HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 6MARCH 172 music. Although the?e was IUCh excitement,. no di?order etre- urrecl2 And the police forcer wll1ch Id been largely incl eased for the ty, found no occasion to interfere, lastaasasmaisaaassosaassa AUCTION SALE, Saturday, March 23, on Let e, Third, Once Sion; Mtkillop, Cattle, ample_ ten== -s, Furniture, niture, t .e. John Carlin, pro - rider . J. P. 1lri le, auctioneer. ::Toesda ', _Max ch 20, on IL€tt • 14, Fifth 0UC S1 n, Alorris, Farna Stools, lutple- reiita and Household 1 zuitui`e, Alexe lard,: proprietor El_ lw?. } lkne,- aac_ pricer.: Wednesday, March 27th, I,ot Eighth Concession, 11 u [lett,. Fa Tm Stock, ruple;meuta dad Housei4--Icf :Furniture.. asvid Dobson, proprietor s J. 1,. Bime, tictioneer. Alonday, April 1, Farm Stock sand n plezneuts, Lot 3, Eleventh; Concession, 'uck,craniith. Mrs. Stark, ipoPrietress, PP 'Brine, auctioneer-_ Monday, April 1r,. on Let 29 Wagner's orners, Hay—Farm Stock, lrnpleraeiit3 rld i eusehold . arniture. John .Pfaff rtlpl Ietor ,. E. Bosseubu ry, :`ule;'tioneer. r • Tuesday:, April; 2, on Lot 3l, Seeeta korkcession, Usborxe,. Farm Sock and rltplf Vrrke4ts. John Lowe, proprietor ,• Bishop, auctioneer. q'ett day:,. April ,. on Lot 17, Thio eeuth Coacession, 1cKillsp; Farm _tock mitt Implements. Iscau etc- amen, prt?pt fetora J. 1'. 1 t iue, . ane- cene.rr. 1G eclnescy, April 3, at the Village of ttnhurn, Farm Stock and fk plereenti;•, honi:u & Stanley, proprietors 3. p. trine,, auetioneet. BIRTHS. Err EnINtl—lia Seaforth, on the 12th Mat., the wife of Mr. Augur- '.Stuehinga cooper, of a~ son. fC 'AIG.—At the Manse, Clinton, an Tuesday,. the 19th inst., the: wife of Rev. F. McCuaig, of twin sons - B CAGES of t'TlIt l s-- Rt TLEDGJ —.At, Harris- tort„ an s - tog, County elhugton,. • on, the 12th inst by Rev. 3, W. Dochstader, Mr. Hugh Carruthers,: to Naga & Eliza .Rutledge, all of the township of Haw ick.. .th ialtz.= Rin or.-- At Harriston, County Wellington, on the I2tlr inst., by Rev. J. W. Doehataaer, Mr. Theanaa Latimore, to Nfiss- Isabella Rutledge,, both of the• township of Howiels., THE AL4R- KETS. SEAFORTH, Mara �1.1872. Deliveries very small. Fo eign Mar- gets argets have declined in wheat,, and ours. was followed. We quote all w129iot . .. 5pritig Wheat..„- . , ..... . . 3ariey-- hits . 12 to 1 15 < 12 to 1 15 . 053 to"055. 9.34 to 031 • ft 5}i to 0 60' flatter. .....<. <._...._., 0:15 to 0 16 r •gs_ ._ .,.,.. .. .. 11. to 014 loin ..< 8 00 to 000 Vot ate ea . . - 0 40 to 0 50 T 00 to 13 00• Ilades: .. 6- 00 to 7 50 Sheep Sl.r s,. ., - 0 50 to -2 00 I.amlbSkuis , < . 1 00 to- 3 0O C alI Skins. per lb , < .:.,, . , - .. _ .. .. 0 08 to 0 10 t& 2'00 _2 25 cord ' to �1 rod Silt vestals per bur e1.... , .... -_ 1 00 to 0 00 F.eof . a O4?to a o6 ` Tutton ...... < 0'04 to 0 05 E'ork, per 100 lbs..— - . ,< 4 50 to 5 00 •;t:rve= .Bolts, per cord < 2 25 to 0 00 lover Seed,. per brrsltel ,... < •a" 50 to 6 00 timothy Seed, per bushel,. .. 3 50 to 4 50 Hay.— «<, <..... ..... CLINTON, ON, Mare;h 21, 1&72.. Fall Wheat....::.. ,...<. <.. ;1 15 ( 1 20 4irring Wheat 1 10 Lir1, 1 1g _. <.... ..«< <0 32 (0 035 Barley 0 50 ( 052: .0 58' tett 06"3 .titter. 0 12 0 015 Eggs... . 0.00 « 0 12' Pork„ ler I00 Ibs .. 5 00 (q1 5 f1' Hay, per ton,.. 11 00 (f,. 15 00 Mover Seed, per bushel- . - , . 550" t 6 LIVERPOOL, sa • OD e -t -Fitv 0r-tv S. D. S. D. S. D S. D. ... 26 0 26 0 26 0 Red Wheat... .. 10 11 10. 11 10 11 Red li'rrter.`_ 11 6 11 4 11 4 t)ri+e. 11 tl 11 6 11 6 27 627 & 27 6 a s 3 8 a 8 2 9 :1 9 2 9 l cast.. 39 , 6 39 6 89 6' [I ork. - . .. _ . •a4 0 54 0 54 . 9 and , 41 0 41 9' 41 0 Corn Parley. 26 0 1011. 11 4 11 6. 37 6 g 8 2 '9 G 54 V 41 0 MONTREAL), March 21. 1 FL01il—Receipts 500 barrels;; market quiet„ and: liusiness insmall compass s salea restricted to small lots for local trade, at generally talc -hanged rates. 1 iir_r°r----No reported, t .risactions, a re:es nominally unchanged, _. '1`iA: Inaetive and norriiii 1. and rtonriinral. roak--•-Sales only for (onist.n1ptive re uii'c melts, at (flotations. As-atm—Pots dull and droving ;- 'pearls pearls iwminai Tone} •ro, March 21, 1872. The ZingIiah market was again report- ed 'w thous. change. v 1ieac in New York was firmer, Holders asking . 2c to 3c advance_ The west was also the turn' higher for -wheat ; \i ontreal was dull and noiuuuvl for flour, with notli3rug do- ing in gram. This market was without ,Ittu al�Ic change in. wheat or flour.:' the i 1.tte:r was ir'quiaed for, but holders terms were still above the views of buyers. Vet- No. 1 superfine in small lots S5 `�0 tO �+<r 25 would probably be paid, far fund and for extra • $5, 50 to :$5 55 - Ne salsa, tic,\€ ever. were reported. I IIVA•r.-Was inactive, Itucl norriinal- lv unchanged. _ The steadier feeling in Civet pod, Frith the slight improvement llr,_ , , e -od , t t t ts- i �r_.et Y kit SII€, � II l t>'l til Fc. Hapar e i sortie degree of confidence to - Lohltrs, so that yesterday's prices would siert so readily be accepted,: still buyers V-ttrild not advance on their late offers. 'tVe quote No. 2.spring at ' t lG iu store. No. 1 Treadwell would readily fetck 24 hi attire. BARLEY ' ('ontiutlf S. quiet, with little ,ix,'r1U!-; and 11tr change in in c .s Oil thestreet market 64c to 65c was, paid. F'i•.-is- -Nelle ofi'erin F and no inquiry; lkrrui:srrcanlninallyt iulchaugecl . street prices t. to 70e. OATS Buyers at 41c for car loads on the track, but no sales reported ; 44c to' tae: was paid on the street market. Sel f —Glover solei on the street to- day at $5 4a to 55 50, but round lots are' unchanged at $5 75 tet $5 80 Ti inotlaY is held at $3 to $3 2.:f. ` Hay and straw were in moderate sup` lily ; t uechanged prices. 0 fir 1lARc1t 22, 18'72. THE I-iIftO111[ ERPOSITOR. s BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, March Saturday..... • • Snnday.. . •. >4menday .• ..: