3I 0 "iia V d SOMETHING INTERESTING TO CARRWI-E-MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS. WM. ROBERTSON & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, Have on hand 209 Tons of Iron 301 Sets of Spring,s. 299 Sets of Carriage Axles. . 449 Sets Se mless Thimble Skeius. Also, e full and well-seteeted Stock of Carriage Ttimrnings and Hardware, 1 1. Of, every description, 'Which they had bought before the recent gyeat advanee-in price of that material, and they will not be 4JNDERSOLD BY ANY II USE IN THE DOMINION. ., a Blaeksmiths and Carringc-Makers will do Well to c and examine our stock before purehttsbag elsewhere. 1 e ',', A arse as 'orbinent of I HUBS, SPOKES AND BENT ST IT on hand. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SA V, • RAIN S 'REET, SEAFORTH. 0 z 224 amnmmdmnnimndM••••••ONI•1B2•N•;•••••••••••••••••••• an.1.6.21•••1111•INEM. • SEEDS, SEEDS, S NO HUIV1BUG. EDS. .••••••••••••••• NOSNHOP 1011161:=21 FARMERS, IF YOU WANT TO CrET SEEDS that are GENVIN'D AN]? RELIABLE, C ...LL AT • • STRONG ;c: FAIRLEY'S 'Where you out gee one of the best assorted Stocks West of Toronto: This is no blow, for ANT are de termined to keep nothine but the best quality of Seed, prices that taunot be boat. and at A comparison of quality and priees is respectfully soliCited.• , . ' - TIMOTHY SEED, FROM TWO DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS UPWARDS. CLOVER SEED, FROM SIN DOLLARS -cer-w ARDS. Om. Stele: of TURNIP MANGOLD & CARROT SEED 3 Is now complete. • • TOP _ONIONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. the iv of Cobb ge, Early and Late ; Tomatoes, To G.ARDENE.It'S we offer epecial inducements n ety Seedano•ola etoce Alio, Orchard. Grass, Ited.1:"op, Whitie Clover and Alsike. ; OUR STOCK OF I11 varieties ; onions ; Mushroom Spamea ; Celery, Beans Peas, Coru etc., etc., by the oz., all new insolvent Act of 1869 YOCeriCS, 'Flour and Feed Li the COUNTY COURT of the Cotmty of Rivon. Canada, Outtu-io,1 TN the matter of 'JOHN IN - County of Huron - -LGLIS, the 3oanger, lv To Iyrr : ) An ent. The unclersigned has filed. in the Milani'. this Coart a Decel of Composition �IL8 Dieelnu•ge :exe- -ented by hie creators, and on the Ninth day of May next, 1872, at the hour of eleven o'oleck in the forenoon, he will apply to the Jedge of the said Court for a confirmation of the discharge thereby effected. Dated n.t Wroxe•tel:,1 in the County of Huron, this 26th day of Mare , 1872. • • - JOHN INGLIS, jr. Will always be found to be ecanplete in all its brturehes. • Smokers, this is the place to buy yo.ir Myrtle Navy. The ,highest Market Price paid for all kinds df Farm Produce. • OetfTS TAKEN IN -EN."CFIANGE FOR OATMEAL. N. B. -Parties Neighing to filter into Flea Growiue eau be supplied 'th Mr. B. Shante's Flax Seed. at our store on lie terms. Goole es u.na1 delivercefin any of the vitages. STROt4G 84r, FAIRLEY. 224. %13A01-19 GNV S3GVdS 4S1151firlIflil HILL •JO N -DIS NOTICE. ALTTIOTTGII BOOTS & SHOES, • STEWART, • WOOLLEN GOODS, CROCKERY, ETC., Have advanced from 10 to 20- per cents • WE WILL NOT xt Put up the GOODS now in Stock FOR A SHORT TIME. 4 E. HICKSON CO. MONTREAL HOUSE, SEAFORTH. • GREAT SUCCESS: HAS ATTENDED DENT'S CLEARING SALE OF DRY CrOODS, • And although he hae cold a vast pile within the last to= weeks, he has still a large stock of a. Idea; of ,DRY GOODS still on hand, and in order still further to reduee his stock he will continue his GREAT CLEARING SALE FOR -JUST TWO WEEKS LONGER. Come while Bargains can be got. REMEMBER DENT'S, CilEAP STORE, SEAFORTII. • 'Hia0,11/3S, 0 )-+D p. /2 .-., ,--,. i--1 P 0 = i• -•N e--, te , ca II`i t-,• .0( N--I CD 52 tie% aili C12 t". 0 i•-• rt. • Illi, ,-.▪ . l•-• I...J .CD t• -t- 0-=2 ,-,• ,..., ,•-• 0 0 tei 1'1 )7P, CD r•-• P ,--, I -,CD i--, I-) CD ,•-•) 1-- (--. •••., ..... 0 •••• ••••••1 ••4' • Ct.. 0 b r -D ,-• .1: <... sr. AINLEYVILLE3 ARE SELLING OFF THE BALANCE OF THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK VERY LOW, To make room for Spring Importations. .iVOW IS TILE Mil?, TO SECURE BARGAINS. Call and Examine for yourselves Before Purchasing Eise-where. REM.E.11BER TEE PLACE—LECKIE S OLD STAND. STEWART, THOMPSON atINLEYVILLE, January, 1872: SEED POTATOES FOR SALE, (-11' T H a; following new vaiieties: ‘-r CLIMAX, EXCELSIOR, BRISSUS PROLIFIC, and WIL,LARD SEEDLING. These varieties are of the best quality, unsur- passed for produetiveness and ennalinteel pure • and true to name. "Tho best varieties of the day." -C. ARNOLD. • JAMES LANDESBOBOUGH, 220 - Lot 28, Concession 8, Tuek.ersmith. SEED PEAS. r UNDERSIGNED has on hand and for -11- Sale, on Lot No. 16, Concession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, a quantity of CROWN and Com- mon Small PEAS, suitable for SEED. These Peas are free from. foul Seed. soyal SEEDS, SEEDS. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED AND - SEED GRAIN of all 'Melds, For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by JOHN BEATTIE, At his Stall, in the Market, • 13EAFORTEL 228-8" JUST RECEIVED A fresh supply of all the POPULAR, REMEDIES • FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. "NIBS. A. SPARLLVI has a number of firet-ciase Building Lots for Sale, adjoining her present; resiaence, on Gotimich area. Also, a two-story BRICK COTTAGE • For Sale in said street. Terme reasonable. Place of Lots can be seen at Grey, Sperling & Co.'e Store, or at Tine EXP061.101t Oftive, 223 - MRS. ANN SP.ARLING,. Including AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. WISTAR'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. ANTI -CONSUMPTIVE SYRUP, DOWN'S VEGETABLE ELIXIR:. FELLOWS' SYRUP OF THE. HYPO - PHOSPHATES. BALSAM OF HOARHOUND AND HONEY. McDONALD'S EXPECTORANT. LUMSDEN'S COUGH SPECIFIC, • ETC., ETC., At LUMSDEN5S EDWARD CASH, CODERICH STREET, SEAFORTII, DEALER IN SEED AND SEED GRAIN, BUTTER, - WOOL AND 'FUR. Plenty good Clover and Timothy, Wholesale and Retail. IMarch 4, 2.22 CORNER DRUG STORE; SEAFORTH. AINLEYVILLE LAND AGENOY. rrIIE Subscriber having established an Agency for the. Sale of Fitrni and Village Lots, ebich he 'will advertise (weekly) and sell on Conneleeione TIMMS of -Comms don or any perticulars con- cerning lots nelvertistel will be made known on. application., if by letter prepaid, fila enclosing stamp, addresetel C. R. COOPER, ' imomommara••• Dingle P.O. FOR SALE, Village Lots 42 and 50, Ainleyville, with good frame heave and stable, and log tanner -7 in good working order. - Lot 26, Con. 4, Morrie, 100 Acres, 60 acres cleared. frame barn, log -house, good bearing orchard. • Southwest Lot 22,Concession 4, Morris; -50 acres, 25 clawed; good oreharel, loe house and barn. • Village Lots, 212, 213, 221, Ainleyville, (Grey.) • Store, Storebonee and Stable, 1 acres of Landwifde • orelfurd, ete., in tilage ol Canbrook. .2e1 C. R. COOPER, Dingle P. 0. •