HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-08, Page 8PROSPECT '.ARCM. 8, 1872. • ' H HOT:to-N.-gxposTrorti STA T IiAR . at ae present -Rra ble Spring g weatli tarts both fart er and mechanic ing timely preparations for the e tt1 • NY• era ar. WILLIAMS ig their I'; tronsfor the rib., rtt4eTttragemeztt accorded•h t . em in the €ctttici un tii<tlly . invite the att Farmers to their e4rei e assortmen•t,01 ifarvesting llacrhines for 187 12 Our Okla Combined Mired Jtacililte, with Johnson's Improved Self,31ake.1,4 complete satisfaction i� en ccnulp 4 s t, torr .for the pmt trwf* yearyearsi and is now offered- .. to the public with the strongest guarantee fits durability and. perfect work. We Cayuga. yuga Chief, Jr , � ' eery hich has gained for itself a_wo Idee7ide repat. tinii is main offered as he most durable, handy and best working- Mower known, being constructed lathe body of the machine entirely of iron and steel} sad with it we . defy competition. . l.00fer the Jctrtxs rt s 4eTt .Pa r tg Single Reaper, which took #fret and second prizes. atPro,. Vinei•tl Exhibition, 1&7 0. This reaper is- ackno=wledged to be superior to any other patternnow in use, as it cutsperfectly, takes rip lodged or tangled grain betty than any Wier rake or reel nlachuie, aac cute equally 'well from either sided the iiem when wind is strong freni: any di- rection, tion, .can be raised or lowered when in motion and is very Curable.. We invite inspection of our machines•= and mode of manufacturing by par- chasers before giving orders elsewhere- We lsewhere„We guarantee satisfaction in every. rna- chine,. or no sake. • TERMS.ASY.. The agriculturalists of Perth and ad:- joining d-joi ing counties will not (we believe) be so blind to their .own interests as to give their orders: to shops more. than. IO0 miles east, when there are first-olasa works in their Midst, building largely the best machines, equal 'to any of the same machines made in, the Province. Call and see us, -send in your orders . by mail, or deal with our agents, as in every case you will get a perfect uia- ' chine, and on the earee tering as your neighbor Our principles of business. and prices being established and Uni- form. All other kinds of implements con- stantly on hen STEAM-ENGINES BUILT,. And all kinds of MILL W ORI% done promptly.. Address THOMSO T ci, WILLI LMS,. MITCHpki ,L, 130 -cat Ontario - CUTTERS. TTE • The best made, most stylish, most durable, and' cheapeatttt X TyL r y T r (`C.-TT+E/R/:t'(,, //FgP{{L/,EAs/S'UR�/:{T }C. /C� .4iEM VfElA T (?CT2'.{JL�', •c., Manufactured at McINTO' If & MORRISON'S Carriage Factory, Main -street, Seaforth. 2k(t.1 OLIVE .119 SIGN of THE au, r cy rt • SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment Of light and heaYy'' lrarres.s,whips, bells, horse clothing, etc, .kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, `and charges moderate:. Remember the place F' !sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, $eaforth. 1 tr 3tf W. H. OLIVER. SEA.1`ORTII QUEEN. su rance COM, pallY OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. 'CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterlillg ,Cr . E t'rri :F f 4`r'7E'I; +-- Queen Buildings, Liver - ,poo uer-p€,ol, And G r acechurch Street, London, , 'aNait i IiI t tet (}FFwE- Exchange Buildings, Montreal. a ran Wm. Orton, Esq., , Chl.Irwanf lltiiry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance Esta., andthe Hon. James .Ferrier. -BANKt 1:> lfitl$o1i's .frank. LB e 1. ADV i:-r:it- - Messrs. Ritchie, ;orris t ; ho=se. :t:tat'AI, A 'tv Sutherland, F cl. _ . D. `lift moot -Thelma S. Scott, Esq. At'tn t'or - `l`lioiii:t:, It. Johnson, Esq.• ! E:sinEN'1` : t:rt:ETAR AND .*I` l sr e.' '. r,- A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 -St. - aeremen't Street, Montreal. 'rue nn ltrai neE1 having been appotu` ` c tl Agent fur the abut. C'oIIrtralr)•', pies desiring tc insure a=gainst Less by fire can ,let :.et on the most favourable terms. Life- Policies .,h4.uted on as advantage z ire torus as ant • other respectable COU any doime busi':reess in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON,g c'L--BENSON & MEYER'S Law Office, Seatorth- .1 Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. Iva-tf -` The Lei `er` Match. The invention of our present itic fermatch was great because it; was so small, and it 'now turns out , that the production of this most 'useful, hitt at the sante time most danger nus firework, was nue to a happy thought which -flashed through the brain of Mr. Isaac Hoiden, who so terms the idea in his evidence before the patent committee. Mr. Holden had to rise, at four in the morning toursue hi,� studies in chemistry, P � , and e xperienced tire gravest incon- venieece from his' tedious efforts,- to obtain a light from 'flint Stud steel. Be Ncets lectures at this time to a very large academy. iy. He goes on to say : Of l oom:se, I knew, ;as other chemists diel,, the explosive material that was necessary in order - to produce inst lntaneous light ; but it was very. cliflcul t to obtain a light on wood by th tt explosive material, and the idea occurred to me to put rider the t <plosivemixture sul- phur. 1 did that, and published it in my next lecture, and showed it. There. was a young man in the ronin whose father was a chemist in Lon- don, and he immediately wrote to. his father about it, and shortly after- ward l ttcifE:'r matches were issued to the world."---/ «r?l Jfall: Grazette.. EngiI h ;ortiBcaticns. Spithead pis to be fortified With a set of iron forts made to order at Manchester, and transferred,by.rail to their permanent sites on the south_ coast of. England, They bill of lad- ing for the firstt installment of this immense freight weighs in-- gross about -2,400 tons, and is merely 'the skeleton framework of . ;one of the larger torts. Of course, railway managers are well pleased with such. Little. Government jobs, and contem- plate the transportation of the iron plating with unalloyed satisfaction: The larger forts, -of which 'there are to be two,: are 200 feet in diameter;. being, in fact, two-story stationary turrets, braced, countereraced, root-. .ed in., the most absolutely imperv- ious manner which the Royal Engi- neers can devise; The exterior: armor will consist of three thickness- -es of five -inch plates, five inches apart, the space between them. be- ing filled with concrete, and the wholewhole backed by perpeirdlctilar iron bars from eight to twelve inches -thick. The fort without the arta am-ent will. cost about 4900,000, a, mere bagatelle .when the impreg nability is taken into account or when it is corlr_psred with the indi- ieCt AZabetnia claims of America. The armament of this fort will'con- -sist of forty-nine 10 a.ncl 12 inch guns, mounted and equipped in the, most perfect 'manner known to 'arti Ierists, or; at least' to the, British or dnance service. , That a ring of nearly=' -solid wrought iron, some. three feet thick, should be practital- ly projectile -proof, we can readily' believe ; but it seems an enoririous amount of money to spend in forti- fying a channel which no foreign fleet would ever attempt to pass -even with its present defenses ; and we wonder what the antigtir aria ns of the futtre, say Lord Macaulay's New Zealander, for instance, will makeof these structures when they - are discovpred under some geologi- cal formation toward tIte close of the mlleniurn. . i•♦ Tirey come from all parts of the coun- try to get a clpllar's worth (\)f Frank Pal- . tridgeis photographs and are highly satis- fied. Only $1 per dozen. • Scott's Block, Seaforth. •-At the Great Western depot 'at Windsor On Wednesday morning last, a .raayy going West t dropped her ,pockett- Uok, containing no less than value for about $15,000, in bonds, mites and bills, and. -being immediately found by a little ragged. boy (one of the family of a widow mother), Was handed to the owner, who "hardsorzely" rewarded the finder With "two scraps of scrip," the value of which, in our more _ solid and valuable 'currency, was found to be about. 174 .cents. Her Majesty the Queen has been pleased to grant Mrs. Scales, the wife of .John Scales, a carter of. Toronto, the,sum of three guineas, on the occasion of the birth of triplets, which interesting event took place last January.: This, we be- lieve, is the first occasionin which. this English Royal custom has been followed inr Canada. • -The Quebec Government are send- ing out Mr. J. H. O'Neill, barrister,- of Quebec, and Mr. James Whyte, of Comp- ton, as Emigration Commissioners, the former to Ireland, and the latter to. Eng- land. - • -- Scarlet fever is prevalent in Goder lel.: Several deaths have recently . oc- curred. The disease prevails principally among children. PRO BONO PUBLICO. WATCHES & JEWELRY M. R. COUNTER AS 'sift: ireeeived a very choice and superior stook of jewelry of every description ; also, `QO k i, 'Watches and Musical Instruments. A choice lot of Violins, also Violin Strings in utPI variety. Every description of Watches, ''.h and Jewelry repaired, end warranted to give faiisf4eti. It is needless to say more, as .Conn - "mil well enough known in the County of H'arcu. P A.RTICULAR NOTICE. nap nLot of • SRAIttLS,' AL:A.TLES, GQQDS hit h b,:; anxious to S11,1 Off, at Cost, • I� S, BEL€)W DOST; 1 Or any rettsoneble price that a customer may off ► Therefore, Ladies, y-ou will please cull at .the Manchester, . Rouse a MAIN S` R EET, Spon, and get your pride of the Goods biforc they arta ail sold. . Seaforth, .Tali pb,181. 190 FI P O R t A. N .•'i TO. J4'O USE1t<' E E ERS 000D " FLOUR 1 • AT ALL .TIMES._ VI. A. SHEARS &hz.& . CO., Proprietors of the EAT:FtL]f T0Rchfl A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. SEL4IN, OFF, at and. undo COST. MILLINERY. NIIFS A. FRWIN, Seaforth, in order to riiakr3 room for au c=xteatitind •e haof Sununu Goods, :has 4efumeucc.tl tttt infix her W me r Stook of 111L7al l:lty, tit staid under Cosi. This Sale will kat only about Kix N.Ve tsks so that all ir1,o \rant real Bargaius inIILLIN RY of all Linde, Zti, \Fonitl do Well to call early at they z ay hate a good chap!. RE D TH. FOLLOWING LIST. .OF PRICES. i)BES3 OAPS, $0 75 LADIES' TRAMMED ED IIATS, ..:. 0 4!) CHILDREN'S TRI3S1M +'p HATS, :. > .. , 0 t> 4.1 LADIES' TRIMM.ED. I OWNETtS, . 1 00 And other (=ood, proportionately cheap. LThu Stoelt is all nen and iu good order. Also, on hand, tt number of MADAME BRIGGS' IMPROVED DIAGRA. I, FOR °LIT`f'6NG CIJILl BEN'S:DRESSES, BASQUES, BOYS' `COATS; ETC. Price fur each Diagram, with full Instructions, cI 50. 't LADIES' AND Of every description, ]rept constantly on hand. Kidd Gloves and Ostr'ch Feathers cleated and nurae_ae good as ue-w for Fifteen Ceutt. ,STO1ILS,-1'irst door North if I es:Tna'', Hover,. mut" " centre store McGr nts' flute; second North of the Station. ' t SE AFOIITH, Feb. 28, 1872. A. ERWIN. door 220 SEAEORTFI MILLS ! And b r so o Are now Manufacturing the',,best I' t'17 1 L IT ,s" f' t Y 1?LO E -Rs In the Dominion. Intending purchasers in Seaforth ;tucltvicizzity can rely upon getting our Fancily itzlci Pastry Flours from the following Dealers; ONLY :-Thus. M. strong, were) \ ;'alsi , jetties' C. Laidlaw, Alex. Ault, Thomas Aida. d..MeGiuuis, William Ault, G. & I1: Jackson, and W. `2horapson, Egnionclville, and at the Seaforth MilLe. Orders left at our office, Market Sanare, will receive prompt attention. • Farmers desiring to -exchange thein Wheat `; for Flocs, at the Mill, may always rely neon getting oui best Family oz Pastry Flour u- exchange, in quantities accorciiing to the vulue ' their wheat. • W. A. SII +, ARSON & CO, 18441. 11LOER F i3OI I.TTA\' 1.fi G purchased and thoroughly refittedthe sni]Is formerly o*net1 by the itfossrs. SOOBIE, 1 am now prepared to Ruttish FAMILY FLOUR; Second to NONE IN SEAPORTH, And that 'will Compare favorably with any 'in the Do- minion, If you want A 1 IFIJOER, go to the following Detklers unci askfor MARSHALL'S -Remember A Rsxar,t,'S PLoUR: . . W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESI DE, SIMON PO WELL, t' JOHN CA VAN AGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON will be promptly attended to. _ Parties who wish to ' Exchange Wheat for .Flour; Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an arti- cle that will defy competition.• W. MARSHA T,L 186-tf REMOVED. REMOVED. M. ROBERTSON et -maker and Undertaker, :HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to • JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, . Main -street, Seaforth, • Where he has on hand a superior stock of Furni•• ture of every description.; CALL AND SEE LT a t UNbERTAIING. H>tving purchased Mr. Thomas Bell's HEARSE, I am prepared to -attend funerals en the shortest notice, either in town or country. ., • Coffins, All Sizes, ltept constantly on hand. SHROUDS ! SHROUDS ! M ROBERTSON, CABINET lerA1 li;R AND UNDERTAKER, Johnson's 'Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now oh hand a good assortment:ofr sHR,orn s Which- he can furnish cheaper then they can be got elsewhere. ! . 205 DANIEL McGR1E.GOR,. Bookbinder; Hullgtt,' Ti -As .just received a large Stook Of the materials used in the business, and is new folly prepar- ed to exeonte, on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders ho may b, favoured with. REGISTERS, LEDGERS St BLANK .BOOBS, OF ANY KIND, Ruled, Printed and made to order, on the shortest notice, and at prices which defy competition. .cubes'. Work foxes' & Jany' Cases Made to order. 'OLD AND NEW BOOKS Sound -and repaired -at city prices. Persons' residing at ar distance by leavinir their books at the "Signal" Book Store, {lodericlz, or, at the "Expositor" office Seaforth, or at J. B. Grant's Ainleyville, stating style, may iy upon them being well bound. AU communications addressed t ed, will receive prompt 'attention. DANIEL McGB GOB, • ' Conetaun.. P. 0., Hullett • the' undersign- �•. P.:Bt�i11� jICENSED AUCTIONEER fort the County of Htu+O Sales attended in ell parts of the Countz7. All orders leftlat Tun FilLPOSITOIi Office will be promptly attended to. 198_. P AN 1 REAP!: doing you will ascertain that you can purchase every description of OOTS AND SHOES At PricesIthat defy Competition. N. B.-1So aZvanee put on goods on account of the rise on stock, 215 EGM NDVILLE HOMSOlik,\ . (Let of Seafortle) T.TAS received a fresh supply of Choice Family Fine -flavored Teas, of various varie Also, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Fish, TOBACCO S, Biscuits and every other article m the Grocery line, ell of which he will sell at pricee as low UM can be had et Seaforth in any House in the County. -BUTTER AND EGGS taken in exchahge for go ds as cash. FLOUR !AND of every description, kept constintly on hand, in- cluding Shearson & Co 's No I. A. call is respectfully solicited. REMEMBER BRICK STORE, LOGAN'S! OLD STAND. 200 Pair Men's Boots 170 Pair Womeri.'S Boots, Worth $1 75 for $i 60, aod A Job Lot of Girls' Boots, For 75c. worth 1 25. Also, a doh Lot LADIES' JA Suitable for Spring, at KETS, their value. At the SIGN of the BLACK BEAR. A. G. McDOTTGALL. CORN COBS. I quantity of CORN COBS, delivered in Sea - forth, for which Cash will be paid. Apply to PUBLIC 'NOTICE. RIJMOR having I been spread throughout the Northern Townships and o places that I had left Seaforth, I thank it no hiug but right, in juatice te myself, to -inform my ld customers that I am. still in my Old Stand, wh I intend to re- main, and ahall be always ha y to see my old friends and as manyinew ones please to call, wowing them that they will t with the same hospitality as heretofore. AS FOSTER. eal oral, Feb. 2416.72. TII° 1110 Fellows' Syrup. GREAT SHOSTIONEE'S REMEJI?Y. ALLEN'S LUNG BAL4A1VI. CLAHR'S FEMALE PILLS. A FRESH SUPPLY Of the above Celebrated Patent Medicines R. LUMSDEN'S CORNER DRUG STORE, SEAFORTH, Also, 1 CELEBRATED "SPICE," For Fattening Cattle. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail. 215 STEAM TO LIVERPOO4 LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW, BY THE ALLAN LINE, Every Saturday from Portland during Winter, and from Quebec during Summer. Tho First Class Clyde built Iron Steamships of this nue, carrying the Canadian and United States Mails, -will be deepatched from Portland for Liver- pool, calling at Derry, as follows ISCANDINATT le;, Feb. 17. HIBERNIAN, Feb. 24. MORAVIAN, March. 2. SARMATIAN, March 9. AUSTRIAN, March. 16. NESTORIAN, March 28. Rates of Passage as low as by any First Class Mail Line. . To PERSONS Wrsacneo To Simi Fon Fuxnwos.- Through booking arrangements have been made by which persons wishing to bring out their friends can obtain passage eertificates loWest rates from England, Ireland or Scotland, to any railway sta- tion in Canada or the Ltnited States. The first steamships for Quebee will be despatch-, ed from Liverpeol, (calling at Derry) about the 25th of April, and from -Glasgow, (calling at Singstown) about the 23rd of April. The steam,thips of the Allan Line come direct to the railway isharf - at Point Levi (South Quebec.). The baggage is checked through to destination free of charge, and passengers are forwarded on at once, thereby avoiding all incidental expenses. For Tickets and any further particulars, apply to At G. T. Railway Station, Seafortb.. 220.6 MOULDING & PAPER THE undersigned has on hand a splendid lot of ROSEWOOD AND GILT IVIOTTLDING. Also, n Fine Lot of Straw WRAPPING PAPER, FOR SALE, CHEAP. No Main Street, Seaforth. ie the time to buy as it is on the rise. C.. ASMSTRONGt 221. 1 .41 tri 0 CD 0 0 0 esi INJOSNHOP Ieed aed 4,4 mum aaa eeeei 110 Ldut qa ees ttp .04 401 1.24 teemed • THE OSBORN GUELPH SEWINQ MACHINE CO. ct Lock -Stitch SetiVing Thousands throng -bent Canada are - new using these machines. They have been tested beyond all question, Melte the fatorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and. are 'pr nonneed superior to any other machine offered the public.. For , wide range of _ work, perfeetiorr, beauty and excellence of methanisme adaptability, strength and durability, az- Improvements have lately been Made, enabling the manufacturers to claim. it as the ne phis ultra of Sewing nmehines, Hundreds of testimonials are ,being received daily from_ old. as well as new operators attesting its -wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of &- rustle sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leathera GUARANTBSD TO BD AS =MESE/Imp,' SALE, 'WARRANTED FOR l'IIREE YEARS. readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged. for ma- chines doing -a like range' of work, the manufacturers being determined to place it within: the reach of every fantily in the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE Will con- vince all that our machiLes are un - THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-emipeotly the best Single -Thread. Machine offered to the public -hence its marvelous success Will do allvarieties Hand. Machine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle do., $17. e,ar Each -machine WA zents wanted everywilere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING hifiCHIlit CO., GUELPH, . CANA DA. I Stitch in Time saves 9 yon want to get the best Family Setving Machine in the Province of Ontario, go to Who is Agent for the celebrated. - SEWING MAO UTNE. N. D. -Sewing INIachine Needles of all Made, always .kept on hand for sale. Also, AGENT FOR E. R SHOREY/S ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES -WRINGER. Office at Miss Minin's Fashionable Drese-xnakhee Establisinnent, directly opposite the Post Office, Wroretm 219 J. W. FULLERTON (FORMERLY Or OLINTON,) WELL known to the people of Seaforth. 4124 smrounding country as the DOMINIOla LANDSCAPE ARTIST. -wishes to notify the people of Seaforth that he has commenced Busi- nets in. the PORTRAIT LINE - First door Wese of Xr.lsamsdenie Drug Store. My Imig -experience in the art embles me to give entire satisfaction to ail who may favor.me with. n trial. The latest style of Pictures can be obtained. Children taken from 10 a. m. to 2 p!. BRING THEM ALONG.. Young persons wishing to learn the art vrould do 'Well to come to me, as I can give them my expo. rience of over eleven years. 217 • Seaforth. My poor' dear old c Together our yo Ten years I b Not Socrates me Fresh trials should Though threadb Like rae 'with Ishii° 0,1et us not part The first time I wo And round me of My birthday it was They made you t Onr poverty telling .Could never their Though you have gr 0, let us not part I care not who po To me 'tis a swe Pretending one eve I failed from her She tore you and t I etay'd that the You took I'rememb 0, let us not part Of amber or musk Se.y when had yo In a Minister's anti Exposed to his While others for With me they ha Your button -hole's 0, let us not part At "The Clothing time ago, 'Twas Spring tim The Primrose and C Like them ,you'v But when thie time I know where to go And to prove me af A TN STREET at do not fail me I pray ; th we've outran, shed you myself oviiry day; ate have in store for your cloth e resist to the end; ophy baffle her wrath, my old friend 1 .0 you how well I recall, mrades the throng; and so gay were we all, e theme of a song. f honor unsold. vision offend; wn shabby they've never grown nay.old friend 1' tO the darn on your skirt, souvenir • g Lisede to desert, rme to get clear. n as she vow'd was but fair, ea she might mend. • r, two days to repair, my old Mend 1'.- r such petfumes unclean, cause to complain ? room when were you seen, key's disdain ? bons were cringing to Power, ne'cr to contend.. raporime I bought you _a long , the skies they were bble ; °cue, Just peep'd o'er the snow, been faithful and true; mes, to lay you safe by, has come to an end; to, a New Coat to buy, other good friend. NDERSON hant SEAFORTH.- 220 • Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YOUNG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER? Norma -Any mean sending the answer to ,the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTEC, within the nextthirty days, will re - a pair of their superior new pattern 'Eye Glasses. D. MeN.A.UGHT TOULD respectfully intimate to the V V inhabitants ef Seaforth and vicin- ity, that he now carries on business at his NEW SZLOP, in rear of Killoran specially, promptly attended to. ;a -Terms reasonable. BOY WANTED,. "WANTED, immediately, at TEE Exnosinon T Office, a good steady boy as an Apprentir. to the Printihg business;