HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-15, Page 8nitrott txpooitrixt.
IF you WANT a choice article in wines
-and liquors, Beatty tt Uo have con staetly
en hand a large 'quentity Of Heneney'm
brandy, Bullock, Lade & Co' S4itch
whiskey, DeKuyper's gin, pure Jeanette
TU10, and au other".pare liquors. They
_ have also just received -several baleeof
Duadas cotton yarn, Give them .4.1. call
if you want' good honest value, i par-
erticha.ere Block, Maio Street; Seaforth.
SogrITUNG NE --T. K. Anderson
'has jus% received a new assartment of
Iiiten collars and ties, of the latest s
'and beaertiful patty:tens. So parties
-wish to get,a goo. article sliGuld ca
exartiine, htorek.
&mos roe Tf.R MILLIoN-. --Scott Rob- •
ertsoi has thew, on hand ,aehis Canadian
Seed Store. a enanunoth-etook of field and
garden heed clt, all varieties and the very
heat iamier4y. .• Iteaditi anoouncement
u. to-cIayht issue. It will well repay a
Youna !Lenin? Sor.ree.—The young
'ladies' so al at the Wesleya•n Methodist
Chttrel; on Wednesday eremeg, was targe-
ly ettentled, and the entertarprnentl very -
,appropril.te and pleheant: ° After te hvas
iserved, the chair as taken ,by 1Miss
Sorlanth and the yotng ladies enter& hied.
the.audience with Choice readings, r Oita-
tionwend music. , I
Communion SBEVICES.—The Com un-
ion, Strevicesni onnection with the Cat
_arida :Presbyterian Church,. of this vil-
inn, ',Will be .held next Sabbath. The
Rev. Mr. Medteent of -Blyth, Clerk
of tke Presbytery of Huron, tvilhpreach
-thelay (Friday:), .at 11 o'clock, and on
_Sabbath evening.. There will also be
dears/ice in the-eheirch on Monday next at
Ji Ioek.
. •
• Mehnontse Some.- The social givem
iirt the Rteeleyme_ Methodist churph, on.
:the evenirig•ei Thursday of last Week, .
-WAS 211121143rOltsly Attended, and the pro-
weedingleinteresting and pleaaant. The
Rev. Mrt Graham, of Clinton, delivered
his able and instructive geture on "The
- Relation of the Bible to Ruffian Pit -egress."
= This reverend gentleman is a fluent and
agreeableeepeakext.encl his remarks were
attentivefy listened to and highly ape
prick -bed t y his audience. '
.. .SPRLY0 AssuEs.—The Spring Assizes,
• for the Chunty will opeh at Godeeich on
Monday ethe 6t1Ih pef ay, Mr. Justice.
-Galt t presiding. Iteiflearn from the
' .igigiktl that Mr. I. S. Sinclair has been
appoint&1 to conduct the Crown businese.•
We flay concur with our cotenapcnary in
:the -following remarks : `.` No man has
worked. harder for his party than Mr.
Sinclair, an we are glad to see that the
Goveininent do not forget their friends.
'Mr. -Sinelair is also Well qualified ptefea-
sionalty, and we are: satisfied the teak° a
4could,Rot have been .entrusted to better
n 8,77
rare occurrence tin this pait of the.coun-
try, and one Watanot help wendering how
it could have' made its way sit far into
the settled country without beirrg seem
My. Smith will be entitled, to :a bounty,'
The Settforth Cheese Facto
According to previous annouricem
h naeeting of those interested in. and
intend patronizieg the -Seaforth Ch
'Feet ry_for the current season, was 1
in t • Town Halt on Friday aftern
last. .The meeting eves quite largely
tea I, there being over a hellfire
the eadizig farmers of the vicinity j.
en . The chair was occupied by
'John McMillan, Hullett, who called
on Mr. *Robertson the proprietor of
faetory,•to explain" the object of the in
ing, and to lay before thpse present
course of action which he intended
pursue in the ma,nagement of his fac
during the earning seas* Mr. Rob
son, after describing thenianner in wh
he intended having his newfactory pt,
up, and:the different kinds of impro
melds he inteeded having introduced
order to have cheese. properly mane
:hired and k.ept, stated that heretof
he had purchased the milk and mann
tared the eheese at his 4vierisk. T
year, however, he intended pursuing a
ferent.plan. He -proposed to work
factore on the commission system—t
is to mantifacture the cheese and chi
the patrons a' bettein sunt per poun
cheese for its manufacture. He w
manufacture the cheese, furnish all c 1
ing•and °tit& necessary ingredients
sides -the milk for two cents per pot
This, he said, was the general pleren
adopted by cheese maniefacturers, a
had proven much more satisfactory to
parties than the system of buying
milk from the farmers at so much
gallon: By the plan which he propos
the patrons of the. factory would have t
management of the affaire of the fee
all in their own hands; They Would
to appoint a committee whose dut
would be toireep a tvatchful eye on
perations,. to see -that the cheese
roperly manufactured, to prevent
hut pure milk from being delivered a
o arrange for the sale of the che se.
Thus, if a good article of cheese ere
made,. and that cheese brought a 1 igh
gureethe patterns would have the ben tit;
wherea,s, under the old system, no at-
er to how high a figure cheese al• ht
aite they would just get the price for
heir milk which they had contrac ed,
and they might, as has heretofore ecu
he case, be compelled to' send t eir
ilk to the factory throughout a on-
iderable portion of the seascn at a ess
rice than they could make out a in
ther eways: This was frequentl a
ause of much dissatisfaction among at. •
ons. He had, therefore, determi ed
that hereafter they should run their wn
risk. - If there was a gain, they sho Id
have the benefit of it; if a loss, I ey
should have the benefit of that also, The
meeting seemed pefectly satisted with
Mr. Robertson's eeplanations, and quite
a number of those present enrolled their
naines as patrons for the coming season.
The following gentlemen were appointed
at -
PATRicIes DINA-EL—The aimual
;darner in celebration- of the artnivetaary
,43LIreland's Patron Saint will take plaee
at Murray's Hotel; , Settforth, on the
evening- of Monday next. We trued to
•see a iarge gathering on this occasion,
not. alone of Irishmen, but men of variotts
'other nationalitiea. Gatherings of this
_kind -are usually pi oduetive of the meet
balmy results. They serve not only to
• -bring beek to the reeolleetion of frieh7
Milt happy scenes of yoath, and keep
alive the interest in` and love for their
eta.titre :count] y, which should ever re-
tineiu firmly rooted in the breast of etrely
• trete, Ulan, but also to encourage and
lostet a kindly and Amiable feeling be-:
tween the descendents of • different
committee of management : Messrs.
ohn McMillan, Williain Black, James
cDowell, James Scott mid James Me-
tosh. Mr. Robert Turnbull:was un-
imously - appointed Auditor. Sotne
iseussionarose as to the price to be
arged for drawing the milk. Some
ought that those who delivered their
-n. milk should only be allowed as much
- drawing it as Others paid, on an aver -
e, for having it drawn. • t was ulti-
ately agreed, however, that those who
ew their own milk wordd only have
e price for manufacturing' deducted
m the proeetels of their cheese, where -
these who did not do se would have
mice for drawing, together with the
ce for rnantfaeturing deducted.
Considerable disappointment was
ton acconet, of Mr. Ballantine not be-
present,- according to promise. We
ieve that Mr. Ballantineteabsence was
avoidable, It Eeems, that he missed
accommodation train at Stratford,
consequentl - had to wait for the
express, whieli as some tw hour s late
in reachinet here, • so that by tie tirne Mr.
Ballantine arrived the meting had
closed. •Had he 'been, able t carry ,out
intention of coming by the accornoda-
trein, he would have rertched here
ut 1 o'clock. .
Ire were Mae4 pleased to notice the
mony and good feeling which prevail-
t this meeting, and the cheerful and
IliM0118 willingnest expressed by all
give th i system proposed by Mr.
ertson a, fair triel. it must 13e most
ifying to Mr. Itebertson to see his
ts to establish here a large cheese
ufacturing business so heartily see-
d by his patrons. and we feel confi-
that the result of, the coming year's
ations will but serve. to increase the
est already taken by the agricultur-
f this . notion, in this most import
and rapidly growing branth of ill -
• for
atatioeahhes who may, for the tirne un
being. have to mingle together in ,elaily the
intercourse. and
Thera Seetooe Merrietete-In accotdh
• twee with the Reeve's proclamation. a
meeting of the ratepayers of the village
was held in the Town Hall, on the even-
ing of 4Friday laste The chair was been-
ied by Mr, Benson, Reeve, and Mr.
McLean aeted as tecretaree The meet-.
rimgewas not aumereuely attended. Sever-
al -of, those present :expressed themselves
*favorable to the establishment of a high
school here. After 'considerable diecus-
„t sieerthefollotving resolution was carried
• unanimously "Moved by Mr. David
• 13: Wilson, ancl Aecorided by Mr. Archi-
bald Dem.; That this meeting approves
Of a high echool in Seaforth, and recent
meads- that the Municipal Council of the
villagehike the necessary steps to have
a high- school established here, and Se. -
forth eat apart as a • High School
triteeting of the officers and clirectere -of
;the Sputh Huron 46c:intend Society,
keld at . Brat efield on. Saturday litst,it
-eras decided to hold the Spring EXhibi-
tion of eneire stock, at the eVillate 6,1
Brucefield, on• Wednesday, t14 17th day
• of April. next. The prize list remains
_ahem, the same as Fist car with thelex-
ceptiee of additional clieees of two heavy •.drattght, and two-year-old
general perposeihr a,grieultural etallions.
itt aseoine animals of these
hdately imported, their •
aea encouragement ; and
• also tile pebiie be afforded an opportun-
• ity of seeing. theareauireals. It was also
decided that the }jail Show for 1872 be
-held in 'teeter, °Ars effort was made to
have it,in Baytield- this year, but the Di -
reams appeared to: 1 e very unaniMowely
of the epinione that.Bee*field had not yet
ectuateletnt •with Exeter. After ap-
ponitang Juges for the Spring Show,
and other matters of routine the 'meet-
ing adjourned.
• it wee felt
classes Itad
owners 'A heula
WroLsrA circumstance of rather
an unusua1,. occurrence teak place on Dr.
Stokest f twat 012. the Baylieid Road,
- about feat- miles' trona town, on Sunday
morning last. Mr.. Frederiek Smith, the
Death's etni-.in-laer, ,who yeeides on the
farm, had a elicep killed afew- days since,
and suspecting that the mirtehief had
been committed by etags he allowed the
carcase to remain where it lay. in the
hope that the doge: would return, that
he Might Eliscoher vitiose they wetand
have them deetroyed. What was his
sarprise on going
to the place at the
time indicated to find a large wolf tear-
ing away at the bedy of the sheep. He -
immediately, returned to the house auct
obtained a pistol, with -Which he shot
the wolf threugh :the head, killing it in The appearance of a wolf is a
ed a
• inter
-iets o
A Eerily to Rev. ,Mr. Graham's
•. Lecture.
We have received from a emheeponcl-
ent a reply to the lecture delieeeed. by
Rev: Me. Qrahani of Clinten, in the
Wesleyan Methodist Church Of this vile
on -the evening of ThursdaY, th
7th inst. ?: Thiscommunication we'can
not publish, for two reasons. In th
-first place; a report of Mr. Grahani
lecture, or even a synopsis of it, doe
not appear in our colenins, and it woul
be nujust aed- unfair to Mr: Graham t
publish a eriticisin of hislecture without
at the smite time,giving to, ife publi
criticism. In the second plebe we ere
the remarks which called orth tha
exceedingly aver se to b.likwing our
ohniins to be usedfora cliscustiou such
as that which the conilpepication • in
question wand be sure to angencler. We
do :not consider a jeurnal su .h as4 ours
the proper place for disci:es:ions on
Darwimanism and subject of a kin-
dred nature, and we would d ire now to
impress upon our corresponde ts gener-
ally, to refrain from furhishin /*els with
communications on atl such s bjects, as
we will not publish them, no n atter how
ably written, or from- whom r ceived. If
our correspondent,, who is real y a clever
writer, woeild turn his •attentio i to some
other sahject which woeld b of more
public.intereet and benefit, tha that up-
on which he treats, we shall in st gladly
Publish his letters. But on sub jeds
such as that upon which bij present
wall -written -communication i4 based,
we treet he will excuse us for f&eclining
to afford hun the use of oer ekohneue to
ecuss them.
bachelor friends, of sborne, being about
to get married, last week, went to warm
up the house 021 a farm he had lately
• beught Hibbert, and got his forehead
scalded:with the steam of a kettle. Next
day he went to see the minister and got
his nose frozen. The clay following, al-
though both scalded and frozen, he was
united in the bonds of matrimony.
• THE 'SCARLET FEVER—The scarlet
fever is ,prevalent in the Township of
Blanehard. Several children have died
&Om it.
PERSONAL.—Mrs. A. Duncan, of Us -
borne, has got a severe attack of inflame -
tion on the lungs. ' She is attended by
Dr. Stabbs, of Kirkton, under whose
care she is now recovering.
A. Goon Mene.—James Hackney sold
a mare last week for $190. •
FA.RiunRS' CLUB. —A Farmers' Club is
about to be brgapized in this Township.
• Several of the prominent farmers having
already signified their • willingness of
uniting for :this object. •
• BROKEN LIME. —While playing in the
woods a few days ago, a son of Mr. W.
Wing fell from ,a log some distance front
the ground. and broke his leg. We un-
derstand the fracture was a peculiarily
hotaplicated-one, bub the sufferer is pro-
gressing so favorably that no serious ap-
prehensions are entertained.
• TENIPOANCR.—The regular meeting of
the Comity Lodge, B. A. 0. of G. T.,
• took plate in this village on Wednesday,
the Oa inst., and although the severity
of the cold and the unfaxerable condition
of the roads put a barrier in the way of
nurabere, yet ehe affair was all that could
be desired. In the evening the assembled
memberof the order, together with a
few of the friends of temperance, partook
• of a truniptuoua repast prepared by the
members of Hoe Lodge, Zurich. After
the removal of the cloth, Brother John
Grandy took the chair. Speeches were
delivered by ,Messrs. W. Grandy, C.
Eaerettrl J. Carrick, R. Luker and W.
Wanless, Recitatiens were given by
• Rrother B. Redmond and Mrs. 1).
At a late hour the company disperse&
well pleased at having Spent so pleasettt
an evening.
• House Ith„LED..—As Mr. Richard Rey-
nolds, of the Township of Hay, was driv-
ing a span of horses in the woods, a tre,e
which had been lodged for S01110 time
suddenly fell, instantly killing one of
Mr. Reyriold's team, and almost demol-
ishing the .sleigh, from which Mr. Rey-
nolds leapt just in time to escape : a
certain death.
SAD AFFAIR.—We learn that a man
named Andrew Muir, a resident of the
township, of Hay, visited Zurich on. the
afternoon of Tuesday, the teth inst. .it
seems that, • after whiting to the village,
Muir had. -Indulged pretty freely'in in-
toxicating drinks, but as he was in the
habit of so doing, this was not paid ranch
attentionto. About dusk he took his
departure for home, and took a bottle of
whiskey with him. Since then he has
not been seen or heard of. It is supposed
that; being on. foot •.and alone, he had
wandered from the road, and becoming
overcome with the stimulants which he
had. consumed lay down and got .frozen
to death. The night was one of the
most. bitterly cold of the season, aed the
abovesupposition will doubtless prove
correct. Search has. since been made for
the body, but as far as we have been
able to tear; without success.
Mr. George Eyvel is oor authorized agent in this
place. All orders left :with him for subseriptions,
Job Printing or advertising, will be promptly at -
tangled to. Mr. Eyvel is also empowered to collect
accounts and grant receipts 107 money duo -Tim
phrey are about to open out a waggon
shop in Mr. Ralph Hoda.sonts old stand.
They are new -comers to the village, and
we hope they will receive a share of
public patronage.
Literary Association, not having made
application to the Government previous
to the passing of the late Bill, by which
only cities, and incorporated towns and
villages, are allowed the grant, is there-
by debarred from becoming a Mechanics'
Institute. The Association intends,
• oweyer, to expend their surplus &ride
in making farther additions to their ei-
cellent library. .•
George Millin; of this place, • has.- lately
missed small sums ' of money, mostly
shin -plasters, and upon investigating
matters the other day found that the
mice had appropriated a inimber of shinplesters and a $2 bill, and, no doubt
feeling the need of "small change," they
had ingeniouslymbbled their papermon ey
into small ,pieces. We don't know Wheth-
er they will take Ameatcan silver It
ar. but -we emderstand Mr. Al illin does
not like. their plan of providing them
selves with fractional currency.
CHURCH U.N1011. —In' accord.ance with
netices calling meetings of the different
Presbyterian. congregations in the -comity
to discuss the proposed union; a meeting
was held. in. the -Presbyterian church t
6 Mondey afternoon. •The hlifferent sec-
_ thins in the proposed basis of union
e were brought forward senatum, and we.
,s understand that after due considel ation,
s a majority of those present declared
themselves in fa vor of union.
Exetereiems.—A- public ex-
amination of Wroxeter school Will he
held . on Thursday, '28th _March, com-
at 930 A. M. A school ex-
_ .
THE MAN was nefer known. t tat could
please evetybody, but Prank eltridge
comes the nearest to it in, hi • line of
busineee. Scott's block, Seafor h
antmetiee will he held in the tch,ophro.oni
the evening, When recitations, dia-
logues, readings, _nnieic, etc., evill be
given by the paella. and others. We
hope'. parents and others • interested. in
E chool matters, willemake effort to at-
tend in lerg,er numbers than they genet- -
1.1y•Clo- at school examinatimie. Teachers-
the vicinity are cordially invited to
IVIARau 1.5, 1
of ;approaching Spring as yet. The
• sleighing is good. The lumbering bush
nest is being pushed forward in the east. -
part of this Township, the rush of
teams to and fro being as brisk air in
mid' owniatoT
Official communications from the London.
Huron and Bruce Railway remove all
doubts as to the probability of the road
being built.- The prospect at presentap
pears to be that the road will be pusher!.
forward with all possible despatch, not•
withitanding the dismal forebodings e•h'
the Ainleetville peoples' directorate.
• Blue.vale.
GON CERT, —A grand • concert will , be
held in the Wesleyan Methodist Church
on 'Monday eveniy, 18th. The Leech-
ville, Wroxeter, urnberry, and East
Wawanosh classes will be represented..
A good time is expeeted.—Free.
Bv-Lew.— The narrow gauge By -taw
in Turnberry was defeated by 140, not
180 as stated by your correspondent last
week. There was great rejoicing in thit
village on account of its defeat.
ACCIDENT. —Mr. „ D. • Gillies, of the
-township of Morris, met with a bad ac-
cident last week while engaged it( draw-
ing logs out of the woods to the sawing
machine, by the falling. of a tree. He
was knocked down, his arm broken, and
several other severe bruises inflicted up-
• on his body. However, he is in a lair
way of recovery.
LECTuRES.—A temperance lecture was
delivered in the Wesleyan Methodist
church, en Tuesday evening, 5th inst.,
by Rev. J. B. Aylesworth. • The argu-
ments advanced by the reverend gentle-
• man were solid and convincing, and I
think that the greater part of his atidi-
once went away with the impression that
the sooner intoxicating drinks were ban-
ished from the land the better.
• MA.NIT013A:—Tlie Rev. Mr. Goldie ,de-
livered a lecture in the Presbyterian
Church, on Monday evening,tupon the
soil, climate, and aborigines of Manitoba
and the North West. • The lecturer gave
a very minute and. interesting description
of the different places he had visited.
His account of the soil and clilnate was
very flattering, but for all that he did
not advise farmers who had comfortable
homes to sell out and emigrate. He de-
precated the idea of young men going
there to start business, unless they had a
fortune to lose, for he said that already
there was one merchant for about every
thirty inhabitants.
NoTice.—Mr. G. B. COOPRR will act as buoiness
agentilor Tin.; EXPOSITOR in Ainloyville and vicin-
ity. Parties requiring Job Printing or Advertising,
can be attended to by calling upon Mr. Cootszu
He is also authorized to solicit subscribers for Tun
Title, SNOW is thatving fast, and flare
mere, are looking forward to a good time
• for sugar -making.
SCARCITY OF FEED. —Farmers are be-
ginning to complain of the scarcity of
feed for cattle, and are looking anxiously
for spring. Some parties in this neigh-
borhood, however, have found a model
way of procuring feed. It is by paying
friendly visits to their neighbors' barn-
yards at the dead of night. This method
is very effectiye, seldom failing to pro-
cure a quantity Of oats or a bundle of
hay, but it is rather dangerou, and should
be abandoned by thon practicing it be-
fore it is too late• .
Gotha Ur.—Mr. John Dolson has
bought the corner lot, opposite the Do-
minion House, without any buildings, for
$520. Railroad prices—prop oty be-
ginning to change hands and go up.
• MERCANTILE. —Mr. Grewar has told
his stock.of groceries and liquors tr., Wm.
Aldridge, who will carry on the business.
—Wm. Tufts has removed to the store
lately • occupied bY Wright & Ross.—
Strachan & Smith have opened out a
large and beautiful stock. --The old es-
tablished stands. of Livingstone and
Leckie are doing as large a ,business as
ever, and are preparing for extra large
spring Etocks.
UCTION AND SOIREE. —Tuesday be -
ine the (lay appointed for the induction
of the Rev. Peter Scott into the pastoral
charge of the Ormnarty and Fullerton
• 'congregations, the, Presbytery of Strat-
ford met accordingly at Cromarty for that
purpose. Notwithstanding the incle-
mency of the weather, and the bad state
of the roads, the audience • was much
larger than was anticipated. The. Rev.
Dr. Waters preached au impressive die -
course from the text, Matt. 10 :
after which Rev. Mr. Hall addressed the
minister, and Rev. Mr. Mitchell the
• people; and the new pastor was formally
inducted. A Soiree took place in the
evening, which was well attended, the
stor in having abated considerably.
Revds. Messrs. Hall and Finlay having
Addressed the meeting -refreshments were
served, and more addresses were &liver-
ed by Retals, Messrs. Mitchell,. Hislop,
Fetheringhani, Gracey and Dr. Waters.
Excellent music was rendered. at inter-
vals by a choir from Fullerton, under
the leadership of Mr. E. Moore. After
tendering the usual votes of thanks the
congregation dispersed. —Beacon.
• . Grey.
Cou-Ncn. Meaerieet.—The Council met
at Dame's Hotel; Cranhrook February
. 28 pursuant to acljourpment from last
meeting. Allthmembers present; J.
Leckie, Reeve, iii the chair.. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved. . The
Tavern Inspector's report received and
ac op et . The following taverns having.
complied with the regulations are elig-
ible for being lice/iced for the ensuing
year. Afolesworth Hotel, J. J. Gardner;
Travellers lionie, Jame3 Mills; Ethel
Hotel, Wm. Patton; Grey Hotel,
Martin Moore; Royal Hotel, Thomas
Wilson; Nicholas Long's' Hotel; Oran -
brook Hotel, James Tuck; Gambrinus
Inn, Wna. Darims ; Wm. Farquarson,
Walton Hotel. _Moved by S. Slernmon,
seContled by A. McDonald, That the
Reeve or Clerk make out certificates,
and that the Clerk procure licence for
the foregoing hotels for the ensuing year
so poll as they deposit the full amount
required by the Township and Gove
ment, , viz :' $30. . Application of Samuel
Holmes, for aid to widow Moore, she be -
ng in clestitate circumstances. Moved
by J. Strachan,seconded by T. William-
son, That - a grant of $10 be made in the
meantime, and that the Reeve matte out 1
debeoture for the same. —CarriteL
Account of Thos. Leadbeater, $48 • ac-.
count• o os. Leadbeater, for stationery,
postage, discount, etc., $14 78-; would i
of R. Laidlaw, for salary for Tavern In-
spector 1872, $20. Moved by A. Mc-
Donald, seconded by S. Slemmon, That
the Reeve issue a debenture for the sum
AVERTwAtip Ho I—A munher of our
old settlers intettd leaving for Manitoba
iti the spring or early in the surnmer
etters received from former residents
o this section speak of the country in
t e highest tes res. Mr. George Alcock
e recent letter says he never saw a
ore pleasant winter—fine clear weath-
e ; no etorms. He is located at a place
celled Palestine on the White _Mud a
River, whieh is said to be one of the 1
*hest agricultural sections of the Prov -
nice ; bah bush end prairie land in the
vicinity.- • The bush consists of oak, elna,
pop:areand red and white willow. Fish
and genie arealso in great abundance.
WEATHER, &e.—There are few signs
of $20, to obtain title- ref Lot 223,
vile, sold for taxet.----=Carried.f Moved. by
3. Straehan seconded by T. Williamson,
That the Clerk procure, as soon as con-
venient, from the Crown Lands Office,
Toronto, a traciug or map of the town
plot reserve in this township for the use
cf theetissessor.—uarried. Moved by 8.
Slemmon, seconded by J. Strachan
That this Council do now adjourn to
meet again at Tuck's Hotel, Cranbrook,
when the pathmasters, pound keepers
and fenceviewers will be appointed• .
° Jr, R, GRANT, Clerk.
PRESENTATION. --A few evenings ago,
a number of the members of the Canada.
Pretbyterian Church, Walton, assembled
eat the house of Mr. .Jarciez Fulton, of
this village,* and presented that gentle-
man, in the name of the congregation,
with a very handsome testimonial as a
token ot their appreciation of his services
vs a precentor in their church since first
established. in Walton. It Was with no
ordinary feelings of pride that Mr. Ful-
ton was the recipient of so handsome a
memento. He wishes to take this oppor-
tunity of thanking his friends, and enur-
ing them that the evidence of their appre-
ciation of his services will be looleed upon
by him as a strong incentive to merit
more worthily in future their apprecia-
tion. The testimonial -wee a beautiful set
of chinaware.—COIW.
SCHOOL EXHIBiTION. —A public school
exhibition .will take place in the school-
house, in Section No. 4, McKillop, ou
the evening of Tuesday the 26th met,
Admission, ten cents. The public gener-
ally are invited to attend. Proceedings
will conamence at seven o'clock,
LECTURE.—Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth,
delivered a lecture in the Canada Pres-
byterian Church, No. 2, McKillop, on
the evening of the 8th inst., on " The
Natural History of the Young Canadian."
The lecturer spoke for an hour and was
listened to attentively throughout. Rev.
Mr. -McDiarmici occupied the chair. A
vote of thanks was tendered to the speak-
er and the audience dispersed.
ing Of the patrons of the Itracefield
Cheese Factory will be held at 13rucetield,
on Friday, 22nd of March. Messrs.
Ballantine of Downie, Malcolm, of
Rocigerville, and other experienced
cheese manufacturers are expected to be
present and address the meeting,
Hills Green.
• MUSICAL:— Professor Church, music
teacher, of this place, proposes visiting
several of the eastern villages shortly, in
his professional capacity. We bespeak
for him a hearty welcome wherever he
may go, as by his auperior musical talents
he is justly entitled to it---Coee
ou 2nd of Mara, 1872. All the mem-
bers present ; Reeve presiding. The
main -object of this meeting being to ap-
point certain officers, which was done
as follows: Fence Viewers -a -J. Snell, J.
Bissett, S. Hogarth, J. Lewis, J. Matile-
8011, W. Holt, it. McPherson, 'C. Mol -
lard, J. Tetreau. Pound. Keepers—W.
Baker, T. Shapton, J. Lewis, M. Amey,
P. -O'Rourke, D. Stehle, J. Hill, O.
Mitchell, G. Tetreau. Pathenesters-- -
J. Hauxtable, T. Mitchell, T. Bissett, IL
Stanlake Sanders, D. Johns, J.
Whitelocl, J. England F. Anderson,
W. Cockinele, W. Walsh, J. Snell, T.
Shapton, J. White, H. Moaty, J. San-
ders, A. Dearing, IL Glaanille, IL Sims,
R. Sweet, :C. Proun, J. Palma, M. Mar -
lock, J. Wein, Wrn. Law -son, G. Law-
son, J. Finkbiner, M. Amey, J. ,Kessel,
T. Cro'wley, P. Coughlan, W. Thompson,
E. Williams, J. Bastard, P. thlaliorty, J.
oteward, A. McCoimick, F. Detrick, J.
McLeod, T. McKenzie, J. Ellis, J. Put-
treil, M. Keough, J. McCormick J. C.
Corbett, • S. Chambers,' J. Taylor, D.
Brophy, D. Beird, F. Mans, J. Tetreau
T. Moilard, J. Hannah; M. Iturgason,
Newhouse, J. Sweet, T. Woods, 11. Gill.
W. Simpson, R. Fulton, It. Glavin,. J.
(hag, D. Began, 1. Hall, J. Re -an,. Jle
'Enliven, J. Burly. J. Wilson.
Orders granted amounting to $1'.7.52. -
C. ?nom; Olerkbt
onfederation Life Association
of Canada.
At the roeeting of the directors a this
ssociatien., held at the head office (Ma-
mie Halt) yesterday, William McCabe,
•tsq., the General Manager, submitted
roposals for insurance amounting tO
202,00ft We have before commented
ar before any of its compeers in the
nstitution—a growth which appears des-
ined ere long to pleb) the Association
0 urrnhtery.
pon the reniarkably rapid growth of this
rapidity encl extent of the growth
f the business will be seen from the fact
hat` at the last three meetings of the
oard, the increese alone ie ta amount
f insurance applied for has been teepee-
ively $14,000, $27,000, $71,000.
Such a remarkable success, and coin -
ng from all parte- of the Dommion, ciear
y proves that the efforts of the manage-
-lent to place before the public of Cana: -
la, a purely home ihstitutione so con_
uted and managed as to give every guar-
ntee for eh:ginner and eafety, heir p-
lied a want much needed by the Cana-
an public,'
It is quite time that Canadians should
eel the importaace' of ,keeping our own
2 00ey in Canada and not let investments
rtende,l for our wives and famiiies be
1 azarded in foreigh couittries, enriching
era and impoverishing 'ourselves.— 17 e-
1 07
itQ --
Mr. S. G. ticeaughey is agent for this
ompany at Seafortli.
--The small pox is said to be very
revalent in Brantford just now. All
s holars attending the public schoole who
axe not been vaccinated have been or-
ered to leave the school.
— One of the wonders to be seen at
eeseut in Lucan, and what has given
L86 to some betting, is the quantity of
ood cut from a tree which grew in the
reoration, on Mr: Rody Armitage
t, denominated a swamp elm M •
mitage has chopped aud sawed it into .
ove wood and piled it closely. On a
ir measurement, it is found to contain
ventecn and one-eighth cordir'of wood,
owing 128 feet to the cord.
FRANK PALTRIDGE has been evorking
-e a brick, and has got all things ready
make you a doeen photographs th"
inter. Scottie Block, Seaforth.
(Logan's Old Stand,)
Who will pay the IIIGHEST PRICE
for any quantity of
• Delivered at bis store.•
oi CTCYY description, kept constantly on hand, kt...
chiding Sheanon 0o.% No. 1.
Come One, Coma All, with your Eggs sha -get
the Cash. •
• Egmondville Greeety,
Made tan be had at -
".771B.GIYUINE 110 W'
Sewing Machines, in all styles and sizes, and
4 4 271: 0,SBaliy,N"
• Machine in ail styles.
The subscriber has received a splendid supply
both these Machines, which are pronounced by et,
perienced hands to be superior to any others task -
For strength, simplicity and perfection of con-
struction; for range of work, front light gamete
beaver and leather; for beauty, and exactness er -
stitch, owing to the tension being perfect and
ways equal on both upper and lower threads, an4
for durability these machines are unrivalled.
Every machine warranted and instructions given
gratis. Machines sent ,out on trial', or rented
tile month to responsible parties.
WARMERS like the rest of Armaind ElTiP timer
desirous to learn the best and easiest mode te,
Make Money.
There is no 33usinesiby which a Fennel can mata.
so much Money easily and in SO short timeas by
To Farmers 'who desire to embark in this' profitable
b,ranah of Agriculture during the coming year, the
undersigned. would say that he will have on bawl
A large 'supply of Goon FLAX, fOr StOd•
which caube had at any tinto fron2 now to the Mat
of May next. In order tha Femora -may be con-
vinced that Flax is the most; profitable crop they
gan grow, they aro referred to the following stale --
recut of last year's ).ields, and con also •apply to
either of the undermentioned geittlemen for -con-
firmation of the -statement.-
8tatenient of last year's yield.
31-eliillop-- Acres. Pounds. Bectived.
'14Valter ,BRI*43 . . . . .. 2-1 12,000 * $720G
' Thomas Dtpslie..... 7 88,500 281 -00
-George Flabkirlc. - . - / 6,740 40 44
R. Melnillan. I 6,-300 SI*
R, Cluff— ..... - - _ 1 5,000 01140
John McElroy- .- - - - I 6,720 • 84 VI
W. Evans ... -. . - ..1'.0 56,000 88060 .
4. EVIIIIS 3 , 16,500 29 0a.
D. Olaf... ........ 43 • 44 000 264 00.
William Payne— ; 8
Mr. McGeoeh.... 5-
D!. Sprout . I
Elgy ' 11
Price paid per ton $12:
• 86,000
• 66,000
• 216
165 00
MB to
.1.11‘''' Price paid per ton, Twelve Dollar.
Parties are recommended to sow early, in order to
secure a good crop. Any further, information re- -
quired will be cheerfully given by
Proprietor, 8ttafortlt Flax Mills,
ethethen ett
• 'AND •
Plenty good Glover and Timothy,
Wholesale and Retail.
March 4, 1672. •
A MEETING- of the Patrons of the 13rocefteli
•LCheese actory will be held in 13rucelield,OiI
'FRIDAY, the 22d March, at 2 o'clock, in the
School-houte. A full attendance of the patrons le
invited, and of atry of their neighbors who mai
vigil to patronize the Factory this season
It is expected that Islessrs. D.A.LLF,NTINZv
HAMILTON, MALCOTAT and others -will address
the meeting..
- 223-2 HiMBON.
CriAltrE into the premiaes of -the subscriber, Lot
1, Concesion. I, MeKillep, previous to the
lst of December last, a EWE and LAMB, The
oanwanetrakiserthermesatwede5f..o prove property, pay chargsg-
• 220-4"- PATnxcx -woom
1001) Horses and Comfortable Velticies, aiwaya
"-A on hand. Favorable Arrangements made with
-Commercial Travellens. All alders left at Ii2;03-'1
lioThL, will be promptly attended to.
OFFICE; AND STARLRS :--Third door North
Knox's Hotel, 3fain Street.
221 THOMAS BELL, Proprietor.
OFFIcE,--AT commEnciAl. HOTEL. G0041
quiet Horses and First-Clase Vehicles- alw10's
n u Conveyances furnished to -Commercial.
• Travellers on reasonable ratan-
' 1.,
014 of thk• Scar-
e •
Ta! - etth
rd eta, ) ear
.! half "
3 i4)1ii.
•One-fout thLone ve:tr
1113 1,4
-44 3 flJ)Xith
One-eighth Due. y,
Jt% hof
3 nit t
One4wellth one ye:n
" ;3 morgfig -
Business Cards, (6
Aa'eertil4entelliS -0
not exceeding 111
month, 50 rents_va-b
Advertisement s t
for sale, not exeee-Lo,
eaeh subsequent into
Births, Marriages.
Advertisements w
be inserted fill forbid
OT 27- -Suomi C'4
mile of Scaft»th ;
McIallop„ eight 211.
Building Lots in
pur'ers A3piy
-of Thiron, naese
of Let No. 13, 81s1
• acres -80 of which MI'
good state 1).4l eultiv
der fair ea t. The
house, log barn, and
young -orelaird ; thert
venient to th- stalth
Tliia farm is sitn:itej
Varim, on the f,,rlivel
apply to the pro-pri
Varna Post-011iee.
212-Lt3 •
A 13001) OPENfl
won seta:.
three Building
in a good business
on ,)n tb bit s, uu
nnd F2112211.2 ..',01) ea,
ana a never -failing wk
other lots there it; it
upon the the thintio
a good stock of 4,8k is
t4pokes and hubs. Th
block, cbeap, fort:th-b.
ing for a. good \Vagen
ibis off( rs. al; there
busbies% within -.Int-
-entail; apply to 1he
to Walton 1'.O.
-TIM undersigned wi
his brother far;
is prepart.--1 to
MXpelitit. :4 IONS
A R C 11 1 13
py,t4s to inform ,th
-1-9 out - -C.ainty Ain
hereafter. be ibrepare-At
416 Connly, fat the
Iteal Estate or
*nieces:: he has had
be feels confident th
All orders left witI
Saunders, 1,02-1
inaler:•;gn-.11 will r.,ei
D A. N I L
."--.1--tised in the basi
.4.-d to exeente, 410 t
hitest st:.les, all ord.
• Ruled; Prin n1'4 7
notic,.., anti at j.ri
rapial end 2
Terson‘ re-hif,ng at
books at the " Si owl'
the ‘,;\,,amitor''
muipxy.31,, staling
Ail communieatha
ea, will rteei.e pion)
rttt it /N. PA
•A L.
• I2.000
Brot Fah -
tt)0()Ctf it tfl ti ei•
;Il -AT 1
`11111 uds li
2 'lilted • la 1/1
the ( t
the Ann-riean 04101
and y.ti.ek-rai-ine.
a•pitt.o. stlitts.
cm:ApEit IN I'
aud t-sno,
f01/3.1 .
FREE lid.IneEte
11i4 EntithA
Pree Passes t
kitIrfor th, 1,‘
new map., pedi.ht
and Danish.. Niu
Lana 101