HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 7-104112:, The Disraeli of To -day. tDisraeli will have positively noth- inc=1111=1111r THE HURON EXPOSITOR. At Reit '21 -1879: hours afterwards, Edwards WEIS ar- rested by Detective von Gerichten ing to do, if he can help it, With the and identified by Rennie, Jusisce Alsbama affair in it present Con- Leds.vith, at the -Xefferson* Market dition. He is full of pluck and Police Court, cemmitted the accused for trial at the Court of General Sessions. vigor ijhis session, quite jubilant ind coi4&lent as- still looks won,. deifu1ij young, despite his awkward shuffling, slinking walk-, -and his stooped ghoulders. A few evenings since I saw him pass along Parlia- ment street lean in on two -friends 6 c Everybody laoked after. him. He is a madja more remarkable figure in the street than Gladstoneor Bright. Let me describe him as be then 110-41141-7"77---' A 13usiness Oripple. We always feel offended at the presumption of many street beggars who make the loss of an eye or leg sufficient excuse for throwing them- selves upon the charity of the pub- lic, a whim, to be sure,in which the public tenderly babies them showed : .A. tall man with stooped Here .is an account of a different and rounded shoulde-rs, a peculiarly character : William W. Hawthorn shaped head, fast denuding itself pf hair but with the hair that remains still bladlc as ever, a complexion of -dull brie like an o died* at his residence. in Milsboro, Washingtee County, Pa., ou the 4118th tilts ed about 'F/5 years.- At dust, a face puckered up. the age of 13 Ile was afflicted with • cl mask, eras A, the wearer rheumatism, whieh deprived hun of of the face was- alwaya serewing up the use of 'both legs , and his right Ins lips to whistle, and never aecom- annHi feet wee drawn up plished the feat. A small chin -tuft adorns the -countenance, and let Me, add that the expression on the counte- nance is lugubrious enough to become an artistic and censcientious mute at a funeral. 'A long grey or 'hie 'eater coat reaches -nearly to the ankles of this remarkable figure, and beneath the coat might he seen trowleers of a darker grey 'and very neat shoots. The-xe was something of the air of a decoyed and fading,. dandy- about the entire personage jeinede.with the odd *walk and the stooped shoulders and the ehill,, grey atmosphere of the early evening, diffused a sease of gloom over the meditative spectator. Was this then the brilliant, tocentric and dashing man of genius, who used to be the cytiosure of eyes in Lady Blessington's brifilkt* salons, who wrote " Vivian-Groy,' and etittle out as a wild REHM, -and proclaimed that revolution Waii his forte, and challenged O'Connektl to -a dael, and heard the chimes 'ever fig long past midnight r4th the elderly 'gentle.; maa now vegeta6iige'at Chiselhurst, who was then Rainee :Louis Napo- leon? Yes, that Wail teee "There goes old Dizzy, laud a workacg man, as he great politician, rornienc- isq and adventurer shuffled alouge:'-e: (.flovreepowleineff-, Living Withatat Eating. Th 0 Springileid /km/4qm fob. lishos tho following rotuarkabloW180 " Tho subjoot is Kato Dotiovtat, gfrl twonty.on6 years of ago, tomtit Ing in 8pringi4eld. She- was 'orii. limpid, in the first part of 1809, in against' his thighs, find . his right arm and hand contorted into every- thing but a natural position. ThOfleSh thesealimbi gradually shriveled avtaty, whuie his head and body con- tinued to grow into all the propor- tions of a well-develoi,ed man. For the purposes of locomotion, he was placed iu a boinwhich; constantly lying on his back, :-re attended to all kinds of 'business for sixty years. He aequired'ist .commoit English education, and taught school .for ..)nusiber of. years, and at the time of 1 .his eleath he was serving his se-Yeatla terai as a juOice of the peace, hay- ing acted in that capacity for nearly 35 years. 'Se used the pen with his left ,hand, and wrote a very ac- cisratee4nd legible hand. In 1853 ke was 6,astded a contract fot loamy- ing the ttr,tiittl* States mail it1 e route, betwee Waynesburg, an roitte be was awarde second ttsr m. lie supe whole 'business himself, driying in a one-horse spring Pittseurg t•and also on another the cpntract a tendea the fluently txorr to: , MittsbuKg, Wtiehiniben. sand Waynesburg, with only a twain ho),?\ for ce.mpany. At the ageofittwen ty• three or twenty,five lie el-efted with IL .Aliss Wilson, and was Itsairvied without the consent of hertfriends, -t she being of suitable ,ftgo for mutri m oily, no troithle ensured, Iris wife proved to be a valua 1)01p. mote for it man In his peetaiar sitnan tion rind, sal time sped ovay , lioro him 1W(4 VO or thirtoon ohlidron, JJ possosnod an iron will and tilmoto ith . 1 OJt ea/t1f4titti don, 11 nd, by dint of ,inclomitable .1the rag and cotton waste. concern of' "ePgY at° "°"(islin I"' ft°1.111111' Win, 8, Artus, and, justitliree years clailm .r8''P"61616 of property. Com was,' toatemain contin lially in a recumbent postste,he wrote with Its p/Iller On a sawn board placed across his ln,east; and, by the necessary habit of keep - ling his head raised upward and fur- , -upon hee. She did not think t the wand the ninscles of bis k ago last Wednesday, met ancl rite *idea there which has influenced her whole Zito since. Anothe,r girl gave her a.oush, in. sport, and She fell upon a -.barrel; Striking upon her -rialit side, and the othe'r girl felling , , c time that ,stie was hurt much., but 'felt some inward pain, and since that time she li_Os been bed -ridden, .and the trouble vkliich Manifested it- self at the outset has been coristiit- ly At first she was fed with abont her usual food, bat this proved so repulsive to her stomach, that it was gradually reduced, both in quantity .and quality, until she bsisted wholly on. jellies,. . Since .qtared sufficieutstremeth to enable him to hold his head.in that situa-. tion .for hours without appareni fa tigne. FellOws' Syrup. GREAT JI1ST RECEIVED, - „ - THOMAS LEE'S, etTPiCE *STOOK OF • FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, Comprising TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES. 1110E, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SOAP, • ToBAcuos, Etc., Etc., of whichhe can afford to sell toi cheap as any in the town. TEASFROM 50 cents T.0 $1, d warranted to give satisbibtion to all. SHEARSON & CO.'S , No. 1 Flour and -Feed, Of every description constantly =hand. And " PROVISIONS Of all kinds to he had at *the lowest possible rates -- Simpson's Spice, th.s.best Condition Powder for Farm Stook hi .11.d0, Farmers, try it. he highest price,given for Farm rroduce of all ki4Is. Remember the place, S IEARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND, West Side, Mile:street, - .SEAFORTH, Ont. :THOMAS 200 air Meit's Boots, Worth .$3 ,for $2 75. 170- Pair Women's Boot,. wort4 $t 17-'5 for ;$1 GP, and 4 A Job Let .,of Bots, For 75c, .woittli $1 25. Also,111 Volt Lot tl'f I _ LADIES" JACKETS, BuitaMequr Sprinr, at belt their 'mitts. At tlui\gGN of 'the BLACK 1141.114- A. a, NeDOTTGALL, SEA POitTii PLANING MILL, SASH, 1)00111`,' BLIND FACTORY. Stibsefiber begs leal'e to tl,,Innk minierono , ntomorwitrethe liberal patronage extended to him eince ocanmeneing 'mildness Seaforth and I trrn(t23 of tlz Par him large that-lae ;bay be favored with a continuance 0-r:item-ling to build wonlibilo well to give ' ealiirati he will continue to Llteep on hand 0' tock.of all libuls of LEE & TZ 1\TO SOC. -.)1\T 1:2., I C MAIN STREET, EAFORTH. TBE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE' DECLAIMS THA THE GA_RDNER SEWI G-- MACHINE Is snperior to, any „sz Having boon examined and Wed by tho moat ineoh Idea and boat Judges the country can produce, and by thom awarded Prizes at WI 010 principal Exhibition held throughout the Deminion during the present year ; and elthOugh the loading Ablohitios were mayod against it, the OARDNEI1 PA.TENT ims boon doclar • VICTORIOVS OVER' ALL- COMPETITORS Otert:t, noiv in the Market. upon nvery Sot, and now stands foram mit in the rank of sewers, 1.4 IC '1' II IC 114 1ST OF 1.* At ZEN FOR 1N71; Mutt Prize nt 9.'oron to, VIM; WW1 Lonclon—tho gran ; 1\ torn Find Prime nt.Ouolph—tho grunt Control lenir. 'First PHU at tit, Catherines, County n Lincoln, Pint Prim, At Oldham -County oi Kunt. ii 1/0 at 1Vaterine, County of Watcrloo, Flui Primo at OrmigoV111e, Comity Of Shame, Mat Wiz() in Alone, County of Pool, First Prize in Calodo 1, comas la 81mcoo, First Prito ut "landport, CouniX of Wolleval, VIVA erizo at (Mayville, Om nt. of Oxfords Hacood Prize ut Vreyinobil Vair, Kingston, Dipi0Malet Hamliton, and various Ommly bows, This beautiful apoollorn,of oloobanieai IS a pol'ely litnadin aurptolsingln 4IIPablit ty, and unnfnlininnon,y othor Hawing AflinhinO now h thn 11511 Ju) iviinthor of Vanadium,- 4meriaen, nvtl4nniinti all ftl t11-110, It 141111iii, tfin, Withal', (PIM, Nil mi do $111 flIni wavy hind Of FilintlY AIM . . llgltt Minlf11411,411 Work, wino 011 Wilda of !brood, -It lam a limit omopioto Pilea Ofr gilITM114A1111014, 1111Y NO irtill114, If Ow prise 1$4 WM 111uhor n allerY, 111 0110111Mit ill UPI NUL 101' 0111411M 11)111 41f11111phin, (•1 AltIni ,KRWIN(i (. 11. N COM PAN Y, HAMILTON ONT, ar-latpaitialf touroalimni miaana ma he inialed by 111101 ritpttimis agents of oilier Conipaltivai Who Imo iti defogged slaty, to meta eaplial for thommolveal Call and tOottolue Idle ()imber before purchasing any that) Wit41,/bilf OlfAakteN Warerounis, \fluderielpstruiett 1,41.011m tin Agouta PINE LUMBER/ SA.SIIE 8, D ORS, BLINDS, MO.IILDINGS LATH, ETC. He 1.05 coufident of giving satisfaction tuthose who r ry favour him with their patronage, a8 none but lir t -class workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 'last July she has subSisted--,such is sHosHNEE ois „REmED-F. _201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. the extraordina cl aime-au p On water -with comely features a h trla ir i• -o • is a black-eyed and black -haired ALLEN'S LUNG BALSIM. SOMETIIII\TG NICE? alone and very•little that. She . DO YOU WANT TO SEE 'S EA plexion, She isnot emaciated, RS CLARKF1ALEPILLS. 'WORM bP Su pposgd after extrairdi: nary abstinence from food but her ANTI rONSUMPTIYE SYR countenance has a peculiarly trana- parent, alaaost corpse -like a ppciale once. She is able to tutu a iittle iu bed, but bee strength is very gnidu- e'iCelekrated atot • AFRESH 81.-ITLY Of the above - ally -waning." BECEIVED., A Credulous Canadian. • Andrew Rennie arrived from Canada in New York, on*Saturday, CORXER DRUG STORE, 8E11,VORTH. in tendin o'' ' to sa.il for 0 asgow in the - City of Paris. While stindine AL:Mt • the whartlic was addressed by- ilim Edwards, a notoridus emigrant sVeindler, Who ask -,d if he Would take care of itn invalid bi othsr of his „who intended to sail in the same vessel. Rennie replied that 7 116 would, and was abeet.te- go aboard, when his new Siieud Was angrily ac- costed by a Ehanger who • de in a lided payment of a debt. /1.1:Awards said that be had nothing4 lflhis pocket- book ,blit checks for large amount: and asked Rennie if he could not lend hint for half au hour the money to pea the, debt. Rennie- answered ye," and give all themone- he had, '13 gold sovereigns:, to Ed wards, - who presented the coiti to tliti por(uiat.e debtor: 'After the depar- ture of the stranger,. Eilarards expreseed his thanks to Rennie and taws sayinor that he would have tO a 111.S b t I To PI:AS4,INS '11,71-s-IrrNG To SEND Fon FnrEND.,..- let to the boat iaide 1:ennie . farewell for half" an RE.110VAL OF ROSS'S ersit 1 laisr's absence, ,Ss said. Rennie (m.:,11.1:::e$111,e4'$).;$84;11ss.71i:s1,;',in-tftl1..tn3:-....'uft.t.7)west nttes c • • • _ Tlirongli booking arrangenzents have 1)0e11 nmde 1)3. t their Metals kc)tconstantly on hantlatul made to order AND 8 l'ACE OFFICE. axid then" -the City of Paris. beino- aesp„t{th. - custom:work prompti:'.- , • hide • zes 'SIMPSON's CELEBRATED "SPICE " I , For Fatteni4; Cattle. iFOr Sale, Wholesale and Retail. Htt STEAM TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDER1 AND GLASGOW, e TH0,11..LS ,BELL, Main4treet,- Seaforthi Can slan you something worth looking at in the FURNITURE line, Iro 30.st received a large quantity of EW FURNITIPS,E Of every. ffeseription, far LINE, Cif" )-L\-°15.S' `Ever3,SatzAlaY Won BortMed during Winteri; ;and from Quebec during Sumiuer. '1 The Il, '.t Class Clyde built iron Steamships of thls line! tarrying 1 he Canadian and United States 2.1,1 be despatched trom Portland for LiVer- pat, calling at Derry, as folltms SCA`KizINANI,1„N ' 17. 1UJ1i;JN IAN ' 24. ' 1 ' !" 2. 16. 20. L.?' Kates (4 Pin:sagi. -.as low as by any Fist Class Mail Lint.. Fel). March •I`dtreelt Marelt Aforelt .B/111 Tr, and QUALITY, really Worth going to set., rero zms --,-. Opposite Bubertson*s Hardware Store. 217 STOVES TINWARE .AND COAL OIL MILS. W ITITNEY has' just reeeived alarge chock of Co Aing. :Parlor and Ilex son e:.,of the best znannfacture. NvInch she ten 611 :ts cheap as any n the trade N11114.111C of every ilemeription, 1/0.452 Fae - 0 .11 S4•1 GRASSIA scarortli. 171 .41:1.1 ‘1.:V t• V1 -"r40.77%-- • %. : ' I = 014. DO 01J CH I WANT •fr''' 11. e AP BOOTS. . McINT1±RE'&- WILLIS, Alain Sti\Opt, Soaforth, ....„.....„...:,,,,x77.-.....,.,,,,27.....„.--.-.....—. j._,..,==.7......„ ,.....— TIAXE on hand a large stock of Boots and Shoes whieh IN ere purchased before the late rise in the Price of leather, and whkb. they are now selling ii,t cost price, ' 1 oder to make room for their Remember the, place, first door south of John Logan's, and opposite WV- Robe on et Co's Hardware CUSTOM WORE atom -lea to promptly, as formerly. A good fit, and ftrsmterNaTss airtiEctive, Ng:111;87d. `nsixi spring stock. Within.the past fe,w weeks,.boots and shoos have advance& .1.1 price at least ten per cent., boots and shoes which will rart.ly ocenr. so that our stock being now sold at formcr cost prices, an:opportunity il, offered for obtaining cheap Store. THE CIRCULAR SAW R 0 Cuts through all oppOsition. I alp •:110 \ \ \\11\271.8 Cayuga Clitief, Jr. ., 3ToWr. ERTSON& C . Which has gained for itself a, world-wati* 5 I r u ation is again offere,d as the most Have juSl received a large and splendid assortment of I ()gm' 1131d other celebrated inakc.s , 1 UR Able, handy and best Nvorking :Mower I know s, being constructcd in the body of - 1 the ina04ine entirely of iron and steel 1 and with\ t we defy competition. 1Ve I also offer th 1 1 Johnson's Self Raking Sidge l• per, • W. H. OLIVER, SI( S OF THE SCOTCH COLLAli. vy ckbejapIrtegPceaosinrmsitiola.Crnl:1131-ray°tIlleo.111) harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc A choice assortmetiiiiitnaod:inglditecalatdol:etanii Remember thoulac: Alain Street sign of the Scotch Collar, Ses.forth. 163tf 1.. OLIVER. QUEEN Insurance Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling 0 -- CHIEF OTT-It-Ts—Queen. Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechurch Street, London, CANAIA BRANVII OrEicr.,---Exchange . Buildings Montreal. BoAnn—Wm. Morioil, Esq., Chairman: Henry Thoinas, tsq., Pa -id Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier. - NMIEorprxi(7AL&AIDizes.Ert I3L'Ek(1‘1,; AKLIMATYVAI1S1_1.°‘31111—'1,S,i13:1111SmtrsST.'its:teiitie:sr StitgE.R1‘0 M.D. hODDIS S. Scott, Esq, Arinrron—Thomas R. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL ApENT,—A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St aTcrbeemuent Sitariegente,dAlilnazti.tirnesalb. e en appoint. ed Agent for the above Company, parties desiring to insure against losstlawb:recocamn, do 80 011 the most favourable terms, sus terms as any other rospec Life Policies granted on as- advantage pany doina business in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON, Agent OFF/CE---13E.NSON yaEwIroEffilt Seaforth, Scalorth, Nev. 8, 1870. AffeNAUGHT ,17011M) itSpeethilly iltimate to,the vv inhabitants of Seaforth and vleht- ity, that he now carries on business at his NEW Sh OP, in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. - -Jobbing of all kinds, and l'Iorse-shoeing„ eSpeeially, promptly attended to. th.r Terms reasonable. /644 DAVID McNA UGH?. oFfEERI NG PROSPECTS FOR AN ATYNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic 111 making timely preparations foil the com- ing harvest. THOMSON & WILLIAM& While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded them in the past, wank). cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assoronent of. Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combined Machine,. with Johnson's Impreved Se1f-1:a1e, given complete satisfaction • for the past owo years, and is now offered to the public with the strongest cruaraniee -for- , durability and perfect work?. CETI, RY, NICKOLITE AND OTHER 'MOH PLATED GOODS - TEA. TRAYS, 'COAL -OIL LAMPS ! 3 Lightning and Turn -table Apple Parers Every Family should bare IMPIZOVED CHAMPION AND OTHER CROSS -CUT SAWS ,„TOCK,S CELEBRATED EXT4A MACHINE 0.1 'Warranted the best in use. Repairs for Abell's Patent Gear and Horse Power, And every othsr uzticle required in the Hardware Line -Shelf and IIt.avy. JACK SCREWS TO HIRE., SIGN OF THE CIRCULA*. 198 L.nt or three hours, tic1,71.1f1:12i,", !--‘(1.',"1(1. 4('•-•%.1171,1* s Also, stove Pipes, Bake -Troughing, etc. LLWt$Vt' %V111 15' about to depart for Europe, he be- ,,,fit.ikl,,,,;1r,iee.at Ddie.rr i a but.rt the 25th work Null rcelve cr(rY e‘LciitioU,.41.4 CO.02146 ' A large stock of the very best C4Jal Irt,?i) kepi eon- rsetatill,v on hand, and will be sold .4•401esale and ge,membeir the place, carmiehaexs ,rack, Main strPc:rtliSes1114retbhied by note or _book accoatit,are r (itINatgsell, -t:06‘oltilectillilingsne,diolleil•Se. tgoA,- .hraSS: et3,3Pec.. etc. eo.in,cx,ekensle for goods', 19i came convinced that hbeen e had - .e. eneseie (a lies we st lune:e) I i almet se. esei aeel. 1 sa-italleal out of his sovereiaae ae.,.,,e,,,,ethaae, ,a es. Anse Issinv wino direct to Leaviug the vessel he went to th Twenty-ei th Precinct Ststion- . t zoranwity Namur -at Ponit Levi Viouth house and diwribed the confidence - =an McClary. A. 11, 1 he baggage is Oh.ok?‘1. thrtmil..9i to rt,w1,Ination free 2.1 ci.1117-re, and p.:4.-,sengeh are ferwardeal,m. (Mee, s,voiding 1,ncralental expenses.. ' 1,t.r Tickets and :toy turther 'tielllara,:aPply to , ,VOODIE, At Q. 1„,:gailwa y stitatiotti'Sentorth. S2.041 THE . subscriber begs to state that he has re- moved to the Building formerly occupiAl Robertson fl8 ft Cabiort Facim7, near the Ktation, -which he has fitted up in a suitable man- Jrz. PaBEk.-ns'o (f: co. MILK, MILK. pArtrms wishing NEW Rita can have ' DELIVERED AT MOM RESIDENCES, npr for a Hotel. He invit , - is old friends and . , ' hkopy to attend to their. wants. First-elaszt Stab - customers to his new quarters' where he will be 1 IN SEAVORTII, lin-, y and large ard in connection- Parties going Ne‘4.'th will find it to their advantage to patronize Every week-d4y monzing from date. 11(dgl. Rosa's MaiLLine of Stages, whicli. start from this JAMES- E. ROE& November 2 , 1871. 444, 4,4a JOIN IIAIIKIRK, _North Road. 206 which took first and s coniPprizes at Pro- vincial Exhibition, 187 a -this reaper is iacknowledged to be super r to any other 1 pattern now in use, as it c ts perfect13-, .5. 1 takes up lodged or tangled - I better 1 than any other rake or reel mac ine, and. cuts equally well from either sideof the 1 c asers bc,fore giving orders elsewhere- , Ifield when wind is strong from, an - di - reetion,.can be raised or lowered when in, 1 motion and is very durable. ; We invite inspection of our machines \ - I and mode of manufacturing by. pur- . -r- 1 11 e ginuantee satisiaction in every ma - i/ l chine, or no sale. - 1 1 TERMSEASY 1 The agriculturalists of Perth and ad- I- joining counties will not (we.- believe) be so blind to their own interests as to 1 give their orders to shops more than 100 miles east, when there are lirst-class. -woi ks in their midst, building largely the best machines, equal to,any of the same machines made ni the Province. Call and see us,- -send in your orders- - by mail, or deal with our agents, as in every case you will get a perfect nia-- chine, and on the same terms as your neighboi'. Our' piinciples Of -business- and prices being established and uni- form. All other kinds of implements con- stantly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK done promptly. Address i 111-10MSON Liz , WILLI (1.318 I '130 -ch MITCHELL, ! Ontario. Swearing flow many of US Quaker in the -wally of us, prof our viqietiveness, theless, to see nth enzwies A cert riding through thm. and in th2 course found himself -()1111 170a41 tnat wes The surfaee was ro oas. GO.111eS bad WW1 old logs, few 4eut raitis had ings of e ' arth and the mid -was deep Quaker's horze. s -times upon his kn toraeroy, and haunches in the was a hero, but th patience w(fulty teeth and grunted At length he ost' who was trying to through the treac the wretched hist sailor was sweari oaths, round and his lips with grea cursed the to; the men who mad the rascals who ha C011110 so awfully listened, and his and finally the head, aud beheld behind_ him, and garb as denoting a hushed ins '44 Friend," crie few mom -en iny presonce restie vigorous express effignation. it so to hear thee The Geneva W The New New discoveries .bankropt sale of t ,Company reveal swindle, There Watch Company, wrktoheii offrred -come from Gene ia hy ty an Mild DI by nun -Iv together spacial brand, gteat watch. via The stock W41.14 o froin jeweller whose mune is sent, and from shops throughou querchant bougnt all the refuse or and condemned ferent shops of S. are watches mad be landed in this - for 2. Of this e of the stock or I When they. were -them off the hands, and -0 an en t. Besides .7oeds Elils hos and pawnbroker Picked up the re Of a larae nett bought of El to leedieg appraised, none to exceed sax them run as four carats. guaranteed to -eighteen carats„ :have been fOund, to be plated. wh'eh are are ot carats fine, 2 lady schoil morning be% finding out sv,iindred, Look - were efe rile] _to the wall, No goods are leaving the eto bought a silver and found that t The works o- -of the most if were evidently Popular 'TIooinoon has in flee fortunes superstitions ) this Rom those pigs the the pork shonh nor islant seeds lest they shin People will lo the new moen whether -dry 01"W et, .1 :portanee is giv weather wile that fe to ea_, marks the qin were not than small and pi it is verily be tide is rising die, and that ebbs out with se -rain to the tic," of univet - sane persons. of 31100H-strIl been once / dementia.