HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 8!A.1,1(7ff . '27). „. S7c) Ok..1 SION OF 'run i 3,•3,13 CP- ' c"..„ FrIn'I r-71 :1(.(y1citt A clioiee asso,rtt,iiten,t of ligh d t.anheavy Lruess, whips:, oeus. mirSe clothin, etc •,• pt eomr:tautly on- hand. 14.palrin promptly ;I:ttendetl to, 11(1 tv's motlerzyte. Renternl),er the -.)-lace r (Ytits the 8co t ell. Collar, .Street, aforth. 1St f W. H. OLIVER QUEEN su ranee Com pally 'OF LfVERPOOla & LONDON.. 0- eIPITAL $2,000,,OCO Sterling OFF(m&q Buildings, Liver. And Gracechurels Street, London. k PA BIZA.NCH t 1.10E --Exchange I on trea-I. ;•-tp-,p---A.Vra. Mulles*, °Esq., Chairman: iitry.- Thomas, Esq., David ,Torrance, ;sq, andthe Hon. James Ferrier. RANs.rits Molsou'siiitk. EC; A tiv tsE Myssrs. Ritchieifl( \L, irris it Rose. AIWISER, -William Sutherland, Esq. M. D. 1 01 Thainas S. Scot t, Esq. i-nrron --Thomas R. .Tohnson, Esq. S1tET81a*RETA RV IN Cr GEN -Ka. 4iNT, Mackenzie Forbes 13 4, irement Street, Moutreal., nieundersi4sned having been appoint - Agent for the above t`ornnany, parties iriitg to insure against loss by tire can -zct an the most favmtroble terms. aHe Paheits o -r tiled on as advantage tt'lltig as any Other reSpeetable eorn- 6v doin,' business in Calla da. JAMESH BENSON, . - Agent tE -DEN8ON & MEYER'S Law Office, • S'eaforth. forth, Nov. 8, 1S70. •• 1/42.- •••••:' -4-11 ID. McNAUGHT rc.speetfully iltimate to,the inhabitants of Seaforth and that he inrw earrics on business at EW jUj ia rear of Killoran & s. b1,41‘.5. of all kinds, and rforse-shouing. piDi ptly attended. to.. '...;-`,.."eritts reasonable, LVID MeNALTGliT. r Erit p os pEcT s 4 a Ft) AN IlLARATF;ST Etv()rai,le Spring -weather ilts hotir farmer and mtchanie in 044 timely preparations for -au. own- rvest, 4413som 84. wituAmisi thankinLf their pntr(ms for the lib- esturagement aceorded them in the Would cordially invite- the otten- ,: 'ruters their choice Cb,t;Sartillettt t1ng Maehine:i for 16;1. Ow: WJiach?He.. 10hp:ion's Improved Self-1:ali,e, Ji rbZttizzfact ion ita- the past and' is now offered to the with the strum -est guarantee for.. litv ono perfect work. - e (fer.ipturr (7,, 1,17 .„Tropy.r., ) has g:itlfr itself a world -wide - tion Isas4ain offered as the most t• hamly 1.is(1 hest workinz Mower „ heiu:r constructul in the hody of ,:hiott entirely (if iron and stee.1,!• ti t it ue defy competition. We er the Nr -11 .1.()(1 41 ff St. tf gle - jertriticr', t -k tint and ri!!his reaper is n tittk be superior to any other ••• now in me, as, it eats perketi.17 or tal!gled grhift- hotter ; outer 1 ot reel machine. and lr,qii eit.her side of the (,li v. Indj.sit-from. ariv di - s --au raistd ur lowcred when in ver', Jarahle. its,p-e,-tion of unr machine 1.iie (4 inanufacturin, f 'LAM r - 4-antri: .':tiisilLeon in ovtry TERAIN EASY. ":14Ticvituralists. of Perth arils ad 11pctintit.: will nut hlie-e) 1-.?(‘ to their own interests as to or )r1t'r t more than ta-t %hen there aro iirst-clas& their lituiding largely i:itaehine,, equal t•I no.k. of the him , tor.de in the Provinee. us, :end itt jour it,at our altt-Ist.;, as in p.•7fect nt- on the -,aunk t:.rt a..; your our p!ineiple. of business Inin" ,tAted and uni- M1 -rnos L1 impl quents eon- hantl, , 01-ENt;IINE;-; 'WHAT, Mrt,i; SiVotZEK done 4;SON & LM AMS, ..NuTc./1.E.Lia Ontario - t A MARc't 22, 1872. . . . 4' , - • - ^1 - Swearing by ProxST. • poses were once gathered care at certain times in How niany or,ns ore like the old Quaker in the following? lIow age. Southey, in one of many of us, professing to restr;iin has _Preserved an ace0i.1nt of an our vindictiveness, am gid, never_ ancient superstition, : That VIOLET a - witltgreat he Moe his books, WartS on 'tile .hatid eotil be crirt...d S(0 ethers pummel. our. thelcss, to 1 nnies? A certain _Quake": was hy waslling them ill the elo' onsiline i riding tin AT gli the .0 cstern country, in a silY(n. basin ; t1 i la • SI ge lig en A and in tba course of his travels he through the forna of wa.hing w found himself oblig,ed to pass over out wate.r„, in trie. moo. light ; and -11, road 'bat Wz1S t1b01111lably bad. speakima, or _warts .and e -oresnences . 1 recalls the f'act that - t e raos had been tilled up manY people will :affirm Thesartaee was rough and treac 6ns. with old lgs from which the Inive`had warts removed cent niins waslied the; cover- wowing," which means ina.; of earth, and ztt rany "mints ing of some senseless j • the laud \Nz18 dt.'01) and :Tlie them. Quaker's lion -e struggled on, at _ (Dig- • 1,011,2s.h A.Good Word :for -times upon his knees on the. cot d Foy, and a nun up to - pipe Hat. this day -that they pow - he mutter- irgon -OVer • E HURON EXPOSITOR. • J. SEATTER, (EXCIIAN E' And dealer in Pure !KN. DRUGS CilErAIN)LS AND DYE STUFFS; PE1I UMERY, FANCYAND TOILET ARTICli-ES - ; Agent for Sewing Machines. 11.roncy he Stove- I to 1ud. on easy terms. J. SE.ATTER, No par, 0: tac (tresa of men is Seaforth, Nov. 43, 1870. 59-tf. T. 4. 4 1 1 bitUD.CheS ia the must: Our friend i ..N more absurd that the hard ! was a hero, but this thing,tried his I, really 'patience wo.efulty. Ile shut his : " Fthwe-PiPe "'hat 'sr .,gen ral iy worn ; • - SHOPS FOR SALE. and yet all attempt:3 t snbvert i, volt s.ata...., two ;;bo )s and forty-four feet front - teeth zind grunted his dissatisfaction. ; 113-1.- i,,,HotiiioNtley.ii :Ailt)ig.t.,toSeaforth, ', have provedabortive. For thirty opposite Ca - 1 ' 1,,h, he overtook. a sailor, - .J. SEATTER. . - • -1 o was o ------------navigate a mule years We- h Are worn Ift s kind of 4- • through the treaeherous'sloughs of head coven and we hike it. better' the wretched highwAy. And tile 1tha-n any other ; we 1 ave tried hard to like the low, soft hats, brit we sailor was -sweitring lustily. The oaths, nand and full, -dropped from cannot, and this is he experience of thou.sands, Absuid ps the high his lips with great point and Vigor, He cursed the road, and he cursed hard hat is, it does keep the. head 'the men who 'mule it; find he cursed uloreoconitortable, it dces neuintain a Aitire Killable tempera me, it does the iscals who had allowed.it to be - her form of 1 • t - ; -1 come so awfully bad. The Quaker feel better, than any listened, and his iiice „lniulitened head coverina • and • so let us con - and finally the _sailor turned his thine to knock them a ainst beams beaLl, and beheld, the traveller close ' • I ' -1 ,e -s of tiees. purpose in the roogs of they Elise lnimps, and ible.-„From Science." behind and. recouklizi tke- -It "they seie at 'good garh as thmotilig A: man of peace; he brushing cobwebs Von hushed his profane inveetn-es, old garrets .and Stable -"Friend,' cried the Quaker, at a piCatect us from bad few moments of silence, " let not keep our heads comfort my presence restrairi. theein these 1 Dr. Nichols"' Fireside ligorous expressions of thy just in- Franklin and Paper. dip:pawn. It ?'at/ter doeth me good to hear'thee swear." Soon after hist esta = Philadelphia, Ft anklii 'The Geneva 'Watch Company. a piece for publicatim BUSINESS 0.1 -IA N. GE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 141t00415./277.--. 47440.1 ;.•11,4? 1f.it 15 fill11$1110 W. DOH-ERTY TICE. ALTITOrG11. BOOTS & WOOLLEN GOODS ROCKERY SITOE Have advanced from 10 to 20 per WE WILL Put up the GOODS now FOR X SHORT TIME. LOtR! FLOUR! t T_TAXINCr purchased and 11mm:1013-refitted the "L'Lmills formerly owned by the 31essrs.SCOBLE, I am now preparednr to inish 1 - FA.A.IILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IEAFORTH, ..t3;,-1 that will Compare favoratly with any in the Do- minion, if you. want. A FLOUR, go to the following Cent, Dealers end ask for MARSHALL'S -Remember M„'..11S.H.1j,L'S FLOUR W. RUC/TT ROBERTSON, W HI TESI DE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S in Stock E. HICKSON 8: CO. MONTREAL HOUSE, SEAFORTH. . Begs to announce that -ho will continue the bind= ' liShIllellt in ness of the late firm of Depew & Doherty (Mr. De - was ()trued pewin . removg to the city of Loudon to extend his . business operations,) ma while thankful for the in his news- past patronage, he hopes. by increasing his • stock and Meeting the wants •01 his customers and the he New York -Tribune aays :--- paper. 13eing very bu,y, be begge( public in every pot:F.:Die way, hi 187., 11 nine ). Imismwmfor_j_1(yrestmxwmfrwiimmornmrrs THE SALE STILL CONTINUES AT KID s EMPO Special inducements in Gre the gentleman would intive . it for larger business than last year, iu 'which, although _New diseoverit: - concernc, the _00 Pieces, at fifteen per cent. lower the first year of the business, there was sold Over a , • ;bankrupt sale of le Geneva Watch consi ion. xt ay the 100 PIANOS AND MELODEONS I "derat,' Tlie- Compztny reyeal the method of that -author called, and asked his opinion watches offered by Elias did not all it highly scurtilous,and defultlatOry. if youlwant Bargains. made by artizans-in Switzerland of my posaerty, whetlier to reject it or At a cost of TWenty•Thousand Dollars. • , chased Wholesale now, owing to the swindie. There is " GeneVa of it. "Why; _sir, replie'd'Frank- The arequat 'auk. !twist, be sold pieparatery to - n- • YY Watch Company," so called,r and tlie -lin, "I am sorry to say that T thiuk. heavier ImportatiOnil iu the Spring, so come now • -come from Geneva. Watches are But being at a loss, 01 account of CLINTON' 11.1USIC EA:IPORiUM every quality 'and price, often by thought I WO id put it to Is the spot for all kinds of 31L Sif AL INSTRIDIENTS Of the best Makers not, 1 women at their homes, and each this issue at night, when my work canton, Jan, 9, 1872. 215 HARNESS IIA_RNESS. bY one wol'kuittn or by two or,three, -bn which I supped ieartily, and Vuld of wateli coaF:tructed either was done, bowilit a t o penny loaf, • together' and .clistinguished by a. then wraill'il* myself in my areat apecial brand. There is no laroe or. corp, slept Very sound] on the floor (Xoods. Al. Cottons th, n can be P'- adv nee in Cotton SECURE THE BAR AINS, FOR THREE WEEKS 01\ IX. T. KIDD. CASH AND ONE PRICE - great; watch, company in Geneva. till inorn;ng, when an tiler loaf and Those indebted mill please call and settle . 0 - • Seaforth, Jan. 31, 1872. The stock was obtained by .Elias intur of water affotde a pleasant from a jeweller in -1,1iden Line breakfast. Now; sir, since I can - *hose name is withheld for Vie pre. live -very .comfo tahl) in this maA- _sent; 1111C1 fr 0 Ill 11 tubers of pawn_ ner, why 5houl( )rostitutp my shops throughout the country. Tnis press to perona "-hat ed or party . • passion.for amore lux rtoi1s living. -mrchant bou(nat tip and ine)orted -- all the refuse or' uns".111lble maierial One cannot read ti is anecdote oto Great Nariety and condemned watches of the dif- Our American- sage vith'ut think" are watches- made 6here wIlich can Arellefaus, who n?sseWILSON'S' feient shops of S tvitzeiland. There iing of Socrate‘aus'4-ard AT re ly to King SEAFORTH. be landed in this country duitl.), paid give up preaching n the dirty for $:?,. Of this class the major part streetsPt Athens, and come and li,ve • 1 .of the stock of Mitts o ')osed W ith him in his sr tendid court. 1 • V.A.T.ISES-mit a few, Ahem • the importing jeweller's penny a peek at. Atli ns, and water Besides these • European Boludre.s, ertiTy -Combs, tretrds. •When they were landed Elias took Meal, please your Ma esty,- is a half- 11,--HIRS-of all sorts, hands; and opened his establiA-1 L get for nothina"---, elected. , • TRI -NES of fill L'inds, COLL.A.RS-all 11i2(15.. -woods Elias rifts scoured -the States i and pawnbrokers' shops, :..md has picked up the refuse everywhei. Of, a large num her. of gold watches bought of Elis, and carried to leadirg jewellers to be appraised, . none have been found , 1,..T"A.E:'I.E1114 like the regt of t') OX.Ced RIX CetratS. MA Try . ca i dimrous Lo learn the best t1ilil rim as low as t1re5 and 1 . • four carats These watcher were 1IVI e. . Make autnt ta teed to be from twelve io ela•hteen. carats. The silver wzitchea 1 • f have he(in foned,•nimn exalniu:ition • Tie•re irk no Bin -Mess by who. to be 1plated. Ti.,. gold wf.itehes, lu.tlell :°-ulle' vasilY "11 in . . . WilC:11 I l'E: are only from three to sik AKE WI GROWING eadats fine :lie also tilled. Two „ lady Sel 1 0)1 teach( rs, Satin day morning )0034..it gohl To Farmers wh.o desire to ern W;I braitehtif A.gri.411t.nre (lurng 1P(1, LO'Jk" thein back. They at his I the wall- Which ai)nounces that 1 finding ont -that wei..6stnuneaeiaaca say taat All prices --from 10 cents lip. I ; 1BelLs, BIanlet, Cireiiigles, Saddles, - . Ai d in fact everytiiii-4 usually fourel 111 a first - Wass Saddler's Shp„and tit prices eeretuelt. low. NEY.i • 1.11 Ita)ital aro Usually • Ind easiest msk-to • i one-sra JANES WILSON c this opporbunitv of thanking ha's numerous friends and- custo ners for the liberal Rapport ex- tendd toward him fur the past year and hopes by strict attontion. to business and manitfacturing first -,,t artich to merit a fair share- du the pa - 1 renege of the ma ny. Rentonther Ow Sign of the and oblig .-T. K. .217 SOMETHING NEW. Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON will Be Promptly attended to. Parties who wish to Exchange Wheal, for Flour, Are certain to reeeive proper quantity, and an =Li-- cle that will defy competition. W. MARSHALL 1$G-tf IM -ORT-ANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. COOD FLOUR 1 A'r ALL TIMES. W. A. SHEARSON & C0.1 Proprietors of the SEA:FORTH MILLS! Are now Manufacturing the hest FAMILY" (f: PASTRY- FLOURS in the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth and vicinity I eau rely upon getting on) Family and Pastry Flour•3 from the following Dealers, ONLY :--Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Walsh, Juries C. Laidluw, Alex. Ault, Thomas Kidd. J. McGinnis, G. & . xekson, and W. Thompson, 4,0inondville, n 1 and at AaSedorth Mills. Orders left at our office, MarImMuare. will receive prompt attention. , Farmers desiring to exetia:age-theirWheat for Flour, at the Mill, May always rely upon getting OTIT hist Ferny 61 I Pastry Flour n exehange, in quantities according w to the value their wheat. W. A. SHEARSON •Sv CO. 184-tf. HURRAH FOR 1872. WM. AULT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII, HAS ON HAND a superior stock of FAMILY I .GROCEIIIES, embracing Teas of the , best 3 brands, Spgars, Ilaisins„ etc. Also, -Crockery anti Glassware, and every•other article usually kept in a iirst-chiss Grocery Store. PROVINII0 NS, Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Poll, etc., also, every dtscription of 'MEW • Sili.11 as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, nil of whici. trill be sold cheaper than the choopest. E..1 WOE Pl11-01UrrCE. New (i-ocery,- Fee( and Seed Farm Produce. The hi..:best market rice pada for all kinds of • S C TR. rrHE Subscribers are now opening on a choice Stodk I of FUMY GROCERIES, FLO I, FEED, ete., in the Stove formerly occupied by the ntrcal Telegraph Company. TEAS SUCARS TO ETC., OF THE BEST BRAD. lilour, Graham db.,- Buckwheat do., Co -n and Oat -meal, Peas Oat.cs, etc., et.., kept constal tly on hand. rs and Gardeners will a call. of.ort.; SAnrityi" 215 As we intend_ making SEEDS a. speciality, Farm a Varram e nn make • ; • M) short 1,i.1110 31.8 113- • TEETH. EXTRACTED WIT1013T FLAX. 'mirk in this profitable the coining year. the- 1. e wid• have ,1111 hand 'FLAX taus SEAFORTH i• were referrPd to d larffe )1 a eikrcl on A huge stim.•1-1. of Goon Or up."; FL.,,x, for Seed, • • the store." . One youtig'man:. •\°-fin)el:11.1 11-1(tIt'K sIML1141":1eitrI:bill°19:‘:14bIle) tCh()(1-1; bOtlfZilt silver Ivatch laryi 11 cr I'';•••• -t ' "11-1 r`70`c.' the5 it" referr▪ ed and found that the case .‘jasi '1ff' tail;t eft -1: g t • • euur o_ __e tattiennenatine gen- ol 011- S are CllU (Yet] id ter boeel which ii1111 at any tiro • from now to the First ) the following state- I, al can also apply to TG'. W oi ks of these watches :ire 111'Llati'll of of the most inferior character, apd • Statement of hist iaax's ven evidently made hy itpprentiees: : • .1 norm - A eres Iteeeivtal. 00, 1 000 P013 11.1a Superstitions. • ;yiilter 2, :.`1`.1 -38;540 00 I honeys Le. Tli 1110011 hts 11:11111 to fr ° : 1!ti 6.740 -40 44. 5,300 " s0: S5 40 111. th-e`. t &AMA. I 11 itzt01 tunes of 1111• • 1r;Yi11(!) 34 32 . JI eE-Aloy . • .. • •• 1 superatitioas peophe. lvs e t0 . tviN .10 • • • , • 3 it v., thosewho will, not,blteher .. ....... 8 • • • pigs while the inoon ia-waning, lesx - Tuck( 17i:wn,: the Polk should shrink iniviiii6isliignn,..,s.t.r; ; \.,4\11--.,11Z,(111:4,,,,t14,1.4'.• .. .-..... l.;: nor 'lant seeds in the " do lest they should : not eome, 1n). .1,6. ElvY - 11- ‘. Priee pnlit per ton :412. People Will look at the profile of the new moan and pr0nounce oraeu-•Priet. Pala Per t A" .larity Whether the month -Is to, lie* 1'1,144, gr' r,,,,,ittili'kul,ea ,u 11,711,1, ..11,7„1 krop. _Any u:rt .iry or wet. _A certain magical: rm- : ,Rii,,,I.,,1,11„,1,,rfur* :....m), portance is given to the ,itate of the . weather W 11011 the moon chancres : ! 7 a, . ..,„) _-_, Proprise or, 41; a t is 10! saV. When the alui?1,noe ; nitirks the ' quarter, as if the nron , • S}1 1100DS 1 were noE changing all the time. In i :_- milli and ! primitive sea -port towns it is verily tielieved that while the . - . • fide -i.t3 risinoe a Rick porson cannot : At• ROD P the, anti th:st life will not go till it .. \JUN ET MAKEll . ND tttlii.)S oat with the tide. To revert ; r, 3 i ' Johnson's Oh acrain to the inoon the word • " lona- tic," of niversal application to in- li.tia,trt, Staforth. as ,14 11.S801 Men sane pe*tis. is only a poliCer form of mooicstruck, the moon having . been once held answerable for all SI -11:1, dementia.- Herb -3 for medical 'pur- i Which he eau ftnin,,a pa gut e sew • PAIN. ,s4f ifors . find it to their advantage to give u. . THE CASK SYSTEM AND ONE PRICE STMC'ILY ADHERED TO. . Goods dchwered in any part of the -village, f e of charge_ N. 1:11 -The highest Market Price paid, in Cash; fo. all kinds of Produce. Remember the Stand, old Telegraph Otlice, tilO door &Judi of the Black Bear. ;215 • 218 W3--AULT. Renumiber the place, Main street, Bast side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. •i STRON CARTWRIGHT. L. 1). S,. Surgen- DentA, '• extracts teeth without pain by the 1.180 of: the . itrous-Oide Gas. OilleeOver the Fmintain- of 05l11011,.3.1r. PoWtr's tore. on the 'Market Square. Attend:oleo iii Seaforth, at Knoxs Hotel, t•he flast L1Lolar antiVednesdav of each month:. in Clinton, a the ciNiminereitil Hotel, oti the following lhurs- 11 1-; tibti Fridays. The remainder of the time at HAS ATTENDED ! il'arStrIetar°111dtp':)iftrincikg. new 1' 'i1 are requeated to rail. DENT'S CLEAR! f at Sraforth awl Clinton, ou the 1.11.st du', of ut- tio tttl17754:4'',000 patients ha N ' I hod teeth (33 tractra by . . t)117.11...e. of the Gas. at Pr. Ceultoits offices, Ntrw •1 - 208 OF DRY GOOD . . as. FAJIRLiY. GREAT SUCC SS 1,;'1-1.1.01ERS, 141.31E1113ER • THE Ana tatactnaa tioid 11 vast pile l‘itbiti the last four he ha , Dia 04)()))-3., liana, and in (I.rdt”. himiter to reduce . 1 11..fi R1 _N (1 ANI.) t:1118T1N(: MILLS, GlIEAT CLEA.11,IN 44.000 2ti•I tto ISAAC B. SHANTZ FOR 'JUST TWO fitI 1:h; (II) 1ZifttIS to state to the. Fitrint-.rs cit •31eRillop. and 4.10 00 eleecei the above Mill, and. intends reviling it Cfniie ',7 74 I" hOrr0117Itliffg TOWOShilS that lie has imit pun . - -. hreafteron his 7111 11 arot-mt. 1`1. -.31 ill is nols' in ' . Dvelvi.Dollars. Ivot any 11.11!.01711-1 03 WW:. _ t.. REminlisEit DFNT'S CIIEAP ....1 4.... ST e:..cellent running-orde, mat abli, to turn oat id- , s- early, in girth r to GPtISTING A..D - CHOPPING I her illfOrORLtion ;,1-- ' al 1 enaett to yr Oliptiy. init.( :::Iifiletioll en:in:tufted. hy - • - WEEKS G SALE a large sle], 'REMOVED. REMOyED. n. ROBERTSON, et -maker and tndertaker, I1AS 11E10ED hi- t ware -rooms to JOHSdN'S OLD STAND, Main-treet, Seaforth, Where he 1ms on bana a superior stock of Fund- tnre of every desription. riA L ND SEE I T. UNDERTAKLIO, Mr. inv purApased Mr. Thema HEAll ani prepared to attend funerals on the shortesi nt 'tire, either intouil or rountry. COMM, All Sizes, liept eonstantly on hand. „ MOTTL1)ING & PAPER. THE udersign( el has on hand it splendid. lot, of ROSEWOOD AND GILT • MOULDING, ..3.1o. Flue Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER1, FOR SALE, CHEAP. Now i,•• the rime to buy as it is on the rice. C. ARMSTRONG. Mtin Seitforth, - WHO WANTS A GOOD- SUBSTANTIAL WAGON, or a mice 4YLISH BUGGY? WILLIAM GRASSIE7 is stoek hem RI minium; his SALE LONGER. irkile Bargains can be got. Being hinist If a practical Miller aml tinwoo:tidy Z, , U71 11 the t1111t. I'an ' turn ma flout, which. fi. appearaitre or quality. Isciforth : ; (.0111011 10 t-turpassed AIM in the Countr3 Flour el:eh:Intea for Wheat if desired - 13 ROUDS 218 11. SH.N.NTZ. ATTLE FAIR. (.2,T-4:EA-A= will be held hereafter 111 tTSON, Loyiys HOTEL, SEAFOIITII, t-NntAITAR-Er„ tOppmite the Station,1 I Staltd, - : On tlieFirst )ionday in each month, • _ 'BF ol:Itir.,iti O. t lf - ;tit orii-c),A v; tIcronElt 2, I 7 1! . II•lv on hand a graul -craps 1 and p'arsrties having stoeic may rly on the best. mar'. pe0 then tlity een be In eonuecti4 uith Loyd'S 'Hotel tHougliton't 1, 1-14.1P-4) Large numbers of bovers will be in attendance ket prices. her, t .21.13 a.rCargc anAii colaraditions stables and plads, lgS 4 S I- 0IV . . 7- *_PAI V) ) '.I' I -I A T T.&31 ON EA(1.1 PLUG yovi: MYRTLE NAVY. Take no Cheap Imitations. Bawd:ton, rebinar:i 2.73 1'672, 2.10-13‹ 1) • SEAFORTH, Sin tifil/a and for st1i4 5 number of bantb;omkt single and double lilGGIES, a well finibbed ; mal maltufartared ,of the vcry best materiat AisTA. Li; MBER -WAGONS, Wbieb. for eyitl't-nre of ernmof be It;nrpa: -.t it Ir.% Province. A fcm- DEMOCRAT more making. • -\\ ILLIA3.1 GRASSIE selic ac cht ap as any other t•-lablicionent in the Comity. BLACKSM1THING Awl. thn.rul Job Work labquiet-1 to promptly. LIST OF LETTERS pEMAIN IN G 3(1 :-zt-af firth Post Office, uncullefl -.1-. for, on the (3113 Mirth, 1-872 Riad, J 0 Eviller, :las F jleitr, J.arn ' Abilcinye, 31111 Eisen Cie-tner, Mr. Mandson, 11 Chapman, V% in - masa, Mrs J Conners John ei WiinottAII.Bride, John O'Cs MeB onneritin, Wm Inliott, .1 N MLain), Thomas Btheringtn„ E 'f McGregor, Mr -Etierett, Itichard O'Rourk, 'Miss Freelean, Wm Seott, W R : Foryth. 1„fiss Arnie Steuart, Alex Vorbes, fl'" Tanning, II Frace(1', Jilin Taylor, Miss A ' Fno.r, Alt i. Williams, C It Yralick• Miss A Wilson S.-. Trot Griffin, A 1) Wilson, Joules Golly, Miss 4 ' Wilson, George Hall, Thomas Valiance, Mrs Wm 1Bolden, J. .42_3 hha, tool ease in Tinning_ any manufiteturer in the WAGoNS on bna, unit s. DICKS0, P. 3L,