HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-15, Page 3, r'frIrte,' _ The 4,fr j,Ir.e.ar.o1);•.- rxr L& ie unfailing. in the te.." e-bez.e. yelteill en1 avert -eels iliseest.‘e tlife e obArattioug, y relit. I tel. It will, rateitLiy peeled with , • • V ..-• kr I‘Nooles -. • y. as th „. ,- eee, lett et aue other .--;er tree S 1-: .V.Teetfougt .. ,. 0 hli 1:Y. -m, f rit s, and eileet: ell oa.e.r. :- :. i et li NYWOVALT tereent,. eacle . .e. eee tere` pee t -• - L , k, e e - P. ..,... i':‘ A, a - tor the Ineeteiou,' evo: Z,k."1 phis hy y iv, CO,, and 19e-ej rains leave the .-ieaft. th ttztbil as s GolNet- WEST. • L 7• z • al 17. 0 IR Mail p 1 Or. sr. 8.40 fIu.IN ti Er. 31ixed. Mail. A ' 1.40 r. • M. 1.n. 3f,..eiber Royel College sere fIr fleceer: e lee ad teteeee levee eauir.„ eve: tee le; Lieteriete of Midwifery ; (Leteer p St. Theraae'st Lteldele ]in ani, the rev/ Intheittreel.nlinburz.h.) Oct. aa ceoe'e ced •E‘taaIJ, SZAPORTZ. spr?9ale:1y tettetded to at all home. edge AXID.....):TerCIIELL. If. D., Graduate of Vide- • Cen, • ., Pnyeici.n Sereeon, etc, eta., 1.;;X-RN.i.)'‘. E.-- C!-er ti the County of JEf -WU it!, and re-idenet, at Ylitempsou Stanley* . W, SMITH. Surgeon.. etc. pelee—opreeite Steel, Itebert•eon'S Gr eery, teat t, Se:4,4ra 53 -.fLE; 81TW.ILTAT, :71. D., e. M,Greauti e of l'uivereitee. ...74tretrealf Physician, Sur e. OtlIce teed ResiC ce---Brucedeld. -ERC•tele, M. D., C. -IL, Pleysician, Sur- ' mem, ete. On:ce and Reenleace, corner of eet d Eigb. statesnot te tlie Planing Wile C11113LL, Ceroeer for the. County. Office Corte.'eetneter store, :Alain ▪ Seefirth. Otnet- feora 11 to4 each. ▪ L; Sete: tee.. 159 • T-rLT,Selicitor, "Winehera, hes beer sp- ied -teed r the Ce. :vela tieetuitiee (om- .of Eeel....ek leis else A ;eta for several Ind - care ea -Let of 'reroute, who• loert Mon.eyaf teesone: retee. Iht, rest payable yearly.. f••••:i Leceereee. 1.)ee. 15. 1871. tk, \ Bari -esters At e•Leee et Lew, eeneitere in Cliencery arid • nee. Notaries Pelei an 1 Cereve,yaneere. eel- i.e.-the L. C. Beni:, Sea ft irth. -eAgerite for -e Lie'reAseenn.uee Comrany, t kva S per cent. Farms, LS 47'.1.-Z fer sale. _ .7.ELYEIt. itanieters and. Attorneys; Lave, Chreeerv and Insolvefey, .....ettee. re. Nes:eel-et Oneees—Sea- . en./ Weexe tee. tet of Private Funde to cent. Interest, payable ZS : teet. IL NV. c. .11E1:EU. . _ l'1.1t.tee t. Lett! Sharp's-) The under- '. ptilb.ie ftlr theelberal • • to hie.i ii tittles past in the. to ine-ene thee.' that he has' ---ebi he abeee etand, vet ere e e: te neve. a cell from •old frier. THOMAS KNOX, Clinton, Ont., Prepel. ter. Firet-elese elee.. a fee tee., Z: Dar is. ;:- :! inet enters. Good. t. The etage leaves- ilds House le eh !en. 20-1-4t t I. Goderith, nee ei.eer z 3.te, -2 NY.,1 Mitneteer. Mist reeeetly n eetdy. furniehed, axed re- (.‹ thc riot cora- e in the Province. Geod. • fer Omelet-eel:A ritf ti/urs. Le...Lunge Breker, and Rail- '. 'I e• t Helielitenee Iiotel, opposite eettion, e`..)..iferth„ Ont. Through ..lete in the Weetern States, . r, t•3 rates, afforrlieg t.•) E:fiiereets. Alf necessary n . 1.-tna it.. e c. P.; eel.t. C,.uptme and mice:fleet A:pricy, eitv,r .Ceit., bee tett are -1 soid at bestrates. C`.1 r." LC !ILL, YETI:1111N ARY St0E0g ef the Ozitalio Vt. terluareeCollegeil tier:Lee tie the ialeabitents of Seaforth eiretiee coenttythat he has opened, an eat . th, witer nifty eteleulted Per- • - Ater. en the 1)iceases liorses, Cat - lie fine reeel.-ed a •regeler and practical et. Lett fbit e.e. le:en it weeled zhe DiplOir tt*, teeieee Ontarjo T. 3.Churchill eteeltiteire ( f iv1ug tfatjc»i to emnloy V. S., Principal Outs- C• 'enceet Probeeer Inickeind. Iteeee, and — 'Wells, M. D., te: V. S. ev et,-.etantly tbu h:tral. eine ereeitelv ale -d to. . - liett 1, Seeforth. 182-2i sfz, C - —MONEY TO. LEND. bove renount, tO Ie -tel. in suing, et Fi deed Iite..ere tale uIreares. at rt.tes of t ) 8 per cent. Interest payab h• If yterly. F:lquI,4 P. 0_ ' A:IDS W. :t s, Lot. 7, Cou. 1; Gre 21843 van SArogTg YIPD 111 'N. BEE & MA.(jDONALD 11(, ntferra the palely thet they Lave ()lime eebet Yard in Seeferth, neer Shearson' groned fie/le:Hy used a a Lunthe ir. Thenute L. t eeep teen, te ly hand tgoott aqsort ALL RIn)S 01? dr,,,,m.a aft Al•••y, L VEIL AN 1 ) :MO; GLES, all o 14,•;.. are prepareet.tusellett the lowest possie e.r Oesh. rs and others ill end it to their advent- eereet WM stook, and :Ise.L‘rEttin. oar prices el./teeing tu4 1,70 are in a pogitiori ituluceni.ut., to ea 41 purcirAcrti. elABEE te MACDONALD. tsci ASSOCI ATI ON CIF CANADA. rcr LONDON, ON ...a le.; the Dominion Government. L, FIRST OF JAN CARY, 1871, 43231,242 25. Lintz emelt Itemeeb:72,289 55. itee etilmee to grow in the public c. tin the lbt himary, 1871, it had ▪ ellieit.s, having., during the year uno, iuueu,e number of le,310 se patronize your own CANADIAN htti done sueh good service amongst In4arance apply to CHARLES MORROW, Agent, Clinton P. O. • - GAIETT.Lp. on your ann.- with the Wrong enti,of tie-etit4 Ler 8.18 ter 1.*-11;it int; tull!a.);;(:uw twleittthera‘ haos that her papa t ead Ibout 7 wa he e(1€r replied, ct Nt;Las a great Then- Wet the Palm. of the „other e of nothing, alid no phice to -put rnand, rub ,your arm with ft..... Send -• - ; tip ote nmseles..and th A bleod-red — Aix Iowa lady concludes en writing will come 6u1,. &de nti-sutTrage letter as follow:, : "YOu away in, It 's than, no time. • It you look at this nnttter in whateyer look Under the table, yofti wllsee a little piece a pointed but Vettilleer delwn . that have ft.titYnZitUa'• quarrd with the %1 OOd. eon ineye m sr arm nuder mighty that we at e' not all men„" Ghat and write the letters without A skraine young Jady) Who eit- using:thh other had. But that's a deavoted to pat to a practical ttst trick .which wants practice. Lot'', an old legend which promises. a, hovisI had the Queen of Diliadagascar golf, of her future husband to- the with this ez.peritneni.-4 ili-nty, - ter who goes down a cellat to).es Geniai Shaiemterb. M g a.claines- backward on the last night of Oc- tober, fell to the bottom of the stCow Milkin mid streams of kerbsene and air - Cow milking mai. chilies are not way, a sliwet's of broken gitisi, causing. a practically successful, vartie becalm.° terrible racket,_ and effectually spoil- it -requires, time and trouble to apply lug theta foe -operation, lant mainly for beauty. —They tell ef a man in Deborah,thio reas'on that they will not milk 1 ra.7 who is so pcmnious thar when ciban, .This is a Serious drawbac shelling corn,..and aLkernel into becauee thelatter poiioneacrj pile, he removed seven milking is much richer in cream till n ho er S*0°;dwood to find it. A neigh- 1 the first, :Ind_beeanse carelessness Tri hor standing by dropped a jserner milking is. found'to permanently di- \viliere the searcher \Nets looking, minish the daily yield of the lacteal bat when he found it he sztid : You fluid. Blit: some of the eow -milking can't fool me with that smali kernel the one I lost was a large one." • — A witness in court who had been catitioned to .gi.ve a precise anSwer to every' question, and not to talk abot-tt -what he miglit think apparatus are notable for the ingenu- ity- ShOW11 their construction. In. one, of the latest a diaphragm pump is provided with four Inda-rubber AINLEYVI4E, cups, which, are fitted upon the teat:c, while a •colu mil of water in a *pipe eel 0 a BOt- t1,00 hO MACHiRE CO. S the Buyer. for the "DOMINION .11U -.0 E " fears her 2 he lias HIS FOOT ! By purchasing ]such -enorm9tis )-trro(.17.- of EN'S, YOUTI;TS', BOYS', WOMEN'S, MISSES', GIRLS', CHILDREN'S AND INFA)78' Sill table 9 oi Spri Summer'Wear ; not be alarmed at the prices asked, RA he came houestly by them. N. M. 1...IVINGSTON=. .the qneStkdi meant, wt1S711tOropted extending ft-oin the ordinary pinup as follows; You drive a wagon'?" to the space under the diaphragm is o sir. I do not:" " Why .sir, moved to and froto operatethe Lt - did you not tell.my learned friend so te're to Produee, at intervals, a his raomentr "N°,. vacytum in the Cup; TiuS causes not." "Now, sir, 1 put it to 'yeu the cup to press upon the teats to on vour oath Do you drive a imitate the handm of the milker, wagotar " No,sir." " What 1S while at the Saute time 'the .vacuurn your -occupation. then?" ", I drive ensures thedownward flow of *the a fierse Milk. Many yettrs seio 'a wore ning child (who has simple de.viee, on a similar prim cipi(i, heard some remarks made by papa) was, proposed, An ordinary - --c Are. You our new nurse 7" pail was furnished with, a cover; in Nurse— Yes dear." Child—"Well, which foul' elastic teat etips were in- -then, I'm -one of those boys who can serted. .A. pump attached- to the only be managed by ii-indness ; so pail was. designed to exhaust the ear you had better get some sponge cake and thus draw themilk from the and oranges at once." udder to the- pail. -But all this —The Knoxvilt7c Press gieS the invention has produced no better follcwing "Your fare, if .you plan than that of -tieing the human please, madam," said the conductor fingers for milking, the co4K mean - to an elderly lady who. had- got while being kept contented either aboard at a way station.. The elder- with cutl or feed, the -udder well ly lady looked iip,- and, drawing washed -With tool water, rnd cafe forth a letter, spoke with .a voice taken 'to thoroughly empty the kid- - that was shrill : " Two of Mr—'s der at each mifking. children is dead, and they've writ ammorionik-. roe to come to the Ituryin' to -day. March 1, 1872. 11 -AS recently ree ilek dried and i/ick Cheape • ARLE WL - dyed, expressly for this.season, a large quantity ol kliS111, of various kinds, both ad, -which he will sell r than -any other House in Town. All waryanted fresh and good. SEEDS SEEDS. A levee Stock of FIELD Alb GARDEN SEEDS, from the best growers, and at untsually low Prices. STEAM TO Be sure and call, and you will be well repaid for so doing. . , • looked as shocked as possible, *and - ;' GROCERIES, .WINES AND LIQUORS AS USUAL. LIVERP-Q OLLONI)ONDERBI - • Isn't it terrible 1" The conductor \ expressed sympathy. "And" con- . AND GLASGOW, / tinned the old lady, "I want you CHARLES WILSON, BY THE iNLLAN LINE, Sign of the 9D9, Main.,Street, Seaforth. to let me -ride free.' " I can't Jet I Every Saterdary from Portland. during 'Winter, and you ride free unless you have a 71 from Quebec daring Summer. pass," returne:1 theeend tietor, mildly. The Kirst Class Clyde built lion Stekinships of "Not to o to funral said ti • file ein,e the Canadian and United States . (ra e I Mails, will b despatched from Portland for Liver - old lady. 54 N3. madam," ieturn- 1 pool eallinglat.Derre, as follows e -- ed the conductor, "1 am sorry to 1 SCA.NDINAVIAN,.. . 17. say thst the rules of -the road are IiimontAnvuNNIAN, ,... . . ... -... . . .... ....... .:...::m..yre,b. 1, 242: veryistriet,' and -I am not allowed to SARMA.TLAN, ... . s.,. . . .. . . .. , ...... :...Maxeh. 9. discriminate." " Well, I think you NESTORUN, March 16. AUSTRIAN, oughtn't to charge felks for acting to *a funeral," persisted the lady .' " If we let evorybody -going to funerals ride free," again spoke the conduct- or, "It wouldn't ilty. Besides, it would be e0ouragiing the funeral business -in away tqat would cast a gioom over' the entire country: Your fare is a dollar and a lplf, ma.dana." "%Veil," retorted the old lady, draw- ing- out a, well-filled purse, tf, I think you might- let me go free, 'specially - l s I'm ping to a. double funeral. a Mr. --L--.1s -children is - both dead, At G. T: Railwo:y Station, Seaforth. 220-6 rave 1 reckon. Oh ! ffible ' PRO. BON04-6BLICO it's a te. and they'll be buried in the saroe her eyes, paid : her fare. ,As the WATCHES & JEWELRYblow !” *And the old, lady, wiping conductor stepped OD, she turned to • 1 a passenger , and remaiked, with, greatin.dig,nation, c' These railroaders is the most unnatural folks I ever seed." . March 213. Rates of- Passage as lokv as by any Glass Mail Line. I' . , To Peesoe's Wrsnriect. To SAND FOR FUTENDS.-- '-ThrOugiths.loong arrangements have been -made be which persons wishing to bring out their friende can obtain passage Certificates at. lowest rates from England, Ireland.or Scotlead,ite any railway sta- tion in Canada or the United Ores.. • The first steamships forQiie; will be despatch- -einfrom Liverpool, (calling at Derry) Omit the 251h of April, and from Glasgo-w, (cidling et Kingstown) abeut the 23rd of The steamships of the Allan Line come direct to th - - -hart at Point Lei (South. Qaebee.) The baggage is checked through to destivation free h0 , and Aissengers are forwarded pu at mice, thereby avoiding all ineidental expenses. For Tickets and any further paxtieulaxs, apply to . R;B. MOODIE, How it was Done. The conjuror's explanation was a great lesson in "spiritualism." next- sked him to elucidate the triek of writing on the arm. On theoccasion of myvis; t to Mr.*Forster, when the raps indicated the second pellet, he required the "pirit " es- ent to write the initials on his bare arm. Mr. Forster placed his arm unt.lei the table for a rnorctent, then rested it in ffont of a lamp burning on the table, and qnickly tolled up . the sleeve of 1 -ds coat The skin • was -without stain or "mark. He passed his hand Over it once or twice, and the initals of -the names I had written On the second_ pellet seemed to grow on the arm ireletyters of crimson. "It'a- a trick I do every night. Tt goes with the audience like steam,"- said the con- juror. "Very simple: Well, sup- pose a name. What Dante would you like ?" "Henry Clay," I re - Plied. Down wentthe conjnror's am under the table. In a few se- onds he raised it and exposed the forearna withoot mark upon it. He doubled up hi' fist tightly so as to bring the musiles of the arm to tbe surface, and rubbed the skin smartly with his open' :Iamb Tne - letters -flC." beonappeared upon. it in well-defined vbiiting of a deep red color. _ "There you have it gentle- men; that's the blood -red writinr. is to take a Lucifer -match (tr.tdmite M. R. cotisrrgr. JjAS just 'received a. -very choice and superior . stock of jewelry of every description; taw, Clocks, Watches and Musfeal Instruments. A very choice lot of Violins, else -Violin Strings in endless yfueety, Every description of Watcbe.. Oleeks and Jewelry repaired,g,nd warranted: t91.,rige satisfaction. It is needless to say more. es Coun- ter is welPeziough Iceown in the County of Huron. Fe11.0IVS' Syllipst GRE.A.T SHOSIIONEE'S- RE1VIED'Ir." LUNG BALSA:M. CLA.RE." FEMALE PILLS. ANTI-CONSUM ' :A FRESH SUPPLY • Of the above • • ' REA_T FIRE! ONTO. MILLINERY. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. SE LING OFF at and under COST. 220 - , leirISS A. EBIYIN,, Sefiferth, in order to make room for an ettensive stock of Si -tinnier Goods, Ins -1-V-IL conimenced saltine bet Winter Stock of MILLINERY, at an and uder Coml. Thie Salo will last only about fieier. illreclits, so that till -who went real Bargains in MILLINERY of all kindb, would - do well to call early that th.yilmay have a good cb.oice. READ HE FOLLOWING UST OF PRICE. DRES13 CAPS, .... ... . $0 75 LADIES' TRIMAIE HA.TS, . 0 40 CHILDREN'S TRI 1MED HATS, 0 25 LADIES' Titt1MIYIED BONNETS, . 1 00 1 And other Goods proportionately cheap. The Stock is all nev ivad in good order. Also, on hand, a number of : ICelellirated Pcttent Jliedieiiths R LUMSDEN CORNER DRUCf STORE, SEAFORTIL ALSO, SIMPSON'S CELEBRATED "SPIC For Fattening Cattle. Very simple. All you. have to do For -Sale Wholesale and Retail. 215 .1 ; MADAME BRIGGS' IMPROVED DIAGRAM, FOR CUTTING * : LADIES' 4ND CHILDREN'S DRESSES, BASQUES, BOYS' COATS, ETC. I; rice or each am, fDiagrwith. full Instrcictions, t'el.,59. „ N EROLOTHINGI Of every description, kept constantly on handy Kidd Gloves and 0sbrich Feathers cleaned and made as good. as pew for Fifteen Cents. STORES, --First door ..e.Tiirth of FoSTEIt'S HOTtL, and centre store MeGneers' BLOCK, second. door , North of the Station. A. ERWIN. SEAFORTH . Feb. 26, 872. 220 1,4 ••"'.0 /11 ee • }-;•"1- tr-4 tel 1.71 tni 0 ef'7.1 cr- rp.uos s tool: NOSNH9r lee ee* tieeo. tr„,4 ie -e4 fez° soev CI) fr'"1 NOP/ Vami 0 lazzi itrof teeete et =:711 ;tee Lock -Stitch Sev re.,A011EN Thousands throu!,;heut Canada re naw wiing tbusz' maehineS. They have been testtd beyond all question, make the favorite lock-stiteh, alike on both sides, and. are pr 3.ounced superior to any other machine offerk a the public. For iv -id- ran:4e of -work, pt.' fection, beauty a :id e:ick. Deuce of mechanim. adaptability. siroTtlt and durabilit The Osborib- SPiciiig Machine IIis .1.1re Rival: r Improvements baye lately been made, eilabling tl,:e manufacturersto claim it as tut: nc plus ultra of SeWing Infteliiftes. 11untirt.d5 of testimonials are being received daily from DIA as well as new operators atteAing its wonderiul pabilities. Will do all kinds of de- initi e. sewing, from the finest clmbrie to the coarsest OVeri:Oat or upper leather. a uArayryx-i) To nk: As Mirnts.',,tirui, -- Olt No SALE, WAX:JINNI ED F011 TIDIER YEARS. , The Osborn thatlit is complete and reallily corni.raentica. Is 24)1d at one- half the prke lutherl;o charged , for ma, chines doin, a like range 01 work, the manufacturers being determined to` place it Within the, reach of every family in: the country. A TuLar, Fee' ORE 11114 AE- Wirl WV- vince all that our machines are un- equaled. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-emineatly the best Single -Thread Machine ofreted to the public—hence its marvelous success. Will do all varieties . of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY 1 IEDucrf it Hand acbine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle do., $17. OW Each machine guaranteed. I-Wi' A gents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make mon4-. Apply to CUELPH SEWHIC MACHINE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. W. :Ig. WATSON, Agent, 180-ly SEAFORTH. TOP AN,P READ! o doing you will ascertain that you can purchase every description of To kno Cli. We keep TS AND STIOES t Prices that defy Cornietiti9fl. v this to be facts, we would advise our numerous tomers to call early and examine our stock. ethastantly on band every description of CUSTOM WORK made in the latest style and by first-class workmen. All may call and be convinced that - SP TRR S0,1V'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE is the sp t which the pitblic has long been looking for and has come to light at last. Strict att9nt1o11-paid to repairs,. Remember the spot, in GRIFFITH DAVIES' Old Stand two doors South of the Post Office, Main st.i, Seaforth SPURR & SON. N. B.—No advance put on goods on account of the rise on stock, 215 Y COAT. • I Stitch in Time saves 9 IP you want to get the best Family Sewing Machine in the Province of Onterio, go to G1O1�1 przim,Wroxeter, Who is Agent for the celebrated , s c) P. TT SEWING MACHINE. len B.—Sewing Machine Needles of ell kinds; always kept on haled for stile. Aiso AGENT FOR E. R. SHOREY'S RoYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES -WRINGER Office at Miss Millin's Fashionable Dresa-inaldng Establishnient, tlirect13- opposite the Poet Oflio, .Wroxeter. - NOTICE. J. W. FULLERTON (FORIIBBL7` -01" MINTON-0 • ixThLL known to the people of Seaforth ana V T SlirrOUUding ;country as the DOMINION LANDSCAPE ARTIST, wishes to notif3-- the people of Seaforth that he has commented 13usi- ness in the 31v poor deLr old. coat do not fail me 1 pray; Together our youth we've outrun, - Ten. year I have brindled you myself every day; Not -Sou tes more could have done. Fresh trial. shouldFate hayeiu store for your cloth Though t krcadbare resist to the end; Like me mi h philosophy baffle her -wrath, 0, let us lot part, my old friend: The first ti ac I -wore you how well I recall, And Yon a me of comrades the throng; My. birthd - it was, and so gay were we all, They Ma le you the theme of a song. Our povert r telling -of honor uneold Could neler their vision offend; Though. yo have grown fibabby they've never grown cod, 0, let us not part, ney old friend 1 ho points to the darn on your skirt, s it sweet souvenir one evening Tette& to desert, rom her aims el get clear. • u and then, as she vow'il. was but fair, hat the rent she might mend. remember, two days to repair, not part, my old friend I care not To me% Pretendin I failed She tore y I stay'd You took 0, let u Of ambmf r -musk or ench perfumes unclean, Say wh n had you cause to compkin ? In a Mini. ter's anti -room when vete you seen, Exposet to his laelteee disdain / While oth ni for Ribbons were cringing to Power, With m they hail ne'er to contentl. Your but ii -hole's boast is a simple wild-ilour, 0, let u not part, my old frieud.! At "The lothingEmpoeiton" I bobght you a long t Ileago; 'Twas prini time, thfriddes they -were bine t The Prue ose and Crocrie, just peed o'er the 1010 Like t i, yon ve beei ftiithful and true; But whe the time coat 3S, to lay you safe by, When, our service has come to an end; I know w ere to go to, et New Coat to boy, And to prove me another good.friend. PORTRAIT LINE First door West of Th. lamsden's•Drug Store. My long experience.in the art enables nie to give' entire satisfaetion to all who may faeor ;With a trial. The latest style of pictures can be obtained. Children ta,ken. from 10 a. ru. te 2 p. BRING THEM ALONG. YOUng persons wishing to learn the tat walllit do well to come to me, as I can give them my expe,- iience of over eleven years. a. W. FULLEIViON. Artist, seu jorth. 2/7 TJ K. ANDERSON, Merchant Tailor, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTR. v. W Y -A R. E L.A.ZARUS, MORRIS Sr CO'S Spectacles LIKE BRIGHA14.1 YOVNG ON TRIAL .FOR MURDER Nomee.--Any person sending the munver to the above to th,e Agent, M. B. courrEB, SEA -FORTH, e within the next thirty days, will re- eivc an order from L. M. 4 C,o, ler a pair of their superior new pattern E3 -e Glasses. NOTICE TO FARMERS. POULTRY WANTED. The undersigned es now preparea to pay the Highest Price, in Cash, For any quantity of good. well-dressed POULTRY, Delivered at: the Egg Emporium, Seaferth. The Poultry must all be drawn.. D. D. WILSON. 207 PU'LNIOINEA to • if • USED AND RECOM- MENDED BYTHE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS , IN NEW ENGLAND FOR THE LAST 45 YEARS. "NOTHING BETTER." CUTLER BROS, & CO•1 ROSTON. Sold bYttlenrugglits I I > FOR COUGHS,C 1.131,A . LDS &' 7S, OTT *CO. 01.0 Agents.