HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-01, Page 8v
BEATTY & Cb. havei received,lie first
1 ans. talment of their Spring DrYi Goods.
Also, severalcasesof F'runellaIl. ots and
another shipment of that splen iTea,
which. can oalYbe had. from the ; they
have also on hand a stock of fine Wines
and Liquors. Bnartv &Co.-, Ca iphaere
Block, Seafm-th.
•Goldsmith will l cture on " Self- 'overii-
Meat " in Egin ndville 'Canada ?reeby-
-terian Church, on Wednesday, Ithe 6th
of March,- at 7 R M. te. colleetic3ii to be
' taken up in aid. of the Sabbath School
_Library. ,
' .
• SEED POTAToEs.—Mr. -James' elides-
. borough, of Tuekersmith, adverti ea that
he has several varieties* seed pote s for
sale: To those Wishing- to bu good
potatoes for seed, we can heartily •ecom-
mend them to Mr. Landesboro; las his
_potatoes can scarcely be ibeatea.
... ,
• RaRRows „sane Paoin.S.—As 11. be
seen by, advertisement,i:', Mr. 0. . Wil-
ssoif has again on hand eimniber Of those
soperior iron harrows which took so fa-
vorably among the farmers of this'vicini-
f •
ty last spring.. He has also a nu er of
II •
nrang plows.
ander Stewart has colit
Waggon Shop menced: !lay
down the material for he erectio of a
large new Blaeksmith an
foundry building. Mr Stewart in ends
on the vacant lot. a.djoi ng the pi esent t
- to commenee building operations as early _
-in the spring as the weather will p mit
NEW TEACHEA.-- The attendan e of
pupils at the Seaforth SchooLhas rown
:alo large that it has been found nede -sary
I by the trustees to enga.ael another !male
• -teaohen . The Wesleyan Methodist iSab-
bath School more. has ben leaeed or a•
school room, and Miss Doy ence, sis er of
Messre. Derrencni of Mcl illop, inst lied
as teacher therein!.
- 1
ATUSICAL.----•Our readers are requ
. to notice Mn Tann's advertiseme
another column. , Mr. Taim has org
- ed a :class for the iustrluction of
,. youth in vocal and instri mental in
Mr: Tann come e well r commend
havmg alre , taught in England
anuch euccessthor uglily nn
stands the cultiva ,•n of the voice
the theory Of male eV ry pantie
We trust the peop e of Seaforth
showthen: •appre mama of merit by
stowing on hijf a liberal share. of
t in
d as
• versary servicesin connection, with the
• Methodist Episcdpal Ohm-
, lage will be held on ,Sa,
" ,31el. 'The Revs M. Ben.
well, will preach Mornin
d this vil-
sleath, Mirch
on, of B the
and eve ing
at the hours of half -past ten and h•df-
past six o'clock. On the f4llowing M
day evening Rev. Mr. Beitsen will
Jiver a lecture upon dc Matrimonial Li
This reverend gentleman is spoken o
a lecturer of much talent, and we do
mot but an unusual -literary treat aw•
..our citizens on the evening of the 4t
de -
stand that a social Will be held in the
Wesleyan Methodist ehurch, in this til-
lage, on the evening Of Thursday, 7t1 of
n- •
March, at which- _the Rev. Mr. Grebe
of Clinton, will deliver his fadious lect
" The Relatioteof the 13ilde to
Man Prog.nress." He, will diecuss and
'leaver to refute all the modern phases
infidelity, such as Materialism, -:Darw
ianism,&c. Doors will be open at 7 o.'elo
Tea will be served until 8 when t
-chair will be taken. end. Mr-Graham-Ny.11
begin his lecture:
nante, of the Seaforth- Flax Mill, li
purchaeed from Mr. Cavanagh his han
some brick residence, situated opposi
the school. This is one of the mosthan
1 --
..some private residences in town, and 's
situated in a convenient and pleasant 1 -
canter: We trust friend Shantzna y -
•long live to enjoy get comforttble a hom .
Mn ,Golly, blacksmith, of Egrnondvill e
has also purchased the small frame dsve -,
ling on Goderich Street, epposite M
Williamson's Plow Factory, and latel
owned by Mr. Byrns. "
SOIREE. —The soiree, for the benefit if
the Sunday School Library, in the Pre.
byterian Church, on the 26th lilt:, w
not So, largely attended as ' could has-
been wished. Rev. Mr. Simpson, of
liamilton, who had - been aenounced: t
,deliver an address, failed to make an ate
peara-n.ce, which was rather a disappoint
en.ent to the audience: Rev. Mr. Gold
smith made some ioderesting remark's
- and Mr. D D. Wilson gave a 'sketch o
his recent tour in Scotland. and England '
which pa-ssed th.e time pleasantly until
the time for dismissal. A choir compose(
of Sunday -school scholars at interval'
sang appropriate tnennis. 1
Cf.`,EATt 'STREETS. — Street Inspect°
Barrie has been making the merchants
along Main Street "toe the mark". with
regard to, the provisions of the By-law
requiring merchants to keep the Side:
-walks clear in the front of their doors,
and 'our walks now present an unusual
and rathennaked appearance. The beau-
tiful arraelof salt barrels, packing boxes,
Ash tubs, ete., which have adorited, the
store door-ways,and street sides for some
time, has been removed, and pedestrians
can now wend their way along without
being in momentary ,peril of -peeling their
shins on a salt barrel or stumbling into a
fish tub. We heartily, approveof the
- action of the Inspecter, and trust he may.
continue to discharge his duty through-
out his term oT office with the same vigi-
lance with which he has commenced. _
R S Mr. Isla/mate of Mc
Killop, was drivirtg into Sealers]; on
_Friday last, with a spirited team of hors-
es, another team came up behisid him at
a rapidrate and attempted to! pass. This
made _Mr. Hannah's horses stb,rt on, and
being unable to hold them, they ran .at
full speed into the village,. and kept on
until coming opposite -KnOX'S Hotel,
when they filmed off, ran up into the
latforin in front of the Roy -al r:anadian
fiank, with such force as to canoe one of
the horses to break a pane of glass in the
bank window with his head. Fortunate-
impon rep:chine, the platform one of the
dierses fen. Had this not occurred the
consequences might have been more s
Otis, as they were going at so rapids r
that they would in all prdbability h
dulled through the window. As it 1
no serious daanage was cloae,
..- i
-THE DRAMA.:—The Dramatic Club,
Tuesday evening, gave a represeptat
of . "Dred . or, the Dismal Swain
This ie a dramatizationi of Alis. Stow
interesting novel of the same. 'tame a
preserves to a consider ble extent many
of the salient Points aid exciting fa,
tures oE the original' work. The manner
in which it was produced Was such as
to eclifise.all previous efforts of our ane-
ateurs 6iad to demonstrate that the len
usual histrionic talent possessed by many
of then. is, by culture and practiceereach-
ing a very high steedard of excellence.
The cad was an exceedingly happy on
almost every actor being, apparently,
the position which suited, him .bes
Tlie di chit pant, of Barre was taken 1
Mr. II. Jackson, who appeared to be
entire .. ympathy with the part, and re
dered it iu an appreciative and intel
gent ntanner. Mr.. Jamieson, as Unc
Ian,'gjaie evidence of the careful stin
and cotrect reading wheel' always eha
sented lien 31r. Payne, , as a very dro
acterizd, His acting. 01 Till; as repr
charaoter, and would, ! we think, ha
Mrs. Stowe been present, have realize
hee id al of that faithful old negr
The hc ors who , personated the ferpal
charact rs were remarkably successful i
their effort Mr. John Rogers; as Nin
' O:vz•ccit/on, a ted the part with gracefu
an1 sprightliness; and Mr. Spar
ling an .Mr. R. ,Ilicksoa were equall
happy iii thieir rendition? of Lisette anc
and i[4. ..Nes-bet. We.will not Particle
laeize f rt ' r, though several „of th
other di ra ters were rendere la a wa,
'cleservie �fl praise, particularly Cripps
Mies eV no' lovers, and the negro boy
Tomtit, The piece proceeded .with a
smoothn ss, a rapidity . and an absence
long yeai s between the ads which
re alike c editable to the management
d sati fab ory to the audience. sThe
nety t.nci stage appointments were,
si4e-1i ig he means at the disposal of
arti nd the inconveniences to
ich t
ri- Huron Road, Tackersmith, has purchas-
ed the farm known as the ThomsonFarm,
Ave recently owned, by Mr. David Beattie.
Vas We have not learned the price paid, but
presume it must be something handsome
as, the ferm is said to _be an excellent
en one, an(Fin good order.
8 NOTICE.—Mr. C. R. COOPER will Rct 08 bliSineSs
id agent for Tiri Ex.rosrron in Ainlevville and vicin-
I ity. .Partiet requiring- Job Printing or Advertising
can be attended to by calling* upon Mr. Coomut
Ile is also authorized to solicit subseribers for TuE
-LUMBER.— The saw mill owners in
this vicinity are making preparations
.for a very extensive year's business. The
prospects are that hunber will be in great
demand at high prices 'during the coming
sealon, and °dr men are not behind in
their efforts to have everything . ready
to enable them to take advantage of the
active market. The number of logs at,
the millshere is very large, and in pass-.
ing;ither of the mills one can not help
wondeeing, where all the saw logs ceme
from. Messrs:, M. & T. Smith have now
at their_mills Over -4,000 standa d of pine
logs, and. if the sleighing_
short time longer, they expect tt have
en least 1,500 or 2,000 more. Mr. . a,nstone
11has now at his new mill about 1,800
1 standard and expects to have aover a
1 thousand more laid down along the liver
o. which he willefloat down when the sprites
freshet comes. Messrs. Mabee - & Mc
Donald, of the Grey Aills, have also a,
yery large quantity on. hand.... Taking
all this into account,- -we may . fairly ex-
pect an unusually brisk lumber :trade
during the coming summer.
Ofen Sono oes.—The school here is now
very ranch crowded. The average at-
tendance in the senior departmentis
ineehanical e
week, wa n
casiona. An:
(riven in tic
re subjeceed fr M 1 k of
00171, s y mars e bus, and highly
creditabl to
Mr.. H. Campbell, Who, we
underst ad. the superVithon of the.
ects. The audience owing,.
the counter attracden&this
t so large ae on previous oc-
ther performance will be
uree of a week or two:
The Ai nua
pices of tile '
cultural Socie
Hall, Seafort
fair was. in e
fill. The
fair, 'and the
Seed Fair.
'Seed Fair under the .aus-
luckersinith( -Branch Agri,
y, wee held in the Society's
on. Wednesday last. The.
ery respect, most success- ;
iber of exhibitors was very '
ranis and seed exhibited of
superior q,uality. The potatoes 011 exhi-
bitiore were ab o *geode In this depart-
ment; Messid Itobeit Gotenlock and
oto were the principal ex -
considerable amount Of
heads, and a good quan-
es disposed of for
die, lately 'fret)] Manitoba,
ens of wheat, o 'e of bar -
James Lade
hibitors. A
grain chai?ged
tity of p tat(
seed. .I14tj Go
had two s eci
1euy and one of oats, the .produe s of that
&tepee on exhibition. Those • grains
attracted 'Cop idereble attention and
.were Much ad nixed, several good judges
prenonlicirg ti e wheat fally equal to the
exhibition. The follow -
he -su c.cessf4 OoMpetitors, -
er of entriesi in each de-.
• "
best saniplos o
ing is a list of
E'Qui the Mini
Spring The ti—Five entrieset-dst, J.
G, Campbell 2nd, -James !Cumming •
, 1 .1
3rd; John i)it. eron, (Mill Road).
A'ire, Rotcecl . coley, --Three entries, -
1st, .S. Smith ; G.- Edwin Croswell ;3rd, .
Burley,—Two entries,—
ot ; 2nd, James Landes -
Its, 1st. "J. B. Henderson(
W ight.
D. SprOat...
11100 ROlved
1st, A. Broa,df
Large 0
2nd, Georg
COMM 071 Oat ,—Six entries, --1st, Jas.
d, Williani Payne; 3rd,
—Five eretries.—lst S.
; 2 d, J. Wier, Hay ; 3rd,
esb ro.
s Two en tries, ls t, James
ok --- G. McMichael,
as; -Niue entries,--lst, D.
Campbell"; led J. Broadfoot .;• 3rd, J.
Timothy See( —Two entries, — 1st,
Williani Armst ong ; 2nd, A. Broadfoot.
Clover Seed,-T.One entry, John Gar -
Flax Seed — bag belonging to Gilbert
ily recommended by the
s,'—Three enti 'es —let
leand.eshoro e
Altpletou Elco
Snia11 PetaS,
James Land
Large Per
Dicke:on.; •
Crown. .P
McMichael; hig
Early Po ato
Robert Govenlo ; 2.ncl, J. La IdeSboro.
— Two entehes, --1st,
ro ; 211d, Ja4a0 .14ndess
.McDiarmicl, E. [Cash,
Jii.141-1e1(siffeSs'co—tt, .
bate Potatoe,
naes Land sb
How Fa
bat farm rs
udgiug whet
1fia, we publili
`sli wing the . b
a0 ount realied
wl o tried it ast
Me lop-- ;
1 -alter Burke 1 ....
' homes Lapslie...
C eorge Habkirk..
I . Cluff .•
• oho -McElroy ...
1 T. Evans. 4
. C,Inff 1.• •
1 -illiam Payne..... 8 86,000
r: McGeoch...... 5 22,500
1 . Spat.......1 • li
1 11,200
. Elgy - ' 11 . 0,000
,tice paid per ton . 12:
ames Davidson Thorna,3
-growing Pay.ay have an opportunity
en or not it pays to raise
he following statement
eadth sown and the
by a number of parties
year: '
, Amount
cres. Pounds. I Received.
. 21. 14000 ' $72 OQ
. 7 - 88,500 231 00
.1 6,70, 40l4
. 5,300 31 80
. coed 85 40
1 5,720
10 55,00 W
,0 3]04 0302
3 16,506 99 00
8 264 00
lin ;Shantz an
: d sire to dig, ee
of agriculture, d
t at he will bav
ni 11, in SeafOrth
g od clean flax f
h d at any time f
It, ay next. Mr.
s wing` eadvisible
od crop."
understand that la
leased his farm on
Hallett, for a pert
;games Murray, o
emit:ail-1S 150 acr,
elearerl and in a.
here' is also a, c
all wheat sown, w
the tenant. T
d at an annual re
arta that Mr. C
over seventy, and theatten ance in the.
other• departments is equally large.
There are now three teachers, but a
fourth, owing to the increase in the at-
tendance, has become almost a necesaty.
It is impossible for any teacher to do
justice either to himself or his 'pupils
when the school room is so crowded and
the attendance so large. Forty pupils
is as large 'a ninnber as should be in any
one department.
Mr. George Eyvel is our authorized agent in this
place. All orders left with him for subseriptioni,
-.Job Printing or advertising, will be promptly at --
tended to. Mr. Eyvel is also empowered to coiled
accounts and grant receipts 'for money due fins.
SMALL Pox.—A rumor is beinencircur
latecl in this neighborhoodthat there' is
a case of small -pox jet- the village. There
peed be aci apprehension in the matter as,
there is not the 'slightest foundation for
the rumor. . . .
- "LIBERATED.—We mentioned.' an lest
week's EXPOSITOR that Mr. Tribe was in
Goderich jail, in the case of Cake vs
Tribe. He has since been liberated:
having given bail for his appearance in
the ease.
APOLOGETIC.—In our rePort of the
musical entertainment in last week's is,
sue we oniitted the name of Miss Jack-
son, pianist of the Wawaeiosh " choir.
The letter being written -in a hurry ' to
get it in . time for the mail, we failed to
get the .name in time. We are sincerely
sorry that the name of so accomplished
a perferther should have been omitted.
glad to be able to state that the agita-
ion. on the temperance question in this
illage has tesulted in the organization
of a. Good Templars' Lodge in this place.
,Last- Monday evening )Brother E. H.-
iteeoh, - County Deputy, . assisted by a
force from the Life Boat Temple; Gorrie,
erganized the lodge, .and installed the
following officers, who were elected for
the pnesent quarter : "
,v1- Brothel; Geo. Millin, W. C. T.
t Sister M. Lawrie, W. AT. T.
. Brother Geo. Eyvel, W. Secretary.
Brother Win. Atkins, W. F. S.
Brother D. Black, W. °hap. .
Brother J. M. Snider, W. Treas. .
Brother 3. E. Dodd, P. W. 'C. T.
Brother A. Evans, W. M.
Sister E. Knuteson, W. D. AL
Sister M. Millin,W. I. G.
13rother W. Peters, W: 0. G.
"About 17 ("members were initiated at
the first meeting. The new Laden is
i known as the Star Lodge, No. 56-0, I.
. of G. T.
CONCERT. —The Concert given by Prof.
rabkirk and. Class was a magnificent suc-
cess and was atteuded by large numbers
of the bucolic and urban population of
this section. The singing of Mr. and
Mrs. Spence; of Ethel, was heartily ap-
plauded and encored. After the concert
Was concluded . and the hall cleared of
eeats, etc., the levers of the light fantas-
tic had eve y 'opportunity of indulging in
their favdrite exercise to the seul inspir-
ing strains Of Johnson's Quadrille Band.
.Reviven. —Revival meetings attended
with .great success are held nightly in the
German Wesleyan Church in this village.
A Torre FOR ti 08811?. —A certain rani.
Pry,. who is also a Benedict, living net a•
thousand miles from this flourishing vil-
lage, armed with the terrorsof the la*,
as he supposed, arrested And escorted a
member of the fair sex to Goderich gaol
a few days ago.. Owing, • however, to
some irrdgularittes in the case, she, in-
scead of peing detained in prison, was
al:owed to go at large, a,nd to the astOn;
is most 4nd chagriu of her captor arriv-
home as soon as he. We may expect
spicy-developmeuts in the matter,
lusmti,.—The committee of the Hills
Gr en singing class class oeihg so .exceedingly
1 pleased with Mr. Church's method
eaching voeal 'music, and he having
en such universal satisfaction cluthig
previous quartet,- and On account Of
216 00 Of
155 00 gi
'67 74 fh
396 00
Ounces to those who
this profitable branch.
iring the coining year,
on hand at his flax
. a large quantity of
seed, which can be -
0111 now to the 1st of
liantz considers early
in order to, secure a
r. James L. Pease has
the 9th Concession of
of five year, to Mr.
Usborne. The farm
,l08 of which are
state of cultivation.
neiderable breadth of
'eh, we believe goes
e farm has been leas-
ht.el. of $297. • We also
harles Carter f
th , raped progrees made by the pupils.
under his charge, they have happily con-
ch' led to engage his services for another
qu rter, at the sum of $2 per lesson.,
Mr Church hes several classes iu good
ope atientelsewhere.
MR. EDITOR. --.No doubt,but yo.0and
many of your readers will rejoice to
eaan that the cause of temperance is on
the advance in the County of Huron.
Divisieus and Temperaece Lodges are
sprigging up in es ery village. On the
eveaing of the 23rd lust , 1 organized a
division of Sons of Temperanee near- St
Helens, called Maitland Sun, -With over
twenty members. . The office bearers for
the remainder of the quarter are, 'Brother
Elgin K. Scott, W. P. ; Sister Sarah
Wellwood, W. A.; Brother Geo. Deaccin,
R. &; Sister Isabelle Campbell, A. R
8.; Brother George Campbell, F. S.;
Brother William Wellwood, Treasurer..
Brother John Wellwood, Chaplain.
Brother Wellington Scott, Con.; Sister
E, Campbell, A. C. ; Sister E. Scott
5,; Brother Samuel Wellwood, 0.
Suecess to -the cause of temperance.
W. II. Germane, P. D. G. W.
ADVENTUROUS, --A short time ago aman
resident in this vicinity was engaged1 in
the woods chopping. A tree which he
was falling happened to lodge in anot
He did not wish to chop the secondt. ee,
so he set his wits to work to dents a
plan to bring the lodged tree to he
ground, He procured along ladder, et
it against the tree and having ascend d,
was soon busy chopping. Two en
came along and seeing his perilous c n -
clition advised him to descend. He id
so somewhat relactantly thinking he as
quite safe. Had. he not complied he
must have inevitably perished.
Council met at Fordwich, on Wednesd y
February 21st, 1872, pursuant to adjou n
molt fromlast meeting. The Reeve in
the chair ; members present, Mess is.
Gibson, Wilson and Wiggins. T e
minutes of last nieeting were read a d
approved.. By.law No. 1 read the thi d
time and passed. Applications for Ta
ern Licenses were received from Mess s.
John McLaughlan, William Johneto
John Gofton, and John Parker, of Wro
eter ; John Haskett and Samuel Giltuor
of (-lorrie ; William. Leopard, of Nes
bridge, and William Wright, of ‘Lot 2
Concession 8, Howick. Moved by M
Gibson .and seconded by Mr. Wilsoi
That the foregoing applications be gran
ed.—Carried. MOved and seconded b
the same that the Reeve and Clerk gi e
certificates for license to all a,ppliean s
conforming to the statutes .—Carrie
Tho petition of James Edgar and thirty -
-six- others, praying for atd to send Joh
Andrews, a boy ten years of age, wh
is now nearly blind and has been afilic
ed for three years past, to the .Eye' an
Ear Infirmary\ Moved by Mr. Gibson
and seconded by Mr. Wiggins, Tha
the sum of $20 be granted for the pur
.pose of assisting John Andrews to g
to the Eye Infirmary in Toronto, and th
Reeve be authorizedeto order the sum t
be paid, viz.: $15 for five weeks bogrd
Toronto, and $5 for expenses.—Carried.
moved by Mr. Gibson and seconded le
Mr. Wiggins, That the Reeve and Cler
be authorized by this Corporation to pe-
titime the Crown Latds Departmeut to
have the unsoldlandiu tla,e village of Ford-
wich in the Township cf Howick, sold at
a reduced price, as in its present condi-
tion the land is an injury to the fume) s
in the peighberhood, being a nursery of
weeds and a hindrance to the settlemeolit
of the village.—Carried. This _Council
adjourned to meet in Wroxeter in Mr.
Johnston's hotel, the third Wednesday
in March next, when the Road Over-
seers will be appointed.
MARexl. 18.727
A•ii••••••••••••inkg....w _
2, Alexander Kerr in Ward No. S, An-
drew Govenlock - in Ward No. 4, and
James Hays in Ward No. 5.—C:forted.
Moved by Alexander Kerr, seconded by
Andrew Govenlock, That the Clerk
draft a By-law for the purpose of selling'
the original road allowance on Side Line
25 and 26, Concession 4, sio Line 30
and 31, Concession 1 ; also the streets in.
the village of Roxborough, and- that a
By-law be passed for the same, giving at
the same time the necessary noticene-
Carried. Moved bY Alexander Kerr,
seconded by, Andrew Govenlock, That
the following bills be paid, viz. : Postage,
to Mr. Dickson, $7.14, .for 1871; Eirost-
tor, for printing, advertising, eten for
1871, $7.50 ; also C. H. Cull, for print-
ing notices, receipts, etc., etc., for the
years 18'69, 1870, 1-871, $29 ; postage
bill to the Reene, $7.50, for three years ;
also $6 for attending three meeting e da-
tive to Union School Sections.—Carried.
Moved by James Hays, seconded by
Bell, That this COUlleil, do now
adjourn to meet at Bowie's on the second
Saturday of March next.
COUNCIL .MEETING. --The Council met
on Friday, Feb. 16th, 1872, in the vil-
lage of Eginonelville, puesuant to adjourn-
, ment ; the Reeve and all the members
present. The minutes • of last meeting -
were read. and approved. Moved by
Mr. Sproat, seconded, by Mr. Cousins,
That the salaries • of the several $
ship officers hern
ein named be as follo-s
• • for the present year, viz: Clerk,
Treasurer, $65; Assessor, .$80; Collect-
or, $90 ; Tavern Inspector'$12; Audit-
ors, $5 each; Division. Registrar, $5.—
Carried. The Council having appointed.
the requisite number of fenceviewers,
pound keepers, and pathmasters for the
current year, it was moved by Mr.
Walker, seconded by Mr. Ling, That
the Clerk be directed to draft a By-law
to be passed at next meeting of the
Council, confirming the appointment of
all the township officers together with
the salaries of all such officers who re-
ceive payment for their services —Oar
Moved by Mr. Cousins, seconded
by Mn Lang, That George Sproat be
paid the sum of $5, for building ade cul-
vert on 2nd concession line. --Carried.
Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr.
Sproat,ThatJames Broadfoot and. Peter
Cowan be refunded the sum of $1 each,
tieing -error m dog tan for 1871.-4Jarried.,
Certificates wele granted to the follow-
ing persons, authorizing them to procure
shop and tavern licenses for the ensuing
year, -viz Messrs. G & 11. Jackson,
shop license ; Messrs. Weiland, Pend.er-
gest, Dill, Robertson, VanEgnabncl and
Cook, tavern license. • Moved by Mr,
'Walker, seconded by Mr. Lang, That
this Council do now adjourn, to rneet
again at the house of Mr. John Dill, in
the village of Harpurhey, on the 15th
day of March next, at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M.—eiarried.
Wee. MUIR Clerk.
__ XCK.,1110p.
course of lectures being delivered in the
Rev: Mr. Al cDiarmid's Church, 4th Con-
cession, McKillop. The Rev. Mr. Gra-
ham delivered the first of the course—
subject Dr. 'Chalmers. The next of the
course. will be given by Dr. CaMpbell, of
Seaforth, on Friday evening, the 8th of
March,-su bject, "The Natural History
of the young Canadian." The chair will
be taken at°8 o'clock. A collection will
be takendip in aid of the Sabbath School
Library. '
COUNCIL MEETING.—The Council met
tat Montgomery's hotel, on Saturday,
February 17, 1872, pursuant to ad-
journment ; all the members present;
Reeve presiding. Moved by Andrew
Govenlock, seconded by Alexander ICerr,
That the motion passed at last Meeting,
of Council granting license to each'
taverniteeper having the necessary ae-
coznmodation be now rescinded. Moved
by Jellies Hays, seconded by William
Bell, That the Auditors' report now sub-
mitted 'andencamined by this Council be
accepted as correct, and that the Audi-
tors be paid $6 each for their services
. and each returning officer $4 for his serv-
ice's at, the municipal election ; the di-
vision of Births, Marriages and Deaths,
$20; $2 to the Township Treasurer for
postage. George Dickson, Collector, $60 •
Joseph Evans; Treasurer, $60, for their
services.— Carried. Moved, seeondede
and carried, That the following parties
receive the- following sums* for charity,
viz.; Thomas Burns, $15; Widow Mc-
Kay, $6, and Widow Cahill, $5.—Car-
ried. Moved. by „Andrew Govenlock,
seconded by Alexander . Kerr, That
Solomon Shaman' be appointed -Treasur-
er for th.e present year. --Carried. Mov-
ed by Andrew Govenlock, seconded by
Alexander Kerr, That each tavernkeeper
be required to pay $40 for his license for
the omen°.t'terro. Mcived in amendment
by James Hays, seconded by William
Bell, That the amount payable by each
tavernkeeper for his license be the same
as *last year. A mend ment carried. —
Moved by Alexander Kerr, seconded by
Andrew Govenlock, That the (31(trk be
instructed to furnish six copies of the
Municipal Manual for the use of the
Council, pdao that he endeavors to get
the old Municipal Manuals, that the' re-
tiring niembers of this Council had.—
Carried. , Moved by Andrew Kerr,
seconded by Alexander Govenlock. That
Jitines MCDowell; Robert Turnbull, and
Samuel Smith, be appointinent Pence -
viewers, a.nd that the following parties
be appointed Poundkeepers, viz.: George
Dorrence Hyman Tyman, Anthony
Boyd, William Bowie, Archibald Gour-
Ithe petition of James Scott
ley, Mcetin Eberling, John Maloney,
m 3,
es Ulger, Jobe Atchison, James
Kenned .—Carried. Moved. lier Alex-
ander Ktrie seco.nded by Andrew Gov-
enlock, hat
and .others, praying that no tavern lic-.
ense be granted in the village of Rox-
borough be complied with.- Moved in
amendment by William Bell, seconded
by .1-4nIes Hays, That the application of
Mrs. Lattimore to obtain a tavern license
in the village of Roxborough, be postpon-
ed for further consideration until next
eeting.-- Amendment carried. Moved
William Bell, seconded by James
y, , That the following parties having
ade application to this Council for
avern license, and obtained the Inspect-
r's certificates, therefor that they be
ithoi•ized to obtain the required license
r the ensuing year, viz.: Neil Mont-
y, James Leslie, Mr. Potts, John
owie, Mr. Davis, James Kennedy and
to ericMcCrae. Movedin amend-
ment by Andrew Govenlock. seconded
by. Alexander Kerr, That the following
parties be excluded front obtaining
license, namely Leslie, Potts and Davis.
Motion Carried. Moved by Alexander
Kerr, seconded by William. Bell, That
W. J. Shannon euperintend the jobs in
Ward No. 1, William Bell in Ward No.
Harrist on. ,
FIRE, —On the 21st inst., the Royal.
Hotel was destroyed by fire. The fire
was supposed to have originated from a
defect in the kitcken chimney or stove
pipe. The fire was so far advanced be-
fore being noticed that it was impossible
to do more than to save as much of the
contents as possible. ' Mr. A. G. Markle,
the proprietoe; looses heavily by the
disaster: He'as insured in the Western
for $1,400, Ontario ,Beaver, for $6,000.
$400 of the above insurance was on the
stables, .which were saved; $6,000 on
the furaiture, etc.. which will cover all
the daanages. The balance, $1,000, was
on the buildiw which is estimated to be
worth $2,500; A quantity of.liquor and
alter articles in the cellar were consum-
ed. The total loss will be about $2,000.
Mr. Markle lost no time, for the niorn,:.
ing after the fire, he opened out in one
of the stores in Mickljohnienew brick
block, and has made arrangements for
building immediately. We understand
the contract is let. The' people here
sympathise with him in his doss. • He ie a
man who is' highly respected by all.
ACCIDENTS:—The morning • after the
fire the corner was one solid sheet of ice,
and as Mr. Dougaid Medunnahatf was
turning, his sleigh slid and upset. On
the road were four persons, two of whom
escaped, but Mf. 1VIcCunnahay got his
shoulder bone bioken, and Mary Mc-
Cunnahay her arm broken close to the
wrist. --Duncan Wilksen while on his
eleigh, opposite the_ ftribune office, get -
way to Leechville gave his leg a sudden
wist, breaking it below the knee. He
rove on to his destination and after do-
eg his business returned. home, where
le had his leg set. -_The other.day, Mr.
urnet's little boy eot run over by a
tug his leg broken.,
BUILDING. --- Quite a few have taken
iad.vantage of the late fine weather, and.
t • .
' re busily engaged building. There will
ie a big rush in the spring.
I TUB Aran was never known that could
please everybody, but Frank Padtridge-
omes the nearest_ to .it in his lime of
usinees. .$1 per dozen, Scott's bloek,
,. eaforth.
vITANTED, humediately, at TRE ExPosxTon
T Oftice, n. good steady boy as an Apprentice
t ) the Printingbusiness.
17)1P THE following new varieties:
These varieties are of the hest quality, unsur-
planed for productiveness and warranted pure
a id true to name.
"The best varieties of the clay."—C, AnIcoLD.
Lot 2.'1, Concession 8, Tuckersmith.
ANTED, immediately, by the undersigned, a
quantity of CORN COES, delivered in Sea-
f0rth, for which Cash will be paid. Apply to
HE underaigued will be happy to be patronize'',
by his brother farmers of the
As an: Auctioneer.
re es.
He is prepared to act as such at very: moderate
LONEY TO LOAN, private funds, at 8 per cent.
E. penses low. Conveyancing clone cheap.
19* Townline Huy and Stanley,
Hilrs Green P. 0.
A RUMOR having been spread threfighout the
-1-4-, Northern Townships and other places that I
hail left Seaforth, I think it nothing but right, in
justice to myself, to inform my old customers that
I ara still in my Old Stand, where I intend to re-
main, and shall be always happy to see my old
friends and as many new ones as please to call,
assturing them that they will meet with the same
hoapitality as heretofore.
Seaforth, Feb. 21, 1872. tao
Ilas now on land it.large Stock of COLTER/4
A large number of these Harrows were sold la
this part hot year, ancl gave the highest satisfac-
tion. Partids -desiring to purchaee Ue refened ti.
the following gentlemen who have 'used them: 0,
Edwin Cresswell, and Alexander Broadfoot, Tucker._
sthitb.; James Scott, and, •Jumes Kerr, MelCillop;-
John Whitefield, Grey ; john Troyer, Ilv; Peter
Crerar, Stanley, and many others. Parties who
want these Harrows would do well to pureliase a.
soon SS possible, as there is likely to be great
demand for them thin season.
Lase, on hand, a number of the Mastic), Ma/mine-
furing Company's superior Gang Plows. These -
plows' have had several ,valuable improvements
folded this season, and are now consegnently ca-
pable of performing better work than ever before,
Price the seine as last season.
.Agricultural Implement Agent.
s 221
s undersigned has onhand it splendid let or
-.40:TTLDWOr .
Also, a Fine Lot of Straw
New is the time to buy as it is on the rise.
Main Street, Seaforth. 221,
Pair Meit'sToots,
Worth $3 for $2 73.
170 Pair Women's Boots,
Worth $1 75 fDr41 60, BAICI.
A Job Tot of Girls' Boots,
"For 75c. wort -$1 .25.
Also, a Job Lot of
Suitable for Spring, at half their value.
At the SIGN of the BLACK BEAR..
Musical InstrUctioa„
Ta, TiT,
-Late of -St. James' Char, 'Wakefield, England, and
• well known to the peoPle of Seaforth as Precenter
of St Thomas' Chon, Seaforth, respectfully an. '
nounces to the inhabitants of this town that he
ha commenced givinc Instructions in
Vocal 4. Instrunzeztal
Mr. T. assures the people that the closest atten-
tion will be paid to his pupils, and no effort will
be spared to impart a thorough pmetieallmowledge
of music. •
:Vocal Music, _$6. 1 Inetumental Music,
Apply at the Mansion Ifotel, seafertie fro=
9 t 11 o'clock, A. g. 219
13 •
Every Saturday from Portland during Winter, ana
from Quebec during Summer.
The First Class Clyde built iron Stearnshipsof
carrying the Canadian and United States
Mails', will be despatched from Portland for Liver-
pool, calling at Derry, as folloyvs :—
.SCANDINAVIAN, ...Fob. 17.
HIBERMAN, ..... ....Feb. 24.
MORAVIAN, March 2-
Rates. of Paseage as low as by .-MalnriallaryrreceFirsiihh 251-96
AN, .
Class Mailixte.
• To 13E/IsOirisrann To -SP.Xn Fon FRIEDMS„—
Through hookinitarrangements have been made by
which persons wising to bring out their friends
can obtain passage certificates at lowest rates frora
England, Ireland or Scotland, to any railway sta-
tion in Canada or the Ilnited,States.
The first steamships ferQuebec will be despatch-
ed from Liverpool, (calling at Derry) ebont the25tb
aobf 0Aliptiitlh, ean2d3rfdrooraf AGpliansgow, kealling-A,t Fingstowat
The steamships of the Allan Line cendirect ter •
ihe railway wharf at Point Levi (South gnebec.)-
The baggage is checked through to destination' roe
of charge, and passengers are forwarded on at onoc
thereby avoiding all ineidental expenses.
For Tickets and any further particulars, apply to •
R. 33. MOODIE,
At G. T. Railway Station, Seafortia. 220-6 -
A GENT WANTED, in Seaforth and vicinity, for
"the North British Cattle Food Company. A
good salesman 01111 realize It 'large lueome. To-
ronto testimonials furnished.
• 220-1* R. 13. MAKE, Toronto.
OAME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot
.-"No. 1, Concession 1, Meliillop; previous to the
1st of December last, it EWE and LAMB. The
owner is requested to prove property, pay charges
and take them away.
IXTANTED, a yoke of good 'WORKING OXEN, •
T A liberal price will be paid for a good yoke.
Apply to the subscriber, Lot 32, lst Con., Tacker -
smith, H. R. S., or address Clinton Post °Rice.
THE public .are hereby cautioned against plir•-*
chasing a Note of Hand made by me in favor
of Messrs. McCaughey & Hohnested, Attorneys, Of
the village or Seaforth, dated May, 1871, sigh
months after date, as I have received= value foe'
the same.
Tuenersatith, Feb. 10, 1872. 9I94*
tout of,t3-17,7e_
First iuSerF)
sertions, 2sxi
Dna toluron_o-
st. ..4s
thae4ourtb on
44 44 ha-
g; 44 S
,Orie.eight4 0
41 44 •
'i 5
-it 4 1 .3
Business Card.
not exeeeding,
snentli, 60 ten-
tor tale, not or -
each subeetque.
inserted till
31130no Y Mc
skvr,An- MOLEA
pT w, See
mile of Se.
3'1111P1), eig
Building Lots
Ag -e
.vwxe4111410g.F ,oerf arnabisav2,2:1:1411sailtne,::
Varna Pothrofb;
WOR Sale, lot
-containing -
and in a state
'well tepee”.
frame barn
and a young
ttne mile a Al
station of the
be located,
Northern Gray
27.011138, With t
Oallery. The
Viremiees, Os°
situated nesx
Wroxeter, Ora
mince reinanae.
The whole Will
*tiara appli to =
Bola. with 0- wit
. orb, 414,.
• three Bpi
in. a good basin
on one of the lo
and Feasne dVe
ena ftneverrtnil
,sather lots ther
*pen the -t
a good stoc
lepokes and
block„.chea ,
ing for a geed
thie -offers, ALs.
business -within
greats appl
to Walton 1 O.
tags, and
'wtatis and eonve
/deniers ap14.y at
lege of
North of Se
good rep
about ten y
try Mrs.
being in the
tactory reasons
'the bueinees,.
Aappiy to
cr0 LET, in
4g- Rooms on 1,
srmt Traeibigu
lus brotlit
Xis is prepared
WS to i
out CC:nut
hereafter, be: pr
Real Estate .or
the County, 011
1411CatISSI he'hasin
he feels (ionfillso
Ail ordera left
Saunders, P11.1_4 4
32ndersigned will
arl THE Allow
Tae,se varieties
passea for prodn
- and Ulla to nolne.
"Tko Vot TaPdA
' J.4