HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-01, Page 7„zz MARcH 1, 1872. _rniagil_wromm_a Slitth in Time saves 9 Tr Ton want to get the best Family soiving ,-Rt Machine in the Province of Ontario, go to GEORGE MILIAN, Wroxeter,. Who is Agent for the celebratecI S 13 C> I\T SEWING MACHINE N.B.—Sewing "Meehina Needles of all kinds, always kept on hand for sale. Also, AGENT POD E. R. SIIOREY'S IOYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES -WRINGER (mitt, at lifisa Milhir ahionable Dress-makint Establishment, directly opposite the Post Office, Wroxeter. PRO BONO.PUBl_.ic ATCHES &i 'JEWELRY M. B.: COUNTER. Ag just !received a very choice anal STI.periOr stock of jewelry of every description ; also Clocka, 'Watches and Musical Instruments. 1 very choice Jot of Violins, also Violin Strings. in Vemlless variety. Every description of 'Watches, Clocks and J.ewelry repaired, and warranterj to give satialaction. It is needless tu say mom, as Qum - ter ia well enough known, in the County of Huron... REMOVED. _HA M. ROBERTSON, et -maker and Undertaker, EXT. ()VIM his ware -rooms to JOENSON'S OLD STAND, Main-atreet, Seaforth, vaiefe loa.haa on hand a. superior stock of Frani.- tnre of every description. ' CALL ..A.VD SEE IT tarffERTAKINi. • "Having purchased Mr. Thomas. Bell's .1-1.b.ARSE. I am prepared to attend funerals on the shortes zioti:.-e, either in town or country. Coffins, All Shies, • I Kept OriStarttly On kvAlld.- NOTICE. W . FIT.LLERTON, (pareveaLe oe ceasee-xe Eve knovrn to the people of Seafortb, and IMIL7ounclhag eountry as the DOMINION LANDSCAPE ARTIST, -wishes to notify the peopleofSeal ortli that he Ilea commenced Iteffla in the _ Busi- PORTRAIT LINE First door Weat of Mr. Lumsden's Driv, Store. 'Itfy long experienee in the art en Nes Le to giire entire aatisfaction to all who may fltvor me with : trial. The latest style of Pictares can be obtained. • - Children taken from la a. m. to 22. m. IMING THEM -ALONG. Young personawishing to learn the art would. dO W,-.11. to COUR' ter rue, na I earl give thant my expe- rience of over eleven year. a'. W. FtLLERTON. Artieti. 217 Seafortli: W HY A.RE LAzARus,,. MORRIS GUS- S.'Pereit4Cle.* ••• LIKE:, BRIGHAM YOUNG 0,N• TItIAL"'FOR AIURDEB;r. NGTIC11.—Any person sending the answer to the above to the Agent, N.r R. COVNTER, SEAPOR,TH, within the next thirty days, will re' oeiveau order izora L. M. (4; Co. for a pair ef their superior new pattern, Eye Ghtsses. DANIEL MeGRFGOR Bookbinder, Ti.x.s just received a largeStock of the materials - u -ed w the businer,-;„ at 1. is now folly prepar- ta ere:tate, on the shortest notico and in thee !test stylos, all erders he Way b.: favoured with, t•EGISTERS, & BLANK BOOKS,. Or ANY EIND, leeits Printed and made ta onler, on the shorted notice and at prices Which defy competition. trork _Box-eg & .Fancy eases' Made to artier.: OLD AND,.NEW BOOKS _ Bound and rezaah•ed at city prices. Ptr.ions rel-itling at a di.,:hkace bv leaving their tit!: Signal” Doeic Store. ZI-oderich, or, at 7'Entositt-r” office, Seaforth, or at .T. Grant's stating may rely uponthe= inti well bound. Alt commanications addressed to the undersign.- , will reeeive prompt attention. DANIEL Mt:GREGOR, Constaltce P. O., Ifullett EPION15VI1 -LE -- GROCE4Y.. STORM, (Late ot aforth,) 7.k5 roeeived fredi anpply Of Choice ParnilT =roceries, of every description, embracing Y.017 Mae -flavored Teas, of various varieties. 'ugars; Coffeee, Spices, Fish? TODA,CCOES, eants and every tither artiele in the Grocery Ilasp- Weil IL, will i at iitief-4 a; mow tt:t can, be " at tieaforth Or in any Hotthe in the County, WITTER AND EGGS taken in exchanv for goods as cash. FLOC!' AVD leTPFD 4$. Very de,eciption, kept c(mstantly on hand,, chiding 6Liearson. C°.'e No, 1. - call ia re:Tectfuliy solicited. W.31. THOMSON. IIMEMDER TIIE BRICK. STORE" EGMONDVILLE, LOGA.N1S, OLD STAND. MARCH 1-1872. 9 z Cancter Cayce Extraordinary! To the Editor of the Caton Yew Era. DEAR SIR, -1 Shall fake it RS great favor if you will iuSert the fol lowing paragraph in our widel circulated journal, trusting it ma be sounded from one end of the Do minion to -the other, for the ben,efi -of na tank in &generally, feeling 'sails fied that all those troo bled with t,ha inalignant pest, the cancer, ean .ge -.cured without cutting or,being ter tured with extreme pain, by Dr Mtanro, of Brucefield, neat, Clinton Mts. Marten, my wife, some six years ago had a,stnall substance feral ed in her left breast, whichincreas- ed to a large size. She used appliica, tions, ooth internally and...external- ly, but with little a•yail.. Twayears .age we took advice upon, it and were informed that it -was not a -cancer. It was one continuation of pain as, well as bearing all her sup- port,' she became very • much reduc- ed, all idea of cure was 'abandoned and we considered that it w-ould end her days in. this world... .Many Of your readers are aware that I had an accident :in May last, when I nearly lost my life.. Dr. Munro, of Brucefield, being called to the scene .of my aceident and feeling so well 'satisfied_ with his skill and kind ,at- tention in .My case, I advised. Mrs. Marten to let the Doetorexamine her breast. He at once said he be- lieved it to be a cancer, but took a little time to consider, finally de, ,cided it was a cancer, and said hel had a sure ewe, without cutting, by, a plaster (no cure, no pay) and coin- imenbed to purify the blood by medi- cine, then the application of the ,plas- ter, whieh has,completely brawn the whole cancer, root and branch. It was considered the worst ca.:neer-67.er zeen, a great many inches round and four or five inches long; besides the roots which extended Some six inches from the body of the cancer. Consequently brought Mrs. Marten very weak and Soon • the doctor b °aided hlraself ,accordinm to her 0 weak Constitntion. and put on a much lighter plaster than usual, ne- cessitating a longer duration- °Op- eration, we ate thankful for thus taking more time, because in her de- licate state Of health no doubt but the rushing tthroughsystem would have sent her to the grave ; but there is no clotibt but a complete -success has been obtained: Our signs are these: lst, the wnole thing has been drawn out, and as it rose we could. see all the many roots came away with the plaster and the large ve substance I haabove deseribed. 2nd, Mrs. Marten is free from pain. 3rd, She is fast improving in flesh, which goes to show that, it is tho- roughly eradicated from' the system, because it is -well known they are constitutional and affect •the whole frame. Mr. Editor, it seems, as is often stated, that good results from evil. '1n this case, my accident is likely to be the cause of -the pro- longation of the life of those near and dear te me, and that Dr.' Munro was to be the instrument throu.gb the allwise Providence to both. hall eve') feel grateful; and Mrs. Marten takes this Opportunity of publicly stating, She will ever feel thankful to Dr. Munro for this most kind and,syrnpathetic feeling which she receiyed from him during her _ Wm. MARTEN, peddler. From the Clinton ,Yetv 'Era, Feb. 8. a . A letter from Mr. William Mae - ten, Was published in our issue of Jan: 26, in which he speaks in strong teams of the successful cure of his wife from a „severe canper, As to the accuracy- of his statement we can fully vouch, as we were permit- ted, for the sake of letting the pub -1 lie know the facts o to see the cincer before anfl after cure. at The cancer had been forming for six years, and Was very'severe at last, causing con-, staut pain and nervetis 11 ritation Dr. -A.tunro having procured at great 'expense a cure iroported from Eng-, land, whose operations in the United States he had _known and closely ob- served for fifteen years, determine& to apply it in this case, but, owing to the ekbanstg.4 and low condition of his patient, he had to proceed more slowly than itt a robust pea The remedy is both external'and in- ternal, the latter to elanse the sys- teni of cancerous impurity and the former is -a plaster which ch aws-out the cancer formed. The operation of the plaster is almost magical, it „seems to penetrate to every part of the cancer, and converging lines of inflamed appearance are seep meet- ing at the cancer -•---soon the cancer begius to rise, and atlast, it com- pletely drops out, sound flesh forming babind. Mr. Marten is probab- ly- technically in error when he speaks of roots, as, properly speak-. the cancer has no roots, it be- ing a cellular deposit, and whitt Mi. atArten calls roots being mdscular attachments. The operation WWI not at all painful, and the patietit im- proved in flesh under it, and -is still progressing. We shall continue to --watch the case with inthrest t�, see if there is a return and if the °fire is permanent. At any'rate, Dr. Mun- re's system of extracting cancer is u. better than the barbarous and se mingly useless naethod of cutt ng th re out.' The 'cane r forth e p. ea - out is comp1ete1iy out, and the a - pr babnever be system, €1-1 she ',will ly tie t happy ancl im aroving, an if th re arryno can er. deposits in be , - ag in troebled.- n publishing ibi we consider - we are doing the pub ac a service', as th i disease- is fearf tly prevale t. . „ Dr Munro is well nd favora ly known in Beucefield where he aS . an eXtmisive pralcti e, and wa a student at the Hospit ls,or Lond n,- Edmburgh, Glisiow Paris a d New York. , A Fiarm.er's Exper onto Nvi th ' Ealt. Having read- Man controversies on the subject "Salt a, a Fertilizer," 1 determined to tay t myself, aid 1. now send you thk3 r sults.. ' _experiment N . .—On pe s) three-quarters of an a re, two bush- els Blackeyed MarroYfat, sowed n the 13th of Aprils lowed in six inches deep. A Wet ime following packed the ground an rotted ful y half the Seed, it only COta ing through properly on the crown of the ridg s where the furrows s Ood on en 1. Saw a reeeort 'in "Jo nson's Che Istry" of peas and oat being ben fiteiby salt and gyp um, thoug it nagbt answer for mine, mix di 100 pounds salt with 5 ,pounds f 1 gyp um, and -sowed ov r them whe abet t two inches hig .• Crop, one 'lar*iwaegon-load.of p as and straw; threshede)24 bushels el a.npeasand a little over measure. The follo*- ing, lien. the Whrut on hat piece 'Vitals ,bett r filledand the traw a more beau iful Color thani th t on the rest . 1 . of t e piece, although t e whole ivas alik tiaanured, so nine so that sev- eral visitcrs asked e if 1 .wa's growing a new kind of wheat. This led e- to try another e operiment .N - 2. ---One acie : soil loam, _ a.bou 10 inches in .de th; subsoil, yell° clay and 14ne •tone gravel tnixe ; well cropPed. out May, 1867 manured wi h 0 acres of fresh horse dung, m eh of it vety long had to empl- y a boy tfork . it in o the furrow s plow 4 it in; r'dges one rod wid • har ; owed light ly after plowi g ; then sowed 4 bt shels of Fife - he. t 'and half a barre - of the .best co rn n salt, har- rowe all in ; when th wheat was in tsi o bladeS, sowed 110 pounds of gyps m, the day alter sowing the whea , a terrible rai -8 Orni washed half sf it out one Si e ' f the ridges (they happened to b across the slore` ) and deposited 't a the water furro s, where it peris ed. Sowed on t e .18th . of May. Result— Stra -moderately loIng, stiff, glossy ldoki g, a beautiful i1ale gold. color i head. vell filled ; ve ly plump and clear yield), 23 bulhe s ; . cleaned three imes.for seed, an separated about a- bushel of tai)in s. Consid- ering that the half of each ,ridge wasashed-out, as above stated 1 thoug t it was a _some .s, for the rest o my%Fife wheat on y averaged 16 bo hels per acre. I' hould have said til at the bind was 2 stooks of 12 sh ayes, . • irb' same Year I: sum er-fallowed two acjoinino. acres • me tired with 30 loa a d yard ma- nure, m, as well as the s fall w In s of •rich stabl and. sowed th lted acre, once eat, -Soules. • he fall -of 186 11 pl wed, with looked the strongest ; 180 on oth r two acres, 1 D each., In 1868, wheat ba salted ieces the bes p the, le st killed; w1en -glazed all was I did separa pieces bushel adres as better and rtr, and of nicer col darnaged by in ot think it w rt the. grain .of th 6 thresh ;' aver per acre; the sing been 'seeded with allover and timothy salt sh wed. its power plant iinsaite • 186 teed a as twice as stron' piece. Salted, sere a distance by cot ts ( Clop the loads of hayi es 1,50,0 jounds each, on s, three e ch on• theoth afterm. th was double n acre, a d tall- enbugh .o ooWs,' I. llieS as they wet 1870 Sowet1-400 poun ter on 'ail of thethree-ac four lo' ds on salted acre a -half e celled 1871 loads o other tyo ; no aftermath it wort4 noticina I pate teh year myse o put On- abo each time. as all. the 1arid alike, and pl. ste te the very la •ge the one are td th satisfied with the nted oub the piece are hstonished at e in appea_rance. W3f. JOHN W Massi lted piece ed plaster pounds to .ly killed ; anted and • ripe, the w firmer, r; but, as er-killin while to di fferen t .yield, 21 ole three his spring now the he' clover as on the Id be no - ark color ; imated at lted aere • wo. The he salted weep the hrough it. isof phas- es. Crop, two -and - ch ori others. Again ex- afte Season too dr salted piece.; one Thads ,careful quentit NOW manute attrib turns o ant Well have po and all -differen., - - _ Crop two each on on any of ed all the and was the same is alike, •Led alike; extra re- -salt, and resql t. I to many, the great TER, 's Mills. Watax you are in Seaforth just run into Frarik Paltridge's Photogra,ph Gal- lery, 'tw II do your heart goo Only $1 . Scott's Block, Se forth. per doze THE HURONEXPOSITOR. THE CIRCULAR SAW Cuts through all opposition. ERTSON & CO Hale just received a large and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated makes TLERY, NICOLITt AND OTHER SILVER-PLATED GOODS, 1 TEA TRAYS, *COAL OIL LAMPS, . Li tning and Turn-tOle Apple Parers, STOC Every Family should have one. IMPROVED CHAMPION AND OTHER CR -SS-CUT SAWS, C'S CELEBRATED EXTRA MACHINE OIL Warranted the best in use. „Repairs for Abell's Patent Gear and Horse Power, And every other article required in the Hardware Line—Shelf and Heavy. JACKSCREWS TO 'HIRE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, 198 ROBERTSON & CO. 1.2s. - "It • -C- 0 0 McINTYIE & WILLIS, Main Street, Seaforth, . • }JTTAvE on hand a large 'Stock of Boots and Shoes which were purchased before the late rise in the AVE of leather, aud which they are now selling at cost price, in order to make room for their spring stock. Withfn the Peet fe* weeks, boots and shoes have advancedin prim, at least ten per cent., so that our ate& being now sold at former cost prices, an opportunity is offered for obtaining cheap boot!' and shoe e which will rarely occur. CUSTOM WORK attended to •promptly, as formerly. A good fit, and first class article guaranteed. Remember the place, first door south of John Logan's, and opposite W. Robertson & Co Hardware Store. McINTYRE & WILLIS. TkiE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE T GATiDNER SEWING MACHINE Is supe ior to any taa. now in the Market. Having been exainined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best judges the country can produce, a and by them aWarded Prizes at all the principal *xhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; inul although all the leading Mechines were arrayed ngaiust it, the GARDNER PATENT 1 has been declared VICTORIOUS OVER ALL COMPETITOR 6 , ) •i- _._ upon every test, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. 8 E**TICE 'LIST OF JPRIZES FOR 18711 First Prize a Toronto. First Prize at London --the great Western Fair. Iiirst Prize nt Guelph—the great Central Far. First Prize at St. Catherines, Coanty of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, Comity of Kent. First Prize at Waterloo, County of Waterloo. First Prize at Orangeville, County of Simcoe. First Prize in Ione, County of Peel. First Prize in Caledon, Comity of Sinicoe. First Prize at Wel- 1 landport.Comi y of Welland. First Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair, KingAton, Dipoma at Hamilton, and various County Shows. This beautiful'ispecimen of mechanical abiliV is a purely Canadian invention, surpassing in shtiplicity, durability, andineefpinees a,ny other Sewing Mudd= now in the market whether of Canadian, A.merican, or English manufacture. . r, It will hem, ord: braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and light ManufacturingYok, using all kinds of thread. It lies a most complete STET OF ATTACHMENTS. . ' *, HAAIILTON, ONT. tint NO OT,i_r R. • If the price is a little higher than some others, it is the cheapest in the end. Send for Circul rs and Samples. GA.RDNER SEWING MACVINE COMPA:NY P. 5.—Intera ing parchasers should not be misled by anscrupulouA m a°oite of other Companies, who keep Machines hey do not; sell, in a damaged state, to ino.ke capital forthemselves. . Call and era me the Gardner before purchasing any other, at WI:Lariat GlIASSI'S WITOT00111.6, Godmich-street, Seaforth. Agents wanted. PETER GRASSIE, 179-52 Seaforth. Dext r Training and Sale Stables, I . SEAFORTH, -ONT. 'FIR. B...A.ILEY bee's to inform the Farmers and public generally, that he has specially fitted up Stables , , for Trainug and Wiling norpics, and purposesv to HANDLE TROTTING STOCK by !training and de loping them to the best advantage He has engaged an old experiencecl trainer from 1 rettults from all mder my charge. Persons having good young sound free -stepping Horses wonld do well . 'Kentucky, with he assistance of 'competent grooms arid every facility for perfect and most satisfactory Ito have them trained and see lf they cannot be made to trot fast. I am constantly in receipt of orders Ifqr good drivep and-cau hell any number of good movers at HIGH FigannEs. Parties having Horses in Training, will receive,their time every week, thus enabling them to see the improvement they are mak- ing. We have at good a half-inile track as can be found .in the Dominion for treining Horses on. Terms Reasonable. Horses. 130,1gItt and Sold:, One or two good Trottel's for Sale. OFFICE AN:D ST.,inr.,E0--South of the B. & L. H. B. R. Station and opposite tbe Woolen Fn ctofy. 206 - • Address, A. H. BAILEY. Seaforth, Ont. ammozorwilairessco araller•MITINI STOVES, TINWARE AND GOAL . OIL. RS. WHITNEY has just received a large stock of Cooking, parlor and Box Stoves, of the best manufacture, which she can sell as Cheap as any in the trade. TINWARE, of every description, bkept constantly on'hand and madeto order i. so, Steve Ptpds, Eave Trougliing, etc. 1 , . , earaom-aora p•omptly attended to, and outside ork will rec Ave Levery attention. 4 0A1E. ,011.1.. , A large sto dt of the very best Coal Oil kept con- stantly on hitnd, and will be sold wholesale and rs:rioeilrlat.iiesee ind bteid. bv note or niber the place, Carmichael's Block, Main eafoi h. book account are re- quested to se tle immediately. ags, wocil pielllngs, old iron, brass, copper, etc., n tak in ere Inge for goods. 197 ,DISSOL TION. OF PARTNERSHIP. OrtcE i he eby given that the Partnership hitherto exi-ting betwi.i.n the undersigned, under the na it rjnd style B. Shantz and Brother, MUiars etc., f R xboro, hes this day been dissolv- ed by mutu consent. The businein wjll hereafter be carried o • by Isaac B. Shantz who will liquidate liabilities contracted_ by the late firm, and col- lect all debts due t� the said late firm. (Signed,) B. SHANTZ. ISAAC B. SHANTZ. Hor,Brzs D, Witness. Seaforth, an. 22, 1872. 218-1 .SEA_FORTH PLANING/ MILL, SASH, DOOR, s —AND— BLIND E.A.pT RY. TUFsubscriber begs lea* te thank his numerous customers for the liberal imtronege extended to . him since commencing busitiess in Seaforth, and trusts that he imiy be favored with a continuance of the seine. ' 1 Parties intending to build would.do well to give him a dell, as htwill continue to keep on hand it large stock of all kinds ot DRY -PINE LUMBER SAL 8 ME , DOORS, BLINDS, .MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feel e confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage, as none but first-class work-inen are employed. 1.--i-1.--.-Paxticular attention aid to -Custom Planing. 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. J ST RECEIVED, 'AT T H M AS LEE'S CHOICE STOIC OF FRE II FAPARY 'GROCERIES, Comprising TB 8, SUGARS, CO FEES, 1110E, „ 0111 RANTS, RAISINS, SO P, " TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc., All of whicl, he can af.tord to sell as cheap as any in the town. . T FROM 50 cents TO $1, And wana, ted to dive satisfaction to all. SHEARSON & CO.'S No. 1 Flour an.d. ed, Of every de criptian constantly o PROVISI Seaford', Foundry ZAPFE 6:CARTER Would desire to call atteirion to their greatly impr ved I THRESHER EPARATOR and. And NS Of alt kinds to be had at e lowest possible rates. Simpson Spice, th est Condition Powder for .Fium aoc in use. • armers, try it. The high st p cc given for Form Produce of all kinds. ber the place, SHE ON & CO.'S OLD STAND, West Side, Main -street, SEAFORTII, Ont. THOMAS LEE. SALT. ORDERS Which is able to corapetewith any. other Machine in Canada. . Among its many advantages, we eall at- tention to the following—the way the Cylinderis constructed—it requires lesti power and- is capable of . THRESHING MORE AND CLEANER THAN ANY OTHER. The great complaint among Threshers always was, that they could thresh more than they could clean, our improved drum does away with all these complaints ; it is so constrinted as to regtilate the wind to keep the riddles from chOking, without blowing any grain over. We have also improved our Mills to prevent the grain going over with the straw. We would invite Farmers and Thresh- ers, generally, to give us a call, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing [else- where ; we can sell as cheap as any other Establishment. None but the best Material used, and the very best workmen employed. The Machines we sold last year enable us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than any other ever sold in this county. . PITT'S HORSE POWER!, keptonhandataultirnes. We would -also desire to direct the attention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES! Which are capable of sawing from forty to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters, Cultivators, Scuffiers. Wooden and Iron - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, All of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and. will be sold as cheap as at any other Establishment in the Province. REPAIRING AND CASTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION., Done on the shortest notice and raost reasonable terms. • 143-1y-- ZAPPE & CARTER. - For • 11 kinds of Salt Can now be filled at GRAY, YOUNG & SPARING'S "ECLIPSE" T -WORKS SEAFORTHI ONT. Nov. 29,1 71. 208-4 CUTTERS. CUTTERS. The beat made, most stylieh, most durable, and cheapest . CUTTERS, PLEASURE SLEIGIIS, DEJIOCRAT CUTTERS, Manufactured at 21043 MeINTOSH & MORRISON'S F Carriage actory, Main -street, Seaforth. Wmill al OLIVER, SIGN OF TIM SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice resortment of light and heavy harness, wb las, bells, horse clothing; etc., kept constai tly on .hand.. • Repgring promptly attended to, and charges inocLa a e. Rem ember the place ! sign of the 'cotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf W. H. OLIVER. QUEEN Insurance Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. --o—r . CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling CHIEF OFFIC1S—Queen. Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechurch`Street, London. CANADA Bita.acar OrricE—Exchange Buildings, • Montreal. BOARD—WM. Morton, Esq., Chairman: Henry Thomas, Esq., David' Torrance, Esq., an d the Hon. James Ferrier, BAN KERS--M01SOn'S Bank. LEGAL AI VISERS Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Rose. MEDICAL ADan—William Sutherland, M. D. Sunvanon-i—Thomas S. Scott, Esq. Ammon—Thomas R. Johnson; Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL AGENT,—A. Mackenzie l'orbes, 13 St.. Sacrement Street,' Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- ed. Agent for the above Company, parties desiring to insure against less by fire can ,do so on the most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage ous terms as any other respectable Com- pany doing business in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON 'Agent OFF/CB—BENSON & MEYERe'S. r Law Office, safoich. Seaforth, Nov. 8, ism 153-tf.— CHEERING PROSPECTS FOTt N ABUNDANT,ITRT The present favorable Spring -weather warrants both farmer and mechanic 'making timely preparations for the com- ing harvest. THOIVISON ik, ,WILLIAMS 'While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded. them in the past, would cordially invite the atten- of • Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesting Machines for 1871.. • Our - Ohio Combined Machine, with Johnson's Improved Self-itake,' has given complete' satisfaction for the past owo years, and is now offered to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfect work. The Cayuga Chief fr _Mower, Which has gainecl for itself a world-wide reputation is again offered as the nioSt durable, handy and best workin,,a Mower known, being construCted bathe body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition. We also offer the Johnson's SelfRaking Singe Reaper, which took .first and second -prizes at»ko- vincial Exhibition'1870. This reaper as acknowledged to be superiot to any other patter* now in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes tip kdged or tangled grain better 'than any other rake or reeImachine, and cuts equally well from either side of the field when wind is strong from anTdi- rection, can be raised or lowered when in motion and. is very durable, We mnvite inspection of our machines and mode of manufacturing by pur- chaserS before giving order's elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction ilia every ma- chine, orrno sale. TERMS EASY. The, agriculturalists of Perth .and ad- joining counties will not (we believe) tbe so bhnd to their own interests as ;to give their orders to shops more thlan 100 miles east, when there areofirst-c works in their naid_st, building largely the best machines, equal to any of the same machines made -in the Province. Call and see us,- -send in your orders by mail, or deal with our agents, as in every case you will get a perfect ma- chine, and on the same terms as your neighbor. Our principles of business and prices being established_ and. uni- form.' All other kinds of implements con- stantly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES 13I3ILT, And, all kinds of MILL WORK done promptly. Address TROMSON WILLIAMS, MITCHELL ' Oihario