HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-22, Page 1eaereeeeee---- 4.011 ,ioar a 04 nley- iectby mson, (e 'Use by S. ru to rook, vers. rk. e of ode - tion, as a ;ices firet I no Fut- a pors pe stir tem erit Set Seel n ot- !Id of E FA RISERS LL YOUR EG *OW" “IIIMMinzenizatimmanzmitiminummizz- TO TROAISONI OF IlLE LE GROPER (Loan! e ataieto Who will pay the HIGHEST PRICE in. for any quantity of GOOD FEESIT EGGS, Delivered at his atom GroceriesckProvision FOR SeireE CHEAP. FLOUR AND FEED oeoyery description, kept eonstantiy liaea, eluding Shearson. & Co.'s the Cash. Como One, Come All, with your Eggs anrd WINI, THOMSON, Egmandville Grace . Tifil BEST SEWING MACHINES Made can be had at WATSON'S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, sEAFoRtra.. "711EGE4rUINE 40 WED wing Maohines, in all (dyke and sizesean " THE OSBORN"- Machitte-in all styles. The subscriber has received a, splendid suppit both the Areeleines Vidah. are pronoimeed by fie pole/Teed hands to bo k superior to any othentratac For strength, simplicity and perfection of SWn. struction; for range: of work, from light gamete. beaver and leather; for beauty and OXItOtIleff stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and ale ways equal on both never 'and lower thzondd sad for durability those machines aro unrivalled. Every machine warranted and lestructions, give* gratis. Machines sent out on trial, or rented by the month to eespormilde parties. 2'23 NVX N. WATSON,. Seaforth. HOW TO ARM -UM like the real et mankind' nr(r risatirr desirous tole:me the best and easiest mode t4e- ake Moneyr There ismo Business by ntich Farreen can mew :I sa much Money easily and in se_ short a tittle as by ,1 GROWING FLAX. Toren/lees-who desire to embark in this profitable brerich of .A.,..iculture daring the coming year,llee underetgned vrotild say that he will have on hani at his FLAX MILLS SEAFORD' A large sap; ly Of GOOD CLEAN Frekx, Tor nage- 'width can be had at any time fro.neno or to the First et May next. In order that -Farmers may be con- - Timed that Flex is the most _profitable crop they can grovr they are referre1 to the following state-' rated of fest year's yiehle, and can also anply tee either of the Undermentioned gentlemen for con- finnetiort of the statement. Statement of last year's Melia/lop— Acres. Walter Burke . .. Thomas 7 Georee _ 1 R, R.Clnf. 1 John McElroy_ 1 W. Evans J. Evans a a:a. Muff—. & Tuckers:mien— William Payne.— 8 Mr. McGee:At... 5 D. Sproat R. Price paid pee ton Amount Pato:ids. Receivede. * see 00 • 88,500 281 06reet 6,740 40 5,300 81 80- 5,900 35 40 5,720 84 Mt 55,000, 880 00r 15,500 99O 44,000 2E4 Oa 367009 216 00' 22,500 155 OW 11,290- 67 74 667000. 896 00‘ Price paid per ton, Twelve Dollars. Parties are recommended to sow early, in. order to ,iteetire aegood. orc:p. Any further, information re-. coerce wee be cheerfully given by • B. SHANTZ, Proprietor, Seat:nth Flax • DWAR,D °ASH, GODERICH STRE-ET, SE AFORTHe Dexareen SEED AND D GRAIN," BUTTER* WOOL A:» -FUR. Plenty gooa Clover and Timothy, Wholesale - and Retail. Meech 4,-1872. o<F> NOTICE. MEETING of -the Patrons of the Brucefieldi Cheese Factory will be held in Brucefield, err I.LDAY, the 22d March, at 2 o'cloek, in the, ehool-house. A full attendance of the patrons iie vited. and of any of their neighbors who may to• patronize the Facto re; this season It is expected that Mesere. EALLENTI:Nre- AM•reerns, et:1,1,001,M mid others will addreeer - 223-2 Z. HICKSON- _ ESTRAY SHFZEP.- . tAME nag- the premiees of the subscriber, Lot `No. 1,. Coriceesien I, pre to" to theY t of December laet, a EWE and LAIVIE... nier is requested to prove prepeety, pay oliargels' ki take them eway. • 220-4- . p'./etnic.E WOODS!. ELL'S .4IVERY STABLES, SEAFOIITII„ .0.1s.TT.• — „COD Horsee and CoMfortable Vehicles, alwerl- on liend. Favprable Arningements made witle inercial Travellers, AU ordeal left at Iiletox.• >T1M, Will be promptly attended to, ' )erren, 4,N11 STAB-LEK :—`111ird doorNorth (A'S IfOttl, Mein Street. THOMAS BELL, P.ropriet0r- TainIVISON1- LIVERY CLIXTON, LFFICE,--AT CCafelEftCLIre HOTEL. Goad quiet Horeee and First-Clase Vehicles alway0 hand- Conveyaneea famislied-to Conarerci4 eliers on reasonable rates. 121 -. . JOHN TH021SONe ainelnlm2,, a_ TOILITME WitOLE. NO. 224. ) vrr =(...fittron (tYxiltoitor ernnesUrin EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, IN SEAPOIITH. Tenns..—$1.50 per year iu advance, or 2 at the end of the year. Ail vertisinA Illn)tes! T.UNX:iIENT; First insertion, per line, 8 egeiti ; subsequent hi eertions, 9 cents each time, per lint,. cotiTRA:CT 1111'ES: , _ Ono eoluenn ono year . ... . ....... $60 00 St half ...... . . ... 35 00 " it it 8 MOUthS ....... ............ 20 00 Half ". one year . .. . ... eo ft o" hell " . . I. 20 00 • " 3 months ... . .. . 12 00 One-fourth one yea , .... . . . 1: 20 00 • " half " 12 00 • " 8 months- 8 00 One-eighth one year .., . , . . . . . 12 00 " half " • 8 00 • tt 8 months .. . . , .... . ... • 5 00 One -twelfth one year •8 00 - " " half " ................,, 5 00 " " 8 months 8 00 Br:sine:is Cods, (6 Rues and envier, 40, year.. 4 00 Advertisemente of Strayed, Lost, Found, not exceeding 10 linee—fii•st mouth, $1; after first month, 50 mite eaell month. Advertisements of FARMS and ESTATE for sale, net-exeeeding 15 linee—llref month, $1. 50; each eilleiequent month, 75 cents. • Blithe, Marriages, Detithreet-G-ratie. Advertisements without :4'1ot:file directions will be inserted tilt forbid, and eltarged acoordingly. Me..LEAN BROTHERS, Mimeo 17. Mclean, t Publishers. Atte N FARMS . FOR SALE. LOT27, Second Com:es:don Meliillop, within one mile of-Syr:forth ; sue Lot 17, Eleventh clone .111cliillep, eight nillee from See forth ; end, lase, ,Building Lots hi Seaforth Terms made to, ault . puclemers. Apply to' • 218-8 . JAMES BEATTIE, .8°0:mai, • FARM FOR. SALE. OR SALE, in the Townehip of 8tintley, Cbunty 4., of Huron, an exaellent term, being compomett of Lot No. 18, Sixth Concession, containing 100 ecres 80 of whieli are eleared, well fenced, end in a " good suite a aultivation. Therkere 18 acres un- der fall wheat. There are on the prein!ses a log houtie, log- lane and frame driving:louse; tilso, Voting oreherd ; there isa. good goring well eon- 6nient to the stables, also a good spring creek: Thie farm i$ eituated ene mile and a half mouth of erne, on the gravel ioatl For further partite:lure apply to- the proprietor on the premises, or to Varna Post -Wilco. . 212-13 JOHN MITCHELL. - A GOOD OPENING FOR A WAGON -MAKER. FOE SALE, CHEAP, in the village of Walton, three Building Lots. These lots are eituated- in a good. Inisiness part of the village. There ig On one of the lots, a good Frame Dwelling -house And Frame Wagon Shop; also, a stable, wood -shed, and a iever-failing well of water. On one of the other tote them is a Frame Dwellineethouee, and Upon the the third lot there are no buildings, Also, a good 8took of oak tied other lumber, toeethee with pokes and hubs. This property -will be sold iu a blook, cheap, for Cash. There is not it bettor open- ing for a good Wet:On-maker in the County than this offers, as there are none others in the ,stime business within several miles. For farther parti-"i, callers apply to the Proprietor on the Premises, or to Walton -P. 0. ' • RICHARD' LAWRISON, ' 221-ee 'Proprietor NOTICE. pine undersigued be happy to be patronized- ze , by his brother farmers of the 1 TOWNSHIPS (WHAT AND SiANLEY • . As an Auctioneer. THE FT4DED VIOLET. ..e (Irg.cibEAIV- iiii{OT/A/E31,4. 1 $1 40, a Velar. In advance. You gave it to me long years ago lit thti shadowy evening time, While the cloutle stole round the moun- tain -side : And the bells rang out a chime. ,The blossoms listened at our feet, The trues stooped from above ; You said, "This flower will say for inc. A 1 that my heart says—' Love.'" Tie long ago; but 1 haveyet That little faded violet. And lite was at its blithest then; TI e world ne'ee seemed so bright • For •he sw-petest story ever told I listened to that night; And then, often, when alone, I've kissed any violet blue, And said, " E'en as I -keep in. &Wei - 8o will my love bo true." Ali, me ! 1 hae-e it hidden yet, That little faded. violet, We parted long, long months ag,o, With not a sign to tell That one in far-off happy days, ' We two had loved so well. We parted with a few -cold words— We two. who oft had Mid. 1Not all the wochl s meld come betw000-s- • yet, but yet, Ah, well : the love wafer The lo ye Was-deitd be I keep my faded vidlet • The VIM) �f she Itemarasice Agent. • • 'Twas a life insurance age teeene orthe modern etyle, With brassy cheek and flue it tongue. Lind aggranatieg s mil That peeseented Alniee Brown, and eke - inflamed his bile, • , This agent followed Abner, like a sleuth- hound on the scent, • And privileged to encounter him wherever A brier went • 'Till Abner fell into a state of ehronie dia. °outwit. s He used to corner Abn.or, and hang right - on and bore, - Until, in desperation, the distinguished • Abner swot.; Then the celuily•smiling agent would Abner bore sense more: In vaiu he strbve that agent's visitations to avoid, And he realized that if he • would no longer be annoyed, . Thatpeetilential agent mug be speedily destroyed. One day he followed of bisiness < Remarkine "Now,you'd better take policy, guess.," Then Abner said one profane word, the opPesite of bless." • And held. a loaded pistol midst that. agent's bristling hair I. And grimly told that ageptif he ever any NV he re Said policy" to him' again, he'd slay hire then and there! • ph:Ilene% who fought in fevor of the Manuseripts At close, the extern pOraneM.18 side was declared to have the nntioeity in a show of hands .by the median .. .1 — 0 i tloudav last a cow belonging to Mr. J Bowlby,' Hamilton, was de- livered of forirealves at one birth. This cow is illy tour years' old, andthas had seven c '(es. -At e At two years et a,ge she hael on , three years of age two, alld now, a -four years of age, feel- calves at one bir 11. Surelythis ie. a peolific cew. — T1 e riew cenSue of Montreal ehows popt latiou,., round: numbers, of 5121,80.00(0). in 1852 the population was , — A num named Bryant, aged 73, a widowe for the 'sixth time, was stied at the la e St. Ciitharines ASSiZeS for broach of promise, by a woman named Shackl ton.' She received $500 demages. — T e County f Brace blacksmiths and. w sgoniniakera are amalgamating; also; t ose of Wentworth, Perth and other places. . . 1 -- The Kincardiee 1?eporter, taking a forecastof the weather ;respects,. saye.it is riot likely Lake Huron will be open before the 21st April. — At the Fe7.-gitA. Easter Cattle Fair, held last week, a eteer weighing 2,630 pounds was sold for $289 30. - St., Marys- vidette says: A. ter- rible illeeti•atien of the danger of brood- inueginary evils haw come to East Niesouri, /war tide town, ly gentleman, an intelligent and ion 'lamed Milton farm of Mr. Jamos • ing _over pass in An eldei lunch respected far latel,y pure -hated th Stafford, It emitai 50 twos of excel- d lent len( , with ,buildings, dee and - Mr. W41 ttir paid 0000 cash for it. He gradually wider, the- flame increased in yolume, and the fright of the ladies io the coegregation roe° to a proportion- ate pith, linen it beeame necessary to turn (iff.t.lie gas and stop the supply, leav- ing the church. in darkness:. Had. the fire reached the main pipe a conflagra- tion would leave ensued. . - The Brantford Courier regrets to learn that the whiter wheat in that vis Minty, has suffered con eid erably,. and that s froth many quarters theemnplarut comes itclittda.large portion of it has been winter —There's a; project on foot in eonnec- tion with the Canada Southern Railivay to conetruct a 'bridge for taileoed pur- poses from. the. Canada shore across the Niagara River to the State of N•ewYork, at or near 'Strawberry Island, The in- tervals between the piers Avill be On hundred and ninety' feet clear, th height of the arches from the water lave will be fifteen feet, and- it is intended t eyed e draw bridge, thereon, of 222 fee span, with a pivot piei of 24 feet dinned er the comm. - eharber is to be ap e to pay them the price asked. But 1 e I am a, w rkingmae myself, and am tot 0 yet abov working for a fair day's pay, - t and hay always been willing to . tike .. and give a good day's pay. foe a good . day's wo But from the general tone of the ,, -1 Poor Alechanic's " reply, his . sato, ; aapsi. °are to be in a very perverted, , me say ti at if a wagon was worth $110 . take, for i, for instance,. he tries to make 1 it would), e ruinous' tit- the blaCksmith to $100. .Now, what 1 said was the comb nation price was $110. Per- , I i ti ame- wagon was not actually worth $1)O, because it Might have been ' made of ii ferior materiale, lint what I ' want to how is the inconsisteney of eitablishii g a uniform rate of chatgee or prices by ombinatione, as every intelli- gent man mit know, be he Clodhopper or Moeller ic, that 000 wagon nolo 1)v a skilful wo lcinhn and superior irials !night be cheesy et $140 while anot'ier made by a novice would-be dear at 8100, and as 1 stated Whin, I believe that those oom Anations aro fur the benefit of the rioh iid intelligent, awl to the in jury of th ir more.unfortunitte compel:it- i ors, bean e en old established and rieh adesman by paying cash for his nea. rinds, c n always perehese in- the heapost i rarket, employ the best m eineey an Also the best hands, can a ays sell jest enough of tirst-clas noes to liS cash customers to keep th euit of hi house.good, aud palm slit eater rim ilier of inferior Waif OM to hi oorer or redu, custemers at eoMbina- on prices, and tries to -make his nnortne mpetitor beliete that the eombination ices 41'5 for his 'particular- benefit. hems ti e poor but industrious man s to buy-iis materials partly on credit, . rverted ., gain when he says to the i d he Can nly buy where he ie pereene; ly known and if he happens to dispose two or hree inferior wagons, at tbe. mbinatim price, his doom is sealed to ti advan ge of his richer and' mei.° J te and u crupulous competitoe. But o "Poor Mechemc's " mind is entirely b sh pur,thha et :` -",YdA''reifitire a wagon, d ytialne, as well purchase this as go r abundant' and. well paid, there is not even a elausible excuse for long credits and delayed payments. e•-• Monetary - Tim& Combinations and Corapetition. To are Editor of the Huron .k.zpo8itorl SIR,— served a hination cha nie," much struck by the appropriateness Of the Sig4ature as hone but a 'Clod- hopper'woul4 ever think. of drawing, -such a conclusion from the arguments used." Now,it appears to 1-0 the gener- al sentimmet of the craft ill d a Clodhop- per's intellect and opinione are always at fault, , nun e •especially if he Inds any fault with their workmanship or demurs In last week's EXPOSITOR I ob- reply to " Clodhopper," oe coin- , and signed by "A Poor Me- in , which he states, "1 was plied for at Ottawa. • --One day last week, as the Rev. Mr Turner, ‘Veeleyan minister of Kincardine 111,nd another man who was riding witl int, wore proceeding On the ice to lit vex -heron, near the lako'shore, the horse fell through an air hole into the water After unharnessing the horse, Mr. Turner proceeded to n. neighboring ferie hotikle for help, and on reterning coeld find no trace of either horse or man. It ie eupposed that the hoise in its etrug- gles dragged the man int') the hole and under the the, whero doubtless both were ro wn ed. — Ono day last wook ,i)r. O'Reilly, of veceinated in two. ileum eo W01' than oho hundred mid eighty per - ns, at the City Hall. — The following incident occurred_ a few days ago on the Iirantford and Harrisburg, branch of the Great Western afterwards thong) t this figure t high, and Ina to pore over ti e subject , 'very deject- od and .unsetisitie( manner. FluallY, th #44 moo( beca,mo 8 tig. d mid intense, that his ind gave Wayt Mier the strain, and his reanon fie& e was taken to the asylem on Fritlky last, where 'it, in eiecerely to, be hoped that careful. at- tention ill soon restore him to his many hinds and f unily." Mr. Wm. Walker,- eferred to. above, was Oue of the 'earli st , settlers of. McKillop and lived in his neighbOhood until a few months aro, When he went to his farm bear' t. 1‘. arys. , . . • ----- Mr. Y. 'C'. Trim ele, late of Seaforth, and recently foreman of the Woodstock iS'entinel, i to essume the manageineet of le Bran. fOrd .E.upe.iieor, vacent by the esointment of Mr. R. Mathison to the urears.hi i of the Loridon Asylum. . -- Dineen Sinclair, of Caradoc, brought into London market last Week a pig of the Chime(' breed. °illy thirteen: months old, weighing 338 poupds.„,' This was the fineettperker seen, in these likarket this season ant bionght $5 75 per huedred, severely felt in manY. sections: . In the )t ,. .— The careity of ,Ifitdder2for Cattle is towns b ip c f Longford - somewhere in the 'Muskoka eegiony ,14ty ,is considered cheep ae. $30 a ton,' and iu the Orillia tl Abner to his place al • He is prepare(1"to ect as -sach at very. Moderate rates. • • . . . • MONETT() LOAN, private. funds, at 8 percent. Expenses low. Cenveyancing done cheap. HUGH LOVE, Seine, Townline Hay awl Staciley, 21.9t Hill's Green P. O. market a ton is the ruling price. • "If that is so the aeentsaid, t` perhaps If the numbers they select, are &aisle they are paid in propor.ion to She riel they run. •If -they name two -out of the first three numbers drawn they draw what is celled a ;4 eapitileade dle, and receive $300 for every dollar in- vested, and so by an inverse ratio of chances they only receive 1,35 for $1 on bine° nuinbers. k Letter. ' ..urazItclott, Huron, and Bruce Rail- way. TO the _Editor of th Free Pre8e. Sen, --if the London and Lake Him= Iload, either as a broad or narrow gauge, Inte vitality enough to push its way north of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad, it is to be hoped in the interests alike of yeav city and the country north of that line, that the union or point of junction • el - be be r - with the Southern extension of the W lington, Grey and brute Railway may made where the interests of both will lemefited in the largest possible degree. I seethe Clinton ,t' CIO Bra has ta,ken the alarm, lest what be terms the Centre route Should be given up for the Eastern route, and. thinks the trade of Centre uron is of sufficient importance to le- i:int) the line ie that quarter. Imealli ing attention to the advantages a the Eastern route, 15 18 unnecessary to uede mte either the trade or importance the Clinton Section. And one ,ean't blame the Era for -adhering to the line likely to pass his own doors bat wesug- gest that in the question of locatiiy road, other elements, and other interests than even the valuable tiade of ()entre Mg= ought tohave. weight. 1. The road by Seaforth will shorten, your lino by at least five or eiX 1111100, a matter in railway building of no sinall lt"126.1111ittia,noarly, as may be, on a direet line from London to Kincardine, 3. It will mecum to yOur city more di- ect access to a much larger section of country, and will bring the eduntry both eafit and We.4t of the point of junction by the nearest and most direot route to London; and. all points south and west. 1- 4. It live the line at Ainley Mont s side the lumber districte of North Peet •erid _North _Huron, from which the Lon- a,, don lumber trade ia chiefly supplied, and s enendd command, a large share of the earrying trade'iri that article, very little ofewhith can he secured (tiiia if 'it naraow - eange,,aione whatever), if the-junetion is made any- point westward.. • l'he Country ead and west interest- ed in dinore direct Southern cannaction with your gro 0414i:end important city, end it is te,be hoped reasonable effort will be spared to have that connection effec t- ed the best point in the interests �f- *°Itirteepect either to the question. of onuals orkeepine faith with corporatielet uterested in either route, 1 ala llat in a rititioreette ex preEs an opinion, but would egret, if, any etejeleas bee taken, which - withJelye -altered. prospects tied position of tle,London enterprise me not i th itertsts of that enterprise, - and of the ountry, be honorably receded from. , ListoWel, March 16, 1872. • D. D. leleet Remarkable; Set of Chessmen. The following account of a rema,rkable set of chessmen. is from the Chicago ltailway : An elderly ; gentleman, with tr several 811SpieiMIS tad kip* on 11$3 face, te entered. oho of the CM'S, quietly took a seat. An inquisitive pimp asked him el -if he had tile snialbpox; and he replied "yes." There was a general, -scramble w among those kif the passengers who over- er heard-, the coiversation, end the smoking , gr ear was acme crowded. The conductoe 1 P peeped in aria demanded 'hew long it was # since the . a; licted ' individual had re- co covered. " Well; sir," replied the vie- r tint of the disease, "I canuot say ex- V actly, ; bet at near as 1 can recellect it ha , was about 20 years ago." en , —The cititens of Toronto are just now ' el much . troe bled' with dust. Eveey time a stiffbreeze•of wind blows the dust rises — Ur clouds froin the streets, much to the cu annoyance of pedestriane ancl the dam- th age et dry geode. if they : woirld leut come up to ,this part of the world, they -1't might enjoy a, sheet respite from this :nuisance. elsewhere, • e. oec cap • The • Fall wheat in the vicieity of er. Strathroy re,ported much injured, eh perticularly in clay tends. where the No arth hae. been cracked in large fisseees wens- to. the frost aed want .of covering. n many cases the land will have to be eeded again. —The Sprieg .A.ssieee for the -city if Jondon conimence on Monday- next. 'he trial of -Plicebe. Campbell, for the mrder of her butband, will come oe. at his court. It - reported that the He wo dd. then be compelled to, bee o wagon at the e0101/111ation pewee" ir W, sir, 51 e cash cestoiner is just ex- c actly in' th same position as the rich mechanic, b cause be tan go m send td Girlie Londoe or Hamilton for what he wants, and , y, ay,. n( men with , an eye to b siness, that will never let a. chanee of slaking two or three dollars . profit stip, end I might rise whet is the A e , • reason that armers brine' a (Treat deal of their fame g implements from Paris, George, &c.? Simply because they e e eo, — A fanner named' Dunca 8' I ° 11 111c air But if you will permit me. I iroutd just of the 1 owieship o C ae adock, recently. 8 . , eold in the Londemenarket, a pie of the like to show . se , • f Our new endoivinent• deli Chinese breed only i t , y een mouths old,. etrettr• 1)° (;37' rates ev. Inch weighed Ilene hunch•ed and thirty- , Hie ill-timed iteration sealed thezealoun AUCTION SALES. ereht oun ls. Ai It- 0 ET 1 B4A Ti D , BISHOP- EGS to inform the ptiblic that he. hcet taken 1 out Coanty Atte tiOnetT'S LietURO, • and will, . he -caner, be prepared to attend Auction Soles of r... a Estate or Personal .Property ill ens Part of. th County,- on the shottest notice.From the ea cese he has had si-nee centmencing this business e .ee s confident thee he ean give the utmost Vit isfectiou. . All orders lc -ft Robert Browne Zueich, S. Seunders, Post Office, Exeter, or achbeissed to .the unlersigned r eeive prompt ateentiore ` • RCHIBALD ANIEL MoGR-EGOR Bookbinder, _Hullett, • T_TAS inet reeeived a large Stock of the materials -3-1- used in the bueiness, tUld., is now fully prepar- ed to execute, on the shortest notice mad in the latest styles, all oat* he may be Meowed with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS & BLANK BOOKS, 01' A1" KINN • Brried, Printed and made to order, on the Shortest notice, and et prices which defy competition. (.11e,',.' Work Boxes (C: lean:(7) Cases Made to order. • OLD AND NEW .13001.'S Bound and repaired at eity-priees. moue re:4(141g at a dietance by leeving their bot -a at the "Signal" Book St -e., Gederieh, or, at eh "Expoeitor" Oleo, SeafortlA or at R. -Greets Aiileyville, etatieg style, Met rely epee.' them. being NI:e0. 1101111(1. All commemhmtions addresVil to the under'e-ion- ed, will receive prompt attention. DANIEL MeGREGOR, Cam -tame 1'. b., taliett CHEAP FARMS!. CHEAP HOMES! - • ON TILE LINE OF TILE UNION- PACIFIC 11.M.LROAD: A LAND GIZA...NT OF 12.000.0-00 ACRES Of the • ,01.1 tIS fate, - • - For etinier pulled the trireger aud fwever gatIsere(1 sufficient evidence to prove her cal nifty of the terrible crime of which she char aed . been tried, • A dep itation cornposed elf Mr. IV . High Pricesin Ery GOods. ,8 oppit plate, 0 I) — r. WTa5.on. of 'the Ayr A orient- -t ura Wo ors, emplos s tift lian'as, to w vim he -p ys an aogreeete sum of $19 11,1111 .11 Th uthorities e011sider they have new St. buy th 111 cheaper and. better there tha for - So that to annoyed nobody, subsequent. some idea f the benefit such •an. °stab - 500' per an thie is pen • in wean e most ly• to. that date. in„ the sre. Th is gives ts of The jurora bet.such'agents had frequently liehment is Ito place. n at lio . Again, Or; combination of professionals eS tablieh ne a, mriform rate of chatges altooethe I ravor of the old estab- 0 ied. and t, tented_ practitioner. .1 will e doctor , for instance • where is the e e man t int would pay one of theee young,sall eon eited fledglings, the :steno price for att nding him ie. sieleuess as he . would he well-knowu and old - 1 • ' h 1 alented practitioner ? 'Why, ' . sir,' a umfor e rate of aharees for any article is a m ply absurd, because the ; prite depem s -altogether on the quality the eartic e .offered for sale, whether or b' • tins. ' But from the general ence the verdict was that Abner ass Beatty, ea/M.PiP., and. several other gentlemen from the -............1WOita- . completely justified, By .•`tensooetere $a nit y,”- in. this -,0 re's m a t•his Week for the purpose of confer- homitide. ring.with the Dominiou Aflovernment re - relining of a line of steamers odericli, Kincardine and —Befft/o Coneiet. sporting the. _ .._ from Sande Saugeen - to • Georgian Bay and - Lake' t.;inperior. - .t is stated •oit good authority' Canada. • Ottawa is ening ahead p rel that the Go 'eminent areehighly satisfied 500 new houe2see, for de/alines are ro- with the representatiOns made by this ' jeoted to be built during the coni ng and 'have taken- the project eeaeon. James 1:)telziel, 'Of Blenheim, the wn vortex • of glydes( late depu tether, into fai-otable consideration. — is stkted that there Will be great laborers and mechanies at ti month, es the. erection Of e churches and other public - to lie pi'oeeedea with as soon -ms and the w th -1 dernend fOr horses, lately sold a flee Stallion which Ottawa nex he impoieedlast summer, to Ohio parties for 82,000. - several lar ' buildings is -- Says the Berlin Tele j-ip-aph : ae s pr in g op l'ine _Newfoundland doe belougine Tto sutliei ently a vo rabic. 1 . , • • . • tion, becanie insane woek eon e- of freestoee ha$ been -discevered iirthe Henry tiiider at the 0 And Think Ste- — A quer •y containing a good quality 0 quence of having atterupted:to digest ( of the Wateiloo"Oh ru joie' e articles railway matters." t •,, .- e large 'paety from Elora arid vicin- ity .intend -leaving' for Manitoba about Sounds, to ta te into consideratint the ex.- ' the first of. April. e r•flie arrangements 1 or -tension of the . Welliegtere - -Grey ,end , the emigratitig colony are it the hands - of Rev, Mr.' Brown; . - . - Bruce Railway from Paisley .or• smile cone ' - tvenient point.to Owen.Seinut . • i ne neighborhoo 011 supply' is ap —Last Fr irof was hell mu as eau, and the arently leexheustible. iday' evening a public,m e et - at the fteieen's hotel, Owen -e Twenty fears ago, in the town -hip , s . — rhe new ceneus of the city of of Fidlarton, • County of Perth, there :geoid has jest been: Completed, by the -- were only 34 VoterS. _At the election io monieepai.Aeeessees. It elves the total 1S57, between Oayley epd Malcolm eron, the -former received 9 and • latter 25 votes. Be:41 Fanning and .Allinera 1..anr1,:s in A uteri *3,,0 0 OA 0 ,A cre. in NEBPLASK.-A . ).: 1 ItEAT• PLATTE -V-ALLEY, - , Mr. John Browmidge, of Islingt had a cow which was reguleily mill till about four and -a -half 'tenths a since which; having been fatted, it n veighs 2,096. pounds. The feed whi las accomplished this, result consisted s dady allowance of two gallons of meal, one feed. of cut stuff mixed witl it -tie ehorti' and meal, with a rev upply of hay. Bobcaygeon has a Mesonie led , • • The Garden of the West. NOW 1 T icse lauds are in the euetral pottioe of the ed States, on the 41st degeee of North latitede the noel. hue of the great Temperate Zone -of the Americaa Confluent, and. fcir grain -growing and :titosetkx!,sing unempassed by atiy in the CHEAPER I'S,- ?RIVE, more favorable tertue ;Sven, Lied more co:wenn:1d to market than-a:in be felted elsewhere, - FREE fidmeStea.dS to Actual gettlers. _ THE 11EST I,Cie..1:TIONS FOR C'01.0.NIES. Soldiers Entitled to a, Howe:At-ad of 160 Acres. Pree Passes to Purchasers of Land. %ma foe the new descriptive pamphlet, with ' publbdied .1ti English, German, Swett- -0 Ash and Danish. Mailed free everywhere. Address 5 O. F. DAVIS,. population.'at t17.865.. Of these 54 4.1') I ligious divisi' gives 85,4t0 as Roman ri,; Catholics an 32,383 as-Protestante. . ed -,-- One morning lately, a young rnan 0/ ••• Denied Falls', who drives Hawkshaw's tv-! stage, between Feeter ,and London-, on i a , hisanieing from b e former place,- and of while in -the act of unharnessing his 1 , he zsre males. a 63,4,53 females. .The re- ea horses, was kicked by one of them in the , face. Sonic person passing the stable a • ar ! short time fterwards heard mane is- !, suing from • •t, and on going in found e. ',Jinn with hi f'ace bathed in blood, lying 7 ne re the one Cowper referred to wh n ahnost ins'en ible; he wrote "0 for -a -ledge s:ome v st ! peceli r cireumaa,neehappened on i Paek0, Sanday nigh in, the Park street Baptist -eSeiallepox is SO prevalent 1,11 Wind- ,• Church, ilton, The building is i ," The deirapd for wool is so great that itfeannot stePplied, and price§ are- now fully 100 per pent over the figures cur- - rent at this 'date in 187(1.". These aro • .• the rather startling words of a report by last mail from one of the mannfacturllig tewes of England. " You @cite wool too low ; it will 110W Sell reodily at 60. for good fleece," is the purport of a note received tine day from a largemenefac- ; et tering then hi a weetern town of °aerie.. wt, lo these statements we may add the fact that since the early purchases weretenlide by our beet and. strongest houses for the 'present season's trade, prices of woolen reeenfactured, goods lia,ve risen. from (ifteen to . tWee ty per cent. in pre it Britaite with etmost the certainty of a aneuxtthteli•ir,eiesemsoiiiietiblasi: in extent derine the : • 0 Thus we have placed befoic us, fairly, a set of facts which our merchants, bah wholesale aantietall, are slowto learn or sok a,et-, upon.. It notorione that- the et prices now being paid for goods bear no fPr just proportiouto thoee which are behind tone of the Poor Mechaericte " letter, < he woirld le d you and your readers to ! belie.ve that "Clodhopper es:anted ,to ()rind them c owe to the loWest point of 'existence, want to do nothing et the sort, rity maxim is, " LiVe and 1 1 t 1 - ." at as I :happened to be in beaforth on rainy day last fall, arid be, conver ation at ehe time ,vith two 1. itt • told, the one was the svife and, the other siii:te ; c-1 three ge tlerrien, a couple of ladien i e ---e 1 08, e wak dressed in a blact• dress nd the other in• a very. ty poplin . so oue of my friends in• - ed me-- oth trailitve about a yard . el : 1 so as to sweep clean the i < walks. • ableed *he ilvere these I ladies with be costly .liroorns.. I WaS 1 the daughte of a poor mechenic, SQ I I ill:. tPoP : trying to k ep up such extravagance. n me it an be done at the expellee ed. fOr,,the raw material, both at home oarmil.eashroad. There is a lack of elasticity ‘zeipeasist—mseon tteosfpetahke dry goods r o ttglr- out eeP'e9e11; trade. The reselt is that those engaged - in the beshiess (lo not gee the advantage . which they are ,justly entitled to derive from the rise/he prices. ,Thie is -par- 1 proe of 51. ose it • is perfectly • natel•al to enter • coMbin bons for the purpoSe' Of tieularly unfortunate, as ne class of traders supply so large an amount of results s1 ilaint(ilieltgoir-egwaitteh. more unliff. erent ' Another lesson ash ch these hish prices • - le teat:his the folly an extreme danger of trusting,out such expensive goods as are at the present time being .sold , on long credit. Ifeeter there was a time when every piece of inauefaetured fabric on a retailer's shelves meant a certain amount of gold, that time is now. Every yard of woolens in stock' represents to the country the cost of two yards in 1870. serious public injury will, have been nflicted if thete costly -goods are traded out, on easy credit, in the same way as n previous years. Sales should be greattlecurtailed and consumptiOn huge - y cleiiked by the enhanced. cost of abrics of almost . every description . - There never was greater reason for can - ion at every- stage, for selecting stocks ttictly with a view to meet the certain demand, and for 'keeping payments up lose.. 'If farmers, mechanics, and, in- deed, all classes cannot meet their liabil- ities with promptitude now, it is the neerest folly \ to 'trust them further. When Money is so cheap,. and lalaor so Isest nstomers the farnters. Li conchisi h. 1 might ;have some More t� say on co nbinations, but I have per- haps already occupied. too much of your sor that, as preemitionary eneasnre, the lighted by a lilarge circular chandelier de- jp,:,tadsiltieci_SellioolS have hien: °Med. till of er i pending fro the centre of the ceiling. 1 A. main perp ridiculer Pipe branches into f —Rev. Wm. Cochrane writes to t four horizon al pipes, and these aga,in Stratford. _Beacon that the mini ters - feed the cire to whicih ere attached. a t eome other eentlemen of Iran ord h a.' of burpers. By some s 'quite a tieleda.y. lately before the You 'tlen's Christian etesociationof t at to u the. subject of manuseeipt and emporaneous - sermons. Mr. Coehra ed the debate On the :extemporaneo ide and Rev. Die Hurd. coramanded Laud Ceinreiesioner in P. R. ft. CO. 06-13 OMAHA, • 4.4 d large numb o means the •o iter end of one of these 0 n, "strokes" 1 came heated and melted. x- A large shee of flee& burst out and the e hot solder dropped upon 'some .of the s hearers, producing Lavery penetreting ef- e feet- The opening the pipe became 3 Tribune There is -now' on exhibition at No. 48 Smith Desplaines street a set ef 'at:se- men. ma.de by a Chinese expert, smile - Mg like• these lialf a century ego. 'They ate peeved- by hand from thefiness ; quality of solid ivory, and are colored in, whete and red. The work of cutting 3 dein Mit Od611Pied almost a lifetime, be- . ,entirelti aticomplished by cinema/I. Their size i3 SOIllt:What colossal, the t,kings'" being -about nine inches in height, and the "pawns" _nearly five. the latter4 are mounted, and the "eaetl es" eve tho ancient elephants. The bishops" stand out afepriests of Confucius, and the kings and the " queens " are Chinese ItAtiperors and Empresses. The beauty of ehe whole, bowever, it the delicate mid exquisite carviag-,--every featm e, every piece of dropery, having the moSii 'ele- gant arul elaborate finish, Each pieee I ands ufeen a ball, resting upon a:pedes- tal. IV nine this ball are other 'and seance ones, 'all -eat,' beside, from the eitid•ivory, Ana all carved in •the same inaener _as e one surrounding them. t'hese are perforated with holes cut after • the fora? of 'kers and circular sa we. 1Vithin the ball at the base of the iugs" there -are seven smaller onee, 11 k Car•ved within epic)). other,. aria it Would yet[ to, get either of them out vithout ln:eaking,. Each beare a sword , . Dose ni its scabbard, and each is in thret lieeteS, and can be easily taken apart. These men were flint brought to the no, dee .of Lord Elgin, Ambassador from ;mean& to the Chinese 'coed, Whei pine diased! them for one hundred guineas.- tetwerde; when Lord Elgin wae Gover- tor General of India, they were pnrchas- al (twenty- fieee , yenta since) by an Amtni- can gentleman, and. have never before teen publicly exhibited, They are now N4lued. at about $1,000. To -day :they are unquestionably the greatest articles . curiosity in the city, and all intereet- are invited to call and zee them. • 1-T OF THE DEPTlin. —We should real- ike to know what Mr. Mace, the ieer, can have been originally. Me, Ceoineoeteto. aid • 0 A favorite method of gambling New York, is itpolicy," or "4 U-44" as it bre fessional rival, Mr. Ottealdwiphas Playing- P.olicy. is more generally called. Faro as alarge Int3 game and keno as a small one, have their leri thousands of vota,ries New York, but aete policy " -has its tens of thousands. .1 of The "policy shops are Owned and eon, si.ar trolled by wealthy and. distinguished," priz individuals, a id these ehops are numbeie a rt less. Occasionally the police make a blill tteu- a letter of an objurgatory cliar. • re alluding to the dross of the. dregs soeiety " from which Mr. M,ace • ung. Now Mr. Mace at present is a edighter, of rather dubious standing, ine -seller, and the keeper of a gam- er Shop; and if he only reached. this raid upon them just as they do the con- Wei al elevation by "epringing up," pray cert saloons, but like the latter the shops whe are running again two hours after the raid is over. Here is what "policy" 'In' consists of. rivery morning and evening try _lid re did he start? come from all parts of the cone - to get a dollar's worth of Frank Pal- gete phaitegraphs and are highly SatiS- 14 out of 16 numbers are drawn from "whe,els " in Kentucky and Maryland, and. these numbers are telegraphed. to New York. The licy-players bet on what number's be drawn, and call their bets " t‘saddl "horse," &C. 4.0e0riling tO the mone the invesb 1 fiede Scott's Bleck Seaforth. WHEN you are in Seated]; just run into Frank Paltridgets Photograph Gal- lery, 'twill do your heart goea. Scott's. k, Seaforth. ^