HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-16, Page 6ti Ij Ji 0 Early Days in Lanark: 1* is not unusual to hear in this far famed garden of the west, a dis- position on the part of some to undervalue the privileges they en- joy. Many . who have beco:oie : the t j pioneers of .this township seem to •'think that they, and' they`•- lcne, have borne the burden and Meat of e the day, whilst others. had 1 been -`nursed oe the downy lap of We do not --mean to state th: lculties have not been surrnoi and trials ovejco_me in this p tete stat wJrt sons of the British but many were possessed o means to obviate, in a great ere, those difficulties ' which forefathers had to contend wi the prenural forest Many wh tiled in that far -faired town Lanark, fifty years ago, . when i almost one uninterrupted forest -Gaspe tq the far' distant west, trials to endure of which we, in famed land, can'form no co.ncep and yet, strange to say, " their p flowed as a •fiver," :but I cannot " their right teousn- ess a, bounce the waves of the sea," for no eb u es were then eree'ted no ch bell could be heard, to call. people together to worship t God and Master; . no minister sooth • the pillow of the dying speak a word of consolation in ear of ,the sufferer.. No sch erected in which the youth could 'instructed, _ and thus made. bri and shining lights : it .was liter a land " where the wolf prowled' among the lonely roc • Lanark is sitieited on the of the River Clyde which ta rise in what is termed Joe's 'in honer of Captain Joe,_anti a a, meandering course empties the Mississippi. _ This part wa• . settled abolht the year 1S2 tardy Scotch immigrants; -wit. eeived 'from b'ie Qove 'nment plernents of a rutle'kina to til virgin Boll. Malty were oblig carry provisions. a distance of miles, and often 'unable to 'r .home during the filet day's ,jour and lying down in the .evening nothing but the scanty pitt under their head for a pillow the canopy of Heaven fora cove .After manly years. of such :t and difficulties, mill of aerucle struetio : were built, the proprie of which were in no wayrem' ""take. the Whole and swears, sack," and when the organ of c .seiPn"tiousness. predominated, flower' . was of an inferior" quali owing, doubtless, to the fact pf . ignorance which pie -veiled in reg'- to -machinery. The ploughs which were th in in use were well ealeedated to exci the? • organ of' cou�Ibativeness to unusual degree ;; the ,rnoulcibee was made of • sturdy oak of t mighty, forest; net unlike t: oriental plough in .some respect Wooden drag; -pins were not an n -usual appendage to the farmers im p}ements, _ This implement bore r striking' resemblance to a triangle cira.wn by two quadrupeds over th .stony soil, leavingan i.. ►nnressio similar to that made by an Iidian ,snow shoe.' By this aiesns the'seg cl were deposited in tlae ground, from which eh:e unwilling .earth yielded but a scanty pittance 1fcr the needy inhabitants. Education. was theta .at a low ebb. Several years elapsed •ei•e a teac:er maid be heard of; anal when schools were established, the tea ;hells were tut poorly paid ; in many instances -Meyer-ere obliged to take a bushel. -Of wheat ,from one, anti ;..perhaps a bag of barley 'or some other grain from another, cleared by enearis of the : northein breezes:or •r uilts ` de- posited on the ground fat .the'pu - pose. -of receiving the grain -as it fell from the hand. Tyre were , no. boarding houses, being compelled to stay�.a certain length of time �„ the •pa.I en is or those who with �;ep. phis method.. was not alwiys -agreeable to the finer sensibilities of the pedagogues, having the effect of ..dimi hi yin. the appetf . to an, uli usual alaaree. What added d , l stilt more to.he difficulties which those stalwai•teeettlers endured. T, s their ' es nature's od, *high is to be four in that t' nie honored horde of-lI Scottish 'immigrant. For myow part I ha e never been able, scien tifieaily, to distinguish one stop -from anot erg but the Geologist ca eeze with wonder' and admiration! at the + mn ipotence of hini who{ spoke the' niv�.erse into being, and at! whose. so ereign feet the hills and. ase. clales, mo intain and plains, sprang t .dif forth a w •n the morning stars sante ted, together and all the sous of God rt by shouted for 'o sIes joy." R. D Howick Feb. 9, 1872. the e ear§= Dill.` li in ► set - hip, was min had this ion, ace say say as ch reh the heir to ► or this mol•Ihin • ." " , (ewe the a dozen, ]le sonny;" rep ted Mr._ Drew. The ohs 'next stall leas kept be 73uc1yl�am, � p by Elipilalet It this pumpkin good, ht my sore ?" as eel the venerable stock- broker. " 1 is a good enough Morgan," answered the truthfult child, '« but, stir, if you will examine .that .portion concealed from too scrt,tinizing view, by contact with the boards f'r�ining the"counter, of the stall, you will see that there i$'a bath spot in' it." "Does not that i seein tiubusi esslike, my child, to cry down -yoe,.. own wares?" asked the kind -hear cl-millionaire '. ,hv . It is ancedotes late James Talker, eve the. literat coeds to rel iscence• of t of boyhood Little Story. w . rn order to recltint f the early life of the Fisk, jr., and the Table- ready to contribute to re -of the country,. °1:mo- te the folio ing remin- Ie rince's u.nny hours When i+'• k was about ten. years of, age, he ,ept.a small (marketstall in Benning on,Vt. O e day :the eminent ,st-amboat nib an, Daniel Drew,. carie to the market. with his basket on his turn. 1 Be asked: young Fsk i . his eggs were fresh. `` You bet," replied ` the ingenuous boy, "pop tilled thein. off the vines A• lly nd ox• ks.' 'ba; aloes ,a fte into, s fi.i st 0;. �y� o •i - i It ed 20 eat rhe wit ane an rind. rial,. con for, remiss t e th bn. the ty, the rega en to an rd he Ali s. n •l ai , I e n J5 S ks ''te er a: 01 1 e r saint level Chet,' The he t Eliph head When ham. s what know three that tomer Well, his st anti sai little s that pa hien in. fan:necl said the meals' ed mother.- told • me .I must • tell a le with nay little hat- ' replied • Eliphs.iet Buckrane rich Men was shoved to tears;. ook . out his purse and. gave. s.let .Bu kraut a pat on the and said he was a good boy. 'he had- one, Eliphalet Btick aid to.lit l•ejarrhes, "0 Janies,, made you, tell such a lib 9 You these eggs 'were (aid weeks .ago;, 'You will see 1 I ha .e' gained a ens- and. you have dost one." when El1.ph 'let went ' Louie, eptuother(athe to:the door d, " Helie (lathe are, you lazy Weak, an ; you haven't sold 1 akin yetI" : And she took 1 her steplmotherly arms and blah with an ox -goad until he twolll off 'the i next few ct,nsec clown;'itla the - And next day=' d prefer taking his asntelpiece for . the itive days to sitting est of the family. aniel Drew came into the market (" rearin' and a tear - as old inhabitants say,`)' and said ;. " Where is the boy that sold those eggs, eh ?" and' Jim Fisk pointed" • to Fliph;.let and said : ` There lie is, sir," and Daniel nielDrew oy's stetrnother's cane so eflecturaliy never titch. • So Daniel ought alb his girclen-sass of Jimisle. In after life Eliphalet Beck- . '.iii set g up a g 'ocery store, aied r} ve trust to all the poor people, nd never -sanded his sugar, and z ouIcln t qualify his rum with ater; so .he burst up and the heriff' old him out, and ,lie went to reinfol•oed that ox•goect Wiela his that—but rev t ie. poor -Molise. BuL Daniel Drew ept his eye on Jinn Fisk., and by- and-by he gave bilin a partnership • tlle•Erie lima; and .Jiru beat him o t of .$4,000,000. This is not a a story for good little boys. \Ve f : ar i� is too°near the truth. Tne Player to "Bei g Down t House. e Joe Blinlbei• woI • ed Bard, and threw his whole soul into his duties and this is'saying ;t good deal. instance, when theyplayedF " M� beth or Ric_ ltard the • .Third " (vet y seldom, by the way, for theNon pared was too match in the fit: • H sp xo t boo C 11 Stor TH.E HURON tX1�dSITOR. Nimeimimmo THE OJROULAR SAW Cuts through all opposition. ROBERTSON & CO ave just received a large and splendid assortment of Rogers' and other celebrated cakes CUTLERY, NICKOLITE AND OTHER :SILVER-PLATED GOODS:. TEA TRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, ,Lightning and .Turn -table Apple �'a.rers Every Fami13' should have one. IMPROVED CHAMPION- AND OTHER CROSS -CUT SAWS, STOCK'S CELEBRATED EXTRA MACHINE OIL 0 Ei Warranted the bust in use. Repairs for, Abell's Patent Gear and Horse .Power, And every other article required in the Hardware Line—Shelf and Heavy. '_JACK SCREWS TO. HIRE. - SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, 198 ett Iter ste-4 V WM. ROBERTSO„V" ce CO. , DO YOU WAN CHEAP BOOTS. 1 McINTYRE "& W ILLI,S; Main Street; :Seaforth, 'X011.411 3C) Al E on Intl a large'stock of Boots and Shoes winch were purchased before the late rise in the pries of leather, and which they aro now Rolling at cost nag stock. Within t}m at our st s and sho STO3I l ember th pas t few weeks, boots and shoes have dvancedinaprice at least ten per cont., , ake room for their ek being now sold at former eost prices, an opportunity is offered for obtaining cheap s which will: rarely occur. rORit attended to promptly, ns formerly. A good' fit, and first class article guaranteed. place, first door south' of John Logan's, and opposite . W. Robertson & Co's Hardware McII� TYRE & WILLIS. E VERDICT '.OF THE PEOPLE DDE0LL13.I1�1a�[jTHAT TH71 DNER SEWING r INMACHINE s ,aper or • to any now in the Market. Ervin,. been era�iuned and tried by the most s -3 �-. • '+�� . andn them exa ed Prizes all tprincipal mechanics and best judges and by year; cc- d although �h p 1 Exhibitions held throughout thehDon country can produce, 6 all the leading Dlaehines were arrayed against it th:U: aPATthe i3 asbdlALLupon evetest V IC T RIO U S gen ec .redPAT 'OVER COMPETIT R8, r3 , anti now stands foremost in •the rank of sewers. O SLE 1'H» ' Lisle O London—the groat w FOE, 18711 • First Prize at^' >� JP Drente. Fust Prize at great 0 ntral Fair First Prize at St. Catherinos, County of • extern Fair. .Fust Prize at Guelph. -the Kent. list Priz at rat Prize County of cines, Co. Lincoln. First P me t 3Ioriz ao, County er of peel. Fir first Prize at Chatham First Prize yt Orangeville Co County' of P , County f Welland. -First Prize at ttertille,IConntCounty of +, ,. , arty of Simcoe. Fair, g ou; D P1Wel at EarFilst and Otte County shoe , . Seco. I+tial Prize at �el- of Caforc• Secoucl Prize at eoirnen of mechauicnl c►bilityn, a purely Canadian irrvelrtion ProtincznI clitral,rh y; and us iulnee any other Sewing ll tyis ao uow iu the zuarlet h , surpassin or Fngla h mannfgcture. gin simplicity, I It will hem, cord, braid, tuck, gather Wilt w ethos of Canadian i�iarufai ,American I3UY 8end-for land or C Ki st This eautiful s tiering W 10 OTHE Circulars ARD ntendin hires the Wo R. using.nll kinds of threncl en, rale all most complete f Family Sewing rk If the price is a little hi and IS. nd Samples. higher than some thers, it is the h `lapest in the e , pest i the and. RSEWING MACHINE n COMPANY, $AyIILTON, OfiT lirirchasers should not bo �nisl P. S. keep Ma do not sell; in a damaged ed by unscrupulous agents• Call a examine the Gardner before state, to make capital for el other Companies, who Goderiah dn tforth. Ag purchasing themselves. street, gents wanted., g any other; at IFzC rrdai GnAssn3's Svarerooms, PETER GRASSIE, Seafor th. 179-52 e • t�'k Training n � and Sa a Stables, SEAFnRTi� ONT. ,DRfor EV Ey begs to inform the Farmers and public ' or training n develeg , nd Selling Farmers d,1 and generally, that he a. specially fitted u them to the best advantage. He has eugag s P Stables Ma Kentuck}-, ith the as istarrce of competent ha �� LE '1'ItUTTLtiG STOCK by results fro all under ist charge. n ged an Id experienced trainer from to have the i trained nil see if they eannot grooms and every facility for li, rfect and most g Persons having good young sound free a satisfactory for good chi . ars and b aiL ell auy nunifer o`rbQmndcs to trot fast pl>mg Horses would do tsell Training 'w 11 receive t I ant co st tl c give ► tiakesneare frequently) Was always 11 mg• 'e hLve as goo Joe to be seen in the th. ck t of the frsy.iu .the battle scenes an generally obtained a round scenes, I`e1 eel his opponent. And x t::u compara.gee ignorance of a ;Life in al the urimetral forest. I have ,kno vu I a.p many to I ;.irn valuable` cedar, aed sreserve .what was called 'basswood for fencing ptlipcses. .I�r�'otwikastiind ling they wore remarkably intelli- gent in other respects, being fre- que<ntly, in .li:er days, compliment- ed the Juf e oil the bench. fol,. their superior intelligence as juror )Jou e foi- the vigor ill o tacky with whieb 1 th there were many ".supers" who fought y of Joe for with. him there w as no crossing of.-Rwords and 'then meekly dawn and dying. falli> g He diel, the regal ar.o e, two three, business it 'end ou time every week, thus movers atH og Froonssr an a in receipt of orders enabling m to see the Prove hay the are Horses k- 1 '1 goo c� ct half -mile track as can be found in the Do improvement H they n mak_ Dominion for training Horses ou. Terries Reasonable. Howes Bought and Sohl. One Oh�•a•ic tarn STAB .Es --South of the B. t�, L. H. C19' ttUO good .�l'Ott�?'S for ri j. B. R. Station and o r 0?' Bale. ' Address, css A. pE TIL the Woolen Factory. H. BAILEY. Seaforth, Ont. n STOV S, TI WARE AND CO LOLL. AffilS. lti'HIT1 y ha. of Cooking, just receive n Iarga sloe:k g, Pallor indBox $to cs,of the bast rnar�afactnro which ell can sell as cheap as icuy I in the trade. AN VITA kept eon s gonietillno to and 1 ulnas ea that it. was a illy {the a hear the roan of A. that such indust_ious people should 5pcUk lcome from elle < y saw the,' ; have been p1 iced euniclst those fear- .pLessed his antagonist sword as and . c dill' laiec'l�ices auk. r �..Ius�t -close • '"'��� } awning chasms ; the, 1 oar thiel Joe's heal t g ' to clrirg o It ti lzil}eetble existence, its `.luetic bins feel one. vod '� .good, foe ft.t many haw) done, �4:�x?n such .� .c_ f .. of tli8 principal actors in the piece. ' Tie best of the act a country lay in tl f taut west. I have noticed those - la laN e come from that land of rocks and hilf.s, ac..tureuleie wealth very IC11 I is part, w here the -willing soil yields 116'7111(1AM. e- for enan And beast, There is, that part, ample seope for observation by ering.-rttine, and mighty upheavals by matter was, that hiS merits were re- cognized b i autocrat hed been known, even in the Richard, 0: Macbeth of the I night—to clap Jke on the, back after one of his arduous combats, and in a tone of -voice audible to those. round. acquaint him ti2a.t lie was the fellow "to, bring theei down." -- ICE, of tantly on Pipes, promptl every de and and mad ave Trou at tended to, clip Gen, !to order. hing, etc. and outside SEA ORTH PLANINci MILL? et; .`ctiseer'.' 'f.),,e,..1: tbiLlt.'n-ei ti°1tTorlinalgt chi:xntlienineTr, COA.114 OA Cf. him Since' commencing business in Seaforth, and large stoe • of the ve....y best Coal Oil kept c °I the saint)* trusts that he nlay be favored with a oontinuance , Remember he place, els on haa d, and- w. be sold woolesale hinia C/111, AN he will continue to keei) on Muni a iquties intending- to build wenld do well to give irti5.8 wile ted by not . or book acc mot are re- I y HEREBY e, ution and forbid. all 1 n1 erten and Beni Hobson or Bear mouth, (the natae Allan 11 f. paid ; and has b en lost or, three weeks. ng Or buying a tertt in Note. 4 min Su -Merton, 1.0 • law r of Allan r, due son etime in the irst of this. bsou *as endtirsed on e said note haft been Stolen -the last Township of SHINGLES, LA.TH, ETC. Re feels confident of giving, satiafaction to those who may favour him with the* patronage, as none ,bnt first-class workmen are eMeloyed. /1 -_-%-"Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 201 jOHN H. BROADFOOT. JUST RECEIVED4 A II THOMAS LEVS, A. -CHOICE STOCK OF FRESH FAMILY CROCERIE$, Comprising • TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, - RICE, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SOAP, TOBACCOS, All of id:I-lathe can afford to sell ‘,0 'clinap as any in the town. TEAS FROM 00 cents TO $1, And wan:anted to give satisfaction to all. No. 1 Flom- and Feed, Of every description constantly on hand. And PROVISIONS Of all kinds to be had at the lowest possible rates. Simpson's Spice, the best Condition Powder for Farta Stock in use. Farmers, txy it. The liighest /nice given for Farm Produce o/ Lai L..--.11eniember the place, SHEARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND, West Side, main -street, SEAFORTH, Ont. THOMAS LEE. SALT. ORDERS For all kinds of Sal Can now be filled at CRAY, YOUNG SPARL1NG'S SALT WORKS, SEAFORTH ()NT. 208-4 CUTTERS. CUTTERS. The best raade, most stylish, most durable, and cheapest CUTTERS, PLEASURE SLEIGILS, IDEMOCRAP CUTTERS, the., Mantfactured at 21043 Carriage Factory, Main -street, Seaford'. WI OLIVER, SIGN OF THE CC NA) cc cfisl 44 SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy harnos, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the .place sign of the Scotch Colla.r, Main Street, FEE. 16, 1872. erg'%. ry ZAPFE i` CARTER Would desire to 11 attention to their greatl unproved THRESHED ` SARAH Which is able to competewith. any other - Machine in Canada. Arnong its many advantages, we eall at- tention to the followingi—the way the Cylinder is construeted—at requires less power and -is capable of THRESHING NIORE AND GLEANER TILAN ANY OTHER.; - The great complaint airiong Threshers always was, that they conId thresh more than they couldelean, our improved drum does away with all these complaints ; it. 'is so construated as to regalate the winci to keep the riddles from choking, without blowing any grain over., liave also, improved our Mills to prevent the grain. going over with the straW. We -would invite Farmers and Thresh- ers, generally, to give us a call, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing else- where ; we can seil as -cheap as any other None but the best Ma.terial used, and the very best workmen. employed. The Machino we sold last year enable us to say that they -gave better satisfac- tion than any other ever sold in this county. - PITT'S HORSE POWER kept on hand at all times. We would also desire to direct the attention of farmers to our Which are capable of sawing from fo y to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Plolighs, .St*aw cutter!, Cultivators, Scuillers. Wooden. and Iron. - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, &c., All of which 'we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and will be sold as cheap as at any other Establishine* in the l'roviDee. REPAIRING AND CASTING Done on the shortest notice and most 143-1y=- ZAPFE CARTER: The present.favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic making timely preparations for the COM– ing harvest. THOMSON & wiLuAms 'While thanking their patrons for the lib -i eral encouragement accorded. them in the past,, woalel cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesting iNfachines for 187I. , Our ' Ohio -Combined Madill -le, with .1-ohilson's Improved Self-1'..ake, has , give complete satisfa,ction for, the past. dural. le, handy and best working Mower owo years, and is now offered. to the - public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfect work.. ' The Cayuga- Chief, Jr., .31 -ower, reput on. is again offered as the most know , being constructcd in the body of the ' achine entirely of iron and „steel, and ‘ ith it we defy conipetition, 'We- . also o er the JO/OZ./012'S SelfRaking Single which to QUEEN a.cknOwl. viper 1E pattern Insu ran Ce Cora pany 'than any takes up xhibition 1870. This reaper is' edged to b'e superior to any other no win. use, as it cuts perfectly, lodged or tangled grain better other rake or reel machine, and. F Lit V ER P0,0 I_ L'OND:1.11 motion az rection, c held Whe cuts equ CAPITAL - $2 000 00o St g ally well from either side of the n vv-ind is strong from any di - an. be raised or lo-wered when in id is very durable. vite inspection of our machines efore giving orders elsewhere, antee satisfaction in every ma- io sale. TI?;RMSA EASY. The grictilturalists of Perth an4 ad- joining jto-unties will not fwe belieVe) he so blind to their own interests as to give their .orders to shops more than 100 miles east, Iv/len-there are firstclass wciks, in their midst, building largely the best machines, equal to any. of the same machines made In the Prov - pool, And Gracechureh Street, London.. 1 We I Buildings, _Montreal. Boann—Win. Morton, Esq., Chairman: Henry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., anclthe lion. James Ferrier. Morris & Rose. _MEDICAL ADVISER—Williana Sutherland, St7nvimon—Thornas S. Scott, Esq. AtTDITOR—Theinas R. Johnson, Esq. b ar r 1 and see us,. -send in your Orders (xENERAL I -by mail or deal with our It 8acrement ,Street, "Montreal. ACENT,----A. Mackenzie Forbes, 12 St, 1, every case you will get a perfect The undersigned having been appoint-- r chine' On the same terms as your d ..i.gent for the above Company, parties ed so on the znost f 1 neighbor. Our principieS: of business and. prices being ,established and. uni- form. All other kinds of implements con,. stantly hand. ST_EA.M-ENC-INES BUILT, And. all :kinds of. MILL '1'.0.111( done Address TI-1.0.AISON WILLIAMS, Ontario - Life Pohcies granted on as advantage ous terins as any other respectable Com- pany doing. busineSs in Canada. JAMES:H. BENSON. Seafprth, Nov. 8, 1870. OFF/C.EBEIS'S01',,1" & ALIatrY0Efebc.a:Sef;;;_ht. Fr 1.111111011110 Of e Ivot ifovtarely.;. 1dt iSne; 211 hag tele justice, 1, -of ythoeubai -some o grow ol s'cor:twelentlel that fee press the gigl'aottitt so]: nttof aheil that wa And yet -or the p kith:a:nee_ said. B kind of t -when yo life whe derstand happene :Inn to letters, mese tees. get Till since go -tion, and vr,worteds, Of eight left m thing the It would la this letter I thoughts an Aid to eeri -would ha -v. tt7hese:seeraolf th taemost 1111p0 4-4iY-()tfasViti!i:littefl.13° DA very some other what we me to speak or 1.a.r 44 effect' Nearly- al desire. aa at some ti e tewnrijot:tause person. can • study of the any partieu MO re in.the to write co or friends the trouble been. well this, it is i bteellinv-stat o may some 'Plyrefsosrilian1;:rt "Lessons la, .thew Browne Maclaine There is a the mannual coil of steel - machine cuts lengths, ; conseeative the points, ai thing until • leads 'and • third piece of into a paper. occupies no in out from th' needles a da} An Elet Last Sun( - ON persons • of the head in Ilavital, to - of baptising persons, by was intensel surface, whil swept :across