HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-08, Page 5..t t . NEW ADVERTISJME TS. List of Lette'f-S. Dickson, P. M. Insolvent Ndtice-Dixie Watson. ; Insolvency Meeting- .Dixie Watson. Seed and Seed Grain -E. Cash. Tenders a Wanted for School ,Howse Auction Sale -Joseph Baskier. Flax Seed••- i B. Shantz. Notice -Richard Hoek rage• �, MyrtleNavy Tobacco--�l.uclei&Billings. Business :Card -Frank Paltriclge. e. g,fi B�ttes and Waggons;-i0W, tarastie. Boy Wanted, -McIntosh B- Morrison. Anklionmemmaimasacenzams wittro4 txpeoitor. FRIrAY, -MMA RCFI:. 8, . 17.2. Railway Aid. 1 The following table shows the Railways which are to pat ticipate in the Railway Aid Fund of the -Pro- vince,. the 1egth of each road ,, and the amount ;of aid to which each is entitled, in accordance with the or- des in Council which were I tat week passed in the Ontario Legislature. It will be noraiced that none of the proposed roads through this Coui ty have been mentioned, notwiehe and- ing-tie fact that two of thorn- were under contract some days before • the orders, granting aid -were hie before Parliament. What the• reason for this is we have not yet authoriative s by learned. As con,idetable anxi- ety exists throughout' the;Counts on, this point, it would not, perhaps,be out of place if eit'her of our repre- sentatives, would give some public', explanation through the P ess or otherwise. wise.: The following s the table referred] to Miles. filea►ge Toronto and. Niissing_Ux- bridge to Portage Itoad...33i $2,000 Partage ].Road to; Coboconk..12' R ' 3,000. Montreal and Ottawa City- „ '• Province Line to Ottawa -66 2,060 Wellington, Grey and Bruce Harristen to Southan ptoit.53. 2,000 Hamilton and Lake Erie----: • Hamilton to Jarvis 32 2,000 Kingstou and Pembroke- - 20 miles nortn of Kingiaton 20 2,000 Next 15 miles 15 ' 2,650 Further -portion .93 3 ;0 Farther portion........... . . 7 2,650 Farther portion ,16 Canada Central, Sand Point - and Pembroke..... .... .....45 2,650 Toronto,: G1ey and Bruce ' Orangeville to Harriston ..47 Orangeville to Owen Sound: 68 , 2,000 Midland -Beaverton to Oril- Toronto, -`;ikncoe and Muskoka . -•-Orillia to Washago......112 Grand. Ju n ction =- Belie elle ' and Lindsay..... .........85 Total to be aided. a. 1 . 6291 Lines already' aided - North Grey..'...'. c 01 $ 000 Toronto, Si►ncoe .& Muskoka22 :,0000 2,000 ,000 ,00.0 E ;000 Branch ..e rieultural Socie'ti s. Our egrictaltiiral friends will be pleased to learn that during the ate session of • he Ontario Legislat arc, the Agricultural aet was so amen eel as to allow the officers of Botch AgriaulturahSociehies to beselec ed f out municipaliti.es Other then th se after which the so�rieties are nem .l. -Under-the amended act, •two or xu'ire i townships, if contiguous to e- c1 other-, can anaalgatnaate for the p tr pose of titrrning a Branch Ag ► is i l tural Society, evert though situaat d in different Electoral divisions. TI is amendmnej1t will have, a tendency to vastly increase the ,prosperity rl usefulness of Branch A gricti l t;ia i ail.. Societies, and will do away with at grievance which .ways beginniirg '0 be -very fli cls,' felt, find whlclr would eiltimate'ly result. in the ds - t -ruction of many: of these useful i stitntions.. The Manitoba Grover nme Politicalmorality stems to b a very low ebb among Mani politicians, and .especirilly so the Provincial Government, Thi august body alp<tt en tly carry tiring with .rt high hand, and treat' ' th wishes of :the peoplo and the in- ruetion.; of the people's represent ti ire, with contempt. ,hist] v befci e th asserijirling of . the 1..cgiel:atur , the Government prourisctl the trustees -of tcie .Vaarious schools in the Pro vince .a grant of £ 0 annually- to . each school. -Upon the strength of this 1)rOmise, the trustees of several of the schools 'engaged competent teachers at fair salaries. The Gov: eminent placed in their estimates the surd of $9,000 fc,c• the schools of the Province. . This sum, it seems, wouldbe sufficient to give to each section 'a grant of £:3(1, and was cheerfully voted by the Legislature. No sooner, -however, had the Par I liarnent been prorogued, than officialnotice was given the trustees by -the Government that their grant would only be £15, --talus: cnrtailine it by half. This action of the Govern- ment , will place the trustees of the schools in ' a very unpleasant posi- tion. `Their teachers - have been employed for nearly a year, and, .ofcourse, must :have the agreed-upon salarv, and as a consequence, the -trustees, ]laving been dependinguon1i taxis £30 grant to meet their engage, meats, have made no other provision; and will either have to netke up the ,. defieiency out of their own pockets s nt. e „t tob nit' THEI-�tRONE P 'TOR or r isY. e it b - subacri tiosn in p s ve Ra1 sec ions. • Meetings have een eld in. nearly every section and , t , e. action . of the Government de - nem ced in strong and bitter to ins. Ind it ie is broadly lin ted that the members of the Government, ave used this 'surto, out of which ley have defrauded the public echo() for tiler owe, private. purposes. this"s a specimen of the - manner hie e 1 the anitoE, M a Government tend conducting thep tablic busine ofthe new Province, the sooner th are tolieved from the responsioiliti of office the 'better. Lieiitena Governor Archibald should 10o more closely after his pets, and k them at least within the bo'zncl5 decency. If robbery like. this allowed; unchecked, both heand t1i. should be banished from the country and RLiel'and Lepine re-establish in thehr stead. _ Lir position journals is •wholly without bottom, and is in persistedsolely for the purpose of making, if -poseible, political capital against their oppon- ents. pon- 1 g 11. ents. As such, it shoald be allowed to go- unheeded by the allowed NEWS OF THE WEEK 18,4 Tf. in was n-. she Sa Car1 e A es ok P1! of ►e CT d Was ,It 'Inconsistent ? We notice that several of the.O positio ° papers are - diligently a '- deavor"ng to convict the Refer met�b rs of the Ontario Legislature of inchnsistency, and of having r; provenrecreint to the pledges give constituents. at the late ele . cause they supported the to their tion, b rail wan resolutions of Mr.. Blake. These journals argue that becaus the Reform Re:,resentat,ves,, d Representatives' de - trounced, at the last election, th Railway policy of the late Govern n le t'.. �. a an ,' d proclaimed d their �t• p ef� erence for Mr. Blake's for 1 mer mod of distributing .the surplus evenly among the municipalities, they, by voting* iu �o continue lune find increase' the, railway subsidy fund, acted inJ consistently. ' We.cannot look upon ter" in this light. . We are confess that, to our mind, rs of the Reform Party did the mat Tree to the lead act inconsistently stentiy in the construc- tion of heir Government, and the merrier of the Reform party in the House ' ho supported and endeav- ored to excuse that course ,were guilty ,o :equally as. great inconsis- tency.s ut, in the present in- stance, we' entirely fail to see that the charges brought 'agatst them: by the Opposition ire'. at ail tenable. The gi•ou ds that the .Reform party Look at he last election was not that it'w s wrong to.; gant aid to rail ways, •but that it was wrong to place the entire disposal, and con- trol of th :t aid in the hands of any Governrn nt. They also maintained teat as this rail w1t v aid grant would mainly benefit near secs;ious of the country, a scheme should be de- vied by `which the older sections might also participate in the bene- fits arisic;g from the divieion of the surplus. This. position they still ad- here to es strongly as ever. But, it trust be remembered, that trusting to the encouragement which'lh t'arl way Aid hill of the late G. vein, anent atro 'sled, several rai1w/ en- terprises were not only set ,ip foot but en rams y instances . work ha been cotnmtxed. ; �� w,ould have been a gros injustice to tlieso enter- prises,. therefore, to have with frons them the aid the premise eof which warmed' them into existence. Thos - the present (overnin' nt, ri'o matter ]tow elisions 'they might be. S bv= ting. Vn- not hate ov- ys.. on . the er ord to tin ts. in - ad '-o. Uh he it of lel` re, se is e. d e t e } i e to car the cate now- erie The polie and be 1 Had wePe none jectec Gove i heir Jove Would in sul But, when enterp streng see thz acted tart co and th have 1 ily and Brit, th policy rnmen tented way p f the lso pro blritig do unicipa eo, tha to the older section surplus whieh they had ad d while in Opposition, could do 801 and at the same t 1 the prothises of the fate G. y were placed in this pesiti y hau either to abandon.; for y, or . allow the pledged w good faith of the country woken, ahd .effect the rt the, present Goverinnent co ed with a clean sheet, and h of these.enterprisee been 'ht 1 or commenced en. the streng rnment had ationdopeci. the re policy, and .. ach.lpted that late opponents, they wou been most censurable, and tl in representatives of the Heti When this is not the case, pledges bad been made, an .th of these plechses, we ca.nno it the Government could hay urse from what they hare aid thetnselv-es open to th t eensure had they not heart unanimously .supported them. of the late Government, is eth by that of the preeent Gov- t. The lee Government as - the entire centred of the Rail- und. The present Govern - Legislature, and thus carry 'bile iii I opposition. 'They mise at Oe:hext session, te urn a ,meature .which will nd do justibe to the older !Wes. It will therefore be )n Thursday, Feb. 29, an assault committed upon the Queen, ar, was alout to alight from her iage, at Buckingham Palace. young man advanced, pressing past the azttenda.nts, and presented visa. 1 at her Majesty, at the same time demanding u e dean` ndi a n„ her signature co a .paper he held in his hand, which was afterwards found to be an ail- s ale ' st to1' the Fenian •� , ye ran In l..ol=er s. - He was immediately seized by the by- standers, and placed under arrest. The ipistol was found to be unload id besides -was broken, -so that, ad been loaded, it could not been discharged. The young ho committed the rash act is about 19, is named _Arthur nor, was born in. England, 's father was a native of Ire - He is a grandson of Fergus nor, the celebrated Chartist • r. Young O'Connor-ia thought nsane, and certainly, so foolish urposeless an assault would be projected and carried out erson of sound mind. He is Lilting his taial at the As As - e i h r: 0 1. '0 an LO an ha by no si 0 jec frill the cha Do the Min aga has 48 1 Lar seal reac 0 d, a f it ave lain my nth aria. 'Co stat be d rdl, Li iv `fit a es. The United States Government s de patched to England a reply Lor Granville's note, on the sub - t o' the indirect. clainis. The iter a .,of the despatch are not .n now n, o n, but it is couched in mast amicable and pacific ternii. Rein era .are rife of'a probable nge in the Manitoba Ministry. nal A. Smith, is looked on as - 'co ins man to lead the new fist The ill u rug lou ami ons hed Union Pacific. Railroad is. lockaded by snow, no trains arrived from the . East for s. The trouble is between and Rawlins, and is of a character. No trains have Laramie from the East since the zits of February. The Washington Board' of Trade liras. been in session during the past week, and has under consideraion .the various questions upon which the Boa ing in S The Cou eress in d acted at its annual meet- . Louis in. December last. leil has memorialized Con - favor of the appoiutnient of Commissioner to he 'appointed on behalf of the Dominion of Canada to negotitte a new treaty of recipro- cihy between_ Canada and tlie -Unit- ed Stated upon a broader and ffiere comprelicnsihe basie than that -upon which foriner treaty rested. The riestoration of the Orleans princes, 15' Aurnale and de Joiaville to their respective positions in the fill nut surprise an body who leis bserved the monarchist and. Or - 1 anist tendency of the Executive. One of thoee shocking calarnitiee t at will Probable continue to occur e,hitja e time Jests, happened in Frank - ft ft -cm -the -Main on let March, by Ihich neatly a score of humen be- ll use, or a. building in which a large n mber of persons resided, fell, ouryiag the inmates in the ruins fr lit tate m th tied We habitan held, -it place in plate don eday Toted te a erso his tfui ie 18 3eld by fellow citizens. Mr. E. B. d ie the present representative ris constituency in both Do -t m and Ontario Parliaments. As he has net now been. choserk -as the itittn•e diclate the probability is that he wil continue to represent en corpses were at once tak for the bodies- of other sti notice ,by the Mania() that at a meeting -cf the i ts of ;Winnipeg, recent .was i•esolved to havehth ointed.tii carry out and con late of Seaforth, acted a y of the meetine. meeting of the ii,eform Con of South Brant held' o last, Mr. William Patter or of Brantford, was WI pOsition. as the chief In agis town of the importance o d, is 4 sufficient gearau tee en ba ly at ee F. vet Tu • son did - Pat and Bra of tl his Wo of t mini the Ihounty i the Local. The rureell is - revived that the Popplisetbeut to leave Rothe. i said giet the rchives and jewellery in the Vatican. are already packed, and His Hobe ess -will go to thocity of Trent, in tile Tyrol. ARCH 8 :lreentative. Perlia s the rant r given. by the Govern rent to 1 the X in g stop and .Ponbtoke Rai wa g � Y has aided -somewhat to soften heir hearts and moderate their vies on political q uestions. The Mordaunt case is turnip again. Sir Charles Mordauut applied for the appointment Cp medical pr•acficioner to exanain4 in- to the sanity of•Lady Moi daunt Mr. A. Greely, one -ef thee� c notorious " Nine Martyrs," who »pointed a few years ' ago to hrievalty of the County a dward, as a reeverd for hi iy to his party, last week the " Land of the .Free," iddi'ng his friends adieu. ilities tis stated amount rine over $50,000. It • is rt'.'d that be has discount auk several notes with natu r0s. One of these n are a few days after he left, ability to. meet it, and th xposure, is supposed to be ediate cause of his leavi untry. It is thought be ten over a hundred dollars th him. Until this event he occupied a very good his, County, and had . many ends. The French Ambassador has informed the • Min •eign Affairs that thele e of an understanding w tish Government in regal rnercial treaty between England. - aler 7 Temperance Reform hmoncl township, in the Lennox, have succeeded in the Dunkin Bill in that Bill has been introduce British Rouse of Common ate member, providing tha e"nrent shall purchase th s of Ireland. rs. Harriet Beecher Stow with a serious accident a ente at Mandarin, Florid g from a table on whic standing to arrange some drapery. e operatives in the flax mi s, to the number of 10 stride work for the ad e nine hour system. • is said that Prince Fred es,. of Prussia, while in tly, on his way to Egypt, that if ` France made i pon Italy, the latter con be defended by Germany 1 is reported to have exp s intention to return to M ahem he would submit to 1 gation. He declined to titration, or to give ally in as- to the whereabouts body. tunnel under the De is progressing at the rat et per 'diem, including ction of the masonry. f quicksand, discharging c. y five gallons' pc min uto 1 much delay, ;:incl some lei have been met with rend necessary to use gunpo�� - eve them. Operations w commenced on the Cana up has fa u s I; e b tl se eib cl° in e. co tal wi ed, in f ri dons Foi hop Bri 201U and Ric of ing ship kA the pri,v Gov way `rnet resid fal l in was dow Th Leed have of th It Chari t•CceiI clarsd .tack: u whuid Rid ed hi to ba, investr his des itaa!On Scott's i `L'he river five fe constrn layer o bona]] caused boulders ing it to rem scent he u ce was the of Prince s tres.ch- ;left ;for withbu t His 1 ia_ to so e also ed in for otes l and u.Ysa the i ng t has in cath occur- positi� war atLo. aster is litt ith , tt d to t Fra: n ers count carr tow d in s by t the areal e ha. t het ►a, b h sh win- llsat ,000, option erick. Ronne de- n au- nt/7 ress- Iani- t ll nfor- of Det e of da as - he ed ell ve 1 - et side; hut it is feared the total cost of the, weeks- will be much higher than as expected. 'Tichhosne case coating to a epee eud. The jury have informed t court, that they have heard snfficie evidenee to enable them to render verdict, and -the coort has adjourn till Wedaesday to give " Brother Ballanlyne time to consider wh course he -will take. As the ev dence tor the defence was bein taken when thejury thus interposed, the inference will naturally be drawn that the jurY intend to decide against the claimant. New railway -projects continne to spring up, and in 'such rapid -succes- sion that is is nct easy matter to keep strack of them. The latest come to our notice, is t anch Hue from the way to Lake Sitncoe, ,the start from Stouffeville, en to and Nipissing, 'passing r near Whitchurch, be- t Gwillivabury and Stott he dy he nt a b t sing Rail beanch to the Toren through o o th he pros' ed for them, and the audi- torr in the building which is now spt nging up in the colossal propor- hu the dre • fr fr ga u of sue the warrant for his arrest by Lord Chief Justice Bovill, he was taken into custody by the police and conveyed to Newgate. fes-- Prorogation of the Ontario Par- liam.ent, - On Saturday last, oil the occasion of the prorogation of the . Ontario Parliament the following address was delivered by His Excellency, Lie utenan t•Gov`rnor Hyo wland J thank you for the diligence with which sou have labored for the public pod. various important measures which " I have cheerfully aseented to the you have passed. ' "1 calsjoice to observe that your independence has been farther se- cured against the influence as well of the Lbeel Executive as of other powers; that . you have resume.] the exercise of your constitutional privilege and obvious duty in deter- miuing the appropriation of the pubhe moneys end that you have - asserted the right to speak- and set in reference to the u n pun ished warder of a fellow countryman. "I notice with pleasure. the hear- ty approval which you have given to my proposals for the distribution of the existing Railway Fund. "In providing for further aid to f these enterprises you' have recogniz- ed the duty of guarding- with most jealous' care. the' honor and good faith of the Province; and I. am persuaded that what you have done will greatly advance our -material "I hope that the stepa yell' have taken as to Iiineigration will resnit in the introduction among us of a number of those: hardy laboreee whom we need so 'much and Who are beat suited to subdue our unset- tled lands; and there can be ne douiet that ahe remissions you have. authorized in respect of :settlers in Common School and Free Grant ment and prosperity. "I, believe that, under the Act of this session, the charge for drainage operations will be less onerous, the work hotter done, and the tsx mcre cheerfully paid, than under the pro- visions of previous legielation; and I am glad to see this further appli- cation of the principal of local men - agement so much in harmony with the spit•it of our institutions. "I thank you for the prudent liberality with. which you have z ,Bay Comhan y , axed A tto ;: Y rn�� �4. al Clarke. As a reward f i faithfulness to his old friendsr h he expects that the ate, people of Qtxe v11I t an this] charters ic,lp g gat lei s for the cone struction of railways in this Pre- vince, and large. grants of land build them, On I be" other h find i.5 expeete'd that the Attorrltj - ,t oral v it .. Y Gert. 1 VISit Cf1 L:�wd- sit :fan ea�,l day, when, for his energy y �Y in ktaep. ing baackiimmigr�aation .the Bullpen Government will reward hurt oa the Judgsh : of ares milt 13 Supreme Coate) 3 13on, Joseph .awe c►r3 Sepal, tion from England. In course of ;a lecr,ure before Ottawa Young Men's 'Chr.st1an the sociation, Hon. Joseph Howe e can out squarely in favor- of severing political: connection between Greer Britain and C3:n;alt:. The follow - is an extract frons his ,speech 3ut of late new doctrines had been propounded in the mother conntr y. The disorganization of the tempire. had been openly promulgated ie leading organs; Darr brethren a ith_ in the nart•ow seas earl been counsel- led to adopt a narrow policy toed!, home their legions, and have the Provinces without sympathy or 1pto. tection ; and under the influences of panic 'and 'imetginary Battles '} Dorking, troops were to be mimed in the British Islands and their shores were to he - surrounded b. iron -clads. One C;a.oinet Minister told thein that British America cold non be depended de d 1 upon ; another that he ]roped the whole continent Id peacefully repose and rte. P tinder repu b1ican institutions; the third, on the eve of negotia tions that were to involve our dem interests, stripped Canada of y soldier, gathexed up every old y -box and..gun carriage that ate find, and shipped them off to - ' and. He did not desire to ipate the full discussion which } " ament would give to England's t diplomatic efforts to buy hef peace at the sacrifice of our iti- `s, of to that comedy of errors whieh she had blundered. But fight say that the time was , �y approaching when Canadiants ngllshmen must have a clear 'taandmg as to the obligritio illi ° future. If Itnrerial policy is er the whole ground upon the f which our forefathers settled reproved, let this be under - We nder We will know:then what to ut if _shadows; clouds and ss were to rest upon the ; if thirty millions of Britons o hoard their rascal :counters two small islands, gather them the troops and war ships Ern pire, and leave four hails r Britons to face forty roil- nd to defend ' a frontier of tir=es, then let us know what e at and our future policy e governed by that know go. No Cabinet lead. yet alma• per and est ever sentr Could Engl antic Parli reeen own into he m and E under of the to cov faith and vided. for the wants of the pa blie I do. B service ; and shall take care 'that darkne the moneys you have granted are future propel ly applied. were t ' "I congratulate you on the great within iresperity Which we now enjoy;and round I am sure you will join with me in of the the praatcr that our present mercies lions may endttre, and that we may be lions, a sermitted when we meet again to 3,000 enew the expression of our tletnit- they ar ulness to Him from whom these wonid 4.) ercies flow." The great musical event Of the The ,Bostora Jubilee. tuottes).!alanpcee. thisLseAthdoititig-ght azdjsgpaiviitisit ear, if not of the age, is to he' the in the Empire Was sonree of danger, had told us that out- presence with- nternational Musical Festivals, pro- end the tease for separation was ap- ilmore, of Boston. The " Hub ' . rived. goble Lords and Commons proachine if it had not.already er- as been in a commotion conceeoing ers had sneeringly, toletfus we nright le preparations fot- this affair for go when wt., were ',h, lined; As yet me time, and judgiug from ac- neither the Crown, krliament, nor unts that reach us through the ., nglaild had deliberately n contribute to such a result Ern::4,..,IlitishalttiugelL,1.)eendtent(el;litecivatio4: The grand chorus has already daily deepenetr thb conviction that en swelled ho the number of one mdred and twenty-seecen societies .the drift was all 1\''*.hat way, Bis the accession of eieht -eix f • v_iounig friends must .wait for 1 assachusetts, seventeen from New ampsliire, severs from Maine, six m Connecticut, four from' Ver- nt, two frOln ROW York, and m Rhode Island, Ellinoia, Mary - d, California ,and New Brune - k, one each. Instrumental bands coming all the way from Hun - •y, and when' the list of soloists, eine' societies and instrumental ds 18 complete, they will test to utmost the' accommodations to au eteseen Georgina and North Gwillimbut•y to Jackson Point, on Lake Sitncoe, a 'distance of about 30 for The Tiehborne Case. cho The Claimant Withdraws his Case— su r is Arrested. Peijun The celebrated Tich borne case wss • thi morning. 'Upon the opening of the first eoe corn t the counsel for the claiteant to jubi the Tich borne estate an th: their client had decided, in view of Ostracisra. the action of the jury on Afondav says : ." It is well that some r friends in Canada who 11 e eet by three dred and fifty, with a roof in form Of a single arch, one hun- tied fifty feet from the ground. contract has also been award toe construction of the grand Stanley, Hors,es, (lows, *Waggon and for :the future, but with a firm reli- ance on the goodness of Providence and our own to so shape the - policy of our ceunfrer tr) protect it by our wit, should Englishmen, un- mindful of theTast, repudiate their national obligations., PRA PALTP. E has been working like a brick, and has got all things ready to make 3-ou a dozen photographs this winter ; only $1 per dozen Scott's Rook, Seaforth. AUCTION 8-4LES. Comineneing Saturday, `March 9. at Varna, Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, &c.; sale to begin at 1 and 7 each day. A. BishOp, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 12. on Lot 20, Town- shi ay, wn-line between Hay and Furniture, and. fixtures of a country tavern. Christian Zapfe, proprietor ; Hugh6 Love, Sr., auctioneer. Thursday, March 14, on Lot 8, Ninth Concession, Hallett, Farm Stock, InapJle- merits, &e. James L. Peaee, proprietor; j. P. Brine. auctioneer. Tusday, March 19, on Let 19, Tenth Concession, South Boundary ef Stanley, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Bossenbury, auctioneer. Thursday, March 21, on 'Lot 19, First ConceSsion, McKillop,- Huron Ronal; Farm Stock and . ImPleznents. Tuesday-, March 26, on Lsot 14, Fifth Concession, Morris, Farm Stock, Imple- ments and Household Furniture. Alex. lark, proprietor ; Brine, alio- Wednesday, March 27th, Lot 8, mplements and Household Furniture. avid Dobson, proprietor : J. P. Bailie, Monday, Aptil 1, on Lot 20, Wagner's rners, flay--Parm Stock, Implements ad Household Furniture. John Pfaff, -us and solo organ, avhfch will a size and magnitude any - g ever built,in this country It trounced that - in the htuldm will 1 June, and that the grand will come off dining that, Mr. Robinson, M. P. P.; for - sine . they bed heard sufficlent Kingston, w) s entertained -at a evidence whereon to base a *verdict, he was elected as a supporter of the for the defence asked Lord Chief anniptuous hanCluet by his personal - to withdraw his cause before the and holitical friends in thet„ city. court. . Mr. Rohihson took °cession to deny After this stnnouncemet of the reports which lave been` current that et:Rms.:el for the plaintiff, the counsel Justice Bovill fo iesue a, warrant for the arrest of the claimant on the charge of perjury, and to fix his bail at .t50,000. The petition was hrant- d late governme be assured his Reformer, had t. On the contrary, riends that he was a been eleeted as snch and intended to remain elle. It is something novel to hear of the , an a Bench warrant was issued t for his arrest. 8hortly after the is. 5 date of ou pose kno Vote coaling to this country should I bat by the Registration of Aht passed through both C es of our Legislature perste t couri pg in here will be deprived of he ellective franchiee for three years, r at the option of the Govenithent !Ail the 1st of April, 1875. It nay be interesting to know that his is mainly °wink to Donald A. mitl Governor of the Hudson 1 co a MAM 4th inst. j of John 1r Mr. iiPtiL Ann Metall 6th inst. James do the bride.' bf daughter 17 years a Business or 'been rather lave had.n. with a, s is in better A About one ce lase week. lattei higher than th corning scarce; will be reac1133 to 14 cents, plentiful. Tht firm at quoted j Butter - Sheep Lazuli Skius Salt (retail) per bi Mutton - Pork, per *300 lb& Stavp Bolts, per 'CA -Cover Sea. par bti- Tfinothy Seed. per t Pall Wheat.. Spring Tithe k Barley Pork, per 300 GOLD. -The York fluctuates Thur Sunday Last 'week. Monday Tuesday ' Total Last week . The market 015 active at an adr? last week's price!! than last week, ' ,ears less thus far receipts for the ee were consignea. asupp'.y on the rat, the stock avera.ges .Sales comprise, 16- 75 for natianJ vireek-Tuesday '] AZ 624. Sales reported Monaghan, Ill stel Same, 111, etk Rubel & do eb Regenetein, do do.. Doty, do do, ame each extra.. a The market ep evith prices about week. The run Sales comprise .t for sheep agairas Sante to same, 1' Alexander to Ei Howard to Good Glazier to Abbey' A. SEA:RPfS -and firstfrek.Fa Cir