HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 9wT-HE'14U]n0N EXPOSITORN Great credit is due to the last b mher, ta-ild that Mr. 1-obertson has already et Horpipes, jigo, strathspeys reels. "Men" ry was reA-fly goud, and Mr. Wil- an Mr. J. Afustarcl-,- for his cxertiops,.,,ta1J thG- contra fo tbp.erection of the bui d- put life and weitle ill their lic. C ot r -0 ia;mb as the paifttbr,�Icscrvos credit Ott T the cold was for
11p un ireing zeal in'tlie-advaace ent-of edtlt- siderable porti)n nge ingi and hs also a'con it was not lVD9 till all the N.� it was d each (lid his best; to keep tip' I ud 'Carter, cons AG cation in the sectioll. tl rr a I Messh. last two of tb e necessary ppliance for the lacto ry z2ott�li, ohad to ork years, as also to Mr, E. Odium, tea -cher rady, so that tile Work will be pr it till long aft tile clock ihg tile room t hat )Tey oceed d the anlits D I ST, —a I CT MA-�T wee short hour ayoiit IS.- Was j.'- %)l inn. f or. -the present yela1r. -with at once, an d 'will be completed i id bad struck "ThO ny wi:)he,s for . .... ......... redy. f�r opertions by thl time tic the twal," Then after nil -n her dwe amiend his well, be proud .ot checae seaso tile future hal)piness of " J Rom. IN, hope Soon, -again to IVLVC, an opj��rtuliit ii commences in t ic Sprii arty broke ill).— F Tr- R s And. -others Wanting bride the p etAjing notltelr ple�asant fair young
-I)ry Gocids, G�ocelrtes, Boots and Shoes' of, .8�1 I Anti-Tobt,oco ,lsl;0_ ertin& bo.the iriety has been started Mitchell. and the very fine" &t.m4i*e- evening in list this vill-lilge. A of Wines anct. Liquors I I It 4 'Quite a la nuniber of smoker,% CTIVA Fjim.—A fire broke o t etc , will do --well to call y have bj�,TRV A-Perpetua _(,oA -and ius at Beatt & - INVAY Wn'Ex.—Diiiing next joined it. TV5. wibb. their society every at about 12:45 A. -API., on Tue%la Iii" t - w 6a waer Table. P _�ct their well setected stkA . d _'be Divin"C-Sei- 0 itor of the.11?17,077 in every dep-Artinnt ), We there w 11 1)rospeiitk, for wo' believe tobacco is jai vlessrs. Tho - TO tilt, p1d as v0lO are, snre-by,!'(I� lasr, ill t.he Oat Alill: of i TM III injury as well as at nuisance. The following table, was constructed riving thb-.j a call you. willpeet with the St. Thomas' (Episwpal). Chure I by ck with b son & Ckirrie, by which the mill aj id
'very beat �every evening it . 7.30 o'clo r8cliell, UPOIJL a pill- Of valuq_ 'Ca-michael's Block Spring ex�alnill. contents were totally consumed, the i the celebrated vil. he . f P of serinons on the following an The rrractiva O 3Taill St' ee ly Cold and t, nsideratio ot Seaf� tion, ofthe Blue -vale school -will be ilight, being exceeijig e losophic co 4132 etts - - 1. on %(Aiiesdy, 27th. iii8t., comwell %Vill([ high at , tile time. t is believ d. tlie, sua and inoon. It is con1ii-liled. by Fr%�" The Son of the 0hile'lren in th3 mold R11_v.% D% ToWxLuy, -ef. Paris, 'is By the Incumbent. at 9.30 A. M. Parents of the c that the.kiln must have taken fire, a d th nee (if many.years'observation, Te VrT. Xxi., 15. hildrei'l (f q Pect"'Ato pfreaqh �in St.-Th6mas"Church , Tuesday-"ThoPtinible of tbd-%V1cke(1Husba1I(`1_ and teachers from th e. wilid beina from W. by IN. NV,) it will sulvfaest to rhe obsirver what e 'icinity are c(irdi- this ALTT. 234.L 1 . ter. S. B IK61c, idly invited to attend. On Pri-lay) ev. n ng at 7:30 olc1oole. de itso way through. tne en e bJy fol C -t- 60 the slime 80011 m, kind,of Nveat r will prob (j tia) of Clir con. evelling tberel will be all exhibition Zell. building. Th(-, wooll6ii factory belong- moon)9 enti ance Ill to ally of er ,ters. Wed nesur The BPMIA1 "--,3T..A1ATT- XXV i-�l, IBultha 7r. 11arding, of 'Mitchell. to F. 8ills. ocenpied by Nessils. 14-15.-' Re. i will consist of speeches, diaici-aues reci.- Ing As general rule it Will be found Wow stitution of "tho the practice Thursdill The In Holy Euch�, I ttion8) Mu Urquhrt & Co. ituated oil the I derfaby correct And bas resumed of Ilia xxii.,19-�110. By the Intiumbent.. jlc, siliguig,&c. Theobject axis Luia. I P'73fklssion- See advertisement of the latter is to obtain: Prize boc ao-uth side oi the street, narrowly lea.1 e Fridar-l"Tho Duath" 61(N XiX,,30- -Bj' lks to es if the moo,n ollaii a a az 1 2 o'clock noon,. ed ; in fact the cate part of t9c"froi)t tile weathe ly afterwards will the Imulubalk. rewaril'the children. kill r inimediate W a 8 0I fla,roes were with be ver�, rainy, if in summer, nd thel: ampbell tc� I :%Z I 71`Wt9D-V —Mr. NVilliam 0, OIL- The Descent Into Hell "`�ST. Luicr, tire, an thp a -%O-urices the receipt of a portion of is 1',I the Inculubout. BIBLb Soct,F,ry.—The- nnul meeting .1
ena of tite y&ar of the Branch Bible Society was held iii the greatest possi Ile �Iifhculty prevented will be snow �Liicl rafirml winter if be- prr.ng Th re will also Urvice on In Tweeds fie is erpe�iall Th be Divine from q ol the roof. As it iss tile- tween 2 nd 4 o'clock, P. TN., change Y it I the Wesley n Methodist Church,. on -Good Friday mornuig at the usual hour "I'litirs'dav evei ling . klarell 14tb. The 'at- proprietors of the stobk and it Ili summer, fair and mild Ili wijiter 07 part of I . 'I I o'c I ock. the. machinery sustained considerable I between 4 and 6 o'clock. P. INI., tendance was very Nowif AGRICULTURAL SMNG small.. The report, by. the hurried. remol 'I Of in both suniier and winter ; betwee, 6 $araons, 2ecutc
UP ,it IsHow". —The -S�ring Show -of t�eNorth A iv:ERsARY S Pit .—The anniver' which. was red by the Secretary, (lid cloths and machinery. Fortlinately for lock P. INI.l in Summer, I and: 10 o'c _.Riafii� Agricultural ociet�- will be lie'14 not sJlow , very flouri8hing state of ol-alun ow
sary upper in honor of the Patron Sain nluessrs. boinf-on & Williams, the wPA d is northA t,, rainy, if south mt1clinton on Tuesday, 16th prow.- w' thi D gS ; only $17. 93 ws raise" if the win wts of reland,' whic. announced las- d last year,. �vas dimotly off their buildings so tb it equally divided between the- or south-west ; in winter fair and frosty which was 3xv
week, cai4e off at _MU rra�'S,ffotel, on tho th. %a much less difficulty in pr)- rahly, NEIVY PLONV iior---.Messrs. M-Tnroe & Calla"da and -the British and Foreign Bible ere w if the wind is north or nclirth-westj evening of,iionday, the 118�h inst. Th' )Jail
tectin cr their hi ber premises, which -Hogari have o'pencd -a new Plow Factory Societies. if he 11,ev. Mr. Caulfield a . . if south or soth-west. -Bkween 10 and bten ance ws 110 vary larcre, owing 11 gave nces could . scarcely -InVeNaughf's -old isiand� where'they ill -- d6abt to the unpleasant and stormin a very interesting address upon the 'in other circumst, 12 o'clock, A. JIV., fair in.9W-linierl -and bave escaped. The citizens cast of de fair and frosty in winteT boll
end to manufaotu : ll kinds of 9 ron, and read of tlie.G'ospel in various land. Betn),een 12. re , state'.0 the. weather., he supper �va� sp rvl'W6 believe th6y are 7 J�on-beam.,Plows. The followino, is a list of the office on Torohto and Adelaide street�. i night and 2. o'clock A. M., fair in ow llg�tb 0.11W Sood mecha . nics, and *ill, no do* -oottenpin the Me.ssrs Murra ii�su rs for we), -is tl e summer and frosty in winter, unless the _v e not so fortu ately situated, ubt suc- tasty style. The chair- was occupied b the current year: President, Thomas ball"
-Zeed in building up a goo, y ; �hlrre*d and brning -shingles were ca;rri( d ntli or sou-th-west., Be- d _busi�ees' Farrow; Vice-Presidento Duncan King wind is from Ao J. If. Beson, Esq., aditbe yice ch in I masses over t and at O"lie 400184*0ft`11�011�
'by Th )mas Kidd and T. A -Elvall, E.- I t q r!a'. Di6poaitary',4ad Treasurer, Jofin Messer ; 1eij houses, tweel. , 2 and 4 o'clock, A. INI., cold and t4
time the P.',11. Church and the residence -suid co (is After the Usual ry, Alf. If. Leech; qdmjmbtee;-. C-6-Voms AND COLDS.—Qoughs � I Seclet, showery in the summer and a patriotic toasts were are complaints which ar of, W. MdN.eil were both on fire, while no e exeeedin y giveaby the chairman a4d dul W. 1 6te-wrt, Iloseph Rich4rdsoii. W. storm in the winter. Between 4 and 6 o'- .91 honored 33uf�iness CAVI'.
-lelit just no "In- fact i as W�: vestige of a ladder could be found ab rain both in an -tis
W. t i eme;r
by tb a compltny, the I- toast. of the .S. Rutchinsoh, James Johnston; James 1 clock-, A. Y, mmerand I -come almst fashioliabTe t' have A NTa - th e . former nor any one specially interes t 0 -cold. I gee, Joseph. Saiiiie, Tl[Ioms Jewitt Winter. Between 6 and 8 o'clocki A. IN1. 'Arm �, Navy anct Volunwe'ra, ' cou lo& juontb, 50 y dai e 6us fashion, p looking af ter it Until a ladder w, vs an, was It, is however, aver 1g r with jhe name of Major Coleui IN�- Isbester, John McGriackin, 8,111luel ed in wind'arld rain in the summer and stormy or. premises, ar for saie,)aot ee
if allQwed to Conti tied in fewl Art, J brought from some other in,winter. Between 8 and 10 o'ciock nud , any length of - ohn Mosq given. The Major "roye. H. Stewart, W. I A. -earh subs"quen I
lime. Hicks, D. Curi- 1 -Mr. Lumsden has respo t7i �Txriety of well ciosen reniarks,-higllly coinplinient- M., chaUrreable, in summer ; rain with a 0 ;1011res all of which are -%-�arr�ntedg od Tuckersmith. miug -and others gave it their ca)reful a t- I e- and snow withaneasterly win d, tirths, MAni
00, ingthe volunteers of ii daandexpress- east rly tention, ati4l by their well di 0 ing, the pride Which he fe.t in being eon- Go_xF, TO forts extingynislied the fire before it g, t zer. Between 10 and 12' o'clock, 0 —Mesrs.' Alexan der rected 6f in win HRDWAE. �The attention of �:ar- neeted- with the force. rbe next toast Br A. M., showery in summer, nd coid -was "IThe Day we Ce- ebrate and all, oadfoot 11 Of James rolfoot, Alux. farther than the shingles. e wrl
-iiage-makers and b Had tile . iii and intly in winter. CD ,d 1 I soife, and William R obson and on the cliur$r4 ot fairly under headwa v i!V acksmitlls is direate to the. advertisementof 1%. I�obertson Who Honor it This to at was received i soul left last week for Kansas' 9 I 0 I 'The above table will be un wonder- 'nothing codId bave saved the reidende I fully correct Oo.,,IlArdware merchants, sign of the �,wit h, lo d I and was drank with Martin, �we believe, has been rusidi I copied tile t ble from a p, a,,is o, 11
-who having - of D. Nl-cPllail tin([ ill others between �r nearly two years ago an have Iciroulai saW, :ebst b e is . men i pfeseat, which there fbr some'short tim' papc ob- e, and has taken those streets irom certain clstru--tion purchases''beforio th recent rise in all I showed th t, illey, a r served it "closely, especially in haying e t least, desired nd returned for his N4111y- His %lid too much ware,. are pre bei praise cannot be awarded Imi& of hard ared to Olior thi and harvest, and I think it worth while hose intrepid si)irits who so, yl -a day, the represelitations.of the country were 3ucli to t- DAYM 3�'TT'
:funish anythin I in their Ii aled la(, - na Vollw
9 ne at as low than h bs ot which should warm, tb e heart 'as to iniluce liesr. Broadfoot and 11 Prv§erviiig it. 0tm
ob- ders Ind roofs under 'Lich idircuinstancel zelr
Feb. 29, 1872. na iiesid,
rices as I any house in - of erery- true Irishmaw. 'Dr. Colemn 'son to accompany him. They lso in- a Gi y the Domiko eli,4ral of whom got fingers and eais was thd first caled upon to respond, I taking UP land and settling in tfiat in their efforts to'protect their I and ten( SEWING MACHINES. W� sewing , in&. did 'so in a vz-ry interestina 'apeech. He country.' We -wish theniprosperity. If n Chim is.- eighbors. We,learn Messrs, Thomsoi, SEED POTATOYS FOR SALE, getting to be regarded �as, a dwelt apon the progress of the Irish these litergentlemen return faxorable & Currie are insured to Iftecessary article in ey'ery -wirig new-v&rietlies: house.' Soon,. race fmln. the earlielst,period. down to the accounts of the country, we believe there the extent qf 07 TRT,, folio W $4,000, but which will :not cover th cLnux, TAXES STEI
man will a.§. soon think, of sit'artiog. present time, �show;ecl the position which are severial others who will housekeeping oin t6m stock ill the mill, to sai nothing of mill 1 itbo:xit a kitehin stove 'as thy, as a people, bad occupied, in th 0 B11188r,-S' PROLIFIC, duri the spring nd early p'a'rt,,,of e �qT� Wj--t,� litera . is -well as'the olitical world summer. withoua.-ewingmaellin )at im- )r machinery which was of them( and WILLRD SEEI)LING. proved kind. We recrilet the, 1 These varieties are of the best quality, unsur- R, Seaforth, is agent, for to exeallent dwelt e Oquently Oss of- a ) I Upo inany deecls CONKER'VATIVE, `3 �; pussed for e -of M!!,,FTwc..--`We i6arl, estilliablegentlemen and scienterprisin ilroductiveness and 'i�itirant�d pure the Osborn ana th .Rowe had been tioted' -by Irish- valolr v bich." geoat etc
that a Consurvatiye Con i and true to name. -and at presenthas a large stocic oil halici LMW in �be past, and ventiou, busines men. The loss * r i iket and U-4
how� nitch is one seriousli The best varieties of the day.-- Anxilm). and i r -froin which to select 'the Bri ' ish army had been indlebted to affecting the farillilirr Q01iiiiiiiiiity, 1PU ed of the feading, Conservties Of
_otith Ildding of Ifluron, will be hehl tile gentlemen aro wildug to rebuild the, r n Lot 23, Go cessiou S, Tuckersinith. 0 the 8 45 I . 0 . I -" mia Res
9 Iris,' me 1 for the lo Its achieved ject of tli4� meeting we haVe TO THE SC1joO desurve every encouragenin, trl)11(1� arnis and willin hearts of Brucefield on Saturday inext. T t ADj-xTio I e ob- I As 11 9 ry it III 'Ise- "I be seen by rertisement Killoran also inade, a f aw appropriate not Reard: "the trustee, of 'the'. ..�eafc�'.ruh 'remarks -in reply to this foast. He spoke i A Cor;r. —.'Xr. Job n V atten berry, Gooi McKillop. 14EW PLOW FACTORY whool. a;sk for tend f Brucefibld last week a ers for the er�cti' 33
on -of of the -A arm feeling which Ii-ishmen.ever old to g6litle- `. 1 4 HOUSE, Bru,xFD.—Oli Saturday nigli two wings to thepreseit school build ILV SWAFOR Iff fa,6kn e-)
Ing. cherished to their"' native country,'and, in London, a lillyl two years old i� last' house oil Dr. Colo- a good dwe.1ii),li, for Sometime,
T -b step has been rendered nee -try mi ars, the spring, for the handsome ess -,the i . N d mnner inhich the allill Bull' of orie lllalY's farm, on the 5LIi Concession o tin -t bythe rapid increase of PU il alt the vers hun-dre-d -dollars. This colt was air(,. by lly of their Patron Saint would be Nlc4illop, ws burned clown. The firc. as t yea i e formexln
ver the world. f ve or six years acr(;there w�s but He. collpiildja�j by Work of an inceiidi- THE' """�('BIBERS beg to infol-l-n t-,,,(, stanzas lion. "Beacon." in the Vi-illity of, ij!, sill(rinu a few ary,.as the house had been tinoccupied foi orth and the publie tei*cher in the beZIrIth BC -11061, liow there of a poei u which he ha('[ co' genentill, thilt thrav hu've oilened it school within the I' Drl-lisd. Soin' Mr. Ratbenberry's cetebrted blood stal Was,1111doubtodly. the I oposed foi, the severl w(rcks." The Dc)ctor had engrred are five. Jamestown. o6casloh. alid.wbich Ws "wed recei-ved] mail to move oil the farm to 'k it I wul
ing to tilie �i bw and- caused inuch merximent for the BAcK AG.,%,T_.q._OUye f id, D stininier, and it is TORY PUBLIC aceti6us frie., supposed NEW PLOW AC Land m `e Left," wa t7i The that the house Was set- on fire by some kil
O�N.,—We are re- comp aINIcAllum, has rieturned from tour In. the premises fdrnlerb" Occupied Iry D. 'He isithe sanie Nau,-,ht, N orth etj ested to atatei that a public A, lthen6xt, toast Proposed.., �011g by Mr. in thi pers examin e NVestera 01, who (lid not wish this farm to be tion of the Seaforth -Com on School �,%v m 10 I 'take place on Wedne' Rr &L Hayes was gaY aud� jocose fellow,' zLnd is, likel� t� -work( d, tb at it lie open- to colli- d lCing... A -striet, Sdaforth. iffain sday next. The Pon ,b) resp?l1id to this toast) ret r -examinatio 9 will ln the soubriquet bestowed poll him molls for anothe summer. The perpd- cOmm ence in tile. Which be (lid in a most ble manner. He by his astociates for trator of the mean et' is %a yet unknown. jUllior all time to come," ments at half past I illuded to. thewarm' enthusiasm *hicl, Alr- McAllum contempltds.eri,, '1L MEF,,T nine i.r. the foreno' Ctihg a kintLs of Of ED44411
on, zd continue -unti !eer.perl,aded the -bQarts of Irishmen for saw mill here during the co arsnant to ad FARMERS Capital&t-q
1114ment in tli school bs been exa-min- I the'litild they had left As -,in illustra,_ We Nrisl Ming 81111111ler. tile Council met at Iiu-%vie's Iron and WIought-beam and Wooden- very I ech di�- - I c 1 him all sit - cess in Ilia lall(Ilibl,., kiotol y, 9th March, 1872. All lnoacl
cc , Parents of childern. wid those who ! tion of this, the speker r ted an iijci entemrise. A wiudilml A
take.tsn interest hich occurred in his o B� good 111ill is absol u tely re- the "'embers pre,-ent ; the Reeve presid , ( - progress a r, d wel- dent.fw' ndin the. ivii ex Uft SELL Y OUR EGGS Ial f builtprove inutes of last nieeting read 0 periene ire,of the school re'ecirdiallyinvitedt- e. Several Year when he ticratie to the proprietor. go, attend. by James Hys U-1,
was buta boy,, lie remambe ed ttending P LOW S illage by Andrew Govenlock Tht TO .—A humber of the V ill the oil Y.of Torontoi. a g Kept on hand anol 14 -s for U
aqDbefing such uveniles were sk-1tilig on the rive tile Trasurer's bonds now presented for made to oriler. Solicitor
-E and s6me of the guest the Q
TU COUNTY* E0.6s.—By th e ate the'present, , r tb e d there Y 0 v ,*now atollin manY of iflie countr side., ha atber'da lie of them h. ing lost his I the of the'Council be -weepted. W_]L\1 THOAIS ON M Having hatl loz:- a piece of soil which had re —Carried. Moved by encrience Ili this limucl, of 31011res awl LO1
TOJL�m and concessiollsi have been, relider. contly een taken f ilun, f`M oil tll( . tin Yieldi fig ice aud- James hay - rom Ir lnd, busilles,we feci confiimtwe will beable t.0 turn athe enthusiasm aud apparent love 31 r" equal to `SON ed iitferly Iipssable� for tea. ms, being sU and to I received what the ehlro Ilded by Alexnder Kerr, That wl�li of the abo I OF THE 4rilfted full lev aOlit P-1 Wi r the fences-.' 001lensslon oil the head. tea ect to tile letter of Hayes & 0"Lone N Even wi bh whi:-h the I' His co- those of liny other-elitItl) not, how the nifiin leadih gy ba a y drifted, ing kissed the sod,'. would lmos" illil Stratford I'llitlatprices to dekVC(Impetitio ac lost impos ave ILLE rishinen of that ii-ather- i and ill Many p are b dI t II. I f beina 11 ever show any ic relatii*e to the sale EM HDV GROCERY" '10 t frigri( lible -to i'moired tbalic me invidious. " lof Prb of wostlalf of Lot 7, Concessign i PJ1P1AJ)?I_VCT promptly vttended. t -0. invest e. �Once, 1
all 0 He et t4migh -wi le - t . that should be b h em'pty l ci c, 1i - said TUITION.—All who are de8trons Of ac- 1, McKillop, for rrears of taxes, thliat U b called upoi tbree (Lo�.Pn's ON1 collisequej examining tile er quiring a Y this Rollp, this Council um jw�
t I tf)&s� %he would be A -e themselves of the opportunt- in -the and therefore take no so- _110 Pa the months ft - this' to i slioll.d ta MU
ifiess, in -has been knowle(lge of ati 'NROE HO'GANJ retar.dd. hae no rigbt to interfere 02-10 New Plow Fac it something COUSid0l' they
with snow greater j astice,, as lie Y 'low fforded by Mr. S 11111(r 11 t. for our roads io be eked o do - -much OTT, Seaf-orth.
ur ose, �4,4, I Shortly pruce;s eve \ . Ili -ti, I tYb 22nd of p 0 loll thereon lly quailc-�Vf arel. �Ule a year Paying Iv �,isib tb'the cotill 9s. Tuition. fees I also Aliat tile Clerk be in- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. of' Ilia nll nere trifle. Ilia ox S
ng. structed-to reply thereto acccordingly.— -farmers were busy plo ki tiviV, i ta -View once illore tl e lieath-clad iltoiliall system. a tl;e.Hin OF THE Lo�;I)o.V, GOOD FRESH EGGS, Carried. Moved by Jan reWleetio.us of whi ar holds. oilt with Hayes, see- AND BRUcE nVal
11AILNVAY COMA.A_Ny e so de, onded- by lVillia, CHE"S.—A match a "the last loast propos. Ili Bell, That a t-vern 21 -arch 11, 1874). 1) me een Deli 6tur.e. Jr. Ltimer. again Tesultied 1
-Hamilton and. "Se I od f rom tile chair, the rein undef being a ong th6 mooris a the sad'� ti e lto�,c Gf of tile act inewwratin, " the tVmi-bo hhpl_�
as i 0 , the wooas censlie granted to to him Phis rong hand yet. Still, aloij, -.011a's ter- h feiis - sigii ated Olt Fri iiif 6 to t1l, Bruce Ruivay col I)Itny Min -ed., ', 4 n SUA =_O�U:y new!
day e%iiilig -last, result'- c la pmposlllg of the conii o'ved'' bayin-,, 1) D9 st6i'll). r here re 'ill ainelidweilt by Andrew Govenioch, 11 ('01"Plied With, notice hi her(q)v glv( in a (Ira mt. T& layerla were clasts, ech -ilitf LIS f P tile I -the cb, IS (if SPI Ihsit it generiti niveting of tile vi to tht! as I till able to seconded b Alexnder Kerr, Tha, cald'als-tock 6f tb " 1. N. Robor s6ol agminst 1. with eat and suitable reinarki. The 110 Sill I ") y b t Gr &Provisiong t but my kno wledge of meteorology' t the e saill conipal T Ivi)), 1)�V oceries
Ort C, 2. W. F. 8 rMher, lix-rii Petition Of Jfflnies cott and others, pay- I lot thil l3oard 6f OP Di, 8xidlEb. Ryan, then pro� tod, and tlo tors of the giiiil O- -T
3. W. H. udd posed, Oawtda Our %viliell 10, has not I be hold it tilil _Nlc Alt 3. , , . 1 i � le' 'ing that no license be granted to NIrs.. Lbe.('Ifty'of ill I F ALE CHL AP. 4. 4. us yet . pued VIth ithe I
Dr. Colemillu, to ill- Latimer in Roxborough be complied ,j On irith ' I -
4& � :responde.d.to in -a Y`ftost eloqu, r 11 Wt, " r of t%J.Q O,i.l stablimg atar
.5. Wm. P. Taylor. nit straiii by st UOL us ill h4 divini i till day of April next, Itt the i Tj I 5- Dr-'Gbailllool, , —A wendmelIt. Ock. �J�o A Ili. I. R�jAli U_R AND J-f7y,'_bjTD
a,rronbrook Edti. of electing Director,,; of
6. R. Cre4suvil. Iyr- 'of The Movedby Alexiai- Ifor III( eyerpali, for
the er Kery, seco �1
visions (..)f the il Astitutions,', was ilded by Willial B llCoiill)lll);r, ftecoToing tu the prq *The wiamers were Dmith for 9cl,,L a respond. Wroxeter. ell, That i CareOnhand, 1U. ad to by N - r. Ith respect t wi 0 tile pplicittion Of xl
.Mo4lley. In response he 1. forth, and IN1r. W. if. udd for flrittoij. to L [Sitr IC(I.J 0 I .1 four games we,. ti —31essrs. John I Archibld, relative to a, Char The -other ge made on 6,6 .. ie.toast le `.Manufact uring- Inter - oore nd Holland litvp, eructed him by JOR tat Awefimn It
e dawn. ests of Cab tile Canad Company fox- taxes ill ape il 0 0 (A. shop, adjoining President, B IIAS 11cef
H-wilton T' .1-ingoftho cr, me Id6 - .e. ;1 s paid CAIW One, Come ll,with your Ecgs wl t'uly eloquet address w ]ell by biln PI'LIViously Oil Solith half of thronglu)
__SaYS: "The Se-aforth Glubrecele�rated' bi. blacksmith shop. nim -i listeiied�tci with muchattel Lob 33, C011ce8sion 13, that the 6erk- be 'rH0-_%1A,,i cHUIRCH, for. strong Pl Ition and 8(AI00L eXanlill. IIlSLrL1CtC(l to Write to tile (1-0ml)any , , although defeated, in consul yers pluas-are. THOMSON, tation matches The' "Municipl Institutions 1-tioil f LV'roxeter school life beenpoit- ing their mistake with Toron6, yet Are swild to none 1111 the Province." 0 to by M.r. John on -account of odby Al xndei-Kerr se Musical Instructio Jconded by n- of llop, and Mr. Thom as I other exminations being tit ed for William Be -Ill That Robe FrichiLY of last T�fi Warden of Harinll. be Carroubrooti, Arrangeniel: a are. bei rt C6uli ( y y.. efunded for n y S 0 N� PjUTICULAR NOTICE.. -ok, as a, m, �Ln tianied _4,11dr Of Pertib ALS usual -with overchilire of r e1v .e, driving' in er Air. kilig, his -remaris re Had(-' to. have .1 literary sttutelbor. tp uiral entertinn- nconnection Tha" the ii Alte of it T,113nes, SeNtral coom- ters of OA
a f, Pau ec Other toasts of p isbed musi`%'clians aiid Were PpOilitedc- if Rt. Thonia,i' Choir, ecessary iiiiinber of PAtlinias welv.ith a loded, over ;'WittY, ll I ' using, nd t their. cloe choir, the ith the eN
rat& z6t,the statioq4 th horses hirhl y 1) I d 1. 011 linilor il -tiollists f 'veil by WilfiIini Bel] i tioulleets to the hih:11&1�1.lts t)f this t. e , I e"', c got stu.C4, C U. cordill(ly. 10 own that he til,ort ice, wl.- promisedtheir secon(ced by That c the trae.k. Dalinge got down from iieb we haye not A% Hn, hits colunlenced giving In,;trlI,-tioIIS Ili Me to ef ur to, a u cooed ed e ] tb i I � 1 I thesleightothe side Of hialtem, and'' GIO erm till LuCAN C . . -I * Petihick �receie the'sun and sue Ililti C. O tile hours ! whije in the act of striki # W 11 L ------ lia one of tb e i of 81,0 iri ty. ed g0herinii, Z Kicked ont illo.it urich. Is with the whip, it 1 journe6 : then a Lot 6f file tTUCO, a-litt struck bint' t d otir oilly re is tbat . I I'a L *t,) "t Le,';IiG's Wia 1A,
oil tb —A Mr. T. it ssuv.�the thll.t t1le 6 there -N%-6rL face. kiioukilly him, (10 a ])old on 110 itied, to hold Court of -4 and illflic nut wore to 11,11-tici- bo �)(l f Ali Irew Nluir, pilid to Ill.,; u' death ric. to illumtt a tboroug prdet-cl,i k nowl 1)LAe in it. It'll w aery sevore wound. Nedicl aid wl§ La 11 tie�-d in t ie E aA,`h speedily see I if IIlllNiq:, ured, his face bound d a vordict Of T)ied 31 -soon UP; all d Exeter. ORibbert. e was �o far recovered as to b C illidev t1le Of strol I 1 A R P'S M
Iig 3moved*tolilshOlne. Wereglad returlidd. . d rin k Ily quici ylt tile A 11.ii,py p
t1lat lie is !I re ARTY.—Thc gua, (In I-Tott-1, sea 21 *;i ll�A recovering lis Illider the 1181jims,of of Cromarty, in tile to -face 111ay 1) andalthough I .' for ed wiisbip of 219 e consiral)ly disficrtired by ieIstellbell alld f'8bornu Bra Agri- Hibbert, was throN' lar ac re last stte f ex- ---the blo�vl 11 cultural Societies, he vlI ilito 11 - o dngerous results 1r.0 alit* Nill be h Id at Ex citoment on th rraof a w� I'lto S 1C, C) 01D S� ettr.. on t e of pril while cn1ir(t I party %vitilin its J)rccillcts, Oil I)ullllltlly Toatoll
d iii-dane' iIt) Sell Off, at custi breaElIlry Ilia arm. 6.- Thu P31-ty -%ver JEWE LRuy 0e —The Seafol*tll towuship of t:,3bo (11 from tb e Wingham. Housi., --The' tenders 'for the hadcoille,fl, hur 'III,,
Amteur Drarnitic Club repeated I'Dred of tile fl,he On' YES 'BEELOW COST, otb(,, new- school-holte in on, Pf ' 0 tll(-,: 14th illst., last Fridy Z 'ich tile fourth'concessioll, to a, large 9 the con- hil to fcp a keen and th[Lt Bray, of Aililky-ville, in. tc !-'Or any oSa ,,The ct -was ard a num- chrcters tevls opelli av at( ber (,f mil blo udience. ed to'Ab olom ou uill pl-ase call tit the were ,ill -well they b tilt, fut t, by our sbortly. .12 Bray I� a ure 11�14sitllclaa.li -ac home of the lold friend J.. Sni:Lth, 111S ill. tiall dru y pair" in good alid witbotit any injury, lthough taken, to K and a fiIie gelliial f(jilo Man
.6tanley. 7 g Chester House,
W, I R. Logn, is a tipAcip re aml avd lie rod NY& b, 16 doubt tl�o 0. T. in this thri, ii- presentation of genn"ie Yankee tra lcr.� ill, T'.)R, 801,r) ---We learn t] drif ted. some placo ig alld ill(] two or thre of 8 aidey. has a( guT ' Bhdr, e E Te irt of el P I i MAM STREETY d to Ticketi "Y011 Was village. lid Ifi-i celebrted tile,' ClVes ill the, The Un arri 3- well taken by', J. A. e Huron (1ollrillpror, 0. he gren:--il,t Iti
GO -don as Mr. Pierce' Of t.H%y, ',it Cromarty, th get Y,ur pick (if the (;ooils tb t
ted I I]iott ear Wagoner' e vill"er., turned out T. 11'. Y. Hal 8 to .0,1.
ne (if tli-� I)est 11, 0 a as� uapitat Ill I)-N;el This i o' "nd -Such ques- iarley s Comity, haviutf receiv-ed fi, 11agirf e ij-ha's that alld Powell, could not h 010( ayed bet-' IVs hold in th o tare b(�iii p �Jlnli tion )I ex-* th� e first school, See- pri,.cs t the Ii I th4t lis Iter, ,nd last sea- f ro' m one to an tork of jt -11 fily Mis tioll
i X 3, Ha.3- tile 14th bolit' Mr. Blair still kee a his eA 410, Oil for a chil(I of b e r ag e -M, . . 3,oull er Ili rapid T. Played all inst of the Wittrliv, 111111i (Wn4w r Y nd oi)e youl 0 (if J -i GOOD FARM well. J. , J - , Mid others Pif.;!Of the'sme breed. urchill, think 11-r Ilo, WAIWED TO R.ENT. S +10 infiliv
byo tile- mann4 gj)oti F11rInf. (I us -Roaers s nlwC-1fare of tbe school doubt, that they Were crowded ri Av all 11 1) of Wat fr n It is by J. Sparli ed if they would have llother seat. oil ortler,'w Ix- oil goad
- i - of the a lars'by the Illsi)ector, 01FESE FA(-10Ry.—AVe from a is M -D enou-b knowl. ill thf, -Y difficult pat� %VITItIlted tO Arly" vei hich lie Ose eX.Imillt H ith a bOW d V ;e, 11 w e Prose After a cl tion ullett. Jn his hand and quietly sk_ 10(f that t. Must haw mit-build- pbc In gol)d ng, wa� ffectin; ll (I -01111tv of 3111roli. rriving it house of the bridegroom iOf 00111- correspondent ill Kinbur R Hickson, as A111)t brotio, the music of the violin down the house. Moll schou-1 aducatinil, ill which extreine ('ibson and Stanley, -wbom v,re me very soon drown- It- COOPEh, Colublishir)IIer in COATE.-,, -avery Cona,
The t ir ed last weekl s the pftilties,who Agtll Vay ef4pji
lu'ii Beneb Tuck
0. er characters protioiency ws I sh()Wlr, (30118ideriii(r the Iltion ed the nitiqic that the wind was maki Que bas -a; mentioned in our reillarks oil the las Vouth of most- of the -were go: out6ide. D - ng for tile, 1, performance, could hardly haN Upils. The In- , in, aucl"g commenced and went, Bililaing allit 'to start cheese &ctor 111vilIgH ocieky of Top ut), who- nites are itH io1v 110 TOnir- rs that it is the bes y qi Aly for some time, but the boys w any Cotullikily doinglittsinegg In Candtlit'll -eu by profession -c been ;pector ave tiler(-, hai , on li( �bettew tak t school he 8014 th i
e1r 111terest
has yet eximined out of twelity-f e to Al r. I thoug,lit there Was too muh sameness in eutions for Lo 'LIS. The in' the sam ROOMS TO LET. f 'i our ans wouptly jittLltie(i to. LET, I,, j;icott-,; cott Robertson oll
OrricE.--Op of Seaforti. lVe uner. it 'for an occasion, of that kind, when 1,1 -ROQUIS on the sectfud flat. "Apply to POW*' 11blis' Tailor �,hop, T-0 I YVILLE. ALNIZ ILrr