HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-08, Page 7• • • • 0 •F ' fa; immineimmamiimesgesiego Sketches m tie British liouNe of. dothitionat. C• reit HLTRON EXPOSITOR Iwas present the other. 'night 'when Gladstone made his great bid for pop-Wm:4 • oy i deneuncipI the American claims fOr " conseq4ential daimages." .As thl pett.dli hoe Pretty • . . , nearly set this countty an a. Nine 1 nay. eek. a little of your space 'fie ttle-: -Seribe'Ithe si eetith, the debare, and the sekine. The lIeueet wa 6rowq- . ed tot'excess; for everybody !knew• that Disraeli would dye* °IA the government on the'subject and that Gladstone wirald say something Along. • biss.a.m. ...- . Diaraeli-lec: off His speech was immensely clever. "It had, a -fine I show of rattriotisen about it, and -of unselfish -readiness to kupporb the government Ifer the sake of the country, while all the time it con- _ tanned to throw the .Whole blame of .everythAng on the Governnient and . , especially on ;Gladstone.. The man- -ner of the speech was of course e)C-. Cusable. i One must be well habitue . ated to Ole House of Commons' 1, style to 'en4.dre most a its _speakers, -and Disraeli's mannerisths ti atiscend those of ansbody else., He talks in --.a sepulchral voice, something like .thart of an afflicted and lachrymose rave' n. -A., strarorer. «might faney _that he waS actually beginning to cry. He 'groans and croaks opt Ilia- -woids ad seems to drag -them up from the very pat of bis stomach. He stammers arid° boggles and halts •at irregular intervals in the Middle 'of eveay sentence, and interjects * . -that odious "aw, 'it:iv,' which Eng- :lish speakers ken', una.ble to get rid -of. _ Iiis gestures are angular, con- strained and awkward. . When he becomes veheinent he is turgid ; when he is solemn he oute-oane the • Bev. Mr. Stiggins. I have heard a • few public* speakers in -various eorm- tries an my time, and I hereby re- cord my former eleclaratiort that the ruantier of the Right Hon. Beejam- _ • m Disraeli •is , -the mast utter] de- •:testable- that has ever • come u der nip- atotiee. *Ent for all tbat his ,speeali was very cieree, ingentorts, and effective, aiid Disraeliis a per - e feet- Imes ter of phrases, He never • speaks without bequeathing. some and agai in and out of the House /1)11 ' happy prase, to be (voted again House. Hespoke as he always does, stand- - jug 'beside - the table on which, the •'mace lies, and at the other side of , which _ sit the! Ministers. When, leaniis; across, the table as if he were about to lie- dOWn orrit, and looking straight at Gladstone, he announced that he was prepared to support the Government, lie coi“reyett, and of _Course meal] to convey the follow' ing impregsion : "I know that thi 1 is 'all your. fauft ; have pereonall the most utter contempt for you anc s all your colleagues ; I could. over t whelm you with shame, but for the . sake of the. country will actua,11 siiodue my-- feelings and £onseuv s to endure Irma .while this difficulty h c GLADSTONF,. •S •been Worn.. away. ' •He is Sometimes Infilcy, hoarse_ \and even harsh. . But the closing passages of his revic w o the 414anet. question were. ft 11 clf eenu.net- power aid impressivenes. . aud t ey tookthe Rouse immense]) Prob. lily you will . think the styl of th in • overwrongtlt and exttave b .0 -ant. But this was not the effec 'upon the ears of those who listene --even ofthose who, like myse (and there are some such), regarcle the speech as in thellighOt degre ill-tinled and mischievous./ Viwe, as a were piece of declamation, i was wonderfully artistic, for Mt Gladstone managed with rat e skill It Convey into it a manner as °lone wl' w,ashonestly restraining and reprel: sing 1.,..iS emotion—as of one what ardor would have led him to rift -defiance,,but whose self-control ,ei abled himete be content with a pr . test. Strange as it may seem to you, this was the effect produced. The - speech was made for the gallerie, h fin- tri Press, for the public, to an- ticipa e the Tories, to shew that the honor of -England and the Britieti Lion and the Union Jack and all the r st of the properties are foafe i -I the ha nds of a liberal ministry. BRIGH!11, • So we ar all on fire here jt -telt now. ' Oh 1 i- one hour of job Bright,- the Sohn Biight of the ol daysei-strong, calm, yesolute. ant, wise, Using that noble eloquence be- side .wlfich Gladstone's seerns mere glitter ,and Disraeli's mere wounte- balakery, in the interests of friendly co tinsel, •mod ration a ad peace. Brit it seems we were all a little prema 1 ture in expecting Bright's return t the House with the beginning o the session. He is not yet able t bear the - excitement ,of d-ebateant this will he -a very exciting session Later ontperhaps we shall see him. jiweat McCarthy,. ''i, 6 .Areete' Yor mat , ..r, ' • - . . Position Of. Partie in Englan Wh4t We find in papers arrive( , . by the. last two or three mails fro England would lead kis to believ ..that the Gladstone Goveininerit i really in imminent -danger, this vete session; of defeat on some issue tha may compel resignation.. The Con •servatiyes are preparing for eoutin genies, and many of that are de- termined to hurry Lord Derby to tbe front as there • party - leader, • though how Mr. Disraeli is to be deposed does not eeern very clear. - It is mitintained by some 'that Mr. Gladstone's, American opening of. Parliament, vas prolupted by the fear that Mr. Disraeli would he beforehand with iim. in defending 'British interests, nd that in this way he was led to ay things which Wray now ?Stand in he way of an amicable settlement.' As the.Landon correspondent of a New York - paper remarks, the de- ii•e to, show himself resolved made im .show himself violent. It is omplained that he did not under - bind' ow to state the English View ithont iMplying ethat the Atneri- 1 f e 1 •. 00 e r • Mr. Gladstone • was singularly :w mild; even. I:jun.1We, in his -reply! te- `-ward,s Disraeli: Ile put on the -Weak air of one: who' rather like4 to Hi be rebuked,,and believes it to be for b his spiritual good. There is a story! 0 told with great zest by one of -Mr.- R t G-ladstone's O-,vri • colleagues, te the- w effect that being one night in: the member's galhey, a.ncl near that pf:, the reporters, while Gladstone was-, declaiming in one of his saintly 1-3 strains, heheard a reporter ejaculaCe as if eneensciously, or as if he' a -couldn't help it, the word "Peck -e: W sniff !" For myself I believe Gllad- et stone to be a perfectly sincere and it an view must be insincere. The ery ilext day lie explained iway uch what he hid said,. but a ad effect Was produced, and, much f it .still remains. Liberal _ and. adical papers are talking in a style hielr'seerns to indicate their belief lot nothing but the bracing lair of pposition fora while will Suffice to ecall piefessed Liberal members of ornament to a sense of their duty the constituencies they represent, nd to a regard to the pledges given hen they were electedt The Edti- ition question appeais enough of self'to split up a very strung par - high -minded man, -hut his saintly t wor,ds of oratory are glecidedlv iiri ag He was sweetly sanctified se in his dealing with Disraeli, but he • to .flamed. up into anything but sanetity'l gr -when he came to talk of your Ala,. .bania,claims. It was really a splen-- th epeeitnen of that ornate and 1 eh .gorgeous kind of eloquence which is pecuhar • to Gladstone.- In the and in Ministerial ranks- any reemeiit on. this question does not eat .PoSsible. Journals favorable the Governme.nt . speak in the airest tone of I,be difficulties it has ow to encounter, and al together e impression is deepening that a ange mayalmost any day occur. opening passage of the speech the •_ ,HOuse a COM mOns mannerism and , tone-Iliere painfully apparent. Tice sing-eong cadence and the ' oddly !, laelnymosietrain like that . of .a (lei- i tainekind of pi-91101)er; were unpleas-, ant to hear. At one time riemeni-- 1 ber .1 'hardly understood .witin.t Charles Dickene used to mh mean wen lie detailed the Houee of OQIIIIDODS • tone as the lv-ora of au a%ctotiojas. .T4ert 1 used to attend the delete 'so regularl2,- that faniilierit'y prevented rne from observing the defects, 4b- senee of some yeas from • Etegland has lately converted . me into 'a. sOrt , of fresh and- strauge oheerver ; aidthis-hioe deofuneral tone iinpresSee reeN. tr yond •descril)tion. Why, -when. Sir' leundel Palmer last,' nie:lei eles proposiug the election -of •the new Speaker of the .K.011Se, evcaybody might have thought lie WAS A, ltiglu- brious ltethodist ereachete reedit* the burial sem-it:ie.?' 'PC return, ho*--, ever, to Gladstone. e idroPped the dolefurtone as he -warmed in his 1 • .. speech.t Yeas, however, have' tolld heavily on his '. le oice. It is no ng- er the wonderful org,an, swee strong, dear, like a clarion;that , 't • .imed to be. All the finer notes hav • • THE AGRICULTURAL MUTUAL ,37 4 ASSURANCE -A SSO CIATI OF CA) 'ADA i tr E WITZEIt re FLANNELS, 0 H 0 E-1 0 THRT TIES, 02. 02 mai r1 IN -c) soci-ra-r) MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DieoldnEs TBAT THE GA.RDNER SEWING MACHIN Is superior to any now in the Mark Haling been examined and. tried by the most skilful nieohaniesand judges the country can prod ce, and "ha' them awtuxled Prizes at all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year ; tuadaatbough all the leading )fitehinea wcie arrayed against it, the 6.)-.1111):TNIER PATE 'T has been declared • VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMP.ETITORS upon every text, and now stands foremost in•the rank of sewerg. .SEJ 71.` IKE 114,1-81.1! 01? 8 VOR . First Prize at Toronto. First. Prize at Loudon -the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph-- he great Central Fair.- First Prize at St. Catharines, County of Lincoln. Fii•st Prize at Chatham, Count of Kant. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Sim oe. .First Prize in Mono,?Clornity. of Peel. First Prize in Caledon Connty of Simeoe. First Prize at IN el- laudport, qoinity of Vellum'. First Pize Olterville, Comity of Oxford. Second Pnze at Provincial Ftdr, Kingston, Diplemn. itt Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautifal al)ecinieu ofnmehanical ab ta, n, a racily Canadian invention, suipa.ssiner iaksimplic*ty, durability, and usefulness air other Sewing Ifachine4how in the market aheth.er of Canadian, Americ n, or English manufacture. It wilfheni, cord, braid, .tuck, gather, quilt, tell. and do all and every kind of „Family Sewing and li ht alanahtetnring "Work, using all linula of thread- It has a most complete SLI 01 ATTACHMENTS 131:1"5: No OTI1h1R. If the price is a little higher than some others, it i's the cheapest in the e a. Semi or Ufro Jtrs ttnd SLn1pIeH. - GA.RDNER, SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT: P. S.-Intentliug purchasers should not be misled by unscrupulons agents of other Companies, w o Iteep Macltines they do not Sell, in a damaged state, to make capital for themselves. and examhui the Gardner before purchasing.. any other, at Wimaaat Gnassnes Wareroo s, Goderich-street, Sealorth. Agents wanted. 179-52 - PETER GRASSIE, Senforth. I I t.t_stij, aslisszt teinsfist tra111 1.:.er"..111.101101V2.55. DO YOU WANT CiEP BO(ATS. McINTYRE & 1V ain Street, Seaforth, I{on itttea a large stock. of Boots . and Silas Win h were purchased before the late rise in th 1--a- price of leather, amt.:which they. are now selling at cost price, in order to make room for their spring WA. Within the, past few weeks, boots and shoes have advanced in price at least ten per cent so that ourttoek being now sold et former cost pucean opportunity is offered for obtaining then hoots and shoes which will rarely mein• CUSTOM WORK attended to pi omptly. as formerly. t good fit, and first ulass article guarantee% Remember the place, first door south of 'John I.ogan s, and opposite W. ImitediNierTl tion Store. tniaill.u: 0 0 ITEAD OFFICE, 1,0NDON ONT • Litensed by the Demi-Mon Government. CAPITAL, FIRST OF* JAN C.ARY, 1871, 231,242 25, 'Cash and Cash Items, :•-72,289 55. This Company continnes to grew in the publie eonfehtnee. On the lst Janitary, 1s71, it lent in force. 8.1,544 l'ol ivies, having, during the year 1870. issued th.e 1X11ln&9i ilUil1b'i of 4310 -1...1-0` Farmers, patronize your osIt Company ilia( hug ttinti• such goott hervitt, all you. Por Ipsurnalc•c, apply to • ClIARLFS 3iORPOW ' 203 • Clinton' P. 0. NOTICE TO FAH POULTRY WANED. nl undersigned i now lirepar 41 to pay the Highest' Price, ii Cash, leurany q'nautiry oi good w 11 -dressed POULTRY Delivered at the Egg EmpariuM, Seaforth The Positly ixtv • . , .:107 ,ss all be drawn. D. p. WILSON, • TT -1E CIRCIT AR SAW • Cuts through all Opposition. ROBERTSON lc- CO Have just received a large and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated makes • ,UTLERY,. iii.CKOLITE AND OTHER SILVER-PLATED GOODS, TEA TRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, - Lightning and Turn -table Apple. Parers, Family should htive IMPROVED CHAMi'ION AND 'OTHER • • ,•SAWS, • STOCIii'S:.CELE13RATED EXTRA MACfINE. OIL Warranted the bcsliii nee. Z. airs for Abell's- Iatent (xicar and Horse Power,: Ana.. °von- other ort irle required hi the Ilmilwere Line-Sle lf Mid Heavy. JACK SCREWS 110 1 1.98' pARTIES DELIVE aDers' week- STS;N OP THE CIRC 'LAR SAW, MLK. MLK. wi5thing NEW MILK ran have ED AT iti.t.LR' RESIDENCES, • IN SEAFORTII, lay morning from date. • JOHN HABEIRE, North Road. 16, 187L 20. .RO,BERTSO,V (f. 6'0. REVOYAL OF ROSS'S HOTEL ANT) SfACE OFFICE. TH4 imbaeriber bee' to stnte that be ha.s ret- rained to the Building formerly twelipitsti by Air. N. Robertson as a Cabinet Factory, near tim Statical. whieli he has fitted up in a enitable man- ner for it Hotel. He invitee- all his old friends and custoiners to his new quarters where he will be happrto attend to their want. 15r:t-1ass, Stab- atd. large yard in connection. Pirtien going Northl will find it to their advantage to patronize Hotel.4 k, Ross's! Mail Line of Stages, whiejhrEtarts frRoon:,this 0.5 JUST- RECEIVED, A '2 THOMAS LEES, A CHOIPE STOCK OF FRESH FAMILY GROCRIES, comprising TEAS, SUGARS, - COFFEES, CUIll.AiNTS, RAiSIS, SOAP, TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc., All of which he can afford to sta as cheep as any in the town. TEAS FROM 50 cents TO $1, And warranted to give satisfaction to all. SHEARSON & CO.'S. • No. 1 Flour and Feed, Of every description constan tly on hand. And PROVISIONS Of all kinds to behad at the lowest possible rates. SiMpson's Spice, tbe best Condition Powder for Farm Stock in use. Farmers, try it. - The highest price given for Farm Produte of all kinds. VE' Remember the place, SHEA1 & CO.'S OLD STAND, West Side, Main -street, SEAFORTII, Out. THOMA8 LEE. SEAFORTH • PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR,, --LAND-- BLIND FACORY. 1 THE subscriber begs leave to thenk his ninnerons enstomers for the liberal patronage 'extended to him since cmumencing. business in Seaforth, and -trusts that lie may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a, °a]]; as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUIVBER - 14A.SIKES, DOORS,BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class worlonen are, employed. -Ls Particular attention paid to CiiStom Planing. • 201 JOHN II. BROA.DFOOT. DO YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING NICE? T11031 -A 15 I3.ELL, - Main-strelrSeaforth, Can show you somethifii .4rth lookhig at in the FURNITURE line. He has just reeeived a large quantity of NEW FUSNI'rUI-LE Of every description, which; for CHEAPNESS, 17 • BEA UT and. (2/TALI-TT, Is really worth going to see. Warerooins- OppoSite Robertson's Hardware Store. 217 STOVES, TINWARE AND • COAL OIL. 1BS.W HITNEY has just received a large stoek of c.".00king, Parlor and Ilox Stoves, of the best manufacture, which she can sell as cheap es any in the trade. • TIN.41111.4.7., of every desexiplion, kept conetantly on bandana. made to order. Also; Stove Pipes, Lave Troughing, etc. finstola-w9rk promptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attntion. t°h-ir•° A large stoc oft-tla t,t4-rlrA' hestCkeal Oil kept stantly cn- on hand, and will be sold 'wholsale and retail. Remember the place, Carinichaers Blork, Main stret. Sestfort h. Partieu indebted by note or book account are re quested to :fettle immediately. Lags, ohl iron, brass, coppe, etc. taken in exchange for goods. FELLOW'S HYPOPI:10SPIIITES, A MONGST the cliseases overcome bv th irs' of Fellows Conneeind Syrup of Hypophophies. are Constipation Athma, Consumption, Layngit- 1 i I'cervous Dbiiit, Dyspepsia, Chronic 33ronehit- is, C'hrernic Aielancholy, rwilt- ing, from Typhoid anti ether low fever, 15iplitheiitie 1' °stn.:thin, Hystei i, Hypciehoudria, Aitienonthreti, Chlerosi, Anetnia, Leneorthaa, Nervous Exita- bility, Marionnus or Wasting of the "linseles, Apho- i sluggishness of the I'Aver. Intri•upted and Feeble nia, Lose of Voiee Chorea or St. Vitis's Danee, Action of the Mart. Suffocating FeelittgB eattaed by mucous obstructions of the Inings and Air sages leveling thrin, anti -Debility frail] various aues! many cases of which appeared hopoless. • Sold by Apothecarias. Price, $1.50 ; Six ferV7-50. JAMES L FELLOW, Chemit, St. John, NAL USED AND RECOM '. MENDED BYTHE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW ENGLAND FOR THE LAST 45 YEARS. Lc- "NOTHING 8ETTER1, CUTLER -BROS. & Co,, BOSTON, mesa CTB &MX& Sold bytheDruggistS FOR COVG-HS. COLD LY31.42i, ELLIOTT etz co., Toronto, Aents. 972 "r• _A/ A 1 ER1 G P/13'gA cH PECTA-- Fon AN ABUNDANT HARVEST Trlriant tprselleoithit wa making timely preparations for the tout, i71111ar;i1"t' ON a ME. IAMB eSrValliletlnk en coinargitngn epoatiIroietirtnthino Ette past, would cordially invite the -atll. of FaMerS 1,0 their ei(liee asSoriantavi Harvestieg Alaehines for 1871- Or. Ohio Combined Jiae1,2ze, Nt:rviivtleinJe001m17)tlitieS sialnitrfOale-teieloSi owo years, and is now offred' to the -It public with the strongest guarantee for (1.u71)tility,e(,i7,eei4tiry. te.‘vork.. 7ec:;;t)., mower, Which has gained for itSelf a world-wide reputation is again offered as the mod durable, handy and best working Mower knoWn, being constructcd in the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy -competition. also offer the Johnsons SelfRak Singk • -Reaper, which took first and second prizes atPro. vincial Exhibition 1870. This reaper is a,cknowlalal to be superior to any other #4.11 pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, !. takes up lodged or tangled grain better than any other rake or reel mathine,ai cuts equally 'well from either sided the field when wind is strone,t3from rection, can be raised or lowered -whetiii .1 inorenilianvidtelsinvseirieYdetiuorna'obfko. Inaehites an mode -of • manufacturing by -pur- chasers before giving ordersi.elsewhert, We guarantee satisfaction in every.n*- °r• n° sale. TRMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth arid joining counties will not (we believe) in SO 131Md to their own interests as give their orders to shops inore filar 100 miles east, when there are first-elat 'works in their Midst, building largely, the best machines, equal to any. of the Saane machines made in the 1)rovnice. Call and see Us,- -send in your o by mail, or deal With our' agents, as in every case you will get a -perfect nil chine, and on the same terms as your. neighbor. Our principles of business and prices being established and uni- form. All other kinds of implements ton, stantIy on hand., • STEA-M-ENGINES BUILT, And all kinds of -MILL WORK dons PrAMddi ni)tt.S THOMSON & MITCHELL, CUTTERS. CUTTERS. The best made, most stylisla, inost duibe, eat. cheapest CUTTERS', PLEASURE SLEIGHBr _DEMOCRAT GETTERS, Ianniactured at MercTOSIf & MORRISOS Caniage Facttay, Main -street, Set -doll& 210.13 W. 11. OLIVER, SIGN OF THZI SC'OTCII COLLAR. A choice assOrtnient of light and hem" harness, whip, bell.s, horse clothing, ete-r kept constantly 4-ni. hand. • Repairing promptly attended to, 7taa charges moderate. Remembertheplacer sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Sae* Seaforth. 163tf W. H. °LINTER! QUEEN insurance Company OF LIVERFOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Steilnt CHIEF OFICES-Queen Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechurch Street, -London* CANADA BRANCH OFFICE--EXehange Buildings, Montreal. BoARD—Win. Morton, Esq., Chainnanz Henry Thomas, Esq. -David Torraiwer Esq., andthe lion. Janies Ferrier. RANK 011S-INTQlson's Bank. ADIS1:MeSsrS. Ritdd VRS ey Morris & Rose. MEnrcAL A DV3's1,.11 -William f-intheidaaa, Esq. M. I). S1711.\ EROR-Thomas S. Scott, Esq. A unrron---Thomas R. Johnson, ,P.:7TH:TAT A . Maekenzic Forbs, 13 St Saerement Street, Montreal. The undersigned ha,ving been appoilt ed Agent for the ibho-e Company, partie-1 desiring to insure against loss by- fifecan t,10 On the most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage - ons terms as any other respectable Co pany doiiut busiess in. Canada. • JAMES H. BENSO, OFFICE—BENSON & MEYER'S Law Ofecej Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. = 1r osRgwrmk---=ss.iwmmgw --------- The Lau • The inventior kr match wan so snre,B, and iL the •,rehivtio3i but at the same ons firework w thought which • brain of Mr. Is toms the he pat...Alt eubmi bad to ri.) to pursue .nd exporinec• veniet!ce from h obtain ,a light t Be wa f.:,-rivin-g to a very Lirge • on to say : other efiemin-; inat,rial that w:: to produce itrita it was very WTh on wood by that and the idea th7 under the e‘pi phur. am th in my- next There Wan a you whose father wa don, and he imo his fathr about ward lu,..ifer the world." -1 English pithead is t -a set of iron for Manchester, aux tb their pennant. coast of England ing for the first iminense ireigh aboet 2,400 tw, releton. framee larger torts. anauegers are we Governmet place the trauepo plating with um The largerforts, to be two, are 21 being; in_ fact, turrets, braced, ed in. the most • ions manner whi neers can devi armor will consis s of five -inch apart, the spec ing filled with •-whole backed by ban from eigli The fort ament -will cost a mere bagateil n.,bility is take -when it is compz4 Yect ,AZaba.ma, el The armament 0 • sist forty -14i gun, mounted a mosperfeet 113 ail lerists, or at least :thane° servic, neally solid wr three feet thiek,'s ly projecile-pmGO believe ; but it st amount of money fying a channel •ileet would ever even -with its pre. we wondex what the future, say New Zealande, make of these sti are discovered n cal formation tow - TREY °Me frOtal try to get a dollaea • tridge)s photograph fied. Only Seaforth,. • —At the Great 'Windsor en Wean. lady ,gig West book, cOniainins 41.bout Sliti000, ibo and being immedia ragged boy (one of t mothr), was hande " handsothely 'rew "two scraps of whieh, in our more -currency, was form cets. Her Majesty t pleased. to grant M John Scales, a carte of three guineas, on birth of triplets, whi took place la,t *In lieve, is the first English Royal eirto in Canada. The Quebec ing out IvlJfi . Quebec, and Mr. Ta ton, as Eank,%ration fornaer to fratna, land. Scarlet ftrver is kb.. Several dath. eurred. The.disas among children. PRO BONO *WATCHES M. R. 0 sittettesteive, -I I Atock jewetu Waktias and Very thoie,e iot of VI inaclieas variety. , Clocks and 4.evrOlel re fteighttion. nig n , 'Ur is wal eztozzli kAown