HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 3est'
- - _
i 'Aroma the earliest ;settlers oF
• . .Woodstock, a beautiful town in the
- Green Mountain State, was a man
by the,name of Snag Sloey, who lead
left his early home neer the see, and
following the windings of. the new
- Connecticut, had 9 t . leet pitchechup-
on a place in the Wilderness,. where
- he erected his cabin, and then com-
menced an onslaaght . elDiett , tbe
• giants of the. forest that reared their
- heads in stately grandeur abort t him,
but gave way beneath his relentless
strokes, and in,a couple of years he
had quite an open. space encircling
his cabin. Dining this time be bad,
lived -alone,- but when the seeond-aet-
Wren came another journey WI1S1
. undertaken to that old home' by the
' sea, and when. be :returned a young
, wife' Eihre him, .company, toshare
, _
- with birn the joys and privations in-
cident to a. pioneer. -
• Three years came and went, and
the cleariag greatly enlarged its
I borders, although ao .arm eleht . his
. ownlabored within its, bounds.
, The trees that at first had come up
dose to the cabin, had new retreated
• to a respectable .distance, and the.
• gioand they had once • occupied was.
,now usurped by flaurishiug, creps
that cheered the heart of thelsettlee,
and encouraged him to still „greater
exertion. ,
The three years spent tin- the
• forest by the yoting couple had been
•' those of peace and contentment. A
•. ; son was born to. them at the cent-.
. Mencement of the :sezond - year of
. theirs- married life, and who iwa-st, at
- the time the,adventare We ere about
... tch relate transpieed, nearly; two
-years of age, and as bright aelittle
fellow as ever cheered the hearts of
• parents, whose . very life artemed
bound up in that o•f their child, •
The :neareet ;neighbors . of the
• Sloeys were more than three miles
away, through the • forest, so it was
seldom they saw others than them-
selves. The settler was too much
occupied with his work topay much
attention to making visits, and the
distance 'Wee eo great that it wag net
•safe for his wife tu go alone, as the
, forests .swarmed with wild beasts,
• which rendered the night hideous
-with their cries. Bears And panthers
abounded, but the woltes WO*11108t
to be dreaded, and proved thelgreat-
est annoyance ; for often they- Would
'gather round. the cabin • nt eiti•ly
dusk. and keep up their horrid cries
anti . the early gilty of the davsn
7 sent them howling- into the offi,
aisles of the fcrest and 1,4) the dark
recalled, her to the fa.ct that she had
cornmencede"prepar-ing slipper, and
turning away from the door, she ap-
proached the rude stone fire -place.
and after paying 'dile a tention to
what _was. cooking titer she • ap-
proached the bed upon- which her
boy was sleeping, and fe,
of the fast deepenieguie
to strike him where h
places. saw -his child and the head of B
his wifo over the roof. •A -ND
" Quick, husbatid, tor the love of •
God I" ebouted the mother, as she
Who was still struggling in vain en-
deavors to rid himself from the
uilt. With one band she threw
MARCH 22, 1872.
ComvoirriNo.-"By a z13-("‘Igh Trains leave the Seaforth station air
ledee of the natural lawx, which
govcrrif the operations of
tritl m and by a, careful apPlica,tion'
• t' d
follows :-
the ladder baelc into the room, and P.'etprese. Iran.
„ 001NO
ell selected cocoa, Mr. pp
d oar breakfast-taNes with a
flaVOred beverage which may save
Exprese,- mixed.
manT. 1 s'
then a chy of thankfulness fell from. still retained a hold upon her cuild. 2.31 P. 14, 1.40 P. ed. SAO 1'. M,
her lips at the succese that had at- And .in hereby more time than it
tended her efforts to eave ber child. takes to tell it, lie was upon the
of -s
ndthe air The boY, not know.lna the mean- roof, and with his strong arms had (Satsimply -.with boiling was 10-S0 A. M.- 1..40 P. tu. 8.00 A. 31,,
Ch /nista London." Also. makers of
t eppealeed ing of this behavieh on the part of toen. up another plank, and spran,.' ter r milk. Each Packet is labelled -
1:7 " N PS & CO lioniceopathic
la ot tee mothea, and somewhat frighten- to the around with hie child and la ME DICAle.
° t
.ths r
• wife was es Aillky Cocoa (Cocoa and() u DAVID A..trrerty,LL D., Graduate of Vic -to --
'ed. :NEW). •
caring to close the dooe, • eshe wish. beaan to 'cry. ; and while' a moment more his
hasbandi't .footsteps on his' return,she did not take her.eyes Off joy at their eecape.
ed wiiaI, ed tu cateh the first so Ind of her she tried to hush him in silence side, with a heitrt overflowing witb. d
she bethought betself ofI ant that the wolf, who,'completely blindfold- The cebin was burned to the
was in the loft, which
spread 'upon the lied
turbing her little son.
' Listening -for a mome
sure no footsteps were a
she, ascended the •iu
qlshe conld e4, was spinning about the room in grund with ies contauts, including
ithout dis- the most eccentric mannerthe authorof ail the mischief. A
ft was more by his subsequent ac- new oae was ejected, and therein,
n than by the fortunate throwing in after yes, the story we have
the quilt by Mrs: Sloey that the narrated was often rehearsed to
t; to make ti
)proachiug, of
e lacluer,
and.felt her way along the dark-
ness -the loft was un p'
windows -to the spot
suppoeed the object of h
be lying but it was
hided with
where she
✓ search to
not there.
Either she or her htsband had
her way
fter a few
d in finding
MI, she, ap-
was aboac
sight of
an object in the room that seemed
to turn her blood to ie and for a
ncapable of
moved it, and gropin
about in darkness, she,
moments delay, succeed
it, and taking it on her .
proe0cd the.ladder, art
co descend wheu she cal
mothent .rendered her
thought or action.
Standing in th centr
with its Lead till rnedeits fierce eyes
of theroom,
Oaring around n evely direction,
its long red tongue pat tly pre trud-
ing from its half -ape mouth, in
which the white fangs were visible,
hat despite
ad ventured
-‘en door in
by the odor
was a huge, lank wolf,
che timidity .Of its race I
in through the half -0
search of food, attracted
of the meat that, was poking. upon
the fire; as it had -beehe prowling
about the cabin, as was frequhntly
the case at this season o
For a minute Mrs'
paralyzed 'with horror
life or her child's 'she c
moved or utteted w
,wolf also remained stationary, smf-
en moved
fire, to the
mother, as
farther horn
ler boy was '
seemed as if
te wolf ap-
proached the fire, sn'lfitig the ti
the it aid so, but not fancying th
light thrown. out by re emhers,o
the heat that as it at pt•oached
'gen to be rather uncorn ortalde ; an
as the Monger would dart back
assail tb
to,' with feel -
scribed, wa causing i
on which d Alt,bou
hild. •face, Mrs
dement of impertance hr:that sec-- Suddenly one of those wild, fi - g iNe s
tion, which chanced to be some ful gusts Of wind tint sometimes for life le
•eight miles distant ; and he set out precede a stolen, came Whirl iktg ready sai
the year.
loey las so
that fir her
uld°nOt have
rd, and the
tine. the an. And t
cautiouily toward tb
momentary relief I of th
she sw that he a as
the. bed upon Which
sleepily, yet _whom it
no power on earth coul
Slowly and shyly t
wolf becem entangled so hopelessly those that claimedetheir hospitality.
m it At first she watched his ac- _______-•.0.4.--_______ ,
time; with !satisfaction, but as each
circle brought the wolf nearer to the
fire a new terror took possession of
her heart. Should it blunder there-
in, as he se „meal fated to do, would
not the cabin be set onlire thereby
and -a deeth as hortible as the one
frora which she had just rescued her
child be their fate. Trembling with
fear she watched every motion, and
at last that which she feared oc-
'Each hirele, as the wolf frantical-
1Y endeavored to free itself from the
covering, 4ad -brought it nearer to
t e fire-plar, tender the nlass of glow-
ravines among the mountains, %%Imre new pang of horror wo
7 shadows 'tamest like those•of niebt heart of the mother, w
II 1
• lurked all through the chtv. ings that cannot be c
One day late in October business watching any motion
nailed the settler to • the nearest set- 'tended the life of her
. I -
• Death of Mazzini.
The End of a Chequered Life.
On. Mondey, the llth inst., the
news was received by cable telegram
of the death of the great agi.
tatbr and revolutionist, Joseph.
Mazziiii. He was born in 1809, at
Genoa, where his father practiced
medicine for a tune, but :afterwards
became a University Professor of aft
and science of medicine.• The. son
was ectucated foi the law at the sawe.
university, and subsequently he re-
solved to do _what he could to arouse
his fellow -countrymen into political
g emliersf _A_ howl of rage tend life. He established a newspaper
in follee ed as it sprang out again called the Geaoa, indicator, in which.
-tor its ceverina a sheet the future of Italy was discussed.
The Italian 'governments, having
been•much troubled with Carbonate
ism, were united in a league against
liberal opinions, and though MIzini
• did net se en 'realise with their
dangerotis secret societies, be joined
the Carboneri for the reason that he
could not form an assoeiation to aid
in the principles he advocated. For
his. connection with the Ghtrbonart qa
Mazzini was .ai rested aud imprison- 0
ea in the fortress of &wont). for six p
neonate, and then tried and acquit- B
ted, but -was condemned to exile.
He took up his residence at Marseil-
les, where he become the foonder of
• La Giovine Itaiia, and conducted
the journal of that name, devoted to
the cause of the unity and indepen-
dence of Italy and a Republican
form of Government. Louie Phil --
14)1)e. then King of the French, did
• nott, allow Mazzini to remain long in
France, and„ on the application of
he stood, while her 'ears were filled the Sardinia Government, he was
ith the sharp cry of the Wolf aSeit banished from French territory.
htenged ro ind in its vain :endeavIrs •He still continued to issue his jour -
to escape, while ever and erten Oa nal, but at length went to Switzer -
flames would . catch upon'. the fur, hied for the pnrpose of otganizing
where it was not already scd,rehet1 the expedition into Savoy, which
off in its *1
rst tontact with the fire, failed • through the treachery of Ra-
. .
eon the
of flre.
ed tupon ti
effort, •it
nothee bound and it land -
e bed, where, by a frantic
hrew off its hery cover,.
alit d uttering yelps of pain i b sprang
again to tl e floor and rushed around
the room fbr a chance to escape.
The bed was all afire in.a moment,
loey uttered a cry of des -
e flames caught in every
tod a dense volume of
ed up through the aper -
loft. ,
• in Heaven, must we
xchtuned the mother, as
she Pressel the child to her breast.
1 4 Husbanil, husband ! Why do you
ot come and save your wife and
hild fron this horrible fate T'• •
No answer to the frantic ejactila-
'on came to the ear of the distract -
d weman save the cracklieg of the
.ftames as they caught upon the dry
-hood of the 'cabin, and sent their
orked tongues up to the tipot where
. ,
and Mrs.
pair' as tb
c irection
smoke rol
tare in th
" Fathe
perish I'
ria College; Physiciaz, Surgeon, tec„ etc,,
fixeueenee OsT.-Coroner tbe County of ,Huren.
Office and residence, at Thseetapson er. Stanley's.
RANK PALTRIDGE has been working
a brick, and. has got all things ready
• ake you a dozen photographs this
ter. • Scott's Block, Seaforth.
The Machines of the Guelph Sew -
Company e.re the only ones made in
iada patented in the United States,
t Britain, France Belgium and
Vootiv ITIonsy.s.- Wooly • horses are
so rare as many suppose,. not
h great curiosities either, there are
. . .
ny to be• found in many parts of the
ntry, but we doubt if they -will -ever
ve as valtia,ble to their .owners as the
on exhibited by Barnum ; we imagine
th ir owners would consider them. more
va without the wool, .for this rough
an 1. v• ooly state of the hair indicatesthat
• th
horse is. not in a healthy condition,
robab Lir hide -bound, or suffering from
e disease which occasions this -m-
ural appearance ; in such cases use
rley's Condition Powders and Arabian
ave Remedy, it will purify the blood,
root the apatite, remove all obStruc-
ns from the lungs and liver, an& give
the coat a sleek and shining appearan ce. .
member the name, and see that the sig-
ture of third & Co. is -on each. pack -
B. "W. IL taliT14,- Physician, Suegeon, eke
Oftiee-Opposite. Scott Itoeertson s Ceroecry, _
31ein street, Seafortl. 55
....... ____ .. _........... _•
T .A.311,1S STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate of ,
u MeGill, T_Tniversity, Montreel, Physitian, Sur- ea .
goon, etc. Office teed Residenece--Brneetield.
........ . . , •.__ --_. .
T.T L. VERGOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sue.
1--1- • geoe, etc. Oftiee and ReeMence, -corner of
Market and High -streets, next to the Pliming MilL
ace Northrop & Lyman, N ewcastle,
early in the moi•niteth, telling his wife -dowu. the chimney,
- she !need' not lock for him ittlfore .spaeks about the root
nightfall, as it aets very micertaia ible. terrot• and dcsanst
What time he would be4b1e to ac- who sidled towaie?d t
. eomplish his business, and it i might jest as Mrs. §:Joey wa.
i ..." •
- be that be would Met be home all a delightful rope that
late in the night ; but collie . he `would go away, -the fie
would before he slept, unless some: med the door to with
-unforseen event interposed :to pre bang, and tho heart.
vent. Bendinee over ,his child. that, sank within her as sh
was steeping iu the bed, lie kissed it, wolf was a prisoner in
.. and then having bestowed the same Horror-stricken at
- mark of affection upon ilia wife,- he of,affaies, Mrs. Sloe?! watched with
bade her to be .careful not to stir 4 sinking heart, the °movements . of
from the cabin er to allow the child . the wolf, who, finding himself thus
to -.weeder from Itel• sight, fur fear caged,' 'began to mohe anxiously ;
that some harm might (*tile to them about the room, no longer seeking se II
from the 'wild., heastC.. V ith this much for food as fo • e chance to .'
caution, whieh she promieed eeadily:. escape ; but at this -moment what
to observe, he ;threw Ilia rifle OVer. was the 'horror of the motile'. to see
his shoulder and took his Way•across her • boy, awakened., no doubt, by
the dearhag, tind -his Wife watched
• bite from •the (IceirwaV. , until the
nd ,scatteiTct
to the vis -
of the wolf.
e door, arid
th?. 'Monster e one or more of these was -1
e cite of escape, but to do 1 wards took up his residence in Mil-
•ce (rust slim-
e loud bang, until the Austtians forced him
f the mether this with la x own unaided hands au
. eemed • to take flieht. He aattiu took refuge
saw that the- choked b
the -cabin.
the situation ,
in the lo
was dem
ered wit
he ridge -
ides by n
ter only
to utter a howl of agony. movino, to whom the tmlitaly com-
h death stared her im the, mend was given in 1833. He was
Sloey was not a woman to. driven ont of Switzerlend and went
long as there was a chance to London in 1837, where he sup-
s() that avenue of escape
al- r(ated himself by his pen, and es -
Italian working men, called the
t to here As we have
tablished a school and a journal fm•
there Were 110 windows
d her. , The roof was coy- Apostota,to Populore. Upon the
• •
1 hewn plank fastened to eutlnust of the French revolution,
pole and the top log of the
leans of stout wooden pins.
in 1848, Mauna went . to _Paris., to
eonaert measures wieb the Republi-
can party th•cre, and shortly
the noise noise made by the slamming of
the door, rise up in bed and call her
forest thicket hid hiM from, het, to come to tom.
sight. . At the eeirod of the child's voice, Hotta. a
air abOut 1
The maiming had given. promise
of a beautiful day, which assurance
was well kept until a little Past me- the little fellow, who, all unconsch
ridian, when • the wind changed to ous of the danger, vets calling for
the eastward, arid Rlark eloude bee -an his mother.' The red tongue still
eto obscure the aky to the south end protruded, and the white teeth
west, givieg steong indications that, glistened in the light, at the mon-
a storm was nigh at hend. Busy ster, half feeling to spring, crept
. with her work and the- care of her
boy, Mrs. Stoey did not notice the a prey •
o be impossible. Haif- ,
in b \In tzerland, but was again expel -
the smoke, and her- child
'clinging o her and crying wit i a
Republic, Mazzini was elected Delta- ,
its _power, she felt about her to find
ttYhetototi:n Cci),frist'LlettgTotrnA:SerillebeleY filer
some instrument to aid her in; ithel
accompli lin ent o lei ptu p .
They consist of pills, powders, relievors
landed, and was received with acda-
all she cella find was a stout. stick
ointments tor the human system,
spending softie time and .
of wood iha t her husband had placed !nations:
, 1 attempting to effect also liniments and powdeis for horses,
Florence ii
there to :eaeon for an axe -helve. In-
itillie fusic,n of tuscany and -Rome. he
serting this between the log and one
repaired to the latter city, mid be
of the plat lie, she essayed wieh all -
her stre,ng 1 to raise it from its came the leading sPirit of the Rom-
• led. Rome having declared itself a
t., proprietors. for Canada. Sold by
medicine dealers.
agr More than forty years have elaps-
since Johnson's Anodyne Liniment
first invented, during which time
ndreds of thousands ha,ve been benefit -
by its use. • Probably no article ever
came 130 universally popular with all
ses as Johnson's Anodyne
\B. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the -County. 0/tee
and Illesieence, over Corby'e vorner store, main
street, Seaforth. °dice hours, IT•03= tO Reek
day, aria all day Saturday. 159
T 31. LEET, Solicitor, Wingham, lias been ap-
t,. pointed .,tgeot for the Celoniel SettniitiesCoMe
pany of Englend, he is also Agent for several pri-
vate Capitalists of Toro:Ito, mho loan Money at
veleg reasonable rates Interest payabbr yearly.
Charges inoderate.
Wingham, Dec: 15, 1871. 218
• lkircCAUGIIEY, & 1101,31ESTED, Baxiisteas, At -
sl nosliocliconreseieor Nthoetaen
1"- torneys at Rate, Solieitors in Olihneery sea
i.eesepPentleeiliee. ealanoarth-C(111:e/Yetneels'nts for - -
theCanada,I.Ban_adi.......:a30,.,,,ro0A8tosuiratfande.eliCot i8npia):rY7certt_ Farms
i i
Housca and Lota.for sale.
• RENSON & MEIER. Banisters and Attorneys
C-Onveyancere, Ntitaries Publie,, etc. Oftlees-Sea- •
" at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and liesoleency,
forth and Wroetter. te2.8,000 of Prieette 7
invest at once, at Eight per tent.B.Inwte. r:etm,:ex-xyallt.its
Ycell.relaY.. ire Bt.ICSO-N-
Kic°x'S HOTEL, (Late Sharp's.) 'Ile under-
signed. begs to. thank. the public fot: the liberal
• patronage awarded to him in thews- past in the
hotel business, and also to inform them, that helms
again resumed business in the above allied, 'where
he 'will be happy to have a call front old friends,
and, many new ones.
126 - THOMAS R.1I0X,
ecir Pills which contain antimony, ---- - -
inine and calomel, should be avoided, tPIIINCE Or WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Out,
• -A-- C. J. McCUTCHEON, Proprietor. First -clime
severe griping pains would be their
ly result. The safest; surest, and best
lls are Parsons' Purgative or. Anti-
Co- M. Brown-Sequard experimented
•on the stiffed arm of an executed
iminal, by injecting warm blood into
; the muscles regained their contractil-
y and their nerves their irritability.
s the cutting off the blood is paralysis
nerve element, so a deficiency of blood
a cause of degeneration of nerve ele-
ent. • Fdlows' Compound Syrup of
we-own:iodation for travellers. The Bar is BIM.
plied with. the 'Very hest liquors And cigars. Geod.
stabling attacked. The _stage leaves this Home
en clay for Wingliam.
• leellITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, God,eric.h, Ont.,
•le' J. CALLAWAY, Proprietor; £8. LJMS,ii1te
of American Hotel, Warsaw, N. Y.,) Managa. This
hotel has recently been newly furnbod, and re-
fitted throughout, and is now one of the -most com-
fortable and conunodions in the -Province. Good_
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers.
Terms liberal.•• 128
• .11A1VERY.
ypophosphites Will cause the formation
healthy blood, and. consequently in -
ease pervious power, induce vital
tivity in debilitated constitutions, and
lie" of the organs dependent for health
n muscular or nervous streno
Thousands of pecsons are now
arelessly allowing themselves to drift
hrough the preliminary ,symptoms of
onsumption, .under the fatal delusion
hat they are troubled with nothing but
slight cold.- How necessary it is, then,
hat a cold should. be cared for from its
cimency, and. every exertion used to
. .
et rid of it. Bryan's Pulthonic Wafers
vill istop the hacking cough in a few
• inutes,.and. by their influence on the
ronchial and milmonaxy organs all fears
if dangerous • results will soon be dissk,
Ated.----but they must be taken in time.
'old by all druggists and country dealers.
• rice 2.5 cents per box.
G. .
-,eorgen's celebrated. medicines are now
or sale in most all of the stores of dea1.
rs in medicines. The attention;bf the
is called to the fact that over 120.-
00 packages have been sold during the
irst few years in. a portion of the Pro-.
vince of Ontario alone, and more is re-
uired, as the demand is steadily meread-
g. This of their ciirative powers is
suilicient proof. They are warranted to
purif,--, regulate, awl strengthen the
n hole human sstem ;. notto cure any
thing and every thing, but to be benefici-
al in most all cases and hurtful in none.
an Republic. In March, 1849,
place, but w.thout success. Finding
Mazzini, together with Arnielli and
this one ini lovable, she tried anoth-
anci.Sotii, was appointed a triumvir.
et, with Ilik result.
' . He organized an army of 50,000 ,
d more stifling grow the men, aud made evel y pi eparation to
le . and fiercer cairn:.
eih leuder tracked the defend the :Republic, and for a time
htiblee maintained the con.test e.gainst Gen-
tili, imprisoned wolf, eral Oudinot and his at • but on
of her chi range above a ,
a cessation of hostilities being agreed
and renc er d her well-nigh desper- upon, he resigned his post and left
ate. Hope was feet leaving hen
Rome, and again took up his abode
But one more plank remained un- in England. In 1857 he made an
tried, and she bed gone the length diti to revolutionize Na Jles
the aeitlf paused near the cv,intle of 44 -
the rootu; and kixed • exes upon "arnes b
cries of
the cries
expe on,
nearer the bed to take a better look of the front side of the cabin. -With
but the scheme proved abortive and
• the energy h
born of despair she in-
, be again ram ned to England. Since
that tune he has done little. What
serted the stick, and pried upwind •
, with all hei• strength, and to her •
areat joy ie move,d slowly and the the realization of the dream o 0 ire
approaching Stenn .untiI near 'debt- Italf frenzied with the terrible ..
• fall -wheti the .%ladaill (14.1'kneo$ that danger bee Add, the mother de- he yearned for ue, to his death, was
f f
,seemed all at once to `throw a dew
gloom about the cabin reminded her
• that the night .and sterm weie close
nit lewd, and going to the doora iy mere hope as it were :Ind She grasp- k Infeated by hope aLempted
site gazed anxiously toward that ed it with all the eageruess that
point in the foreet whence she exe only those so situated can knew.
pected to get the first sight of het. •. Unfolding the qUilt and laying it
• d t r OW1 life' if
need be, for• that, ef' her bov. 'A ; welcome fresh air of heaven came
. .
plzin suggested ,iteelf to her, a •pouring en upon t em.
-to strut another one ny Its :ode, but
with:all her steength she found it
impoesible, And yet the eperture-Was ,
across her arm she 'we etred to de_ not large enough to admit her pass-
husband. -
A.Ithoegh her gaze *as lone and
earnest, it was not rewarded by a
glimpse of her, husba.nd ; then with
a glance at the clerk clouds' • that
seemed to hem the little clearing in
as if with a hage pall, she ti to
calculate how long it would be nefore
the rain wculd beginto fidl, and to
guess • the distance .her husland
might' be away, and the chance he
had of reechilig home before the
•storit. •
Standing in the doorway the
aloom seemed to deepen every mo-
. ment, while the wind that had been
sighing dismally in the forest died
away, leaving everything almost as
.8011 as death.
The kettle singing on the hearth
scend the ladder. The wolf was al-
most,at its foot, and' the bed but a,
ehert distance away. The monster
e his
it upon
sew her coming, and wain
• .
craze Lem the child and fixe
his new victim.
When Ulf waa dowa the ladder,
the. wolf made a epring at her ; this
Was the moment for her` te execute
her letstily formed plan, and throw-
ing the quila elle enveloped ehe wolf
in its folds, who, not fencying this
cotetin„a,, ,commenced .,acking to-
ward- the other side o the cabin
Striving to get rid of it, ut in vain.
Now was her moment for action;
and spring,ing to the bed,I she clasped
her child in her 4.1.1118 and sprang up
the ladf.er,.uuharmed by the wolf,
ing throngh, apd again the pangs of
despair seized held ppm her heart,
• The heat was becoming terrible,
and -the °penile* 'The had 'mile ie
• the roof seemed° only an outlet for
the make, which, as pouted ont,
Nvell nigh stifled her. Claspieg her
-child, she thrust him through the
opening, and. holding him on the
roof for a moment ehe was about to
let him slide to the ground, at the
risk of dashing the life from his
body, when the eound of rapid foot-
steps was heard, and the next mo-
ment the ,well-known voice of her
husband sounded like music in her
ears, as he came across the clearing,
and by the light of the flames that
• had begun to break out in :Several
yoath-ItAlian unity under Re•
pu bli an • Government, este blished
on the broadest principles of democ-
racy. In 1864 he WaS implicated
in an attempt to aesassinate the Em-
peror Napoleon, but the story was
never believed. Mazzini was, with-
oot• doubt, a true patriot, out his
dreams were visionary, -and never
destined to here:shoed. He possess-
ed great abilities, and was active
and energetic to the last in the cause
of revolution, not for the seke of
revoletion itself, but in order to ac-
complish the grelft•object he sought
for so many years, the union of all
• Italy, and the fzsta Wish m en t of a
demectatic form of government. He
lived to see' a united Italy, and not
an Italian Republic, and he was
dissatisfied, to the hour cf death,
e , camel be earefullY preiterved.
because the union of all halt, bad pac sge
been effected under a mon• •e -h Job Momeee Neu Tore, Sok '
cattle and other animals. Sold. in Sea -
forth by R. Lpinsden and. J. e 2a t1t6e_16.
M. 1.01.i,E,N o.Nh, Larne, whole-
sale manufacturers.
quiet Horses and First -Class Vehicles ohms
on hand.. Conveyances furnished to Commercial.
Travellers on reasonable rates.
"" G0041-110 ees and Comfortable Vehicles, always. '
on hand. Iayontble Arrangements made witlt
Commercial Travellers. All °titers left at KNox%
HOTEL, will be promptly tittenclea to.
- OFFICE AND *TABLES :-Thira door "North -of
Enov's Ilotel, Main Street. • .
eei. TII03IAS BELL, Proprietor.
k-1 Seaforth. Fiest-class Horses and Carriages
always on hand at:reasonable terms.
R. L. SHARP, Proprietor.•
OIIN BRIGHAM, EXtliallge Broker, _And liatii•
v,ray"ficket Agent, lEtoughtou's Hotel, opposite
G. T. Railway Station, Seaforth, Ont. Througk
Tickets issued to all points in the 'Western Stateg,
Califo`inia and Ited River, at reducel rateseafforling
. the greatest fa5ilities to Emigrants. All necessarr
hiforniation given respecting Land Agencies, ete.
Greenbacks, Bonds, Coupons lInd =current Money,
Gold and Silver Coin;bought and sublet bestrews,
T• (Member of the Ont no Veterinary Collegej
, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Sealer*
and surrounding country, Diet he has opened an
°nice Seaforth, where he may be cousulten. per-
sonally or by letter, on the' Diseases of Horses, Cat-
tle, etc. liming received a regular and peactial '
• education and ba ing bceu awarded the Diploma
ec‘f.hothme la-;tc'etirii-eipaioes.oliCom117e of Ontario T. Churchill
has every confidence of giving sati'sbection to all
ET2FEItENCES:-.--.A. Smith, V. S., Principal Onta-
rio Veterinary College; Professor Butklarid,
Thorburre Dr. Rowel, and - Wells, M. D., &
• Veterinary 31eilicines constantly on hand.
• All calls promptly attended to.
OimemumiLossimmummn e animmounnimmuusiummewfilce:-Ca icha l's Hotel;Seaforth. 182-2i1 _1
Times its Weight in Gold. Do you
know anything of it ? If not,
it is time you did.
There are brit few preparations of medicine
which have .withstood the impartial judgment of
the people for any great length of time. One of
those is Tnom.ks' Beta:critic Om, purely a prepar-
ation of six of some of the beat. Oils that are
known, each one possessing *trice of its own.
Seientific physicians know thatntedieince me; be
formed of b evezal ingredients in certain 11....ed pro-
portions of pewter power, and producing effects
which could never result from the use of any one
of them, or in different eombinationF. Thm; -in
the preparation of this Oil a chemical change Inkee
place, forreing it compound which (multi not by
any peesibdity be male from any other combine -
tion or preportieeN of the same ingredients, or any TJ M 13 E YARD.
other ineredients, unit entieely different from am- .
thing m11.1)4411'0 ninde. one which produceic tl
rnoet, atitoniehing result, hexing 17 -wider rare e
. .
J.. P. E3fCliklEst'
Catmtry. Al'olden left at Tile Exeosrro Mice
peets of the
:1111ibetit1::;;Ine:tettiltill‘tleoll in 311
WANTED, immediately, by the vmdeysiped,
" emintite of CORN COBS, delivered in Sea -
forth, for which Cash will be paid. Apply to
219 • TH03.1-AS STEPHEN'S. .
$ 000. --MONEY TO LEND.
Tire above amount to Lend, in 4311/13.8 of 11Y13
3-1-,e IrlyWoirdtmatlilD3:14ilirtrisy.71-4a upwards, at int f in,
terest from 71 to 8 per cent. Interest payable
. Lot 7, Con, le Orel"
, 'eforrisbanic P. 0. 218-18
of applieatiou than any medicine ever before die- •
covered. It containe no alcohol or other volatile
consetgetntly loses nothing by evaporatini.
Wherever applied you get the benefit of every drop;
whereas with other prepare tious nearly all the
[711(1 Von get enly thLl
air( cool:0111i t haL ytANriryN,
quantity of Oils which they rimy contain.
egent for pie Dominion.
Prt pared be- S. N. Thonees, Phelps, N. T., and
and Eleetri ANL
E. Illek;em & Co. and IL Laiesden. Agents f ;
1:4 711:111. hv it -re e-1-
eon emees1 rime
i-tr-M hlyi-.111111,11. Timairino b; unfsiline in
ettie of P.31 thow! painful and dangerfais diseases .
to wideli the female emiutitution is N'th3ect. It ;
intalt-ra tes all exee.,1 anti iemows all obstrOtliens, *
al.Taoan'ili)..(r(rile):1(1.11111;17e21-; littYiii:ep)eItlitiiiilinl \I •hsulted. It still
in a I -tort time, breig on tint monthly peliod
:i.:.Trii'lliiili,:ltl."iils hhoslit not be taten by Vernales ' •Ote t:ANADA.
the first three months of Pre„rmacy. as they , r,-EAD („V•FicE,.., ,,,,,... ..... LoN'DON, OND
are bare to bring tai Ilisearriages,II:iuntalatiazyctoiothz eisr, .i
tinIineltjulteate.e.grees soaffeN. ervons atla
pins in (Pr) back and limbs, fvttignwL3oial,n..tn.:11.aiilisho,ttiiiteleixtri- : CLAITicel:.:I(1_,,bYPIn:SDT6)(1:3f:J11441)33N(41:37.1(111:1311;8711t4.
ve,liaitiotA ti1,4:(i.tie)itiiiosa will etffhit;:,tlitcomertrz,
rInemeftein114y, hil'i'veo oticalxiiieilein Itiruodn, actittlirmeglb, enatinionee or i $231 242 25. '
anFYitlijindgirbe*lettiotainslairttlItehee"P"alliotPubt:/btta.' arott:Inweejoinih ; This et:lopa°4"1:3-deco;11:Inioteunintl: gr11:'7O2w;28ain5t51:e pub
toinielence.- On the lst, January, 1871, it had In
foree 11-41,388 Policies, having, durim-ctbe year 1870.
Donna! 0* ifmneeee number of 12,33WIYo;icies.
yCoorn.pai.r.lit:::ty:htii:tt7hraraus.7,,,,,,,tar,opeiiipslyzneeth:g4onelitl. :.7rfilleetIS'OAD0/381:11/
CHAR. L1,fiti:geMnt0, lc:111.• 11:1. .
208• F 04
ely used as a Lunliffler
ment of ALI, RINI/8 OF drttesed sua
sg 3 10 iuspect aar Ulla in. certain 1•11T
to inform the public tied they have °pow&
a Lumber Yard Seaforilt, near eiheareou*
bnimelprtr•isisl ,AND NG] ES., ell of
which they are-prepare:4. to Fa at the lov est poe3.
lA fore purchasingehiev;here, as we are in a positiou
t..4) offer good Inditeementr. to cash pox -deo -era.
Builders and othera will find it to their vivant -
They will keep ronstentiv on bend a good assert'
A_BEE Sr, M A CD(Af:A7A)(:IN,Al2:).
Asste";:i-BIAN-0E, AssociiiioNe.
43I y, ant I 121. cents ferepostieet, eneloeedPtiol'olj:th!t*orplii,rvinnasfi 1
not by _Republicans, and became, as
a necessaiy consequence,” Monarchi-
cal rule havbeen firmly tettabliehed.
Newcastle, Ont. general agents for the Dreminion,
will insure bottle, containing 0VA"I" 5t3 pine by :
return mail. -
e=te Rohl57 geafortla by E. Hiol!ihrJ & 07.. and I
11. 197-9 I
. An air of in 1
i_Ait It'ietrtill•ii;b' ti
jug the Wzong g
4g lettingloff stee
----.A 'Wiseen
penknife, and ft,
-"es tatter.
thoegilit ape
_ in A.;leykoiltsittitie:
to a. planet, tape
1- : , II 041-8 A 1 C '
*: t Yeintg
1Ii1 ait
ma_keTiit eicluoica:
tion by : tarligi-
e,o, nenAt4ital ilte isretV:
Ilattir4iy that :
43ffat .'11 Ne7t11ri 1V-i7q
.----- .A .16,
ifoecrtiae astiotudilt,ieos:
- -.Who wee
trientiened in. ti
•ktuse Phathe
-Dhi he in
3 cur house in a,
4-efelldellit'S •-11
ling 'ern ID fe.
-- A Virgin
•eileeve At IL vett
Itg711. Lte°11:111:1.11g.Crl:arici
vented a new.
makes bread
it only wei; e
rods long,
rods long, au
-"Dennis t
ae follows in ti
"evgil; B‘tiiid -;er:
•'board, and hia-
Aebts, as_-:,:e;ar
Dean, Stank
'dress, that the-
tienal difficulti
aetleahle tache
press those w
commence tit
that it depeade
on. the arnon
which they eo
work, and on
and the power
which they- e
whether the a
ren in their ha
plete success
The solntion o
ties eieintled
-question taikta
character af th
tutions were
deepest intpre
abildhoed into
eireesione not
thought, but of
the iliatructien
Mr. l'perg
• Unit man, dot
enee freem any
ever, the geii
than wise, fo
moment, he et,
ed that the “
er to the office
SaVeS tante bth
31r. Spargerna
halteargewn th
• there might tol
On, a lawyer,,
• green-grocer.1'
• 18
When We .1.3
mot inttnti to
• that ihnes ii
"Mat we wan'
' that Wr.dcstte
•ake for
everybody 11Si'
1114(11.Johrifsil. SS -1)1
that " Dear
l -Y;1
eeeioty 3111I4
111 etxul•effetsls-ei°
•Aiwde Nis7101311,
and may we
tan( -es thoui
ieepect them
•-di-alight of ti
•-weiter for t:
-file highest
be untletsto
4thietory att
zrell. • .isre