HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-23, Page 6▪ , , , • ...,r7!•- a t• ° 'Fane1e315 Of Great Men: Who 'retold have imagined th the grave, philosophic Sourates, d ing his hours of leisure, to.5k p1 ure in. dancing? Yetit was Many other wise men besides Soc -tes' have taken :great delight music. Epaminondas used to ta great pleasure in singing at .vita festivals. The cruel Nero fiddl while Rome was burning.; at leas lie played the harp, = for there we not, as yet fiddles in those day Luther delighted in playing t flute, and thus used to soothe his e cited feelings. Frederick II. Prussia. allayed the. most viole agonies of mind wsith the! ine,i strurnenf. An hour's ploisg su fired to reduce Nina to Ferfec tra quility. Milton delightted "ik pia ing the Organ, and conaposd kever line pialra tunes, which. are th day -sung in sour 'Churches. B ntha was passionately fond ef rnui$c, and played the organ; there was tare ly _a room in - bi4 house; wit out piano. - Gainsborotighs the jinte was a capital performer on_ tTe. at ar- as- soin- to silence them? Then, 1 say you, beware! Yoa will be su to sle p at last. It is only a qu tion o time; for, soon or late, n titre ill assert her rights. 4.• 40, Filly Matters. to re es- a- il e NC e, Lig ke Eanaeas, Put a little black pe ge per in some Cotton., dip in .sweet o ed and insert in the ear. 'This is on t, of the quickest remedies known. re FELON. ke a pint of commo 5. soft soap, 1 an.1 stir in air-slask lim he that is of he consistency of glazier' x- putty, ma e a leather thimble, fil of it with t is composition, and insei nt the hnger and the cure is certain. n- f- n - al 15 En HURON EXPOSITOR. TIJE CIRCITIJA.R SAW Cuts through all opposition. ROBERTSON & CO Ba v just received a large and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated makes Coas--,-Contfary to old theory, a popular loiter gives the following how to • anage a cold: Eat no- thing but a piece of toast, drink freely of c old *water, walk twice a day until r o are in a gentle per- spiration, nd ge °to bed early. DIPTHE IA. A simple and slic- e-. cessful-tre tm nt of diptheria May a be found the use of lemon juice. r, Garg,le the throat freely with it, at the same t me swallowing a portion, ohallthe affected parts. hYsician claims that he n life with this pleasant poultice M tea -leaves all burns and scalds hn Byron'g great delight was in flowers ; and while in Italy pur chased a 'fresh boquet eyerysday. Byron was also fond of anima s ; in his youth he made a ftien of boar. Gitetheravely passed a diy without bringing autfrosol the hime ney corner a live stale; whi4h. kept there, and caressed it like -bosom friend. Tiberiusi a Roman _emperor, .also made an intimate con panion of a serpent. Augustus w di • exceengly fond of a parrot, b still more soc,(a, quail, the loss 10 which made Jim as sad as if he hiltd -lost a battle. Honoring, anoth r Roman emperor, was so grieved f the loss of a ,hen-n.anied Roma, th t he would willingly have given Ro e itself to bring it back ; but Alas'e had taken Rome. -Louis XI,• wh ili at I'lessis-le-Touis, only ,fou pleasure in an exhibition of danci. g pigs, oddly dressed np, which we trained for his special entertainmenn' Richter was very fond of tame a tuals, which he constantly had abo t him. Rembrandt loved nothing much in the world as his monke. Henry III. was so foolishly fond spaniels that he used to carry 1 ter of them in a basket suspende round lois neck when giving his thence& , -Charles T. of England w also excessively fond of., spaniel'.. Frederick the Great was also a grea dog -fancier. The painter Razzi formed friendship with all sorts animals, and he filled his house witl squirrels, monkeys, A.ngoia ,ca dwarf asses, he -goats, torteises, an Einar ponies. Pelisson, confined - the Bastile made a friend of a spider which he -tamed. The Marquis' de Montespan had -the extraordinary taste to amuse himself with mice, when. occupying the gilded apart- - merits at Versailles. Cardinal' Ma.z- , arin employed his leisure in pla ing I • with a ape ; and Cardinal Riche jell amused c i himself with his collet of cats. The poet Alfieri was pr _ • of his horses; ,and took great delight in fondling = and caressing iss Cowper was at no time so happ. as when feeding his tame hares. Am- , ong the other relaxations of lear d and great men may be naentio ed Calvitisgame of throwing dice ai( a table, whereas Luther was g in nine -pins. _ Boilean was also v fond of the same garne. • a. e a t • so as to re A French saved his o remedyr BURN'S. A plied to. to sal affords is mediate relief. The leaves are s.ft ned with hot water, and while qui e warm applied upon Cotton aver th entire burnt surface. This ap1iati n discolors and ap- parently ta s -t e parts, and removes the acute sejnsi ility and tenddrness. SORE, RO T.—Everybody has ; a cure . tor his trouble, but simple remedies apJpea to be the most ef- fectual: &.1t nd water is used by many as _a gu1e, but a little alum 'and hony klissolved in sage tea is bettei. Others,. a fess drops of cam- phor on loaf sngar, which very.often ,affords limmediate relief: An ap- plication o elloths wrung out as often as: th y begin to cool, has the mos tpoten y n removing inflam- -ma ions.: ornan B d - Ye • At the twin en for Fifty- :: f B llachadach, on the.'estate Fowiis, Ross -shire, lives an iold WO an Who has been an invalir t ld f e long period of 54 years, di4rmg 5 of which she has been entire1k cb fined to bed. She has now latt ine the ripe old age of 1 81 years.; Mar Munro was born on the ate Fowlis ; she was some years _la s rvice in the house IS super]. e'st of Mr. Mathew dam, Rector of the Royal A cacleray afterward in tha 11 11 TOC tTLERY, OLITE AND OTHER SILVER-PLATED GOODS, TEA TRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, fling and Turn -table Apple Parers, Every Rupp' should. have one. IMPROVED -CHAMPION AND OTHER ROSS -GUT SAWS, 'S CELEBRATED EXTRA MACHINE OIL Warranted the best in nee. Repairs for Abell's Patent Gear and Horse Power, And every other article required in the Hardware Line—Shelf and Heavy. JACKSCREWS TO HIRE. 198 SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, TElf. ROBERTSOJ d CO. McINTYIli& W [LLIS, Main Street, Seaforth, AVE on hand a large stock of Boots and Shoes which Nt-ere purchased before the late rise in the price of le ther, and which they aro now selling at cost 'price, in order to make room for their spring stock. Vithin the past few weeks, boots and shoes have advanced in price at least ten per cent., so hat our sto k being now sold at former cost prices, an opportunity is offered for obtaining cheap bots and shoe which will rarely occur. USTODI W RK attended to promptly, as formerly. A good fit, and first class article guaranteed. Re ember the lace, first door south of John Logan's, and opposite W. Robertson & Co's Hardware S tore. IdeINTYRE & WILLIS.. THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE DECLARES THAT THE ARDNER SEWING MACHINE a- grocer, wlloo near Inverness. one day foni a slipped her foo when jumping a will, and: a are tub fell upon ,her ois' was the origin of She was sent to the d 4ismissecl as1 incur - lying helpless; at her , lary was taught to Inverness, and was 'cf. a Mr. Stewart, ived at Midnaills, Taking' in clothes bleaching green she breast,land t h,er Infirmary an able. While father's „ hbus n a b : • f 1 read. the • Bib e ion both Gaelic and English: A Sort of wooden frame made to heldthe book was -suspend, before her face in b3d, and lin'this positkFa she 1pariecl to read. The frail ni vali cl i n s w so much reduced' n strength, a4icl her eyesight so db- ective, that oo s are of no fuse to ler, tont she xp esses thankfulness en Is to many fr ;read portio ns f When do Men Die ?• After vaisou Medical experience proves4 at; necessary by pi_ of friends, in chronic diseases, the greater nu. ber of cleathsoccur just befoi e dawn. This is eminently true of brain dis- eases, and of all. those related 'cases where death •results from an. exhaus- tion of the:vital power, through over- work, excessive excite.ment, or nerv- ous.prostration. It is at the limit - of 5 o'clock in the .mdrning that the life-foree as at its lowest ebb, and succumbs, most readily .to the as sank of epalepsy,-or paralysis, or , the fats,' lethargy that comes i those vividly beautiful_ pictui dreams, for which medical scene has yet found no name, anclof wide it has taken no sufficient cog ri iza ne Nine -tenths of those who die in thi way expire in their sleep. In man such cases, if a friend were at lien to waken the sleeper when the a tack cones on, orrif he were. to e wakened by some L accidental nois = be might, by the use of a fewsin ple precautions, prolong gais life f many years; for the shock rhic proves fatal, to the man wrapped i deep sleep, when the system: is pas, ive and ielaxedi would be victOi .ously repelled were it 'artne:-.1 with All its Waking enex&s. Meo. wh& ,do brain -work, and whe ave on .the shady sine of foiA-y, should lie ori their guard against this insidtouS enemy. They should beware of o'dlock a.n),_ for it is a perilous hoss- Do lyou End yourself unable to sleep, when you ietire Mr the night, ex- • haus-t€14 with your day's work ? Do ent cluie1lincr years :ago, 'a same led. eve she -lo as lain h pRsiton, Robberies o York are bee ATI d the pert morede6ant. of man was attar e- n -the platfor n ,l3aed of his val the robbers .,es ThurN you ar nto Frank Palti Vhss visit her and he sacred volume. billings, rendered he lea th and removal ry ettled in her Tres - ho ise about 4ixteen d has . occupied the si ce. For 52 years ip essly in th same le streets o New g more co naon, tors bolde • and Saturday a gentel- beaten, arid rob- s while nding a street car, and cl. in Seaforth, just run idge's Photograph Gal- ery, 'twill do your Infart good. Only'61 y i?er dozen. Scott's iock, Seaforth. d. t-. you, in vain, turn from one gide to the othee ,? Does your brain persist in workia* g when you would fain ba.Ye it reit ? Do old saws, and scraps of rhynae, repeat themselves in your memery with wearisome iteration, defyi,ng your uttuosteffort now in the Market. Having been examined and tried y the most skilful mechanics and best judges the country ean produce, and by them aw rded Prizes at a the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; a d although all the leading Maellines were arrityed against it, the GARDNER PATENT' 1 has been declared RIOUS OVER ALL COAIIIETITO„ii• 8 upon every teat, and now stands foremost in the rank of sewers. TI/} IJIS'll OF PRIZES Eon, 1871; tFir -t Prize at Toronto. First Prize at London—the great Western Fair. First Prize at Guelph---thei reat Central Fail. First Prize at t. Cp.therines, Count\ of Limeihr. First Prize at Chatham, County of eFirst t pirsti!i e a t '1Vateiioo,9tmtciefW;erho.lil'riy.e? 71mgeville, Connt. of Sin4o7zeinkne0lltvefrrstIteinceetn,coanL0.leeetieate_. • landport, Count v of Welland. Fut Prize at Otterville, County of Oxford. Second Prize at Provincial Fair Icineston' tyloma at Hamad on, and varions Connty Showe. tt c' This bc•aatifal pecimen of mechan,cn1 ability is a purely Canadian invention, stupassing in simplicity or En ,1ish mann acture. durability, and u. e.fuhress any oth r Sewing Machine now in the market whether of Canadian, Ameriean: It A -ill hem., cord, braid, tuck, ga her, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind of Family Sewing and lieht Manu actor -mg Work, using all kin ls of thread. It has a Inost complete SET OF .A;I'TA - , ;- , • BIT ' .i." OTH R. If the pri e is it little higher than some others, it is the eh ' pest in the end. - , Send or Circuler4 and. Samples. GARD ER SEWIMj MACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. —Iutendi g purehasers shoUld not be misled by unscrupulous agents of other Conapanies, who keep 4lachmes thedo not sell, in i drunaged state, to make capital for themselves. Call and ex,amine the Gardner betore purchasing any other, at Wrnialit GRASSIVS WarerOOMEI, Gode1 ch -street, Seaforth, Agents wanted. IT I CT 79-52 PETER GRASSIE, Seaforth. flings and Sale Stables, EAFORTI-I,.ONT. ThR. AILEY gs to inform the armers and public generally, that he has specially fitted 'up Stables -1--• lorj Training turd illoreee, and purposes to HANDLE TROTTING STOC yainini and devel ping thein to the bett athall ' ge. He has engaged an old experienced trainer from lientue -y, with th assistance ms of con petent grooand every facility for perfect and most satisfactory results rem all un ler my charge. Persons having good voting sound free -stepping Horses would dots ell to have them train Al and see If they cannot be made to trot fast.- I am constantly in receipt of orders for gooc drivers aiit can sell any number of good movers at HIGH F.M1.111Eg. Parties having Horses in Training will recei e their time ever3 week, thus enabling; them to see the improvement they aro mak - mg. Wo have as god a half -mile track as can be found in the Dominion for training Horses on. Terms Reasonable. orSeS 1.)021 flit and Sad. One or two good Trotters for Bale. OF rcE AND SiABLES—South of the B. & L. H. R. R. Stallion and opposite the Woolen Factory. 2 (5 Address, A. H. BAILEY. Seaforth, Ont. • PARIqNi &SCOTT STOVES, H1 1G purellese d the wholesale 4partment- '-of Thomas Bell'stire...attire; Shop, we are now A all reintrpd tO V1 • .'SUPPLY Wn .1177.'_4( INWAR: AND COAL OIL. SEAFORTH WHITNE has just receive( a large stock PLANING MILL; ler and Box -Stov rs, of the best 1.in the trade. s.he can sell as -heap as any S DOOR, - of Cooking, Pa E DEALERS nranufat tun, whic • 5 A ' LV1TURE, . . Clmaper than it ever wits OIt before, as We hare ,ade eq.eat ad to the machinery Ind in-: t -ndmniacturing ,xtet sively. Partite may be sin. of eond lork, es n 1.--, eid meehanies areel Iplifred. 4_ good St 0 instantly on hand. Lumber taken iil exebans.k. . Turning 'done (xi shortes notice_ t_-ee" Thereas 131l's Ola Con.r.of klart:ck SqUare, SE.iF URTH, 1 2( 4-13 SP,. -IR LIIN(4- & !-ttJOTT. ',, DISSOLUTION ill PARTNERSHIP. ne but ck kep OTICE is hereby given, that the Prutnership hitherto exietiug betetteen the. undersigned, es-uder the name and style; 4 Shantz and Etotber, iii lers, &c., of Robore, has this day been dissolve -ii`ry mutual consent: The tereiriess -will hereafter "rice' on by Isaac; . Sb tretz who will liquidate ;t1141.x.bilities contractec by he bac funr, and e.o1-` late firm. 41 debts due to th kit • iSigne - ; JROLNEUTED TVItne ettierth, Jan. 2•2,, 187 . SHANTZ. SAAC B. SHANTZ. 218-4 T I N WAR E , of everY des kept constantly en hand and mad Alo, Sove Pip s, Eave Trou cast° -work pro ptly attended to, work wil4 receive evi ry attentin; • - t'O%.L 011. e est al f A hirer, stock of t very bCokept con- stantlyoh hiod anI will be sold wolesale and • Eemei4ber the ph ce, Carmichael's Block; Main street S eforth. , Parties indebted 131,- note or book account are re- uested settle immediately. Rags, ool-piciduels, old iron, brass, copper, crte„ taken in xchangefo- goods. NbT C E. Y cati4 and forbid riptio, to order. hing, etc. and ontsicle —AND— I3LIND FACTORY. HE subscriber begs leave to thank'his nnmerons • eustomers for the liberal patronage extended to himsince commencing business in Seaforth, and busts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock (if all kinds of • DRY -PINE LUMBER, 197 SA. SPICE S, DOOS, BLI.ND, %MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of giving satisfaction tethose who may favour hiru with their patronage, as none but fu-st-hies workmen are employed. kiiir Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. ahis negotiatiu or buying a c nucl.Ns(t)inteder34- p , Hand for he EU.1.11 of I$1S8, made by ,7 ums Swirl - erten and Benjamin Swinerton in far rr of Alhm i Hobson or Bearer, due sonietime in th first of this month, (the name Allan Hobson was endorsed on the back of the notedias the said note ham been paid; andihas been lost or stolen wit in the last three weeks. Tewnehip of "ray, ;rail. 2J9A..141E,1872S. SW NERTON. 217-8* 20/ JOHN H. BRODFOOT. • FEB. 23 1872. JUST RECEIVED, THOMAS LEE'S) ,ds CHOICE STOCK OF FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES) • Comprising TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, RICE, CURRANTS, SOAP, TOBACCOS, Etc.; Etc., • All of which he can trilord to sell as ch• eap asany in the town. TE.AS FRON 50 cents TO $1, And warrantee; to give satisfaction to all. SHEARSON & CO.'S No. 1 Flour and Feed, 1 every description constantly on hand. And PROVISIONS all kinds to be had at the lowest possible rates. Simpson's Spice, the best Condition Powder for Farm Stock in use. Farmers, tri it. indsThe highest price given for Fann Produce of all If• 1.."'" Remember the pince, SHEARSON & ca,s OLD STAND, West Side, Main -street, SEAFORTH, Out, THOMAS LEE. SALT. orORDERS all kinds of Salt Call no* be filled at GRAY) YOUNG & SPARLING'S "ECLIPSE" ALT. WORKS, SEAFORTH,ONT. or. 29, 1871. 2084 UTTERS. CUTTERS. T e best made, most stylish, most durable, and cheapest COTTERS', PLEASURE SLEIGHS, bEHOORA OUT2E1?8, Mtmnfactured itt MeEiTOSII & MORRISON'S Carriage Factory, 211.13 Main -street, Seaforth. H. OLIVER, SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy ha iess, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc, kepi constantly on hand. R 'pairing prouiptly- attended to, and' cha.r. es moderate. Remember the place! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaf rth. 163tf W. H. OLIVER. QUEEN u -ranee Company 0 LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CA ITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling Seaforth, Foundr •-•••••••••-•-••...-•-••-•••-•-• ZAPFE CARTER Would desire to call attention to their greatly improved. THRESHER & SEPARATOt Which is able to compete with any other Machine in Canad. Among its many advantages, we call at- tention to the following—the way the Cylinder is constructed—it requires less, power and is capable of THRESHINC MORE AND CLEANER THAN A.''SY OTHER. The great Complaint among Threshers always was, that they could tlaresh more than they could. clean, our improved drum does away with all these complaints; it is so construzted as to regulate the wind to keep the riddles from choking, without blowing any grain over. We have also improved our Mills to prevent the graiir going over with the straw. We would inviteFarmers and Thresh- ers, generally, to givens a call, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing "ele- where ; we can sell as cheap as any other Establishment. None but the best Material used, and the - very best workmen employe& The Machines we sold Iast year enable - us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than any, other ever sold in this, county. PITT'S HORSE POWER! kept fon hand at all times. We would also desire to direct the- attenton of farmers to our SAWING- MACHENES Which are capable of sawing from forty to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters,, OUltivators, Scuelers. Wooden and Iron - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, 86c., Al! of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and will be sold as cheap as at rany other Establishment in the Province. REPAIRING AND CASTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Done on the shortest notice and most reasonable ters. 143-1y— ZAPPE & CARTER. CHEER INa PROSPECTS FOP. AN ABUNDANT HARyEST. The present favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic in making timely preparations for the com ing harvest. THOWISoN 8,s, WILLIAMS While thanking their patrons for the eral encouragement accorded them in the ast, would cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortnaent of' Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combined Machine, with Johnson's Improved. Self -1 lake, has. giyen complete satisfaction for the past o o years, and is now offered to the p blic with the strongest guarantee for duraiiility and perfect work': The Cayuga Chief Jr., r3fower, Which has gained for itself a World-wide reputation is again offered as the most durable, handy and best working Mower known, being construckd intihe body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competiion. We also offer the Johnon's RS ee alfRaking Sngie per; which took first and second -prizes atPro- vincial Exhibitio' 1870. This reaper is - acknowledged to be superior to -any other pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangled grain better than any. other rake or reel machine, and cuts equally well from either side of the field when wind is strong from any di- rection, can be raised or fowered when in. motion and is very durable. We invite inspection of our machines nd mode of manufacturing -by pur- hasers before giving orders elsewhere. Ve guarantee satisfaction in every m- hnie, or no sale; a CHIE OPFIcEs--Queen Buildings, Liver- c pool, And Gracechurch Street, London. 1, C -ADA BRANCH OFFICEEXCh1.1 c Buildings, Montreal. BoAnp---Wm. Morton, •Esq., Chairman • Henr Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Eq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier. BA -KERS--MOISO'S Bank. LEAL, AvisER Bitch" Morrs & Rose. MEDI L ADvisEn—William Sutherland, w sqM. D. Sr4vEnonThomas 8. S&ytt, Esq. s AtT rron—Thonaas R. Johnson, Esq. P-EIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL b Ac ENr, —A. _Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. e SacreMent Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- n ed Agnt for the above Company, parties a desiri4g to insure against loss by fire can do so ion the most favourable terms, Life! Policies granted on as advantage ous tens as any other respectable Com- pany doing business in Canada. • JAMES H. BENSON, OFF4'E---BENSON & .MEYER'S Agent Law Office, - Seaforth. h, Nov. 8, 1870. 153-tf.— TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth and ad- oining counties will not (we believe) be bhnd to their own interests as to- eir orders to shops more than 00 miles east, when there are first-class ozks in their midst, building largely he best machines, equal to any of the ame machines made in the Province. Call and see us,. —send in your orders. y mail, or deal With our agents, as in very ease you will get a perfect ma- hine, and on the same terms as your eighbor. Our principles of businesa nd prices being established and uni- form. • All other kinds of implements con- stantly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK done. promptly. -Address THOMSON (kr WILLIMS, MITCHB1.14 180 -di 1 Ontari . Seafo - - tt Tile De With r -which eh is manufa :sons at AVoodstoc ence sho July elite his lette 44 Don't s Engl ish flavored a kiss in ke seiling th cheeses as market. not come Ainexican Our early - market has come demand the taste o turning to Thp The ten migrate sc. a proverb, been but Bootch p some gentl. matter too trustwoltir of Scottish receiving paupers. the point' 804,9.8 ; this stupe • Inanity • ber of ind politan wt inthose t 05 Scots. was one of the pop Scotinev London the case one Englis every 102 tion of but one ,Sc_ Beottish po 'The na, to have Bell," he* afterward invention, land about Loftng, se: lac tute at and pursue uccess: 1' were used, andgold. h In the .ord platesof m die, and th In Paris) g tared too, of sheet -r about two being heate a punch_ it gradually them the pr is then tri dented aron number o, of a small yerted into process, le brought to sheet of gol into steel bin • Gold leaf is side and at the edges groove mad thimble is anade in th- out, as so thimbles do Thegold needle, ma the ,veel is and -very d Betnia Rev. Mr. had accept preach out Eunday las until the I. arrive in morning kc He hastene tel, and rep. carriage. for plied_ with, to tbe chun • scarcely a stepped fro hurried up great surpris ed tittering ment for wh until clam hind him, h caue. The the chin, w head, a whir pair of caval followed hi Rev. Mr. him, when. ain't paid The worthy fled, tiled to had reques .settle with turned the That won't .-ort delivery .knw you.