HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 5e•• . „. :NEW .ADVER,TISEME • • - THt HURON RXPOSI'r0R. 8.ly, ntenclx out la marked coutrast to not d v ill Something Interesting -Wm. Robertson Licenced Auctioneer -A: -Hunter, Grey. Farm tor Sale -Alfred Stonehouse. Dent el Notice -Dr. J. -G. Bull. Just Received -R. Lumaden. '• Tenders Wanted -W-. tRilL • Spring doods-W. pampbell- • . Seeds, Seeds----Streng & Pairley, • .Ainleyville Land Agency:He. R. Cooper, Young Man Wanted -LW, Malconi Caution -John. Colwell. • -117 411X0:11 et1105ittire FRIDAY, nlAROle 22, 1872. _ A Good Feature. s Vire have recently. • received- the prospectus of the Toronto Paily jourma shortly to be issiied in Toronto by the /Wait -Printing and Pitttlishing Company, under the manauement Of Mr: Thpmas ' C. jPattesen: This Compeny to 'skirt • with a subscribed capital .of 4250,- 000, and is composed of Iran; of the most wealthy and influential • business men and Politicians of the • counti:y. it is intended that the first number of this Paper bo. issued about the beginning ef April that of aie representative ta, _Smits , the : • when his •pledges to his constituents would lItiron, on every eccasion not iaertnit, of his .giving till ari.verse 1 vote to the Ow irnmente found it co n vellum t. to ,be regztling himself in the smoking -to m or lobbies. . The many wain persooal, as well - as political friend.s of , Me A Refer-. lane will,fearre, Wi, h regret his inten- tion of retiring fr m Parliamentary life. We trust: . he Reformers of- Per-th.will be ahl to secure a suc- . ceseor who,w111.seree diem as core -sistently' and i-e0eiti 1)0 iiledges to ' the'm• as ',faithfull as their present and retiring repre entative has done: The Star Medal. It appetu•S ft a letter published 1 lately in the Glo over t sagoa- turd of Mr. J. Morris, mem- ber of thei senate of the Toronto Uaiyersity, that ! certain fund, bo- a ' • „ queetbed by the late Dr. Starr, for the. endowment 'of o annital medals; to, be competed for by medical gradu- ates of the Unieersityelfas Leen di- verted from the purpose for whieh• the testator intended it, ;rid a ppl ied to the ,purchaSes of •medals for' the ge`6it ral students of the University. Thiis certainly what woold, railw next.- There is one telliire set f e`xPe.'et IxidY like the` Sedate, • • in the prospecttis, VATinin'if . of the University, and we .doubt • whether the medical ellen of Ontario • erly carried out, will Wa new, fea- • tiire in Canadian joinlialiSin,--iind • one Which will be duly,appreciated by the general public:, :On the sub- ' jecteof Parliamentary reporting, the pi oipeptus promises as fjllows • “-eParliamentary Reporting will ,be at- , tempted on fairer principles than ,-lieve characierized the performances .of Some - newspapers, which have for many years bad representatives in thb galleries at Ottsw# and. Torento. Thiele/vier writers of the paper will Make'iKetheir business to advocate one set of opaiions exprbssed ' in perference to anetheteset ;.ebtit0 in stractions will be given to the eeviters to fearlessly emulate the IMparti4lity of the leading journals at home. The • ex - igenciee of space milder liteperfectieporte are occasional necessity, but a gaited ree: port, it is. hoped; will never find its way. into The Mail." ' It is to be Loped that the above • promises may be faithfully Odd fear-, • lesaly carried out. - The menper in 1which perliamentarY repot ting. is now conducted by the city journal's, is simplydisgracefule In rending r. a report of the samespeeeh- in •tbe Globe and Telegraph, it is alrnos ine- pcasible to 'discern any resertiblOce• . I Each seems,to make it a poini, to . curtail, change, and doctor their re- ports, so as to suit their particular side in polities. '19,listeper to. the debates in the Hutise eould scarcely recognize them afterwaeds, as repOrt- ed in the daily papers. This ie just to the reader; and dishonestebut such is the 'manner in which p.rlia- gleamy reporting is 'emaducted, Any man who:founds hie politica; opinion e from the reported aarlite ineotary depletes, has but a: very fin - perfect fonndation .te build upon If, therefore, the Mai/ remedies thit eviland fives a fair and honest- re, port of narliamen tary denates,:.uie pective .cf political • consideration • it will acdomplish a general goot -which will entitle it to public thankn - • • , will quietly submit to have an hon. orable .distinctimi, like .thisr Starr medal; et' them and appropri ated fir this cool manner by partics who have no right whatever to it. We trust; now that Mr. Morris has • exposed 'tlie cheat, that it will be followed up, .and • the clearly-ex- preesed wishes of the fonder of the -Medals honeetl,,, carried out. Any • medical graduate of the - University • ivoiildewe think,' be able to sustain an action, in 'Chancery against the •Senate fee this misappropriation. The Grand Trunk Railway. Interested in, and dependent up- on the- Grand Trunk, as the 'people of this section,of the country are, it cannot but'be interesting and grati- fying to them to hear of its continu- • ed and increasing prosperity.• Al- though this great enterprise has, in the pas, beea newt with many. dif- ficulties, tinu• hard to contend With many and great disadvaetages, it would neW seem by the following stateMene which we copy from a Moetr.eal contemporary, that its days • of greatest adversity are past, arid oubt, will be found fully equal to reat demands mule upon it, and comp= _favorably with the best tys of Ainerica." • NEWSO OP THE WEEK .A demonstration in honor of the memory Of Joseph- Mazzini, took phtce in Rept:, on Sunday, and was O meat suctess. .An, immense pro- cession; comprising all the werking- rden's societies, with banners, flags, and (mods Of music, carried the bust of the deceased patriot through the pit cipal s' reets- the Capitol, wh re it was 'depbsited with impos- ing ceremorey and eulogies. An elevator, belonging to the Erie Railway, was burped in Buf- fide, on Saturday uier,ht, ith 53,000 bushels 6f initin, which was stored in it. ,The loss exceeds $200,000. Elevator property seems to ue 'very unf rtunate in Buffalo ; aoout n first -chess elevators have been ed in that city -within the last or sevenyears, • dvices from Washington say the hhe new tariff` bill will not be prel-ented till the end of this month. our professors in the University of ono, have been exCommunicated by the Archbishop of Cologne be- cause .of their rejection of the dogma of apal :here was: a smashInpon the train on Satin -day betvieen •Spring- fiel and Boston. Some fifteen per- son were more or less injured, but, with perhaps one exception, none , doz bur • The MeXican Government troops have been subcessful in Several re- cerit encounters with the revolu- tionists. • !• A grand- mass meeting was held sa4 Lake city. on Moaday even- ing last, for the purpose of, protest- ing te Congrese against the aclutis- si4 of tbe territory' into, the :Union as in State. . It is thought that an effort will be !made to secure the aljournment . of he United States Corgress on or ab ut. the 19th of May. uSiness in the Province of Nova Se tia, is becomingl sta4lant, from th qoantity 'of snow, the absence of nr ils, and non-arrieal of vessels long du;. • Trains haiiing *lion kicking fas with snow on seveed of the ralways for eight days, old all at - tel ipts to •reinove them lave ea yet pr Yen futile. •• , pens:on of £1200C has been gr nted to Lady' Mayo, •and X20,- 900 have been settledeireher child- ren by the British (kiiearnent• . N.ir• J.dit. MoylanPoonnion .Einigration Agent. in . reland, and • editor of the 'Toionto P-W;3iiiiciaz, was that an •era,of progiess and prospeia- entertained complimentary ty its effars is now begin:Mpg to . . dinner at Dublin previons to his dawn. 'This increased prosperity es- eetieine for Canada. - no doubte in the main, • to the 14. T. Stewart, of New York,. has subscribed five thousand dollars toWards a- church to be „built fcr Rev. Mr. Hepworth. on Fifth. A v entre in that city. The mai amount 'subseribed foots' up to $110,000. has been introduced into issouri- Legislature whiell'providei at it shall be left to the jury in to $6,360,868; in 1871 they reached the eloh case to decide whether a crimin- • -increasing prosperity of the section of country through. which it tea- versee; aod as the country continues to improve4 it is natural that the • prospects' of the road will gradnally grow brighter and brighter. The • follOwing is the article referred to : "In. 1867 the gross receipts amounted ti: generous •- South Perth. an answee, and one would be pre- pared and sent to tbe American Minister not later than Thursday of the present week. Earl Granville Made . similar Statement in the House of ;fiords. • A man, named John Macdonald, from Toronto'waS:crusbed to death, „, • on Wednesday, ia Chicago, by the falling of a tree. Eon. Win. Schley,- orie, of the mem bers- for Bid t ere'in* 'the U. S. Senate,.died on ThtirsdaY morning, of small pox, in his 73rd year. The train which left Fonda, N. Y., Wednesday month% at 9.35, on the Fantle, Johnstown and Glovers- ville' Railroad, with three engines, is Still fast in a snow, bank a mile long, and from six to ten feet deep, near Glovereville. .A full lind detailed report of the pork packing in the West - bas been published at Cincinnati. The total number of bogs. packed was 4,868,- 4,18, against 3,695,251 last year, The averege weight of the hoes was 227-R- lbs.; yield of 11 kiode of laid per hog, 391 lb.s.; inceease in crep is 30.4-9 p.c., and inercas'a in lard28,11 per cent. After a debate of t'wo weeks on Mr.. Willis' motioa of want of con- fidence in the New BrunswickeGev- ernthent, a. vote was reachedeonVed- nesday evening, and. the Govern - mem sustained by a majority of six. The school question MO the quee- tion at issue. • • ......eneemesenalesea • sum of $8,31e,014, an increase of 30 per .cent. Their increase in 1871 over the preceding year was no less than• 27:3, or 1,4: per cent. in one year. . The financial position of the Company has improVed; as is evident from the facts that the merket value of all its securifies has -dulling the last 18 months . - [-risen in England 15 to 20 per cut, and •. • ment boads were, during the last few gatea appointed by the Reformeta r . 0! weeks, disposed of at par, While the .1- ' South Perth was held at- miieeen, price obtainedfor the first half; two. or convicted of a ecapital offeuce be hanged or imprisoned fur The mining returns of Nova Sco- . • , . , , tia slow an increase Ian year m tne product of the'ceal mines of 38,000 tons Over the previousyear, and a A Convention. composad of dela that the balance. of its eeeond equip- sr gut decrease in the gild products. ' The work of conslracting the mammoth building for the world's on Friday last. The cbject of the 'rhe tra ' three years ago, WaS only 85. peace jnbilee commenod at Boston, ck has been improved by the tun and her allies by the Russian Ur the 18th inet, Tilt. proposition • The Washington Treaty. • Debate in the Imperial Parliament—Mr. • Gladstont's Explaaations. In the House of Commons on Thursday, Mr. Horsman, in ac?ord- ance with his before expre'ssedin- tention, again asked. Her Majesty's Covernment that assure ,Parliament that in case fresh negotiations rela- tive to the Alabama claims 'were entered upon with the American Government, no proposals wobld be filially accepted until they had re- ceived the sanction - of Parliament. Mr.• Gladstone, in reply to'Mr. Horeman's question, said he..inform- ed the hon. gentleman, last night that he had been unablto consult with his colleagues on the subject., He added he was yet without the opportunity to do so, and conse- queutly was not able to give the as- surance asked for. He would state, however, that Parliament would be informed at all times of the spirit, aim, direction And policy of- Gov- einmenie on all important questions • As far as the Alabama Claims were concerned, he odlieved the speech of Her Majesty at the °puling of the session'gaVe all the necessary infor- mation. Mr. Gladstone rn conclu- • sion said it would be inipoisible for Government to delegate to Parlia- ment the power of making treaties. Mr. -Horsman -in reply to the last portion of Gledstones remarks cited the fact that the American Senate has power to ratify or l'eject any treaty which their Goveinment may negotiate. Mr. Gladstone IT- peated his assertion that itavould be impossible to allow Parliament the treaty -making power, but at the same time stated that it was the duty of Government to keep Parlia- ment informed of any alteration in the Government's policy: .6•40. oBulnaceks Stiei ea. final A Rttierszila_aliii: tahnen termination of the neutrality of the Black Sea which was supposed to be one of the main objects of .the costly sacrifices, entailed upon Great But _ • ,• .-4-N Awai -;* - MARCH 22, 1872, Black Sea, and was formerly the seat of Government of the Province, which, however, on account of the frequent earthvakes in that region, t7taBs.t.t.1.11:11111_,3ofenrTi.....Hie' aCI:iosiii)tia*t_ie-inSYeeatt.rs "Itgli°e, inhabitants of Schemacha are nearly • all Armenians. Dominion. Legeslature--Private Legislation. • S a tat rd aiy% Gazette contains the fo1iowi4g notices of applications for private acts, additional to those eriblished last week : By W. II. Howland, W m. MeDougali. Donald McDonald V., . • Alexander, . James Miebie and Josh AlcKay, to incor- porate the Pemuma and Saskatche- wan 'Railway from the international boundary, near Pembina, to some Point on the M. N. branch of the Sas- lateiiewau, west of Fait 'CarletoM po By nald A. Smith anti James Mc: ay, to incorporate the Mani- toba Insurance Compaoy 3. to incor- pore e the Bank of Manitoba; to mai: le the Grand Trunk Railway to 4aise the necessary capital to avai themselves of the aets e&npow- ermn4 them to Purchase the Mont- real nd Chemplain Railway, and to crea c a third mortgage for no more that $500,000 at seven per eent Not ce of anplication for letters pat- ent or the East Zorra. and Bland- ford Cheesevitnufacturiog Coms . Ilan n an is also b Convention was to select a candi- sullstitutien of '110 miles of steel rails ade Air. Ginmee while je war. An Imperial Iluksian.clecree, • during the yeale in place of iron rails, II 7 • - date to contest the 'Riding in tbe in- whieh have proved a failure. During Fiegland7 to itivite -Quien Victoria it is stated, re -opened Sebastapol as terest of the- party at the empiric/. the present year., 200 miles of steel rail the festival his been well receiv- a commercial and military harbor, ivith the -ft- !ications -restored. • Will be laid down, and ------------ the 1oy influential person:. The Prince election.: The following gentlenteni whole main line will •be laid with steel 0 Tow:trds the close of 1870, Russia, were nominated : lieu. Ale.xanderi and all the iron -removed. This im- it. will be recollected, taking. ail van t Mackenzie, R. Alliefaelane, Esq., the prove thE speed and security of Ehe pass- age apparently 'if the disturbed state prevenient of thetreck will largely im- Weles Sir Edward Cardwell, and illiam Ininen will le among the c ty s invited guests. • • The assassin of Ed Mayo ha3 oi Europe, put forward a claim to violate the stipulations of the Treaty h ..,pn executed. He nade con• •ssimedeclariog that :he death of of Paris (1856) so far as the Black t 'Viceroy W+48 not de result of 'a Sea \% 1S comet ned, on the ground c nspiracy, Its he -aline designed Unit Turkey had alre:tdy broken her d carried out the harder. He part in that solemn ,engagernens and so said that? he intaided to kill that other territorial changes, had eneral- Stewart, who accompanied altered the relations of the contract- ed Mayo on hie timid inspection 'nig powel.s. present - represeonl, and J. ,1-1„ el4ger train service. .1 . 1 / Gould, Esq., 'of Ste arys. After a grreet increase of freight traffic has vote. beiog teklern Mr. Macfarlanei '$kling h.ccommodatien, . ' called. for a corresponding increase of was found to have considerably the. and Arraage- meats ere completed for !fleeting this largest number in his favor. The felt want during the present year. The nomination of Mr. Macfarlane was. rolling stook' has been impreved by the • addition of itwen ty-tw o new first-class afterward made utlanimo'las. That ' . cars of the Most approved construction. gentleman, _however, declined the ithin the past two years; seventeen honor, stating that he had ni., desire more will be cempleted during the cur- ' or intention to continue in public rent leer, besteles a considerable addi- tion of second-class and baggage cars. Twenty Millman cars are new completed ancl four more will be ready for use by • life longer than the present, term. • This annotincemente of course, put a., da.mper on the proceedings of the the•lst of June. ' Last year twenty.new Convention and,•they accordingly ad- , engines were ordered, and thisyear or - the eaef ders -haveteen given for thirty -more to journed to leasserabie at u - . • be delivered by the first' of December the President. : •next. Of freight cars, 1,000 change - For many reascme, it is to • be re- , able guage .cars for the through line. supplied in 1870.; 300 bok and 200 plat - l' grated that 31r.' Macfarlane could' have/ -been addek; 500 box 'ears were_ ' 114 see his way clear to Accept the • - . v n -ma for 500 more tube delirere 1 Hai he done so, he would, undoubt- in all an addition of 2,500 car edlv have been easily re-elected. years to the freight -carrying opacity of There are few ine-n occupyine seats , the .06mpany.' . in the present - Parliament ef Can- b .1 • 1 , . - form: ears in 1871 ; .and orders • limb-I:nation of , the Con -e are elven- • bis year; three A ne‘v iron ferry -boat to ie used at Ana, n paasenger rams \i11 ada more •generally popular' ilet be carried to andfrom the American only in the House, but with hiS con- side.without dieturbiug pass ngers. has been procured and will he reedy for use • stituer_sts. Generous, kind, free and it May. The bridge at Buffa o wiil be open-bearted, be cannot but make op' ailed for traffic by the 1st f Deeena - friends wherever he goes. As a bele and will enable fine railvvt y to carry politician, his course has been. manly passengers and freight bass ecu New. and streightforward,and even his op- YPrk a4d. Chicago by Et, route equal to ponents cannot but speak well of him.' • He has never been.,irnown to evade or shirk his duty in the • House, no matter how arduousthat duty might be, or how great the temptation to evade it • Indeed, his conduct in this respect, especial- • ! A a any existing. in these and other imnrevements the Fs large stun of £331,000 . over and above the ordinary working expenses of the line, will be expended'. • When this wise policy of improvement, inaeigurated and carried on -under the able and judicious management of Mr. Brydges, has been -completed, the and Trunk, we can- a of music, Although there was much excitement, no ditender currede-and the police force, ftehiele had lalea largely inmeased for the day, found no occasion to interfere. .A.UOTION SALES. Saturday, March 23, on Lot 5, Third Concession, Meliillop, Cattle, Imple- ments, Furniture,. &c. John Carlin, pro- prietor .; P. Brine. ametioneer. Tuesday, „March 26, on Lot 14, Fifth. Concessien; Merris, Farm Stock, _ample- Ments and Household 211.113_ re, Clam-. proprietor; P. Brine, elec- tioneer- Wednesdhy, March 27th, Lot 8, Eigh th Concession, ullett, Farm :Stock, implements and Houeeletild Furniture, David DoNon, proprietor J. P. Bzine, aectioneen _Monday, April 1, Farm; Stock and implements, Lot 3, Eleventh Coneession, Tuckersmith. Mrs. Stark, peeprietress; 5, P. Brine, auctioneer. - Monday, April 1, on Lot 29. Wagner'e' Corners Hay -Farm Stock Implemente $ and. Household Furniture. John I'faff, proprietor e E. Bosseubury, auctioneer. Tuesday, April 2, on Lot al, Sewell Concession, Usborne, 'Farm Stock and. Implementee, • John Lowe, proprietor; A Bishop,. auctioneer. Tuesday, April 2, on Lot 17„. Thir- teenth. - Ciencession, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. Duman Mc- Dowell, proprietor ; P. Brine, auc- tioneer. Wednesday April 3, at the Village of q Kmbarie Farm Stock, and liaplements„ Thompson (Is Stanley, proprietors ; J. P. • Brine, auctioneer. A ow im the British House of Commons, reinavkable scene occurred in the ritisle House of Commaas on Tue day night last, on the occasion of fl e introduction of a motion by Sir hailes Dilke to investigate the exp lases counected with the Crown. Thi motion being called by the Spe. ker in its regular order, Vis - corn t Bury asked if it was consist- ent vith the dignity of the House to Mow Sir Charles, an avoaed Rei &elicit% to proceed until he re- trac ed, seeing that all the members had taken the oath of allegiance to the Crown. The Speaker said he saw no reason to interfere, and Sir Cho -les proceeded to read his mo don, amid groans and cries and great con usion. The motion • asked for den iled information respecting all the expenses of the CV -own. Auber- on erbert seconded the motion, and rec. wed no better bearing from the He se than dtd the mover. Mr. Gla stone pointedly denied some of the statemelits made by Sir Charles, and took him sharply to „task' for his mis statements and misrepresenta- s. He asked •the House to re- ject the motion. Mr. Herbert again att mpted to speak, but the groans and cries which greeted his rising pre •ented his being heard. The up- rott continuipg, and Mr. Herbert pet isting in his attempts to speak, y of the members left the House. Herbert continned, and express - ns for a republican • of Governmeute Finally the was taken, and the motion se- d the votes of only the mover seconder, the division being 2 for and 274 against. tw bei ig 'vigorously carried on. The irol on the Ainerican Side is being lai as fast as the weather will ad - mi . Capt Meyers, of New York, ha S been employed to superintend the works cf the coffer dam, and, we understaud, be bas a thoronglt knowledge cf works of that descrip- tion, and a man of great energy of cheracter. Mr. AllFeriane is pu. hint, oe his work with that en rgy.for which he is characteiistic. H has a large ntimber of men emJl - ma hIr .ed • for vot • C111. an a ti Port Blair, and wasonly prevent - e 1 froni fully executincallis purpose by the prOmptness,of I's at rest after attacking the Viceroy. . A report has reacled Paris -that the Carlists of Spain lye attempting ' to 'seceretly import runts, with the , view of rebellieg aganst the 'Gov- ' ei-nment. Like maw other cou- i- spirators, however, ttesy ,tre weak-. ened- by internal _disstnsions; and it is thought:this fact wil rdialer them-, harmless. - '- In the English Ibuse of Com-- . . . moes on...Tuesday, 'Xr. GhtdStone stated that the Goveriment had re- ceived the American :-eply- to Earl Granvilie% note on Thursday' of Fiat Week-. It *as, .he was glad to s y, couched in courteous• and f iendly terms, and while it would not be in the interest of the public esiness to make putlie the corres- ndence at the prenent time, he as at liberty to state that the views of the- PritisliGoverninent were it adopted,. and thereforean answer ould b necessary. He added that tlheAmn.vjcaat note seemed to invite The proposals to disregard or de- part ,from the terms of the Treaty, - International Bridge. he works of the International Th.dge over the Niagara river, la. - en Fort Erie and Bnfialo, ere yed, and lumber is piled up in all dir ctions in • preparing for the su mer's work, and be has men of gr at experience to superintend the work and carry tint his projects. e ST. Patrick's Day in Cork. The celebration of St Patrick's Dy at Cork was one of nt111S‘lal pr portions. A mass ineebiog was he d in the City Park, at, which it is estimated that nearly 15,000 'sons were present. Mr. Romagne withont the assent of the signatories pe ,sided, and on takine the chair generally, was resisted in Great britain. At the same time the sub - samba' justice of the Russian case was not absolutely denied. Ulti- mately a conference was held in London, and we assunte that the step now announced is one of the. consequences of the modifications of -the Treaty of Parie .then determined upon. _ A City of .-25,000. Inhabitants Destroyed. -• • Au earthquake li edestroyed the city of Scheinacha, in Russia. Ac- cerding to the official report, 118. peesone were killed. and 44 wound- ed, but all the inhabitants were left without shelter. Schemecha or rather was, a city of 25,000 in- habitants, and lie&'. on the xoad ee- twon TulIis arterBaltu;-*Itt the foot of -the' Caueasia Mountain,, about 75 miles distant from the lattereity.- Schemacha is 2,316 feet above: the Oitepiarts and 2,230 feet above' the' ar de a powerful speech. He said th most despotic • government in Et rope would not have allowed • st Ai an occasion as the Royal TI 2n1,-.s.giving to piss without signal- iz" ng an amnesty to political prizolie er.. The: Queen of Bagland ehould re nemher that her dyttesty owed it existence to the gleatest perjurer of modeen times, the Duke • of A arlborodgb. _Providence seemed to interpose to remind her of that, foe in the same carriage with , the geeen, whea O'Connor presented his pistol and petition, sat 3 lady of honor, who was a descendent of Churchill's. En -eland had never franted Iretand anything rom motives of justice, Concessions had al ways been wetmg from her through fear. The speaker's bold- denuncia- tions were receiVed with frequent azd prolonged cheering. The vari- ous organizations marched to arid from the park, with flags and bands BIRTHS. SeafOrth, OR the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. AugusteStueleing, cooper, of a son. isicCu-ara.-At the 3lanse,t'linton, on Tuesday,. the 19th inst., the- wile :of • Rev. 1?. IleCuaig, of twin eons - MARRIAGES. CARRUTHERS-- RUTLEDGE. —At Harris - ton, County Wellington, on. the 12th inst., by Rev, J. W. Dochstader, Mr. lingh Carruthers, to Miss Eliza • Rutledge, all of the township of Howick- LATMOR.E.:-RCTLED G E.- Harriston, County Wellington, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. W. Dochstader, Mr. Thomas Latimore, to Miss' lsabella , Rutledge, both of the townileip of Howielt. THE MARKETS. SEAPOP.T11, Mareli 21, 1872. ' Deliveries very small, Foreign Mar- kets have declined in wheat,, and ours has followed. We-qpote : 12 to 115 Spring Wheat. 12 t� 1 15 Bar1ey-. , •••.4 53 to 0 55 Oats . 0.64 to 084 Butter. 015 to 0 15 Eggs, •- 14, to 014 noux • 9.00 to 0 IX) Potatoes — 0 40 to 050 Rar„ -110 00 to 18 00 fifa.;„• 6 00 to 750 Sheep Skins. 0 50 to 260 LarubSkins... . — . • — 1 00 to 900 Calf Skins, per 0 08 to 0 10 Woo.(i,per cot 200 to 295 Salt tretail) per barrel.. .. ...— 1 00 to 0 00 Beef ............. . . 0 04.1to 0 05 Mitten 04 to 4)05 Pork, per 100 lbs. . .. . 4 50 to 5 00 Stave Bolts, per cora • 2 25 to 4) 4)0 Clover Seed, per bushd, • 5 50 -to 6 00 Thnothy Seed, per bushel, 6 50 to 4 50 CLINTON, March 21, 1872. Fall Wheat...... — ..f$1 15 (fil 1 20 • Spring Wheat................ . . 1 10 0,4 1 12-1 . .... -0 62 kca 0 84 Barley— ......050 8.4 052 -Peas, . 0 58 tel 4)69 Butter . . . . . — 0 12 ee 15 Eggs... 0 00 (i_e; 0 121 Pork per i00 lbs 5 00 d. 500 Hay, per ton, . .. 11 00 {/4 15 00 Clover1 5 50 j 00 See , per us e LIVE.RPOOL, In 44. o' - 0 ) 1 - 1 - r - 4 ” , oe..z c., . .. 't9 la 1, INti S. e• e., e e V,•V" 'A S. D. •S. D. S. D. S. D. •, Flonr..' . , .... 28 0, 26 028 0 26 0 ' )11...d Wheat — — . 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 Bea 'Winter. .. ... 11 6 11 4 11., 4 11 4 WIZ!: ........„ 11 8 11 -6 211 • 66 2117 68 27 6 27 6Barley . • 38 6 8 3 9 8 8 (1)'teLt: 7; 1 g 7 3,1 7 ft 8 3 8 - • • - 4 • Pork .. — . — .. . . 54 0 54 0 54 9 54 9 , ar 41 0 41 9 41 0 410 11' i 4. MONTREAL, March 21. • FLonn---Receipts 500, barrels ; market • quiet, and business' in Sniall compass • sales restricted to small lots for local, trade, at generally unchanged rates. , NVise.er -.No reported transactions; prices nominally unchanged. P EAS—lnacti ve and nominal. t- BOTTER-1)1.111 and nominal. Pon inne-ent-S;alalqounoltyatfioornts•o.nsumptive re- piASH ES—Pots dull and droving; pearls nominal. ---e --- Toetoeero, March 21, 1872. The English nraeket was again report- ed withone change. Wheat in INea- Yol'-k was firmer, holders asking 2c to 30 adeance. The west WAS also the turn higher fer wheat ; -Montreal was dull and nominal • for flour, with nothing do- ing in grain. This market was Withont quotable change in wheat or flour-: the latter was inquired for, but holders terms were still above the views of buyers. Porn). 1 superfine in small Jots 85 20 to $5. 25 would prolrably be paid, for fancy $5 45; and. for extra $5 50 to $5 55, No sales, however. were reported. W EAT. -Was einactive. and nominal- ly unchanged. The steadier feeline111 : Liverpool, with the slight improvement noted in the Ameriesa market to -day, • imparted. some degree of confident° to holders, so that -yesterday's priecs would not so readily be accepted, still buyers would not advance on their late offers, •We quote No. 2 spring -at sl 16 in store. $N lTreadwell would lei -telly fetch 1o:24 insthre. N)Ariitielsrotile ie the street market -64c to -65c was paid. • PEAS. --None offering and. no inquiry; iricetso7no0.mcinally imchanged ; street prices Gise OATS.-- Buyers at 41c for car lea& on the track, but no sales reported; 44e to 45c was paid on the street market. Snetea -Clover sold on the street to- day at .$5 40 to $5 50, but round lots are iusiiheleiladngeatd.s3atto$5:$375-25t.o $5 80. Tinaothy ply aay ,-tultearid haTtlitgredeWpwe ricreci.in moderate sup- 4- 22. 'MARC: • AL0 L' e. 48'S) tiotan: dardaaiyyY. • 7 627 4, 246 Saterday........ 41 L.t.Tstotwal;:e.k. Monday — 3s1 Last week CAT1 . The market open lvith prices le bett The run, as iiulicat was 66 eaTS 3Dexcese previous week- aetive at le advanci -o01113.t$ for the goo Ille6re:351thisnporiin;air:goealos:f(!seszoinriseI 7tcioraati,: week Tuesday of l,_,; Sales reported ; •-S-Ochlelerrit'off, 1:11. 'steeslris •:13riggs, do do. .31onaglian,_ 111 steer. -8;r1.17,2:oot,hdota.s.:.... Th.e week opens the receipts thus 16 cars less than Prices, are tirxn, week has not fai" tk'efdaelait7we itohrallegales p-erilsosseet :$9 for sheep, agai Tneedasof 1,110 SSaialensre Mo 50 toBla- '2;v81a0m3'e t't9t'e. -Canton °t1119tler to mBishop ' • Same em 3*to s ' e at $8 20. '- Brown to Ke -null • The week eo S2,, at $8. supply of hogs on with the last some 9.6 ears -offer sequently the ad (i)lef.th,re hbibuybigers, hestan *Ithuls7tafr intthe tIre less than for the si Mr. Weston pni4 terday for the Bur Sales coMprise 1 This$ 41374oi asgaaitinl to b st se Bua.i! ff-410 to that -.11-clay - of Salesi, 567 rheeziir taet4 not be the lad. '! 146 50 - 75 230 NEW YORE. • Tree'. i • rhe 111; under_ review h and depressed weathe'r whieh p siderable part :of: to avoid Itfar exposure/brougl ria..ge and road if :still; and rest:tic! liorses to the cul ;stage and city rl improved' soolel .of rine -weather week,. It will, &mana to aim'. 4:mu-m1sted stool Bi011 in prices. ?' The sales at •'were as• the gclrral in ftutureaipeiting York lluctua,tet : THE max wa please everyho eom..-ts the near business'. Scott N active !won himself gettel! Seaforth, 'Mara FAR WARM of 3.13Za good lam). and Clintou dna sfrf 224 • Vi,TAXT:n1 Y the Wa:gonT, one that has alre,1 221 T4E Public • C( 1-0 Saly: • My 'written twat • Jsponsible for an. Tuttkersinith,:: -TENDERS DITION to, School 13311141134 he receivet1 nu Mints ana • after the Pinot} ing the 1-ost.(). The (loz.ntai: the lowebi ,or Mitebell TO the h.lia (ten/At-Y. • through bicknt for some titile flounting tt; t Viii.enke he roans fonuel McDougall's 8 Immanently t bis ati. patron. 41,k_a. with cal • bag to the Ititt' a.v 171 found 4: neeee