HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-15, Page 2imagramnagsgetzaeresinz6.1,-.--..
zaism. •
ed his Mare; and, Harts got into a
sleigh; ahdatartedaltno6t simaltane
ously frcin tb(Or gates in parsuir.
BY t,A.Fr.iK131.
• .. ,
Old Donald McDonald, a high-
land Scbtsnian, . mut hie neigh boa
Haps Van Dhs'et. (bo: a weal thy
farmers,) lived on oppo;:iite sides of a
certain roat.,I in Wa rerloo, Ont., and
hey tvere. tpposite in almeat
4vay. - Donald's i'arni was hilly, an,"
116 delighted in the hill•Sand laterit-
, .
ed at the Dufel
a...int:nt.'s meadows:
lie kept a- flue flOck of,Aeop and a
about the farm,.while WAS -
Nam( 1 lei( of sled> cows, a/
vowed they Were far More p-rolitab
than sheep:, DMiald lived ia a litt
Jog house without a bit of
either inside gut ; Hans -lived in
Couple of collie degs. to drive them
hula vas It little ithp:ifl alltilmona
) while .11ari3 Seethed
doteritd hied either to pz.(ss ltini or rt -(b.
over 1iiii 1.)onald's blue bonnet
• W.t111 preslied ffruily ou In'ONV; lliS
StVitell Dizip d nitably ifl tli(..! itrtre's
ribs, and his plaid streanied ont be-.
hind, lv I ilk: trans puffed great clouds
11i)1 (1 OM !Ili pipe, and than
." ing Wilip'shouted t,...40 his tetun.
• (311 th y- went, tip hill zind down,
overblid .fes ancl through o1 1!ja-tos,
'without drawieg rein on their reelc-
ing horseuntil at a distance of some
„d ten miles frota home they reached a
t Awe ytaiage, . %viler° two taverns
le Ivere drew. up at one
1, and Tian& at the other. Ileac they
a leartu-d tha/. a VOU ng couple auswer-
great two storey dwelltag uiLIuLeci
bright red. •Hans was short an
fat ; Donald was long and thii
Hans loved a mug of beer and hi
big pipe. Donald- was partial t
snuff and whiskey. Hans Nv Or
baggy white breeChes; and when i
was CoJd weablir ah overeottt with
dozen capes on th'e, -shoulders., whil
Donald wore his Jong plaid, and as
for breech -es, had'A not, been for th
cold in winter and the inesqiiitoes 11
- summer he would bare 'worn_ labile
• at Oh Hans'had :sourkrout all the
year round; Donald could not do
Without his oatmeal: aarritch, with
• an haggis. Hans was -a
grreat singer, with a ,full, mellow
• wide, and often in the sum trier e vena
ings he would seat himself •on his
stoop in front of the house and sing
lustily the song S -of "Faderlaad."
Then lonald would ceme out . with
his bagpipesand placing his open
snuff-box on the window sill would
march back and fOrth like a -on-
- gaming hero, makirig the hill :and
valleys --esound with hissbriltatrusic
he ,played "Ther Gam' pbells . 'are
Cornin:,'' and a bostiof other &bleb
tunes, and the Duticbrhan was
y drewned down and thiven. iuto
. the hoilso with a finger in. each. ear.
In fact, they carried the spirit of op: -
position \and antagonism so far that I
they wool d scarcely speak w en, they
.chanced- to meet, and -as for those I
little neighborly exchnse-,es of help
and the lending of tools, so e0q3 mon
among farmers, they would have
lost' their. whole season's crop or the.
— beat of their stoek before thev'would
have 'asked laelp one fropi th; other.
In one or two things bnly were they.
alike : they were both widowers,
and they had •eitch• an only -child,.
and though the one doted on hia
strapping sell DaucAn, and vowed
he was "as traw a lad as ever pick. •
ed a mutton bone,", .and :the oder -
dearly loved his fair-haired pretty
Maria, 1 verily believe that at the
time my story begins they would.
rather have seen them fall into their
°Taves than fall in love with•each /
a mg to the description of theafogitives
d had been seen stoppihg, at the, door of
the Rev. Baltiain Bobebick, the
s village minister, and Most likc.ly
O they were now ia the act of geti ing
e tuai'ried. No time was to be lost,
t and the old fello-C,ys werP1flta1it1y 011
a- the road-, tie the parson's house, Irans
e tattling a. little in advance of the
more nimble ,Donald in, the reart
e _jusl as the ScaNmau overtool?.-- him,
Hall,3 stubbed his toe and went D
sptitwling in the road, and Donald c
being unable to slack himself in
tiine, tun
wrathy- were they both at being thus h
greater still yeas their'surprise when
they hcard of the matTittge, aunt got
invitans. tioto come _oyes to a grand
fittpper to be given ab Van Duser's
the foliewillg night. Dimon!' and'
Matia, were sitting in the kitchen
eating hearty meal after their ride,
and th is fortifying themselves for
the sto Cie>, expected to burst
over their 111 td'- put had a real
tii uudet bolt come sawn:lying hi-01nd'
the room, they (*mild scarcely I
been i)) e thinah.a.struck ellen t
against the back of the carriage, ant,
he lay motionless as if dazed witL
the•violence of the shoek, hun'
pected adversary, perfectly cool,
standing OV1-1' him.
•"J ne'cr allow ony mon to -put a
fist my face !" he said,• in broad
Lowland speech. No Mon, no mat-
ter how braw he may ',e!
ening bis baan
ek, Square d lithe an
;(l).Ayreshire bid 1'8, he looked upon
Lave the three (falUblet8 with a. tench of
y wha-dahr-thhddle-wf-In0 • it). the
tr.le gleam of his eye, and quietly resitin-
iss ed his seat.
(lel I confess I enjoyed it. There
om was a freiQotn "fkm cant and an
Were W "..nallS ;,111(1. DAM,L1,1
houncincr in 1.4.40 it "con,tle of. b(
and ,kis. ed- the 1461;1141g bride, :
Shook "t te htillol . Of the ' 1,1 iflegrO
till .11iS 1 rm. 'aelted. That night,
they., sa arb•mdf: the _ Datth tie
great open fire, 'at c.ras agreed - t
they sin old all live .tog,•etlier in
big lion; a ,ala h1tt•att i....1101.11d w
hoth , th ., AIMS, 11 I.: le ti;LiOw
night ti ere was a great. supper a
great rejoicing. - ..8: fat terkey gr
eI. one e id of the festive board, a
a huge haggis the other, while
it tervening- sj-)ace Was filled w
d sites of Sorkroti 6, sa hsage, ro• t
ef, mia de pies, and all• the otl
I shes ark dainties that Ikfaria, wi
1 e. aid of !old Kate, could devi
A ler supper they lad a jolly clan
t tting s tch: capers as Only a Irig
,. , . ,
paid. i eading oft the bride, a
t ulwant can go through :„ ai
' ien.he 'finished off with the Hig
? ,•
•alapier. a r
s the watch and chai,a." At thc
Isame time he handed the lad his
1 cal (1, ..AE WO approttehed*the 1u:eat ,
i.stateae, :the poor lad drew his port-
mantestu from beneath the aeat, and ,
Inuminceil his intention to return
• home. by the Ilt'Xt • it'
hit when we stopped.
Whon the train 11.10VC11e
• = th
- Scutchman thought tit to take the
sit:tape's to taqk for tie•ir v 10
the lad. " 2dy dear sedd the
van! uf . .0? e 111u1 Th 4 • ,-,;.t.ciA•ftf3e3
i;A-A •_. i • -
..11 1
4,1 1-,1,
To t 1' .
1 .."Ei •
1,:4 t
4141,11' 1-?,
JVTAIICIT 1 1872: -
neat 'Fivtzaria-r• nehArtly.
.71#41. l..z;
• in.411;10,1t,
Zlf qf •
; 7.!11i 1-. 1 °.
Qn, - •i- '" ' • ;€:,-J, find
. •
lp„ /1 •.• ;•' .
• 4"=)'' . ' E.O.C.-M'AIV Or
• /In `1.311.f• 11-11.!IIII 4 f ti
1ti! , 1. eafe
• ;tr.; they
n.7 other
• az,
chief performer, speaking with an
1 unctionthat was edifying,
I may- depend upon it this morniee. s •-•91, ,'1•1$ 1 1 1•.-P..4•3.,-
irk18 the very best thing that
▪ !...,1•-•!•,r„
, P.)•;•, t t,t
; could have Imppened 10 the yotin,.)01' ,,„ a ‘„, _ , • --.10;
ag fusion of Christian brawn in th o pro-
ceeding that was sanctifving. It
hat was the best muscular sermon 1. Wp.8
PVer preSt'llb at. The belly sat
ork cewed, muttering savagely- t,o hutt-
ing self, butnot daring to renew the as-
nd saults Besides, theenan who held
the cards, seeing. the mettle to 1)0
dealt with, had said,
(ha Davie 1 What's the use of making
jab a disturbance ? Davie was, there-
tst fore; qviet, shifting himself into a
ler corner and closing his eyes as if for a.
This whole scene Ought to have
ce, opened the eyes of the youth who
ud had volunteered the -wager. He was
h- still eager, however, to try his for -
id Non4 of us interfered; even
11- the Scotchinan was silent, save with
ab a whisper to me. "That lad's a
bled . over him. Very W
t id Plink'', there went u p such a sho
brought togetheta• and -Utah; first -he-. i.)
pulse WaS.110 figlI, it out on the spot, . n
overcoat Were thrown off with that H
intent, when, reeellectiong the anore-: et
iniportant bniineSs . on) hem% they, -S13
renewed.. the raae to the parsOn'a an
The • Ilev. •BalAwia was qpietly et
finishing breakfast,. well - ideaseal w
, with, the coming foe; Duncan and D
Maria were in the. front pallor; lip- at
pently -4aiting to have the knot 8c
tied. Mar a. looked through the H
.Window, .a d, at . the sight of her- .*.?
father's well-known dunlpy figure,- vr
E.,he gave, it 4ttie aci•eam and. fell info (lit
f glee as might intve been heard
ailla off. -,After the party, thin
and the plaid a d the many -caped sc
puler daft chiel, let him go the
(rs de'il's ain gate 1" And he id. •
e. Of course the boy won his earlier
-' bets. The tricicateas intended he
should. But shortly losing came
oftenest. He grew bet and excited.
• Anxiety flushed his cheeks. Before
half au hour had elapsed it became
evident that it was anything but
sport to hith ; the few sovereigns i
his purse had vanished, and he ha
changed a -£20 pound note with bi
kadversary, the sum cf which- wa
fast melting away. . The fellow cal
I ed Davie, th cugh pi•eten ding to sleej
s I I 'could see was cognizant of all tha
was going on, and seemed perfect]
content. gave an appealing lool
to the brawny Scotchman, but i
was to no purpose. He would no
interfere again. Oar -elderly coni
panion was too nervous to be of any
,cervice. I ventured, therefore, to
oive the lad a hint.
ttied dawn to a ,quieb roritin
ails smoked his big pipe and hand
1 it to _ onalci. Dhi
.uff, and
onald took s
passed the. box to Hans ;
d they l'yed quietly together, With -
it• a W. ad of; dispute, • save that
lienyoo eg,Donald Van DuSer Mc-
onald made his Appearance,- _Don -
d Would insist that .110 was a
otchinan to „the back bone, and
ans was etpially pcSitive that he
uld: " boost pe a -Van Duser
mil top -o toes" But these little
Terence never came to a serion
arrel, a d 06T-sti1l live :in peace
Duncan'a ar.ins. He looked oat and or •
was jest gong to bolt :out the back an
door with his precious armful, when an
two other - padies heirried on the ma
scene. These we're a toll -keeper the
and a constable armed .with wet. -
rants, fot the arrest of the two old AN
ones for the offence of running- the
toll gate. No excuse would be
listened to, and they ilad to go be
for a _Magistrate. - Little did the
youngsters dare what Scrapes- their
reepeetive dads got into so that it
. •
gave them fame to get niarried, and seat
married they were in a short time, like
and started f rohome, determined to at -a
brave the. o d men's angel..., and- at hap
least give t1 ru a chance to forgive :the
them; though knowing their runtrad wht
enrtay, they had but little hope of I had
such a bappr conclusion. In the fern
neantimeJL ns and Donald were ar- I 0 -lei
-aigned befor the J. •and tlte (1 le,
ffence being 3royea, they were fined aarb
d s • many doctors' ,Serrice
8 Chalk, -Made simply with -boiling was
t or milk. Each. packet is labelled -7
s JAMES EPPS & Co., Homoeopathic
1- ( hemists, London." Also. makers of
ppes Milky Cocoa (Cocoa, ando u -0.
wised Milk).
z rA er..Ams mum"
The greatest range of work done by
man. lt will do him more goof
i than anything. else, and will be
worth more than +he money it has
(O• -t him. He is immensely conceit -
(•(1 as you must have noticed, and
this experience will take the conceit
out ef hint. f he bad taken the, advice
you were good enough to offa. him,
he would have saved his money and
his watch, and might now be enjoy-
! ing his holiday, instead of return-
ing hot)e penniless. Another time
he will remember the lesson of to-
day, and will not despise the advice
of a friioid. Will you. take a' cigar,
"Excuse rap 1" replied the Scotch -
man. nae agin my rule to
ride or talk, 01- Eght wi' folk o' your
Bat the time will be sair lang
;fore, I draw'a whiff or tak'
wanght a professor tc://at
:rites morality by rale o' the thamb.”
Nn CoMFORTING.--t' By a thorough
nowlede of the natural laws which
overn the operations of digestion. and
rition, --and by a careful application
f well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro-
ided our breakfast -tables with a deli-
ately 'favored beverage which May save
I- ! l' .4% ...'le l' ii"4.1'.1sitt Si nrerth '4 n. Tiw.,„:3
11. ilatin,1-1•11.• -
19:4 „.,,..
, ty.:.-4.,t• ./.4:4:,...p.r,irc=.,==r7.,$...!:--a•-1,7zr-2•7..rm.-_•-•-•-•,...„,•••zut,.!
1 •frain,S lea:fre the Scafoi ill StatiOn aa
1 RAILWAI Y" TilVii.-:-.. TA:ILE.
2.73.:;1';,7;. 1.40 a. M.
GuINI.:,1%)...1.0-1r. , mail.
70 EAST.
1.0E-3:01)ritt"1:2;. 1.40 P. Al. 8.90
IP. gf":.1•111: iAr..1111,11 1,Mi.e1)1.i.-..-..:11-I-A1:11iiiii:L;a1:1If3;7407.1.31egeeP()IhirseielSeneur
Errn3xiiN 8 n. lzho LILL. nt .1. ' f \I i A ; - i f
j!,11 u:, ; ,. . .t:. 1.,i, ..„.: ,,(...d.i.. It..i..!'..e•!, ; %Lately
an°,1' the Royal' IiiiNliniii4r;,131:7,:tiltinl.':•2,4b7,033„einet; and
lidenee--Dr. Vereoe's old sf and, SEAronew,
Calls prenaptly at i ended to -at all hours, 21d*
AVID 'AIITC1LELL. .M. D., Graduate of Vida -
ria Cf111,ifLT, P:kricien,- .1 1, etc..
fircatatN, ox r. -Coroner t,f the County of Huron.
Office and residence, at Thompson el...- Stanley's -
d plenty, and Always celebrate the
niversai y of the happy day that
de thee feiehds, and witnessed
happy t nion of Scotch and Dutch.
- I. was artmg ,senje weeks ago
frm ow to London by- rail.
Wit lin th second7class cairiage I
bad aaterec , cigar alight, sat a well-
. dreS ed lerly zentleinan, a lad,
• ely taelVe old, attired
aai md inder,graduate, and
.11, fine- ookineScachnian. of pei•-
s thirty had rung and
train w -just ready • to start,
n thre other persons, whom I
notice( lo't . the plai-
d hastily in and • took
r seats, . ATI thabe Were -of mid-
age, ar a :61.'9. Z.)f them, whose
indicat d ,they were 'sport -
characters,' had -that blas'e look
ch. juvenile ".gents " often as-
e, a8 if t were. Somethiug te, be
other. But the young people were °
ive dollars aloha- and costs-, to bo' ing
ed rueet;occasionally,, and the soft- I t
ut.a fat ivallek, and -paid at once, !woe
ut poor Doaahl, aftero funibling in ia t
very pOekk could: scarcely find oftet
ye.. having mo 11 (Ste rid, o
ergotten to bring more money with IA!:
far from 'harboring unkindly feel-
ings, and were, eviaently well pleas- r
taid proporti nately, &ilia -3g that,
fteen days n• Haus hauled - sant
ly whispered" "gooten natl.!). t " of 0
Marla, and Duneaus 'ond . " gait"
nicht," -accompanied witIva sly kiss- .• 0
at patting, proclaim rd . them to be. 11
lovers. Aed tlielir love mig it have 'f.
d of, thnse 'with
he sett ed expression, are • as,
1: at ConSiderable pains to get
The thitd • seemed to a
lentan • ;Inner:, thoogh it Was
soon made - pparent that his:only
claim to be ioitsiderect sach lay in.
the costume te had adopted.
:The sky w.ts duil,and cloudy, and
occasionally small ".'soutts of rain
glided quiletly along for anTindefinite 'trim leaviag h me
length of time hacLnot old Highland
wbo kept hoLlSO for the Mc- -•
Denalds, hapaened to i.be a witness
o one of their stolen tneeting•s, and
- Carried the • news at, once to ber&
master. Great and ;fearful t6
hold Js old Donald's wrath at the
discovery, and- he vowed that ir eves
hia son . spoke to the girl again. he
would turn him faom the door with
'out a itenny. And the niatter corn-
ing the 'ears at Haus, he. toe vias
..very indignant, and seoldecl Matia
' at the top of his voice until the poor
girl was glad to steal off to herr )6m
uu . 0 •
.11e•ofiered o•give . his -note, but
the Mitgistrat -did not know him
and would 11 tt• take •it. He ,must
pay the fine -o'• he would send him
I,o jiiil•
." Ta tooce t tk tit man," said Don
1 aid, "does sh• no •keri Douald Mc
Donald .o' ta Cr aigiekeowe farm
and. her naiusel fre a shentelmans
wont nuiir tan a t01180.11' puncr, and
fat fur wad .sin!.' no trust her."
i ' It May - bp an very true, what
you say,said his honor,. •"but Pm
not suppOsed to know:every culprii
• •
• •
that is btought befoteine, and if yea
and haae what women folk:call "a, are the, goal anan you represent
good ory "
. . •
But the atrearn of ttnelloVe that
*had &Ottated fo run •was not to be
let - up or turned into., other
damn 1
channels by all the, erAss words- of
, oust aud Hans, and -though they
had.e be e slyer they-bhlt.had
their interviews, and ztt engt b they
planned `a runaway tharriage.
Everythuig was quietly :airartged,
and one tine winter moraiuo• while
the old Men were Still 'comfortably
snoring in bed, Duncan hittthed- his
fathar s horse to a du trer, ant" tuCk-
in°. sweet iliaria in by his side. set
off for a minister's house some ten
n3.ues ais tan t.
Oh, what an uproar there was or(
eaeh side of the road. when their
-flight was discovered Hans
out of hia gate and shook his fist s
" My fiiend," said r, " you are
paying de:irly for that an, usern crib.
Let me advise you to stop."
To my surprise, the sharper in
most civil manner endorsed my ad-
vice. " Yes," he, said blandly, " the
luckruns against you ; suppose we
shtit up. 'You'll want money for
yoqr travelling expenses, you know.
"No. • no," shouted the other,
"I'm not going to be humbugged.
I've lost near twenty pounds, and
I've a right to win ib back if r can.
I know what I am about and don't
-traint anybody's advice ; when I I
want -it, Pll ask for it."
ft WAS plainly of no use inter-
fere further. In a, few minutes the
infatuated lad, had ,staked his last
gold piece ands lost ib. He searched
his pockets; taraed them inside out,
examined etch conipartment of
Pocket -book,' tokl. e.mptying his net
ed parse searched an i
or a sovereign. It was in vain. The
illy boy was cleaned out. -
"I'll accomodate you with twenty
)ounds on the security of your
vetch and chain," rewark-ed the
"Done," replied • the boy, and the
-tan wias made. Thus reimbursed,
0, insisted on renewing the game,
to win back his own as he said.
he victim Was eager to be deceived,
t was pitiful to witness his Joss of
ne gold piece aft'er another; with
arcely ever a turn of Inck--if
hat was transpareat fraud can be
dignified with seta. an honest Sax -
came .lown -veilino' the distant land- s
sc.ape rern
place email,
lative to the
attempt was
train, 6hen o
versat on, bu
for a fill hon
save f r the
denier daew
breast pocket
should keep
friend] game
selecte 1 three
ed toe the in
y . . o e, ow is it that you ate
_guilty a the. very angentleinanly act -
:of atinnia a toll- t
have. to go jaifuelesS some o
here will lend 'cm the money."
' 'Donald look( d around the room
. • .
bat among the. ow *sent there was
net a, familiar face, . save that oC
-Hans -.tad I could not think of
asking him fez,. tnope y ; be. would go.
to jail firat, and he, ,,vas Just: ,abOut
to 6:firesS Iis readiness to start
w ei ... ans stepped up and, paid th
fire for him, 'and turning to the su
, ,
prised Donald t as addressed -hint :
" Mvn dear 3, aek, you ish -a foo
- ,
tint I ish a. fool; mit we has pee
feels dish long ttrue, new' let us 11
faults. - io- Mine. darighter unt you
y w : te 1 aar ed some tune prett
oon aiefore now,. I can't shpaie
Lew. A few common-
s were exchanged re- h
weather, and a fe,Oble. h
Dade to get up a' con- "
-it would not do. rand T
• we rode on in silenee,
noise' of the rushing o
te of the sporting gen,- sc
pas: ,..c) "cards from his w
and proposed that we
urselyes awake by a
. As no one resnond-
-itacion, the propOser
eat s fro tl
• 1
ti e Osborn Lock Stitch Sewing Machine
made by the Guelph &wino- Machin
.4-1) Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is
w"thout doubt, the safest, sur t
b St remedy- that has been invented* fo
internal and external use. It is applie
al le to a great variety of complaints, an
is equally beneficial for man and. beast.
,trif- We have seen it stated in vatiniks
p pers throughout the cluntry, that
A =eats for the sale of Sh.ciidan's ear-alr3
O ndition Powders were authorized to
re und the money to any person • who
shni c use them and not be satisfied with.
th result. We doubted this at first,
b t the proprietors authorize us to say
th tt it is title.
-follows :-
7)n. w. Physieian, eon, etc,
Ofihie---Opposite Scott Roberts' 's Grocer,
Main street, St -alkali:. 53
JAMES STEWART, 'II. D-. C. .76., Graduate ef
" Univereity, Mai -tread, Physiehna, Stir-
geon, etc. Office a:ed. Residenee--Bruceteld.
- L. TERCOE, M. D., C. 'Mt Physician, Stir-.
• • geon, ete. Oflice and Residence, corner of
Illarltet and High strt:Lts, next to the Plitningllill.
11. CAMPBELL, Curoner for the County. Office
. and Residence. over Corby's cOrner store, Main
street, Seaiorth. ()filet hours, from 11 to 4, -each
day, and all day Sitarday. 1,59
T LEET, Solieitor Wingham, has been op-
• po'inted. Agont for the Colonial Seeinities Com-
pany of England, he is also _Agent for several pri-
vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at
very reasonable retes. Interest payable yearly,.
Charges moderate.
Wingham, l)ec. 15, 1871. 213
-7t cCA.1.7•GH & HOLMESTED,
torueya at 1..aW, oh 4o1' in. Chancery and.
8 Insolvtlicy, Notaries Pub:le and Cuipeyancers.
e Sohcitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for
the Canada Life .A.ssurance Company, -
N. 11.-A1,-,130,000 to /end at S per -cent. Farms,
, Houses and Lots for sale. 53
4.1. -
f.g..22.‘ZSON & METER, Barristers and Attorneys
r J--•` at Law, Solicitors in Clienecry and Insolveney, '
- Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Ofliiies-,-Sea-
1 forth and Wroxeter. ;,'-,;-23,1".430 of Private Funds to
invest at once, at Elaat. per tent. Interest, payable
yearly. ,. , 53
JAS. n. 13T.P.N'SoN". H. 'W. C. ;11EY. It.
o VinCE,-Orange street, St. John, IS'.
B. l869. -Mr. liaell-rws, : 1 am bound
to award the paltp. of merit to the'
pa utio a of USTophosphites discovered
by you. had oaeasion to use it my,self
in 1, case of Aphonia. which .would not
yield to regular treatment, and am happy
to say, it proved to be all that you
cla ed for it, having acted with expedi-
tio t and entire satisfaction.
I. feel called upon to publish the fact,
th t the profession may avail themselves
of remedy in -your Oompound Syrup of.
ophosphites. Yours, very truly, ,
. ox'T KNOI'Y NVI8I:VjrACT°013•S'D:10.1..-DA.:Nre
Son etimes hear persons say, my horses
are sadly out of condition, and I cannot
tell either what is the matter -with then);
Or to get them into beuter order ;"
they appear to be ignorant of the fact
t there is within their reach a remedy,.
safe sure, and. effectual all cases.
Mal y persons who deal in horses use
larg quantities of it, and testify that iteffes
ts are most satisfactory. One horse
heal informs us that his horses' con-
diti it and. appearance are so much ini-
pro\ et by its use that they sell more
readily and for higher prices. The article
is .1)..r.ey's Condition Powders and Arab-
ian leave, Remedy. -4-\.Tothing else is
equal to it for the same purpose. Re-
melt her the -name, and see that the sig-
natu .e of third & 0o. is on each •k
• go. orthrop & Lyman, .Neweastle,
eispna ton strea.med
down th&face of the silly fool. He an ethane dealers •
Ont. proprietors for Canada. Sold by
could not -
lepless hiS excitement.
• In le- packs The twenty sovereigns disappeai.ed . 11? it-ousands of ' persons are now
' I .
by -way of' pa time. ' Of the thr
...cards ope was a !rack, and the tric
coasisted of 0 f4ihg to bet a sovo
eigu that this cord, after - shuffling,
eould .not be rawn. 1 -16015-.e.d On
- amused. . aly eld- 1., - ' Jr tot flew
into -a. storm - Of incliginttion. The
eonfedeeates, as T now Made sure
W attrusing talc
k m less than as niany minutes I
caae ssly allowing themselves to drift
thro gh. the, preliminary symptoms of 1
const mption, under the fatal delusion
that hey are troubled with nothing but
• . ow necessary it is, then,
ee think we were all elad. Protracted
k suffering is not sairecable t
r- lookers no'
o they'weae,...jee •ed at his objeetions
The Scotch marl re -
r, a.n cl thiaatts.
y terposecl the ).
the opposite house, went through
a strinfr of higa Dutch expleti-s es in t
main.ed silent.
I'll bet .yo 1
the lad eager]. " that I draw the
1‘)e SO daft laddie,"
lcotelnuan, arresting
mine leetle oet, you can't shpare
his Iiie-hest key, and tt8 though they c
were not. high enough, he hopped up f
and down in the snow as he jerked n
le poy, ant, te peshtest ding we can
an du ish. to go borne togessers and
uol the young rascals' py not pein
them, Veil dey expect it."
_Donald's Highland pride.and the
etter feelings' (i)f his heart had a
ard strugg,le, but • at length he
rasped the Dutchman's hasri and
hook it heartily.' :• They lef the
oom side by side, and pretty soon
they started for home together in the
,sleigh with Donald's horse tied be-,
hincL When they got into their
own neighborhood -the people could
scarcely believe their own eyes when
they. saw the two together, but
them out, till at length his. heels
• slipped. from • under ilian 1.1ad he 'b
measured Ins length irs a snowdrift, h.
Just in time to escape a blow from g
Donald's walking stick that came s
Whizzing over him. The Scotsman. r
-was not at loss for hard words, both
Gaelic and English, to hurl at his
neighoor; they kept up a steady fire
until both Were tired of the game,
and then. they nikde preparations to
follow- the fugitivOs. Donald mount--
the boy's arm as he was drawing
forth his purs • " • u y os
yo a r siller."
"And -what' that to you," cried
the quesi-coun ry gentleman, now
coming' cut in his true character.
"The gentleman can do as he likes
suppoae and we'll have none 0
your -meddling ' At the same time
be dasl ed aw ty the-Icotchnian's
arms, a Id sta ling up suddenly,
stood ov r him ith his clmached fist
within it inch •f his face
But t baq had mistaken his
man. is greed must have blinded
him to toe bra N ny chest: and huge
hands and feet of the Scotchman.
The next mom nt his head rang
case cannot come too speedily. No
soonet had the manipalatcr of the
cards drained his victin) dry,- than
be deliberately restored the cards to
the pack, ddposited it in his coat
pocket, took out his cigar case,,
ed a cigar, and coldly settlardown
to the enjoyment of its fragrance.
oup of compassion I turned my
face _ away from the --t" plucked
pigeon." The Seutehmarn did the
same.. But the' poor fellow's feel-
ings were too much for bin). After
struggling with them for a time. he
was weak enough to burst into' a
• passion of tears.. This relieved him
in some degree, and by way of ap-
. ',elegizing for his weakness, be be-
gan to say that he would not MIN e
cared •So much for the loss of k the
c1 was a
f money but that tl1ewat1
present from his mother, now dad,
and that he valued it far beyond its
worth, though it had cost more than
double the • stun he had received
for it.
"Well," said the -man who had
'received - the watch, ." you can have
it again if you choose. Send to my
address in Birmingham. with the
twenty pounds and I will t
HO'TEL, ( Late Sharp's.) The under-
si!pieil begs to thank the nubile for the liberal
_ patronage. awarded to him in times past in the
hotel business, and also to inform them that he has '
again resinixed lnisiness in the abiive stand, -where
he will be happy Co have a call frona old. friends,
and many new -Ones.
-1DRINCE 01? '‘V.I.LES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont.,
C.. J. McCUTCHEON, Proprietor. First-class
acemninodation for travellei:s. The "Dar is sup-
plied with thel-ery I")est liquors and cigars. Good
stabil] attached. The silo leaves this House
* evi_ry Winghern.
pRITISH EXCHANGi; HOTEL, (3-oderich, Ont.,
J. C.-13-.L.xwS'y, Proprietor; J. S. Wria-nems,flate
of American Hotel, Warsaw. N. Y.,) Manager. This
hotel has recently been newly furnisnta, and re-
fitted throughout, end is now one -of the most tom-
fortable and connuoilious in the Province. Goad.
Sample Rowns for Commercial Travellers.
'Anna liberal. 123
T MIN BRIGHAM. Exchange Broker, and flail-
" way Tieket Agent, lloughton's Hotel, opposite
G. T. Railway Station, Seaforth, Ont. Through
Tiek-ets issuetl to all points the Western. States,
California and Rod Ilierer, at 1 -ethical rates, afforrlibg
tile greatest facilities to Emigrants. ALI neeessaii
information given reA..peeting Land Agencies, eta.
Greenbacks, Donis, Coupons, and imenrrent Money,
Gold an a Silver Coin, bought and sold at bestrates.
• (Member of the Ontario 'Veterinary Colleg,e,)
begs to in -timate to the inhabitants of Seaforth
and surrounding country, -that he hes -opened an
(Mee in Seaforth, where he may be roDstiltea per--
sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, -Cat-
tle, ole. Haying received a regular and prettied
e.ancation. aas haying been awerded the Diploma
of the VetOrtnery College of Ontario. T.3. Churchill
has every eontidenee of giving satiSfaction to
who employ hini.
REFEIMINCES-A. Smith, V. S., Prineipal Onta-
rio Veterhuiry Colleg,e;, Professor Ihickland„ Dr.
ot inn, Dr. Rowel, and - Wells, M.. D., & V. 5 -
Veterinary Medicines .constant13- on hand.
•• All calls promptly attended to.
artmommOtliee--Carmichaers Seaforth. i182 -2m
$11.0,000.—MONEY TO LEND.
THE above amount to Lend, in swats of Five
-4- Hundred ;Dollars aud upwards; at rates of in-
tereSt froia to 8 per cent. Interest payable
yearly or half yearly.
AIMS • 11.1Y,
Lot 7, Con. I, Grey.
Mo •risbank P. O. •218-33
that cold: should be cared for from its TEE 1,3EP.SORTH
incip eney, and every exertion used to
get rid of it. Bryan's Pubnonic Wafers LUMBER Y•
- will 'top the hacking, cough in a few
namu es, and by their influence on the
bronchial and pulmonary organs all fears
of da ioerous results will soon be dissi-
pated -but they must be taken in time.
.Sold1 y_ all druggists and country dealers.
ice )o cents per box.
Su ECT.P.OTRIC OIL! Worth. Ten
es its Weight in Gold. Do You
ow anything of it? If not,
it is time you did.
are but few preparations -of rnedici
five withstood the impartiel • ji•nlgt ' oI
the peo '
11(;-: for any _ gi eel len.giLi of ti.nr. One of
Ijillei±' ft llr libitlgrae ne::::10)°, one 'wxhhilechh ep‘ii•Litli dducleljt the i CAPITAL, F JANUARY, 1871, .
these is 1.41,-)nAS' ECLECTint, (.1))11,, plucks n, pi- !
ation of six of some of the est. Oils that are i
1.(iit.TeUif c:1A1A-soilel.ie-t.i.):17Z-11Natviii;Zlistitc;fesitt'll Ow113L i
formed of s'everel ingredients in certain 11...e Tiro- .
:133`r e i
portion, of gaeater power, and producing effect:3 ,
which et nld never reeult,fr,-en the use of any one 1 - ,--%1 ' -
the peep lintion of this Oil a chemical change takes j SUR -‘.NO.F., ASSOCI.LkTION
01 them or in difftlrent combinations. Thus in 1
i 111.*.IbLi:FnILCEb.°3„. tit cCID• A:niniA0D.:(111-0.NO..eID,n0:n,LONT.
any pos. 'bility be matle from any other vonibina-
tion or 1 ;A:portions of the same ingredients, or any i
04-h . • -, Tuiti-nats, and entirely different from any- I
It containe no alcohol er other volatile i $231 242 25.
I.P.:—T OF
Anishing rt.snits,..anil }riving a wider range 1
*REG to inform the public that they hive opened
a umber lard in Seaferth, near Shearson's
on the ground formerly -used as Lumber
Vard, by Mr. Themes Lee.
lbey will keep constantly on hand a good acsort-
=out of ALL RINDS OF. IX-7.113ER (tressed and
`undressed. Also, "ant AND SHINGLES, ail of
which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi-
ble priees, for Cash.
Buildere and others will find it lo their advent -
age to inspect our stock, ami ascertaln our prices
before purchasing elsewhere, as we are in a. position
to offer good inducements to cloh pnnhAtsers.
130 MABEE & MACI)02.1.A.L.D.
'thing evc,
nnlat 11,11
of applie tinn than any medicine ever before
co vered.
liquids, ( ensequently loses nothing by evaporation.
Witereve • applied you get the benefit of every drop;
whereas with other preparations nearly all the
alcohol i lost in that way, and you get only the I
small cru ititv of Oils which they may contain. I
Prepir el by S. N. Thomas, Phelpe, N. Y., and
NORTH tP & LYMAN,Newcastle, Ont., sole I
agent for the Dominion.•
Noce. Eclectric-Selected and Electrized. 1
E. Hie on & Co. and R. Ltnanden, Agents for I
_20t1-222-,1 I
Cash and Cash Items, $72,28.9 55.
•This Company continues to grow in the public
confidence. Ou the 1st January, 1871, it had in
force 34,528 Policies, having, during the year ISA
issued the immense number of 12,319 Polleiee.
Farmers, patronize your own CANADIAN'
Compan2.• that has done such good service amongsb
you. For Insurance apply to
203 CNA IMES monnow,
Agent, Clinton P.O.
jOl '" 21
anti it IS OA. \
1ightiT thal
A at,(1.1.,
.de•avotea 1'9 1"tt
ia ahl
i..ght Of 114r Iutu
‹ 11
011.1S Of ‘4,-: 11 I
-where the
as follows:
did you not tvl
iaot." "
on your oath.
your oeci
heard SOille reli
--.-Dieseet III
'then, _PM OLIO
only be mans
you had betteri
?lease; ii7adl
to an elderl
aboard at a. wal.
ly lady loOke
forth a letter,
that WAS shrill
aikiren is Islet
me to come to
Isn't it ten -ib
looked as shoe
expressed synn
you ride free,
pass," returned
Not to go to
d i'V)c-d
ay that the I
very strict, oau
trughtift to cht•
'a funeral,'
we let everybo
ride _free," ago
ats°ar-uo'sui faistsbei'Tl
au •
gloom over tip
fare is a‘ &Alm
" Well,"'retor
ing out a -well
• you might let
as I'm going
Mr. ---k's
blow 1" Anil
her eyes, pal'
c Me tor stel
is the most uot:
The eonjur,
great lesson
next asaked
trick of -Waif
the occasion of
when the rat
pellet, he rep
ent to write
arm. Mr. V
• undei the tab
rested it in 1
•oI the table
the sleeve ol
was without
passed his
• twice, and th
had written
Seemed to gri
of crimson.
•every nigh
audience 3 ik
you like ?"
arm under
onds he raw
forearm avid
doubled up
bring the nh
surface,, and
with his op
" H. C." kn.°
en; that's,
Are/ y simpi
is to take a