HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-23, Page 5FEB. 23, 1872. ty the Allan Line—by means of tile east t vat= of ageocies will& they had in the I eld country, thia innnigration eniglYi t be operated to some extent by them There te were two- agencies on this gide Of tho Atlantic. One was that a voluntary societies. The Ottawa. Valley uoloinaa- tion Society- had been. referred to. • It waa an. eetabliahed fact, and its „object -wa$, to get out a certain nunaer of families and settle them. They Were he hope that the labors of -that tociety would be an example to the people of the West. They believed, that there might very'werkl be eatablished, in those coauties of which they had heard as leak - leg agricultural laborers, either coonty associations, or unions of county ass» iations-, that .might de something in is direction Then, there were the emands for labor which would aria° from the construction of the public worker - which were now goieg on, And which - would be still greater in the next few years. The contractors would, he be- lieved, feel it their duty to assist in the work of immigration in order to: get help ni the congtruction of these woran. They ould- be glad to see sueh a movement as ri this, and to see the societies_ at horde directing their attention not only to the agticultural laborer, but also to the male who proposed to become a navvy on the Tines-, with a view of becoming a settler on the lands which those lima opened. up. It was natural that they should expect, at the very late period at which this ate rangement would become effective in ,Enktanci this year, that they Would only be able to make a beginnirtg. Still,. they had hope that it would do some good this year, and that it would be tam effective afterwards- Of course, the state of the labor market was uncertain n the Old World. If trade should tuts" out to be very good,in. d. there should be _ sufficiency of employment in. the old uotry, they all knew the earnest de- : eire the inhabitants of that country had to remain, as long as they could keep hody and soul together, and that plenti- - ful harvests ancl good wages would Aim- inish. the chances of emigration as long as they lasted, but a bad. harvest or a block in the labor market would drive the surplus population from hcane, and they hoped to attract a portion of them to these shores. The Government ha& learned unofficially that a seheme of as- eistance to innnigrants was being pro- jected by the Gevernment of the Domin- , ion. Of -course, it would. be uudesirable that these schemes shouid clash in any way, and therefore the Government were obliged to reserve sortie- power of modify reg the manner of applying that vote, The items of printing and agencies bad. hitherto been very large. The Govern- ment proposed to have their printing for ! this purpose done in. Englaud, and to avail themselves of the services of gentle- men in that country, as lecturers, who had taken much interest in this question, had been rn this country with very be- nevolent intention.eand had made them- selves acquainted with the character of the country and the wants of immigrants They would thua savemuch expense. The lectures would, be delivered in the country towns and places where the ag- ricultural laborer and those interested m his welfare might best be reached_ They believed ale° that a considerable amount !of good was to be obtained by applying Ito the country prese, and utilizing it at a moderate expense on behalf of the agri- cultural laborer, ,whoni the naetropohtan 'press did not reach. The Government could not give more details, as they had :net, since coming into office, had, suffici- 'tent time to go into all particulars. The vote was an experimental one in many particulars, hut they hoped it would turn out to be a successful experirnent.4 t. .111111.1•1111111111 AUCTION SALES. Tuesday, Fele 27, on Lot 19, Fourth itloncession, Morris, three miles from. Ainleyville, Farm Stock Implements ntel Household Furetiture. Wm_ Annett, n-oprietor, ; J. P. Brine, auetioneer. , - .,. Thursday, Feb. 2, oa Lot 18, Ninth '-imieeseion, McKillop„ Farm Stock, and 'auplements. Williansa Currie, proprietor; L. P. Brine, Auotioneer. ' , Thursday, Feb. 2g, on Lot 21, _Ninth ;oncession, flay, .k`area Stock, Imple- nents, Household Furniture. Nicholas Ilro-yer; proprietor, Henry V. Dirstein. -uctioneer. , Friday„ March 1, on. Lot 10,_ Eighth 'oodession, Monis. Farm Stock. Imple- lents and the entire herse "Young Ex- ibition.", George Symonds, proprietor, tlelrnes. auctioneer. Tuesd y, March_ 5„ at the Village of t na, --*arm. Stock, ,Implements, etc. r., Jr. M lfatt, proprietor, ; 3, - r „ Brine, ?a/o/leer. Wednesday, March 6, on Lot 23, See- d, 'Couce.ssion, Tackersmith, L. R. S., erm Stock,. Implements and Housthold 'eroitare. Alex. Kennedy, proprietor; ''. P. Brine, auctioneer, , setetaaa _ . teeraseeet‘eea BIRTas. tF:f.`,31.1N--4n Seaforth, on. the 20th. inst.. the 'Wife of Mr. ' Thos.. Freeman, shoenaaker, of a sm.'s..." Ei-Du.'30N. —On Saturday, 17th Febniary, th e wife of :\._ Mr. _Rai eh _Hodgson, eabioet-maker, Wroxeter, el a. son. . Li.u.ING.— On Friday, 16tli inat„, the • o-ife of Mr. James Darr g, Carriek of - , . a son. MARRIAGE$ - g CLARK- Sea -forth. cat Feb. ,J4, 1672, by Rev. Thomas. Goldsmith,. kir. James Walkea of Usborne, to ss Mary Clark, of Stanley. DEATIIS. m x :. —On Wednesday, 218t inst. , Aikens, beloved wife of Mr. james 1)arlinf.r,, 'Carrick, aged 24 years. Tuesday, the. 20th inst., wife of Mr. Itieliarcl Couch, BOY triA.NTE.71).. NTED, bean diidely, at Tug ExvoFaTon tesea, a goo 1 sa !sly boy tes au Aps•,,rentice ittEng bu uttiler,5(..gifd will be happy to be ptronize..d 1-grge,Ler farmers Ofthe 1:t)WNS/III's oF U. 7AND STAN ,,EY As an .Auctioneer. • itt'prc,p,tred to at, such at,- very meierata • VNEY TO LOAN, private funds, at Per cent. iie Itrw. Conveyancing 4.one cheap. ficam I.mvE Senn, Townline Ifity and Stanley, Mil's G-men P. 0. • CORN COBS. AIITED, immediately, by the -undersigned, * :quantity of CORN COBS, deliyered in Sete Lor which Caah will be paid. Applyth THOMAS STEPHENS. FE123, 1872. THE MARKETS. ajaaaja•••••••••111,a61 • .4 SEAFORTH, Feb.22, 1871 There is but Tittle change in the mar-', ket -this week from our quotations of.last week. ' The only change noted is in Spring wheat and barley. The highest quotation for Spring wheat is $1 20, but this will only be given for choice samples for ace . Barley has declined one cent - ' per bu d. There iii still arconsiderabe ;amount of produce coming forward, but the demand is rather on the thin -side, We quote : Ta11Wheat...... . . ... ......,......$1 16 -to 1 17 Spiing Wheat................ , ... 1 14 to 1 20 Barley. — —... . . .. .............. . 0 58 to 0 54 Oats .. 0 84- to .0 00 Peas............... .. . .. . . 0 55 to 058 Butter. I. . . . ..........t . 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs............-. ;,....... — . ... 0 15 to 0 16 . Flour ........ .. .. . : . .. ... — .. . . 8- 00 to 0 00 Potatoes ... .... ... ... 0 40 to 0 50 Hay • . . .. . .10 00 to 12 00 Bides................ 7 50 to 0 00 ShooP Skiias...... . . . . . . .. :. 0 50 .to 200 Lamb Skins.. ... . .. . • .. .... . . - 1 00 to . 2 00 Calf Skins,per lb., .... — . .. . . . 0 08 to 0 10 Wood, per cord-- .. _ . — . 2 00 to 2 25 Salt (retail) per barrel . . ..... • . 1 00 to 0 00 Beef .. Yourtk,t°n Pper 100 lbs. ... . .. . . . .... • . Stave Bolts, per cord Clover Seed, per bushel...... 0: 03 to 005 0 04 to, 0 05 50' to 500 . 2 25 to 0 00 5 50 to 6 00 , Timothy Seed, per bushel,.. 8 00 to 8 25 [CLINTON, Feb.22, 1872. . . $1 18 @ 1 15 Spring Wheat1 18 @). 1 15 Oats... ... • 0 34 @ 03 Peas__ .. 0 55 C) 057 Barley.. ... 0 52 @ 0 55 • Butter........ ........ ... 0 14 0 14 Eggs ▪ 0 15 @ 0 15 ' Pork, per 100 lbs 15.00 @ 5 25 Hay, per ton,.. . . ..... 112 00 @ 14-00 Clover Seed, peibushel 6 00 @ 6 50 HARRISTON, Feb., 21, 1872. Fall wheat... .... ......$1 15 to. $1 18 Treadwell .............1 12 to 1 16 Spring wheat.........1-07 to 1 10 - Peas 60 to 70– 'Oats. •• • • • 00 to- 36 Barley . 50 to 55 Potatoes (per bush. ).. 60 to. 70 Butter 15 to 20 Pork... .. . .. 4 25 to 5 00 Apples(per bush.) — to 65 Hav (per ton _ te 00 to 13 00 GOLD.—The price of Gold in New York fluctuates from 110f to 1101., BUFFALO LIVE STOCK: Thursday, Feb. 22, 1872. Saturday Sunday. ..... Monday .. 'Tuesday.. .. • Total... . .. Last week... .Saturday.,... Sunday Monday Tuesday .... Last week Cattle, Sheep, car. 37 • • 12 12 . 77 8 ... 14 1.0 27 . ..125 18 SHIPMENTS. .... 35 23 5 15 ... 17 • 30 15 • 70 70 95. 16 carrna. The run ofcattle coati/111e8quitetight, though the receipts during the past 'four days were 15 cars more than for the same time last week: Holders are generally, asking an !Advance this morning, but buyers are holding off, causing- a rather light business for the day. The ship- ments East near the close Of last week -did not find a paying market, in fact some aliffered a slight loss, which readily accaunts for their reluctance in agreeing to the advance demaaided. Shipments earlier in the week done well. Saki comprise 134 head at $4 80 to $6 25 for natives, and 5 head prime, av- erage 1638 lbs., at $7 50, against sales last week Tnesday of 628 head at $5 62i to $7. " Sales repbrted : Seller. • No. Av. Price. Farthing, State bulls. .40 1122. $5 00 Bu rndge, 0. Steers.. . 16 '1341 6 25 Emrich, do clo ........19 1080 4 80 COoney, do do.— ....18 1150 540 Enoch, do ..........18 1140 5, 121 Monaghan, do o... ..18 117/ 57s Hogs, Horses, cars. ears. 31 10 33 8 23 2 30 . • .117 20' 135 25 8 2 7 6 9 18 10 42 18 72 17 SHEEP. • The market holds steady, 'atoll& not yet fairly open for the week. - According to appearancesat neon the supply would be rather light: Sales comppse- 168 head on Saturday at $1 40 for 'sheep against- sales last week Tuesday of 628 head at $6 921 to $7 90 for sheep. . . HOGS. The market rules quite steady,thongh sales indicates a decline of -.te day. Quite a liberal portion. of the stock are pigs and. light hogs, and a smaller portion of medium to good av- eraging 220 to 230, with one or two lots of heavy sows. On Saturday a lot of 400 pigs a.nd light hogs sold. at $4 50. To -day sales comprise -498 head at $4 55 to $1 87h, against sales last week Tees - •day of 6:;5 head at $4: 50 to $4 75. NEW. YORK Honsk MARKET. TUESDAY, -Feb., 20, 1872. - The general horse market bf the week under review has shown a fair degree of , activity. Busineee - horses of all • kiiids • (from the ordinary draught -horse, _which sold at frem $165 to 8185 per head, to " the prime truck -horse, for -which, in case of supnior. power and quality, as much As $500 per head has been paid) were in as good demand as can be expected so early in the season, and, if not interfered with by unfavorable Weather, a further improvement in the condition of the market is anticipated for the coming week. Traesactions in fine carriage horses, although as yet very limited in number,- were quite! satisfactory as to figures realized, and in our daily reports we had occasion to tuttiee a few sales at from $1,000 to $1,400 per pair.' atee.etzeterereerteeeeeemi- PUBLQ NOTICE. A RUMOR having been spread threughout the -lel- Northern Townships and other. places that I had left Seaforth, I think it nothing bat right, in justice to myself, to inform myold customers that I am still ha my Old "Stand,avhero- I intend to re- main and shall be always happy to see ray old friers end mans -as um ones an please to tall, aest ring them that 'they will meet with the, same hospitality as heretofore. THOMAS FOSTER. Seaforth, Feb. 21, 1872. 220 AGENT WANTED. AGENT WANTED, in Seaforth and vicinity, for the North British Cattle Food Company. A -good salesman can realize a huge income. 'To - lout° testimonials furnished. 220-1* R. B. BLAICE, Toronto. ESTRAY SHEEP. CAE into the premises of the ettbseriber, Lot `LiNo. 1, ConceSsiOn 1, MeKillop, previous to the 1st of December last, a EWE and LAMB. The -ownervis requested to prove property, pay charges anal take the away. 220-4- PATRICK WOODS.. • ' • YOKE OF OXEN WANTED. MEI Nt'A.NTEIN a yoke of geed WORKING OXEN. "(1 A liberal.pripe willabe paid fpr a good yoke. • Apply to the subscriber, Lot 132, lat Con., Tucker - smith, H. It. S., Or addrees Clinton Post Office. L 219-4* ' CHARLES. CARTER, TAT10ES FOR SALE, ig ntlivr. varieties : • `SEED P riF Tim foflovr . OLTIV.AX, ' EKG LSIOR, .11RISSUS PROLIFIC, . . and 'WILLARD SEEDLING. These varieties are Of the best quality, unsur- passed for produetiveness and warranted pure aad true to manual "Phe best varieties of the day."—C. AnwOLD. i JAMES LA.NDESBOROUGH, 220 ' Lot 23, .Concesaion 3, Tuckersmith. POCKET BOOK LOST. LOST, en- FRID,AY, the 16bh February natant, a Morocco coiered Poeket Book, baween the 2n d con. of Tuckeksmith and the 2nd lion. of Hay. The Pocket Book bontabied two receipted Bills frm JBonthron & Seaforbh, and a letter .si ed by J.-8. Porter, of Seaforth. Any person . gi ang suchinibrmation. as will lead to the recovery of the above; will confer a favor on rucefield P. 0. , RN KEMP; Tuckeramith, 220-4* STE VERpodL, G Y THEi A Ei erg Saturday frOm from Quebec it First Class Clyd t s line, carrying the C M s, will be despatche po 1, calling at Deny, a 81 DI i-TAVIAN, ERNLiN, • RA.VIAN, S RMATIAN, A STRIAN, M TO ONDONTERRY ASOOW, LAN LINE s Aland durine Winter, and urine Summer. a built Iron Steamships of nadian and United States froin Portland for' Liver - follows :— • STORIAN, .. • • • • Rates of Passag 01 ss Mail Line. 1 o PEnSoNs intnrs T tough booking Ina w *ch persons wishing t ca obtain passage icerti E gland, Ireland or Sc tio in Canada or the 13 he firststeams1ips ed om Liverpool,(caffii of pril, and from Gies ab at the 23rd of April. he steamships of th Allan Line come direet to th3 railway wharf at Point Levi (South Quebec.) Th • baggage is cheeked of barge, and passnger th eb,y avoiding all inci or -Tickets and any Feb. 17. Feb. 24. March 2. March .9. ' March 16. . . ... ...March 23, as low as by any First. TO SEND Fon FRIENDS.— • raents have been made by • bring out their Mends catea at lowest rates from land, to any railway ste.- Ied States. r Quebec will be deepatch- g at Derry) about the 25th ow, (calling at Kingstown) At ough to destination free are forwarded on at once, ental expenses. ther particulars, apply to R. B. OODIE, T. Railway Statio , Settforth. 220-6 200 air 111 n's Boots, Worth $3 for $2 75. 40 Pair W men's Boots, Worth $1 175 for $1 60, and A Job Lot o Girls' Boots, ()Ail $1 25. For 750. Aise, a, ob ot-of DIES'. J CKETS, Suitable for SPrin _ At' the SIGN 4 t A G. a 1..1f their value. LACK BEAR, FCbOUGALL Int solvenit AND AMEND ct `Of 1869 NTS' THERETO. , .matter of JD I GLIS, of Wroxeter, County of Hurn, av ce of Ontario, ' atIn,o1ve t. NI TICE is herell giv n, hat the above named Solvent has d posi ed i my office a Deed of -Com ositien and DiScha rporting to be signed by a, majority in uulnbe4 the Creditors of the 'said • solvent, represen hree-fonrths in value of ' liabilities, sab'ect • computed in ascer- tai , ng such proport on, if no opposition. or obje Lion to 'said Dt ed inposition and Dis- char e be niade to me, • ing, by a Creditor or Cr tors within; t , laet publication of •isehargesaccor shalroceed to act and of mg o b and f wri es jun 'cal days 'after' the his Da' ce, I, the Assignee, pon sai Deed of Composition •ing to i terms and said AM, Dat 18 EDW D EVANS, • Assignee. at Montireal„this 6th d y of February, A. D. Late well of 8 usical I Irr of St; Tames' Choir 9Wn to the peopl . Thomas' Chohe ces to the inhabitan has commenced gi • • n truction. efield, England, and of Seaforth as Precenter eaforth, respectfully an - b this town that he nig istructions in V cal 8s Instr. m ?dal Music. tjou be s of in . T. ass es thepeo ale at the closest atten- vill be p id to his 1 upil , and no effort will ared to impart a tho bug praetieal knowledge 010 • • TE MS Voce MuSica...: ... s. A pis• at the Mainsi 910 1 o clock, A. M. stumental Music, 108. otel, 'Seaforth a from • 219-2* SEEP FAIR. • . hJ Seed Fair a Olo. us ersraith B. A. S.'will Tli held on the Secie y's 3round, at Seaforth, on EDNESDAY, the 2 th i'ebroary, 1872, hon the llowiiad prizes will 0 o ered„ viz.: - . 1st. -2nd. 8rd. Best JQ.bush. of Spring es-, $4 00 ,t3 OD -$2 au 6-rov,ed. ;1arl y, 2 00 -1 50 1 00 2-rowled art y, 2 00 150 100 Large Oa 9, .... 2 00 1- 50 1 00 • Conation 2 00 1 50 1 00 B•: L8Inernage Pc : • 2 • 2 000 1 0 1 5500 11 00°0 bushels of Tinioth • Se d, 2 00 1 00 Crown P _ 2 00 1 60 1 00 B • " Closter el, .. 2 00 1 00 bn..helS of Early') • tat • es 2 00 1 00 " • Late Po ato s," 2 00 1 00 iSIiES. ist All aa:tialee sb.own must be the growth of 1871, and produced on th hum of the.Exhibitor. 21a . No person:will be ntitled to more than one prize for grain, seeds and roots of the same kind. Sr, The Society reperv - the right to purchase the p ize grain, seeds, am roots, at 20 cents per bush a above the current market rates. . . • No person allawed to how or sell on the groin Socie 5t on t fit C C 034 d without lirst I'beep • . . N� Exhibitor allowed e hags. • articles f r xhi ition to be on_ the d by 10 o'clock, SJ1BOjDPO0T, President. , 219-2 0. a member of the o expose his name UHESNEY, S ere CA Sta last, is re and , 21 ESTRAYED into the preMises of oll-gate, No. 1,1, [Bayfiel ey, on or about the latt 5e'ehirmwas. ar-oldaSTEER, 101 fik nested. to call, pro op STEER. the Undersigned, ate road, Township of r end of November all size. The owner perty, pay charges iTAm112 JOHNSTON GREAT FIRE ! RONTO MILLINERY. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. ELLI'INTG OFF, at and under COST. .MISS A.• ERWIN -'-'••••• co mused sell last only about Six do well t call early • REA DEES, CAPS, LADI S' TRI/v CHIL REN'S LADI S' TR1 Th M DA LADIiS' AND UN Sonforth, in or • g her Winter Week, sothi • t they may h THE F MED FIAT RIMMED MED BON And Stock is all ne E BRI CHILDRE Priee for ea DE or to make room for an extensive stock of Summer Goode, haft bock of MILLINERY, at nvitd ander Cost. This Sale will t all who want real Bargains in MILLINERY of all kinds, would good choice. LLOWING LIST OF PRICES. t $075 • 040 025 100 ATS, • ETS, . . ther Goods proportionately cheap, pad in good order. AlsO, on hand, a number of GS' IMPROVED DIAGRAM, FOR CUTTING 'S DRESSES, 'BASQUES, BOYS' COATS, ETC. h Diagram, with full Instructions, $1. 50: CLOTHING Of 'every description, ,kept constantlf gn hand. Kidd &oyes and Ostrich Fes hers cleaned and. made as good as new for Fifteen Cents. . . STORES,'—First .dor North of Fos En's HoTED, and centre store McGnms' BLocx, second North of the Station. SEAVORTII, Feb. 28, 1872. A. ERWIN. door DRY COODS tic •CROCERIES. bi •COTTON, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS, -ma LIN -ENS, HIRTINGS) S IRT TIES, ‘,I,SVH2C. LLARS, OVES, CKS, C. `avos (saiva `s000vaaT, `swooNa `ScIIIITAS `gavons `svai, sad, HS1,10 `SIA12131. 9. 999. SE4SO)7OF ,L.F.,4)' FISH, ..FISEL, FISH. - cHAR IT,AS drireedceantl.tdyprliivkiceed Cheapr A large Stork :of 'FIB GROCERIES, WIN expressly for which he will s than a All w ES WILSON T. his season, a large q`uantity of F1SIGE, of various kinds, both 11 • ' y other House in Town. rranted fresh and good. • 1 • SEEDS, AND GARD • 130 sure and call, Sign ef the 911)S; • 1 1, Main Street, See SPAEDS. SEEDS, from the best growers, and. at unusually low Prices. and. y,ou will be well repaid for so doing. S ANCI • LtIQUORS AS USUAL. CHARLES WILSON) orth. 220 AW ARES FALL XOTV an.d RENJE3LBE A1NL YVILL RT THOAIIPSON&.( 16! LEI/VI LE, LLING F THE BALANCE OF THEIR ANDH- WINTER STOCK , • (ERY LOW, To ma)4 room kir Spring Importations. IS THE JIB TO SECURE 3,41q4INS. Examine for Yourselves Before Purchasing Elsewhere. THE PLCE—LECK E'S OLD STAXD. 1. STEW RT, TH0/1PSON tir, CO. January, 18 72. ••••••••••••• "DOMINION HOUSE." CASH VS. CREDIT. 013. ONE. 'MONTH._ ONLY,. N. M. LJVINGSTONE WILL ALLOW A DISCOUNT' OF 10 PER CENT. ON ALL CASH PURCHASES AMOUNTING TO $5 Oft) AND ITI3WARD. Just received, large and carefully selected stocks of FttESII TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, &c. All of 'which will be subject to the above discount. Now is the time to obtaitr BARGAINS. The above offer being genuine, will be adhered. to. in every case, when purchasers pay CASH DOWN. Goods marked in plain figures at the lowest market rates. Convince yourselves by making an early inspection. N. M. LIVINGSTONE. AINLEYVILLE January, 1872. 1 Insolvent Act of 1869 1 CASTADA, 1 TN the County Court of the Province of Ontario, ,+- -4-County of Huron. • County' of Huron, ) In the matter of ii eNRY CARDIFF, an Insolvent. - The undersigned has filed in the office of this Court aeed of composition and. discharge exe- : cuted by h ' is ..creditors and. on the twentyaieventh day of F. brnary next, he will apply to the Judge of • the said Court for a confirmation of the discharge thereby effected.' Dated et Dingle, this nineteenth day of January, A. D. 1872. HENRY CARDIF.te, by Benson & Meyer, his Attorneys, 216 ad liam. My poor ear old coat do not fail me I pray; Tog -et r our youth we've outrun, Ten year I have brushed you myself every day; Not So ratesmore could have done. • Fresh tri is shouldFate have in store for your cloth Thong • threadbare resist to the end ; Like -me ith philosophy bailie her wrath, 0, let u not part, my old. friend ! The East Inc 1 -wore you how well I recall, And. ro lad me qf coin -des the throng ;. My birth( ay it was, and so fay were we all, They x ade you. the themb of a, song. Our povei Ly telling of honor unsold • Could • over their vision offend; • . Though y n have grown shabby they've never grown c ld, 0, let s not part, my bid friend I care no who points to the darn on your skirt, To me tis a sweet souvenir - Prete/a g one evening T.isetee to desert, I failed from her arms to get clear. She tore on and then, as she voted was but fair, I stay' that the rent ehe might mend. ton took I remember, two days to repair, 0, let u not part, my old friend 1 Of amber or musk or suc3i perfumes unclean, Say wh ai had you cans° to complain? In a •ter's anti -room when -Were you seen, Expose 1 to his lackey's disdain 2 While ot ors for Ribbons were cringing, to Power,. With ir a thy had ue'er to contend. Your but on -hole's boast is a simple wild-liour, 0, let u uot part, my old fi•iend 1 At Theslothiagioi, g.Ernporium" I bought you a long t me Taeas pring time. the. Skies they were blue, The Prim sise and CrOcee, just peepid o'er the snow, Like tb en, you've tom faithful and true ; But when the time conies, to lay you IWO by, When your service has come to an end; I know where to go to, a New Coat to buy, Alla to rove me another good friend. T. K. ANDERSON, Merchant Tailor, • MAIN TREE'T, SEA.FORTH. 220 gidOTICE. Tp' !lie are hereby cautitmed against pne_ -I- &as' g a IN.Tote of liand made by rue in favor of Meesrs McCaughey a llohneetsal, Attorneys, of ti.e riliege -• or Seaforth. date.). May, 1871, eight months a ter date, as I hasve received. no -value for the saute. KE2.791N.3.4G: Tucker mith, Feb. 10, 11172. • FARM TO RENT. TO RET, Lot 8, Ninth Conceesion, Hallett, a -I- mile end three-qiunters North of Kinburn, con- sisting of 150 acres, 108 cleared, well fenced and. in good cul ivation ; well watered; good buildings; six acres alt wheat put in; plowing all done but sumnaer iaflow ami 11 acres sect Apply to She subscribe on the premises, or address Constance Post Ofti 219-4* JAIWP.S L. PEASE. ESTRAY HEIFER. • CAKE to the premises of the subscriber, aliout 1st January, Lot 8, Second eon., Tuckersmith, L. R. S., #31EiFER;rising three years old. The owner is tequested to prove property, pay expenses end tale It awe,. 212-I* MATTHEW CULERE, ROOMS TO LET. TO LET, in Scott's Block, two -commodious, "A- Rooms ou the second_ flat. Apply to 195 • McCAUGITEY & Rol-mi./rpm • NOTE LOST. A LL parties are hereby eatitioned Against late- •Jet- chasing a certain Promissory Note, made by George Whiteley, Nov. 1870, in favor of W. Camp- bell or Bearer, for the sum of $48 and some odd. cents, as the said note is lost and paid.. W. CA=BELL. Seaforth, Zan. 24, 1872., 215-4 TO LET premises on the minket at present occupied by P. AlcOnEooR ass Tavernsetand; possession on the 1st March. WM. MALCOM. Seaforth,.Jan. 16, 1871 215 VALUABLE ENTIRE HORSE FOR SALE.. A SUPER13 ENTIRE HORSE, named:Young etel- Exhibition, rising three years old, 16 hands and one inch high, dark brown III valor, will be sold by Auction, at. Mr. George Symonds, Lot 10, in Eighth Concession of Monis, on the 1St of March, 1872, at 12 o'clock,- noon. Credit suntil January, 1878: See Sale Bills. T. HOLMES, Auctioneer. G. SYMONDS, Proprietor. 218 • FOR SALE ADESIRAI3LE Dwelling -House on Goderich street, adjoining Mr. Thomas Lee's with good Garden and well fenced. For furtl:er parti- culars apply to 11 tiaNRY BYRNS, • 217 On the Premises. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NoncE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between 118 the wider - signed, as Cabinet -Makers send Undertakers; at Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent; all debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Nathantel Allen, at Wroxeter, and all claims against the field partnership are to be presented to the said Nathan- iel Allen, by whom the same will be settled • Dated at Wroxeter, this 20th slay of Sammay, k. D. 1872, - (Signed,) NATHANIEL ALLEN. (Signed,) ROBERT 'MILLEN. le • Witness, WM. LAraiE. 217-8 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. THE undersigned requests all persons indebted to him by note or book account to call and settle immedia,tely, as he is greatly in need. of Cher , money. They will thereby save themselves further trouble.. ' GEORGE IIIREER, 2174* ' Blacksmith, Winthrop. •FARM FOR SALE. -poll SALE, in the Township of Stanley, County •.0 of Huron, an exeellent farm„ being composed of Lot No. 13, Sia-th. Concession, containina 100 acres 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation.. There are 18 .ares un- der fall wheat. There are on the premises log house, log barn, and frame driving -house; also, s young orchard; there is s. good spring well con- venient to the stables, also a good spring creek. This linen is situated one mile and a ludf sontli of - Varna, on the gravel road. For further particubrets apply to the proprietor on the premises, or to Varna Post-011iae. 212-13 - MEN MITCH HILL. • AUCTION .SALES ARCHIBALD. BISHOP PEGS to inform the public that he has taken out County Auctioneer's License, Ina will, hereafter, be prepared to attend Auction -Sales of Real Estate or Personal Propeaty in any sant of the County, on the shortest notice. From the suceess he has had. since commencing this business he feels eonlident that he can give the utmost satisfaction. • All orders left swith Robert Brown, Zurich, Ss "Saandere. , Post Offite, Exeter, or addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention= • - ARCMBALD BISHOP, Hay P. O. 217 T. WILKIE, SURGEON DENTIST; May be consulted every MONDAY, at the MANSION HOUSE, sztponTri_ 218 4 FARM FOR SALE IN STANLEY, One mile and a Ilhlf from Bayfield. 1 Aerea, good orchard, Mane bean and ,stabie, logansause, exeellent creek and spring; about eighty-five acres cleared, sixty free from stumps wood first quality. Apply to Dr. WoOna, Lot 17,. L. RaWest Stanley, Bayfield Post Ofdes. 217 CALVES FOR SALE. -• substriber has for sale two well-bred BULL CALVES, got bv a thorough -bred Bull. Also, two- STEER CALVES. For terms and other par- ticulars apply to SAMUEL CARNOCHAN, 2174* Mill lifaeli't Tuckeremith. TO LET. -STORE and Dwelling -House to Rent, in the vil- lage of Walton, on tbe gravel ion 1, ten; iniles North of Seaforth; the house is eonnuodiotts an& in good repair and has been used IIS a store for about ten years, the building is occupied at preeent by Mrs. Alin 3.foom. The store is well !situated, being in the centre of a first-eleam farmiug -commu- nity, and. has a, lively and thriving basilicas. Satis- factory reasons given for the present tenant leaving the basilicas. _senile easy. For further particulars aPP1Y to JAMS CAMPBELL, 210-4* • Walton P. -a, Ont. SCHOOL WANTED.. ran undersigned, who holds a Third -clam Cer- - A- tificate, ariehes an engagement in. a scluml. jORN WALUOND. Exeter P, 0., Feb.12, 1E72. 2194* - FARMS FOR SALE. T OT 27, Seeond Concessicin MeXiliop, within one J --a wile of Seafortia; and Lot 17, Eleventh Con. megillop, eight miles from. Seaforth, and, also: Bailing Lots in Seaforth. Terms made too =tit purchasers. Apply to 218-8 •JA3ES8 BEATTIE, Seafertb. [a es