HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 4WAY TIMETABLE. ne leave the Seaforth station a.s a GOING owe. Mail. 1.40 r. .st,• NG EAST.. - etas Mixed.. Mail. At, L4 r. SAW A. Me, ag rorieeemeleemimmarrieulrFirmeemeek • D minITELL, (4,1anatt.,(q VLtito Surgyou, ete, etc., ONT.--Corarwr a the County of Heeeee ad eesidence, et Theektrpteln Statile-3es. surTR, Phyeicieu. Surgeon, et -orposite scott ukstotatsoa's Grocery, meet, Sertforrk•. 53 •,S. STEWART, M. D., C. L. Graduate of Motttroxl, Physieku, Sur- Otlit;C rtml 1te:dOeueu&—Illrucatie1O. , VERGOE, M. D.. C. Physician, Sur - ton, ac, OPe mut Itesidelwe corner of autl. High. streets, treet to th.ePf ening Mille 1.trnimra, Coroner for the Coanty. Office eideuce, over Corby`tt termer etore, Main rth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, eack day Saturday. 159 It.41.744.4.14* I,eEET, Solicitor, Wireeiram. has been ape iinted Agtett for the Celt atid SeemAlties Cone. Euttland, h.. is also Agent foe- eeeeral prie epitaht ifTorooto, loan Money at eeconalde =tee Interest payable- Tearly. is moderato. eham, Dee. 15, WI. 213 1:-AUCTIIESt HOLMESTED, Barnetees, At- irnees at Rate, Solitritors in. Chancery eel& enc,e, Notaries Pablie and Conveytmeers.. ors for the IL Oepank, Seatorth. Agents for aatla Life Aesurance Con:many, —teetettOte to leud at 6 pee cent_ Farms, er. and L-ote.for sale. 53 _ ::SON "elEYIut, Ben-ieters turd Attorneys: Law, Sedicitors in_ Chaneery and IteskIveney„ yaueers, Nottniee Public. etc. Ofilees—Sea- era Wroteter. t7413,0(Xl of Private Funds te truce, at Eight per certt. Intereet, payable 53 HOTEL, etate Sharp's.) The under- gned he to thank the public tar the liberal nage awartlett to him its. times. past in the !heftiness. affka ALM to interne them. that he bast Lreertmed business in the above etaral, niters' aim happy to have a call from old friende, 4.3.71,F new ones. " THOMAS ENO, INCE OF \VALES TiOTEL, Clinton, Ont., McC('TCHEON. Proprietor. Fin-it-eh/se ornotla,tion for travellers. 'rue Ber is sup- - :with the vety beet liquors and cigars. Geod. iuig attached. The stage les•ves this Holum aivy for Wingham. •.104-4t 1T1SH EXCHANGE no•rEt, Goaorich, ont„ (.ALL-kWAX,Propr"...f.tor: ,T. S. Wetaeeets, (late mericare Hotel, \Vareate, Y.'„) Manager. This - ha% reeentiv Item newly furnialtiel,_ and re - 1 throughout-, awl le now one of the most come dee mid connuotlione in the Province. Good 'de Rooms fer Commercial Trevellers. •es.- Terms liberal. 123 L-IVER. EOMSON"*S LIVERY, CLINTON- eFFICE,—AT COMxixucLu,. HOTEL. Good it Horees and Virst-Clase Velviclee always react Conveyancee furnished. to CoiumerdaL vellers on reasonable rates. - g JOHN THOMSON. LL'S LIVERY STARLES, 14EAF011,TH, Ont. `Good Herses and Comfortetile Vehiclee, always. hand. Fevorieble Arrangements made with. amerced Travellers. All ofeere left at lixelea tee, will be promptly :ate -need to. a/UM- AND See -awes_ :—Third door North of ee's flute'. Main Street. THOMAS BELL, Proprietor. LIVERY STABLE, MAIN STREET, Seaforth. First-class Horseand Carriagea etee on hand at reasoualrle terms. R. L. SHARP, Proprietor. _ 114-1.*11;KEILAIV- Etil. RItIGIIAM, Exchange Broker, and Rail- Tinket Agent, Ilenghteu'e Hotel, opposite 1. Reilwav Stetion, Settforth, Ont. Throttgk isettetitu all points in the Western State, .-Efornitt antl 1let1 ltiver, at rethreel rates, affording greatest facilities to Emig -mats_ All necessere ormation given reseecting Land. Ageacies„,ote. eenbaeks,Bouds, Coupon:: end. uncut:rent Meney, •el and Silvtr Coin, leought anil soltl at bust rates. CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SURGEON 1,3iember of the Onterio Veterinery College, I.,r3• to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth tI surrounding country, thet he has opened an lice in tieaforth, ehere he may be. consulted per- eally or by letter, on the Diseasee of Horses, (at - etc. Hixiug received a reenfiar and practical. ix -talon, and hasing hteu awarded the Diplome -theVeto-I-eery Colleee Oat:trio, T. J. Churchill e every confiance of giving setiefection to all 0 may employ him. ,Beeeitteeee—Ae Smith, V. S., Pnncipa.l Onta- 1. Veterinary College; Pi oft-. Buckland, Dr. Etorbinn, Dr. Rowed, and — M. lee el:: V. S. Veterivare- Medicines coustantly on hand. Alt ealle promptly attended to. ice—Carreichae l's Hotel, Seaforth. • 182e2n1 rissisraimenedworwesmiwir J. P. BRINE, ICENSED At'CTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales uttended in ail Parts of the gentry. All orates left at Tree. Exrostetot Office he promptly attended to. 198 CORN COBS, ANTED, hum( diately. by the unelereigued, • eplautitv CoRN CO -11S, &livered • in Sea - rt hfer whieh Caeh till be 'p u1. Apple to 'THOMAS LE'NS,. (104.----M ON PINT- -TO LEND. . abo-fe emennt to Lend, ia i,ums of Flee , Hundred- Deeistre aud upwards, at rates of in - roe fates. 7-4 to gver cont. Interest payable ;!,....arly or half ecarle. AMOS W. RAY. Lot 7, Con. 1, Grey. • 2184a Morriebank P. O. TKE swoRTH L B Y D • M 1.1 F.. E iN1 A CD 0 ,N A to Litt.Dit the public that the -y have opened, a Lumber Yerni itt Seaforth, uear shearsouei =ell, (01 thegroiord forineely used as rt. Iatraber •••1r.. Theeens constantly on hand good assort- tfl ei ALI. p_ \J)'- 11 1t ER. dirt:et-a and :\11.41, 1....A1If AND eilINGI ES, all of . ewe el( y are orep.to e. to selat the lov est possi- etee, for ( aeleaee :Axel otle..re will fine. tt to. tlatir aevant- '•1 1 jt -Peet oar settee. and ateteletiin I tur prices pereleasiale elsewhere, :Ls *t.,- are in e position tag', isr.1.1eN;ruCtt7.:-. tt Moll PILMIIII.1.-rIX:71. THE AGRIGUITilfifit.--KUTVAL_ Sz4VRA.N(JE ,.kS=50ef -tr.' ON (}.i• CAN A 1,),A. :Ai) (.1;1;re ....... INDON. ONT' Lies:net t btht: Dorni;Ni, eltiterninent.1 (:API1'A.1.. FIRST OF JAN VARY, ltirile $231,242 25.., oe..h items. Ceeelerny eoetinuee to grow in the pubile :-eelltiderree. tht• let January, P41, it had ili le! et* :1--1,5'eek Polieins.h.tiig, ditrimetew year 18-74 ,oreil tie branev-le number ef 12,l1teolicice. rae eee, • patranize your teen CANADIA1 company that hes. done hetet good te etrice arnouget P..f.'"IIISIttittkee apply to. • CIIARLdeS. 2e3 ,Igeet, 0t:ow T. (14 AlICTI 22. 1S72. GAIETIES. , out all expletive paits of sentences, AA alit, of importancri-e—One's 6rst. parentheses and ex1)lana4ons of what had before been said. On it terrible blunderiniss--kiss- third muting remove all the adjec- ' hag the wiong girl. breath.: . , byes and adverbs that cati be spared —A little boy definessnprng as without destroying the sor se of the lettin off sionin” piesle. .1x1Sti (It all, copy tile pieee . , . A Wisconsiuess swallowed a with an earnest purpose to make it * ., and feels the loss keenly. as short' as it will bear. Probably then it will have everything worth having, as first written, with very n, . . penkni .— A " Barbie 'minute photographer advertised : ranen and finished in ten AnCetalia, kangaroo leather is thought appropriate for leap year, —A vouth in Richmond set tire to a piano, expLeting to hear melting music. . i. _ A young lady recently tried to do ap her hair with honeycomb to make i' look sweet. , —The man who pepped the ques- tion by .starlight got his sweetheart's c°11—selgAirnina;tits‘tvi;:ikkiCiing• ted a cannon so natarally that it immediately -went off at a very good pniee. — A. clianibal istic Took advertises for a situAtion, and adds, ",No ob- jection to dressing children." . — ho was the :stcaightest Juan r wend , ned in the Bible'? JJseph— becauSe Pharaoh made a rule of him. —bid he bring those chickens to lour house in a secret way Er queries defendant's attorney... - 'Not he • bran, 'ern in a •tm,g." Virginia town laughs in its at a venerable turkey gobbler as grown grey iu the effort to sieev who 1 katch four apples. paid," and so — A Conneeticit baker has in- hel.e un the money i,, vented a new kind of yeast. It saying he -hypothecated the wife, and makes bread se light that a pound of has since kept her in eitsbody in his decided; advantages, in vigor and clearness of expression. nig HURON EXPOSITOR. A Hotel Keeper De aining a Man's Wife as Security. • A precedent that may' be of inter- est to the legal prefestgon, and which must prove m usin to, the ne era' reader, has recently occurred lin. town. It seems that angentlerOn 4,nd his, wife a few days ago made a short,st,ity in a.Weknown hotel knowhotel in the city. When about tit, take their departure, the husband 'as present- ed with a _little bid of upwards of X.8, but as this. amount seemed ex- cessive for. three :days' board and lodgings, the -lodger :reCused to pay it, offering $5 as a. coniptomise. On the failure of this proposal, the lodg- ..e2 suggested that the bill should be taxed, or the Juatter referred to ar- loitration,.but this also was -refused. But now comes the amusing point. These offers failing., the husband ad- dressed his loving spouse and toid her to come away with him.. 'Nu; no,'" said mine host, as he led the I wife into ,a room, 'you will staty • /.9 THE GUELPH- SEW NG- MAtillltE.CO it only weiuhs twel VC ounces. •hotel. • At present the only recourse __"A conviot in the Lcuisiana of the husband, who it really seetus State Prison, being 1 , bored by takes the matter A.-ory sore to heart, 4.0afinernent, aRg a tunnel.- thirty is to 1.11ke an action of Suspension rods long, mid was caught as he and liberation in the Conn Ses- ered sion, and this his agent is about to inng. --:Dennis 03Annessy advertises Herald. • 'as follows in the Colurn bus Republi, - earl: "I hereby give notice thatiny wife Midget' has left my 'bed, an.1 beard, and that I will not pay her iebt., as we ate not married." ' The Best Tectalie.rs. Dean Stanley sad in a recent 'ad- dress, that tbe solution of all educa- tional difficulties was to fincIreally• enpable teachers. He wished to im- press those,who' had to go out to A Singular Case. On the 29th of July, says the Boston Jaurnal, Charles Pitanin, lad ten years -Of age, son of J. 'IL Pitman, then of Skowhegan. Me., who .has since= removed to 'North Massachusetts, at Waterville, autenipted • to blow a cherry stone, with a pin thrust through it, throngh a hollow stick of • eld.r. The missel stuck on the tube, and , commence the , work of teaching, in drawing in a breath quickly to that it depended On their exertions-- more forcibly reject it; he sucked on the aeltteten e of heart and -soul cPierry stone: and pin into his lung. winch they could t1 ow into their No amount of coughino-And choking work, and on the zimount of energy could dislodge it, and from•that tinie .and the power of imnarting energy, ,41gns of cohsuniption began to•ep. . which they could tiling to bear pear. Sometime in. September his Whether the education of the child- parents took bim.to the Massachu- ren 'M their hands should be a com- setts Hospital, in the city of Boston, plete saccess or a total failurewhere the openition of .cutting open The solution of educational difficul- ' - tbe 'windpipe and inserting a silt tlr ties depended not so nine].) upon the tube was . performed. From this question talked about, as upon the time to the twelfth day of Febru- character ,A the teachers Oa insti-. ary he has spoken only in a whisper, tutions were able t 11 I'D out. The and breathed through the tube in deepest impressions carried from i his necl;'. His 'health, otherwise childhood into manhood, were im- 1 . than the terrible cough eatised by (it -cessions not oniy of what had bpen the pin and cherry stone in bis lung, . , . thought, but of tbe Ille nuer in wilieb •1 which has been gf ad mil 1 y w ea r ill g the instruetien had been given. ' him down, bas been *octet than •------..4"---- , could have 1K-ien expected. • Last Rev. ! - 1 ' 'Monday night' he gave a terrible ! Mr. Spurgeon, being a plain, cough and strangled,, and seizing blunt unin, doesn't like to he called tthe tube with bis own handsdrew cc ItTiereti(11". and he said so in.a re- i it on t of his rieck, and, clapping Ida tit n (WV- SS. " .1. tic) Ii9t Ii119 NV ply- 1 hand ever the incisitm, pulled from self." he remarhecl. " 1.4r that hain('• the tube the. pin and et---TrY stone. • Lock -Stitch Sewing - *Gill NE1 . A 1 ' • Thousands througlicut ,L, Canada are now using theamachines. They have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite ln k -stitch, alike on both sides, and are Ipr uoiiiieeti superior to any other mac line offered the public. For wide' rate of -work, peifection, &amity and_ excellence q 'mechanism. Adaptability. strength and' durability, . Me Osbo2.26 ,. etviTig , Machine Has ro Rival.' exits have -lately been the manufacturers to e plus ultra of Sewing , dreds of testimonials are hilly from old as well as attesting its evonderlui V111 do all kinds of do- nestic sewieg, from the iinest cambric to the coarsest overcoat oi upper leather. 0 BE AS REPRESEN TED, E, WARRANTED FOR - RED • YEA1 S. Outfit is complete and ended: 115 sold at one, half 'the price lutherto cl arged :for nm - 'chines doing a like range of work, -the manufactiirra being detetinined to place maT Improve Londe,- edablin c,ktim it as the machines, •Hu 'beingreceived new operators capabilities. . •eilfA3l...t1,:: TEED OR NO SA The ()Aber readily compi .T.PIE: SEASON OF FIS it within. the reach ,of the country. • A TRIAL FE DR PURCI vince all that our ina equaled. ' THE GITE.-PH „RILVERSIBLE Is pre-eminea lv the hes Single -Thread very family in ASE will con- hines are un- •ff t tl I ence- s .Machine o er o ) mareceloUe etie'pes.K.'" ao v'axidies of domestic - RICES GREATLY REDUCED. • Hand -Machine, with ell outfit, 312, Treadle do., $17. • machine guaranteed. . tik A gents wanted' eve did inducement's to nr ke • Apply ;te GUELPH S ELM CANADA.- A.TSUN1 Agent,-: • , .$EAFQRTIT. ; ie saves --9, ywhere. Splen - money. - 999. LENT. A LES 11.21S 0 AS recently received, 'expressly for this season, a large quantity of ILMSII, of various kinds, both, dried and pickled, -which he Hell heaper than any other 1-loue in Town. All warranted fresh and good. SEEDS- SEED A large Stock of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, from the best growers, mutat unusually low Prices. • Be sure and call, and you will be well repaid for so doing. GROCERIES, AND LIQUORS AS USUAL CHARLES WILSON, -• Sign of the. 9-09,' Main Street, Senforth. 220 GB EAT TORONTO: I"LLI NE -R A GOLDEN OPPORTITN'ITY. SELLING OFF at and uncter COST. • MISS A. ERVIN, Seafortb, in order to make room for an extensive tock' of Summer Goods, has colurnencec Redline her Winter titock of MILLINERY, at and aatilt.r Cost.. This Sule will last in 1-v about lift Vi .k, so that all who want real Bargains 1NERY of all kinds, would do well to call eirly that thee may -have e good. choice. RAD THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES. DRES3') CAPS; ' LADIES' TrammED HATS, CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS, LADIES' TRIMMED BONNETS, And other Goods proportionately cher))- . *The Stock is all new turd in good order. Also, on hand a number of • MADAME BRIGGS' IMPROVE FdR CUTTING EWING. MACHINE Lt AMES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES, BASQUES Price for each. Diagram, with full Inetrnetions, 1 50. OU W 180-1y 1 Stitch Ti yon want t Machine in • get th leltst Family Sewing e, Provir ce of Ontario, go to GEOR( E Wroxeter Who is Agent'for the celebrated ' 4 0 S O. 1:t INT F11 • SEWING M.,. CHINE. N. B.—Sewin 'elechint .Ne ales of all kinds, illway • kept on am for sale. • • -Also; AGEN' 11011, E., R. SHOREY'S i D.0 AL 4A.DIAN •-CLOTI V.IINGER. Office at Miss 11,1illiu'ri Mishit, Amble Dress -making Establishment,. tkirectle opposite the Post Oflivee As the Bu Wroxeter. 219 $075 - 0 40 0-25 1 00 Dik-GRAM- BOYS' COATS,' Etc. UNDER 01- T !NG) .01 every description,. kept donstantly on nd. . Kidd (110eal3 and Ostrich Feathers cleaned and made as good as new for Fifieeu Cents. STORESe-iFirit door North or FOsTim's HO•re.e, and centre sture eGneees' Beocii, second door North of the Stegall. A • SEAFORTII Feb. 23, 1372. RWIN. LO W.OT C II I l.i03911.:11.LY 7,L1', known to the sunennaliog connt LA_NDSCATE ARTIST, people of Seaforth that Ji • uteitei E T N, • CLINTON,) reople Selforth and y as the DOMINION Itr commenced Bnei- wishes to notify the , B y purchasmg • K TO YOUR .ver for the "DOMINION he has 220 ,9991,gegregmemo HOUSE " fears "PU HIS FOOT INTO IT" such an enormous TENN` STOCK Of 1 - 0 P 0 RI RA I T, LINE 'MEN'S; First door Weet of Mr. erunslen'e Drug Store. - MY lore eeptrience t art en ablea me to (sive 111 I am DOt •to slightest rever- ence frm anybodyI The stone .had enlarged considerably entiivsailif-actiOo to ail N bo rorty Prior nm with a . ,-;:." Perhaps,- how ever, th, and the pin was •badly corroded. 1.,i" ` , • .1 f 'ietnres can he obtained e ttentleman is more nice m. to 2 p. in. - .Children taken [roil J.0 The health of the boy has,' ,stdadi)y than .for if he -had thought a unproved. since then.. BVINV4- :THIN ALONO. inoment, he would hive comprehend- Young persone wiehing to learn the art wOrda lo vet. eievon yews. . Ft/MERTON: 'Artist, tieaforth. , ed that the " veverend " applies rath- ' Tribute to Mr. Baldwinwell to co he to alf.., its I fila give glou Ins esp._ (pence of er to the'office than the, inari, and it Mr. Mathew 1t- an, advocate, of stVes time and space to say " RevMontreal, in a reeent lecture chtliVer- 2LY1 Mr. Spurgeon" rather than " kred by hlin in Ilaintiton,renders the ' . Spurgeon; the clergynnin," w bile " following just and feeling tribute to there might be also a " Mr. Spurge- , one of Canada's purest patrintsj i.-. ' on, a, 1awycr,1! or " Mr. Spurgeoti,- " Bat T have referred- to Bidd win-- green-g.-frocer." All we intend when honest Robert Baldwin I Allow me we cair ft mark " Reverend " in the meto render' a tii1ute to his mime, Trilninr, ,i it; to inform our readers which my heart dictates. 1 Ini.d the that he is n teacher of religionhonor of knowing much of Mr. 'When) we say " MI...Jones," we do Baldwin, as ii.. statesman, ell d not a not intend to convoy the impression little it8 a, private 'gentlernan--his ; 'that J ones is " a master" of anything, Modest form now. rises before me,--- bOhl uw t we on d have it Understood . he was- a high -mind -ea i-:nid pure - that wo do not inean "Mrs. Tones ." minded man ; ,Bm ritish Aerica- at —Any per:ticin sending the ; As for- " lisquit e," we gave it up ; large gained inimensely by his de- • the above ,to the Agent, .• W H A E LAzikiTs, .MORRIS St. CO'S Si eetaeles LIKE BRI('-11IAM TRI iL FUR MURDER ? Noittrie 1187 M. •er to .R. C everybody UStiS it anti nobody can xotednesS to principle, integritY , tell why,. We m est say.: th t we of purpose ; and -601(3 aux that hardly think it, worth while to make there is not an antelli(rest- freeman lunch fuss about these- polite little -within the limits, of this fait land •• i 6 • • reliends which his wisdom freed, Who is not _ that "-Dear Sir " and "Yours- Be--, preparod to say Of him as Barry said spectfidly " mean nothing verbally ; of Burke, . He was my best, my •'but, they are a part of the comity of • truest, my wisest friend!.; Inay tbe society Ann are quite as ;s;incere as peace of_God be forever et Rfa " Esteemed Friend of the A Hamilton. jouinal in itportm., the •" 1 Quaker letter -writers: At bow v.,..ks }Ivan's.' lecture says of the ait epression of respect above'. Many au old fiiend of 'a-t.e we to bow to Lobody now, Air. Robert Baldwin'S, who Wel'e in unless we have a resise6i i.or them 1 the,' audience, and: others who knew no 1 • 1 c on y an abbreviated bow, him by repute, felt their hearts ie- tances though we do not hiippen tc eruthful apostrophe, uttered in a speaker reverenced the name that lixinurrs OF THE QrgEt.—Let Will long live in anew- a and May we not bow to onr acquain- spond to Mr. Bnlan's teilina and .respeet them "1--Yerr Trilgoo.' tone which showed low.deeply the understobc1. remarksl.the New.. as representing high-toged ntaternan- • -17 Adrorate. tliat con.clensation is ship and most z.sstiniable private •theihiQhest possible excellence in a character. -water for the press. Let the first 'drat-TU.0f the piece be made as brief • and concise as possible. 'Then, in re- . *Nish -1g it, first strike lout all intro-. ,dnetory matter, which would corn- • "wilily sweep teway the ifirst para- Ne-Nt p over U.; ;striking • J. T. WILKIE, • SURGEON DENTIST, May Ice.00usulted everteMONDAY, at the MANISIO1N HO -LI -SE OBAFOIITIL -21/3 ithin tire next thirty days, will i•e- ..pive aueirder from L. M. te: Co. for a pair of their superior i1c1. pattern Y9 Glasees. - IIELt()W'S II-TITtS. - -elONG-ST th disci 4fIR overcome by• -the use of -1=3- Felletes' Con pone Syrup of Hypophospheee, ere Constepation, Ae.dhlan,'Consulturtion, Leryueit- is, Nervous Debt iles, .1) spepsia, Chronic ltrenelet- is, Chront?Diarr iwal1e elaucholy. l)cbilitY result- ing inert yplioit tualt tiler low foyers, Diphtheritic • Pie tstre t ion Hee ria ypochonthi a; AlaCDorrhrea, • Chlorosis, Ainteme, ticorrhnee Nervotte F,xeita- aietv Aotreseres or WI Sting of "the el tischts. Apho- niii, or J,oss of.Voice, Chorea UT st. vatufg. Dance, 1 SInegishriess the Li er, Interrupted and Feeble Action of the 11(tet. ,*tdfoeatinr, Ifeelings caused by ruircous oledruct lot s of the Linees and Air Pas- sages lettdiug i thereto, end Debility from. Vari01153 causes. mane eases •t. which appeared hopeless. Sola by Aliothcarie..... Priee,..1.50; Six. for f:,7.50. JAMES 1. FELLOW Chemist, St. John, N. B. firoON'Al. •-• • ;Ai' - - USED AND RECOM- ENDED BYTHE MOST MINENT PHYSICIAN3 el NEW ENGLAND FOR et. • HE LAST 45 YEARS, NOTHING BETTER." ,1 UltER BROS. & CO., BOSTON-. •Z _Ur race so &SM. S Id bythq Drugglets 0 FOR C.OU OHS', CO,L.1)SV.77 LIMAN LLIQ 1,1 .st Coe iroaento, Agents. YOU WOMEN'S, MISSES', GIRLS', CHILDREN'S OTS AND s Suitable for -Sir ng and. Simmer Wear; do not be alarm he .eaine honestly by them. N. M. LI AINLEYTII LE, March 1, 1872. AND INFANTS', 0 id at the prices asked, as INGSTONE. TOP.AND RI AD! And by so doing you willascertain that you can purchase every description ot crl t•--1 •=.1 'td t.4 0 ' A CI' • `tools iqno 0_ ozt Co 4.7,,i6 X'sad* •-• w p.d '1;114 Cf) N3G1O 3HUL d0 N� F 11 :\\*:sle • MY 00,AT. I My poor deal' old Nett do -not fell me I prey; • " To ether one Noah we've •ou trun, ,-. , Len years inp:e brashea you 'myself every day; ; Not. Soerates more could have done. 1 Fre-di trials shoeld Fate have in store foe your dab • Thongh threadhere rtsit to the end ; • 1Like me -with philosophy battle her wrath,. BOOTS AND n 0 tiA The first time I wore yon how well recall, 0, let ue note,arl, my old friend! , , My birtlidee it was, and so gay were Vs e And round me of ceinratles the throng; e 1 (-NI •1 They made ynn the theme of a gen* Our poverty telling of -honor -emcee 1. Could nciezr their vision offend; Though yon grown ehabby they've never 1.fiCrA'11 • IV, Prices that defy Co petition. To know this to be facts we would axivise our numerous stock. We keep colstantly •,on hand' every description. of CITSI'OM WQRK • ade in the latest' style ana by firs -t -class workmen. All may (all and be convinced that O. let us .not par•t, my nle friend ; ctire nnt -who points to the earn on youe skirt, . Ti. 'tis it sweet eouvenir ; ;Pretending one evening Lieette to dever , ! I felled from her arms to get clear. • ! She tore yon ane their, as she vow'll was but friir, 1 I rietv'd that the rent she might mend. ;Yon took I remember, two days to repair, 1 o, let ns not part, my slit friend! M ember orrausk or mule perfirmes urethan. SP URI? SOA / / AS BOO I "IAD In SI ORE I say when had yon cause to complain In a Mieleter's imti-roene when were you 14411, t Expos3d to his Inekey'e dirdain ? • i 1 the niblic has long been looki.ng for and has come to 1:While others for Riblems were cringing to Povier, With me they hail tie'er to eon -tend. holt at last. is the spotc Strict attention paid to repairs. • • Your button -hole's boast is a eireple wild-rfour, ! 0, let -ns not part, my old friend . At The Clothing Einporime I bought 'Tau a. lune time ago, as Spring time, the skies they were blue ; ere, • ' The -Primrose end Crocue, jusitthipneelincaan'ttlimerthx:- emote, , • Remembei the spot, 111 GRIFFITH 1/AVIES 01(.1_ St and, thein you've heeit isi utIchert the tune corotte, to lay you safe by, two doors Sonth of the Post Office, Alain st., Seaforth. \Then your eertiee has come to an end I know where to go to, a New Coat to buy, .3.nd toprove roe another good friend. ) • T. K. ANDERSON, SPURR & SON. i Meratant N. STREET, AAFORTH.Z B.—No ae.lvagaoe put on goods on amount of the rise on stock, 215 aAR A