HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-15, Page 4t=i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS:.. E Pluribus Onions= --Scott. Robertson. 'Seed Peas—John Hannah. Cash for Eggs- Wm. r Thomson, New Plow Factory—Monroe & Hogan. Cheap Farms, Cheap Rome Sewing Machines—W. N. Watson. Election of Directors•-- ohn Buren. Seeds --.John Beattie - Snilding Lots for Salo -..:Mrs. Sparling. Cheese Factory Meeting—J. Hickson. 'guru $xpo�itot. FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1572. - Shall We Have a High school ? This_ is a question which; at the present time, considerably agitates' :the public mind in Seaforth. Sev- eral of the prominent residents of the village, being desirous to see a • High School established here, some- time ago caused a petition to . be cir- culated, asking the County Council. to set apart the C_ aunty into .high -School Districts, so that a Scholl might be established in Seaforth. This petition was -presented to the County Council at its last meeting, and the acceptance .of its prayer was strongly urged upon that body by our Reeve. A proposition was made to divide the County into three Districts, with. Goderich, Clinton arid Seaforth as the respective school - seats of each District. This proposi- sition was strenuously resisted by the representatives' of the Town ships interested, and_ consequently was not 'adopted by the -Council. The only action, therefore,. which was taker} upon the lel tion; of :the -' ratepayers! of Seaforth was to cause it to be laid over for further er consid- eration at the June,' meeting. A r(solution was alsol unanimously .1. passed that no division of the Co ty for High School pd rloses, to elude any of the to;vnahips, be to -without the consent Of the Ree and Deputy Reeves of the interest townships. - - - ()wine to- the decided Action tak by the County Council; there is I for the people of Seaforth \ but t courses td. pursue, in order to c tain ai High School. The one is induce the ratepayers of the Tow ships which it is desired to ori into this District to. instruct the 'representatives in the County Cou cil to consent- to such divisio_ -The other is to have the village itse tet apart as a district, and bear t. wholeexpenditure- necessary for tl maintenance of a High School. .A the matter has now been placed. the hands of the Vilhige C7ounci it will be for them- to• decide whit. of these alternatives it will ere` a visable to pursue, in order to obtai the desired end, or whether it wi_ be most prudent to abandon . th scheme '.entirely. • - For our ow part, we. incline to the- belief tba an effort should be: made to secure at least,' the assistance of the pe ple of Tuckersmith and ¥cKiilcp If the question were properly tai before the people of .these- tw Townships, .we believe they wool have but little hesitation in unitin with us, especially as the advantage which would be placed within thei reach by having such a scho> 1 estab .dished here would. he so fret, and the expense so -trifling.: There are not two townships .m the Province which contain better or nog` std vanced common schools' tha Tuck- ersmith and McKillop. Zft is also a fact, that, within the ;past: few • years, many efficient . aid • well- trained -public school teachers have. graduated at these schools, and we have no doubt but the - nu:ahber of • these'will l erndole.grater in future years. But; effitien�t as these teach- ers have proven to be; would they not have found their duties much easier, and been even better pre- pared to fulfil" them had they -had an .,opportunity of spending -a term or two at a first-class Grammar Schoen We venture to say that there ie not tone of these -teachers 'but .would 'agree with us in saving that they. 'Jould. Then, when such is the case, is . it not reasonable to- conclude that those who with -to see their sons and (laugh ters distinguish them- selves in some useful occupation or profession, . would willingly con- t ibute to place within the reach of their children a most essential: Irk pto enable thew to sttaain :this end ? We feel convinced that there axe but few indeed of the resident's of the townships who would de- cline doing so. But, it is not alone to fit Youths for .a profession that such a sehool would be serviceable it woald be almost equally advan- tageous to those destined to fellow the .ordinary avocatioua of farm life. We., ventures to assert that any young math ..or woman would' be better fitted for the intelligent per- formance of farm duties by i�eceiv• s ing a h rst c�l s education. Besides,-, even if it could not be practically ` s applied' on' a faint, an education is. c not hard to tarry, and- should the i s farm fail them, they would be pos- sessed of that which world ensure then a comfortable livelihood at all o times. It should. therefore, be- of i the fiirret cossiders,tion with not only ! t un- ma ves ed. en eft If ie 1, d- every fanner but every men to give -his childrentthe very best education possible, no matter what sphere in life be May design them to occupy, last do his establish ►I institu- st order. which we -now desire the people, of, Tucker - smith and McKillop, entwell as those of Seaforth, to consider. In order 'that they may more intelligently do so, we shall briefly a.tate what would probably be . required to en- able tbcm to enure the benefits of a high school- :immediately within their reach.- In the fits plaice;. then, the law rovides that thebee_ esaal•y buildings shall be erected at tete expense of themunic.paility in which .theyate situated. ! In this instance, Seaforth would r tquire,-to cessary building ac Fqthe mai tenance would pro ablycost am. Of tit grant annum, In order= to do .this, he share toward assisting to pod maintain education tions of the best and high -This .is the question provide the n commodation. of the school, i the sum of $1;600 per tun this amount th Governs)( -would be at lea 't $400. per (probaihly more as the aubount• of the. Government• grant del ends in n the e$ic ency of )0 being t e mini u.n ty .grant, $200 ,;; 0,—leavin a deli- o be prov'ded for nicipali.ties This, ibered, will be the re for the um- re - sed Cy the unici- ave estiwa ed the .drool fully higher overs= lower. tt the when unici- (treat measure the school, -$4 mum surn) ; C 'School Fees, $1 ,ciency of $550 by the three m it m bat be r eme very outside figt . q u ired - to be ra panties; as we t expenses of the than they will b , and the int and Coun iy subsidies It will. therefere` be seen t amount requiredJto be raise( distributed 'over the three i$alities will be though if left to the village, woul expense of the bailding,` be heavy. • In. view of these 'facts, we t1 a people will take the (natter into serious and careful consider We also hope tb.at at the ii meeting, the Villa Council enabled to devise some means by -the assistance and co -opera the.people of the townships a • t, a mere trifle, al- e provided for by in- additim to the. pretty trust ichneroef- ready named may be obtained: We feel confident that the establishm nt of a High School here would b of as much benefit to the people qf the country as to those of the vi lege, 'and lee' are much mistake if, whee they coine to properly. under- stand ehe question; they will hesi- tate for a moment' to consent tct bear their due share of. the ex,pens in- curred to ebtairi that benefit. esmmemeeesteeem The requirements of the Act in- corporating the London, Iiiii•or. and Bruce Railway _Company li'' ving been complied with, notice is, iven that a general meeting of the bub- scrib-ers to the capital stock o the Company will be held at 'Lon on, on Wednesday, the 1/th of pril next The object of this nieeti g is te elect the 'permanent -direc i ore, and the discussion of other ma ters affectina the interests of. the e ter - prize. We are glad to perceive bat the Pree . Press endorses the vi ws whieb we have so frequently ex - the Company effecting such arra ee- tnents with ' the Cleat West rn of that powerful. corporation i a has done. Our contemporary also candidly. admits ehe truth. -of ur statement, that the scheme cen ot ere successfully caeried out with ut this as*tance. It eannot be denied ,but that .t 118 read would be of much greatet• service), to ehe municipalities along route, shifiVld it be built upon a .„uniform page with the 'Great Western, and be run and control] by that company, 'than if it w re reit as an independent line.. In t e 5rst place, if built on a• unifor n guag-e with the Great_ Western, pr duce shipped tin it sit any poi t could be delivered at all the gre t markete, not only it this countr but also in 'the United States; wit out incurring the 'expense, dela and .annoyance of erianshipinen be saved to the shipper, and would consequently go directly intp the poeket of the producer. Not onl y wonld there he a saving in this way', but there would be a very- maiet- iaI saving in another mar leer. etich . an arrangement the two great national thoroughfere to direct comectition with eac other for the carrying t ade of thi. ectiorn and it is- needlees for US detail at lentztth the effect whicl) - that he may be allowed a pension in. uch cc;nipf3titic would have en the I sconsiderat ion of his lengthy services part ing prices. Between two to the country. Well, what is there uch compattiee th *t- conld be rin all this to call faith such volleys { c to w ga THE H UR©N EXPOSITOR even'suppose that company could rry their scheme to a successful mination of their •ownx.strength, • rich we deny, ---there would be no• arantee that an amalgamation • of interests such as we have indicated. uld not speedily be accomplished. r instance, this road, for near its whole length, would he com- lled to compete with the Grand unk. From the points of inter- `tion, therefore,' the Grand Trunk Id easily aflbrd to convey the gin for nothing, if need be, and rend on some other portion of its ended line to stake up for the de envy.. .But the independent lure uld not be able to do this, as near - the whole of its traffic would e .from these competing points. ust be evident, then; to the most *use, that even if ehe 'London d could be built as an independ road, it could notbe kept in nang operation for any length of e, out would have to succumb to superior strength of its large' 1.. These advantages, too, could ttained for a much less cost than ould require for the independ- road, as it would not coot as h to build the road the uniform e with•,the Great Western, as �reuld _ to barild and stock a nate, road such as that proposed. w F ly p T se co tr de eX iso w 1!7 co Jt 01) I'o en rut til th riv b; it v en t mu g lana it ro w I4 view ot thesela.ct3 and many rs which suggest themselves, d it not be adviseble for the -holders, resident along the to impress upon companny, he spproaching meeting, the •sity of their making immediate won line, nece formal application" to the Great ern Company to secure the de -- aid. The Municipal Councils, which haVe granted bonuses to ad, should take the matter up, Wes sired also, the r and a e their views on the ques- tion !mown to the compemy at the meeting. We, have. no dou'et but that a majority of the people of Lon- don Would object to such an arrange- ment as it ie their deshe to bring as much grist to- their °will mill as possibly can,.._ by having the irig of all the' freight in that For ehis we cannot blame But. those interested,. from ral districts, should stand up eir own interests, and ingist le only feasible plan by which eme can be' made a success, benefit to those who have al led upon 'to assist in its con- struction be adqpted. they handl city. the rt for t that t the se and a been The! Chief Superintendent of The venera Chief Superinten- dent f Education fot this Pro- vince certainly enjoys, At the pre- sent ti le, the distinction bt being.the best abused Man in the country. The Toronto Giob.e has, for some weeks,1 for reasons best known to it- self, been pouring the vials of itS wrath lupon his devoted head ; and t be expected, several of the uminaries, which but reflect rrowed light,—several of the. dogs, who make a, practice in an accom as aug lesser their b smallet of bar howl g pan tneut to the their nientor, have been g it in a feeble way, in its attacks upon the Chief Superiutea- *dent. We need scarcely say, that we have no tyisipathy with the ill- timed and uncalled-for strictures in hese Journals see ,fit at the time to indulge. We .do mo.nient deny but that Dr. has his faults, and has, in . committed errors. kiute we ask, which•of his present accus- ers is free to 'cast a stone LIG. ? Notwitl standing, however, all his he may• Min On great In system We ther Ryerson share of consideration et the hand/3 ple of this country, instead ited abuse. We cannot t is, right or honest for .sx public jourEalist to 'be. continually hiding any! man's virtues froeu pub- lic view ee persistently and continu- his short-cornings aird failings, sim- ply becaese he. muy happen to differ with on political grounds. Had Dr Ryerson eeen a strict c member Of, the Reform party, there ' to believ be made now en Why the credit is of all p which t present not for Ryersot his tim • trigs, and the many errors in his life -time have com- e are bold to say, that to ark) is indebted, in a• very aeure, for the noble school which. she to -day enjoys. fore believe that even Dr: is entitled to a very fair of the p of unli see that privileges with other public servants who, although not so long ine the piblic service, nor occupying so re- sponsible positi:ons, have received heard from any quartet.. We can- not say that we are fhvorable to pensioning public setvanth, who have been in receipt of libm-al salaries. But, while it is the prac- tice of the country, why cheerfully give it to one, and abuse another for askine for it. • Judging from Dr. Ryerson't cent productions, we should' say that his best days are past, and 'that his mind is not as strong and vigor- ous as it once was. This, however, is no fault of his, and it is cruel and unmanly in the extreme to persecute him because of it. It is all the greater reason why his request to be relieied from public duties should be acceeded to. We therefoie trust, for the credit of the country,- and humanity, that attacks such as we have alluded to may be less frequent in fueure.; West Middlepex. We notice that Mr. George_W. Ross, of-Strathroy, has received the unanimous nomination of the Re- form „Convention of West Middle- sex, as the Reform candidate for that constituency at the °approach- ing election. We. feel convinced that -the Reformers of West Middle- sex could not have made a more judiciqus choice. Mr: Ross has ever been a sound, reliable Reform- er, and is.also a man of considerable talent and energy. He is a fluent and logical -speaker, and if elected will no doubt make his mark as a legislator. His opponent, Mr. A. P. McDonald, has ever been an un- flinchiteg supporter of the Govern-. went of the day, no matter what thew politics, so long as they sup- plied hint with profitable govern- ment contraets. He is a man of no ability, and althongh be has occupi- ed a seat in Parliament for many years, yet he has not risen to a higher position dem that occupied ehe youngest and least capable member of the House, aud his par- liamentary career has been noted fcr nothing more wonderful than. that ernment contracts through his posi- tion than any other man in the Pro- vince. The only thing which can make him an opponent at all to be feat ed is his unbounded supply of money, and his levier). expenditure of the same when occasion require. At the late Provincial election Mr. Mackenzie was elected for the same constituency by a majority of over four himdred. In view of thiethen, we should say that Mr. Ross' pros- pects are pretty good, and that he will, notwithstanding the 'influence whiph the money bags of his oppon- ent may tring to bear in the riding, succeed ie ridding the halls of the Dominion Parliatneut of one of the most corrupt political jobbers that ever set foot therein. „ NEWS 'OF TIIE WEEM The daughter of Mungo Paik, the African traveller, is dead. • George Albert Mason the notori- ous whiskey detective of Toronto, was taken to the Kingston Peniten- tiary on Saturdayehaving been con- victed of wilful perjury. Sir William Logan and- his brother have founded a Chair of :Geology in McG:ill University, _Montreal. Dr. Dawson will be the fitsc Professor. - Notwithetandiug the recent large payments of the war indemnity, the Finance Minister of- France reporte. a balance on hand et 450,00P,000 francs. The sums conteibuted throughout England to the Chicago TOW fund amounted to L162,000 sterling. Another i•ailway bridge between Canada and the United States is projected. Application has been made to the Dominion Parliament for authoiley to build a bridge over the Niagara river from the, shore -of the county of Welland to Grand Is - The great University boat race be- t wcen Oxford and Cambridge is an- nounced to come off on the Thames, on Saturday, 23rd March. Both rews are now practicing daily. The NeW York State Le isletute as passed a law that gives to each iehther of the Legielathre an annu- 1 indemnity of one thousaud dollars nd ten cents a mile for mileage. They are having tome unsavory emieders of the great conflagration n the barnt district of Wisconsin. man at Peslitigo cleaned out his ell lately and found at the bottom man living foolish enough h that these attacks would n pon him by those who are a aged in defaming him: t a not give credit to whom 1 litical prejudices or con- i • The ita ediate cause of this un- w in. a use of Dr. Ityerson at the present ti e ie the fact that he has expreesed,a desh•e tor retire from Ills present onerous dutiee, and asks tossible danger of an amalgamation or union of interesta for ithe purpoee the body of a carpenter who was working for him before the tire. Mr. John B. Marks, who refire - _tracing the whereabouts of her windling husband. A man in Torontp was recently entenced to imprisonment for thir- y days, with hard labore and at the nd of that time to receive -twenty- ve 'Ashes for having attempted to ornmit an indecent assault upon a omen some time ago. The Prince and Princess of Wales re now ip. Paris on their way to the 'oath of France, where they` intend open -ring fora time with a view to enefiting His Royal Highness; etlaithin'eetitig held: in Hyde Park, ondon, England, on Sunday last, t protest against the passage bk arlia,ment of the Parks Regulation - ill, was attended by about 4,600 rsons. The proceedings were order -- throughout, but the meeting ad- o ted an expressive mode of exhibit - g their objection to the measare by f renally burning a copy of the ob- jectionable The New York Pinancier says that the Amerisan Gevernmene A ter mature deliberation, has resolv- e to present its counter case to the G areva tribunal on the •15th of April, in accordance -with the terms o ehe Treaty. of Washington, even if the British Arbitrator should not be sent, and to insist upon proceed - to .arbitration, regardless of the in pr ei sh he he • • .n o 1; , 1872. immediately issued all along the line, to all he officials, not in u ture to obey Gould, who declares that the election was illegal, and still claims to be President. The • since. of Wales was present in theFrenchAssenmbly at Versailles: on Tuesday late, d u'ring : one -of the most violent scenes of tit -- Inuit and recrirn mations ever witnessed in that Chamber. The row arose upon a txIotloll pi osec�aate two deputies for the noel on the Cham ger. A large meetingof manufacrurer; took place in Zontreal on Monday afternoon under the presidency of Mr. Br-yclges, to considerthe nine- hours movement. A. number of ad- dresses were delivered, the speaeene condemning the movement on the ground of its impracticability, t cowmittee was appointed, however, to consider the matter An Affecting Incident, The Toronto correspondent of the Orillia, Packet gives the following accoune of a rather strange and af- fecting incident -which came under his notice a short time ago ; "Some weeks ago a paregraph was going the rounds of the peess that excited a good deal of attention and sur- mise. A lady had Called at a chari- table institntion in the States --I he - test and withdrawal of Great . lieve an asylum for the reception of children in destitute circumstances O'Connor, the would•be assassin of place there for a time. She inquire --with three very interest -Mg and loveable children that she withed to* een Victoria, says that be and was told that none could be eration, lest tha Prince of uldn't be her a.ssassin on any con - taken in without an order of adruis- ed into the formalities of adiedssicnt uld become King, hence the sion from the matron of the estab- tol that he aimed at her was not lishment. She left the children in ed, as he only wished to frighten charge while she welit out tq receive into signing the document which the necessary permissione—The tratin held in the other hand. was thee abqut to start, and it was a g he case of Mrs. Jane Madden suppoeed that -the lady went with ie, Met. the Staten Island Ferry as sbe did not afterwards return to Co pany, to recover five thousand claim the children or make any ex - dol ars for the death of her husband, planation. It was then supposed Wil WAS killed in the WesOeld ex- supposed_that the children Were pur- plo. ion, int june last, was decided a posely deserted. 'The authorities of few days ago in favor te? the plain - the institution, however, determined tiff, for the full amount. to take care of. them. Such was bree fellows who plied the busi- the.substance of the story. chi non tuarkete have lately been nes of robbing, graves to supply the " When the membere of_ the • erre ted ata imprisoned in Lyons, Grand Orange Lodge wee -e return - Fra ce. This is a fact full of pleas- ing from St Catherines last week ant suggestions for the fair ledies some•of their party -stumbled upon who are wont to decorate the back of the solution of this affecting enigma thei heads with capillary structures in a way that doeS iufinite credit to of el borate design and a heavy order their feelinas. One of the' party,, of al chitecture. T e challenge of the' St Jelin 1 prominent Orangeman and genial - Mr. Wm. berozier, ef this city --a crew to row any four -oared crew in Irishman, large of heart and stoat of this -elm try or in England, has been limb,' whose face is an, index of* acce ted by four sisters living in beneeolent .heart—drew the atten- Detroit. who have long had a local e tion of his friends to a lady who repu ,ation as oarswomen, and are was weeping bitterly over her child said o row exceedingly well. An whose unceasing fretfulness seemed en'th siastie admirer says that -when much to her apparent seate in their trim little eshen,e to add very distress. Rev. Mr. Hutchison, their arm§ divested of all superfluoes, *hose sacred calling stamped him a friend of the unfortupate, was de - wind; they seem like four i'renuses puted to wait upen the lady and rising from' the sea. But N-vhat is I find out if possible. what could be more to the point, they' have made I i done to alleviate her distress. She bette time in practice trials at I. Wee from New Brunswick; had mar - Nast, than the -St. John crew has tied an American, and' was in Chi - made in any race. cago at the time of the great fire, La y Mordaunt is pronounced by - where her husband lost Ins life. medi 1 authority incurably insane, Since then her fortunes were very and t e petition of her husband for precarious, and in trying to get work . to support herself and her children, she was often reduced- to great straits. She affirrns that the most gross mismanapment prevailed in the distribution of the Chicago Re- lief Fund. She said she was the person referi-ed to ha the above para- graph, that She could not do other- wise than leave the children whet° she knew they could he better taken care of than she felt able to do. She wee then hurrying eastward to meet her friends in New Brunswick and ootain assistauce. The little money that ebe bad, had given out, and she had not taeted food for the greater part of two days, and she w -as -even then in dread of being expelled from tho ears on accorfht of not be- ing able to pay her passage. Her newly found friends went instantly to work to place that matter beyond a .doube, and having industriously made a. tour of the whole train, placed twenty-one dollars in the hands of the grateful woman, wino was so utterly overcame with thpir thank them " tender kindness as to be unable to divorc e has been distnissed by the court It the I which are •gi merit said a crisis is impending in tercolonial _Railway affairs, cannot long be put off. Hints en of staange developments the next session of Parlia- Ne otiations have been opened and P hsh refugees in Paris, with a view tt their return to their natire countr under A general amnesty, and el e Grand Duke- Alexis as en he Nova Scotia Legislature, the bil to repeal the Act °fleet ses- skin diefranchising Dominion offici- by a y te of ittl to 11. This indicates that th GoveinMent is very strong in the ew House. The poet about the Pope going to leav Rome is now reported to be fa Ise. t pu blic audience *on Sun- day his Heliness said. the existence of two wers in Rome at the same time w impossible. This seems to have b en an intimation that the Kinn- or himself muet leave the -city. 111-1'e e -penditure of the NoVa Sco- tia Gov I nment last year wae $676,- 699 ; a d receipts, 8667,149. The excess o Expeediture over. receipts eras ow ng to a large advance for road put poses. This, will be refund- ed, and ill make a surplus for the year of 22,403. Jay ould, the .grand manipnla- tor, and 'resident of the Erie Rail- way, has at last been dethroned by what ma , uot inaptly, be called a coup d' e at: A number of gentle- men ent and not AUCTION SALES. Tuesday, March 19, on Lot 19, Tenth Concession, South Boundary of Stanley, Patna Stock, Iroplements and Household Furniture. J., Baskier, proprietor ; Bossenhury, auctioneer. Thursday, March 21, on Lot 19, First Concession, McKillop, Huron Road, Farm Stoek and Implements. William Lee, proprietor ; J. 1'. Brine, proprietor. Saturday, March 23, on Lot 5, Third Concession, IfeKillop, Cattle, Imple- ments, Furniture. &c. John Carlin pro- prietor ; P. Brine, auctioneer. red the head office by force, Tuesday, March 26, on Lot 14, Fifth ithstanding an injunction 1 Concession, Morris, Farm Stock, Imple- ..t. merits and Household Furniture. Alex. Clark proprietor ; .I. lk. Brine, atm- roceeded to elect a. new i ienee'e. Directors., An attempt Wednesday, March 27th, Lot 8, to break ,Up the meetine Eighth Concession, Hullett, Farm Stock, DavidDobson, proprietor : J. P. Brine, Implements and Household. }Aim iture. :eln,umCbooili.ld. himself being , but he is left Monday, April 1, Farm. Stock gni °ray. General Die was Implements, Lot :3, Eleventh Concession, 1 Could, Beard was m but wi was el the Parliament of -Upper Canada prior tib the union of Upper' and Lower Canada, died at K ingstou on 1 the Thh, at the advances! age of 95 of indignation from these professed- i ly ovesevirtuotts journals. Tie has f keeping ep.tarifle. "flit with aa filled his ptesent position for orer eel New Votk eeperter has die - 'covered that Connolly's wife tailed on Saturday- for Savannah. He thinks thie may affprd a means of th OC one of th in a nil elected P las) Sap esident ; 0. Archer, rintendent. Orders were uckerbraith. Mrs. Stark, proprietress ; J. P. Brino, auctioneer. Monday, April 1, on Lot 20. Wagner's - sad household Fu o rietor; E. Boss Concession, Usborn Implements. John Bishop, auctione Ilth inst., the wi- a daughter. TURNER. —In Stanl 10th, the wife of on the lst the bride's lath Downie, to Eliza,. of Mr. Robert G of Ilibbert. the 28th ult., by St. Andrew's Ch to Elizabeth, thi Mr. Graham. of the bride's fatt the 6th inst., byi Mr. George Jack of -Morris, to Mi the toWriship -of Thursday, the 1 Goldsmith, Mr, to Miss M.artha. 904 inst., by the Julia, Shaver, O the bride's moth Sth inst., by 1 Andrew Sproat, Jane Stable of ' The markets ably lower than ov -Lions, especially in little offering in g in good demand, al bring a fair priee grain seems to hay it is not likely ail brisk on the m seaton. Butter is it is diffi cirltat the, really good article taken a rise in pril !nand. There has' ttade doing in hor American dealers liberally at prices J $150. It has beo to see farmers wen( ward with one hor large double sleigh, quote Barley Xggs Sheep -Calf Skins, per lb., -Salt {retail) per .13arrel, Vuttou Stave Bolts, per cord.. -Clover Seed, per bushel,' -Timothy Seed, per bush Spring ViTheat Peas Earley, . Pork, per 100 lbs.. I Huy, per ,Clover Seedrper bushel' LIV ,41 Bed Winter 11 Peas., 40 45 10 here, but 11 under fer5 25; fano it could. possibly.: WHEAT, —Car 11 were offered at $. fused; it is possibl supplicS would in the smile way is stock of wheat in clay to amount to There were a fe market Souks Street price, 6.3c quotations a ranging at 69e - Bales being repor Buyers offe.7 414:. Street price 4-4-e to the street at $5 50 for wholesale lots • the demand is rat Red fall wheat, wheat, $1 17,th butter firkin), 18e to 200 ; eheee to 19c ; potat-oes_ (green), 75c