HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-08, Page 3• imairaimporrxtrammitreitinentmeimmesemenmeern HOW SANTA 6LAUS'CANI TO SON'S BAR. • Br 'BRET itA.RTE. Conciraded. It was the mare. Ae was not a pretty piettire. From -Her *Roman nOse.- to her rising' haunches, from her arched spine hidden by the stiff maeltillcis of a Mexican Saddle, to lice Caick, straight bony 1e, there was note line of equine.grace. In her half - blind but wtolly Vicious white eyes an her protrudieg under`Hp, in her monetrouS color, there was nothing but -ugliness. anti vice. - "Now, theta"' said- StapleS, "stand cl'ae of her heeis, be up with you. Don't miss y holt of het mane,- and mind your off stierip-quieke Ready There wee a leap, a sera 'Struggle, a bound, ,;:a. wild eta the crowd, a ;Circle of fIpng two springless leaps that jer earth, a tepid play • and jii ,spurs, a plunge, and elieh ltb of Dick soeiewberain the Lu "All right ?" "Don't take thlv e loeti• -S unless you'ee hard ;pushed or Don't held her in down hill be at the* ford at five. G Iloopa ! kula! Go'!" .A splash, a spark struck ledge in the road,- Ia-clatte m• ' S ' oin a few saloon§ and galing then Were swept way, atuil uprooted bo'4e, bu1 t, avoiding these, they trees anti whirlin dyifteweed. t - _ - TH - opped before several closed s • ops, end by persistent tapping an ju- dici es_outcry roused the.propri tors ro their beds,.. and made the un- bar he doors of their magazine and exp se their wares. Sometim they were met by curses, but -o .te er b interest and 8011m conces •their ..needs' and the interview -wa inya iably concluded by. a• drink. .1 was three o'clock- before this pea. ante r ierail given over, and wi sinal waterproof hag • of India •Itt ber-e rapped on his shoulders icl eetuined to the hotel:. But her h ys, and r was weylaid by Beauty , 1.3e, uty . e • ; The Old Man started and woke. The fire on the hearth was dead, • the candle in the outer e001.13 fliadter- ingein its socket, aud smile:body :was es rat ping at the door. fie opened it, lait; 'fell back with a cry befoiee'-the- 11 ledfrsiked figure thatteel- ed .1,0,-ainst the daqrpost. t•" Dick V' Hush 1 Is b a ‘*No—bet Diol • `. Dry up, you some whisk ey qt e Maa • flew ::iud r aee fast I Opel nt in charms, affluent i dies' ye eet persuasive in speech, and 'pat ish - in. ac ent ! in vain she repea ed the eielie.,.). invia reat of sc*rn iily hoofs, aud -ejected by this - child thtie red , .i.sierrk s—a,. rejecn. tioscftened .ie of I instance by a laugh and his -h thin in "-Eecelsior," 'hap d by`all Alpihe climbitioyo of the in his st old to he ier Its, a voice coin. -And then he sprang amass.. saddle and dished down the street and out • into the 1 ad i back Plain) •, time. the bl -weal and ti lane behi t"I.the roue the - thea rocky cat beyond, and D-ck was o gone. = 1,4 e Sing, -0 Muse, the ride are' Belle]].! -Sing, 0 Ignad alroas men V -the sacred qt. e ir Wa f adj but it reache of Rjeb. creesin f chiv- • avoid est, the a long doughty deeds, the battery of low in wh • churls, the fearsomeeide an some perils ief the Flower , - Son's Bar.- eAlack she is this Muse. She will have ,• of this bucking,beete and swi ragged rider, and•I Must fai him, in prose') afoot-. .• , It was one o'clock -and yet only , gained Rattlesnake HD in that time :Jovita had -re to Aline all her imperfectio practiced all her vices. rfir she stumbled. Twice le d she thrown 1* her Reiman no e in a' straight line with the reins, sisting bit and spur, struck ot lee across country. Twice, le reared, anel, rearing, fallen ward; and twice had the agil - :unharmed, kegained bis seat' she found her vicious legs And a, mile beyond them d grew.-• ftSirri dainty,. none -of 0.gerieg follow he had For earsed * and • ce bad - nd, fee- t inad- d She -back- Dick,- befare again. at the foot of a long hill, was Rattlesnake Creek. - Dicke knew that here was the critical test of his abilityto per- form his enterprise, se t his teeth • grimly, put -hie knees well into her flanks, and changed his def esive. tactics to brisk; aggressiorea Bullied - and inScIderied, Jovita begen the de-:. sceet of the hill. Here the . artful Richard pretended to- hold her in • with ostentacious objueation and well -feigned cries of alarm.- It .,is unnecessary to add that Jevi a In- stantly ran away. Nor need 1 state the time made in the elasceet ; it 'is • written in the chronicles Of Sinip- ( SOD'S Bak. Enough that in an 'Lb er. moment, as it Seerued:_ci Dick) she . was splashing ,on -the, overflowed banks of Rattlesnake. Creek. - As Dick expected, , the triementum she had acquired carried her beyond-- the point of -balking, and holding her well -together for a Mighty eape they dashedinto the middle.a she swift-flewitig Current. A few moments of kicking, wading and swimming; and Diel drew a ong lare.ath on the opposite bank. The road from; Rattlesnake 0' Tek to Red Mountain ••waS toler bly level. .Either the pleinge in Ra Ie snake Creek had dar11le-4d her ale - fill fire, or the art )which led t it. had shown her the superior wic ed- ness of her ridet,;forJovita no 1 nee- er- wasted .her Surplus '•energy in wanton conceits: i Onceohe bee ed, but it was front fame of liebit ; 0. ce she shied, but it was from a ew freshly- painted meeting -house at he crossing of the county- road. • ol- lows, ditches; gravelly clepos ts, patches of freshly springing gras.es flew from•beneath her rattling ho fs. She began. to smell u n pleasant 1 y, once or twice she coughed sligh ly, but there was DO abatefitellt_ of 1 er strength or speed. By two o'click he had passed Red Mountain a d begun the descent to the plain. :n minutes later the driver of the f st Pioneer coach was overtaken a d passed by "a man on a Pinto, hos It --an event sufficiently notable •r • remark: At half -past two Di k rose in his stittups with greatsho t. Stars were glittering thipegfir t ie rifted clouds, and beyondehire, o t s of the plain, rose two spires, 'a flit. - staff and a stragaling line of bla:k objects. Dick Jingled his spurs a4d ewung his. riata, Jovita bounded fo -- ward, and in another mdmerit th iy - swept into Tuttleville, and drew u before the wooden piazza of "T e Hotel of all Nations." What transpired ' that night at TatileiiIle is not , strictly a part of this., record. Briefly I may state, however, that after Jovita had been Landed over to a sleepy ostler, whore she at once kicked /into unpleasant consciousnese, Dick Sallied out With the bar -keeper for a tonr of the Sleeping tome- Lights still glean,a fetlock was a -1 ascent.: Where presently ;the ck line of houses, th flag -staff sank- into th him:Again and were tance. storm had cleared awe . brisk and cold, the o cent landmarks were distin was,half peat four befor the meeting house al di the - the county row-. TC h -e rising grade he lead taken r and -more circuitous d, *se vaned mud Jovita ik deep at every bourn oor preparation for a „tea 3 f five miles more ; but Jovi gatheringher. legs under her: took. it with, her usual blind unveils g fury, and•a,half hoar ,later re • eh u the long 'level *that led to -.snake wonld He thr neck -of ne ligl spires ea, •th ost in be es ct, atlie 'leek, Another half he r bring him to the ree w the reins lightly eip n t e the mate, chirruped Co 'he and begui to sing. Sudd nly Jovita shied . wi h bound hat would have mesea ed less pr cticed rider. Hanain to herrein was a figure that had eap- d from:the bank, and at he arn tima fro :the road before her ros a.sliado y horse ancrrider. " Pfro aritionath. erid a p, with an o up- yeti) hands," coMmanded) thi sco . k felt th emarc quiver, t ern. • le, and appaienely sink under] im e knew Naliat it meant, and 'wa repasecil. "Stand aside, aside, Jaek .Simpso know you, you thief. Let me or • _ e He did not finish the sente ce. Jovita robe- straight in the air with a terrible bound, throwing the figure. from her bit with a single shake of her vicious head, and charged her deadly neele,volence !down en the ire... -pedinientl.before ler. • An path, a 'pistol shote horse and highiVaynian rolled ever in -the reackand the next -moment Jovita was a hundred yeecis awey. But 'the good right arm of -the rider, shattere0 bya bullet, dropped helplessly at his Side. Without slackening his speed, he shifted the reins to his left hand. • . • But a fe v moments- later he was abliged tO halt and tighten the sad- dle-girehs that had slipped !in the* Onset. T 'is in his Crippled con clilion tooL some time. He had no fear of p rsuit, but looking up be 'Saw that the eastern stars were al- ready. paling, and That the distant peaks had lost their ghostly white- ness, and Jaw stoodout. blackly against 'a -lighter sky. Day was up- on him.' Then completely absorbed in. single idea,. he forgot the pain of his wound- and Mounting s.gain, dashed on toward Rattlesnake Creek, 'But aow Jovita's breath came brok- en b gasps, pick reeled in his sael- dle, nd brighter and brighter grew the s y. - . Ri e, Richard; run Jovita; ling- er, 0 day ! • Fo the last few.rodi there was a roaring in his ears. Was it -exhaus- tion from loss of blood, or what? Ile was daZed--and giddy mile swept down the hill, and did not recognize his surroundings. Had he taken the wrong•-; road/ or Was this Rattle- snake Creek? It was. But the beawilng creek he had swam alew hoers•before had risen, mare than doubled its volume, and now ro led a swift and restless river between him ind Rattle:Snake Hill. For the first time that tnight ,Richacd'sheart- sank ;within him The river, the mountain, the quick- , , ., [ ening_ east ewem before his eyes. Re shut them to recover hia self-con- trol. In that brief interval, by seem fantastic mental process, the little roma of Simpson's Bar, and the- figeres of the sleeping eather and•soh, roseuponhim. He open- ed his eyes wildly, cast off his coat, ,pistol, boots and saddle, beund his 0 precious pack tightly his shoul- ders, grasped the bare flanks of Jo - vita with his bared knees, and with a shout, dashed into Ithe yellow water. A cry rose from the oppo- site bank as the head of a man and horse struggled for a few moment ga4tst the hattlin g current, and s awake Yet ?"-r- id fool! Get me ick 1" The Oid t u riled • with—au empty bottle. hick aveuld have Sworn; but his strength Was not eg u el tothe . occas ie a. He staggered, caught at the handle of the door and motioned. to the 0 d Man. " That's sutliqf 1.in wy piick yei for-Tohmv. Tek i& off. 1 oaf t." Tie Old _lied unsttepped the peek and laid -it before,, the exhausted. man Il It c obeli ness end insel. (inc ef them was broke e?i; another, I fear, was irretriev- ably. reined by water ; and on the third ah me 1 thelre was • a cruel L don't look like much, that's said Dick, ruefully "But e beet we could doTake Old Man, and put 'ern iirhis ug, and tell him—tell him, now—held me, Old Alan" ; Id Men caught at his sinking " him," said Dick. with k little laugh— "`.L.11 • hisu p'en it, quick I" e did so with trembling fingers. ntaiped only a few poor'toys— .) end barbaric enough; good - know but beight with paint spot. a fact it's t iern, stock you The • figure a we. Sand A u unelia arni 11 'San tit and f old. slowly peaks fable 1 ly 011 L mounte action, /antic .1 A Cal Claws has Conic." . nging helplessly at his, side, i even so, bed •aggled, ragged, en 'and -t-insl oin ; with one . ' ' - 1 • Claus came. to ,Simpson's Bar 11 fainting on the hret thresh -- The Christmas dawn came, after:, touchieg the ,remote ith tlfe rosy wannth of inef- ve. And it looked so- te.nter- imoson's J&.1' that the. whole foat/t/y. L in, as if caught iu a generous \ blushed to t e skies.—At- - Marvel---A Desert- ed City. . Meat ow Lake Cit which was once ca led gummit City, boasted in the day- gone by of a popnlation of 3,000 o 4,000 souls. In its day of vesper ty it had tin stares, good otels, heatres, saloons in nember, nd an exehange at which mining ocks were sold. Mea.dow Lake ity w. s a second Virginia, City, id attempted to revive the 'good d days of Waehoe, the flush times the Comstock lead. ' In 1865, we 1 ink it was; some persons found Id-be+ng -rock in I some ledges ou nd Meadow Lake,eitd these being sayed and the assays being talked out, the city of Summit or Meadow ake was bore. It sp 'ung up, like nah's gourd, in a nig it, audit has thered In the excitement whiCh lowed f the quartz- ecinien w Lake, fine uses nd business omised wever, aSere . `„beca ne hel WOU I le, wb The ores and theo and quick gold' of there rich ledges. Chemis- try would find a wao to get the rich- aess out f the rock. "Old people saw signs reams" he ,Iturn invented in ,dreaen to save this gold; and for a ime Mea ow Lake City continued to hold itsownin the hope of the uccess - of the Burns . Dream. It the doubters egan to in. t the gold was not in the he assayers were wrong ' impold up n. -Mille, rid even drea s failed to g there a su cess. Sci- ence, mechanics and the black art bad each failed in its -6 113. to turn the rock into gold. Scthe city went dowii ,and is nowl deserted. , I A' few, days ago a Menai of ours v'sited ', Mladow Lake City. He S ai 91 of th g ar as ab Jo wi fol sp ho Ir. ,0 itre !pie aui try eae the discovery s near Mead ere erected, to be brisk. The ledges, failed to yield •up their s and peo- . The san- that chemis- out of the had failed, IS, it is said, es of stamps ot save the by mill proce e disheaetene d on in hopes get the got re• mechanisni were eebellio dinary a pplian silver would 11 nd young peo n efforts to ea process was le dreanied e this gold. ailed, an timate th rock, and dr had bee chemicals make mini ent up on snow shoes and tdok a 1 ok at the -deserted and s ow cover ti ed place. The houses w lie!' were wily cne s to their o -story w th snow seeond. -- sen by our ar h of that ung in ti grazed ie th of he sn,ow. si s was t . jut opposit Board of Br there WAS beds and there. Our snolw-shoes vvhile he sto le41 with t zaw awl lin ry in height Were cover. roofs •with snow. The ouses were surrounded to the height of the ot living Wing was friend. He was mon- snowy desolati n. Signs e cold wind, and just • • • ir swinging t e surface Prominent rnong the it of a brok r's effice,. the old ha 1 of the kers. The large hotel et furnished, and the dding still -eierained friend standing in his d into the hotel d on the snow surface, _ . second story, and he I count n on the deserrd beds. I passet.l. He wanted to take a rest hi tile comfortable quarters, but they() was no fuel or food in sight, and hie had to go down lower to a- ditch-teilder's cabin to get fire and appeasb his hunger. Many of the.houses. ave, this winter,. been broken down by the -weight of snow on their: 1 00fS, but many mere rernain just as they were when their owners left. The as cold of this Corporation; to abolish the ! ag: lest new Itegietry Office in the North eadow Riding of fiuron, as it is, iti the., o retire: opinion of this Council, not only : property deserted is eafc, , and snow have locked all the cleprecletion of bu rgi aes. .M !Lake is a winter residence n I—Grass Valley nziom. The Scotch Highlands. The surrounding la idscape Ineat and Very pretty; the s pears to be mediocre ; but tl age is less regular than in En A rude nature lends hers& reluctantly to diseipline ; face is undulating and eveuld a'. painter. . Flowers abound, are delicate and dainty, Mor I ticularly the wild resee, which along all Che road -sides. clear, and murmuring stream ander through the meadows. the .slopes the violet heed spread lilse -a- silken carpet the scanty firs. -Higher stil large patches ef evergreen wood as soon as the mountain is appi ed , a bro WC Circle of barren inn iri may be descerned toward the on. At the eed of an hou desert begins ; the climate is i cal to life, even to that of p A tarn, the'. tint of burned t lies cold -and sactly between- st Stephenson, seconded by J. War- wick, That motion No. 1 of Jan. 19,1872, be rescinded; and that the Reeve's contract; with 0. Foster for building Watson's bridge be con- - fa] rin ed. —Carr ied. Moved by lila Monteith, seconded by J. Warwick That the Reeve and Cleric be au- thorimd and instructed topetition the Legislative .41.1.3:3M.bly bei1:01 is Try oili f tiler° e re au.:ye e par - Sin ill, un 1 , al -ea en es rhoti iz- ni loa; ore. slopes whereaa •a few tufts of fe and heather grow here ancl the Half a league higher is secor tarn, which appeers still more. di mal in the risieg mist. Aroun patches of snow' are sprinkled on ti e. peaks, and these de.scending in- civ lets, produce morasses. The sma 1 country ponies, with a sure instill°, mount the bog, fled we arrive at a elevation whence the eye, as far ii, can iee.cle embraces nothing b an amphitheater of desolate, y green summits ; owing to the de, truction of timber-, .eve..rything els has perished ; a scene of ruined ri thee is far more melancholy a spe fade than. any human ruins. 01 our return across the lake, a bag Piper . pleyed cn his instrument,. Th music is strange and wild, its effect harnmeizing with • the aspect of th bubbling streaths, veined with strik- ing or sombre reflections. The same simple note, akiad of dance music, rues through the whole piece in an incorrect and odd manner, and con- tinually recurs, but it is always harsh and rough ; it might be liken- ed to an orange slitiveled with the cold and rendered bitter. These are the Highlands. From Braemar to Perth we journey through them for mauy long „miles. It is always a solitude ; sometimes five er six val- h3ys-in sucaa-ssion. are wholly bare, and oaloma.y.. travel for an hour without seeing a tree ; then for an- other hour it is rare merely to see in the distance a wretched twisted birchen-tr'ee, which is dying, or is dead. • It would be some compensa- tion if the rock were naked, and ex- hibited its mineral structure in all its fullness and ruggedness. But these mountains, of no great eleva- tion are but bosses with flabby out- lines,•they have fallen to pieces, and are stone heaps, resenifeling the re- mains of a quarry. In winter, tor -- rents, of- water uproot the heather, leaving on the slopes a leprous, whitened scar, badly tinted by the too -feeble sun. The summits are truncated, and want boldness. Patches of miserable verdure seam their sides and mark the oozing of springt; the remainder is covered by brownish heather, Below, at 'the very bottom, a torrent obstruct- ed by, stones,, struggles along its channel, or lingers in stagnant pools. One eometimss discerns a hovel, with stunted cow. , The gray, low- lying ski% completes the impression: 02ficti2lzeu+gubrious monotony.— Howl: 11 tee er re d, 11- 0. .d s- - Hullett. TOWNSHIP Consecta.--The Muni- cipal Opened of the Township of Hullett niet at Londesborough, pur- suant to adjournment, on Feb. 26. All the members present. The min- utes of former meeting were read and approved. Moved by J. War- wick, seconded by R. Stephenson, Tliat the follovving accounts be paid : G. Watts $15 50; W. Grieve, $11 85; Mills, $18 10; W. San- derson, $3 15, for graevel ; Wil- liams $11 20 for use of shop for elec- tions in 1870 and 1871.—Carried. Moved by A. Monteith, seconded by R. Snell, That certificates for tavern licences be granted to JOhn Lashans, of Londesborough; Thomas Ander- son, of Manchester, and Kenneth McLeod, of Kinburn, they having complied with the Provincial statutes and township by-laws relative to tavern licences, and also to George Brownlee, of Alma, PS soon as be furnishes this corporation with the Inspector's certificate.-- Car -lied. Moved by H. Snell, seconded by J. Warwick, That the Treasurer' s ac - as audited be received and —Carried. Moved by R. REPEAT unneee-eiary but incon venue; t.-- 1-Cerried. The Connell then adjourned to meet at Lohdesborough when •called by the Clerk. J. BR/I,ITHWATTE, -4)G44, Gocterioh Townebip. * COUNCIL MEETING.—Tho Council met on Monday, Feb. 26, by special hers preseet. Mr. lIenry corn, Assessor, having ten dere resignation, on account of ill -be and such tender being accepted James Elliott wa,s appointed his cessor. • The account of J. J. -, -------......... N12:3.;:,L'Isf ill:, i'dii,7,,,,,'„,'",,_7.:111',',:;'1,1-"i„...'rt'Ztli.‘ ein4s-7-4ei ilaix sb(ol-tut,,I)Lri,iheoblyita.73;1, !Hi:well:31: :I) cof., m• a . 7`;'11;17.:::11-mj:nral::11:ii:SiLvijil:-E-C1,33:.31, 0OILi.,l ;V,i,tort: 7:14 Tiralraooswit as 11.y Weightoiipgici if aitol7tlieDnootou it is firae you eie. 1.97-e melte. lee- Avea, psi. tli • iinp.tel ltd. jli kaNad Thom a . : , 4 ' ' i : etti4.1 toi,, 0.“ Virt " 14 4.i.(111 a FIX of some :of In bpst, ) ) -"tUr- ttp, f 013., great 3. ni7e. 11 4 Tie es a see. - -ee es, s 4 VI Pla't Sti(M 1,113..;k1141i ,h11,) ` It; vtiV;11 1,,tiPhli22.7447.11,41 /144. port pnls iv, Lea .1- Laid Vi,t1d ealrtY11, eing t L pro. other ingrolieet.,, mei Liiitlyent from tlihm 4-,s,:3, 3,,.f.,,1.„ t.eilie. Le.a.). whi.h iIlG . - L Ino6t a 4 in.s 11 g _et,utte, an 3 Inning a wifb:r mat% ‘s(L):1:::::!.11:eawtriitl:hut,1):::::i:,i1::::t1;:ii.:3:-)11:1-ifi,.1,::::::;.:, -,i;.-1-..ii.: .1,111:::frIfti-:ojelatIttl:trq-ct liquidre efoala.(ptentl!.111).ph ilfAL,Iiilig 1)!` L ...aporatialt V, neve) er aind-e,..1:-Lai .g... -t :1)‘. lemel4 .4g every draw 14. alcohol is lost in tha 1 ,a.a.',-, 1e-.11 you g. -i. _ irL't24ii:.38on4rpili2.ys .4ttfuhsola:leeaitiyof ti113d:Itl::::e4aj;oiuillulxNtIe,4;zit,:soIgltli)1Ilil';11i':tIT:!I:iltril-11113112Ii.Ile:C;?14111.11(1-1,;n eifLehappointment of the Reeve. Mem-xl: orail 1 sue_ RAILWAY !TIME. TABLE; Bell, Trains' leave the ScaMrth stations!' ee, follows In of 0, an for printing, anioursting to $2 was ordered to be paid. The eu $16 wasgranted-to Robert Le indigent. Th `e tavern -inspector is paid the sum of $6 for his services. The auditors were paid the shm of $6 each for their services. -The Treaeurer was paid ,$10 for extra services. ' The Anditor'S report was - confirmed, when the • Council ad- journed. T. B. STOKES, Glee Bamt Coco.A.--GitATE AND •0.1EFORTLNq.---‘‘ 13x A thoro knowledge of the natural laws w govern the operations of digestion and trition, and by a careful • apPlication of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has Aided our breakfast -tables with a c eately flavored beverage which may s us many doctors' ,5ervies Gazette. —Made simply with boiling was ter or. milk. Each packet is labelled—. "JAM88 EPPS & omceopathic Chemists, London.", Co.,Also. makers of EppS's Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- densed Milk). GOING WE.T1'.. Exl.rebs. 2.37 P. AI. 1.40 P. M. 8.4-0 1)1. t; 0 N G EAS'T. •Express,. Alixed. Mail. 'fi0 A. M. .1.40 P. 3f. e.seereeee.eameeeee- - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. * k. itJ . 7 , _ .atemoi r Royal College Sae. _ and Licent'iate Royal Colltle physicians, EDI;Brno31; Lioentiate of Midwifery ; (Lately ug-fi siii;(1)Inth bin4lrgnkt4.4)140Bilinegelti141,r- \er hipericoih: ii;o'iptpia----ett-ertat.°ecte'ftofiebt:tull'd-haot'::;3.3E.41."21"L= 61 ThAY1D MITCHELL, Al. D., Giadurate of Vida- I-L-' Col-ege, Physie nal, Surgeon, etc., luxnrnN, Oxy.-Coeone of the County of Hm-on, ave office and reanlenee, Itt i hompron Lk Stanley's. SPECIAL 1OTIO4S. 11,71, Satisfaction or no sale, guar teed by . the Guelph beiving Mach ompany. , Try the wonderful Osborn n..9=. • I can safely and consistently commend Fellows' Compound Syrup Of I klypophosphitcs in a variety of cases, 3 especially for chest diseases, having suc- cessfully prescribed it in bronahitis, de- bility from liver complaint, debility from fevers, and debility from impoverished "JAMES ISELMON, Practising Physician and -Surgeon.' rea. It is a rare thina that physicia give any countenance to a medicine. t manufacture of which is a secret. Abo the only exception -we know of is iroh . son's Anodyne Liniment. This, we be- lieve, all endorse, and many of them use it in their practice 'with great success. - eer Persons ; requiring purgative or pills should be careful what they buy. Some pills not Wily cause griping pains, but leave the bowels in a torpid, costive state. 'Parsons' Purgative Pills will le- lieve the bowels and cleanse the blood without injury to the system. - - an- ine street, 8eaforth. Office h. da3-, and ail day Saturday re- — nit. W. 132 S.MITH,' Physician, Surgeon, Office-Oppesite Sc tt Robertson's Groceiy, Main street, Seafortk. 53 - TAMES 87E1'1 -ART, D., C.- M., Graduate of • mitreal, Physidan, Sur. ' geOn, etc. Office ad Residonce--Bnicefield.. L.• VERCOE, 31 D., M., Bur-, gem); etc. Office and Ilesidenee, corner et Market and High streets. next to the Platting' Mil DR. ceerese.r.e., Coroner for the Comity. Office eel Lesidence, over (Jerky's corner store, Ilaia - ins, from 11 to 4, each. 159 LUC; Al,. T 241 LEET, Sohoitor, Wiz 1131141, has been • pointed Agent for the !Colonial Secinities Com- pany of EngIcoid, he is nisei Agent for sevcial pri- vate Capitalists of Toronto, who loan Money at very reasonable rates1lnterest payable yearly.- Charges moderate. • - 1-Vingham, Dec, 15, 187L 213 asceeeieetwe e ROL STEP, 13arristors, At- torneys at Law, Soli itors in Chancery aae nd Insokeency'Notaries Public and Comeyancers. rtt Solicitors for the 11.-0.13m*, Seaforth. Agentsfer the Canada Life A.:Lt.-mance N. B. -$:3O,000 B.-$:30,000 to lend at 8 per mit. Faellis, Houser.; and Lots for sale. 53 _ pteesay e.- METER, Banisters tala Att01716Y1 at Law, Solieitors m Chancerv and. Insolvency, Conveyttneers, Nota.ries Public, eL& Offices -Sea. forth and Wroxeter., $28,000 of Private Funds ter- hlTfSt at once, at Eight per Mit: Interest, payabla. yearly. .03 . .us ir.33ENSOX. W. C. 3,IEYE31. - CURE YOUR HORSES. -1E-It is to the fri- terest. of all who own horses to keep them itt a healthy and sound condition; ex- perience has proved that Darley's Con- dition Powders and A.rabian Heave Re- medy is the most efficacious it has been used by thousands who vein cheerfully confirm this statement. For heaves, coughs, colds. and all diseases -which ef- fect the wind of horses it has no equal, nor is it equalled as a condition medicine; it purities the blood, corrects and ilia -- proves the appetite, and softene the skin; in fact, so great is the improve- Merditt the appearance and cenclition of the animal 8.,5 to have led mauy to doubt if it could be the same horse. Re- member the name, and see that the sig- nature of Hurd 4 Co. is on ea:ch pack- age. .Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by aU naedieine dealers. . tla... A common cough or cold should e -ver be trifled with, often when neglect - d it is ver into. a serio.us and gen- rally fatal puhnonary disease. - The nore prudent, aware of ' this, promptly. se-13ryan's Pulmonic Wafers, a curative hich has sustained ,its reputation for over twenty years—they are always ef- ficacious and exert a most beneficial in- 4iuence on all the bronchia/ and puirn.on- iry organs. Sold by all dnuggists and dountry dealers. Price 25 cts. per box. eneee G_ G G }L.. eorgen s celebrated medicines are now 1 f r sale in most all of the stores of deal- -- . 186 -ti 1Z-IsZOX..'„S HOTEL, (Late S'Larp's,) Tile -under- J-3'. signed begs to thank the public for the liberal patrojittge awarded to bin) in times past in the hotel business and also to inform them that he /vs again resumed' business in the above stand, whels -- he will be happy to have a call from old friends, and many new ones. 126 THOMAS RNOX.; OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., -I- C. J. MeCIJTO111).30N, Proprietor. F2rst-8ast accommodation for travellers. The Bar is sok- - plied with the very best liquors and -cigars. Good stabling attaehed. The stage:leaves this House eveiT day for Wingiurm, . 204-4 - Bitrnsa EXC1T NT.GESOfF,L, Eleaprieb,Ont, 47. CALLAWAY, Proprietor,- j. S. •WiLia.018, {late of American Hotel, Warsa-w, Manager. Phi* - hotel has reuently been newly funiished, and ' fitted throughout, and is now one of the most tem - irritable mull commodious in 'the Province. GooLt - Sample Rooms far Commercial Travellers. Terms -liberal. iffil.SCIELLAINEOUS. JOHN BRIGHAM, Exchange Broker, and Bail- , GLF: Twa. YItTaiilewkea6y4Stelliti'oir, °Sliegahlt4;11th,'s )-(1)°ntte1'. T°Ihro4sbniaigitte" Tickets issued to all points in,tlae Western States, &aroma and Red River. at reduced rates, affording ,the greatest fa.cilities to Emigrants. All necessaq information given respecting Land Agencies, ete. - Greenbacks, Bonds, Coupons anduncurrentMonsli Gold and Silver Coin, bought and sold athestrateSi- ('''• R. COOPER, • CO21VC yan c e r, CommUsioner `--"' Queen's Bench, Insurance and General Agent. Agent for the following Fire, Life and Accident In- surinace Compattielh The Beaver and Toronto 3,1. IL - teal and the Western Fire Insurance Compalus6 the Reliance Life Assurance, eada the Hartionikei cident Insurance Company, MONEY TO LOAN on real estatesecurity. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly atte7k. o. Office, opposite Ross' Tailor SlioPp me -mines. The attention of the uhlic is called to the fat that over 120.- 0 packages have been sold during the rst few years in a portion of • the Pro- vlud nirceeof Ontario alone, and more is re- ci, as, the demand is steadily increas- ing. This of their curative -powers is s flicient proof. They are warranted to purify, regulate, and strengthe,n the whole human system ; not to cure any tting and everything, but to be benefici- al in most all •cases and hurtful in none. They consist.of pills, powders, relievors, and ointments for the human sYstere.; a o liniments and powdeis for hones, cr4ttIe ancl other animals. Sold in. Sea - forth. by R. Lumsclen,ancl. J. Seatter. saiM. GEORGEN & SONS, Barrie, whole- le manufactu 1 rers. 2 6-6m. The 1,71-reat Female IECTnedy. TO moints' PERIODICAL MEL T" s invaluable niedicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to Which the female constitutionns' subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, ami a speedy cure may be relied on. To manied ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, ill it short time, king on the monthly period 'with rog3iJiirjty. hese Pills should not be taken by Females dtu g the first three months of Pregnacy, as they are ,sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other tireie they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs -fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the 'heart, hysterics, *lid whites, these pills -will effect a cure when all other means have failed and although it powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fall. directions ,in the pamphlet around each pacitage which. ehould be oarefully preserved. Job Ilioses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1.00 =A .r.-C1113110ECILL,TETERP.LAICY SIDIG-B04 • (Ifember of the Ontario Veterinary College') begs to intiniate to the inhabitants of Sealer* and. surrounding country, that he has opened ast Office in Scaforth, where he znaY he consulted per- sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat- tle, etc. Having received a regular and practical_ education'and having been awarded the Dap1oxn of the Vetelinary College of Ontario, T. j. Cburcnu has every confidence of giving satisfaction to a who may employ him. REFERENCES—A. Smith, V. S.,"Principal Onta- rio Veterinary College; Professor Backland, Di Thorburn, Dr. Bowel, and Wells, IL IL, it Veterinary Medicines constantly- on hand. , All calls promptlY attended to. elfase-Cannichaers Efotel, Seaforth. 182-2Ia $10,000. --MONEY TO LEicD. . THE above innount to Lend, in Rams of• rive Hundred Dollars and upwards, at rates of in- terest front 7i to 8 per cent. Intereat payabls yearly or half yearly. Morrisbank P. O. AMOS W. BAY, • Lot 7, Con. 1, Gy 218-38 THE SEAFORT/I LUMBER YARD. MABRE& MAnDON A isD BEG to inform the public that they have opened .7 a Lumber Yard in Seaforth, near iihearsods I1111, on the -ground formerly used as a Lumber Yaid, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand it good assert" raent of AM HINDS OF LOADER, dmssed 8111 undressed. Also, LAYir AND SHINGLES,s,lizt which the/ are prepared to Bell at the lowest P084: ble prieea, for Builders and other- will find it to their advskt-" glee to -inspect onr stock, and ascertain oar prices before purehasingelsewhere, as we Are in a positioit ' to offer good inducements 10 05811 ptuvhasers. 188 MABEE & MACDONALD# • the .ceThe•- 141:ietiiecileint3t*leY: tragedie; at a that '4-• ii1limiz 1' ing Rine 13aeitic of _fatigi pu_rch: is -again Aisati be:co:1:11 ob_ion tiT: atinrdedsuefi jtl Ia mairiTec:, --Cathol le reel i pro tse Inent of , COI1E seription ,from has al rea p a. local i'el the othe OL1S 01) to '34; t- ftserves .c311f1IT.611Ib'iYaEd).111aafie)C:e1:1)11 oe-1, he egretit P writ Uqt ]mai . r(I11 m''svoast tbe ow:ad ha al cone have pe eelf in tt -1.1pper 1;asbddffir° cill a" - go ver m to WiltO once a 3 matches oses :1-117ber thouglitI loose combueti mischief. Ettetfl. tiiy -el, A solutiol inaech •out" diini evnelers wanain v' dents the being usi, en Nsn\N:Tv efl1 a:21 s Lis shop inscripfit' totii ;Crotch in - forgatlo - zaid 13e I r i feet t ; awl ev vezyNV:11'111, ruii got 111 1) -84111 ii riNkEni - W:1 -Weeping —- truek hi in a -duel ha, eross 4c 11Fais-seses..takies to clear st