HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-08, Page 2•
t f'
k- •
., 'Conducted.
It was the mare.- She wit
pretty picture. eFr m her
nose: -to hei ehaunches,
her arched spine .1i.ddenr by t
Inachilkis ef a Mexictet &olie,
• Vaick, straight bony legs' - her
note lige ofep
etifte pace. In b
blind but wholly vie whit
in ber protrudieg thder lip,
mon4trous caler, the •el,vas u
but ugliness and vice - -
e ' "Now, then," - said .S'
" stand ear of her 1 eels, bo,,
' t 1 up with you. Don't miss ert
holt of her mane, andel-1;nd
your off stirrip quiu acceick. Ready !"
• .There was a leap a scrambline itivitati
not a
LO stiff
ed fro411 a few saloona.ndin
houses, but, avoiding these,
stoppet.-1 before several closed
• and b 'persistent tipping' a
diciou outcry rouSed he propr
from ei mteir beds, • and lade the
•dOors of -their Magazin
expos e
their wares.' Some
they s ere met by cursee; but-
terest and some conce
eedse and the intervie
bly coscl tided by a ride
was three o'tlock before this
ante-ttres given lover, and w
Knoll vaterproof bag, •of india
ber str- ppecl• on his shoulders
eptee rethrracil to the hotel: But he
tad 1. was w y I aid by Beau ty-ti
!if,s,t opulen inchaient, al -anent in
e getpersuas ve in spe.ech, and s.Sp:
t r, In vain she repeatec
n "Excelsior," hal
by all Alpine cliinbingy
s a d
tit es
r13. 11
ith [a
D iek
re I e
eau y
1. the.
u -
to her er by i
1' was their :
A her
struggle, a bound, ,a wild retteat of' scorned
the crowd, al circle of 'fit ing 11.(oefs, and rejected 'by. this • child of
two springlaiss leaps that jarr ,d the • 81erras a rejection sc-ftened in
earth, a rapid. play and jiu sic, of instals by a laugh and his last
spurs, a plunge, and then the voice °Tin;
'of Diek somewhere in the-clar ness. sautde a
• "All right ?"
Don't take: the lower road street
ask plain,
unless you're hard pushed for
• . Don't hold her in down hill.
-be at the ford, at five. G' 1 and ti sel. One of them was -brok- the scantyficiHigher still ar
• Eoopa I. Mula ! !"
ud ilea he sprung to
lad dashed down the lo
.nd out into the lon
here presently ;the light
ieee. the bin - line of houses, the spire
7;11 and the Al ag-etaff sank into the milt].
Lig ! behind lite again and were lost i
the dist- nee. -
1 the The s 01111 had cleared awaly. thEl
the air wp risk and colti, the otelinel
then-veee swept away, amid uprooted
trees and whirling drift-weodo
The Old Man started and woke.
The fire on the- hearth was dead,
• the c nine in the outer room flicker-,
ing i socklet, and sorne^body vas
.'PP' g at' th ei door. • He opened it,
hut ell back with a cry before the
drip g, lialf-neked figure that reel-
ed as tinst the doorpost.
• ick ?"
1 ush eIs he awake tea?"
. .
o -but Dick
ry you. old fool ! Get .me
some whiskey quick. !" Th Oid
Man flew and returned With --an
s••••••e? •
He wanted to take a rest in -he
comfortable quarters, but there Was
no fuel or food in sight, and he !lad
.to go down lower to a ditch -tender's
cabin to get fire and appease.
hunger. Mealy of the houses li• ft e,
this winter,. been broken. down by
•the weight of SUO ',V theie fe
but Many mere z email) jest as they
were when their owners left. •T
• property deserted is eafe, cs ld
and- snow have locked all azgair_st
the depredation dim gl ars. Meadow
Lake is a winter residence D.0 more.
-Gra38 Paiey nth)
The Scotch Eighlands•
empty bottle. Dick would have The surrou tiding la idscape vet
swore, bet his strength was not neat and very pretty ;- the soil 4eqtiai tO.the occesi6u. stagtreeed, ; pears to be mediocre ; but the till
ea, it gh t at the handle of the- deka. and age: isless regular than in England
TICIT 8. 1872.,
4wPot., for imp • •
S phenson seconded by J. War- meet mule
wick, That motion No. 1 of Jan.'u11 m
19, 1872, be rescinded; and that the eat- el* nit Skaforth Th & eta
Reeve's contract with C. Foster for R--rsinisden •
building Watson's bridge be con-
-fit-med.-Catered. Moved by tdr.
Monteith, seconded by .f. Warwick,
.That the _Reeve and Cleile be au-
thorized and instructed to petition
the. Legislative Aesembly in be.half
•of this Corporation; to abolish the
Dew RegiSfty 011ie() in the North
Riding of Huron, as it is, in the.
opinion of this Oumicil, riot only
unnecesary t in con venien t.
Carried. The Coencil then adjourned
to meet at Londcsborough when
y called by the Clerk.
motioned to the OldM
ae. rude nature lends herself more
" Titer's -Eitith;n' • in my pack to' reluctattly to discipline • the suie
the for JO innv. Take it off. can't." face is endulating and evould plea+
this - The old elan. unsteapped the pack a. painter. Flowers abound, Ode
gold wig before , the exhausted are delicate and. dainty, ntere 'ma-
tie u 1 arly e wild rosee, which blooM
nely• "'Open qeick !" along all ate road -sides. - Smal
eher He lid so with treMbling finger. clear, and minenuring streams in -
ft can ainedemly few poov'toys-- ander through the meadows. 0
cheap • arad 'barbaric enough,- . good- the slopes the violet heaths et r•
nees k OW; but bright with paint spread like a- silken . carpet uncle
; another, I fear, was irretriev- lar pa iches ef eVergreen wood, arid,
• A splash, a spark struck fro' ably- rFined by water ; and ou the as soon as the mountain is approach,
rocky cut bearend, and Dick
may be descerned toward the horiz
on. At the e.od of au hour the
desert begins ; the climate is inimi4
cal to life, even to that of plants.
A tarn, the. tint of burned topaz,!
ledge in the soad, a clatter i third -ah I th• ere was a cruel ed, abrowneircloof barren eminence
was Of ,ti.d Jac at landmark's were distinct •
hut it sir s half past four before Die
reached be meeting house and th
LCU-;erossing of the county road.. Tc
titee avoid th rising grade he had taken
alrous men ! the sacred .quest- 'the a.longee utd more circuitous 1.•oad,
• doughty deeds, the battery of Iow in whos varcul wud Jovita sank
churls, the fearSonte _ride and Lew- fetlock' pep . at every bound.- It
some perils of the • Flower of was a poor _preparation for a steady
son' Bar. • Mack. sSe daney, ascent of five miles more; but Jovita,
this Muse. She wil have no gathering her legs under her, took.
of this .hueking beete swagg • it with her usual. blind uni•easoning
ragged rider.; and I est fait). flow fury, and a half hour later •reaclieu
in.ptose, aasee •the long level that led to Rattle-
_ It was one o'clock and yet he bad snake Ceee.k.. Another half hour
• only, gained Rattlesnake Hill. poi. would bring him to the cteek.
in that time Jovita had rehearsed He threw- the reins lightly upon the
to him ^ her imperfection*, :•trid neck of tiemare, --chirruPedher,
practiced all her vices. Thrice tad arid oega to sing.
• -she sten-Ned. • - had she • Sudde ly jovita. shied ^with • a
• thrown' up Itoman no_ - u a bound • th it wOuld have thiseated a
straight line' with the reins; and, re- less prae iced -rider. Hanging to
eistingt bit and epor, struck out Mad- lier Seib. as a figure that had leap-
_ - lee across countr., Twice had she ed from t e bank, and at the same
• reared, and, tearing fallen back- time f • h
s the best we could do'.... -,.Take
'em, Old Man, and put 'em in his
stocifiug, and tell hina-tell him,
you know -hold me, 01 ct Man"
The Old -Men caught at his sinking
gone. •• lon't look like Much, that's
e • ..
said Dick, ruefally.. .."Bet
Sing, 0 .Muse, the ride of
ard. Bullen ! Sing, 0 Muse 'of
•e of
, tom t e Toad 'before her arose
Ward; and twice had theagile Dick, a shadow' ^horse andtridero " Throw
-Unharmed, e:tided his; seat' before up your • ands," commanded this
She found her tieions; legs ag• in. second api aritiore with an oath:• -
And a• mile beyond 4hani, • at the
foot of a long hill, was flattresn ke
Creek. • Dick- knew that here fvas
the critical test of his anility.to. et-
• . form his. enterprise, set his t eth
grimly,- put his knees well into 1 er
• flanks, and changed his defens ve
taccies to brisk aggreseipte Bullied
and maddened, Xeirita began the dee
scent of the hint, Here the • ar ful
ptetended to hold her▪ • in
with • -ostentacioui objttration nd
• well -feigned :cries of alarm. I is
unnecessary to acid that Jovi&a in-
stantly ran away. Nor need 1 st te,
the time made in the descent; it is
.written in the chronicles Of 'Sit p-
, snit's Bar. Enough that in anoi, er
exieMent, as it seemed to• -Dick, 4he
Was splashing on the overfiowjed
banks of Rattlesnake ',Creek: As
▪ Dick •expected, the momentum be
had -acquired carried her beyond he
•-point of balking, and holding er
- well together for: a mighty le p,
they dashed into 'the middle, of he•
swift -flowing correrit. • A •f4w
moments of kicking, -wading a d
swimming,- and Dick drew a lo
- breath on the oppoSite -bank. •
The roadirorn Rattlesnake pre -k
to Red Mountain was tolera
level. Either the plangein Ratt e-
snake Creek had dampened her !be. e- •
ful fire, or the art which led 'to it
had shown 1140- the superior wicke
ness of her rider, for Jovita.nO long-
er wasted :bet surp1u energy n
'wanton conceits. Once she buekeFj,
but it was from foe of habit; on,e
she- ,shied, but it was from a new
• freshly- painted meeting -house t e
I e
g -
crossing of the county road. Eii
IONS) ditebee, gravelly ...deposit
patches of freshly springing grass s
iflew from beneath her rattling hbo
She . began :to smell unpleasantl
once or twice she coughed slighrJ
• but there was no abatement of h
strength ior speed. :By two o'cloc
he had, Passed Red Mountain an
begat:L6e descent to the plain. Te
minutes later the driver of the fa' t
• ,
Pioneer' Coach was overtaken ail
• passed. by "a man on a Pinto boss
• -an event sufficiently notable fo
remark. At half -past two Die
rose in his stirrups with great shout.
Star were glittering threugh th
rifted clouds, and beyond him, on
of the plain, rose two spire; a flag
staff and a straggling line* of blas
objets. Dick jingled his spurs an
Swung bis riata, Joyita bounded for
t ward, and in another -tniontent they
swept into Tuttleville;iand drew up
before the wooden piaiza of " T.h
Hotel of all Nations." -
What transpirea that night at
Tuteleiille is not strictly a part o
this record. Briefly I may state,
however, that after Jovita had been
handed over to a sleepy ostler, whom
she at once kicked into unpleasant
consciousness. Dick sallied out with
the bar -keeper for a toter of the
sleeping twn, Lights still le
•Dick f
ble, and al
He knew
; " Stand
knOw you,
It the mare quiver, trein-
weedy sink Under him,
vhat it meant, and was
aside, Jack ^Simpson,
you thief., Let me pass
• •
• He did not finish the sentence.
Joirita.roz , straight in the air with
a terrible bb-und, throwing the -figure
from her bit with a single shake of
her vicious head, and charged her
deadly mal valence flown on the im-
pediment efore her. An path, a
•pistol sh4t, horse and high Way man
rolled over •11 the road, and the next
moment Jo rita was a hundred yards,
awey. - But the good right arm of
the rider; shattered by a bullet,..
dropped helplessly at his side.
Without slackening his speed, he
sh•ifteci -,the .reins to his left hand.
. But 'a few Moments later he was
obliged•to halt and tighten the sad-
- cile-ginths that had slipped:in the
oeset. This in his crippled con:
clition• took sometime. He had no
-fear of purSuit, but lookieg up be
saw that thie eastern stars! were al-
ready paling, and that the distant
peaks bad lost their ghostly white-
nese, and now stood out! blackly
against a5lighter sky. Day was up-
on him..'then completely absorbed
in a single idea, he forgot the pin
of his wounc. and- mounting again-,
.dashed on toward Rattlesnake Creek,
,But now Jovitit's breath came brok:
en by gaps, Dick reeled in his sad-
• dle,. and brighter and brighter grew
the sky. • ••
• Jtide, Richard; run Jovi a; ling-
• For the last few rods the e was a
er, -0 day !-; -
roaring in his; ems. Was it exhaus-
tion from loss pf blood, .or what'?
He was daied ,and giddy as he swept
down the hill, and did not r cognize
!his surroundings. Had h taken
the. wrong road or was' this Rattle-
• l
Seake Creek? • '
h It *as. Bu f the brawlin creek
he had swam a few hours be re had
issen, more than doubled its . olume,
and .now rolled a swift aad -estless
river betwe0a. him anti Rattlesnake
Hill. For the first time that night
Richard's heart, sank- within him.
The riV6e, the mountain, the quack -
mug ease s am before hi eves.
e shut.thern to recover his 1f -con-
al., •In that brief interv• I, by
nie fantastic mental proc ss, the
ttle -teem of Simpson's r, and
ie figures of the sleeping father
d son, rose upon him. • He open-
e1his eyes • wildly, cast off his coat;
pistol, boots and saddle, bund bis
precious .pack tightly to his 'ghoul-
ders, grasped the bare flanks of Jo -
vita with his bared knees, and with
a shout, dashed into the yellow
water. A my rose from the oppo-
site bank -as the head of a man. and
horse struggled for a few moments
figure. Tell him," said Dick; 'wit]
a weak little laugh- " telt hini
Sandy Clawheft come."
And, even so, Iredragled, ragged;
unshaven and onhotu, with one
area hanging helplessly at his side,
Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bin.
and fell; fainting on the hest thresh-
old. The Christmas dawn came
siowly ftfter, touching the remote
peaks with the- rosy Wal 113 th of inef-
fable love. And' it looked so .tenter-
ly on- Sjtn OSO 13.'S Der that .the whole
mountain, as if caught in a generous
action, Flushed to the .skies. -L -At
/co- c nth'
A Calif rnia Marvel ---A Deert-
. ed City.
Meadow Lake City, which was
once called Surumit Ciy, boasted in
the days gone by of a population of
3,000 car 4,000 souls. In its day of
prosper4 it hadetiee sores, good
:otels, theatres, saloons in number,
nd an exchange at which mining
tosk-s weue sold. Meadow Lake
City was .a second Virginia -City,
nd atteMpted to revive the good
1dday Of Washoe, the flush times
• f the Comstock lead. In 1865 we
hulk it Was, some persons found
old -bearing rock in some ledges
rou M ado w Lake, and these bein
ssayed and the assays being talke
bout, the city of Summit or Meadow
Lake, was born. It sprung up, Ek
ionah's gourd, in a tight, and it ha
Jvithered. • In the excitement whicl
fictllowed the discovery of the quart
ipecitnens near Meadow Lake, fine
ouses were erected and business
promised tip be brisk,. • The ledges,
illowever, &ilea to yield up ;their.
easer° "y irocess," and peo-
,became disheaitened. The sane
iine held on in hopes that chemist
-y 'would get the ,gold out of the
ck, where mechanism had failed.
he ores Were rebellious it is said,
rid the ordinary appliances of Stamps
id quicksilver would not save the
old of thore rich ledges. Chemis-
y would filicl a. wao to get the rich
ess out of the rock. "Old people
w signs and young people dreamed
treams" in, efforts to have this gold.
e puros proem was invented in
.ream to Save this gold, and .for a
e Meadow Lake City- continued
hold its own in the hope of the
iccess •of the, Burns 'Dream. • It
led, and the doubters began to in -
'ate that the gold was not in the
k, and the assayers were wrong
had been; imposed upon. Mills,
mica's and even dreams failed to
en ke ruining there a su3cess. Sae
e, mechanics and the black art
each failed in its turn to turn
k into gold. So the city
wn ' and is now deserted.'
stfeelday6 ago a Menet .of our
ted Meadow Lake City. He
t up on snow shoes and took a
at the deserted and snow cover
place. he houses which were
only cne do 7 in height were cover-
ed to their roofs with snow. The
tw -storY houses were surrounded
• snow to the height of the
secnd. Not a aliving: being was
of t
by our riend. He was mon-
of that snowy desolation. Signs
-•ng in the cold wind, and just
d in their swinging the surface
e snow. Prominent among the
was that of a broker's office
opposite the old hall of the
Board of Brokers. The large hotel
here was yet furnished, and the
eels and bedding still remained
her. Our friend standing in his
no -shoes gazed into the hotel
hilt be stood on the snow surface,
evell with the second story, and be
w lean linen on the deserted beds.
against the battling current, and Ea.
ies cold •and sadly between stormy'
slopes whereea a few tufts of fernl
and heather grow here and there.'
Half a leagee higher is a secondi
tarn, which appeirs still more dis-'
mal in the rising mist. Around,'
patches of snow are sprinkled on the'
peaks, and these descending in rivu-
lets, produce nioraases. The small
country ponies, with a sure instinct,
mount the bog, and we arrive at an
elevation whence the eye, as far as
it can leach, embraces nothing but
an amphitheater of desolate, yet
green summits; owing to the des-
truction of timber, everything else
bas perished ; a scene of reined na-
ture is far more -melancholy a spec.
facie than auy hutnali tatins. On
our return across the lke, a bag -
piper played co his instrument. Th
music is strange and wild, its effect
harmonizing with the aspect of th
bubbling streams, veined with strik
ing or sombre reflections. The same
simple note, a :kind of :lance music,
runs through the whole piece in an
incorrect and odd manner, and con-
tinually recurs, but it is alwaye
harsh and rough; it might be liken-
ed to an orange shriveled ,with the
cold and rendered bitter. These are
the Highlands. From Braemar to
Perth we Journey through them for
many long ,miles. It is always a
so i u e , sutnetimes hve or six val-
eys in sucsession are wholly bare,
• and one may travel for an hour
without, seeing a tree; then for an
other hour it is rare merely to see
in the distance a wretched twisted
birchen-tre, which is dying, or is
dead. It would be soniecompensa
don if the rock were naked, and ex-
hibited its mineral structure in -all
its fullness and ruggedness. But
these mouratais, of no great eleva-
tion are but bosses with flabby out-
line, they have fallen to pieces, and
are stone heaps, resembling the re-
mains of a quarry. In winter, tor-
rents of- water uproot the heather,
leaving on the slopes a leprous,
whitened scar, badly tinted by the
•too feeble sun. The summits are
truncated, and Want boldnees.
Patches of miserable verdure seam
their sides and mark the oozing of
spring; the remainder is covered
by brownish heather, Below, at
the very bottom a torrent obstruct-
ed by. stone, struggles along its
channel, or liagers in stagnant pools.
One sometimts discerns a hovel,
with a stunted cow. The gray, low-
lying ski' completes the impression
of lugubrious mon.otony.--
TOWNSHIP Coneicta.---The Muni-
cipal COuncil of the Township of
Hullett met at Londesborough, pur-
suant to adjournment, on Feb. 26.
All the members present. The min-
utes of former meeting were read
aud approved. Moved by J. War-
wick, seconded by R. Stephenson,
That the following accounts be paid:
G. Watts, $15 50; W.' Grieve,
$11 85; J.. Mills, $18 10; W. San-
derson, $3 15, for g;avel ; J. Wil-
liams $11 20 for use of shop for elec-
tions in 1870 and 1871. -Carried.
Moved by A. Monteith, seconded by
.11. Snell, That certificates for tavern
licenCes be granted to John Lasham,
of Londesborough; Thomas Ander-
son, of Manchester, and Kenneth
McLeod, of Kirtburn, they having
complied with the Provincial statutes
and township by-laws relative to
tavern licences, diad also to George
Brownlee, of Alma, es soon as be
furnishes this corporation with the
Inspector's certificate.-- Carlied.
Moved by H. Snell, seconded by J.
Warwick, That the Treasurer's ac-
count as audited be received and
paesed.-Carid Moved by R.
ere Ct
Gocteriob. Toverielatte.
Coutecia M EET I NG. --The Counti1
met on :Holiday, Feb. 26, by specie.).
appointruene of the Reeve. Mem-
ben; all present.• Mr. Henry Bea-
con], Assessor, having tendered his
resignation, on account of ill -heal Oa
and 1511(211 tender being accepted, Mr.
James Elliott was appointed his suc-
cessor. The account of J. J. Bell,
1 for printing, amounting to $2 25,
was ordered to be paid. The sum of
$16 was granted to Robert Lee, an
indigent. The tavern -inspector was
p -aid the sum of $6 for his services.
The auditors were paid the sum of
$6 each for their services. • The
Treaturer was paid $10 for extra,
• services. The Auditor's report was
confirmed, when the Council ad-
journed. T. B. STOKES, Clerk.
• Timer; its Weight in Gold. en
kaew anything cf it 9 If noz,
• • it is time ,yu
• 1. ?lll. Jr ; 111
1.1;LVI" / 1.1 LI 2411.11-te:idi 1:4%.N_ht of
tie, le -rdo ir e it -of tie/ e one (4
teen Twee te Erie:
0,ion fIK Of Singe id ti4 ifP4,. 0,1;i >4-
powp, jt 1 On, 44 it (Ave.
s,..i„w;fit. iz bow. - ly
ftpruc-d of 1-.1" ietere i- in ceeeein ilee tyro,
per„- ems IA enter LI' I ,Ar pi-,
-witielt ontd. eiteer teem re _tet tett rfl' one
of hem, er lik 11:ffee it eel/101e te Lee:. hls
.1rtion Id this ( 0.1-'41 t'ikES;
111 forlaintt ft Cnititi,1.1 e1 ,:d b,
t.nv pot;sotility 1-e- At.. fr . a vie.- te,. r
ti„n ittltptat. ef tie- inee e2tenor any
other jegeteiete, eti. tee ot froni any..
tim; er bee etette, one wliieh eteete • h
.t et:sti g .enIte heving it :vele? range
ofnriejeetien ti :n Rey eit befere
eeveci. It ceeteete; no elee:tei 17;* i�11.- VOLltile
li(ujah, C.)ttPl'il":11)"" ".7npilrati0/1.
-e, eerie er ei,pree.1 eon get ihe Ie.
Irbee with tell itrepttrai,: 1iftey th
iff leFt ke ee .
• • ,11?, ta,
small tplentity eA Oil thee-en:1y eeeeen,
prepare 1 1:e S. X. litnete. , ., and
0 ii1111:. LTE & LYril A *ite, Nee teetele Oet., sole
agent for 1he
etrit..-seitetel and EI-etrizel,
E. 1 ee Co. zed t IL Lennietea, res fee
3 -.are
Trgiio leave the 8eaforth station as .
follows :-
Exeres. :1i • e 1.
2.37 r. _Lao r. m, &AO P. 1.1.•
Express. ixd.
10 'f.,0 A. M. • . 1.40 8.00 A. M.
."Prclibmb;221152751"RwM.c5L.'s2morissaie. :
• tok
BamirarAsT-Epps's COCOA-GRATE,F
AND COmFORTD.G.---`4By thorong
knowledge of the natural laws whi
govern the operations of digestion an
trition, and by a careful applicatio
of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps lia,s pr
vided our breakfast -tables with a - del
ca.tely flavored beverage which may sa?‘
us many doctors' .blis"-Ciril &ret
I) C. PAIR, M. D. Member Royal-Collee See_
ki• d Li i - 3
mizeratn; Licentiate 4.)1 Midwifery; (Let
„ from St. Thonee's Hospital. Londen, Englan,
11. mid the Be -al Infirmary, Etlinburghil fhlice and
eje Ileeidence-Dr. Vroe:s r0t1 etnd, Seeronen.
Calls promptly attended to at ell hoers. 216*
goons an. ettrit ie Ittreal Cencee 1 hysieleus
, -
• -r-s•av.re .errreiretea, et. D., Giaduate of Vide-
-Li lea C" _1'123614:Len, Svineeon, etc. den
KIBrIfY, 0T.-CO...VNT-CA the County of iimort.-:
Oilice turd reeidence, l'homson A: Stanlys.
Gazette, -Made simply with boiling iva.s\''' SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Ofnee-Oppesite Scott Rbeetons GIO VIT
ter or. milk. • Each pasele, et isonalaceboepllaettl----ie Hain street, Seaforth. 61
Ch-einists, London." AN*, makers of
`‘ JAMES :titrs & Co 11.
Eppt's Cncoa (Cocoa and C TAMES STEWA, M. Oretinete of
L' raverity, 31oareal, Pinesiein, Sur-
Jon- geon, etc. Office lied Disidt nee-13rucefielde
densed Milk).
SPECIAL NOTICES. LeVERGOE, 31. D., b. me veyskke, Sur-
-lei- germ, etc. Office and Residence tomer ef
Market and High streets, next to the Planing Int.
ilia Satisfaction or no sale, guarau
teed by the Guelph Pe eeving Machin.
Company. Try the wonderful Osborn.
1,),L,) I can safely and consistently re
commend. Fellows' Compound Sirup of
aypophosphitcs in a variety <hf eases,
especially for chest diseases, having.suc-
cessfully prescribed it in bronchitis, de-
bility from liver complaint, debility from
fevers, and debility from impoverished
blood. JAMES sELmoN,
Practising Physician andSurgeon.
a, It is a, rare thin a that physicians
Iigive any- countenance to a medicin. the
manufaeture of which is a secret. About
the only exception -we know of is John-
sori s Anodyne Liniment. This, we be
lieve, all endorse, and many of than use
Lt in their practice with great success.
Persons requiring purgative or
AllS should be careful what they buy.
ome pills not only cause griping a'ns,
put leave the bowels in a torpid, costive
ttate. Parsons' Purgative will
eve the bowels and cfeanse the blood
-Without injury to the system.
nit CAMPBELL Coroner for the Cozerty. Office
e eet and leesideece, Cob's coiner store Main
• street, Seaforth. ()like boxus, from 11 to 4, eat&
• day, end all day Saturday. 159
CURE YOUR HORSES. ---It is to the -in-
erest of all who own horses to keep them
a healthy and mimic]. condition;_ ex-
erience has proved that Darley's Con -
Won Powders and Arabian Heave Re-
edy is the most efficacious it has been
sed by thousands who will cheerfully
clonfirm this statment. For heaves,
etpuglis, colds. and all diseases which of-
fet the wind of horses it has no equal,
kir is it equalled as a condition medicine;
it purifies the blood, ,.corrects and im-
p'roves the appetite, and softens the
skin; in fact, so great is the improve-
ent ill the appearance and cendition of
ie animal as to have led many to doubt
it could be the same horse. Re
ember the nam, and see that the a
M. LEFT, Solicitor Wiueleiro, has 'been ap- •-,
-'• pointed Aeteut for the Colonial Securities Com. ,•
party of England, he is also Agent for several pri- _ _-
vete Capitelists of Toronto,' who love) Money at
very reasonable rates.. Interest payable yearly.
Chr,ges moderate.•
ingham, Dee. 15, 1871. -
cet.T;474nEr & EtaLly-F, T11 nit, Baeriters, At-
tornevs at Law Solici rs ChancerY And
/otaries Pnbli Paul Conveyncers.
Solicitors for the R. C. Bark, eaforth. Agents for
the Canada Life ...kesnrance Co perry,
B.,-30,000 to lend at 3 per eent. Fannie
Houses and Lots for sale. 53
ENSON` METER, Ban tors tend Attorneys
at Law, Solieitors in Clean ery and Ineolveney,
etteeyancees, Notaries Publi , etc. Oflies-Sea-
forth. and Wroxeter. ie,13,000 Of Private Funds to
invest at once, et Eieht per cent. Interest, payable
-rs. BENSO. 11. W. C. =env.. .
Tr..NOX'S, HOTEL, (Late Sharp's,) The tinder-
-*A- signed begs to thank the Publie for the liberal
patreenage aweaded to him tim- es past in the
hotel liusmess, and also to inform them the -the has
again reeumed business in the SOON'S stand, whet*
ahleidwillnumbyelinagypony trs.heve a call from old friends,
- - -
-- C. J. MeCUTCHEUNI, PrOrietor. First -darts
necommodation for travellers.; The Bur is su-
plied wieh. the very best liquora and tigers. Good
stabling attached_ The etage leaves tbis House -
every day for Wingham. 8M -et
ipteansia EXCIT 4 NTGE inCeitt Godrich, Onte
J. CALWAY, Proprietor; .14. S. Wirneees,(let.
Of ..--imrican Hotel, Warsaw, NeY.„) Anmeger. Tbie
hotel hae recently been newly furnished, and rot
titteil throughout; and is now -one of the most -com-
fortable and corranodious in the Proyinee. Good
• nliture of Hurd. & Co. is on each pack- Terms 128
e • Northrop & Lyman Newcastle
21,,,- Sample Rooms for ecumercial Travel•lers. e.
j OHN RIGRAM, Exchange roer, ana Rail-
way Ticket Agent, goughton's gotel, opposite
G.. T. Railway Station, Sttforth, -Ont. Thnong)a
Tickets issued to ell points in the Western Staen,
California and Red River, at reducei rates, affording
the greatest faeilities to Eminints. All nemesia,'
information given respecting nd Agencjen'ete.
Greenbacks, Bonds, Coepons an uncurrentlifoney,
Gold. and Silver Coin, bought au seld at bestratel.
Opt., proprietors for Canada Sold by
. 3
.3,11$ CELLANIi0
medicine dealers. • •
Va. A common cough or cold should
n ver be trifled with, often when neglect-
ed it is converted into a serious and gen-
etally fatal puhnonary du' ease. The
mbre prudent, aware of this, promptly:
1.1e Bryan's Pulmonie Wafers, a curative
which has sustained its reputation for
y yews -they are always ef-
ieaciuus and exert a most beneficial in-
fitience on all the bronchial and pulmon-
arorgans: Sold by all druggists and
conntry dealers. Price 25 ats. per box.
G let4RK
fl R. COOPER, Conveyancer, unnissioner
Queen's Bench, Laurent° and General Agent.
Agent for the following Fire, Life and Accident In-
surance Companieit The Beaver and Toronto 'vic-
tual and the Western Fire Insueance Campania,
the Reliauce Life Assurer:ice, and the Hartford Are_
eident Insurance Company,
MONEY TO LOAN. on real esteteseenrity.
All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend-
• G+rgen celebrated medicines are now eciPi.
Oilded opposite T ' Shope.
for sale in most all of the stores of deal- '
ersin rneclrcines. l'he attention of the
puiblic is called to the fait that over 120.-
00 packages have been sold during the
t few years in a portion of the Pro -
cc .
o ntario alone, and more is re-
ed, as the demand is steadily mereas-
. This of their ciirative 'powers is
suiucint proof. They are warranted to
purify, regulate, and. strengthen the
w ole -human system; not to cure any-
thihig and every thing, but to be benefici-
al mmost all cases and hurtful in none.
They consistof pills, powders, relievors,
and ointments for the human system;
also liniments and powdes for horses,
cat -1e and other animals. Sold in Sea -
forth by R. LumsdennadJ. Seatter.
GP:ono-ex & Scars, Barrie, whole.
sal manufacturers.
Thereat ?dentate ReineAty.
THIS invalnable medicine is unfailing in the
-a- cure of all those painful anddangerous diseases
to evnich the female constitution is subject. It
modrates all excess and removes all obtrutions,
and a speedy cnre may be relied on.
in marrie.d ladies it is poculiarlyuited. It will,
a bort Um?, bring on the thl
rerity. mon y period -with
These Pills should not he taken by Females
during the first three nionthsof Pregnacy, as they
are stun to bring on Misearria. ge, but at any other
time they are safe.
It all cases of Nero, and Spinal Affections,
pains in the back and linthe fatigue on Blight ex-
ertioa, palpitation of the 'heart, hysterics, end
whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other
means have failed' and although a powerfri
remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or
g hurtfuj to the constitutio.
direetions.in the pamphlet around each
package, which chould be carefully preserve&
Moses ..w York, fivie
et- m
• (Meber of the Ontario VeterinarCollege,)
begs to intimate to the inhabi6ants of Seafortlt
and surrounding country, that he has opened sa
Oftice in SeafOrth, where hemey be tonsulted 'per
sonally or by ltter, on the Diseases of Hrses, Cat-
tle, etc. Having received a regular and practical
education, and having been awarriied the Dlple
of the Vete/ inary College of Onto.o, T. J. Q1irchiJi
ha e every confidenoe of giving setisfaetion ito
who may employ him. 1
• REFERENCES -A. Snaith, V. S., 'Principl Onta-
rio Veterinary College; Professor Bteckid, Dr.
Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, and - WeUs, 31. D., & V. S.
Veterinary Medicines constantly on hen&
All calls promptly attended to. -
Ofiee-Carmichel's _Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2*
$10,000.-A103_qEY TO LEND.
THE above amount to Lend, in sums of Pies
-1-- Hundred Dollars and upwards at rates of in-
terest front' 74- to 8 per tent. interest payable
yearly or half yearly.
Lot 7, Con Orel'.
• Iforrisbank P. 0. 218-18
• .13 '
BEG to inform the public that they have opened
a Lumber Turd 1 fileaforth, near 8ReSIBORIS
Mill, on the -ground formetly esea as a Lumber
Yard, by Mr. Tb.ontas Lee.
They will keep constantly on hand a good assort,
ment of ALL KINDS OP LUMBE, dressed ani
undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all et
which they are prepared to sell at the lowest pond-
hie prices, for Cagle
Builders and others will find it to their sdvant.
ego inspect our stock, and ascertain oar prime;
before purchasingelsewhere, as we areto in s peetioa,
offer good inducements to cash purchasers.
:evitor. &LOG ItZ4 160 MABEE & MACDON A
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