HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 6MARCH 172
music. Although the?e was
excitement,. no di?order etre-
urrecl2 And the police forcer wll1ch
Id been largely incl eased for the
ty, found no occasion to interfere,
Saturday, March 23, on Let e, Third,
Once Sion; Mtkillop, Cattle, ample_
ten== -s, Furniture, niture, t .e. John Carlin, pro -
rider . J. P. 1lri le, auctioneer.
::Toesda ', _Max ch 20, on IL€tt • 14, Fifth
0UC S1 n, Alorris, Farna Stools, lutple-
reiita and Household 1 zuitui`e, Alexe
lard,: proprietor El_ lw?. } lkne,- aac_
Wednesday, March 27th, I,ot
Eighth Concession, 11 u [lett,. Fa Tm Stock,
ruple;meuta dad Housei4--Icf :Furniture..
asvid Dobson, proprietor s J. 1,. Bime,
Alonday, April 1, Farm Stock sand
n plezneuts, Lot 3, Eleventh; Concession,
'uck,craniith. Mrs. Stark, ipoPrietress,
PP 'Brine, auctioneer-_
Monday, April 1r,. on Let 29 Wagner's
orners, Hay—Farm Stock, lrnpleraeiit3
rld i eusehold . arniture. John .Pfaff
rtlpl Ietor ,. E. Bosseubu ry, :`ule;'tioneer. r
• Tuesday:, April; 2, on Lot 3l, Seeeta
korkcession, Usborxe,. Farm Sock and
rltplf Vrrke4ts. John Lowe, proprietor ,•
Bishop, auctioneer.
q'ett day:,. April ,. on Lot 17, Thio
eeuth Coacession, 1cKillsp; Farm
_tock mitt Implements. Iscau etc-
amen, prt?pt fetora J. 1'. 1 t iue, . ane-
1G eclnescy, April 3, at the Village of
ttnhurn, Farm Stock and fk plereenti;•,
honi:u & Stanley, proprietors 3. p.
trine,, auetioneet.
Err EnINtl—lia Seaforth, on the 12th
Mat., the wife of Mr. Augur- '.Stuehinga
cooper, of a~ son.
fC 'AIG.—At the Manse, Clinton, an
Tuesday,. the 19th inst., the: wife of
Rev. F. McCuaig, of twin sons -
of t'TlIt l s-- Rt TLEDGJ —.At, Harris-
an s -
tog, County elhugton,. • on, the 12th
inst by Rev. 3, W. Dochstader, Mr.
Hugh Carruthers,: to Naga & Eliza
.Rutledge, all of the township of
Haw ick..
.th ialtz.= Rin or.-- At Harriston,
County Wellington, on the I2tlr inst.,
by Rev. J. W. Doehataaer, Mr.
Theanaa Latimore, to Nfiss- Isabella
Rutledge,, both of the• township of
SEAFORTH, Mara �1.1872.
Deliveries very small. Fo eign Mar-
argets have declined in wheat,, and ours.
was followed. We quote
all w129iot . ..
5pritig Wheat..„- . , ..... . .
. 12 to 1 15
< 12 to 1 15 .
053 to"055.
9.34 to 031
• ft 5}i to 0 60'
flatter. .....<. <._...._., 0:15 to 0 16
r •gs_ ._ .,.,.. .. .. 11. to 014
loin ..< 8 00 to 000
Vot ate ea . . - 0 40 to 0 50
T 00 to 13 00•
Ilades: .. 6- 00 to 7 50
Sheep Sl.r s,. ., - 0 50 to -2 00
I.amlbSkuis , < . 1 00 to- 3 0O
C alI Skins. per lb , < .:.,, . , - .. _ .. .. 0 08 to 0 10
t& 2'00 _2 25
cord ' to
�1 rod
Silt vestals per bur e1.... , .... -_ 1 00 to 0 00
F.eof . a O4?to a o6 `
Tutton ...... < 0'04 to 0 05
E'ork, per 100 lbs..— - . ,< 4 50 to 5 00
•;t:rve= .Bolts, per cord < 2 25 to 0 00
lover Seed,. per brrsltel ,... < •a" 50 to 6 00
timothy Seed, per bushel,. .. 3 50 to 4 50
Hay.— «<, <..... .....
CLINTON, ON, Mare;h 21, 1&72..
Fall Wheat....::.. ,...<. <.. ;1 15 ( 1 20
4irring Wheat 1 10 Lir1, 1 1g
_. <.... ..«< <0 32 (0 035
Barley 0 50 ( 052:
.0 58' tett 06"3
.titter. 0 12 0 015
Eggs... . 0.00 « 0 12'
Pork„ ler I00 Ibs .. 5 00 (q1 5 f1'
Hay, per ton,.. 11 00 (f,. 15 00
Mover Seed, per bushel- . - , . 550" t 6
sa • OD
e -t
-Fitv 0r-tv
S. D. S. D. S. D S. D.
... 26 0 26 0 26 0
Red Wheat... .. 10 11 10. 11 10 11
Red li'rrter.`_ 11 6 11 4 11 4
t)ri+e. 11 tl 11 6 11 6
27 627 & 27 6
a s 3 8 a 8
2 9 :1 9 2 9
l cast.. 39 , 6 39 6 89 6'
[I ork. - . .. _ . •a4 0 54 0 54 . 9
and , 41 0 41 9' 41 0
26 0
11 4
11 6.
37 6
2 '9
54 V
41 0
MONTREAL), March 21.
FL01il—Receipts 500 barrels;; market
quiet„ and: liusiness insmall compass s
salea restricted to small lots for local
trade, at generally talc -hanged rates.
1 iir_r°r----No reported, t .risactions,
a re:es nominally unchanged,
_. '1`iA: Inaetive and norriiii 1.
and rtonriinral.
roak--•-Sales only for (onist.n1ptive re
uii'c melts, at (flotations.
As-atm—Pots dull and droving ;-
pearls iwminai
Tone} •ro, March 21, 1872.
The ZingIiah market was again report-
ed 'w thous. change. v 1ieac in New
York was firmer, Holders asking . 2c to 3c
advance_ The west was also the turn'
higher for -wheat ; \i ontreal was dull
and noiuuuvl for flour, with notli3rug do-
ing in gram. This market was without
,Ittu al�Ic change in. wheat or flour.:' the
i 1.tte:r was ir'quiaed for, but holders terms
were still above the views of buyers.
Vet- No. 1 superfine in small lots S5 `�0 tO
�+<r 25 would probably be paid, far fund
and for extra • $5, 50 to :$5 55 -
Ne salsa, tic,\€ ever. were reported.
I IIVA•r.-Was inactive, Itucl norriinal-
lv unchanged. _ The steadier feeling in
Civet pod, Frith the slight improvement
, ,
e -od ,
t t t
ts- i �r_.et Y
kit SII€, � II l
t>'l til Fc.
Hapar e i sortie degree of confidence to -
Lohltrs, so that yesterday's prices would
siert so readily be accepted,: still buyers
V-ttrild not advance on their late offers.
'tVe quote No. 2.spring at ' t lG iu store.
No. 1 Treadwell would readily fetck
24 hi attire.
BARLEY ' ('ontiutlf S. quiet, with little
,ix,'r1U!-; and 11tr change in in c .s Oil
thestreet market 64c to 65c was, paid.
F'i•.-is- -Nelle ofi'erin F and no inquiry;
lkrrui:srrcanlninallyt iulchaugecl . street prices
t. to 70e.
OATS Buyers at 41c for car loads on
the track, but no sales reported ; 44c to'
tae: was paid on the street market.
Sel f —Glover solei on the street to-
day at $5 4a to 55 50, but round lots are'
unchanged at $5 75 tet $5 80 Ti inotlaY
is held at $3 to $3 2.:f.
` Hay and straw were in moderate sup`
lily ; t uechanged prices.
22, 18'72.
Thursday, March
Saturday..... • •
Snnday.. . •.
>4menday .• ..: