HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-03-01, Page 5ARea Z 1872. protect Now that they have been -ented, we should not think that y touch hesitation would he shown by the Cabinet at Washing - n to aid in_any plan for _a-helving he eat, which WattIcl save its dignity of and roputation.—gcottish. Anteficatt. The Manitoba Legislature: The Manitoba Legislatum was. rorogned on Friday last. The events inunediately preceding, this se event proved that. it did not - come abmt one day too soon to save the )o e Government from being unseated.. A Th:e.Govermnent brought down ari [e- amendment to the Supreme Colirt tbW, to which Mr. Donald A- Smith te submitted a further amendment, and upon which .a debate ensued, which •was carried on in the main by tre. b. latter-inamed gentleman and the At. torney-General, runuina bver with tuperation. The Aqtorney-Gene era accused Mr. Smith of political E. treacheryand made any number of If other accusations of a like character atm -hist him. Mr. Stnith, in his replies, proved fully equalto the occasion. He demonstrated the Attorney -Gene a .disgrace to the Assembly. Re said the conduct of the Prernier du cr r - tile' entire session had been chbaracterizecl by the grossest ins°. lance and attempted tyranny. On the question being called, the Government, suffered its seeond mor- al defeat of the session, the original otion" being tos t by a majority of fbtfr Abatit-7-chalf-an-hour before e time for prorogation, one of the Attorney-Generars thick-and-thirt supporters introduced S, motion ten- dering that nentlernau the specia thanks of the House for his condi' during the ses*ion. This was but/ • the signal for a renewal of the hos- t tilities of the former part of tlie [ day. All that Mr. Smith had pre- viously said he repeated, and the Attorney -General also reiterated his [ Statements. Before the motion could be submitted, ttm House was -sum- , maned by the Lieutenant -Governor -r to attend in the Throne Room for prorogation. The ceremonies attending the pro- rogatiort were similar to those et thb olaeraing, with thie difference, that the Lieutenant -Governor was greet- ed with a heavy volley of groans from the, cro%-d on the street an his passage to the House. The royal 'aent was given to thirty-three The prorocrbation adcliess made com- - inenciatory commenton each of the public acts. It also enjoined mem- ber'to assist the Executive in car - lying out ihe conciliatory policy that had been inaugurated. Par- liament was finally prorogued until April 2C Though the Government 1,as tirlsml over the Session' it is be- tieved that its reconstruction will Emmediately recommence. It is. ;apposed the Attorney -General and Provincial Secretary will have to - -ive way. --Kenneth McKenzie, Q. C., has aken the field in North Bruce as the tefeent candidate, and was enthusiastic-. Ily receivec. by the electors on Friday pat, at a public meeting held in. Port :• qgin. - — The Great Western A.'ailway Com - any have issued a new map, showing in old lines the vc-hole of the now exiln- ive railway system beloftging to that -,n--ispany. It is earefully prepared and eantifully executed. — The business men of Sarnia, Goder- h, and other ports on Lake Huron, met the Queen's Hotel, Toronto, last week, made an offer to induce one of -m443, hest Steamers last year running from. ()Ringwood to Fort Williarvi to run be-. veen -Sarnia and those tewns to Lake perior. BIRTHS. .1-nsten...—On the 20th nit, the -wife of ..'-'Itobert Dickson, Grey, of a son. Seaforth, on the 2ud ult., the wite of Mr. N Et Yrig of a rilaughter. Seaforth, on the 2oth the wife of Air. .A.Ilan, of a. Seaforth. on the 28th ult., -the wife of Fred, Veal, Esq., of a laughter. Winghara, on the 1st ult., the wife of Rev. G. H. Kenny, Wes - Ley -an Minimter, of a daughter. ta—InWing-ham, on the 7th ult., the 1--•ife of Mr. Robert Ker, of a. son. [eurr.—In Wingham, on the 13th nit., he wife of Mr, C. EIliet, of a thter. Winghara. on the 15th ult., he wife of Mr. John Snell, of a 8011. ICE. --In Winghant, on the 17th ult., he wife of Mr. T. IL Price, merchant, a daughter. Wingliatte on -the 17th ult., 4e wife of Mr. Joseph easdon, of a. EfiNog..-4Near Winghain, on the lt nit, the wife of Mr._ W. IL heelffigs, of a daughter. a MARRIAGES. . P--Annesn—In Morris,. •on Feb. r, at the residence of the bride's ther lw Rev„ 8. Jones, Hugh La- ent, of (..rey, to Miss Sarah Isa,bella: alest. DEATHS.. Ainleyville, on Sundaytli nIt, infant son of R D Coate, edthree months. .n.—At Walton, ou Saturday, Feb th, of bilious fever, AliceJane Moore. ,ed Ig years, 6 months and 2g days. tenee..—In they, near Molesworth, the 25th nit, Joh u Campbell, aged - out 20 years. THE HURON EXPOSITOR; • AUOTION.Sli4ES. - Saturday, March 2, at Knox's Hotel, `Seaforth, three Horses, a waggon and set .of harness. David Beattie, proprietor, J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 5, at the Village of Varna- Farm. Stook, Implements, etc.. i W. J. Moffatt, proprietor, 3 r Brine, auctioneer. • Wednesday, March 6, on Lot 23, Sec- ond. Conce§sion, Tuckersrpith, L. R. S., Farm Stock, implements and HousEhold FUrnitIUT. Alex. Kennedy, proprietor, J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Tuesday, IvrEireh 12, on Lot 20, Town- . -ship of Hay, town -line between Hay and Stanley,. Horses. Cows, Waggon _and -Furniture, and 'fixtures of a country tavern. Christian -Zapfe, proprietor, Hugh Love, Sr., auctioneer. Thurscla.y, Ma.reli14,` on Let 8, Ninth C011058SiOn, Hullett, Farm Stock, Imple: ments'&e. James L. Pease, proprietor; J. P. _ Bettie, auctioneer. - Tuesday, March 26, on Lot 14, Fifth Concession, Morris, Farm Stock, Imple- ments and Household Furniture. Alex, . Clark, proprietor, J.. P. -Brine, •aac- „tioneer. A1111111111111111111111IMIIIIMIEEN1111 TIIEMARKETS. SEAFORTH, Feb. 29, 1872- allWheat . . , .... . . . . . -41 17 to 1 is Spring Wheat 1 14 to- 1 15 • Barley 0 58 to 0 55 .Oats.... .. .................... 0 84 to 0 85 (Peas . ... . ................. 0 55 to .0 58 Butter. ... . .. ..... . .... . 0 15 to 0 00 •Eggs 0 15 to 0 16 Fiour Potatoes . • 8 00 to 000 0 AO to 050 10-00 to 18 00 Hides, 7 50 to- 0 00 Sheep Skuis....... . . ... . 0 50' to 2 00 Lamb Skins - 1 00 to 2 00 Calf Skms,per lb.,08 to 010 Wood, per cord 200 to 2.25 Salt (retail) per barrel...... . 1 00 to 000 Beef. _ 1 . 0 044to 0 05i •"' Mutton . 0 04 to 005 Pork, per 100 lbs. 4 50 to 510 Stave Bolts, per cotol: 225 to 0 00 Clover Seed,'perbushel,. 5 50 to 6 00 Timothy Seed, per blishel; ' 8 00.Ato 8 75 ' CLINTON, Feb: 29, 1872. Fall Wheat.....................$1 18 @ 1 15 Spring -Wheat. 1 17 0 118 Oats. 0 35 0 986 Peas Q57( 060 .9/3ariey ...... ................ . .. 0 55 0 056 Bo.tter 0 14 0 014 Eggs ....... s 0 15 0 015 Pork, per 100 lbs...... ... ......... 5 151(i4 520 Hay, per ton... . 112 00 0 14 00 _Clover Seed, 6 00.0 6 00 HARRISTON, Feb., 28, 1872. Fall wheat.............$1 18 to $1 25 Treadwell . . . ........ 1 16 'to 1 18 Spring wheat.......... 1 12 to 1 14 - Peas ...... ............. 60 to 70 Oats.................. 36 to. 37 Barley 50 to 55 Potatoes per bush.)00 to 70 Butter— ... ..a. .. 15 -to 20 Pork. ..... . 4 25 to -5 00 Apples (per. bush.) — to 65 RaY (Per ton) • • 00 to 13 00,- GOLD.—The price of -Gold. in New York fluctuates from 110i to not. LIVERPOOL. 27 0 Red Wheat. ..... 11 8 Iled Winter...... 12 0 White. ..... 12 5 -Corn 29 0 Barley. 8 Oats . . . .......... 2 11. Peas....... .... 40 Q 40, -0 40 .0 Pork . .. . . 59 0 50w 68 0 Lard 44 9 44 9 44 9 BTJFFALO LIVE STO8K. Thursday, _Feb. 29 1872. - ieceirrs. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Horses, cars. cars. cars. ears. Saturday..... .... 41 2 48 11 'Sairday ...al.... 29 4 36 6 Monday . . 14-6 8 • 18 2. - Tuesday.. . 8 • 6 9 3 4 4 is4 S. D. S. D. S. D. 27 27 0 11 8 -11 -8 12 0 4 .0 12 5 12 A 29 028 9 •-g 8. 8 8 8 2 11 2 11 14 - Total.........224 20 111 22 -Last week......140 27 •117 . 20 SHIPMENTS. •Saturday........ 51. 1 39. 27' 'Monday . . ... 4 6 43 Tuesday.. ...... 50 17 2 Total.. ..105 7 126 27 Last week 70 70 42 18 • CATTLE. The market opens dull, .with buyers, _and sellers apart, resulting in light tran- sactions at a shade off in prices from last week. The supply is liberal and and the stock fair to good. The run is heavier than last week, the receipts being 84- cars in excess. The larger -por- tiou of stock will probably go through it .first hands The number of, cars due to' - day by Lake Shore Railway had not been reported at the usual hour. Sales comprise 230 head at $4 -15 to -$5 621 for natives, against sales last week Tuesday of 134- head at $4 80 to $6 25. Sales reported: Seller. No, Av., Price. Pfeiffer, O. steers .....22 866 $4 15 Same 111 do...... 5 1330 p. t' Sparrow, do do.. 5 1638 p.. t. -Snider, 0. steers . 53 1105 5 •00 Kenyonyo do., • 19 1035 5 25 Monaghan, Mich. do 17 1237 5 64 11 Rankiu, Ill. do... 105 1212. -p. t. SHEEP. The market is not -fairly open for this Nv-eek, but the following scattering sales were made Saturday -and Monday. The supply is light, the receipts being 7 care less than last week. The market to all appearances holds firm and. steady. Sales comprise 557 head at $6, $7. 40 for sheep • against sales last week Tuesday of 1.,68 head at $7 40 for sheep. Sales reported. • Hodge to Baker & Uptort, 158 head Mich. sheep, av 95, at $7 40. Alexander to Lurch & Barnes 208 h,1. •do do av 77, at $6• . Leonard to same, 75 lid Ohio, do av 74, •at $6 25. ' Buck to same, 116 lad do do av 85, at $G-50. HOGS. The market opens dull, with -buyers micl sellers wide apart, resulting in very light trade. We understand shippers ef- fer 75 for best, and holders want $5. The stock offered is pretty good, with very few pigs and. light hogs. There are about eight cars on the market. The quantity due by Lake Shore not report- a,s usual. Sales reported yesterday : 149 head medium to good at $C 90. To -day: Inoivent Ailc-t of 1-869 Li th(i, matter of AUGUSt Z APP,Til and GEORGE C.: 'VIER, individually,fis wal as having been C partners and members of the firm of ZAPPE and„ CARTER, Machinists. nt of their Estate to me, and the Creditors elvailantsa ha ve e msaadien_ alin1Hs:31: are in taibfie°dvet-ominueeedt aitlisth° ; vents ately carried ..ar. businees in the village of Beef° h, iii the County of, Hu an, .on MONDAY, the E ghteenth day of Max h, A. 11.1872, at the hour f 4o'c1ock in the aftei-noon, to receive date- :a:a. • 0:72t,n. sir affairs and te appoint an assigueal Dat d at Goderich, this 28th day of February, [ DIXIE WATSON, 1 • 221- Interim Assignee. 1 a 9 head medium to. do at $.4 60- coninatuso, 8 ad at .$4 80te $4 9 ek Tuesday' of -499 874. ood at $4 80 ;" 200 les comprise 498 , against saleslast head, at $4 55' to, Tontaer Feb. 29, 172. usiness WAS mode ately active, flour a u d, wheat being in fa. r demand for local us as well as shipm nt. Sales of .flour in luded several hun red barrels dfNo. 1, uperfine at $5 35 f.o.b. carshcr1,and VI fanny at equal to 5,55 here. Extra w s tattered at $5 7; but not sold. .It is Probable that buyers wou1I not gi e over $5 70/ ' u *heat there wee sales repo ed. of th ee ears No. 2 s rin at $1 • 20 in tore, with elevation charges hLjc1, and one car dd. at $1' 20 f.o.e.' Three ears No. 1 white -wheat also changed hands at 1 32 in store. On the street market lite wheat sold at $1 32 to $1 33, and Tread- well at $1 27 to $1 28 ' Barley- was inactive,but ' nomi ally unchanged at former quotations. On the street market aiew loads sold at 67c to 68e. • A car load of NO. 1 peas sold at 73e on the track. ". On 'the street market the priceranged from 71c o 76e. The market for oats was dull with no e offereng. Buyer would probably give -41c for car loads n the track. ,Fer dressed_ hogs as iigh as $6 to $6 50 for choice lots was pai • Railway hogs weeescarOe ; holders wei.e asking 5 25. to $5 30,13ut no sales were reported Seediovere quiet and without changE. CI ver, in wholesale lott.s, selling at 5 75 - to 5 85', MONTREAL, Feb. n0urn-3,000 barrel's Welland Canal sold at '0 80 cash, with free storae till ring M y. - • I - WHEAT. $1 36 offered for UC in storee - )1008—Few changi g hands, jo be ng stocked, and pa kers holdin latest sales of good me -um lots we $5 35 to $5 40. UTTER--Nothin d ing. It - • • NEW YORK EOR.E MARKET.- 1 T1:tESDAYj, Feb. 27, 1872. wing to the col4 and inclement weather during the darly pert of the week Under review„ and the hard, frozen condition of the road, •satisfactory trial - of , fine carriage spans and speedY or pleasurehorses of any iud has, as a rule, bethx nnpracticable, nd transactions, with a -few exception have beeia re- stricted to business h rses, which, how- ev 'r, sold 'at firm and u changed figures, an in numbers suffi ient to avert ace cu illation -of stock. n the Bull's Heed Merket,lcommon draf horses (rail oad and stage horses1 sold at from '$15 to $15 per head,. and 1 rge truck horses fro $250 to $425, .acc rding to size and qu lity. A. few pair of -light driving ho seated at an ave age of. $500, an onlly one pair of .pli e ch horses eheng- ed ands, the price Oai being $1,500. bers off;. e a,t T11,01118,0iiNi;IST. LIVERY, ()FFICE,—AT CO RC Ar.. HOTEL. Good quietliorsei; and IiIrst- ass Vehicles always on latid: Conveyane s tarn shed to Commercial • Tra ellers on reasonable rate . • 221 01IN THOMSON. 1 SPAN OF COLTS 'E`O ,SALE, a matched sp • - 4hrec years old, bright ba •heavLy team. Broken to ha " W xwork,” the other by " r GTD Lot , NOrt half, Con. 8 MO .. , of Walt& OR SALE. • of COLTS, rising color, will make a ess.' One sire4 by ib Roy." BGE KELLY, 's, 8 miles N. W. • .22141* P2 operty for a in Walton: A GOD OPENING FOR A WAGON -MAKER.. vo SALE, cagiP, i the village of Walton, •hree Building Lots. • The e lots are eitnated in a ood buiiiness part f the village. There is on -o e of the lots, a gooI Frame Dwelling -house and ante Wagon Shope.,' also, a stable, wood -shed, and never -failing well 4 Wit or. On one of the °the lotthere is a Frafn Dweiling.house, and upo the the thirdlot.there are no buildings, Also, a go stook of oak and -other 1 umber, together with spok a and haba. This property will be sold in a bloc:, cheap, for Cash. There is not a better open- ing f.r a good Wagon -ma er in the County than this fters, as there are none others in the same bu ' ess within several miles. 'For farther pexti- tconla alatoPnPirY.t°0.,the 'Proprietor on the Premises! or, IIIOHARD LAWBASON 22 -4* Proprietor. wow or be posit oat Be• • MONEY WANTED. I I undersigned having yet a large number �f otes and Accounts past, dne and unpaid, • beg to. otate that utileSs ell such aro paid on are the Fotpth day f March next, they will vely be yldeed. in Co .t ler Collection, with - y respect to persons. ember this is the 1ait no ' le 11 yville; Feb. 20, 187j tice. JOHN LECKIE. 221-1 . BELL S VERY S ABLES, SEAFORT , ONT. GOD Horses and Co ortaole Vehicle' s always n had. nFavorable nangements made with Corariereial Travellers. • All or lers left at li,Nox's HoTr r„ will bo promptly att_enced to. OF7ICE AND •STABLES : Third door North of Knor's Hotel, Main Street.! 221 TH0mA.4. S BELL, Proprietor. aSAWYER WANTED. ' 'WANTED it First-Cla.sS 111AD SAWYER, to "• -commence; work First of April. Apply to 221.4 AL & T. SMITH, Dingle. -GOOD- FARM ---WAN' TED TO RENT. WANTED te rent, a gdod Farm of fiom 7'5 to 100acre ,s cleated. Mint have good ont-build- iugs, and be id good worldiag order'to be on good roads and convenient to m aka -. 1'or further par- .te,2:144*. meeay al Tian EXP SITC t Office. .7-‘11"FS COATES, • 1 Tockersmith. I • . NOTICE. NI, , parties who wish to, pa ionize the Cheese ' oictory -now erecting in his neighborhood, are re uested to attend a if, eet ng to be, held in y Down''s Hall, Seaforth, 04 sA.runzky, the 9th ltrato , itt 1 o'cloa, P. M. Ad 'tresses will be de- livere by several gentlemen of elptrieuce. 22111 ' IW. c. ROBEIITSON. Th sign APPRENTICES VIANTED. YJAtNTiDD, two active plays as Apprentices. one " or the Wagon-makin ett 1 the other for th B1acic4mihing Business. You'd prefer as appren- tice fo whod-work one that has already been some- time nit the business. 221 wIT,T,TAAT GRASSES, Seaforth. E NOTICE. FARMERS, FARMERS. • A LARGE QUANTITY OF CLOVER SEED AND T MOTHY SEED JUST RECEIVED, AT W. SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. Expected daily also, a lot of choice FrOLD AND GARDEN SEEDS. 221 • At W. SCOTT .ROBERTSON'S. 999.•• 999. SEASO) OF LENT, FISH FISH, FISH. •pHARLES WILSON JJIS recently received, expressly for this season, a large quantity of FISH, of various kinds, both dried and pickled, which he will sell • Chaper than any other House in Town. All 'warranted fresh and good. SEEDS, SEEDS. I large Stock of FIELD 'AND GARDEN SEEDS, from the best growers, and at =usually low Prices. . Be sure and call, and you will be well repaid for so doing. GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS AS USUAL • 'CHAIILES WILSON, Sign of rae 990, Main Street, Seaforth, 220 GR EAT FI -RE-! TORONTO MILLINERY. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.. ST.,LING OFF, at and under COST. ISE! A, ER -WIN, Seaforth, in order to make room for an extensive stock of Summer Goods, hag commenced Heflin(' her Winter Stock of MILLINERY, at and tinder Cost. This Sale will last only a'iout-Six Weeks, so that all who want real Bargains in MILLLNERY of all kinds, would do well to call early that they may have a good choice. • -READ THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES. DRESI; CAPS, 40 75 LADIE TRIMMED HATS, ••0 40 CHILD' EN'S TRIMMED HATS, ••0 25 LADIE§' TR1M1ED BONNETS, 1 00 And other Goods proportionately cheap. The Stock is all new and in good. order. Also, on hand, a number of 44DAME BRIGGS' IMPROVED DIAGRAM, FOR CUTTING LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES, BASQUES, BOYS' COATS, ETC. Price for each. Diagram, with full Instructions, $1 50. .U.AlbE,RCLOTHING, Of every deseription, kept constantly on bend. Kidd Gloves and Ostrich Feathers cleaned and ma& as good as new for Fifteen Cents. STORES,—First door North of FOSTER'S HOTFL, and centre store McGrxxrs' 13noes, seeond door SEAFORITH, Feb. 23, 1872. North of the Station. A. ERWIN. 220 E SWITZ ER FIr,ANNELS, >a LINENS, SHIRTINGS, `SWOO'ai `SCIll`� S w's g f-4 o 0 M - • MAiN STREET, SEAFORTH. As LOOK TO YOUR FEET. the Buyer for 'the "DOMINION HOUSE" he has ears PUT HIS FOOT INTO IT" purchasing .such an enormous NEW STOCK of ME 'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', WOMEN'S, GIRLS', CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' Suitab BOOTS AND SHO e for Spring a'aid Summer Wear ; do not be alarmed at the i)ries asked, as • he came honestly by them. ,AnnETTILT.4 March 1, 1872. :N. .M. -;LIVINGSTONE. AllNLEYVILLE, ARE SELLING OFF THE BALANCE OF THEIR LL AND WINTER STOOK VERY LOW, To make room for Spring Importations NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGALYS. Call and Examine for Yourselves Before Purchasing Elsewhere. RE..,IEMBER THE II:LACE—LEGE-1ES OLD STATD. •STEWART, THOMPSON &. 00. AIN EYVILLE, January, 1872. ,TORE kJ lege Walton, on the gravel riiad, ten miles North of ea,forth; the house is commodious and in good re air and has been toed as a store for about ten -ears, the building is occupiled at present by Mrs. Moore. The store is well situated, being in t e centre of a first-class fanning commu- nity, and s a lively and thriving business. Satis- factory r sons given for the present tenant leaving the busin ss. Terms easy. For further partieulars apply to ItlrES CAMPBELL,. 210-4* Walton P. 0., Ont. nd DweTllinOg-HLouEseto POCKET BOOK LOS..o Rent in the vil- T OST, en FRIDAY; the 16til February iaetant, -mei a Morocco covered, -Pocket Book, between the 2nd con. of Tuckersmith and the 2nd tern a Hay. The Pocket Book contained two receipted 13llls from T Bonthron & Son, Seaforth, and a letter signed by X. 8, Porter, of Seafortin Any person. giving such information as will lea4 to the recovery of the above., will confer a favor or - JOHN KEMP, Toekersmith, Brucefield P. 0. 2201111k FARMS FOR SALE. T OT 27, Second. Concession. Maltillop, within OW 4-4 mile of Seaforth; and Lot 17, Eleventh Con., MeEillop, eight miles from Seaforth; and, also Building Lots in Seaforth. Terms made to enii puraseche ra. Apply to 2m • JAMES BEATTIE, Seaforth. ., ARM TO RENT. TO RENT, Lot 8, Ninth Concession, Iliallett, a J- mile and thee-quartersNorth of Einburn, con - gating of 150 acres, 108 cleared, well fenced and in good, cultivation - well watered; good buildings; f six acres fah whet put in; plowing all done but summer -1 llow aid 11 acres sod. Apply to the subscriber on the premises, or address Constance Post Office 219-4k , JAMES L. PEASE. - AME t 1st J L. R. S., it owner is re and take it 2194* ESTRAY HEIFER. the premisss of the subscriber, about nary, Lot 8, Second Con., Tuckersmith, ILFER, rising throe years old. The nested.to prove property, pay expenses away. MATTHEW CLARKE. FARM PHOTOGRAPH SALE. ROOMS FOR. VOR Sal , lot No. 29, con. 7, township of Morris, contai ik 100 neres, '70 of which are cleared and in a at te of good cultivation. The whole ie well fenc . There are on the premises a good frame barn and hewed. log -house, also, two wells and a your bearing orchard. This farm is within one mile o Ainleyville, a tluiving village, where a station of he Wellington, Grey ma Ilrace-Railway will be loca d, also the breadth of a lot from the Northern 'ravel Road. Also, a frame dwelling - house, wit the upper pait fitted for it Photograph Gallen-. ' here is a good well and stable on the premises, 1 so n. good garden. Tine property is situated ne ir the business centre of the village of Wroxeter, hrougb. -which the Toronto, Grey and ay will be running within one year. ill be sold on easy terms. For parti- to the Proprietor. SAMUEL WALKER, Photographer, Wroxeter. N. i3.—Tie Photographic Instruments will he sold with ot without the gallery. 210-3m Or to C R. COOPER, Laae Agent, Dingle P. 0. Bruce Hall The whole culars appl Fe lows' Syrup. GREAT SHO, HONEE'S REMEDY. ALLE S LU -NG BALSA.M. •CLA FEMALE PILLS. ANTI ONSUMPTIVE • SYRUP. FRESH SUPPLY Of the above Celebr tted Patent lifedici)ies RECEIVED. -LUMSDEN'S CORNER sR1G SORE; SEAFORTIL CELE Vor ALSO, SIMPSON'S • RATED "SPICE," FARM FOR SALE IN STANLEY, -Onemule and'a half from Baylield. 1 Qp, Acres, good -orchard, frame barn. and stable, " log -rouse, excellent creek end spring; alxint eighty-five acres {Aetna, sixty free from kittrrnps, • weed first quality. Apply to Dr. WOODE, ;Lot L. R. West Stanley Bayfield Post Office. • 217 'FARM FOR SALE. VOR'S ALF, in the 'Township of Stanley, County -I- Of Huron, an excellent, farm, being- composed of Lot No. 13, Sixth Concession, containing 100 acres 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, and in s good state of cultivation. There are 18 v.creanne der fall wheet. There are on the premises a log house, log barn, and inane driving -house; also, s young orchard, there is a good spring -well con- venient to the stables, also it good spring creek. This farm is situated one 'mile and a half seatb. of Verna, on the gra-cures& .For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premisesi or to Varna Post -Office. • 212-13 JOHN laiTcr4rit, n, USED AND RECOM- '›i .MENDED BYTHE MOST s' EMINENT PHYSIOiANS IN NEW ENGLAND Fee oTNHoETI.AHSINTG4-5BYETEARTSE.4.” .mirda 1"" 41 ' CUTLER BROS, 6. C tol t.) BOSTON. Z -w scrsocs&.wa Sold bythe Druegfaits en > FC:q1 C,O4L/,GHS, CQL.DS AUCTION SALES. ARCHIBALD -.BISHOP PEGS to inform the public that he haS taken out Comity Auctioneer's License, said will, hereafter, he prepared to attend Auction Sales of Real Estate or Personal Property int any part of the County, on the shortest notice, FrOM the S tioce Bs e has had since commencing this hesiness he feelsacenfidert that he can give the -unmet satisfaction. All _cutlers left with Robert Brown'Zurich, S. Blunder's', Post Office, Exeter, or addressed to Qs undersigued will reeeiVa prompt attention. , Am:1113Am) BISHOP, Hay P. 0. J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON DENTIST, May be consulted every MONDAY, at the MANSION (+OUSE,- SEAFORTH. -2113 ESTRAYED STEER. •C To -gate No. 11, Baylield road, Townehip of st into the premixes of the midersigried, itt Stanle. , on or about the latter end of No ember .eelitriimavi-oldSaTy.EEll, of email size. The, owner is rev •sted to call, prove property, pay eharges • JAIMS • .TOPMSTON • SCHOOL WANTED. pH E fleraigned, who 'midi a Third -010s Car- A- Oft ate, wishes an engagement in it schoeL JOHN WALROND. Exeter F. 0., Feb. 12, 1872. For Fattening Cattle. e Wholesale and Retail. PR 215 125 ROOMS TO LEM T, in Scott's Block, two aOflUflOdiOl ins on the second fiat. Apply to • IfeCAUGHEY HOLMSTED., N\ 4