HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-16, Page 7-- r 16 1872 brth Foundry . CARTER aid desire to tail attention totheir greatly improved I.IIIRESHER SEPARAa fl Lessons in:Compos ti Of course there is no nays magic about what we call the "Composition." Itis ship art of using words rightly an Lively. The school room Hi of the term, perhaps, 'confine words written ; but in mak :.. goon speech, the art of comp is as,m ueh : used as in making essy or poen. Of course, als used in. writing letters, and i_ '-ting and answering question in all kinds of conversation.. used, as you Will .easily see, in. •inb _ telegrams and other. me It is used by barristers, in .co justice, not•onIy in making spe but in examining witnesses, -a witnesses in answering -the que sof the barristers. You must take my word for .some of you will find out a grow older, namely, that 1 - crowded with-inconveniencies sorts and sizes,- arising from th that few people know how t press their own meaning. Yo :especially find this out in tendin; courts of j usaice courts _ of inquiry. It . is (very of n, indeed, the case th, get out of well educated with what they really mean° is a long weary task,; even foe a manwh spent half his life in such ' w And yet, in such cases, perhap that was wanted in order to n the meaning clear was the lea Out of a sword, the adding of a w .or the putting of one of the Aw used in another part of the t -;said. But you . may see tie • s kind of -thing all through 1if s` ; -when you are older, ±ou will la to find that' though. the medd. writers and &peers very march pu iaair .sters and such., people,. they derstand each. other. - In pr life, when -something partitcular happened about which I was `c ous, and very, very often ind when I wanted to assist a perso have found 'it utterly impossibl get at the exact truth of the case It is just the same when you coo to letters;. and telegrams and -ot' anesstges It is not twelve ho Since I got a letter from. a man ,education:, accustomed to. comp tion, and ---in the business part *this letter there were just eigty-fo words, O `these forty=six were p c waste, 3 while the remaining thir ;eight left me in doubt as to the ex thing the. ` writer wished me to - It would have taken the writer this letter less_ time. to arrange l thoughts and words properly than Aid to write. the forty-six wast words'; and if be had done it -would have saved time and troub -to several persons. . I. once receiv :a most important telegram, in whi the use of the word " come,"` roster . of the word " go," I, left me in don .at which of two places my iresen was wanted. E Bot very often when we write speak, we have strongly. .before some other object thin ruere correc nese. W e desire td speak or wri what we mean_; but we also desi to speak or write it with a partic, lar r� effect", of some"kind. or anothe Nearlv;all of us are sure to_feel thi desire, and to feel it for good reason at some time of our lives. - The ski to write a `" good" letter is _ one o the most useful accomplishments an person can possess ; and if a littl tery or art of ly the eatting s it to osition a good ca it is' s, and It is word- ssages. nrts of nd by stions what you ife is of all e fact u will at - and very esses and o ,has s all lake fing Wag atue ugh un- vate has uri- e to me ars of osi- of ur ure act do. of it ed le ed ch bt ce or US te re r. 11 1 gave mitte mot posi have He 011 thri eoui Ridi the tive ProN admi Machine in Canada. mong its many idvantages, we call at- prItion to -the following—the way the 4v1inder is constructed—it :requires less power and is capable of !T RESRING MORE AND CLEANER THAN ANY OTHER% ' The great complaint among Threshers k -ay$ was, that they .0could thresh more - ..an they could clean, our improved drum ees_away with all these complaints ; it so construeted as to regulate the wind keep the riddles from ehoking, without :owing any (-train over. 'NW have also.- iproved ourMills to prevent the grain over with the straw, ;We :vv-euld invite Farmers and Thvshe St generally, to gi,ve us call, and ex - line our stock before purcha.sing else- ler& ; we can sell as cheap as any other )1e: but tbe best miteriai , used, and, the •. very best workmen employed. Phe -Machines Fe sold last year enable to say that they gave better satisfae- tx than any other ever sold in this Enty- PITT'S'HORSE POWER kept on hand at all times. - We would also deSire to direct the- ' attention of farnters to our AWING MACHINES r ich are capable of sawing from forty tifty cords of -wood per day_ Gang Ploughs, Straw Outt Piougba Scrapers, Kettles, etc.„ if which we warrant to give satisfac- and will be sold as cheap as at any her Establishment in the Province PAIRING AND CASTI_NG OF EVERY DESCRIPTXON, fie on the shortest notice' and Most reasonable terins. LNG PROSPECTS FOR AN ANT ARVEST present favorable Spring weather- nts both farmer and Mechanic in ig timely preparations for the come MESON a WILLIAMS thanking their patrons for the lib- icouragement accorded them in the - ' Id cordially invite the atten-- ors to their choice assartment of ting Machines for 1S7L Our Ohio Combined _Machine, olluson's Improved Self-I:eke, has amplete sa,tisfaction for the past ars, and . is new offered to the th the strowtest guarantee for . Cayuga Chief, ek., Hower, has gained for itself a world-wide ort -is again offered as the most , handy and best working Mewer . being constructi.A. in the body of hine entirely.ef iron and steel, it we defy, competition. We - :304:1Y Selkallany Single ek first and second prizes atPro- .:xbibition, This reaper i5 dged to be superior to any other w use, as cuts perfectly, odged or tangled grain better 7 Other rake or reel machine,land well from either side of the n wind is strong from any di- 7a,xx be raised or lowered when 'in ul is very durable. -'fe inspection of our machines of manufaeturing by pur- :efore giving order4 elsewhere_ zettee satisfaction , every ma- ulturalista of Perth awl. ad - 'es will not (we believe) be ey their own interests as to T orders to shops more than J.,ast, when there are first-class mida, budding largely saehines, equal any -of the linos made in the Province_ .et us. --send in your orders Ieal t-itit our agents, as in ou the eetifie terms as your Our princiele.s of buswess being estatylished and uni- r kinds of implements con- i-ENGINE8 BUILT, ids of MILL WORK done WILLI AMS, Ontario - 11.1traordinary Scene. Last Sunday:afternoon about. 2,- - 0Q0 persens asseruhted on the banks - of the head mill race, in rear Of, the Hospital, to witness the ceremony of baptising a number of colored persons,_ by immersion. The water was inteneely cold, and large quantities of sl ush ice knated upon the -.surface, while the sharp breeze swept across the eanal, causing all' tpresent to feel uncomfortably cold. Nevertheless. t after conducting ary services in a .becoming mann to the Water, w deep. The cand numbering seve some of thema then. handed'in each was plung, pale on the pre in the ice fifteen five 'colored per in, to their evide Catharines Times the usual prelimma very impressive and r, stepped boldly in- ieh was fonr feet dates for baptism— or eight females, young girls ---were 'one by one, and d beneath the icy las ceremony took ous Sabbath, near re a bole was cut inches thick, and ons baptised there- 1 ti al fe 1.3 , The Hon. Rich is now about fort He was born at orapleted his ed o the study Of la ed at the EaSter 867' be was creat el. In addition .w practice of_ th f which he is th r.. Scott haigiv public affairs. any. Other ef our king a share in t me held the posit ttama. In 1857 preSent the city en, pon test. At n fn. 1861 he*Wa mation, bat an 863 he 'was, ted bY a small majority, when t eer id the Legislatare of the o 'mince has heen Made mdmora his piloting through the Rom rtiOta, It is not .mprobable Lb sc opposition, to that Reform Go ment, despite -the support it b en his School Billaliad much with , preeipitating- politic naes for which. the Pro Vipe e hardly ready. At all event understand that his active o Won. to some 'Go ernment cand s in . the neigh orhoOci of Ot- a ' led to a most eneraetic move - t on the part of t e Ministerial - ed. From 1863 , to 1867 Mr: t was out of Parl amentary life. he latter year the e was a strong re on the, part of- the citizens of Capital to bring him forward as Conservative caniidate for the se of Commons. Events, how- , wliich are certainly not Worth a in history,prevented this, and 1 ' to represent th city in the I Legislature. Is Parliamentary expeiience. him well qual'fied for the kership, and Mine, tcrialists and sitioniits united his election at office when th Legislature bled in Decemb r last. On efeat of the late government, cat Was invited by the new ieri Mr. Blake, to take the issionership of C own Lancia; as - Ottawa interists were . so ly affected through, the admin - dein of that depairtment, and :flake and himself agreeing up - al questions generally, he re - 'the Speakership and took the lio. The citizens of Ottawa d their appieciation of his in re-electing hiln by ac- tion.— Canadian Illust7cted ist er do ch we po da ta me ists cee des the the Ho eve plac Mr. larg Fri Loe mad -Spe Opp to tl asse Mr - Pre Com and larg istra Mr. on lo Signe portf sh COUTS Irews 1 rd Willian Scott -three years of age. rescott, wh tt, Esq., cation at devoted and was re his- aving pper imself erm in 1848. In firm at Ottawa, senior pakner, n much attention He began) like -public ineln, by e administration 's, and for isome on pf Mayor of e was 'elect d to f Ottawa i the the general 'elec.: returned ,by ac- de - he up- ld ble an er in - at to al es saa p- 11 • Hon. Peter G8vir. M Gow has- had but a brief first leeted to the Le islative As - ,at the general election of 1867, when he distanced the Con- seiiva i*e Candidate by about seven- ty vo es. 'His business alents soon im a good position. in the Com - s, and hence he s been. pro- ec in the rabies of hi party to a ti rk, which can bard y be said to een earned by experience. is k leather merchant and carries vi g town, of Guelph, in the at of .Wellington, the pouth n, of ivhich he rePresents in catland, and is now in his cial. Secretary in Mr.„Blakee stration. -like a to mak winter Block • PArlfseiDge- has- been working rick, and has got all things ready s you a dozen phot graphs this only $1 per dozen. -Scott's NOTES. LOS OST, orne time during last -week, tWo NOTES 'of ha cl, one drawn by August Brodhagen, of zvlena sraigiLied, for the stun of and due on the miry, 1872 ; the other was drawn by (13-, of the Township of Morris, in fa- .svoir5ioaiweit er of the undersigned, for the amount of ue On the 2d of September, 1872. The publie are hereby cautioned against purchasing or negotiatin either of the above notes, as payraent of the s e has been stopped. , JOHN DONAHOE, ROGER KANE, PATRICK M0274. Teeawat • EARING SALE a,ke room for Spring Goods. & SWITZER WILL SELL THE BALA_NCE OF T11 IR INTER STOCK AT COST. MAIN S+REET, SEAFORTH. And We ke TOP AND READ ! by so doin you will ascertain that you can purthase 's every description of ObTS AND HOES At Prices that defy Cornrietition. ow:this to be facts, we wOuld athq.se our numerous uston4ers to call early and examille our stock. p constantly ,on hand every description o CUSTOM WORK made in the latest style anal bY first-clas workmen. Ail may call ancLbe convinced t at h the public has long been looking light at last. OE STOjE or and has come' to Reme-nker the spot, in GRIFFITH DAVIES' Old Stand, two dOorg-S,outh of the Post Office, Main st, eaforth. B.—No advance put on -goods on account of the riSe on. stock, • 215 SOMETHING- NE Neit Grocery, Flour, Feed a d Seed THE Subscribers are ndw opening out a choice Stock 1 of AMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, etc., in the tore formerly occupied bythe Montreal Telegraph TE;k3 SUCARS TOB4CCOS ETC.; OF ISE BEST BRANDS. Flour, rahath do., Buckwheat do.; Corn and Oat -meal, Pe s, Oais, etc., "etc., kept constantly on hand. As we in nd maleng SEEDS a speciality, Farmers and Gardeners will fin it to their advan4ge to give us a call. THE SH SYSTEM AND ONE PRICE SM1CTLY ;ADHERED TO. Goods dhlivered in any part of the village, free of ;charge. B.-111 e highJt Market Price paid, in Cash, for all!kinds of Produce. Re ember tile Stand, Old Telegraph Office one door South of the Black Bear. 215 STRONG 8i FAIRLEY. A GOLDEN OPPOTZTUNITY LING OUT AT DENT.S, Money. NG SALE RY, To turn his Immense Stock of Dry Goods into NT ILL BEGIN A SWEEP When Goods ill be sold regardless' of alue, as the hole tock must be cleared out at once. Sale t condi ue as long as Goods last. A r re ch, nce for Bargains, ---Don t le it pass. REIMEM ER DENT'S CHEAP STORE, SEAFORTH. SMOKERS! For a good smoke use,the Y TLE NAVY 1 i Price so Low that all can use it. The 31 and " NAVY " is registered, any infringement on it will be piesecuted. The R e TUCKICTT & BILLINGS is 011 each, Caddy, and T. & B. On each PI g. 21343* *Hon,. January 15, 1872. tniarged Premises. I HURRAH FOR 1E42. To accommodate his extensiie and still increasing business, has enlarged his store to nearly double its former size. Ile has on hand a very frill and judiciously selected stock of BROADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, MELTONS, S cotOlt and Canadian Tweeds,, which he will make to order in Vie best style and at the loWest prices compatible with good work and good quality. Ho has on hand a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, (Made by himaelf,) And which he can guarantee for durability and • quality. FTJR.NISHING GOODS. T. K. ANDERSON still ma.kes a speciality of Furnishing Goods, and everything in the way of Neck -ties, Collars, Shirts, Unde..rshirts, ete., can be had in great variety. HATS AND CAPS. An extensive stock of the latest and handsomest 216 T. K. ANDERSON; tt ed Ii:110S SJOO1) 'S4NOS)IDIH JO 0 2 CO 0 gat hood 1-3 1-3 tt filemt ONO 004 inst 0.4 elak talikt • H.L d0 NNIS mga MAIN STREET, SEAPORTH, TrAS ON HAND a superior stock of FAMILY -4-a- GROCERIES, embracing Teas of the best brands,. Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and Glassware, and every other article usually kept ixa Such as Flour, Oat and COrn-merd, Potatoes, Park, etc., also, every description of Such as Oats, Peas, 33ran and Shorts, all of whie will be sold -cheaper than the chopped. The highest market price paid for all kinds or. Firm Produce. Remember the place, Main street, East side, opposite Coventry's Boot and Shoe Store, Seaforth. . 213 WM. AULT. VIOLET - SEATTERr And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, FA N CYAN 13 TOI LET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing lqathinea. Money to lend on easy terms. Agr Pure Wines and Litiuors for medie Sea.forth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tt HARNESS, HARNESS. Great Variety AT WILSON'S TRUNKS of all kinds, = VALISES—not a few, WHIPS—of all sorts, "COLLARS—all sizes. Bruges, Curry -Combs, Ca-rds. All prices --from 10 cents rip. zells, Blankets, circinges, Saddles, - And in fact everything usually found in a Ara -to- eless Saddler's Shop, and at prices extreraely JAMES WILSON Takes this opPortunity of thanidng his numerons friends and customers for the liberal support ex- tended toward him for the past year and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class artiele to merit a fair share of the pat- ronage of the many. . Remember the Sign. of tile 215 CATTLE FAIR. CATT1761 FAIR will be held hereafter at On the First Monday in eaelinionth, IIEGINNLVO ON RIONDA:17, OCkOlIIVIt 2, 1S21. Large numbers of buyers will be in ate. ridanee, end parties having stock may rely on the best mar - are large and commodious stables mid yards.i 198 BUSINESS CHANGE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, -11V,.- DOHERTY Begs to announce that he will continue the i31114. 110.88 of the late firm of Depew & Doherty (Mr, De - pew removing to the city of London to extend his business operations,) and while thankful for the past patronage, he hopes by increasing his dock andmeeting the wants of his customers and the public in every possible way, to do in 1872 a much larger business than last year, in which, although the first year of the business, there was sold over s 100 PIANOS AND MELODEONS I At a. cost -of Tw:enty Thousand Dollars. The present stock must be sold ptepardory to heavier Importations in the Spring, so come now if you want Bargains. CLINTON MUSIC EMPORITTM Is the spot for all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Of the best makers. Clinton, Jan, 9, 1872. T EETH -EXTRACTED WITHOUT ri CART WRIGIil L. D. 13„ Surgeon Dentist; kJ- extracts teeth without pain by the use of the 4 Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office—Over the Fountain of Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, on the Markd Square. Attendance in Senforth, at R110X'S Bad, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ; in Clinton, at the Commercial Hotel, on -the following Thurs- days and Fridays. The remainder of the time at his Stratford office. Parties requiring new -teeth are requested to tali; 'if at Seaforth and Clinton, on the first dasii of at - Over 54,000 patients have -had. teetar extracted by the use of the (.1:04 at Dr. Coultan's offices, Nevr