HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-15, Page 1;a-
MARCIE S, 1872.
arks apply to only a portion of the
Bat the whole Hottee is lowered.
'thee exhibitions and the offences of
affect the character of all. Mem-
'L many of them, have got into the
it of speaking when they have nate-
te eay, an the result is. as I have
eibed. There is a reinedy for tbia
ch would be effectual in most cases -
which 1 do not say May not some day
t,ppiied.- If one night's debate (say
debate on the railway policy). 'were -
en down rez-ba. thn, and sent out tee
conutry with all its Leah and hetet
Lhe and -evidences of _ignoraace aux
e exposed to public- vials', the comet
• wotild be astonished and members.-
ild blush for shame ripen seeing there-
ree photOgraiked to the life, anjt.
dd straigh-tway set about a reforma-
t, the eoodeffecta of which would be.
al in the improved tone of the de -
ea Such a 1 e11164 Wallid he more
'dual than the Speaker's ferule, or the
Oaut's gilt sword. Let the offend+
:members beware lest seme tong euf-
ug knight of the ieencil does, for
eoeutry's good, apply thia remedy to.
;evil which he, a all men, feela the
ftest. Poieatec,
• Winghana.
r-Lw-DEFEATare The
lig a sectional bonus frotn Wing
to the `format°, they and Brace
ay was voted on on Tuesda.y, and
"ated by a majority of 17 votes.
V011•11PIE 5. NO. *5.
0911141LE NO. 223.
trielLEAN BUOTUERei. Publishers.
t -$1_50 a Yearns" advance.
- Stanley,
'eta ItIrXrItio.—The Council met
seeett to adjournment, at William.
On's hotel, Srucetield, ou Monday,
kuary 26, at 2 o'clock. All the mem-
o preeept ; the Itedve in the chair,
intes of last meeting read and approv--
By-laW No. 3, empowexing the true-
ofSehool Section No. la Vo iborrow
tt, build a school house, passe&
ved by Dr. Weeds, seconded by Geo.-
tle, That the abstract of the Collect --
Roll now presented,. has been ex -
Med and found correct. Ordered to,
fyled.—Carried. Moved by Gilbert-
-Donald, seconded by Dr. Woods,
Alexander Sparks be paid his salary
- .
; 1871, and that he be Collector for
2,. also that the appolutment be in-
tedm tie •By -Jaw appointing Town.Oeers—Caed, Moved by Dr_
ods, seconded by George Castle, That
-Renewing parties be granted Tavern
'ease for tile houses indicated in their
&cation .-. William Dixon, John /vier&
Robert Drrsdade, Henry McCann,.
ry J. Pollock, Heary Schafer, James,
thanasore Fritz Ahrens Richard
ing, John Biggart, Itichlad Bailey,
eittionally, that the stables and sheds-
itt good approved order before the
t of May next, George Looby con-
ionally, that the house and stables bo
igood order before the first of April:
he two-laat liable to certificate of Ina
etor, and, and that a By-law to Ude-
ict be framed and passed at rate of lie
se lowest fixed by law.— Carried- -
,eed by George Castle, seconded by
)-nias Keys, That the application of
hert Morrison and Tudor Marks tor-
e) license for 1872, be granted, and
it the same be included iri the By-law.
;arried. Moved by- George Castle;
elided by Thomas Keys, That the.
near of,J. 5. Bell, editor of,the -
-not accepted as other papers do the
tie gratuitously..—Carried. Moved by
. Woods, seconded by George Castle,
at tais Council do grant $25 to be paid
John Rattenitury, to be applied to
✓ cle payment of passage to- England of
yid Jertes, he having been burned out
t in indigent circeraitances.—Carried.
'ea by George Castle, Seconded by
ert MeDonalde That the account of
iniane Pearson, as Commissioner for
;70 be paid. --Carried. Moved. by Dr.
)ods, aecouded by George Castle, That
following amounts be apportioned to-
:- several ecmcessioris and side lines in.
Township for the current year. viz.:
1 and 3re,t, concessions100, side
es, $45, to be expended under Gilbert
Dottald ; 4th and 5th concessions,
)a„ 6th and 7th. concession, $90, side.
ea, $80, to- be expended ender Thomas,
`repson; 8th and, 9th conceesions,
e lines, $71, .to be _expended under
brava Keys, 10th and 11 th conees-
Rs, $100, Bronson tine, $100, Sable
Oj Bayfield and ranges, $50, side
ee $115, to be expended under Dr.
eocis and George Gastle,— Carried.
tved by George Castle, seeonded by
tbert MoDenald, That this Council do
tv adjourn to Meet at Mrs. Pollock's.
tel„ Bayfiehl, on the firet
iril at 2 o'clock P. M.--Carriecl.
, ,
rag mate waa never known that could
ase everybody, but Frank PaItridge
nes the nearest to it in his line of
sinees. $1 per dozen, Scott's bloek,
Divisions Gourts---1872-
>ivision Courts will be heldas follows :
ngharci. 16, Dungannon.. ....April W
dereille,.....jan, ea Bayfield....... .Apnl 3.
La:adz „ „len. 25 Godelich...... _April 4
eter. ...Tan, 27 Wingharn , . „April 19
ugarmon.....njan. 3O ainleyvilh!...- .........May 21.
Theld Xan, 1;1 Seaford: .May
< ....Feb. 1 Exeter., . . _ 25
lerich ......Feb. 5- . .-Me-Y 31
.oxeter..... :Mar 26 Dungannon.-- -June-
iforth March 28 Baying& _June 4
Aar. March 30 ' Ooderich. ......Zuna
eton e
Cho Cert.rts will °Pen at TO A.M. each. day.
or all kinds of Salt
Can now be filled at
E .TaTT E"
Islov 29,ISa
ne Mon gxp gtor
por year in. advance, or $f2 at the
eat oi the year.
rirst insertion, per line, 8 cents.; subsegnent in
mations, 2 cents each time, per line.
0118 001=13. One year ....... . .. , $60 00
" half " 35 00
a months 20 00
seset "one year
At half ‘f
•• e a months
One-fourth one year
g if "
35 00
20 00
12 00
• 20 00
12 00
‘t (4 8 months .. . . .. ....... 8 00
One-eighth one year 12 00
4€, " half " ... 8 00
" " 8 Months....... .. . : ; . 5 00
One -twelfth one year. • . 8 00
" " half " .... . . .... . ° .. 5 00
" 3 inenths. .. .. .. 00
Business Cards, 0 lints sea under, Tiyear.. 4 00
•Advertisements of Strayed, Loet, Powd, cte.,
not exceeding 10 lines—first montln, $1 ; after. firat
month, 50 cents each month. - .
Advertisements a FARMS and. REAL 3T
sale'not exceeding 15 lines--:-firat naouth., $1 50;
each subsequent month, 75 cents. I
Births, Marriages; Deaths—Grafjo.
AdVortieements withont speeifiY directions eau
be ineertedtill forbid, and charged accordingly.
atriteo Y. MoLuax, Publishers.
• T OT 27, Second Concession MaKillop, within ono
-Li mile of Seaforth ; and Lot 17; Eleventh Con.,
McKillop, eight miles from "Seaforth ; and, oleo,
• Building Leta in Seaforth. Terms made to Suit
varchasers. Apply to
218-8 -J'AMS BEATTLE, Seaforth.
FoB SALE, in the Township of Stanley, County
of Huron, an excellent farm, being compoeed
of ',Lot No. 13, Sixth Concession, containing 100
•.sees 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, and in a
good state of cultivation. There are 18 aeres un-
tler fall wheat. There are on the preirdses' a log
• louse, log barn, and frame driving -house ; also, a
'young orchard.; there is a good ey.)ring well con-
Jaenient to the stables, else a good spring creek.
This farm is situated_ one mile agd alfser.-%th of
yin-na, on the graVul read. FOTIID44:4 pa.rileulars
apply to tiie. seeerletor on the preultises, or to
uia Post -Office.
301iN murceitaa.
A. LEAP -W164%.1 DITTY.
' f
Round the house the wind was sighieg,
Sighing like a doleful Strain.'
nd the big snow flakeSeameflying
et against the window pane.
By theefire sat Luke and Lucy •
M unehing mince and. pple pies,
Tasting apples ripe and uicy,
Leeking in each other s eyes.
On the shelf the ,clock was lickin ,
Tickiug to the hour (::tf ten, •
And there came from rooms adjoining• •
Sounds of snoring, now and then.
Still he sat and looked at Luc,
Looked but dare not tell his tale,
Only spoke of breezes bletving ,
Snoleacross the homeward. vale.
Spokeof how'his. uncle Peter 1
4prained his arrn the ether day,
Told her how hie auntie'.baby ..
Took the croup and choked away.
Told her ef Miss Linsey} Woolsey
• Going oft to boarding }school,
'Told her all the country} gossip ;
.Never told his love, the fool!
'Twas the last night of December,
Leap -year now wai _drawing nigh,
Ladles then miaht d.the courting,
• Press their suit to lovIers shy.
Now the clock approacesmidnight,
Now it strikes the ne year in,
Luey'e heart begins to utter, t
No she's going in to 'win.
Now she iarasps his bas ful fingers,
Boldly touches lip to lip,
And the all importantquestion
Makes no bones of letting slip.
Lukeoonfessed a kindred feeling, .
Answered. "yes " to tvhat she said,
iNowthey are a happy. couple,
, Aiid I danced when they were wed.
VOR SALE, CHEAP, in the village of Walton.,
-1-' three Building Lots. These lots are situated
. in, a good bnsiness part of the Tillage. There is
On one` Of the lots, a good. Frame. Dwelling -house
and Frame Wagon. Shop; also, a stabli, -wood-shed,
and. a never -failing vroll of water. On ond , of the
tither lots there is a. Frame •Dwelling -house, and
Ilion the the third. lot Shore are no etealestes, Also,
-1: good &to& of oak andr other hither, together with.
apokes and hubs. ThipropertY will be sold in. =a;
block, cheap, for Cash. There i4 not a better -open=
ing for a good Wageri-inaker in the County than
this offers, as there are -none others in ,tho same
• business within several miles. For fartirer parti-
*Wars apply to the Proprietor on the Premises, or
to Walton P. O.
221-4* Proprietor.
WAV -ANTED te rent, a good Farm of from 75 to
100 acres, cleared Must have good oat:build-
ings, andebe in good, working order, to boon good
toads and convenient to markets. For further par-
ticulars apply at THE Ex.rosrron,Offiee.
M1-4* Tnekersmith.
C nada.
geaeral goods and co
large, the ship " ents iri
80,000, and in the lett
does not look.a.4 if the n
were proving ;such an
their opponent lg would
The above figures sh
on• the Termite, Grey
•oaly steadily lincreasi
&due a. very 'large b
whicIe has been in ope
a time.
—The young man,
of the township of Ili
ported as having met
dent, -has sinew died.
-• The . and. Bra oh Agricultural So -
will be held at
ciety's Spring Sho
.Newry, on Wean day, the 10th of
April. -
--- The Listowel fo miry, operations
ie which have for so le time been sus-
pended owing toi the ,insolvencyof the
proprietor, has beeh purchased by
Messrs. McIlrath & Anstineof Galt, who
will hereafter carry* o the business in
all its brauches. -
ruidersigoed will be happy to be patronized
--• a" by his brother farmers cif the .
As 114 Auctioneer,
•Reis prepared to .e.et as sneh at Very moderato
NEY To LOAN; private funds, at 8 per cent.
Yap uses low. Conveyancing done cheap.
• HUGH LOVE,Sonr. '
• Tow/filial Hay and. Stan:ley,
219* ' tereen a. 0.
-- The contractors
the -Southern Extens
too, Grey and Brim
of that'portion of
oneef the Welling -
Railway between
dwood was also
the former being
r 200 cords This
rrow-geuge roe&
entire failure as
have us believe.
w that the traffic
ncl Bruce is not
ig; but that it is
smess for 'a road.
ation for so short
William - Heskin,
ert, whom we re-
ith a severe acci-
— The South Riding of Perth Agri-
celtural Society's Spring Show will be
held at St. Marys, on Tuesday, the 2ard
of April. The South Riding Society and
and the Blanshard Society, this :year
anialgamate, for the purpose of holding'
the Spring Show. I
— The blacksmiths and wagon and
carriage -makers of the County of Perth.
following the wake of those of Huron,
have forme91 themselves into an associa-
tion, and have hound themselves to a
scale of prices similar to those adopted
by the association of this county at their
• meeting recently held at Clinton..
• —At a receet social gathering in Van-
deburg, East- Oxford, there were present
no less than four new y Married couples
— an evidence that be advantages of
leap year are fully appreciated ancl ef-
the ladies of that
Pelmersten and Listowel have now on
the ground the following materials for its
cons traction: 13,000 ties, 6,000 feet of
square timber, and 62,000 fence rails.-
— TheMunicipal Council of the town
of Se Marys have passed a resolution to
submit a byelaw to the rateeoayers to
raise the sum Of fifty thoueana dollars
for the encouragement of manufactories
in that tetwat. This large sum is to be
i devoted in the following manner : That
I upon any person, partnership, ,or com-
pany establishing any man ufaetore .not
already carried. on in the town of St.
Marys, and employing a ' year*. average
of 25 workmen or skilledIaborers in the
said manufactory, may ulpon the neces-
sary requirements, receive a loa,n of $8,-
000. paya.ble one half in ten years and
one half in twenty Years, ,with interest
payable annually at live per ceiat. per
fectually ulti ized by
- The Listowel vi
passed a •resolution
their members to pur
for the High School b
ed in that village.
—A meeting of
South Perth is to be
day, for the Selection of a • candidate in
the Reform interestto represent that
constituercy in the House of Commons.
In the event of Mr. McFarlane the pres-
ent representative declining to Accept
the nomination, his successor is not yet
known, but will probably be decided up-
on atthis meeting.
On Thursday
President of the L
Bruce Railway mad
posit in the Bank of Commerce, in order
to place the compao on a working basis.
The permanent Die. ectors can now be
elected, and it is pr ,bable the company
• will shortly be regularly formed.
- 31.tEG8 to inform the public) that he ha ti taken
-•' out Comity Auctioneer's Lidense, and will,
3iereafter, be prepared to attend Auttion :Sales of
Real Estate -or Pardons' Property in any pint of
the County, on the shortest notice. From the
success he has had since c•onameneing this bninness
lie feels confident that he can give the utmost
Ali orders left with Robert Broth, Zinj.cli,' S.
• Saunders, Post Office, Exeter, or addressed to the
-undersigned will receive prompt attention.
217 Hay P. O.
Bookbinder, Hullett,
TTAS just received a large Stock of the materials
• -a --a- used in the business and is now fully prepar-
-ed to execute, on the al:crtest notate and in the
_ latest stylee,.'all orders he may be,favoured with.
Milled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest
:notice, and at prices which defy competition. t
Ladies' Work Boxes & Fancy Cases
Made to order. `,
Bound and repaired at city yirices.
--We noticed last week that the
Lucan draught club coesidered. them-
selvee superior to any other club
between Guelph andl Szlenia. This has
eaised the metle of the Brucefield club,
and we are in 3tructed by them to; state
that they ard not •only willing but de-
sirous totineet the Lueanites at a friendly
match at any time -wine may be agreed
upon by the clubs. • If tie Secretary of
the Lucan club will co municate with
Dr. Muurte ,.President of the Brucefield
club, or James eerguson, Secretary, a
match can, no doubt} be arranged.
lage Council have
instructing 01.1C of
hese an eligible.site
ildings to be erect -
the Reformers of
eld. at lelitebell to -
are now in progress having that arrange-
ment in view. • The Wellington, Grey,
and Bruce Company is quite willing to
concede this point, and porno arrange-
ment will undoubtedly be made, when
theGoternment aid will be greeted, one
bonus answering .for all. The same
scheme contemplates the use of the nar-
row:gauge line to Mount Forest by .the
Wellington, Grey and Bruce -Corapany,
kthird rail being laid, and the road bed
on -.that portion being first beilt suffici-
ently wide for the purpose.—Handiton
A Mechanic on, Cbmbinations.
Ta Me Editor of the Huron Axpositor.
Sne—In your issue of last week I no-
ticed under theheading-Of a "Farmer on
Combinations," and signs, ed by a " Clod-
hopper," a communication, to whiele I
desire to say a few avords. Ie reading
this communication I was much struck
by the appropriateness of the signature
as none but a " ClOdbopper," indeed.:
Would ever think of drawing such a con-
clusion from the arguments used., Now,
Mr. Editor, with regard to the first para-
graph in this communication I haste no-
thing -to say, aseiedo not profess to be so
well versed in political lore as your anti -
combination correspondent seems to be.
But, what I intend te do is, to use
Clodhopper's" arguments to prove that
combinations' each as he condemns are
really necessary, not ,only for the protec-
tion of trade generally, but for the pro-
teetion of the poor man, in whpse be -
alf be so- feelingly-, speak N a owif , a
blacksmith had e wagon which was
worth $110, and a person carne along and
offered him $100 for the same wagon, the
lelackeanith might probably talie $100 for
it if he knew that his neighbor Would sell
a wagon for the same price. But:if $110
was the regular trade price of the wagou,
and he knew that a wagon equally good
eould not be bought -for a less priee than
he offered his for, then be could say to
the purchase : "You require a wagon,
and you may as well purchase this as go
• elsewhere, for you cannot get one cheap-
er." The purchaser would therefore be
compelled to buy the wagon at its true
value; instead of getting it for $10 less
than it was really worth. Bet even
supposing that a man was so hardieush-
ed for -money as to eompel him to sell a
wagon worth $110 for $100, would not
" the person purchasing that wagon be
taking advantage of this man's poverty,
and buying from him an article at less
•than its value? It will, therefore, bo
seen that instead of giving the advantage
to the poor man, the aelvantage is all in
favor of the rich purchaser. Not only
this, but if a man sells an artiele for less
than its -value in order te meet one note,
by what meams is he to meet the next
which comes due? By pursuing such a
course as that indicated by- : "Clod-
hopper," no mechanic could stancl long,
as every sale which he made, and every.
note which he had to meet would but
make him the poorer. The evident de-
sire of " Clodhopper" is to take advan-
tage of the poverty of poor mechan-
ics by being in a position to come fowarde
with his cash in hand, and instead of
purchasing what he requires at a fair
some cows on the value, - run the prices of one mechanic
m and went to sleep, against those of the other, and ultmate-
y got into auother ly buy from the weakest at a price much
engineer again blew below what the article is worth It is
he Yankee wakens, to prevent such as this, and shield the
d looking out, said, poor mechanic who, through his neeessi-
ifthey haint caught ties, is most apt to become a prey to the
rich and imseru.pulous purchaser that
' these combinations are formed, and. tl
am happy to be able to say, that so far
as my experience at leaet goes, the de-
sired effect is being accomplished.
. But "Clodhopper" not only wants to
be in a poeition to take advantage of the
poverty of the poormechanic, but be also
wishes to participate in the profits of tbe
superior workman. For instance, if one
mechanic is such an expert workmaq,
that he can do in half an hour a jdb
which evoulcl take an ordinary mechanic
an hourhe also wants the benefit of
that. if thls were the case there would
be no inducement for the me.chanic to be
expert at hie wore, fot the slow man, or
the men wlI) takes the world easy, would
make as nai ch inoney as he who is ex-
pert and works hard, as the fruits of
his, expertness and bard labor would go
into the po kets of his customers instead
own. No, Mr. Editor,' I
d. I think. that every sensible
ee with me, that a mechanic
r abilities and tact sh.ould ,
efit of the extra rereenera-
tion which his abilities and tact enable
him to earni, and that it should not go
-to enrich is customers instead of him-
411.lIn onclusiou, I would advise
' t. Clodhopp •e. " the next time he attempts
to write down the interests of the poor
man, to ad.
cannot so e
self. Your
of last week, the
ndon, Huron and
the necessary de-
— The Listowel pa -skier learns from
reliable authority thal Mr. nenclrie, the
Contractor for building the line of rail-
way between Listowel and Wingham,
• intends commencing Operations next week.
Mr. Hermon is, now,enkaged maktng the
-final survey for the supose of estimat•
ing each landoWner' right of way, pre-
viouS to Purchase.
--- On the 4th lest, Mr. and Mrs.
David -Moreau- of London Ont., cele-
brated their Golden Wedding Day. They
were married in Sonthiv, old, on the 44th
of March-, 1872. There being then. no
minister of any cleuou+ation to Whom
they could Conveniently go to constitute
and declare --them one lin law, the cere-
.mony was pe'rforme by Squire &lathe vs,
, •
who ivas a relatiVe of their DWII. Only
— In order, to giv(i our readers an idea
of the kind of •arguthent used in railway'
campaigns, we copy, the following, from
the Kincardine Rev
gnage advocate. Al
porary does not vo
his narative, yet we
truth has been voile
the broad-guage cair
late contest in Sontl
follows : Yen
from Toronto to M
narrow guage, - -n the engine got
stuck in a suow drift. The driver ,com-
menced blow th whistle, and the in-
quisitive Yankee pi tting his head out of,
the window askec 'what that theiee
whistliug was abo t.' On being told
that it wee to driv
track he settled do
when presently th
snow drift, and th
the whistle. lip
rubbing his eyes at
I'll be • gel darned
up to them infernal old kcows again,' '
— The Official kszette of Satin:lay,
2nd. -ti.arch, contains a proclaniation in -
Canada to observe
as a day of General
the ree-overy of the
Ter50116 frefilliiIIZ at ft distance by leaving their sOme half dozen houses, and those of the
ew, a strong broad -
hough our contein-
ch. for the truth of
do not doubt but its
ed for many times by
paigners during the
Bruce. It reads as
ee was travelling
ant- Forest on the
Ainleyville stating style, may rely upon them comnitinest structrire, their constituted
the cater of Loudon. All roiled- was one
-ewes et the " Signal!' Book Store, Goderich, o -r, at
the "Expoaitor" oflice, Seaforth, or at J. L. Grant's • •
being welliimind. • , forest, -and. what Delve forms the business
All communications addressed to the undersign- part of the eity was quite a swarap.,
od, will receive prompt attention. i.
' At the anction sale of thorough bred
Constanc'e P. o., nunett -stoek of Mr. R. H t, of the township of
WILL be received by the imdersigned, up to $200, s 305, aid $310, reepectively. 'We
FRIDAY, the 15th day of MARCH next, for '
the Ereetion exf a New Brick SCHOOL -HOUSE in shOtild think that thorough bred stoolit
Blenheim, recently 'held, four of his cows
Were-sold4t the -following prices : $205,
the Icillage of Zurich, for School Section No. 7, raising must be profitable, lwhen cows wi 1
ContrItetors eau Tender for the whale work, on\ the .
brinz sea. prices as thes`e at an auction
Plans and Speeifications can he seen at the Post
Office in Zurich, at any time from this date. .„1,, •
p.m. on the 15th March next. The Trustees . do neeeting of the Preebytery
Tenders will be opened at Zurich, at ono o'clock, a—J, At a late
31faeon and Carpenter work may be lot separately.
-Tender. arm, 'Canada Pree:.byteriau Churcrhd,
•Winnx.km Cann -rein assembly, on the question of instrument-
enswer to the remit fromthe gene
mot bind themaelves to accept ,the lowest or any 'I' •
al aid in the public praise of God, it was
of letters an
easily does o
over anothe
collections s
womb of m
generous bo
Creeks did n
were erecte
that they w
first possess
Who these
is a matter
that `they w
j ourneying
on the bank
it is that th
tions of t
here at. the
et recorded memories, most
e wave of burned life sweep
obliterating all foriner re-
) a •
ve such as are lodged in the
uuds or preserved in the
om of mother earth. The
t claim that these tumuli
by them. They declared
re here when their ancestors
d themselves of the region.
athead mound builders were
for conjecture. It may be
re aecolony of the Natchez,
ither from the old.habitation
of the IVIississippi—certain
se tumuli antedate the tradi-
e Creeks, who were native
erica of the English coloni-
If there
more feared
it is that of
shunned by
have a ch
ters in whi
ed in the s
contagion i
ed as muc
infest our
recent dea
who sprin
on and mai
may clai
ship, if we
phrase to
even belie
some unde
ter, aidin
of his .abili
tainei ver
viting the people o
the 15bli of April,
Thanksgiving for
Prince ofWales.
--- The Weterlo
learn that the, fall
has :suffered seve
daring the. -mild
frosts durieg the
weeks. is fear
it is " in er kille
Zurich, Feb. 16, 1872.
granting liberty hi this matter -where
agreed by a vote of 16 to 3 to approve of
J. T. Wil LK I conereeations were unanimous, or nearly
a 80,' hi_ the desire for ,stich aid, the pewer
May bo consulted every MONDAY, at the
•• SEAFORTIL - 218
.of deciding to be Vested in the Presley-
, tery, in order to preserve the • peace and
harmony of the chnrch-
- The tra.ffic returns On the Toronto,
Grey and Bruce Railway. from Orange-
• ville station shoW e. steady increase
Agent for the Freehold Per nt Bailding and .19
'L.'• Queen's 'Bench, Insnran • d General Agent,
Ci. It. COOPER, Conveyancer, Commissioner in e:yealiThrpuaaeenetd.sinfg Itioroni ont,t4h;igeFyiolil-eF,eebrrou3a2r/y.
Savings Society of Toronto, 1. CiSe roles are as low 000 bushels of wheet.
as an4Compaey doing buainess in. Canada. Appli- i Jaraiary ; 2,000 buShelsaogfabluasrtley-8;Wgiu9nisilt
01.F.icipposite Ross' Tailor Shop,
• natio yor Loans promptly attended_ to.
.186-tf ' AINLEYV1LLE. 1 200 d 30 000 lbs. dressed hogs
a'gain'st a75,000'. The exportation of
W notice t
well and f vorably
and vici ity, and
Watei oo villag
intends iying u
leaving thet place
Mrs. Ches. J.
of Berlin, whose
IA England. settli
met with a sad
afternoon. She h.
stating that her
Brampton was a
She • started. ii
Preston Stage, 1)
Berlin, 4 front.
came off, the st
lady's left leg was
Chronicle regrets to
wheat in that section
ely from the thaws
lays and. the heavy
nights of the past
d that very much of
at Mr. David Potter,
knovvn'in this village
dm has been engaged
for some time past,
business there, and
bout the 1st of May.
Woodsend, a resident
usband is at present of into his
ig some family affairs, maintain, a
ccident last Monday man tvill ag
d. received a telegram with superi
other, who resides at have the be
• the point �f death.
mediately by the
t a little outside of
wheel • of the stage
ge ()versa, and the
caught in the door so
as to dare- the foo underneath the frame
of the sage. Boih. of the bones of the
lea. were broken itear the ankle and the
foot was much inj area.
he Slanderer.
one name en earth. whie• li is
and abhorred than another,
slanderer. It is everywhere
all who have a regard for
nd hi the society of the 1111-
oleratecl only as far as they
ck on his actions, whether
fear of physical violence or
of future favors—or in mat-
h they have no fear of the
s of his perfidy. Be is avoid-
reet or in the dwelling by the
• and shunned as if there was
his approach. He is respect -
as the hungry ghouls which
meteties and prey upon the
and putrid carcasses of. the
, or as the crouching panther
s from the covert, alighting
gling his unsuspectine
ere aro those -with wc'hom he
• kindred—nay, even friend -
may be permitted to use the
ard such, yet while he may
• his nefarious defamation of
ening fellow being's charac-
and serving them to the best
er—he is treated by his enter -
much after the faehion of one
who unwil ingly fondles an adder, know-
ing that hough such an action may se-
cure him t e. consummation of some fa-
vorite sch me, yet secretly shrinks from
the loatbs ene viper, and with shudder-
ing and isgust • awaits the moment,
when he e Teets, it will. do its endeevor
to fasten ts fangs in his neck. Slan-
derers ma be divided into two compre-
hensive cl. sses : Firstly—The petty slan-
derer of pi ivate gossip. Secondly—The
spiteful c
The firs
those who
among pr
who are
speak wit
most trivi
out depre
of -some i
under, dis
any mis
have befa
one are a
and refe
circle an
ever read
torign' e r
of all ki
of the
very hs
They ar
of the ne
ruined t
inan SOC
placed t
have ra
setond c
• who are
and co
• pravitv.
with a
any on
gee th
Dot hesi
. le
Miss Rye's Little Iniraigrants.
Youthful emigration to Canada has
certainly prospered under the judicioue
management of Miss Eye, whose name is
well known in connection with her phi-
lanthropic efforts to aid- friendless En-
glish girls. Miss Rye has little leisure
fekwriting such accounts of her Jabots
as Might satisfy the public as to the suc-
cess of her scheme ; but recently, she has
published a little sixpenny book, con- r.
twining letters from the -people who have
taken the young emigrants, as well
as from the emigrants themselves,
in. their new bellies, and these are of a _
-feature to awaken appreciative sympathy
ie her enterprise. About 460 little orph-
an girls, between the ages of nine and
thirteen, have been conveyed by Miss
Rye to Canada—and these were all in-
mates of the work -houses, or rescued
from the streets. The younger girls
have been adopted, or received as child. -
nurses or "helps," in different families ;
the eater ones have been accepted glaily
as servants, or have been apprenticed to
some business. It is a part of her sys-
tem that in no case the children 'shall be
committed to the care of any persons ex-
cept those whose position and known
character are agearantee of the good and.
kind treatnaent of -their charges. From
all accounts and, letters it appears that,
as a rule, the girls are obedient, apt, and
affectionate, giving great satisfaction to
their employers or adopted parents, aed
exceedingly gra.teful to Miss Rye. In-
deed; there seems to be an all-pervading
amazement and gratitude Telt among
them at the kind treatment they experir
ence. Most letters express their satis-
faction as to their food—a matter no
child esteems lightly. But where there
is a baby in the house their delight is
reat indeed. The "little baby"
ntly the object to which' their
earts are devoted. To then). a
id -life in the midst of a h.ortie
ily, is a new world, and a most
The Grant to the Wellington
Grey and Bruce' .
By the list of gi ants to railways recom-
inended. by the Cr.overnment it will be
seen that the mainline receives two
thousand dollars per .1:elle from the sec-
tion between Harriston and the Bruce
boundary, and the Arne SIM. thence to
Southampton. with the proviso that the
compa.ny shall re na one thousand dol-
lars per mile of the debentures of- the
county. It willbe noticed that the
Premier has . ma.1e no allusion to the
Southern Exten ion.' of the Wellington,
Grey and Bruc road, to the -Bruce
branch of the T onto, Grey and Bruce
road,- or to the London norrow-gauge.
The reason is that the developmente are
awaiting negotiations now pending.- I The
Government has inquired of the Wel-
lington. Grey an. Bruce Company wheth-
er �r rio will, in the event of aid being
granted to its'tzbuthern Extension, per-
mit the Torontd, Grey and Bruce Com-
pany to lay a third (ter it to Km-
cardine, .under on
ie equitable arrang
ment, and grant e-
he London, Huron and
Bruce road. run ing privileges from the
point of intersection of that road with
the Wellington, Grey and. Bruce to the
same terminal point; and negotiations
pt a style of argument whicb.
sily be turned against him -
8, &c.,
A Poort AIRCHA_N lc.
Seaforth, March 12, 1S72.
, est o -o.
Who Wdre the Mound. Builders?'
A correlpendent of the Macon (Ga.)
Telegraph and Messenger, in given an
account 9f the mounds near that city,
- Among the relics found in the, vicinity To th
of this old, artificially compressed. skull, corm&
there was a total absence of European. when
orna.me ts. • Here we have an interesting. comm
and designing slanderer or
named class are constitued of
e labors are chiefly carried on
vate ,and petty matters, but
unfortunately not altogether
o the "small fry" or kitchen
hey are those veho cannot
you a dozen sentences on the
lmatter of conversation, with-
a.tingly introducing the name
dividual foreigu to the matter
ussion ;• who on the mention of
ap or depredation eihich may
len or been Committed by any
ways ready -with an example
ence ; who are continually
isgust and broil in the family
social relations ; whose ear•ie
for the collection and whose
dy for the diffusion of slandei
ids from that concerning the
courtship in the parlor to that
susiness transaction of the
hose, although often an inten-
armless sect, are nevertheless a
greeable and troublesome one.
-often, through their ignorance
s of the day. led to talk of and
trivial occurrences—which has
• e prospects of many a business
ially and pecuniarily --and has
ie bonds of discord on many
whose lives would otherwise'
• smoothly on together. The
ass are those of a deeper dye—
more enlightened and intelligent
sequently further gone in de -
They are generally tainted
orbid ambition approaching to
"and a spiteful feeling toward
who is favored in a greater de-.
n themselves, and who would'
ate to use unlawful means for
the cart T ciy, ying out of their malignant de-
signs, NV
the la
They w
all wh
their di
ness an
ts evid
real ch
and fa
admirab e morel change it effects, after
the 'demoralizing atmosphere of the.
streets nd the work -house. A speci-binen
of lies simple letters may interest our
readers c: •
"1 have a kind mietress and master, and I have
a very good home, and I have it little baby -boy b.ve
months old to nurse, and Hike him. very well...-
Dear Miss Rye, I do not Inaow how to shdw my
love toward. you - ..My teacher is very kind to inc,
and 1 has.been. to visit her and he ba a given Me
plenty of fruit." - •
Another, saying she has a good. home
and plenty of every thing, adds :
"Please to accept this 25 cents part of my first
"My mistress and Matter are Both very -Kind
and we have got 41 wery pretty little BaBy how is
the little 13a13v that was at Nithere (Niagara.) when
i Titill as ishoUld like to blow.
A playfulehorse in. ove ,
Connectiout, the other day bit a gentle-
man's ear oit.
--Six hundred bags of mail matter ar-
rived at San Francisco from the East on
Tuesday, Feb: 90. •
--A Kansas City genius has invented
a flying machine, by which he intends to
take an overland journey •to San Fran-
— A foolish Bridgeport man spent
about ninety dollars for prize package -
candy, and drew sixteen or seventeen.
dollars in specie.
— A cheerful .giver put the following
note in a pair of pantaloons sent to the
Michigan sufferers : " There, take 'esn. ;
• last pair I've got; don't get burned. out
— The Abbe Auguste -Joseph -Alphonse
Gratry, the lastof the recusant ecclesi-
astics to submit to the •doctrine of ins
fallibility, died in Switzerland. en on the 5th
of February.
___ The dapanese Embassy presented to
Captain C. E. McDonald, of, the San
Francisco Cadets, a handsome gold Medal,
set with diamonds, as a mark of their ap-
preciation of the excellency 'of his com-
ere it not fer the. strong arm of
and force of public opinion.
11 exert their endeavors to injure
itt any way have fallen under
pleasure, so long as their mean-
perfid yean be concealed. Their
action is anonymous from the
slander in the columns of the prep to
that of the private letter. Their whole
passions are ignoble, so that on the
smailee subject of eXciternent they will
not hes tate to vilify their truest friends
or abus the wife of their bosora—their
whole fe is but for self, yet they make
it a mi ery to themselves as well as their
fellows These two classes can be made
to COM rise all the slanders with which
the wo Id is afflicted, but time and space
?revels s us from presenting the various
oracles of each of the above classes. It
has be n said that were it not for evil
man ould be left without a criterion
for th . judgment and appreciation •of
• demonstration of the fact that these
ancient' tumuli were, in turn, used by
tribes who perhaps had no knowledge the
one of the ether. The flattened and dis-
torted skull belongs to the mound -build-
ing people, to whose industry the erec-
tion of these tumuli is to be attributed.
It was in perpetuation and in honor of Brow
such primal sculpture • that this mound soon
was heaped up. In the course of time wher
these sepulchral and temple Structures, stop
• abandoned of their owners, passed into
the hand of other and 'later red races, if
who buried their dead upon the superior that
your 1
cold s
surfaceand along the slopes of these
ancient 'tumuli, having at the time, per-
chance 'no personal acquaintance with,
and frequently not even a distinct tradi-
tion of he people to whose erection
these evidences of eaily constructive
east t
were attributable. In the absence mon
— A manarriving home at a late hour -
a little worse for too much supper, and
hatless and coatleas, was asked by his .
indignant spouse " Where's your hat
and coat "Sent 'em, my dear (laic),
to the Chicago sufferers."
A lady school teacher in Wisconsin,
whose school house etands a few feet
from the railroad track, allows the school
a five minutes' recess every time a
tram of ears passes the door. She evi-
dently wishes to reduce •the number of *
her scholars.
— The Greenwich Reporter has the
following item:m
"If the young an -(?)
who resides -with his mother in Calamus
Swamp, and drags her about by the hair
and beats her in a shameful Timmer,
don't stop it the authorities will be after
him." •
--A MichiganJournalistileclared.in his
paper that a rival editor had seven -toes.
The rival editor thereupon came out ill a
double leaded article, in which he de-
nounced the statement as untruthful, and.
declared that the author of it was a liar
and a scoundrel." The first journalist
Thus a ba.se, •deceitful and. Blatt- I replied that hedid not for a moment wish
criterion by which to judge a these toes were on one foot. Andnow the
utspoken, and true -hearted friend.
se who dislike to have their names
ted with slanders, we would say,
a person shoWs himself ready to
nicate every theine of gossip and.
personal iniperfection of his ac-
ances, shun him as you wpuld the
, or you will have reason to regret
• discretion --give him always the
milder and a deaf ear, and if he in-
n being heard, hear him and let it
here. In the langua.ge MProf.
" The evils of slander would
• e overcome if OD such. matters
you centa.._ot 'stop others' mouths,
•our own ear.'"
J. 0.
you are troubled with spectacles
akes your eyes pain and ache you,
em aside as you would poison, and
tute those beautiful spectacles of
• 8, Morris & CO's.. You will be
sea and delighted at the improve -
and rescue your sight from the
n dreadful effects of wearing com-
enemy, furnishes us wit• h an ex- to have it understood that all seven. of
rival editor a,sks his readers, f"Are these
subjects which ought to be discussed in
organs whose duty it is to mould public
BADLY OFF. ---A New York mercantile
house held RH unsettled claim of long -
standing against a lame duek "out
West," and. hearing that he was "well to
do," sent their claim on to a Western
lawyer to collect; in due tune they re-
ceived a reply which effectually extin-
guished any hope they may have enter-
tained of receiving their money. It ran
thus ; "Gents,—Yea will never get any
spond.nlicks from Bill Johnsen. The
undersigned called upon him yesterday, _
and found him -with nary a tile, his feet
ufson the naked earth, and not -clothes
enough upon him to wad a gnu',"
On Tuesday t last, a student in
Knox's College Toronto, named Lahore,
died while kneeling in prayer in his room.
The cause of his sudden death has -not
been ascertained. -