HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-29, Page 44, • • - THE -HURON VXPOSITOTI - • • AV. Ill, e r r a e exe'rew r e a a a e e e • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farm. forSale—Robert Molerlds-. Carding Machine for Sale- R. Hunt. Executor's Notice---ThoMas Foster. - Notice--Christiah Zapfe. • Caution—Alexander -Me Arth lir. Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir. lelalconee 0-reat Eger Depot. Honseand Lot for Sale ----Wm. Ballentine. Insolvency Notice. "Royal Itevenge," Season of 1872. • - Seeds- Charles Wilson. Hurrah for Seeds—Thos Lee. Seeds -e -Searle et Davis, Clinton, Dairy Furniture--johngoa Bros.' Ifardware--Johnson Bros. xproitor. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1872. The Nine. Hours NiOvement. For a considera6le length of 'time a movement has been, on among the artizens of Great .Britain .and the United Stews to. shorten the hours of labor.' The demand ;made inthe former -country wee. .that iaine hours should' 'constitute a legal clay's work instead of ten, but in . the 'United States, the de- mand' made requited still greater conceesione: The mechanics asf_ that Country sought to force their ems ployets into giving them ten hours' pep for eight hoars' work. In • Great Britain the &eject was sought • to be obtained by a series of " strikes" amoug the working. men. That is,. the employees of the large manufacturing establishments refus- ed in a -body to work unless their demands were aoceded to Theeni- pIoyers held out fora length.of time; , but in many instances,. Were ilia - mately compelled to give way to their: workinen, so that now the nine hour system is to a _considerable ex- tent operativein Groat Britain. • • In the United .States the itrtizans have not been so succeesful 111 carry- ing their movement .as in Great Britain. They, instead of ‘' mg," took other means to.. obtain their ends. The leaders in the Movement publicly agitated, among the workingclasses, and induced -them to resolve -to support no .oli; tician, or candidate for poltioal themselves . and the community at ors, Who would not inake the large, if they persist in the course eight'hours movement" a prornin- they have adopted, and that they. ent plank in his platfortn, Theresult. may be indirced to leave well of this was, to induce many poll_ alone, and be content to work their tiCians to agitate for the movement way up, unbil by industry and u - in and in the State Legis- •gitlity they attain to a position of latures. This secured • to the .em_ ease and cotlifort. - This is within ployees in the public wo-eka of sev- the reach :of every industlious man eral of the States, and in the Trees_ in Canada, but to attain it he 'ed States DepartmentiS what was de- svill, Very probably, reqeire to work mended. Brut inethei. than this, m . - ore than nine, or -even ten, hours the, movement has not yet been a day adopted in the United States. The usesseseasseeeems. A Vexed Question Settled. agitation, however, "still continues, and the probability is that the storm The question of Government aid will break some cf these,days. to ;the 'Northern Railways Of Hia• Until a month or two ago nothing ion has at length been eettled by an was heard. of this movement -among Order. in •Council , Of the Ontario Canadian artizans. * The. first out - Government, recently issued, which break was in flariaifliton;- about a month ago, when, after a large pub.; pablish in another calumn. It he meeting 'held there, the employ- will be seen that this order has been „ eee of one Of the large. sewing. -ma- issued subject to the approval of the chine establishments struck_foe a re- 'Legislature. : This, however, will 4dction of the fiours of labor: The meke no differenee in the 'Working of emanufacturers, however, to a ritan, stood firm' and the 'movement result- , the 'Order, as it will, undoubtedly, ed in a failure. The next outbreak- be ravified by the Legielature when occurs in Toronto, and, the --prieiters again.meets.-. By this Order, the . - are made to take the lead. • How _Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail - this will 'end has not Yet been de- way Southern Extension _ is. to re- :teemined, but the probability is, wive subsidy of $2,250 per mile, tha t here, too, the movement, from Wingham to Kincardine, via :will be a failure. We, also observe- Locknow, on condition , that they that certain classes of erteehapics prepteee that portion of their road ,Montreal have given notice to their for.a.. rail, and grant to the employers that uelese they a.ccedelo. Toronto' and London Companies their request in this matter,- they .r (Inning powers over it from Wing- -- will discoptione week ,ODthe :arst ham to Kincardiee. The Toronto of May. It is also: ',emoted that Company are to receive sin equal. - the employees in the :armieue mil- sum per mile fort theie • road from sway shops 'contemplate similar and Harriston to Wingham, vie Wrox- concerted action. • • eter, on Condition that they com- Wieile we admit the right of the plete their road to Teeseiatere pre mechanicto sell his labor. to the pare their track for a third rail, and .best possible advantage, we fail to zrant running facilities to the Wel- - see the necessity in this cdentry, at jiugton-cornpeny from Wingham to least, for the redaction of the hours Hereiston-.. It Will -be seen, that' by of labor so earnestly 'demandedthis arrangeme. nt, the.portion of the Neither ,can we believe that sueleeses, sNI.Tellingteu-road- -between: DeYden reduetinn svooldebe--eaptage-oue to and Wingharn is left unsubsidized. the' -class for whose benefit it is Also that portion of the Toronto ExPosrron are bearing fruit abund- antly,,:espeCially in the ininds of our adopted. Ia England, es. -here .the le- road between Wingharn and Tees; Conservative friends. We heve bor mark`et is largely o4erstocked, it water.. Brit, the completicn of their every confidence thet if we preso- may be necessary to red4ce the hours road to Teeswater is one of the con - of work in order that It greater num- ditions upon which the.Toronto corn- vere in our good work, we ehall yet be as successful in transformig ber of pereons iwiy gain employe pany receives' the subsidy. 'There the Conservatives of Seeforth, and 'n merit But in this country, and the is no Such condition . imposed upon per -hap those of South Huron tooUrnte, 1 StAtes, this necessity does the Wellington company regardli?-g into go d. sound Reformers, lie the' not exit, OS the supply of labor is the section of road between Wing- late pr.:mice. of Ontario has been in never equal to the demand. The jham and Dryden. It will, therefore convert lig the Conservative mem- y green( therefore,- upon which be optional wit)). that Cone pany hoes os his late Cabinet, Messrs. the Plea cen possibly rest is, that whether theybuild this last named Caniero valid Carling ten libuee per day is more than. an. section' of the road or not, as the ordinary man is able to work; con- running facilities which the Toronto eistentiy with Ins mental' and physi- Company have to afford them over less, .yet whose minds are more principle upon which the aid has heavily taxed. It will thus be seen been distributed by the Government, that the -position assumed by those is just and equitable. who now demand stior ter hours for 1Whether or not the Wellington labor cannot be justified on the Cempany will build that portion of -ground of ruental or physical neces- the road which has not yet been sity. - Neither can. the demand be subsidized is a question which time sustained upon the plea that h de- alone will determine. If the con- erease in the week of labor will itn- trcct of the Company witls Mr. prove'the financial position of the Hendi.y, to build their road between artizane The very reverse umet be Lietowel and Wingham be genuine, the case. Competition in the vat- an'd non -conditional, the probabil- gree in this country that the profits B. t, if the contract be bogus or cop- ious branches of the manufacturing itis are that the road will be built besiness has attained to such a de- ev'n without the goyernment aid . of the manefacturer are ' scarcely I ditional, it is our honest opii sufficiently large to remunerate him ' thet it will not be built . for ' his • time and the use of .his 1.7t. the event • of the latter money, to say nothing of the heavy &agency proving to be correct, risks he has frequently to run. If cannot see that the people of G the nine hour system were carried illeerris, and Turnberry can do 'out, the menpfacturer would have to ter than turn their acteetion to - adopt either one of two i-rIternetivese London, Hnron and Brace, and He evpuld either h'aye to tun his es e cue it by its original route, tablishment at " a less, or 'raise the Ai leyville and Pluevale to - Wi price of his goods. If he pursued ha . With this run and 'coot the former course, bankruptcy would led by the Great this, 'Comp be the inevitable result, and the de- 1113 on a , uniform guage with _ mend for labor would thereby be Gr at Western.Roadeas it undou decreased, and the artizad would be edl will be if it is ibuilt, the peo the severest slifferet. If he pure ef he township we have nani stied the latter eourseethe artiean wokild be nearly as well served would still be the principal sufferer, by the • southern. extension of as lie would have, to pay an W llington road. While this increas-ed puce for his clothing and rangement Would ilerve the peop all other necessirries of 'life, without it would also afford to the rows: receiving .any. increase far his labor. section of the richest -territory The only gain which he could poss occupied by railwayq. Where sibly obtain would be freedom from if ibis road finally adePts the rot work for six horns, each week, but Which vs as recently propoSecl, it w for this he won't] have to pay dearly, entirely miss this rich field, and w as we have already Shown. run! directly into the competi I. must, :therefove, be evident to jaw of the other two roads shortening of the hours of labor - !!!'!"_11!!!!!. "3......"--1.! every, reflecting person, that the Wii ghania" Th Printers' Strike in Toront wonld not, in any degree,: improve the position of the artizan, but that it would eather increase his bur- • den, withofit in any way strength- ening li*s reeources to enable him \ beer that inereased burden. It is to be hoped that the intelligent and industrieus. werkingmen of our country. who .have allowed them- selyee to be led away by the spe- cious soohistries and baseless asser- tions of pen *ho desire rather to pin for themselves temporary noto- riety than accomplish any benefit for theie fellows, will see in time the injury they. are likely to bring 'von con - we eey, bet - the se - via ng- rol- ny, the ht- ple ed as the ar- le, la un- fIS,, ite ill ill ng at o. • Tie Printers of !roronto and th employers are at, loggerheads ov the nine. hour ' movement. The i sulti is that a general strike h taken place, and the. Toronto daili for. the past few days live present- edi . a rather smutty, barren and -dilapidated appearance. The Toron- tu Press will not probably survive this shock, but.will shortly becothe entiaely extinct, and will soon be rec oned among the things of the pas.This is a censummation de - you ly to be wised. It would give the ocal papers a. chance; it would so the circulation of it cheap. deleterioes, ennervating literature throughout the cpuntry, and would resu t- in an, immense amount of s, 1 eood' in an indefinate number of Ways which we have not time to Particularize. The _ Leader, which complied with the requirements of the printers, will likely be the only paper which will survive, and will be •quite sufficient to advertise boarding-house vacancies and "rooms to. let" in the city where it is published. . The Leader, of late, 'has been quite an innocent inoffen- sive old deaf, and if it will not do much good, it can't do much harm. ;The Toronto papers being squelch- ed, the Local papers will have a show. There will be no odious com- panions, which' at best are " invidi- ous." An independent and enter- prising journalism will be appreciat- ed.. q'he Toronto press having had its &Tend gone to rest, the country editor e now take their innings. Go in, g+ntlemen; make- big , scores; ." there's a good time coming." • i eesseeeses.estaseeem Sot.&td PoliticEil 'Teachings • Bearing Fruit:- Ou readers will, .no doubt, be somewhat supriged to learn that Seaforith was entirely unrepresent- ed at the Conservative meeting held believ that one gentleman did in - 1 at Bre cefield on Saturday last. We tend going, but, after searching, all around town fora companion, and failing to find one, abandoned his in- tentiore Hitherto- the •. Conserva- tives of Seafortls never failed to take up their position in the very front ranks of the party in South Huron. Why this change now? We cannot account for it on any other hypothesis thanthat the sound, liberal principles incalated by the eir. er as es , .......7............... NEWS dF THE WEEK. cal welfare. ' We scarcely think tlieir road ftom Wingham to Hate In the United States Sepite, on — thi, can-- oe substantianted, as lei- riston will meet for the Wellington Tuesday a proposition to add salt , tory proves that thany of the most Company nearly all the require- to the free list, which was made as noted Politiciaps, Poets; Historians,- ments which they would secure by an amendment to the bill repealing were self-tnade nien--men who cenetructing the portion of their road the chit on tea and coffee was re- .... owed their positioue to protracted betweeu Wingham and DrYdenjected by 19 to 26. An amend- i leours of study after having per- Although we deeply regret, on ac- .ment to reduce by 10 per cent the s formed a long day's la.borit count of the municipalities interest- duties on textile fabrics and mapu- is also . a fact, that artizans, as -a ed, that the Wellington Southern factures of iron, steel, earthenwares, j f rule, rate nearly as Mali - -in Extension has not been subsidieed glassware, and India rubber was t- the eeal e , of longevity as Pro- the whole length, yet; laying. aside carried by 22 to 17. .fessionenien and others -who, al- all 'inthvultia anl sectional coneider- :{11 the election, in South (hen- ' 1 ,though their' hours of labor „may be deeeris, NV'e cannot butaidinit that the vile, foila member of the Legiela- ! ‘ • 4 tive Council, to fill the place vacat- ed by the death of Mr. McNeill Clarke, Mr. Praiser, the Reform eandidate, was elected by a majority of 10 over Ellis, the Conservative. James Gillespie, of Piction, has been appointed Sheriff of Prince Edward, in place of predly, who absconded. This Gillespie was nom- inated by a convention of B,eforni- .ers, and in compliance with this nomination appointed by the Gov- ernment. This is the next thing to an elective slirieyaltv. • The English. Parliament has ad- journed during the Easier holida.ys, and will not reassemble until the 8thAojfoAinPtril. stock hotel to cost sixty thousand dollar's its to be commenced at Fort (tarry forthwith. The bail of the Tich borne claim- ant failed him at the critical mo- ment, and he still languishes in Newgate. Better Newgate, though, than an Australian gallows. Mr. Robert *Eta,msay, of 1,vaS made the recipient of a very handsome testimonial from his brother Masons of that town, on Thursday evening last, in reco.gni- tion of his long services in the cause or masonry. . An enthusiaStic mass meeting was held in Montreal on Saturday by tbe mechanics who favor the nine -hour system, and • a resolution was adopted fixing the first of July as the day when the new system - will be enforced. Robert Thompson, a farmer in the township of Kincardine, while GOVERNMENT RAILWAY ORDERS. • The 1!Iiiroit The following Order in Council, was approved of by His Excellency the Lieut- enant -Governor, March 25, 1872: The Committee of Council have had under consideration ttbe application of the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company, hereinafter called the Toronto Company, and the Wellington; Grey and Bruce Railway Company, hereinafter called the Wellington Company, for aid out of the Railway Fund; and they acl- ise -that, subject te the ratification of this Order in Council by resolution of the Legislative Assembly (in default of which rotification this Order in Council is in- operative), payment be authorized. to be made out of the Railway Fund to the Toronto Company of a sum equal to two thousamftwo hundred and fifty dollars per mile of that portion of their railway MARCH 29, 1812, BI alStb March, ti cthglie ikvo ftroeies, nil Leislunaii, of r ito,frtexoehuiee the 21st inst., the wife of Mr. CI tiCei roiff:Aeal occifKaliliffrf)i.li' ° the t)Jeor'se np vrie211, a8Lne' WrL.—In Seaforth, onWedneeday, ,011 ere 27th inst., the- wife of Mr. Robert Willis, of a son. MARRIAGES. MCWIIINNEY —HAMILTON • --At the Wee- leyea church, Stratford, on the lab, inst., by the Rev. Charles Lavell.,11. A., Mr. Jeremiah ..".‘IcWhinney, BOWiek, to A.48-1 Margaret Hamilton, of North Easthope. between Harriston and Wmgham ; and Scoser--Lev.iNeeleseme-At the residence - the Committee further advise that the of the bride's father, on the 14t1 inst, saiul grant of aid. be upon the following by the Rees. J. W. Bell, 3s.i. A. as: conditions, that is tosay: sieted by the Rev. J. Scott B1 A One. On condition that the Toronto Company, shall, before the first day of June next,' agree, by an instrument em- bodying all proper details and approved by the Lieutenant -Governor in Council, that in case the Wellington Company do - comply with the conditions imposed on that company by this Order in Council, then the Toronto will do what may be neeessery (including the works prepara- tory for the laying of a third rail) in ord- er to give the Wellington Company run- ning powers over that portion. of the To- ronto Company's railway between Har- riston and Wingham, on terms to be settled between the Companies by the Mr. J. W. Scott, merchant, Listowel 3,, to Sarah, youngest daughter of Ur. John Livingstone, Listowel, and niece of Dr. Livingstone, the celebrated Afriean explorer. DEATHS. Boa.—Ill Tuckersmith, on Friday, the 23rd March, Mary Jane Boa, wife Mr. John Lcishmate aged 21 yearz and. nine months. os. --At Armstrong's Hotel, Ainley- ville, on•Thursday, March 28, George R. Ross, merchant, aged 35 years. Funeral. to take place on Satn d award of the mejority of three arbitrat- -30th inst., at 3 2. .1\1. Masonic honor' ors, one to be chosen by each Company, 13 _ehhirceiikiterles3m, it TSA . al)cl SYO."--f ThIliAlr choarriAl‘artacly.eil24,,age. Saturday, 23rd inst., Jemima, youngest daughter ciisour p ft D°llailal= duty this Week to re. 7 cord the death of a fine and intelligent . little girl of eight years and eleven months, daughter of Mr: Donald. Ross, London Road, Tuck-ersmith. She had. been taken ill about two weeks ago with a disease in the head; the name of which laid not learn. he lingered on in great pain until Saturday last, when death put an end to her sufferings in spite of all that medical aid -could do for her, The community sympathize with the parents in this their sad bereavement. 'In the midst of life we -are in death." Wait then stand fast and calm, resign.- orteph30- ictifittlfilgusire,,,i1)it.0,ve too ara, • Betake thyself TA) prayer. Prsy Christ that Be to strengthen thee, • Ms Iroiy Spirit semi; Ile can be touched. by our distress, Ile bis comforts 'Send. —CYOm mu Warted, .ligartguiFolumpanagrap and, the third by the two so chosen or in ease of disagreement by the Lieutenant- ' Governor in Council, in making which award the arbitrators are to have regard to the amount of public aid granted un- der order heCouncil, in respect of that portion of the Toronto Company's Rail. - vs ay. felling timber in. the woods on Tues- Two, On condition that the Toronto thty last, was struck on the head by Company shall :before the first (lay of a falling limb, iracturing his skull. December nextfuenish proof to the satis- e so badly that three pieces have since faction of Lieutenant -Governor in Calm - been removed. But little hopes ell of a bona fide and sufficient cant -act are entertained of his recovery. . , .._ for the completion' of the works, ex- clusive of -track laying, on that portion A workman at Branford lately of their Railway extending 'from liar- ) found attached to an axe a rat froz- riston via, Wingham to TeSswaten en to death. Tli t had 'cl 1 e rat evi mit er r. The Committee of Council further ad - tried to lap something on the edge else that subject to ratification of thie a order in Council by yesolution of the of the axe, when its tongue stuck Legislative Asseinby (in default of which tight to the steel, and the creathre ratiticetion this order' in Council is in - was keptthere till it died tin inno- operative) payeient be authorized to be cent brit untimely death. made out of the Railway Fund to the Wellington. Company of a sum equal to On the night of the 20th inst., two thousand two hundred. and fifty dol - some parties unknown broke into lars per mile of that portion of their the Wesleyan. Methodist Ch arch, Railway between Whegham and Kincard- Mount Forest, and destroyed the organ. This is the second time the church has been broken into for that purpose. A reward of $200 will be offered for the detection and conviction of the guilty parties. A telegram from Washington very broadly --intimates that Preei- dent Grant is taking a lively inter- est in Mexican affairs at present, and that it is notiout of the range of possibilities that he will attempt to secure an American protectorate over that unhappy country. Notice has been. published that application -will be made to the Dominion Parliament, at its next" session, for an Act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the river St. Lawrence, ftom a point at or near Prescott, to or near Ogdens- burg, and the incorporation of the St. Lawrence • International Bridge Company. A Bill has also been in- troduced into the Legiskture of New York, having the same end in The employees of the locomotive view. • department of the Grand Trunk, Railway, held a meeting Monda.y evening, and passed a resolution not to patronize any store -keepers who used the non-union newspapers of Toronto, and pledged themselves to do all in their power to extend the circulation of the Leader, the only paper which complied with the de - =rids of the printers' Union. At a meeting of the employees of Messrs. Jacques Hay, Toronto, held on -Saturday evening. in the Temperance. Hall, it was resolved that on and after the 1st of June next nine hours should constitute a day's work, the wages of day -work- Timothy Seed, per bushel,• 00 to 4 00 portion, and. on proof to the satisfaction me. The -Committee further advise that , E MARKFTS the said grant of aid be upon the follow,- 1 TI I - _A K . enee conditions, that is to say One. On condition that the Welling- ton Company shall, before the first day of June next, agree by an instrument embodying all proper details and. ap- proved by the • Lieutenant -Governor in Council to do what may be necessary (including the works preparatory for the layMe of a third rail) in order to give the London, Huron and. Brnce Railway Company running powers over that por- tion of the Wellington company's line, between Wingham and Kincardine, on terms to be settled in like manner a.s hereinbeforo detailed in the first clanse of of the eonditions imposed on the Toronto Company, Two. On condition that the Wellm' g- rnand as it has been, and prices are (mot - ton -Comp -any shall, before the ist day . of June next, agree in like manner that -ed considerably lower. We are inform - in case the Toionto Company do comply ed that much of the seed. offered in the M ith_ the conditions unposed on Company by this Order ie Council, then that market this year has been of inferior the Wellington Company will do whit quality, owing no doubt to the extreme may be neceSsary; including the -works dfyness of last season. Hay is scarce preparatory for the laying of a thirdrail, and: in good demand, and commendf; in order to give. the Toronto power over that portioo of the how- runningCm1PanY eaod. prices. This is owine mOre. Wellington Company's line between ever, to the bad state of the roads, and Wingham and. Kincardine on terms to be the consequent difficulty ,of getting it to sEA.Pen.T11,1.TaTeb. 28, 1872. Busiieess on the maeket still continues dull, and buyers are commencing to leave' for the season. There will be no great rush of grain any more until the latter Dart of May, when farmers will be selling wheat they have left after seed- ing, The mills heiu are now all supplied with wheat. Fall wheat is quoted" slightly higher than. last week, while Spring is considerably lower. Other grains remain aboue as formerly. Clover and timothy seed is not so brisk in de - settled in like manner as hereinbefore market, than to the scarcity of the detailed iii the first cheese of the condi- anyarticle. Although the winter has been times imposed on the Toronto Comp. Three. On condition that the Wellino- j long and severe, feed for stock is nap - ton Company shall, before the first clay ing to be so scarce this spring as was at of Decetaber next, furnish proof to the one time anticipated. we quote : Satisfaction of the Lieutenant -Governor Fall'iTheat. $1 15 to 1 le it Council of the existence of a bona fide Spring Wheat........ .. 1 10 to 1 :, -(11: and Sufficient contract for the comple- Boal'tris7.: - - -..... grl to tion of the works, exclusive of track Illy- , inge on that portion of their Railwree ex- -1)1ea7.."' '''''' ' '''' ' ' - - ' • ' •••• -'' • 0 .57 to 0 80 tending from Whigham, via Lucknoe-;, to ielTee.1....._ .„.....•,.... ' ._ .. ,. . .. _103145 tto9 001154 Kincardine. moue ' . 8 00 to 0 00 The Committee further advise that Potatoes ......................... 0 45 to 0 50 ' nay ' t - 00 payment be authorized in respect of any ereli•.s”..."*11........;.`,1':::::.-:::::•:...146 0000 too 17° -50 portion of the Toronto Company's Rail- Sheep S–k.his......... :............ 0 50 to 2 00 way between Harriston and Wingham, Lamb Skins- . Cipt Skins, per lb.,. not less than twenty miles in length and \N °Wiper vont._ .. - .........— 2 .00 to 2 -25 in respect of any portion of the Wellingsea eettiti per barrel 1 00 to 0 OD ton Company's Railway betIveen W8:- in Mutton . 0 00 to 0 08 ham and Kincardine not less than 100 lb twenty miieS in leuath on the fulfihnent t 13,1,.k.' p14_11Ie.lts, pa- cord.....- ..... 2 25 to 0 00 s. ........... -. - . 4 50 to 5 00 of the conditions ofthe Act as to such ceaseee Seed, per bushel ....... 5 50 to 600 ers to remain as heretofore, but 8 of the Lieutenant -Governor in Council - nee. , , 1 1) fx cent. to be added to the pres.ent ficient contract for the coinpletion of the Peas 1 oais...... .... .... . ... . ...,..:-..... o 83 ee 0 84 l•iining -‘,71,;e.a.i..::.........:::::: 1 15 el 1 18 pay for piece work. It was also re- works between the said poiets respec- .marked that a memorial embodying tivelY• ceItitied- • 13311(7. ''' . °° 61 .(T'' g 6521 their demands be prepared and sub- Butter :' ... 0 1:2 -6 0 J: Ge SCOTT, witted to their employers, With a EXecutive Council Chamber, IC. E. C. R...4.p9eerr'Sjetib... ....„. „ _1450 il Te,14: ° ,f431 request that the latter return an 2Gth March, 1872. c ou'y'cr seea, rtT ini.,1:el. 0 co o Coq ,of the existence of a bona fide and suf- penyeeeee se is e,-4 120 • answer to it by the lst of May. • `"1"33c""'"1°"'"mimrammi'lliam""""bm It ie said that the oldest naviga- AUOTION SALES. • BUFFALO LIVE -STOCK. tore of Lake Erie declare they never saw so mirth ice on th b - Monday, April 1 -aFarni Stock: an•d. Thursday, March 28, 1872. with • so little snow. For nearly Tuckersmith. Mrs. Stark, proprietress5 n u a 0 the • • Brine anctione r elake before Implements, Lot 3, Eleventh Concession, eighty miles out from B ff 1 P ice measurce three feet six in.ches *.londas--, April 1, on Lot 20, Wagnor's thick, ancl teams are crossincr Corners, ilaye-Farin Stock, linplemeaW points never crossed before. It ?5 and Housenold burinture. John Pfaff, proprietor ; E. BosSenbury, auctioneer.. ebly later than usual. Implements. John Lolve,. proprietor ; • f 7 When the Jointh were sit- T would seem that this year the open- Tuesday, April 2. on Lot 31 Second in o navigation must he consider- oncession, Usborite, Farm Stock and. A_ Bishop a,uctioneer • . . e, April ...„ on Lot la 'Mir - ting in Washington the British teenth Conceesion, McKillop, . Palm Commissioners made use of the etock and implements. Duncan Mc - ocean cable to the extent of twenty- ..?onell, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, one- ioneci . five thouGand five hundred and Tuesday, April 2, at Drysdale's Hotel, eighty dollars, in informing the Stanley, Farm Stock and Implements i of the Treaty. The British Govern- bury, auctioneer. went, in return, telegraphed to the Ti: Wednesday, April 3, at the Village of minim, Farm Stock and Implement,. :tent f h usam eight hund- Thompson & Stanley, proprietors; J. P. - Saturday.; .. Senday, Monday .... Tuesday.. . . Last wee.le. Saturday...S. Sunday.. .... Monday Tuesday. izEcEXPTs. - Cattle, Sheep, flogs, Horses, ea:E., ears. ears. tars. 28 26 1 9 • 53 62 a 15' -115 22 7 11 . ..78 3 9 4 - • __ _274 113 26 39 ....246 134 14 22 sIIIPMENTS. 60 -36 7 • 27 27 .. 6 .... 19 27 5 1-0 70 3 14 Last week Home Government of the progress Robert Dryadale, proprietor; E. Bossen- - -- The week opens on quite a strong and active. market, induced by le vance in New York yesterday. Prices held Tully equal and perhaps a shade better than last V,--e,ek Of 183 ears - received by Lake Shore since Saturdasr morning, 125 ears were through consign- ments, leaving 58 cars on the market be- sides what was left over ; 49 cars were reported to ariiye to -day. Nearly everything on the market was sold as noon. Tee quality of the stack was fair but not. quite equal to that sold last • esi a). Then were few stoc tem ....176 10.3 10 37 160 121 16 28 .ed and nine dollars in sending in_ Brine auctioneer. Fri:hay April 5, on Lot 19, Fifth trectionS to the Commissioners. Concessiml, MelCillop, Farm Stock and The entire cost.of the Commission so Implements. James Sparling, proprie- hree hundred and fifty thousand T J. . me, preen Ct01. hursday, April 11, on Lot 7, Ninth which will': of course, be Cioneession, McKillop, Farm Stock, lin- ore thail. doubled by the costs at _-e-e-nie-n, proprietor; J. P. Brint, 'al., to England has' been about tor:1 _ ." v\.emeuts and Haesehold Furniture. C. (leneva. I si a. oneere Th 1 - - ATARCIT 29, woorsgsgm=wasze „ge,,,e 20 ear loads of front Canada were to ing inarket. Sales comprise 1,661 -$6 s'n for natives, -week Tuesday of 1,11 Sales reported: - Smith. Se Faie13, Monaghan, do di.., Same, Mo. °std... Same, In. StecrS... Ana -37 Others. SI r£ 031 Tiles quiet, and light. may be quoteil abou zlose ef last week, .and witb. a xnu..eh h receipts thus far in ears, againpt 14 the the same time. Sales comprise 1,54 $9 50 for sheep, ages Tuesday -of 884 head Sales reported einee Waltman to Wiroai beep, av 70, at Stark to S l!S5wope, Ribblee- to Lurch •Jo ay 88, at $8 75. T°ia '1,,\'ilkin3r' an to Lure sherelpei, affevr Otob,.Batiseeh90; elo, ay 76, at V 55. wirkman to Kilnb- T2 h6e, a Tfit:rsik,7„3.i.l.$ lo, i,,,,,,„ pliCes -firm aquot.ij, vary meci from 111 fihippers have paid • butcherse to $5 21 10 cars en the mark two remained unsolil ceipts thus far in the against 134 for the f. ons week. The st ▪ with only e zmaU r • On Saturday 1 highest price being • averaging 227 lbs. Sales reported. on. NO. 23 to eity 171 294 162 tocity 217 TOTIOAT The Liverpool en ported lower en fiar revived the Tinsel Wheat in Chicago lower, in Ililwanki NeW York dull au Montreal was repori with a drooping to very little businese,(1, or outside. Before were received there stperfine flour at es here later, leuyere to 6.5 SO, whieh extra was offered buyers. There was little wheat, buyers and with regard to nris Saules and Dellii-br( Treadwell $1 20, an Barley may be -65c to 66e fai ear .65e to 66c wae paidl Peas quiet and tar loads offered,. 70e. Oats quiet, weak car loatiS oU the- tre to 42e. Seed. dulL Clot no demand. for strce or for round. lots1 kohl- at $2 50, withi GOLD.—The 'pri York fluctuates fro -FARM The tinders able Farm -County of II of exeellent„ aml. nearly free tern. 'miles of Ex(ter, en& from the London Road l'ality. Lana 3:1,111 watered. The elesired ) seyeral years. Terrilti IlOWLI)S, proprietor, BAT, or to .225 -4* - FO: A CII-STOM -MD two power Looms S vood. as IleNV, Can'be Factory, Odd:elan. A Apply to EXECUT OTIC 18 herell claims against the AN-DEli FOSTER. in Egniondville, ef ninon, to Lund nxeenter, on or betty' After that ,date the f, closed and no furth parties indebted to titled to scttle the executor foishwith. Cilltton, '.NIareh 111ZISTIAN ZA. .tr's Corners To begs to inforin 1118ol line that be Las ra) Tailor and Furnisher,. age of Bavtield, nhere, call from -his old frill 1laylle3d, larch .1.4) -_= - TeIE I) "mic ;ie bv rodit, te my. ether person, on nty 10 ordc r 1141eoma lit, as - win not be responsv! :contracted. Morris, MArch 20, L. 110USE AND LOT SALE. a eo.met and W-elr.t - -house, with a n, thereon. This lot j8- 1)11 asaut of ebrap- Appiy to 225 FAR • lia_reei et 132 Aril Chullt:"nf al;31:123dilf1;AIZi- 224 insolven itt th C01.7S•TY CO Canada, Ontario, '1 1,..7oduty of 1.1u.N.I1 -- To WIT : The nuavrsigned- Cowl a. DetA A4 .-ente,i by his • elx--dito. May next, 672,. tit th forenoon, in.Wii al)i$, Court tor ,a e.,nfirpults' • Dated at WrA thift 26th tl,,y f.