The Huron Expositor, 1872-02-23, Page 3FEB. 23, 1872, x AStbrOn, and Croupy ' Fifty guts' worth has Crick in the tack, awe- quantity. Back h earl standing, y L � � It cures swells( Neck, Tumors,Ithourratisru, Neuralgia, coarse_ tion of the h£uaclee, Stiff Joints, Spinal Dime ties and Pain and Soreness m any part, no where .it may be, nor from what Cause it /law matter. it always sloes you good Twenty-five mute • oitg has cnred bac], cases of throne and Bloody eatery. One tea -spoonful cures Cholie in fifteen_ minutes. It wfl l eure any case of Piles that it is sile.to cure. possible Six or eight applications is ranted to cure any ease of excoriated Nipples or a _fisaied Breast.. For Braises,, if applied often �n' bound up, there is never the slightest discoloration to the Skin. It ,tops.the pain of a burn s sts ome applied_ Cures frosted feet, Boils,. warts. -Corns, and W ouuds of every description on -mars or beast. Prepared, byS 4.I�.Th 0 1� ratty, Phelps, F. y •i€ NOBTHBUP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont.,' ESt agent for the Dofuinion. Li Nara. Ecleetrie—Selected and Eleettized.E. Hickson & Co. and E. Luresden, Ante for P Seeforth. 6-# 1. The Great rem le Remedy, JOB MOSES' I'LRIODICAL pILLB. S invaleable medicine is unfailing he the curs of all those painful and dangerous diseases ttawhich the female constitution rs': subject. moderates all excess and removea all obstructions, and a speech cure may be relied on. To in a sheet a hies itis peculiarly suited. It will, ring on the ?monthly period with regul.ui;ty. These Pills should not be taken by Fernsla; during the first three mouths of Pregnaey, as they rare sure to bring ou Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In .. all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affeotoa ie pains in the bash and limbs, fatigue on slight a ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics,and whites, these pills will effect a cure when s other - . means have failed i and althougha powerful remedy, do not contain iron, caloniel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fni directions in the pamphlet around each package,which should be carefully preserved Job Oases, New York, Sole Proprietor; S1-Oo 144 {.. cents for postage, enclosed to Northo - & L ; Newcastle, Ont,,, general agents for the Dame will insure a bottle, containing oyer 5Q pills return mail. Sold in Seat -oral by E. Erickson t Co., andf $. Lumsden. 197.4 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Trainsleave the Seaforth station as follows :— Express. 237r.M.. 4;. Express: 10.50 At M. eoXNG WEST. Mixed. Male 8.44 P: at. 1.4() P. M. GOING EAST. Mixed- Mail. 1.4,0 P M. 8.00 A. 'Me emosemeennienui PARTICULAR N OTIQE Has SHAWLS, • S LOcAN a Lot. of MANTLES, AND -- GOODS Which he is anxious: to Sell Off,. at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonable price that a customer mayoffe Therefore, Ladies,you will please call at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET„ eon, and get your piejlr of the Goods before they are all sold.: Seaforth July- 2.5, 1871. isiif EGMONDYILLE OCE, B.Y STORE. . THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) T.TAS received a fresh supply of Choice Family Groceries, of every description, ombraein .: very . Fine -flavored: Teas of various varietiea Also-,. Sugars, Coffees, Spices,Fishy TOBACCOES, `13isetrits and every other article is the Groceryline all of which he will sell at prices as low as can be- ad at Sesforth or in any House in the Count BUTTE AND EGGS taken in exchange for goods as cash. F_OUte' AND FEED. f every description, keel constantly on 'hand, in- _ chiding Shears rt & Coes Na. 1. call is respectfully- solicited. WM.. THOMSON. REMEMBER THE BRICK STORE, EG f`ONDVILLE, LOGe-I.X'S OLD STAND. f 1V111,:Ka.LK. F . XES wishing NEW MILK can, have it DELIVERED AT THEIR RE Ii}1?,I CE# , I s BArOF`rIF,. Ftery weep clay morning from date. JOHN HABEIIW, North Roach: 206 November 16, 1871. II'CL TO FARMERS. POULTRY WANTED. The urtlersigned is now prepared to pay the IIiglieSt Price, in Cash, - For any quantity of good well-dressed O LTRY Delivered at the Egg Emporium,, Seaforth. r_= The Poultry must alt be drawn. t,fei D. D. WILSON NOTICE TO LE TORS. LL ACCOUNTS of the current year and. also' fall accounts and notes or other debts contract- in precious years must be paid on or before the tit day of January, 1872. Otherwise they will 'placed it Court for collection, as my busrtres ist be wound up at once. PAIN of all kinds, Pork, Butter, 8re., ['1 be taken iar payment of accounts or notes, et highest Inarket. price, up to the above•stated ae. JOHN Lroaam- Liateyatiile, Dec. 6, 1871. 209 EB:23,1872. ',I-IULU EXPOSITOR. GAIETIES. - Why is a hen immortal T B cause her son never sets. — The moyeroent that was " o foot" has taken a carriage, -- if the doctor orders bark, h not the patient e, right to 'growl? - --Don't take too much intere in the affairs of your neighbors. S will . do.. • per cent. --• Don't force- a'vi'an to take yo advice. It's like pitching him into river to make him bathe. ` -- The young man who stood o bis own merits became very mus fatigued with the performance. - Mie is the food of love tut we have found out that it tak something more substantial fo matrimony. . -- To kits a rosy-cheeked girl, an find your mouth filled with. Yen tian red, and she growing pale en is truly -awful. The romance of love does ver well before marriage; but after i it sinks into the - real pork and cab bac�. human �an life. b- What is theVifference betwee a schoolmaster -and an engine.driver One trains the mind, and the othe minds the tram. =Mr. 'Dobbs says that he ha one of the most.obedient boys in th world. He tells him to do as h pleases, and he does it without murmur. -- We know a good nature bachelor so generous, that; 'poorsfel low, he would give even his bear away if he could find an interestir object to take it._ A Carolina gentleman asked negro boy if he wouldn't take a pine of snuff. "No," replied the darkey respectfully, "'me tank you. Pomp' nose not hungry." A few days since, at an even ing party, a gentleman handed his wife a glass of wine. Some on asked her if it were Maderia, she re plied, "1 persume so,, for it cam from ray deary." — Teddy, me boy, jist guess how many cheeses there is in this ere bag an' faith I'll give yethe whole five.' —" Five," said 'Teddy.— "Arrah by My 'sow], bad luck to the man that tould ye t►► — "What would our wives say if they knew where we are ?" said flee captain of a schooner, when they were beating about in a fog, fearfu of going ashore. " Humph,` I should n't mind that," replied the mate, "i we only knew where we were our lv se es. = "Pa, will you answer 'roe a question 4" Certainly, my boy.' "Well, - pa, is the world round r sc Yes,.. of course." " Well, then pa, if the world is round, how can i come to an end'.' "' There now that'll do ;; you can run out and play." j �•[11. Boyish Misery Spealein' _ and Recitation Day. AWestern writer thus vividly portrays the miseries of a country: schoolboy : What a stillness pre- vailed in the old school room when the " master" announced before dis- missing school .that " on next Fri- day afternoon _there will be no reci: tations, but after bearing the read- ing lessons every young lady will read an original com position, and every young man will. commit a' piece to memory, of poetry or prose, rose , which he wi11 speak £torn this stand, and those who fail to do either will be punished." How the perspira tion started, on the- brows' of the timid' ones as the solemn speech -vas made. Even the boy .who had put his mittens on, under the desk, and(.placed one. foot out in the aisle ready to " go" at the words: " school i$ dismissed," pulled off ' his ' mittens and 'began searching for a book to take home " to learn .something one. of," and whispered -profanity such as 'F darn y It cc CO of ound the luck," came • up from behind the desks --and all felt as if there was to be an eclipse and no glass had been smoked, except the one smart chapwho had " rather spear: than not," and the girls who hact big sisters at boarding schools, whose previous literary' efforts at home afforded rare chances for pla- giarism, which by ' a .little help would deceive the teacher. - -At last .the anxiou,ly awaited'da r� y arrives, the fore in is passes]- in the usual manner, but at noon there is1 a decided change riiade in the ap- pearance of -the scholars and school: room. The " big girls" are "dress- ed 'up" for the occasion. Their gowns are of finer texture than those worn during the week some are adorned with their mother's breast pix," and a pair of " prize" earrings ; white stockings take the place of the literacy blue" or :black ones, which would not look so wall on the platform" (for there were no dresses en, t) -deux,, in those days); near- ly all wore " bean catchers" plaster- ed. on • the side of their foreheads, and charcoal from the fire=place had been used as a dentrifice during the intermission between.' fore and afternoon.- ° The little bare-footed girls appear- ed in bright, copper -toed shoes . and tape embroidered pantalettes of the *nkeen style. With the bo there was -also an attempt at i',-; proved .; toilette,boots had. been greased paper. collars turned, and a portion of their " unday go -to- meetin'-clothes" dottrel for the od- casion.. Shocky - heads had . bee combed int partial stt .jebtion, an the boy ith chappe *! , l? ands ha soaked his knuckles 'n , bran ;.and water until portions of the original. cuticle wet visible. he " doctor's son" exhaled a powerful s.roma all his father's flavoring ssences, and the. "tavern keeper's"' boy had an - pointed himself with 'f aniaica,".as a substitute for. ". Bay um." The " master," to ]radiata i e a dignity equal to the occasion, 1 ad also ex- ch'aiiged his every da coat for a. "swingtail" of fabullet s length and shiy in spots as a o uck's - wing_ The bell ria gs=-readin ,lessons are a .he, d, g , bookspl t away the speak- ing ilatforin cleared; fo • work, and the how opens.' " Samuel Snubnose 1 calls - the teas ler ,and. "5amu 1," with a par ing glance at his bo ks stumbles , alon .towards the stand where he becomes th:e target of a hundred eyes, and his face tit. .color of a tur Aey gobbler's watt] .s. A bow, sus• as he would hav: matle if a brie had struck him a the instant in t a back of the `ilea andh� ees- says tospeak ; ' • .0 e curfew tolls the kn 11 of parting day' The lcwing (pause) hoards wind slowly O'er the. lea The 4-- the — (prompter). ' plowman "-. lownrnan leaves thew ary way plods the dark to ,wo iciness and to ne. from'. the yonder ivy antled'tower Hoping noon doth to he owl com- Main (snickering) • (te he hehe)'where the beetle wheels is best -right bower drowsy -tinklings 1 her distant eign. Th 'teacher raps on the d " Sa .uel, no levity," and has forgotten - pretty n " ele ," concludes as folio' And Save The Save And " He e rests his (ha ba) he • n the lap of yearth A yo th to (prolonged snit Mela icholyr remarked .him firth ask and says : Samuel, who lush all his s d (snort) up- er) unknown. t his Aud science frowned on : nn for her Wile - ni goes to his sea and holds ose to keep from b ughing .out w�iile at a nod fro the mast- ' Lucinda Wirth'. trips all s and blushes to tl e platform, fter " kurtsying," roceeds to n an inaudable voic something " Be kind to thy f ther. The er says, " Louder,' and we a -few words : - " Your father you and has been let a- great of expense a-bl.•ing ng. you. °up u should obey him a•. d not---" ensues a jumble of sounds no one can inter .yet, which and after folding t. e composi- " Lucinda" lays it o the teach- able for inspection, "kurtseys" goes to her seat. ` , " George le teacher, low whose curliness, S' his loud_ er, smil. and read abou teat cafe love deal SJ y. here whic ceas: tion er's and Francis isSr Sprain," s P , any t and spruce looking fe hair is goose -oiled int - step boldly to. the front. Gorge likes this bust • ess—he is going to make a lawyer and in a shril voice' he ,nommen es ",Not man - generations ago here you now :it encircled by all ;'hat embel lishe: civilized life, th wild fox nodd-d•in the wind, and he thistle deg, is hole unscared" and so he goes • n, transposing a see tence oc- oasio ally, but mainly right, and -with : firm voice to the end. We have seen George since he arrived at nr•n s estate ; he now stands in the Police .Court and defends " dru k s" fOr fifty cents case, win or4os ', and bas acquired s icli a repu . ta.tio. that la Judge al %• eys conies down harder on his ellen s than any other:. Mi.'s Elizabeth Brandreth steps ; forty• id and in -a Susan .il Anthony stylee eads a. hifulf tin' e cription of cobra py.-life—how "in ► ring when. :when meadow 'larks r: warbling and °eese. squawking, $ e loves to a go ou "into the.fields and cull but- ter -culls and'see the littl: lambkins gamboling on the green grimy banks (gree i faro banks, her brother said she ..:e:,rat), and then •rete rued back to he ne again once moi'- and help her .other staid'sauna es for if we �, g are e n - t kind ur pare t to z s the sa.s 'scrag P " e meat will ire rad really we hive forgotton the re t of Eliza- beth' com - osition. P Th n - " Charles Bashful " starts for the stand, accelerated in li mo- tion .y a'pi'n ehrust, as 1 e left the 11 seat. He bows, . and seeing a boy • I am, reedy to die; and, sink or swim, I am for; my coup separable. My 1 American as I am —here the teache trying to find 'th orator's remarks for my country, revive and perish. try one • and in- ords, 'were I an an Englishman" r, who has been original of -the ,tops, -the medley, and 1Vlelville takes( his seAt. He had had been ramxne with so many not been able to them and thus n 's aims. But .why jest ? The good " Mary's Lamb " the " good little i -tobacco prece as pieces, tha}t, he h< • \betwee �betwee defeated bis paren continue this su little girl recited very nic 1y, an boy " spa e his an follows : over' cite tobacco -no, ?Sal little Ro. ert Read . I'll ne er put it n my mouth, It i a filthy eed," • By the way, we aw this good boy a few di,,s ago; h� now chews plug tobaccd`lirke a Lor: e; and smokes a clay pip : night nd day. Bet it woula be such • a onsolation to us now to k ow wh• t has becorue of the rest ofhthat school orators, w pieces" nearly a sc gibe of dis o "spoke re of years THEY conte from all parts of the try to get come worth of Frani tridge's photographs nd are highly fied. Only $1 per dozen. Scott's Seaforth. rict- :heir go. ;oun- Pal- atis- lock, - F --i CD fn CD n - O PeeF-4 CD P °tom1. CD M r✓ oz rn 0 c-p- t-1 rn �a n' O 0) Pe4e Pei 0 w 0 CD t�J b0 ,rCD en o O scia O ca 0 co mss` pia ems- RE_MOV L OP ROSS'S HOT L A{ ALTA STAGE OFFICE. Veer subscrib r• begs tor state that he ha 1 roved to he Building formerly occupies Mr. M. Roberts n as -a Cabinet Factory, near Station, which , e has fitted up in a suitable nor for; a Hotel. • He invites all his old friends cnstomem to hi happy to Attend ling and large North will find Ross's Mail: Lu Hotel. 1 203 maki g • faces, commences until. the teacher cotnes side tnd raps his- head ferule this causes more more tsps, until he forget and i•'`locked up in the race.: Th: minister's . son, rblossom,:' is the. show lie ' scholars how a shoal ' speak. Melvin solem . as a vinegar jug, 1) has ben selected by h prnci ally 'or its moia Says: "I dol .most earnest]. could nduse:all youthfu As to ivest religion of and re . ulsive association lords, ask lip respite fi• y rhe to snicker, ip by his with, the firth,: then his piece wood -box Melville called to good boy looks - as s "piece" parents, tone; he wish I individu- is gloomy but, nay. m earth -; re - by the an and new gtiarter's where he wil be to their wants. First-class. Stab - riga in connection. Parties g ipg it to their advantage to patro fee e of Stages, which start -from this JAMES ROS At the • 777s MAIN- TREET, SEAPORTS, SIGN OF BLACK BEAR: NEW FURS, EW SHAWLS, N W DRESSES, Anda large lot of READY- ADE CLOTHING, tIreeb from gland, Bch " , be dol very cheap. t GREAT SUCCESS HAS ATTENDED PENT S CLEARING SALE OF GOODS, - And although he has Gold a vast file within the last four weeks,Q fl h' has still a lathe stock of all kinds of DRY GOODS still on land, and in order still further to reduce his stook he will continue his GREAT, AT CLEA.RINSALE FoR 1.,s1- TWO :WEEKS LONGER. C'nine while Bargains can be got. REMEDIBEB. DENT'S. CHEAP STORE, SEAFORTH. NOTICE. ALTHOUGH BOOTS & SHOES, WOOLLEN G0QDS, CROCKERY, ETC., Have ,advanced from 10 to 20 per. cent, WE WILL N O T Put up the GOODS now in Stock FOR A SHORT TIME. • ( E. HICKON lk Con MONTREAL ROUSE, SEAFORTH. THE SALE STILL CONTINUES AT T. IifDll'S F;DTPORIU_li. Special inducements in Grey .Cottons. 200 Pieces, at fifteen per cent. lower; than can be pur- chased Wholesale now, owing to the advance in , Cotton Goods. SECURE THE. BARGAINS, FOR THREE WEEKS ONLY. CASH AND ONE; PRICE. T. KIDD, Those indebted' will please call and settle and oblige.—T. K. Seaforth, Jan. 81, 1872. • e5 S€MITHTKG. 217 New Grocery, Flour, Fe0t, and Seel THE Subscribers are now opening out a choice Stock ' i - i i��1 of FAMILY E 1GROCERIES; RIL-+ S, TLOUR, FEED, etc., iti 1 the Store•foxlnerl occupied u the ontreal Telegraph y �� y Company._ TEAS, SUCARS, OF- THE BEST BPA ' DS. Flour, Graham co. .Buckwheat do., orn and Oti t. - .meal, Peas, Oats, etc etc. kept const „ ep co st ]illy on hand. As we intend making SEEDS a speciality, Farmers- and Gardeners will find it to their advantage to give us a call. b THE GASH SYSTEM AND ONE PRICE STRI TLY ADHERED TO. Goods delivered Fin any part of the village, free of charge. N. B.—The hig I hest Market Price laid in Cash for. all kinds of Produce. � Remember the Star d, ,old Telegraph Office; one door South of the Black Bear. 215 STRONG & =:FAIRLEY. • SMQKE:RS! For a good smoke use the MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. On Each Plug. Price so Low that all can use it. CAUTION. The Brand "MYRTLE NAS Y ►► is registered, any infringement on it will be prosecuted. The name Tucxaur & Bizzaitos is on each Caddy, and T. &.B. ou each Ping. Hamilton, January 15. 1872: - - 216434' :BUSINESS CHANGE, DISSOLUTION OFA �( R�NEIi SPD Mil (IIrI;IiPi.G f: • illy W. DOHERTY ;.pegs to announce that he will continue the 'butsi- ness of the late firm of Depew & Doherty .(Mr. De - /pew removing to the city of London to extend his f business operations,) and while thankful for the past patronage. he hopes by, increasing his stock end meeting the wants of his easterners and the public in every possible way, to do in 1872 a much larger business then last year, in which, although the first year of th s business, there was sold over a 100 PIANO= ASND MELODEONS 1 - At a cost of Twenty .ou D o3lara. `T ,hsarad The present stock;inust be sold preparatory to heavier Importat ons in the Sprang, BO 00221e now if u want o want Bargains. CLINTON MUSIC FANIPORIUlY1 Is the spot for al'kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Of the best era. Clinton, Jan, 9,1872. 215 HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT TJLSO-'�1. SEAFORTH. TRUNKS of all kinds,' VALISES not a few, ivHIPS•--of alt sorts, COLLARS -all sizes. Bru h,e8, Carry Combs, Card, All prices ---from 10 cents up. Bells, Blankets, Clrcingies, Saddles, And in fact everything usntifly found in. a fiat= class Saddler's Shop, and at prices extremely low. JAMES WILSON Takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by strict attention to buseness and manufacturing a first-class article to merit a fair shore of the pat- ronage of the many. .1?enzentver the Bien of i7 e tt GOLD$ '- Semen," 215 VIOLET �' t INKE J. SEATTER, - EXCHANGE BROKER, And stealer in Pure DRUCS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FAN CYAN D TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines.- Money to lend on easy terns. - Pure Wines and Liquors for medi- cinal purpoges. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, :Nov. 3, 1870.. 5f.1-tf. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. - CARTWRIGHT. L. D. S„ Surgeon Dentist, extracts teeth without pain by the use of the - Nitrons -Oxide Gas. Office—Over the " Fountain. -of Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Square. • Attendance in Seaforth, at KnotHotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; m Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on the following Thum - days and Fridays.- Thexcinainder of the time at his Stratford office: Parties requiring new -teeth are requested to calf,. if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the filet days -of at-. tendance. Over 54,000 patients bane bed teeth extracted by the nee of the Gas; et Dr. Coniton's office* New York. 208 HURRAH FOR Ian. WM. AULT, wale STREET, SEAYORTH, TTAS ON HAND a superior stock pf FAMILY GItOCEItIES, embracing Teas of the lest kende, Sugar];, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, andevery other article usually kept - in a first-class Grocery Store. PflO-118IONS, Such as Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Perk, etc., also, every description Of SEED, Such as Oats, Peas, Bran and Shorts, all of which will be sold cheaper ,banthe choapest. Ia'AAILA PitODIIc3E, The highest market price paid for all }ends of Farm Produce. Remember the place, Mainstreetiv1, .East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seafo h. 218 d. AUL CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday in each ]otolith, BEGMNznc o MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1871, Large numbers :of buyers will be in attendance, end parties haying stock may rely onthe best mar. ket-prieee. - Tn eonnection with Loo's Hotel {Houghton's are fie arta 0:mai:maims stables tea yard*. . 1