HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-16, Page 8ltron
• Tag PEAcE for Cheap Boots and Shoes,
-Came-Alan , Blankets, Horse-B_anke s,
Tweeds, ,IteadYmade Clothing, Ha s,
-Caps, &c, 'Fine Teas i Sugars, %1'ines id
-Liq uors isj BEA'rrY & Co. 's, clauirciells,eks
lock, Seaforth. . a
MONEY at 71 PER GE/st.-Tnterest
_ eim.untilly, charges 'moderate. 41,700 to Lead on
launleti Sectirity at the above.rates, if la let for a
mienber of yearn and in large Aims.' App e to Wee.
.ELDER, Trickersraith, or to W51. Br4Adx, cliillop,
THE MAN Wee% never known th. t tonic"
please everybody, but thank ltridge
comes the nearest to it .in This line • of
businees. $1 per dozen, "Saatt's bio*,;
J 8. POI:TER still
-open fora few metre loans on far, • prop-
erty only, at 8 perecent„interest itylible
yearly.! Costs on any one loan where
the title is clear ',malt- amount to f orn: $3
to $5. He has also a few hundr cI dol-
lars to loan oh village property.
- Not Soma -Mr. Watson did n t suc-
ceed in disposing of his property y auc-
tion on Wednesday last Ther Were
not a sufficient number present to justify
him in pu ting the property 'Tat miction.
THE Nio-Efia RariLto AoltiouE
Iketer, ea. -The .annual dinner
North Riding -0f Huron Ageicultu
ciety tools place ni Ilatteriberry's
Clinton, thetnight.
f the
al: &D-
SEM? Feast ea•The annual seecij fair,
under the anspiees of the TucIeijsmith
Branch Agriettltural Society, will b held
• at Seatorth • on Wednesday, •the 28th
inst, when liberal prizes • will be offered
for all kinds of seeds.
-connection.with the Canada Presley erian
Church 4eliba,th. School willtake jplace
the.church on the evening of Tu sdat,
'next •TheXey. Mi. Simpson, of amil-
ton, and others ire eipected to a dress
the.meefing. .
• 00.111•TrzA A.E,EATH &How, Co_ 'WEN-
•att0.--Acrityunty Sabbath School Con-
vention Will be held at Clintonoi the
27th and:28th February. . All mini ters,
supeeintemdente and teachers of Sa bath
. • Schools, and friends of the cause •ner-
.• ally are cordially invited to attend;
HIGH PICS. -Mr. J. P. Brine in-
• forms us:that at Mr. John Dickson's sale
on Tuesday last! he sold two cows which
brought the handsome sum of $94. t One
was sold • for .$48 and the other for $46.
- _Although the:cows wer%superioranimals,
yet this Lis ,a very large price -ler this
Abraham .-Shantz & Peters, of thie vile
lage, arc - mdking preparatious for the
erection of a ,flax mill' in. ()1Mton.
Shantz is A brother of Mr. B. •Shantz,
progrietom5f the Seaforth flex mill, and
thorbughly • ulderstands his business.
The timber for the buildings pastecl.
timbiigh this•village on Wednesday lett
SPRING.i COMING. -Mr. T. Ke Ander-
has received the firstinstalment of
• his Spring Atock of Oahe and tweeds;
alsohataeandteaps.- He has some very:
pretty •patterns :in tweeds: We believe
that thee -goods were all purchased prior
to the reeent•rise in loths and will am -
sequently be sold •ccoadinglet Look
• ..out for hisnew advertisement next week.
• A Goon Cesasseet.e-Mr. James Kenne-
dy, of the .21 -rd Cenceseion of nicker -
smith S.. having. sold his • farm
swill offer his -entire stock by, auction on
Wednesday. the Cith of March. We un-
derstand that Mr. Kennedy's stock-
particularlythis cows ---are all of the best
cqualityaand 'parties desirous of purchas-
ing good stock would do well to attend
the sale.
theesentes. -SEitiiitECS AND SERMONS. - -
During Lent therewill he Divine Service
in tit ' Thomas' Charch as follows:
Sandey, morning Serfiee at 11 -o'clock,
.and •'erening Servile at -6:30 o'clock, as
• Wedneeday, Morning .I'rayer
am? Litany with.t, Lenten meditation at
10;30,a.ena. •Friday, -Litany service and
sermon 'et 7:30 pm, The subject of the
• _Friday evening, sermons will be Biblicat
Illustratiens of Repentance,- and that of
t e-Sandey morning -sermons, Intemper-
ance. .Leckie, has been at Hamilton and ut in
. .
gow. They can obtain, passage .,cert fi-
cotes at cheaper rates fr. m Mr. lVfood e,
Agent of the Allan Li d, and stet.
ma r, Grend Trunk .8 tion, Seafor h,
tha they eould if they sent t e mon y
Jame. it the tickets a a not used t
amount is 'returned, les a small ded
. REcoveetsio.-The
Mi. William 0. Reid
learn. that he is iliow ra
and is able to sit' up in
eh* timedeach day. % Te trust, befo
long, to tee him at his o d. post, .hale ar
hearty once more. •
DEFT elgOWN. -Mr. G.. J: Iteynol Is
.with his family, left town on Thtiredi y
m.a.s, where e .
abode in tl e
that Mr. Re
to the hunb
trade in St. Thoma.e.: e has also co
,menced the erection of -a private res -
dence for himself, and other buildings 'n
that place.•
. 1
forth Amateur Dramatic
ahethet entertainment on
ing, the 27th inst., when
dr ma of "Dred ; °rile
will be produced, after w
the very laeighable farce
any friends
11 be glad
-idly recoverina,
hie room fo a
-Morning last for St. Tti
intends . taking 'up "his
future. - We understand
nolds intends going i
Club will give
Ttiesday even -
the etandard
isnial Swam '
lich will follow
of the t`'Wi •
Maker?' the well-known popularity
Of Mrs. Stowe's works justifies us i
vonaing to the public a rat:e treat ot .
Bell and Tb 3mas Shanno
ed the Lively Stable for
Richard Sharp. • M
Shannon are well and fa
in this. -community,. and
keeping the very best ho
stylish- vehicles, will n
floudishing [business,
success in their new vent
still continues his furniti
as formerly.
essrs tlioma
have purchas
erly owned .by
ssrs Bell ap
orably know
s they inteu
•ees and inos
• doubt do
e wish thent
ire. Mr.
re ware -rooms
Arti George E. -vel is our authorized agent this
place. All orde left with him for sabscriptione,
Job Printinu. o advertising, will be promptly at-
-tended to. Mr. 'yvel also enipbvrered to colleet
accounts end nt receipte for nieney due Tem
- etirreemozt -Those wttea want a good
sewing mac use, or a. clothes. wringer;
would do we 1 to read Mr. Geo. Millin'
advertisemen mother column.
CURLING. The Teeswater curling
deb; intend. ve believe, coming to this
place on Fri ay,. 16th inst., if the ice
is favorable to play a friendly game
with the Wroxeter curler& We wish
their); a roarin good game.
to -fie d that t e people of Vi roxeter have
at la t made move in th temperance
ques ion. A 'meting was eldin Park-
er's all last Monday eve ing, fot the
pulp se of fa in.g prelimin. ry steps to-
ward. the orga ization of a I clge G'ood
Templar's. . Geo. Millin as appoint-
ed chairman, E nd Mr..117/11. Atkins, Sec:.
retery. Quit a number of the Leech.aille Lodge I. . of G. T. ere present,
among whont were 'Mess i Edward
Leech, Wm. astie, H. aetie, Smith
and others. fter •sonie dis mssion as to
whether' the de.pendent o the British
American Ritual should be donted the
following res lution was carried: -
Moved by Mr. Win. Hastie, seconded
by Mr. J. M. tinder, That this meeting
adopt Ritual, 'onstitution, and By-laws
of the Grand dge I. O. of G. T., as the
basis upon whi h to organize a temper-
ance society in this place. The ;follow-
ing - committee was then appointed to
make aaaangem nts for the Organization
of a lodge : Me srs. Geo Mill' I, William
Barker, and J. 1.1. Snider.
• Nonce.• --Mr. O.
agent for TAP. EXP(
ity. Parties requi
can be attended to
1 He is also authorlz
EXvospron. •
6th -ms b., .Mr
from Seaforthe
when about at
We 1
ts Of the first order, an entertain-
eue-ally avail themselves of .this
amity of listening to a fare musical
re ability may be ,expected.
ran confidence that the • good
Oran brook and vicinity' Will
: Hullett. . te
CHOPPING MATCH. --4. chopping inateh
took place on the farm Of. Mr. Joseph
Bradfield; '5th Concession, • Htdrett, on
Friday the 9th inst , between William
Mon. -moue f Hullett, aid ninth Smith,
of Gekletic Township. The. match was
for a wag r, and was quite 'exciting to
the onlookers; The work done was one
cut each 'in the same log. • - Morrison's
; cut was 21 inches:. in , thicknees and.
Smith's 204 inehes. The wafter was won
by MOrrisOil, who finisheirhis. cut in five'
minutes. The timber cut was green
libech. .
. thlursomenves-We learn thatIthe resi-
dence of Mr. J. W. Mem in the Town
ship of fisillet, near Kinburn, *as enter-
ed. by a burglar On the night of Thurs-
day of last week, and a eum ofenoney .
.amounting to about fifteen dollars. taken
front the pocket of Mr. Mares pantalotens.
It seems that ou the night' in question
there 'Was, alone of the tensity at honie._
but Mr. and Mts. Marie who retired for
the night about nine • o'clock, and ' as
usual -, leavina all • the ' - doors um
locked. In the morning, about day light;
when they awoke, Mr. Marr noticed that
the door of ..the bed.rooin Which had
been left Open when he retired was parti-
ally closed, and his pants which he had
left hanging on his bedtpoet, were lying
half -way out of the bed -room door. He
also• noticed a twenty-five cent shin-
plaster lying on the floor nearbis pants.
Theiecircumstances at once led him to
the conclusion that Semething was wrong,
and upon feeling in his pocket for his•
money found that it had been taken.. He
also noticed ore the•floor of hie bed -room
several half -burned matches whiolt had
been lit by the robber for the -evident
purpose . of enabling him to make °User -
:ration& Upon- coining out to. a large
-oom adjoinipg the bed -room which was
ised as a sitting -room, be found that the
lrewers of a bureau in which hisepapers
Nvere kept had beet. Opened, and -the pa -
ere scattered all around. Another cupe
oard. in the same room had' also been
rinnmaged, but -nothing was taken save
note of, handttor a small amount. What
s most strange about the circumstance is
hat all this could have occurred without
r. Marr being.awakened, he being nem-
Ily a very light sleeper, and easily
akemed. On this night, however,
trange to say, he did not waken -from
he time. he went to bed until day -light
he next morning. Mr. Marr sold. hie
tin last tell, and has recently had a sale
farm stock, and the probability is that!
e burglart expected to make a bighaul.
heir dieappointrnent,1 therefOre, - must
ave been very great, when, after: all
eir trouble, they got so little to`reward
em. ,Upon going. outside, Mr. Marr
etieed the foot -prints in the snow of two
dividuals Coming to and going from the
use, one Of whom had evidently been
soy. The . foot -Prints of the lait were
ie visible clear round the house. . We
arn' that Mr. Mart has strong suspi-
ne et Who the guilty parties are, and
trust he will be able to ferret them
t and bring them to justice. It is not
e to allow such individuals at large in
y community, as persons who would
guilty of a crime • of this °welt would
t hesitate to commit a much greater if
portimity offered or necessity required, .
is shoal(' be a warning to farmers.
acridly to have their doors and win -
vs properly secured before retiring for
characters may at times be prowling
unn(i,ig.ht, , as they knew not What sort
• th
• ho
leyvale;- A New Mail Route Called For..
. COOPER 'will act as business .„
ro the. Editor of .the Huron, Etpo,sitor.
noticed an article some time
by willing upon Mr. Cooene
d to solieit aubseilbers for Tnn
'On Thursday evening
iehleigh was returning
ith a load. sugar kattles,
ile tram Ainle ill- hi
e, s
horses took frigl t andthrewhiJ 7 m off of the
:sleigh. They. r into the village, and• trying „to rn up one of the. side
streets, they ca ie in contact with the
hayescales,. bre, king the pole of Ithe
sleigh, when ti ey were finally stopped
without much f rther damage.
-last week some seven or eight contract-
ors have .been ing over the section -of
the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail-
way which is to e let to -day, '16th filet
The number of • nders is likely to be
'very great. Atier townsman Mr. J
l'teasteetet. -We learn that Mr. Noah
-Hamacher, of theTowv.ship of Tdshoine,
las comtheoced a einva.es of the Town-
ships .of Hay and -Stephen •for a book
•entitled "'Lae FrancatitrusSian War.'
We have had au opportienity of itemising
this hook, -9,tid have pleasure eing
able to recontmendit as . -an ably Vtten
a.nd ,most isterestihg werk, and well
-vrerth. the mite which it. asked for it,
and we have ro doubt but tslr. Hama,che
er will teceive •ready sale ,:for it. Mr.
anaoker wilt also receme: subscribers
for the ExPoio:roft. We iesiseak for
him a hearty 1:CeptiOn faie:ii all upon
whom he may eall in theseetswnshipe.
ST. 7'110:HAS' (le I' nett CONNliet8AZTON.E. '
-We re iderstant that the Costeersazione
•given Ly the ladies of St. Thomas' I
Church ot this vilbege, on the cesenieg of
Thursday of last-teeek, passedeeff most
pleasantlt. The tatleaux were will exe-
ccuted, meet gave' utiversal estitiactione
• The, music, both vocal and instrumental,
*teas of the Ugliest hrter. All witheeliorn
wC have coseversed subjeeterhe
- were preseut, 'mite in reraiee of the :teen- i
ner u-hichahe exterteinment was ,es.n-
ducted, mei: were highle deliglited
the entire pertermance.. The attendansa
'sva,s not s-e-ry- larga•owing, no &MIA ni
great measure, ts the namber of public
entertainmenti of. various 'kinds we have
had daring the pa4it few wasks. •
TR E ALLAN 1t... --Attention i.s called
tothethe ativertisemet, which will • ap-
pear next week of • the Allan
(Canadian) Line of - Ocean • Steam-
shipe. The merits of the ships
which compose the line, the trhttment
received by the pa.e.sengere at the hands,
of the officers, and the superior facilities*
generally offered by this Oom pan to
emigrate to .Canada are too well and
favorably. known to reggire partiealar
• mention. Persons in Canada, who have
friends in the old countries who contem-
plate emigrating to this country should
by all tueans advise then -i to take the
Allan steamers from Liverpool or alas -
• a tend.er. We be pe he Mayget it. The
Ii section is from istoWel to Winghatat.
30 miles, ---to be , 11 completed in Novem •
ber, 1873. ' •I .
;• SAE OF Pnore.
I sold her brick s
! party from.. Gode
Istart a large furni
him success.
.meeting of the coi
Presbyterian Chur
the expenses of t
rent year be .me
• con tri butions.
TY: -Mxs. tarter has
op and dwelling to
ich, Who is _about to
•e factory. 1W.e wish.
At the 1a,et annual
gregation of Melville
h, it wasteeolved that
e church for the cur -
by regular . Sabbath
Ki pen.
1- Mr. ;William 'Slate
this vicinity, left f
U.- 8.- Mr. Slate
• thteugh Missouri 1
a visit to sonic fri
IStete, and so well
:the appearance of
resolved to return
his affairs, and rem
Missouri. a He lute
as soon as he reae
destination. . We u
is quite a large- eat nent of Ca
near the point whe Alit Slater.
locating, and many -of whom he h.
acquainted with. in . 'anada, so
till be quite at ham . We wieh
rney, and pe
r.osperity n their n w home.
-041.• Tuesday •last,.
go in the libcrosmon, complaining of
he time it took after the EXPOSITOR iS
Seaforeli until it is delivered. at
he offices m the Township of Hay. it
i quite true that it often takas from
three to four days before a hitter or
aper mailed. at Seaforth is delivered at
fills Green. and Berne post -offices, a die -
rice of abbut twelve miles in e direct
Ine. • I do not expect to see this othet-
ise until we 1 aye a direct mail line
f out Setterth t Kippen, thence to Hills
ren, Berne e id Zurich. At present
• t)ere is. a mail going from Itodgerville to
Z uich . deify each way, a _distance of
s ven and ' a half miles. If the above
r site was establish.ed this one wont(' not
n t be requited, as it would be only two
• ai d a half -Miles , from the Kippen and
Bine line tb Zurich. This would.be a
sa.iving of ten mike each day, and would
gi e Hine •G reen alai Berne atlaily mail,
w trees, at present , they only receive a
m il three t ries a week. Then all those,
oftces would receive the mail from the
e 't and west the same evening. For
in tance, the -Weekly Globe is published
an I mailed in Toronto -on Fridalt mom -
in ; it would arrive at the above offices
th same evening: At present they are
not received nntil Saturday evening. and
of t
, jr., and- family, of I closely as pos. 1 e. -. hope the matter I
. ,
r Northcot, XI issouri, I willl be placed in its trim light before the I
- had taken a tem- i -public, and particularly, before the Post -
t summer, while on Otliee Inspeebore-and no doubt we will !
lids residiug in that be provided With what in justice we are ;
leased was ac with entieled to: I believe -the mail -could. be '
the •Country that •he I carted. as chef - C. •
n not bei re the first of next week. ._1,
erstand Mr. Meths, the posteriaster •
ilippent Wrote snme time ego to the
t Office hiepector on this subject but
visitants Of Hay and aelerge nem, I
yet recei ed nO reply. Seefortli is
general • slace of business with the i
in Stan ey. , For this teaeon We :
t to be, a it. were, linked to it as I
p on im route as it es at
to Canada, wind up lt present, as there is a great deal of travel
ve withihis.f may to • beteloen Zurich and Seaferth. If thete
ds to take up land , wen a daily stage mining between the
es the point of his two places many would be glad to availei
derstand th
t there 'the
ladians ther
ntende coule
d.been tirne
at he forth
aad family -re safe jo
•I ' Otte... -to CoaCcIerua:.
: singing class will eon
i to given in Tuck
I course .of iustru droll
I' on the evening of We
Februarys The mite
sist • of vocal and in
the vocal. part erebrac
tituental songs, solos
Habkirk and his class
the occasion by Mr.
and Mr. .Douglas, of
Halqdrk and each of t
Mr. John Ha
dude their es
y a grand co
s Cranl
nesday tnet
tainment wil
n g comic an
61.siets, etc.
vilt`she assist
Speisce, of ii
Gueleib.. A
ese genikma
selves of the gipportamity and leavel
ossit conveyance at hbine, as they. I
• go out ia :the. morning and lia.ve e
to do their business while ie. Sea -
to whiali fraternity the doctor belongs.
After partaking of a tubstantial ad.
reaatiy ordered repast provided by hie
newly made `` better half," the presenta-
tion'was duly made and gracefully ac-
cepted. Our hosts and self-appointed.
paste chatted away of things past, pres-
ent and future, until -the wee hours, and
then took their departure for home.
- Mitchell,
ACCIDENT', --011 Friday afternoon last
a farmer named McDougall, who resides
within a few miles of the Village of
Mitchell, Met with si severe accident
which alniost resulted fatally. ltseems
that be was driving a span of very spirit-
ed horses through the village, when, be-
coming mmeanageable; they ran away,
upsetting the sleigh, and throwing him
out. In the fall is head struck against
a piece of ice which was lying on the
street, causing e dangerous fracture of
the skull. • The man was immediately
placed under medical tremanent, and is
now recovering, 'although still in a criti-
cal condition. Since the accident, we
understand that several splinters of bone
have been taken out of the wound in his
head. • .•
• DESTRUCTIVE!: FIRE. -On the morning
• of Sunday, the llth inst., at about half
Vast two Vclock, A.M., a fire broke out
in a stable heloPering to Mr. Louie
'GIrieve, of Logan, situated in the north
part of the village, and occupied ,by
Messrs. Huston, °When discovered. the
fire was issuing through the gable _near
the roof on the south side of the build-
ing, and the - stable being within sone
twelyo feet of the dwelling house; the
fire broke through the windows of the
upper story before the inmates could use
any means of prevention, and ono of the
Messrs. Huston being absent, • the care
of the 'family. devolved upon the other .;
thus there was no possibility of using
any effort until the fire 'was past the
power of control, and sa, far as we learn,
nothing Was removed from the upper flat
of the license excepting Mr. Jas. Hus-
ton's trunk, which he rescued at the Un-
minent peril of his life after the clothing
in his room was on fire. As to the
origin 9f the fire no correct theory can
be adduced. A barrel containing ashes,
we learn,. Was in the back part of the
buildino, but it is said that no ashes had
been put therein which did not remaiu mn
the snow during the whole or the previ
MIS day. Another 'circumstance whic
would seem to. show that the fire mus.
have occurred from sontletther cause, i
that the wind‘blete from the southeeast
while the fire broke out in the south
side of the upper -part of the building,
and the ashes were situated in the north
tide, so that if the lire originated from
them at all, the fire. actually faced the
current of the wind. It is therefore al-
leged that the stable being beside the
street and no lock on the door, that
some of those die' eputable creatures who
take shelter where they can find it, may
have taken refuge in the building, and
while there made use of matches. Mr.
Huston's loss is considerable, and his
-furniture having been removed from the
premises in Listowel in which it was in-
sered, it is :unknown whether he can re-
cover his meurance on it We have not
ear whether Grieve heel any insurance
on the house, which, with the stable,
would beworthabout $500.
• . .
Ing, singing, playing, etc. About 10
o'clock, Mr. Andrew Fisher„ arrived with
his bride, having driven up from Galt, to
spend the evening with his brother Joe
and the rest of his • old friends. The
•party was a complete success, breaking
up at 3 o'clock on the morning, after
singing " We'resall jolly good fellows."
- • WY,D=No TOUR. -H. 0, Kay, °Esq.,
returned from his wedding tour on the
12thinst. The couple are looking well.
The rough element of the village Saw fit
to give the old couple a charivari ; they
were treated well and retired in peace.
Mr. Kay has returned to his office, where
be will be found as usual.
To LET, in Seott's Block, two emennoitiolle
-0- Rooms on the seeenel fiat. • Apply to
19/1 • •111cCA et II f MSTED.
A LL poi-tie:4 are hereby cautioned agninet pure
13- ebasing ti certain Promiseory Note, niiiele by.
George Whiteley) Nov. 1870, in fir of W, camp.,
bell or Bearer, for the emu of :743 anti Rome odd
acute as the said note le lost and pd. •
• Seafortb, Jan. 24, 187t • 2164
THE premieem on the market at repent ae,eupita
by P. Mc Gniceon tau Taverneet and.; 3)0.,$ %r
on the ist .Menh. WM. MALCO4
• Seaforth, :Tan. 10, 1872.
,g 131)1;3:11;12'11‘.01:111e1:ttCi 1°1"11211!ch8;:igilell?., 0(ili 13:1rn(771)8(131711-(4).N:11:11111)21ilit'itil3rtiltieel •
A supERB
2-3- Exhibition, rising three .yeers old, 16 liable
"3'• G18.78;:118107DaSie, 131:::rieter. 218
e e/r
eeOUNCIL neEETIN G. -This Council met
• pursuant to a,djournment, in the Town
Hal), on Tuesday, the 6th of Febraary.
The Reeve in the chair, and a full Coun-
cil present. ',The minutes of last meeti
were read and approved. Moved
Wm. Carrick, seconded by Peter
Geigher, That the following persons
refunded $1 each, they having satisfi
the Council that they hate been -charge
in excess on their dog tax, viz : Andre
Gingerich, • George Redmond, • Daniel
Steinbach, and. Robert Moulde.---Carri-
ed. The Council then appointed the re-
quisite number of pound keepers, fence- I
viewers, and pathmasters. Moved by I
J. B. Geigher, sechnded by S. Rennie,
• That the following persons be granted
certificates for tavern licenses iu this
township, and. that the Reeve and Cler k
sign the same': Hartman lia,pple, Zurich
Betel; Casptr HAL Victoria- Hotel;
John Prong, Huron Hotel; Wiiiiam
_Reynolds, Farmers' Home; - Hoary
• Boeehenhaur, Berne Hotel, and Zaire,.
Farmers' gun. -Carried. Moved by W.
Carrick, seconded by P. S. Geizher,
That the following accounts be paid,
: John Allan, for gravel, $6 65,
Godfry Nicholson; for cedar,. $2, C •
Oswald, for gravel, '$14 40; and that
Paul D. Bell be credited $28 on his taxes
of 1871, said sum being paid by road
work,Carried. Moved by J.- B:
Geigher, seconded by 8. 'Rennie, That
the Clerk draft a By-law, to be passed at
next meeting of Council, for the purpose
of giving this council power. to sells. the
timber on the road allowance of this
'townsliip.---Carrieds • Moved by W.
mr ri_A3rE into the premises of the mulersiened,
„Coll -gate No. 11) Laelield roed, Township or
Stanley, on or about the latter teed of November
last, a year-old STEER, of small size. The Omer
is regnested to call, prove property, pay charges.
and take him. away.
Carrick, eeconded by 8, Ratnie, That
- the petitions of the Trustees of School
h Section No. 7, requesting theconsent of
t this Council to borrow the sum of $2 000
S for the purpose of building a new school
houze,we hereby authorize the Reeve arid
Clerkto take steps to carry out the re-
quest of the said Trustees. -Carried.
Moved. by S. Rennie, seconded by J. B.
Geigher, That this Council are sdrprited
to hear that the Council of Stanley re-
fuses to pay their share of the work done
on the boundary between Hay and
Stanley for last year as agreed by their
• Reeve, that the contractor lias done
his work satisfactoily, that this Ceencil
pay the sum of $31 82, due by Stanley,
• and deduct the same from the boundary
apportionment to that line .for the cur-
rent year. -Carried. Moved by W.
Carrick, seconded bye. P. S. Geigher,
That this Commit now adjourn to
meet again on Tuesday, the 5th March,
in the Town Halt -Carried.
- Wet, WThsot-, Clerk.
• TEMPERANCE. -A few days ago we were
visited by a delegation from the Inde-
pendent Order of Good Tempters, of
Leechville. Their object being to organ-
• ize a lodge here. We are sorry to say
they were not successful, but hope at
some time not efar distant they will
make another aTtack, and be •crowned.
with success. • Liquor venders are mak-
money very fast here. We have only
three hotels, all of a very fair size, and
doing a business to • the full extent of
their capacities. . One of these. hotels,
which does not seem to be clohlg a larger
business than the other two, considers
times a little flat if they do not take
$100 per day over the bar. The bar
business generally runs from $125 to
$200 per day, so that the reader can form
an idea cif. the quantity of liquor de--
molished b,ere daily. Your correspond-
-ent has not been in a place in Western
Ontario that could beat this for drinking
whiskey. No wonder our Leechville
friends did not succeed.
• FORTUNE TELLING. --:-Madanee Wilson,
of Owen Sound, has been staying at
Allan's Hotel for the last three Weeks.
This lady claims be the seventh
daughter of the seventh daughter, and to
possess the wonderful power of looking
into the future as well as the past. She
has been eXceedingly successful here,
• having examined. 420 at 25 cents eaele
all of which have expressed " themtelves
as being perfectly satisfied, and wonder
at the accurate statements she made to
them of the pest The °tiler day she
went to Clifford, hut not being favorably
impressed with the people of that villa.ge
she returned, and is now on het'way to
Rothsay. Mademe Wilson is a peculiar
specimen Of her sex; an uneducated. wo-
man, but talks freely on any -subject, is
veryliberal, and can banish a lass f
hot randyas Well as the next one.
81 ARPER*-A few days • ago two
• •
PliSP 10 US Ooking characters were seen
prowling around our hotels. 'Upon. close
msp ction by some of our liquor dealers,
they were diecovered to bein the whiskey
detective bneiness. It is thought some
one Ot bit.. A few days will tell the
1\7" _iT.11E11.-The Weather last Week
was leally beautiful ; the sun making his
appe- tanee etery day in such splendor,
that ve werel almost permiaded to think
that the solar system had. undergone
some cheuge since -last fall , and that
sprin • was making -her appearance a little
earlie than usual, On Sunday after -
/11071111g .aiu ; , sure, gradually
its wor in the wey of detnoliehing:
the s ie roads are black once
pore, The t aw stillcontinues.
Our T
..A OILS. - For some time paA
las beei a debt hanging over the
lig is Chur le bole to dispoee Of this,
and return in the evening cheaper has given nior , than one, a little thought.
=self , thud; by taking their own rig. I have limy scheme
have been elevised ; the
co and I only broached the subject hoping some last of which i. taken hold of by a mun-
I rest ttitil victory is (*Rifled.
I oneieleso maY take it up and_ not let it
, J. C. ber of out enterprisina ladies, . which no
! I e society amongst
kirk's I
ter's ;
Feb., 12, f872.
• Mola8Worth. • -
doubt, will b6acgrand success. They
have organize4 a larg
themselves, anid. are busily engaged. mak-
ieert, PRIfferATION.-On Tuesdaeven
I hie preparatioi s for a mammoth_ bazaar,
° JSat-ea which the
rook., 23rd
1st -of : fiiend
Con- 1 at Wr
lusic, irtg hi
• sea- their
Mr. 1 him di
oin t
,„ g o give for the
1 It., .S. party from Molesworth- i benefit of the above church, on the 1st of
of itr. Bra,wia-met at his house, i J u.ly, 1872. Success to the ladies.
eters for the pmpose of present- f A Pet e.s.setr PARTY. -On the evening,:
with:A testimonial, as a mark of of the 7th inst., the wedding party ot
lig& respect entertained. towards i Joseph Fisher, Esq., returned to Mr.
nue his remidence in their villa•te i All - ' II t .
d on. It e01 ated of an address, numerously I the spread was one of the best, compris-
I , al fete -they had slipper ;
thel, signed by his patrons and friends, accom- : ing all the delicacies of the season, this
Mr. I pained by a massive gold .ring 'bearing I being over the party retired to the hall
are I the ins gnia of the order of ttie F. M., t where they eiejerd themselves in danc-
• Grey.
COUNCIL MEETING.- -00111161 met at
Tuck's Hotel, Cranbrook, February ist,
pursuant to adjournment f aim last meet-
ing. Members all present; John
Leckie, Reeve, in the chair. Minutes of
• the last -meeting read and passed. Mov-
ed by Thomas Williamson, seconded by
A. McDonald, That the 4eeve. make a
debenture in favor Conrad Iternath in
• sum of one.dollar, being dog tax for 1871,
The following accounts were presented
Account Mrs. Turner, charity, $20.13 ;
for CorporationSeal, $6.50 Isaac Be-
hamel, statute labor, $4; 3. Leckie, for
lumber, nails, etc. $10. 60; Trustees
Section No. 7, use of school hoiise, $3 ;
Reeve to Toronto with debentures, •25;
R. Laidlaw, extra services $7.50. Move
ed. by J. Strachan, seconded by 8. Siem -
mon, • That the foregoing accounts be
aid and.that the Reeve make out de-
entures for the same. -e -Carried. Mov-
ed by 8. Slemmon, seconded by A. Mc-
Donald, That Widow Mitchell's taxes
sum of 37 cents be remitted, and- that the
Reeve make out a debenture for the
same. -Carried. Moved by A. Al cDon-
secondedcby 8. Slemmon, That the
'Collector's timeffor returning the Roll be
further extended to 12th day of Febru-
arye-Carricd. Moted by T. William -
sem seconded by 8. Slemmon, That By-
law No. — appointing Municipal Of-
ficers for the currenf year be now passed.
--e-Carried. Moved. by A. McDonald,
seconded' by T. Williamson, That the
taxes of the Dingle Salt Company be re-
mitted.-Cartied. Moved by J. Strach-
an, seconded by A. McDonald, That this
COuncil now adjourn to meet again on
the 28th day of February, at Dame's ho-
tel, Crimbrook, at 10 o'clock, a. in. -
Carried. • 3. U. GRANT, Clerk.
LOT 27, Second Conceesion Maillop, within one
mile of Seaforth ; and Lot 17, Eleventh
McRillop, eight miles Irma teat:eta ; and, also,
iipUding Lots in Seaforth. Tering made to snit
PuXeliasers. Apply to .
218-8 JAMES BEATTIE. Seaforth.
SiALED TENDERS will be reeeived by the un-
(lersien .1 up o 1.4,,D11., the 24th e(
0» nnd
WOTIOE is hereby given, that the Partnershite
'LI hitherto existing between the undersigned;
tinder the mane and style B. Shantz -and Brothera
of Roxboro, has this day been dissolv-
ed by mutual consent. The business will hereafter
be careied 011 by 'sant B. Shantz who will liquidate/
all liabi/ities contracted leY the late firm, and col-
lect alledebts due to the said late ;rm.
(Signed,) B. SHANTZ.
F. lionntsrED, Witness. •
Seaforth Jan. 22, 1872.
pEGs tie inform the publie thet he has
it County Auctioneer's 'Lieense, and
hereafter, be prepared to attend Auction Sales ef
Beal Estate or Personal I'roperty in any part or
the County, on the shortest notice. From the -
success lie hes had since cotainenenig this businesS
lie feels confident that he eau give the utmost-
Aothere left with Robert Brown Zenith, S.
Saunders, Post Office, Exeter, or ...addressed to the
undersigned will 1....,IRecescipr-e vpromprit33atitsenntHoioapni p.
wets SALE, in the Township of Stanley, County
-1: of Iluron, an excellent iarn, being composed
• of Lot No. 13, Sixth Coneesion,containing
acres 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, and in a,
good etate of cultivation..! lhere are 18 acres 'un-
der fall wheat. There are on the premises a log
house, log barn, and frame thiving-house; ale% a
'young orchard; there is a good spring well con,
• venient to the smbles, also a good -spring creekThis faern is situated one mile and a half soixth or
Varna, on the ;navel road. For further partieulara
Iapply to the promietor on. the premises, or to
"Ve• ,.272)a-iPsost-Oilice. •
sTnAvIt D.
TRAYED from Seaforth, about two month, ago,
2± spo,ted te0IS , red and .white; on .thf.!!right
hind leg is a large. Minn. Also, strayed abont the -
same tiine, a large white SOW Any informat-ion
will be suitably
• Tnam- S STEPHENS.-
eliforth Nov 15 1871 '
• NOTICE TO Dk13-rons.
T117, undersigned requests all persons indebted.
to by note or breA" account to call and
settle humediat-ely'as he is greatly in need of the
limner. They thereby save -themselves further
• 2174*
Blacksmith, Winthrop.
A DESIRABLE- Dwelling -House on Godmich
'Lk' street, adjoining Mr. Thames- Lee's, with a
good Garden and well fenced. For further pull-
culars apply' to
• lifeNRY BYRNS,
217 • On the PreiniseS.
IVO TICE is hereby given, that the Thertnership.
-1-'` heretofore subsisting between us the under-
signed, as Cabinet -Makers and Undeiiakers at .
Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, hes been Ills
ally dissolved by mutual consent, all debts owing
to the said partnership are to be paid to Nathaniel
Allen, tt Wroxeter, and an claims against the said
partnership are to be presented to the said Nathan-
iaAllen, by whom the seine will be settled. e
3)ated at Wroxeter, this 20th day of jurtnary,
A. 11: 1872, •
(Signed)) 13013E4tT )11LLEN.
Witness, Wer. La -eaten. •217-3
SALE'poll Sale, lot No. 29, con. 7, tOwn" ship of Morris,
containing 3.00 acres, 70 of Which -are cleitted
and in a state ef good eultivatiOn. The whole is
well fenced. There are on the premises ie good
frinne barn and hewed log -house, also, two welbe'
and a young bearing orchard. This farm is with%
one mile of Ainlevville, a thriving village, whew II
st.ation of the Wellington, Grey and 13race Railway
will be loclited, also the beeadth of a lot from the-
-Northern Grayel Road. Alsoa frame <Welling -
Willie, with the upperipart fitted for a Photograph
Gallen-. There is it good well and stable on the
premises, also. a good garden. • This propertY is
situated -near the business centre of the Allege of
Wroxeter, through ilitich the -Toronto, Grey snd
Bence Railway will be running, within one year..
The whole will be sold on easy terms. For parti- •
eiders apply to the Proprietor.
Or to C. R. COOP301,
2. -The Phetogi
sold with oe withenit the gallery. 210-3M,
----Land Agent, Dingle P. 0.
Bookbinder, Hunett,
HAs just Teceived a large Stock of the materiels.
used the business, mid is now fully prepar-
1 to execnte, on the shortest notice and in the styles, all orders he may be favoured with-
• OP AN51- KIND,
lied; Printed and made to inder, on the hhortest
notice, mid at prices which defy competition.
aclie$) 11'-ork, Boxes te: Fa:ley eases,
maae to order.
instant, for building a new Frame Sehool-honse, la
in Schord Scction, No. 3, Township of Hey, one li,
mile and a half, South, t'inin the Rill's Green Post 1
Ofnee. Tenders to be opened at 2 o'cloek, p. in.,
On the dm , abovo mentionsd, at ,hunes kcLeod's M
I store, Mfrs Green. Piens and Specifleations ean
be seen at any time. et tho eesidence of Hugh Love. 1
Stem, Towieline, 1aitee-4211 HireTand Stanley, close •
to the Hill's Green Poet Oftlee.
- e
.to accept the lowest or any Tender.
. The undersigned Trusteen 1() 11(11 bind themselvee 1
HUGH LOVE, Senn, ,- Truerees.
Tolvoship of 11ny, POI. 1, 1172. 218-2
1)13IAINING in Seaforth 'Post Unice, uncallei
-la' ter, on tlio 6th February, 1379:
Lorton, Miss Nettie Pnreell, John
Brodie, Charles McLellan, Samuel
Bowre. Miss L McLeod, •Aliss A
13e1T,V7.1irs E ...N.Telent *ell. J A
Coldwell, W E •....1.1eIntesh, Jelin
eine in, Thomas ' McDongall, 11
Carlin, Thomas :111-1 )oug:Ill. A li
Clayton, Charles 310)onell, 'Widow ..tlex
I.)wight, Th011niR liiiIN01). SI
11011elltin JillneS ROSS, :1.1,s.i
Mit ton (=yore-
., Reiley. James
2Cosgeoee, John Roheon, Miee :bine
'..',Ierk, John Sperling, Mrs A
Ma rr, John Shane, 31
Morrison, Miss E Sperling, 13 .1Mall ney, Thome 4 snriihi 3irs E
Mudge, R C Saunders, Miss S
Alartin, Mrs It Soinersille. Sanniel
le iehil, Mrs Jane Warkey, W 33
Nibion, Miss A Williams, T 11
Naffinger, 31iss _II 'Watson, T T
O'Brien, .Terry •Williams, C 11
(rLanchlin, Al •
Whitehead. George
Itiver, C W Wiernore,. George
Bound and repaired at eity prices.
Persons residing at a distenee by leaving their
oke at the " Signal" Book Store,:tioderieh) or, at
e "Evpo:.itor" office, Soaforth, or at J. It. Grant's
ebk‘l.:ii111;:yllv.ielliie,bi.sntiant,ii.ng style, may rely npai th:21a
coinmunicatiom addreeeed to the undereiga-
ed, 1‘ ill receive proiopt attentior
• Constance P. Hull
Fx- Jamul aw public that they him -opened
a fennber Yanl in Neaforthi near 8bvarsoh'8
Mill, on the ground formurly used as a Lumbet
rnra, by Mr. 'Thoeme Leo.
They will keep renstently on hand 0 good iteeort-
mein f ALLIKINDS OF LUMBER, dreesed end
undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, ell of
which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi-
ble prieee, for Cash.
Builders and others will fold it t their. ,advante
age „to inspect our stock, and escertain our priees-
before purchasingelsenhorte as we are in e pesition
to offer good inducements to cash phreivisers.
160 » alee 1 lEE & MACDONALD.
;end of the yean
First insertin
One toile= 01.42
43 'It •Lai
44 it 1)111
Esif one
41 44 141
44 44 3 in
One-fourth one
44. 21
44 14
" . hali
aansinees Cardt;',
exceedvilf; 1
• month; 59 cent!
for sale, notexe
• -each sabsegnen
Births, Ilarri
• Ise inserted vial
11u-nno 'Y. MO
amteet lantine
sa-c-geons r,m1
Eninneutien ; 1
from St. Thou
mid the Boyal
Residence -Dr.
calla promptly1
-Office and reside
Dit 1Y' 13.
Main street,-4sea
goon, etc. p2dci.
s Vi..1100
iret and Vits
• and Resit:lee
Street, 8eaforth.
•day;and all day
:r LEET,
.T.;" poinue.A. Ago
Vary of Enghlna,
srstn eapital.ists
very reasonable
Charges modera
ANInghato, Dec.
Insolvency) Not,
Solicitors fol' the
the Canada Life .
N. B-30,0Li0
Nonses and Lots
• -2-1 at Law, Sone
Conveyancers, N,
forth -and Wivset
Co. of 1. 01- Car
• Co. oI London, E
eourrnission Than
• JAS. if. )31M'IiM
•' signed begs
. Ttatrouage irwerd
betel business, 118
*gain resumed km
be -will he happy
-and ninny new on
sccommoUtion I
plied with the vet
stabling attached
evere, day 1.131 Win
et American aote
hotel has recent4
Atted throughout,
fortable and eon)
Baniple Reonis lai
•Lee- Terens Ube
•*13- SHAIl.P$
-6-1, Orate --At 31
Troves and first -el
Beaforth. • r
always 011 )1811(1 .at
- -
1013N nitiOILA:
" way Ti kct Ag:
G. T. Railway St
• Tickets iesne.; to 2,
California ioel 111±11
the greatest feellie
informal ion given
Greenbacks, lionfth
• Gold And 'Silver t.:14
R. C()t)PER,
(2;tecu's 14.134.1
Agent lor thy 1,.:19-
sure:nee Con2panivs
tnai Ana th micst(
the Reliate.e Lifr A
cident Inshronee
Allorilpri by Intik
ed to. Office, oppo
286-tf _ A
Pr J.
"IL fMernber of t
..begs to intimate ;
and surromitling
Office in Seaforth,1
sonallv or by letter
tie, etc. Iravieg
eduestio:), and Itsv
or the Veteli.lary-C
has every c.al.f.ittene
who may employ in
010 'Veterinaiy Ct
Thorhurn, Drlimit
•lietelivary Medic
All enikl
9")1E alenre annuli
eideed I/Ware
terest from 9 to
3-ear1y or hall 3e:4113
Itorrisbaut P. 0.