HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-08, Page 43 AliARCTI 8. 1812 - eat ser s "'knee enelosed toXtietpee'raL. cents I e- e- hoPlaaa4 • ;-.3114ret aeents tor tue reeleintou • klau.0 ittntiel tentittiAing over 4-0 piut `of faeaf.reth by E. Ilk.letou & Co„ laamstleti. +4414,_ -- exAs* FOLEGTRAC OM Worth Tett Times its Weig4t Osid. DO YOU lt.dOW flnyulting Of it ? If it istiyou (lair e bust of medieine : Notive, eoa,. eettet eel Eta iitontatial 1n-1ga-sent of I f:',"eat 1.f '.1;f iff tinta. One Or t t34 F,t`f, "UV: )3.L, rare ty e oromr, ai.oel'os tee ef some of eh* letst. 0 as that . h 110 Virtfasfi tit A •treA two. ;e -ea: ine toe) telt easelisittes :nay be L 1e iieltRIflcertstin dem inae, • ._era.. r produeing witish zee er i ofit lit t TtSe pixy of oetea. tans. Thos .- • ereperatien titie till se eh -Went change takes aermine"fef elv!la net by • • Lex p ate -este ele ire a eiay other - ti er pea:set:Area xer - ‘-siet inertelteetts, ot!x.,vetitit.q-ot !(»(1any, t• otti..*‘-witieh produces the an I heving a wider range 2ieetit it tit to :thy tet .teloei ever before dis- e.e.; eine no Ce-e!ted or other volatile ' 1.; rids, eente eeteele testes ieeleitese by ( eaperation, te eeer eeu get :he lenetit of every ilreN. what ;• ith (eh -r twee e re ;lee et.. Le trly an the • ;...; tees ie [1,33ft'al y't)11 get only tha oreesary oa tai Ilia h th noty tontain. ISisee i S, N. Thomas Pleelpe, ee, lot aud T,VSIAN, Newcastle, Out, sole -see Ser Deefui tee se N, et= it. - selected and .Electrized. , Ce. ead, Lame -then Agents for :the V8-222-4 2 as, RA WAY TIME TABLE. Trans Ieave the 8-ea...forth station at follows Exprese, NG 'W M. t MLix 1.4a i‘• 8.oa A• ar. BUSINESS DIRECT9RY. -Ag.ta-arteac. 'a C., FAIR. IL 1).. Ar./ r floral Colic!, Sur- e ems and Teeentinte Ittival Colleen Physia`atts„ Ex..teee'reen; Licentiate of Midwifery, ; (La _ trout at: Tholeaa'e Iit.epitel, London, Enalartii, e tad the itosel leifirmery, Edinburgh.) Offlee and\ Peeide rtee Vercoe's- old etand, SEAFOkTE... ; Calle erentptle attend(el te at it hoers. gla* ... ID111TCIIL'LL, 31. D., Graduate of Vidto- ri €'1(!4*. I'lla eielate Surgeon, etee stet., ..,..rs -us', OxT.---- Co..ollor a the Comity of Union, _ -. end reeisleuce, at Thempeott & Stanley's. . , -,t %R \\. Ite. e4lIT11, Phyekian. Surgeon, ette J' teftlet-iepp, eite Seott Itobertsou'e GroceiT, , Main street, Sestfortle A,3IES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate Of • rsity, Montreal, Phyeieian, Sur- geou, sec. Office lead Residt nee--Brucelielde TT VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physiciate Sue- -L -La ge&a, etc.. Office and Reeidepee, corner of 1 Markt-t mut High stitsets. next to elm Planiug Mille I it.-cAmPrImr,r, Corener for the Coanty• Offlea and beside:nee, over Corby's corner store, Main Seaforth. Odle* horns, trent 11 to 4, eaeh thi,I all (Tv Saturday. iaa tbs. EC4.01,16. M. LEFT, Solicitor, Witham, has been ap- poi-ate:1 .Agetit for the Coleeial Secutities Com- timeo Enzistud, he ig *Igo Agent for several pri-- ete Caeltelists el Toronto, salto loan Money at 'i re- rtatemable rate. Intereet payable yearlee, Cherees. moderate. Witigitain. Dee. Li, 187L 213 eCAI'GUEY & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At- toreeyeat 1.4.W, Soliciters in Chancery and tadvettey, Notaries Public and Conveyancers- Solieiates for the R. C. Batik, Seeforth. Agents for the Canada Life Aseenance Company, 11.-et).1•000 to lend at 8. per eout. Farms. Houses and. Lots for sale. ENSON & MEYER. Barristers and Attorneys' at Law, Solieitore ii Chancery Insolvency, iCineveyenecre, Notaries Public, etc., Otliees-Sea- .t*.artli anti Wroxeter. $23,000 of Private Funds to insest at once, at Eight pe,r cent. Interest, payable. veerly.• 53. XAS. 11.7. BEXsoll. its -W. C.. eft-enate" : IlIOTE LS. 5 OX'S HOTEL, ( Lata Sharp's.); The under- : signed begs to thank the prtlelie ft -es the liberal textrenage awtxrded to him in times past in the betel inteiness, and also to inforin then' that he has - igain resumed business- in the above• stand, *hers he will Ite happy to hoveg ali from °Id friends, and many new onea. 128 THOMAS KNOX, -.)==razszem OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., Ce J. McCUTentoN, Proprietor. First-class Sceerainodatiou for travellers. The Bar is sup- plitel with the wry best liquors and cigars. Good azabling attaelted. The E.tage leaves this House very day for Winghaart. EXCHANGE PlOtEL, Goderieh, Ont., T. CALLA -was, Proprietor; T. S. WeLLeeats, (late kinerican Hotel, Warsaw, N.Y..) Manager. This hlkS recently been needy furnished, and re- tted throtetb.ont, and is now one of the most come teble and Lon modious in the Province. Goa mangIt Rooms for CommercialTrevellers. liheraL, 123- Lees Terms .3.11IS4-CIELleallaiN1E04. ItRIGHAM, Exchange Broker. and Rail - ay Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, opposite •. Railway Station, Seaforth, Out, Through .ickets. itenied to all points in the Western StateEr, aliforuia, and Ited River. at reduceaffording greatest facilitiee to Emigrants. All neccesari orniat1otz given respecting Land Agencies, etc. cenbacke, Bonds, Coupons.; and uneurrent Money, and Silver Coin, bought aud sold at beetrates. • R. COOPER, Conveyancer, Connniasioner le Queen's Bench, Inaurance and. General Agente gent -for the following Fire, Life and. Accident In - ranee Companteit The Beaver and. Toronto• hat - at and the Western king. Item -trance OomPanime e Rellauce Life Aesuranee, and the Hortford Ace died Insurance Company. MONEY TO LOAN on real eatatesecurity. - Allerdere by mail or otherwike promptly attend -- I. Office., opposite Ross' Tailor Shop, eett AINVK YVILT.E. 3. CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SURGEON (Member of the Ontario Veterinary College,) gm to intimate to the inhabitants a Seaforth d surrounding countr) , that he has ()pelted ea nice inSeafeirth, wh,ere he may be consulted per -- natty Or by letter, on the Dieeases OIlorses, Cate ete. Having received a regular and practical aeation, and having been awarded the Diplo the Veterinary College of Ontario, T. J. ChureflhiL eery eqnfidenee of giving satisfaction to al/ ho may employ him. Itereaeextres--A. Smith, V. S., Principal Ontae SY Veterinary CollegeProfessor Buckland, Dr.. orhurte Dr. Rowel. and - Wells, M. D., & V. FL. Veterinary lefedieirlee constantly on hand. AU calle promptly attended to. ce-CarraiehaePs llotel,'Seaforth. inana 0,000 -.-MONY TO LEND. 4bove amount to Lend, in Frame of Fix* Hundred Dollani. and upwards, at rates a in - resit from 7)t: ti 8 Per cent. Intereat paYabl• arie or boa yearly. AMOS W. itAY, Lot 7, Coin 1. OreYs iorribanI P. O. 218-13 THE SEAFORTH :LUMB}R YAED. MABEE & MACDON ALD EG to inform the publle that they have opene& a Lumber Yard m F3eaforth, near Sbearson'ts 11, ort the .ground formeely used as a Luinbsee rd, by Mr. Thornae Lee. They will kesP conetantly on hand a good assort., nt a ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dreeaed anif dressed. Also„ LATH AND SH ;NGLES, all of 'eh they are prepared to sell at the lowest pessi. prices,. foe Cash. nildere and others will find it to their athwart"' -a inspect our etock, and ascertain our price* orepurehasingeleewhere, ae we are in spoeiticit offer good intlueementa to cash ptirchasers. MABEE & AfiCDO-*ALDe MARC TI 8 I 87t: nienegLteencrerazenasiii BRIEF NOTES; The King of - Italy has - confer- red upon Mr. Edward WhYmper, Vide-eresident "lef the 'Alpine Club, the Order of St. Maurice et Lazaree "m reoognition of the value of his recently publishedniagniOcent work upon, the Atps." - . - • ' -Madame Ristori, the famous tragedienne -wa.s so seVerely injured at a railway accident near Pereeei, a, :that she lits given hp. ail idea of ful- filling h-er professional engagernents. - One of the passengers who was in the blockaded trains on the Union ?acid° Railroad bas died since 1.-e`aoh-. ing San Francisco; frem the keffects of fatigue and exposnre. , -Th4 Strasburg, tibrary, the i purchase ef the fine HIAtz Co &ion,' -is-again the richest in; th 6,rid in " Alsatiami," and the keneral library will soon number. MUM vo'lnmes. - President Elliott,,of Harvard, has been appoilted a 'visitor -of West Feint in place of Professor Loomis, ' who is absent in Europe.. - King Amaaleus,:of -Spain, has. tired' of the yeisatilityi of his Cabinets and subjects, and warits to reign. ----The Marquis of Eute is to be married to a dalfghter of- the great; Catholic house of Ilcrecrd. ! -The friends - dif • Mr.. -- 'Dis- raeli -propose to present to him a -na- tional testimonial as an acknowledg- ment of his unswerving ' devotion to constitutional rrincipre. The sub- scription i'S restricted to one shilling' from each person, t -Ind a large sun) has already been rais4d. - Spurgeon made -a speech before - alocal religious society near Ia)ndon, the other 6y, in which he. 'vigor-' ously objected -to the term " Bever - .end." "1 do- not know -myself," he said; "y that name.I ain.not en- titled to the slightest reverenoe'from anybody. If you, must reyerence men, find out 1-sorneody- that de - sees it. ' T do not profess, to." - In reply to the toagt which the • Czar recently proposed in honor of Germ ...33 y and the Ge Cin an 4mies, the (Emperor Williani has presented to the Czar the original plan ofthe -. great Prussian campaign, as it was 'written in Count Moltke's own hand writing ini ruediately „after th e declaration of war by France; The . Czar said he considered the .present the most valuable contribution that could have been made to the imperi- al eollection of celebrated autographs - Sir Samuel Baker appears to 'have permanently eStablished him- self in the slavedealer region of the upper Nile. He is building a town and a -fort at Gondckoro, declares his black troops -to be good fighters, and promises1 to root put the man - traffic and to organize a regular government. . But he. does not agree. to wiite to England oftener than once a year. . = . -, --- Carelessness about the use of matches is the cane of a greater number of fires thttn is, generally suposea. A burning match tossed thoughtlessly away may lodge among loose newspapers, , or other mere combilstihle substances, and do much II mischief. , Matches should always- oe entirely . exti, g,U1Sbrid after being used. A patent was recently taken 'out out in Europe for ,a chemical solution with which the wood of the much' is impregnated, which, with- out diminishing, its .combustibility, a'enders it irepossible for a spark to remaia -e`fter the match is blown cm t. So securely does this prevent acci- dents that the match may be throw'n upon gun powper, immediatelyeafter being used; without igniting it,i - GAIATIE S. a Was the Paornan matron vhose so s were jewels, a mother of net Hs?" o, my child, tbe Gracchi veie Cornel ians." - A humerous apothecary, in Boston, exposes a cake of • soap in his shop window, with the -per tin ent inscription, " cheaper than dirt " - Spread of Infidelity.2-Pious Scotchinan,-"Ell;.now, bat it's aw- fu' to think o' the spreecl o' unbe- lief and infidelity in these days -I forgathei'ed wi' a ehiel th' morn I ha said he diclna believe the Glob'!" - A grbeer at Germantown, pa.. brags of owning a cat that measures two feet ten inches fkorn tip to 'tip „ and weighs 'thirteen and three- fru4rter pounds. • Its.ancestorS were imported from Kilkengy. ---Loarde.r This tea seems ver,Y weak, Mrs. Skimp." Land- lady---" Well, I guess it must be the warm weather. I feel. weak n-ey-. self ; fact every body complains." - An Irishman, who Was reeent- ly run over by a whoh, train of curs, got up and. asked fO.1,1 his ctip, and said• he " would not run another risk as that fcir tin dollars." -Enraged parent,: ''Did you throw the half brick 4at random'?" Weeping- boy : No I 'threw it at Johnny Williams." "And did you strike • him on purpose?" "No,- .I struck- him on the nose." - - In Me;a1.- co the enstom ifs, when a duel has ben fought; ,to erect cross on She spot., and everyone that passes by tItc,s a tone at the cross: Some ingettious Yankees haVe taken advantage exchis cii§torn to clear stony land, by erecting cros- 4 4 PrtlE }-1 RON gXPOSITOR. ses where no duel has been fought. -A naval surgeon, tho used to preserib,e salt witer for his patients in , all disprder .5 happened .t6 be drowned one evening. Next clay the captain, coning on .board, in - (inked for the doctorNind was coolly told' by a s.i. or that !..‘ he was drowned lasCiasight tin th medicine chest." . -A discharged stow- vriter out west gathered [IA the ch iriv.aers of his story . on -botird a frigace, steam- ed ont fifty mils from land, set fire to the magazine' and blew hero and heroine, heavy villain, minor per- sonaiges, all into eternity. Then ho WrOLe at the bottom, ".To be con- tinued nest -weik," drew- his thirty shillings, andflpft the office with a sweet smile. T eknext moonier was a man ofgenius and. fertile in expee clients, se he :s nt out a yacht with e..' lot of new characters. on board, which picked u ) - all - the pm -sons es- sential to the plot afrel the explo- filen and on -went the atery as merry , , . as a marriage beill. . ' _ The Newly married -How the . clioneymoqn is iEnjoyed at Washingtott' ' The Washington cciaTespondent of the Cincinnatiommerciai is faceti- r . ous over the newly :married pairs that visit the Capital. He.says: ‘ There ,must,bp Some undiscovered magnet- which b ings so many happy 'pairs to *ashinaton. They flour:lob ei .. . , . in such numb .s in no other city, but the secret lr's not been discover- ed. You meet them .everywhet.e, and at all. hoins'-no, not at all lours, unless you take your break - fat very late. If-. you go down to yotir breakfast t the betel, say 104 - or 1-1, yoif will ee a perfect schcol, oi. floak, or °dr ve of them. • There they siD at. th blttle • lound tables all o%er the riDoth, and they look very. pretty, ---II miean the -brides, of course; for the men,' great sheepish fellows, are- not worth ' looking at. There they sit, in the °propel -est kind of a ttitud e: ; they would .not have you for the -world think they :were a!' that nic in en t the hel)i)iest b irls,on1 aearth. Their aress of the - 116ipe1eSt ' kind -a subdued or natural shade, trimmed with vel vet alicl fringes or embroidery, ; a dainty little Jat, with a bow or ribbon, a lnme, a shred of ower •trying tor, 1, even as she is ie blushes that come' patch/of veliret, lace, ancl a br4ilit bide at.Nng the trying to hide t and go on her Tound cheek -s. • The little doyes Always come to breakfast in their hats, and carry their. little c as arid muffs and gloves in their ittle hands. This is the style, fair girls, if you have= any • such Object in righ t back :to • over the.letters her' all clay lo the hotel at all to go down % things ready. w. 6he -may go ler rocni and read he -used to write to es' and not go out of ; but it is the style ith- bat on, and all A It is yeey amusing to watch these people at the liptel. They come to every meal-blreakfast, lunch, din- ner and suppei.. At breakfast they lOolc very piety,. at 111DC11 SO-SO, at dimiei they au4 resplendent, and at super pale ad tired. You, see them at their )est at dinner: It is there they shale out the wrinkles in - their' new diees Yesterday the pretty bride'we t to dinner in black_ silk and- Vat nciennes ; to day she wore a light 11ue silk long train, trimmed With point applique ; to- morrow she Will wear 'ashes -of -rose silk, °with :white satan trimming and fringe-; the day following, if be stay long, she will wear a very handsome blacik silk walking and the follow.ng morning yo vi will see her at the arly breakfast) with• ' her demure lit le travelling suit on, foihe 'is gong in the morning ack to beain her train -going future -but whether for good or ill aepends largely on herSelf. A Tem in • raT.i.pe Speech, "I have /be.n. thinking, since I came into the 'meeting to.night, abrut the 1 sse l'Ye met with sinee T sigued t le to al abstinence pledge. I tell you, there isn't a Melt itt the society , has lost more by stopping drinkthan what I have. Wait a bit till 1 tell you whwt I mean.. There was a n'ee job of Work to be i done .itt the hop to clay, and the 1.4QSS, called fo - me. , ' Give it to Law,' says he. -1 'He's the best hand , 43, -dip, shop.' Well, I told my wife a.t supper ti le ; ' and says she, 'Why, Laurie, he used to call yon he . worst. You've lost your bad ale, haveift jou?' 'That's e fact, if' says I. And it ain't all I've ° I st • in the 1 ist sixteen months, Alien T had. _ poverty.and. -wretGli- dness, and I'-‘ e lost them. 1 bad an 14.1 rgiro.ed coat, and a shockin' bad ., , ) at, and some waterproof boots that / t the -wet out at the' toe as fest-as they took it in at the heel. I've lost cm.. I had tl. red face and ti embl- g halo, and a pair of shaky legs, that gave Ifte an awkward tumble ow and then. I had a. habit of ursing ancl sWearing,; and I've got I'd of -that. - 11 -had an aching head s metimes, and la heavy heart, and, worse than all the rest, a guilty con- s ience. ' Thank God, I've lost them 'all! Then I Lold my wife 'what she had est. .;4 You had an old ragged aowir. said • I. frA.nd y u had trouble, and sorrow ; and a. poor wi‘etbhed horn and plenty o' hert- aches, for you had a m se able drunkard ifor a 11118 band. Mary ! Mary thank the.. Lord for all yon and I have lost since I signed the Gpect .Sarnaritlan pledge!' "-Inde- pendent. Wix•s.'s you ar in Sea,forth, just run into irrank milt idge's Photograph Gal- lery, twill do y nit heart good. Only $1 per dasen. Soo t's Block„Seaforth. 1 A 0 taAtal 7.4 0A:1 tamm (i) C.) twaR1 C ; orvi pe..0▪ 1 t./01 CD tat_ tonal • inef cl eue- ezt- 111 -01111 TO THE F PIERS OF HURON. HA .PLOW z GANG PLOWS. Oa 0_ Has now on ham a large Stock of copravErvs IT-AS(251\T' S f, A FORTH, • IRON ANANAQUE HARROWS. e' A large number Df these 'Harrows were tiold in this part last year; and gave the highest satisfac- tion. Partie's desiring to purehase are referred -to the following gent omen who have used them: G. • Edwie Creeswell, imaAle,wandor Broadfoot, Tgieker- (1 sniith; Jainea Sao I;. end lames Keir. McKillop ; John' Vaitetield, ale. ; John Troyer, Hee; Peter Stanley, nil :tinny other. Parties svho 'want hese HinT6Vt: would do well to pneelotse es &nun d for them his sermon. . 800'6 as poseible, as there i8 likely •to be great PRI ES LOW AND. TERMS LIBERAL. AN( -PLOWS. Aleo, on baud, turhig Cempanya Plows hatee had added. tine sentein, pable of performil Price 11 nn inber of lbe,-Slassey Men new - superior Gang Plowe. . These several valual ile. improvements • and sire nose .consequently m- g better -work than ever before. e same' 118 ift,St season. • • 0. C. WILSON, 221 ultural Irribleo tent Agent. • URRitti H FOR 187. J- AULT • - MAIN S REET, SEAPORTH, T.TA.;:4 ON HAN ) superior stock of ,FAMILY OCIERIE, • embraeing Teas of the best brands, Sugars, fl iii, etee Also, Crockery and. 'Clistestvare• and ev • ry other article usually kept in tin44-elaes (hoct y Store. P 0111141 0 NS, - Such ,t1; Flour, Ont and. Corn -meal, Potato. Pork, etc., al. o, every deecription of FJP.ED, Such le Oats, 1a s„Bran and Shorts, all of vehich will be eold cheaper than the chostpeet. • •m PRODUCE. imtrket price paid for all kiuds of Farm Produce. Bernember the place, Main street, East side, oppos`te Ouventel 8 Boot and lihoe Store, S.eaforth. 1.3 WM. AULT. ,2 ea, THE SALE STILL CO 91 -1-r- -7,- kli)s.... s MThV UL7ca • Special inducements in Grey Cottons. 200 Pieces, at fifteen per cent. chased IyholeSale now, owing Good S EGUR FA THE kiwer than to the advance in Cotton s. SEATTER, EXCELANGE ..CKE' And tit:11111.in Pure DRUCS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY' , FANCY D TOILET ARTICLES 1 Agent for Sewing Machines Money • j to lend on easy terms. •3 can be pur,- 1 FOR- THREE WE OASH AND ONE PRICE. ARGAINS, KS ONLY T. KIDD. Those indebted will pleasti eau and -tlo and oblige. -T. E. Settforth, Jen. 31, 187'2. 217 SOMETHEN G I EW. New Grocery, Flour, Feed and Seed THE Subscribers are now ope4ino- out a choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIESJ FLOUR FEED 'etc I ' I '7 in the Store formerly occupied by the Montreal Telegraph • Company. TEAS, SUCARS,, OBACCOS, ETC., OF THE BEST BR4NDS. _Flour, -G-raham do., Buckwheat lo., Corn and Oat -meal; Peas, Oats, etc., etc., kept onstantly on hand . As we intend making SEEDS a speciality, Farmers and Gardetie'rs will find it to their advantage o give us a call. , THE CASH SYSTEM AND ONE FRIO STRICTLY .ADHEREatTO. Goods delivered in hny imrt of the village, free of charge. N. II -The highest Market Price paid, ir Cash, for all kinds of _13ioduce. .215 - Remember the Stand old Telegrap the Black B Office, one door South of ar. STRbNG & F AMLEY NOTICE. VC.1171.3.3.1....111e1=t0MEell=e• ALTHOUGH BOOTS &• SHOES, WOOLLEN OODS, CROCK E Have advanced from 1 WE WILL to 20 per cent NOT 'Put 111) the GOODS now in Stock • FOR .A SH ORT TIME. E._ HI SON $c CO. GREAT., S CC ESS IIA8 ATTEND DENT'S CLEAIRII G SALE OF DRY G And although lichasi sold tt vast pile within the lent four • of DRY GOODS still on bend, and in order tii1 fueth MONTREAL HOUSE, SEAFORTH. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, No -F. 3, 1870. 69-tf. SHOPS .FOR SALE. FOR SALE, two Shops mid forty-four feet front. •age on Main Street, Seaforth, op/mho Car- t:Lichees Apply to 3 SEA.TTER. BUSINE8S MANGE. DISSOOTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 1 Lillg Dia; i impligugugullog irtr. W. DOHERTY Begs to announce that he -will eonthnie the busi- ness of the late firm of Depeav & Doherty (Mr. De - pew removing to the city Of Londee tt3 extend his business operations,) and 'while- thaailitil for the past patronage, he hopes by increasing his.eatock and meeting the wants a his tustonters and the public in every possible way, ;o do in 1872 it ranch larger businetin than laat year, in "Whidli, Although the first 3 -ear of the bustness, there was sad over a 100 PIANOS AND MELODEONS I At a cost of Twenty Thousand Dellans.• s 1 • The present stock meat be sold paiperatory to heavier Importations in the Spring, BO t onao now if you want Bargaine. CLINTON MUSIC; ENIPORITTAI Is the spotfor all kinds of • MUSIC.A.12 INSTRUMENTS Of the best makers. • Clinton Tau 9, 1872. '215 HARNES,-HARNE.S.S.. Great Variety AT WILSON' SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of 'all Ldnda, VALISES -riot it few, .WHIPS -of all sorts, COLLARS -a -all sizes. Brushes, In3; garde. All prices -from 10 emit; up. Bells, Blankets; cireinglea.,Saddles, And in feet everything 'usually found itt a find - class -Sathlkar's Shep, and at prives eetrerctely low. JAMES Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the Mined support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by littlest attention to business and manufeetwing first-class article to merit it fair Share of the pat- ronage of the many. Remember the.,Sign of the- .. GOLIMM SADDLE." gr, TEE'ill EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. ,----,--,....:- '1--F,- --,--- ,-..- -,..--; CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentif,t, extraets teeth without pain by the use of the • Nitrous -Oxide (ras. Office -Over the Fountain ef • Fashion, Mr. Pewter's store, on the Market fiquere. El) Attendance in Senforth, at linox'e Hotel, the tu•st Tuesday mid Weihwgday 7noOth; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thins - Lys and Pritlays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford oilier. Penile.; requirme, new teeth are requested to call, eels, he lets still it large stock of all kinds the fist ef the Ges. at Dr. Conitoree ofileoes, ew = York. te)(1)(lavenre5e1.`,000 patienfe have bid teeth extraeted. if at Senforth aml Clinton, on tne first days of A- O DS, to red -ace his ki to e k he will continue his 203 (MEAT CL EA. ING SALE Fichlt JUST TWO -W EKS LONGER. Come while Bargai is can be got: REMEMBER .DENT'S CHEA. STORE, SEAFORTII. exter Training a id Sale Stables SEAFORTHJ ONT. TvE. BATTY:Y. begs to inform the Farmers; and Public g 11Prally, that lee lees specialle..fitted up 8f111)1(4.3 -A-1 for Tesnluxing and Selling illitorses, and pitrposee to IIA:NlaLE TROTTING STOCK by training and developieg them to the best ativantnge. Hihas engeged ini 1fxix.1ience41 trainer from Kentucky-, with ;the assistance of competent grooms tend 4 -very teethe); for perfeet and must settle/eel-nor results from all under my eharge. Persons having good. eoung sound. freeetepping Horsee would do well to bstve thein trained and see lf they cannot be made to tot fast. I IVA emsetantly il) receipt of erders for good (hivers and can sell any munlier of good. movers .4t Hee ri FI6eitne. Parties has ing Training will reee•ive their time es ery week, thus enabling theta te see the heprovieeent they are mak• - hie. We have as good. a. half -mile thick as can be found In the Dominion -for training Horses on. Terms ReasOnable. Horses Bougikt and Split. One or two -good 7rotte2.9 for. Sale. OFFIC 1.1 STABLiS-SigIth of the B. & L. B. R. Station and oppoeite the Woolen. Piteteny. 2.06 • Aeldniss, A.4. BAILEY. Seaforth, Ont. FARMERS, EEME4BER THE 2.51.T 33..0Q FLOTTRING AND TIIIISTIG MILLS. • 'ISAAC) B. SHANTZ -p17.G.9, to st:ate to the Ffirmers oMelfillop end serrounding Townships that he, line now pnr- (denied tbe above Mill, and -intends; running it hereafter on hie own eecount. The Mill is mete in evedient runeieg order, end lade to turn out al- most any amount of work. GRISTINC1 AND CHOPPING atinvied to promptly, atid eatisfietien guaranteed. Leine himself a practical Miller Mid thoroughly mde iretnading the busini.Ss, be denim thet he can turn nut flour which, for appeals. nce or eetalitY, cannot be smpestied byiany Mill in the Country. Flour exchanged for Wheat if desired. 2,18 •ISAAC 13. SHANTZ.: CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR will be beld hereafter at tOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, ' (opposite the" station) On the First Monday in each month - IEGnoms6 PION -DAY, OCTOBER , IS/1. t Large numbers of buyers will be in attendall* 'and parties having stock may rely oil tha,best msr- ket plum . In eonneetion with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton** ' are large and commodious stables awl yards. lel - •.•