HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-16, Page 5- FEB.16, 1872. tired nature's sweet restorer. It was a ridiculous failure. ° It waa vain he roused himself up, and, sit. 1 ting bolt upright, endeavored to fix his attention on tile business befbra e4e.11oase. 'Slox* y the arms would falI, the -inoutli open, the elyelide. close, and the head drop forwa01. I - was no we resi -ting ; Morpheus gained the V14.tOr. Other member*: were in a more lively mood, and ani. used themselves by pitching paper bang Ete their sleepy neighbors. Prince and Beultbee'the two men.of •thee:I-rouse, led the mischief,. and capped the climax by making a couple of paper foolse9s, and poie. _ ing ehem upon the heads of their sleeping brethren. You must forgive the "a.sserebled sdom" thee Seasons of playful. nes. At the wort, they do better relaxing their oe-ertertalened rni'n.ds in this way than some, others da by • indulging in dreary seeeehes th11 at have ne other effect than to prolong / the sessions of ;the House. Mr, - 'P„ Canteren, afier keeping the IlouSe. !'s till midnight, allowed all the items eider discussion to pass without a; vote. Pexuace re...5rue icrmWS OF THE WEEX The Quebec Rubber Factory made clear gain of 24 per cent. On ileir capitaleluring 1871 The factories - are running day and night, waling '.ip stock for spting orders:: The 'Newfoundland Legislature opened on January the 25-t1. The , Governor's speech. repreeetits the - afliirs of the colony in a very eafis- factary condition. The surplus last • year was eighteen thousand pounds'.__ Bancroft, the 'American - Minister, has completed his reply to the British case on the San Juan boundary (peak*, and will im- mediately eubmit it to the arbitrte- er,7" the Enaperar A copy has been despatched to Wash: "ington. The French Government are eotiatinct with the German authori- i, pe ties for a new basis of settlement of the war indemnity. Evidence of the most conclusive character has been found against I Peter B. Sweeney. It ha.. been dis- I covered that $580;000 of the spoils front the frauds in connece rtion with the Audit Office had fallen to his lot. . A deputation of the leading mer- chantsand manufacturers of the Province of Quebec,awaited upon the Dominion Minister of Public Works, on Saturdey, with a view to the encoaragetnent of a, packet line of steamers between Canada and the West Ladies. The Hon. Mr. '-,Lanetrevin promised to lav :the mate ter before his calleagues.at an eaay .date„ assuring them, at the same f his great desire to see the West India trade an. important 'branch with. Canad'a. The New York, Times says in ffect that President Grant is about ie) take the wind out of the sails of the Civil service reformers by initiat- e same real reformsY and that those ial)p0e(1 ilk the New York Custom- ouse-tvill be heat d of very shortly. Ler is no &Oat that Grant has it his power to do all this, if he looses to do it; and as the Presi- .ential election is drawing near. we -1-lottld say he is not without wry 'owerful motives for so choosing. On Tuesday meaning last, the :erns and eitthouses of William f,rraer, living about three iles from Kingston, -were burned„ ith 22 head of cattle, three horses, -eantity of hay, straw, &-e. Loss -er $4,000. A youug man named. tebet,, who held an old feud against. atdiner, luppo-sed to be the in- ndiary. _ Previousto setting - the tildings on fire he stole one team - horses and a wood sleigh. The •pposed incendiary and thief has t yet been. caught. An effert is being made to pre- nt Alexander McLachlan, the eadian poet, with a homestead. exander 3.1eNale Police Magis- ite, of Taranto, is Treasurer of fend, to whom subcriptions may sent. ,1.)'eter Certwright; the venerable famous Methodiet itinerant, is g at the point of death at his le in Illinois. He is eightv- tit of age, and has been ty-eig• ht years in the ministry. ith the single exeeption Henry- , he is the oldest /minister of 'ethodiat Connection in the ed States. spatches from Teheran state the famine in Persia continues nabared fury, and many per - tire dying- t - he elections in France, to fill the t seats in the National Assem- have given rise to numerous icts,and have been generallY tacterized by disorder. is announced that already erat candidates are in. the field the re/presentation of North ark in the Dominion Paella. - t. Among: those rn era tion ed - are n. Malcolm Cameron `and Wile Caldwell in the Reform in - St, and Mr. B. Rosamond and ostyn as Conservatives. It is iTt probahle that lion. Wm. Mc - II will seek re-election. I FEB 161.1872. . THk.; HURON EXPOSITOR; - Assassination of Lord; MaSro. STA.13ERD 13Y A MAHOMIEDAN CONWCT. DEATH IN A FEW Mill UTE.S. , In the House of Lords on the evening of the 12th inst., the Duke of Argyle, announced that the . Gov-. eminent had received official infor- mation of the assassination of Gov- ernor-GenerEil Mayo, of 'India, and :with several other Lords, pronounce eulogies on the deceased. In the House of Commons Mr. Gladstone stated that on the evening of the 8th inst. Bari Mayo was stabbed by ti Mahon) medan convict, and soon after . receiving his wound pxpired. . The Premier proceeded to express the regret t4t the whole country would. feel at thsudden death of this dis- t\ tinguished statesmen. He was fol- lowed by Mr. Disraeli, whsereferred to the great public `services of ,the deceased in terms of the highest _praise. - ' The United States 6laims - The New -York .Tribu.ne.bfWed- nesday morning ptiblishes a letter flow the well:known English friend ,of America) Thomas Hiihes, which he'gives' a statement of the Alabama claims negotiations from. .an English standpoint of view, and declares a settlement on the basis of Sumner's speech utterly impossible.' Be manifests e painful anXiety as to the, resulteand. concludes as .fol- lows can only .hoOe that time, - the great solver, will, hel p _both na • :tions through this most prevokieg -difficulty; and that in the meantime neither side may. be hounded back by anonymous writers or. reckleas public men into the dreary swamp -froth which we have so, recently ese •caped: Cool tempers and sound, up- right judgment were never mcre needed, and I am sure yo4r. best -citizens willejoin me ie pray* that • they may be forthcoming." 1 It • is. reported throughout Lon- don that the reply of the American Government to Earl Granville's note in reference to the claim for indirect :damages reached the United- ,(States Minister on Wednesday. : The British and American ,Mix- -ed Commission adjourned 0.11 Tues- -day until March the 20th. AUCTION SALBS. 'Tuesday, Feb. 20, on Lot 30, Thirteenth ConceSsion, Hibbert, Farm Stock and Implements. John Pemlergest, pro- prietor; D. McPhail, auctioneer. Thursday, Feb. 22, on- Lot-13'First Concession, Hay,: Farm Stock and. Im- plements. M. Pollock-, proprietor 3- A. Bishop, auctioneer. Friday, Feb. 23, on. Lot 24, Sixteenth Concession, Grey, Farm_ Stock and TM- plements. Thomas Pollock, proprietor; .J. P. Brine, auetioneer. Tuesclay,'Web. 27, on Lot 19, Foiii•th 'Concession, -I, Morris, three miles from Ainleyville,', Farm Stock, T.naplements and Household Furniture. Wm. Annett, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. • Thursday, Feb. 29, on Lot 18, Ninth Concession,McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements: Williain Currie, proprietor ; -J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. Thursday, Feb. 29, on Lot 21, Ninth Concession, Hay, Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Household Furniture. Nicholas 'Troyer, proprietor ; 'Henry V. Dirstein. .auctioneer. - Friday, March 1, on Lot 10, Eighth • Concession, MOrris, Farm Stock, Imple- ments and the entire -horse "Young Ex- hibition." George Symonds, proprietor ; T: flames, auctioneer. ' Tuesday, Marl 5, at the Village of Varna, Farm Stock, Implements, etc. W. J. Moffatt, proprietor; J. .r. Brine, -auctioneer. - - • Wednesday,11.1arch 6, on Lot 23, See., Ond Concesaion„ Tnekeramith., L. R. 5,„ .. Farm Stock, lniplements. and Ffousfhoicl Alex. Kennedy, proprietor; Brine, auetiole.er. 1111=211106,173101116Maigiuminompr' 41111111112111.1114.11 B• IRTHS,. STEPHENS.—In • Seaforth, on the 14th , inst., the wife -of Mr. Thes. Stephens, of a son. MeLEaaa•-TIn Miuto, on the Ilth inst., - the wife of Mr. Npiain McLean, of a daughter. SionINS.--- In Ainleyville,7 on the .2nd hist., the wife of Mr. Samuel Siggins, of a son. SCOTT.---- -In Seatorth, on Friday, 9th iiast.-the wife of Mr. Win. 11. Scott, of a son. • Ainleyville, on Friday,' the •-9th inst., the wife of Mr. James Kelly of twins, danglit_erit__ MARRIACI;ES. MCKENNESUTITERLAND.---At the re- • sidence of the bride's father, Haat, • on Wednesday, the 14th. hist., by the Rev. Thomas Goldsmith, Mr. James licKenuy, of Bervie, Obunty of Brude, to Barbara, .eldest daughter of James • Sutherland, Esq, , • - MOTICILA.M...--7-VANECtiviON D. ------ In Sea- • forth. on the 24th ult., bYl Rev. Thos. • Goldsmith, Mr. Robert McMichael, • eldest son of Mr. Thomas MdMichael,. to Miss Agnes Matilda, •VanEgmond, third daughter of -Mr. Edward -Van- Egmond, all of Hullett. • • FrsnEi—PcriznY.--On. the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by • Rev. A. Boulthed, Joseph Fisher, Esq., of Harrison, to Miss Jane Purdy, of Minto. • Fratim--Bono. —On the 6th inst. in • Galt, by hey. Mr. Suuth,,:Mr. Andre* Fisher, of Harriston, to Miss &salt Bond, second daughter of Richard Bond, Esq., of Pushnch. ALLSHIER--,BALL.--Ou • Thursday, • the 8th: inst., at Wroketei, by Rev. Mr. Softly, Episcopal minister, Mr. John Al1s ier, of Jackson, Michigan, to • Miss Isabel Ball, of the township of HoWick. SalETzEa—Moux-reAsTLE.-- On the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride's • father, by the Rev. E. L. Elwood Edward Smetzer, -of Kinloss, to Alice, youngest daughter of S. IL Mount - castle. Esq.; of the Township of Goderich. • DEATHS. PEARSON.—In Clinton, on Thursday, the 8th inst.,.at the residence of his son - in -Jaw, Mr. E. Dinsley, John kearson, • aged 81 years alai 6 months, native of Carlisle, England, ancl eleven years a resident of Clinton. Sanarga-smatiar,—Ast his father's r sidence, .nc.a Oooksville, on the 9th day of February,* JoseFh William Chisholm' • Silverthorn, ifi the 46th year of his Amorposownsmns•es•immorsesem THE AlARKETE. ' • SEAFORTH, Feb. 15, 1872. • We have to quote' ,a slight decline in prices of all kinds of grain thiS week. Fall wheat, which has stood firm for some time, is down at last a cell 'el. business on tne market h very dull during the Present w but little grain has come in. Th n a is owing to the storm wl pr vailed all week, and the co bad state of the roads. We quo Fanwheat..... . .. : . ...... is spring Wheat. ....... ........ 1 14 Barley ... . .. - ... ..... ............ 0 53 Oats 034 Peas• 055 Vatter . 0 f5 Eggs . a • Flour Potatoes -- Ha Hides Sheep Skins. Lamb Skies •Calf Skins, per lb„ 'Wood, per cord. ieef(tetail) per b • sultan . ork, per 1001ba. 4 50 to 5 00 • Stave 13olts, per ,cord• •2 25 to 000 Clover Seed, per , 5 50 to 6-00 Thnothy.Seed, per bushel, 3 00 to 3 25 , ' 0 15 800 • 045 a bush - as bebn ek, and is slack - 'ch has •seqUent to 1 17 to 1 14 to 0 55 to 0 00 to 0 58 to 0 16 to 0 16 o .0 00 o• 0 50 10 0O4to 12 00 , 750 to 0 00 0 50 to 200 . 1 00 to 2 00 , 0 08 to 010 2 00sto 2 25 arrel; 1 00 to 000 • 0 08,to 0 05 0 04 to 0 05 • Fall What Spring Wheat... ... Oats Peas Barley. Butter • Eggs Pork, per 100 lbs. 5 [CLINTON, Feb. 15, 1872. •$1 16 117 . ... .. 1 15 Oa, 1 15 0 33 (i'l) 08 Hay, per ton, ..... . .. . . Clove]: Seed, -per bushel... • 0 15 r 0 15 0 55 053 4) 6 58 050j 015 8 015. 50O (d; 5 80 . ....... 13 00 sla) 14 00 .... . . . . 6 00 (se 650 HARisT Fall wheat. Treadwell, Spring wheat.. ... Peas Oats .. ......... Barley Pota,toes (per buSh.1.-.. ;Butter at, Feb., 14,.S71.1 $1 15 to $1 18 1 13 to 1 -16 . 1 10 to 1 12 60 to 6:3 35 to • 39 50 to 54 —• to 70 12 to 16 Apples (per Until.) . . Hay(per ton) .. Flour (retail).— ... oNmpr, Feb. 44, 872. White Fall wheat, $1 25 .‘ to 1 28; Red Fall wheat, $1 '0 to 81 23; Spring wheat, $1 22 to $1 24; barley, -.55c to .425 to 475 —to 65 .. J2 00 to 13 00 ... 0 00 to 5 50 57c ; peas, 55c to 6' ter. (firkin), 12c to 18c to 22c ; cheese, to 20c; potatoes, 4 hogs, • 85 30 to $5 '$3 to $3 75; clover hay, $12 to $1.4. 50. ; oats, 35c; but- ; butter (rolls), to Ile; eggs, 18c c to 45c •. dressed 50; timotllyj seed, seed, $5 to $5 50; Tonere o,'Feb. 15, 172. • WHEAT—Was firn , and. held abbve the views buyers enerally. The only sale reported being of a car of INo. 1 • White at $1 30. in tore: No. 1 pang 'would fetch $1 20 to $1 21 foo.e. o. 2, $1,18. BARLEY—Was witi out rnuch change ; probably a little mor firmness could be noted, A small lot e f uninspected, but not equal to No. 1, so d at 65c delivered. .A •car of No. 1 insPe ted changed hands at 67aa- free of chargies in store; one of- fered on the street arket. Oats were. offered. at 42c in car ots .on the track, with buyers at 41c. For a lot of 3,000 bushels on the track Oc was offered and .refused. There was nothing ZIone in Peas. --A let of 1,50 bushels of No. 1 sold yesterday at 77.c .o.b. on the lst of April. SEEDS—Sthall lots of clover continue to sell at $6, and of ti othy at $3 75. DRESSED , Hod -s— rery few offering either on the street iarket or by, rail. Prices nominally unchanged at $5 25 to $5 30 for choice. • . • ,MOSITRISsua Feb. 14. FLoun—Market • quiet at -unchanged rates. Limited.sges f supers reported. at $5 85 to. $6 for ordinary to strong; 500 barrels of strong ere sold yesterday at 86 for May deliver , and 500 brls. medium strong on spo at $5 90. • GRAIN—No repoz cd. • transactions. Rates purely -nominal. PROVISIONS—Dull at late rates. • Hoos—Latest saleslof car lots were of medium averages at $o 20 to $5 35. • Boa:TER.—Purely n olnin al. - LIVERPOOL. S. D. ...... 271 0 16 11 9 tl\er.inter 12 4 Corn 29 9 13ar1ey 3. 8 Oats -211 Peas 4,1 0 Pork 58 6 Lard 44 9 • Red -Wheat • p. 27 . 11 • 6 11 9 12 4 29 • .6 3 8- 2 11 41 0 58 6 44 • 9 oi .., , rX4 CR S. D. S. D. 27 • 0 118 11 10 12 5 '29 9 3 8 2 11 40 0 58 6 44 9 27 0 11 9 12 0 12 5 29 9 3 8 2 11 40 0 59 • 0 44 9 NEW YORK 110th4E MARKET. TUESDAY, Feb. 1.3, 1872. The Horse market for the week under review haS been Moderately active in -business horses of all kinds, but the gen- eral trade has mot' coMmenced ; neither is an active business in the way of pleas- ure horses expocted Until the season is - much.further nclva.0 ced The average prices at which work horses sold in the Bull's Head market ranged, per head, as follows : Canadian farm and.. Work- horses, f-,rom $.125 to $200. : Western horSes, for railroad and stage use, from $145 to $185. Heavy draft horses, from $'250 to $400. • 0 nly afew pairs of carriage -horses ch ang- ed hands, at an average of 81,200 per team. As far as really fine stock is ,concerned, the absence of transactions can only be accounted for by the almost- entire ab- • sense in the market of valuable animals, for which there is seldom lack of inquiry, and. there is probably no class of merch- andise so well calculated. to induce buy- ers, to submit to exorbitant figures as those that have frequently -been paid for a well -matched team of stylish .coach hors of w s, if ov r 10 hands high and sound nd and imb. THE GRAIN TRADE. T e New Toik 81tipp*ing Lid syn: "Tho price f wheat, like cotton, petro- leuM and otl r fruits of the soil, has for some time pat been too high for exporta- tion, and he �e the market for many wee s his be n in a stagnant condition. Selle 's hold in tenaciously, in expecta- tion f a favorable turn in the European mar et, and a conquest reyival of the expo -t trade. • Ent in view of the liberal supp ies in the British and principal de- pend nt mar ets of continental Europe, and the libe sprplus in the lead- ing upply marlitets of the world, it i by io meads Certain • that ther,e• is to be any substantial advance in th - price of wheat. Indeed, with the period for the opening of the Baltic ports rapicly approaching, the probabilities woul I seem tO b -e rather in favor of lower price when the spring,opens." YOKE' OF OXEN WANTED.. -71i2), a s oke of -good WORKING OXEN. liberal pr ce will be paid for a good yoke. .o the eub ("labor, Lot 32, lst Con., Tucker - H. .J. S., raddress Clinton Post Office. CHARLES GARTER. NOTICE. TILE public ar hereby cautioned againat par - Ohl aing a Note of Hand made by me in favor of Mes •rs. McCarey & HolineSted, Attorneys, of the sal age or S aforth, dated May,, 1871, eight moth • after data, as I have received no value for thesaa ie. • STEPHEN KEATING. Tim prkunith, Feb. 10, 1872. • 219-34 FARM TO, RENT. To 11 'NT, Lot 8, Ninth Cencession, Hellen,. a mil and three-quarters North of Kinburn, con - aiding lot 150 acre,'108 cleared, well fenced and in good c ltivation well watered; good buildings • six aer s fah -wheat pat in; plowing all done but summe fallow and ti i.Lere§ sod. Apply to the subseri ter en the premises, or athh•ese Constmace Post 0 ice.• 219-4' JAMES L. PEASE. ES RAY HEIFER. fl.A.Arg to the remisss of thesubscribcir, about ist January, Jot 8, Second Con., Tuckersmith, L. R. S %REIF t.B, rising three years old. The owner i requeste -to preveiproperty, pay expenses. and ta e it away. • 219-4• .; MATTHEW GLADE:E. TOLET. TOR 4 find law Sling -House to Rent, in the sil- k-) lege of Waltoz , on the gravel road, ten miles North- f Seaforth; the house is commochoue find in good repair al has been used as a store for about t n years, t i e building is occupied at present by Mrs. Ann Moe e. The store is well situated, ben.% it the centr of a, first-class farming comma- . fatty, a.n 1 has. it liv ly and thriving business. Satis- factory easona gisen for the „present tenant leaving the bus' ess. Terms *easy. For fnrtherparticulars apply to 210-0 JAMES CAMPBELL, Walton P. 0., Ont. CORN COBS. -VpijA., ED, • diately, by the undeiSsignecl, T qn ntity of ;(.iORN COBS, delivered in Sea - forth, fo • whieh Cah will be paid. Apply to . 219 THOMAS STEPFMNS. ARD OF THANKS. • 1 embers of the "St. Thonins hurch Ladies . Aid .'oeiety" t ke this, the earliest opportuuity of pahli ly thanknig the ladies and gentlemen who so kindJ., farniahe thenisie at their entertain- ment on the 8th in tant2=Also, the parties to whose kindness they were indebted for the piano, as well as the D •amatic 01 lb for the use of their scenery, and the limy othete who by their gaatuitous ser- vices contiibuted t the interest and ultimate suc- cess of the Convers tzione. 219-1 U A- titles • 1;xeter SCH eler8ignet wishes P. O., Fe OL WANTED. , who holds a Third-class Cal- m engagement in a school. •• JOHN WALROND. . 12, 1872. • 219-4* Ins lve AD AME t Act of 1869 'DMENTS THERETO.. In the nattor . of T0HN 'INC.+LIS, of Wroxeter, County of Hu on, Province of Ontario, . n Insolvents OTIC. isheyelly given, that the above named J.1 luso vent has d'eposited in my office a Deed of Composit 011 and Di charge purporting to be signed by a innatrity in' nirnbor of the Creditors of the said luso vent, rem esenting three-fourths in value of his lia ilities, subject to be, computed in ascer- .taining s ch proper ion, and if no opposition or objection to Said De1 of Composition sand Dis- 'charge b made to e, in writing, by a Creditor or Creditors within t •ec - juridical days after the List fawn ation of this notice, I, the Assignee, pre eeir to act pon said Deed of Composition and Disci urge ;mem ling to its terms and Sidd Act, EDWARD EVANS, .Assignee. Dated at, entreat, his 6th day of Folaruary, A. D. 1872. ' 219-2 • IS titch Time saves 9 01.1 ant to • et the best Family Sewing Mac e in the Province of Ontario, g0 to EORGE flT,LIN, Wroxeter, _ Who is Ag nt for the celebrated s JE3 0 13. 1\T M „ SEW.IN MACHINE. N. B.—Sewing-AI chine Needles of n,11 kinds,. always ke )t on hand for sale. Also, AGENT JQR E. R. SHOREY'S ROY• CANADIAN CLOTH S -WRING -ER: Office a Miss• u', Fashionable Dress-ninking Establishment, dire tly opposite the Post 'Office, Wroxeter. • • ' 219 Musical Instruction. ...... M Il - '17 .19, 14 1\T *Late of St. james' hen' a Wakefield, England, and O 4 -,,,,,11 know i to -the p .ople of Seaforth as Precentor of St. Th Inas' Cho • Senforth, respectfully an- nounces t( the bahtt dents of this town that he has eminence 1 giving Instructions in VC a ins runzental illusic. • • Mr. T. assures the people that the closest atten- tion will b paid to ;is pupils and no effort will be spared to impart thoronglpractical knowledge of music. Vocal Mils c,.. ..... .„6. 1 Instumental Music, $6. Apply rt the Mi sion Hotel, Seaforth, from 9 to 11 o'c ock, A. M. •219-s4* -AUCTION SAL OF FARM STOCK STAig-BOLTS WANTED. 77.7 - GREAT SUCCESS HAS ATTENDED , DENT'S CLEARING SALE OF DRY GOODS, . • And although he has sold a yard -within the last fear weeks, he has still a large stook of all kinds of DRY 0 001/8 still on liana, and in order still further to reduce his steck heswill continue his • GREAT CLEAJONG: SALE FOR JUST TWO WEEKS .LONGER. C011te while Bargains can be got. REMEMBER DENT'S CHEAP STORE, SEAFORTII. ONIMIasmonwer..ffonnqr.rs enrommumemomommimmialman. • THE SALE STILL CONTiNUES • AT T. KIM'S EMPORIUM. Special inducements in Grey Cottons IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS . AT ALL TIME& W. A. SHEARSON ,& Pxoptietors of the SEAFORTH LS.1 •.. Are now Mannfacisuringthe.best . RA3f1LY Y. PASTRY PLOqRS' the Dominion. Intending, pnrchiaaers Seaforth and Vicinity eon. rely uponsgetting earl -mil). toad Pastry Flours from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. • Itl, Strong, john James C. Laidlaw, • Milt, Thomas Mild. X. McGinnis, William Ault, • G. &H. Jackson, and W. Thompaon It'gmondvalle„ M . -et Souare, will receive prompt attention. •6 the Senforth 2fille. Orders left at our office, • 200 Pieces, at fifteen per cent. lower than can be pur- chased Wholesale now, owing to the advance in Cotton G-oods. S CURE THE ,BARGAINS, FOR/ THREE "WEEKS ONLY. CASH AND ONE PRICE, T. KIDD. Those indebted will please call and settle and oblige.—T. K. Seaforth, Jan. 31, 1872. Arminownmomeri 217 SEED FAIR. DO YOU THE Seed Fair, of the Tanikersmith B. A. S. will -L- be held on the Society's Ground, at Sefiforth, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th.February, 1872, when SOA/ETHING MOE? the following prizes will be offered, viz.: WANT To SEE • 1st. 2n1. 3M. Best 10 bush. el Spring Wheat, S',4 00 $3 00 $2 00 g 6 -rowed Barley, 2 00 1 50 1 00 2 -rowed Barley, 2 00 I 50 1 00 Large Oats, 2 00 1 50 1 00 Common Outs_ 2 00 1 50 1 00 Small Peas,.... 2 00 1 50 1 00 ./ • Large Peas,.... 2 00 1 50 1 00 i4 •Crown Peas,.... 2 00 1 50 1 00 Best 2 bushela of Timothy Seed, 2 00 1 00 LS Clover Seed, .. 2 00 1 00 Beat 3 besheIs of Early Potatoes 2 00 1 00 4 4 Late Potatoes, 2 00 1 00 • RIJLF.1S. 1st. All articles shown must be the sy,rolvth of .1871, and produced. on the Wan of the Exhibitor. 2ni1. No person will be entitled to more than ono prize for grain, seeds and roots of the aame kind. 3rd. The Society reserve the right to purehase • the prize grain, seeds and matte at 20 cents per bushel above the current market rates. ,4th. No person allowed to show or sell on- the ground without first becoming a -member of the Society. - 5511. No Exhibitor allowed to expose his name on the bags. . 6t1i. All articles for Exhibition to be on the ground by 10 o'clock, A.-31. • JAMES 13ROADF,00T, President. If. M. CHESNEY, Secretary. 219-2 4 4 It .FARMERS, REMEMBER THE 1101<3301=2,4 FLOURING AND GRISTING MILLS.' ISAAC B. SHANTZ paEGS to state to the Farmers of tleKillop and •ieurounding Townships that he has now pur- chased the above Mill, • and intends running it hereafter on his own account: . The Mill is now in excellent running orderaand able to turn out al- most any amount of werk. • GRISTING AND CHOPPING attended to proaaptly, and satisfaction guaranteed. Being hhuself a practical Miller and thoroughly understanding the busiuees, he claims that he can turn out flour which, for appearance or quality-, cannot be smpassed by any Mill in the Country. Flour exchanged for Wheat if desired. 218• ISAAC B. SHANTZ. Insolvent: Act of 1869 CANADA, 1•N the Comity Court of the - Province of Ontario s -L-County of Huron. County of Hurons '•) • .In the matter of • HISNRY C.A.RDIFF, an Insolvent. • The unaersigned has filed in the oflice of. this Court a deed of _composition and discharge eye- ented.by his creditors and on the twenty-seventh day of February next, 'he will apply to the JUdge ef the said Court for a confirmation. of the discharge thereby effeeted. • Dated at Dingle, this nineteenth' day of January, A. D. 18•72. •• HENRY CARDIFF, • by Benson. & Meyer, his Attorneys, 216 • ad litern. PAY UP AT ONCE. WILLIAM GRASSIE, • . saTsishsis is ae ters on credit, now wants cash to enable him to I therefore gives notice that I entry on his business through the Summer. He nutst be settled at onde, or else they .will be hued without further n.otice, and witheut respect to per - Having sold his -SN'inter's stock of Sleiglia and Cut - OVERDUE NOTES AND ACCOITNTS empty .threat,„but will positively be SEA_FORTII, carried out-, unless payment be made. Be warned in. time. A 'WILLIAM GRASSIE. Sertfortb. Tan. 22, 1872. 216 Implemients an Household Furniture. 1M-1-$. . BR= .has received instructions to sell b - Public A iction, on -Lot 23; 211d Con.. Tuckers= , Londoi Road Survey, on WEDNES- DAY, the qth of INL1 OH, at the hour of 11 oldock, it au., the following, valuable Property, via. : one mare, 9 yCi rs old.; o e mare, rising 8 years old, in foal; one utre eolt 3 years old, , rising -4 ; one horse (2640 year oll. rising2; one mare colt, 2' years old, ising 3 ; .o e horse colt, 8 years old, ri- sing 4; fear supericr milk cows, in calf; three heifer, 1 year old, ri.iiig 2; one steer, 1 Year old, rising 2; t 'ea smiler calves; a number of sheep, and. a num er of pigs a one lumber wagon; one set of harroivs1 nearly ne v; one plow, nearly new ; one set of harness; one ay rack, 'nearly new; one set of whippletreea ; h forks.; one large kitchen table; one cupboard; chairs; one sager kettle, and a lot of 'al icles too ninnerens to- mention. The whole of t i e above pi operty will be sold. without_ reserve, as the propri tor has sold his farm. . • TERMS —All awn • of $5 and under, Cash; over that nano it, Union ha' credit -will be given, on furnishing approved oint notes: it discount of 8 per cent. I be allos ed for cash, on all credit mounts. AL X. ICTINNEDY, PrePsistar. j. P. BR , Audio • eer. 219-2 ATP. L. • R. CORBY, of the "Farmer's Store," •LT-L-Senforth, is 'authorized to make contracts for any amount of STAVE AND HEADING BOLTS, To lie delivered et rny Stave Works, Seaforth, for which cash will be paid. 216-4s JOHN GEORG-E AM -ENT. . J T. WILKIE, SITRG.:EON DENTIST, May be consulted every MONDAY, at the . MANSION HO• USE SEAFORTH. 218 . FARM FOR SALE IN STANLEY One mile and it hall from Bayfield. 1.36 te147,,g):.deLltrettiMbIrn,and;satabboluet, eighty-five acres cleared, sixty free Isrio)rmingst wood first quality. Apply to Dr. Woons, 173A1)18, L. R/West t3tau1ey, Bayfield Post Ofdee.. 217 • TlIaillAS BELL, Main -street, Seaforth, Can show 3•011 something- worth looking at, in the • FURNITURE line. He haa just received a large quantity of • NEW FURNITURE ^ Uf every description, which, for PNESS, BE.4 UTy, and QUALITY • Is really worth going -to seq. Warerooms— Opposite Robertson's Hardware Store. •217 WHY ARE LAZARUS, MORRIS & • CO'S Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YO.ENG ON TRIAL FOR MURDER? Norren.—Any person se/sailing the sumo,: to the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, ST1,YFORTIC, within the next thirty days, will -re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new pattern Eye Glasses. _ 9 REMOVED. REMOVED M. ROBERTSON, • Cabinet-maker and •Undertaker, HAS REMOVED his ware -rooms to ' JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main -street, Seaforth, Where he has on hand 11, superior stock of Furni- ture of vcry description. CALL AINTD 'SEE. 111: UlT3ERTAKING. Having purchased Mr. Thomas Beira IiisARSE, I nm prepared to attend funerals on the shorteet notice, either i11 town or conntry., • Coffins, All Sizes, Kept constantly on hand. FELLOW'S HYPOPHOS_PHITES. A MONGST the diseases oval -come by tbe use of "4-3— Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, are Constipation, Asthma, Conaumption, Laryngit- is, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Chrolaic Bronchit- is, Chronic Dianhota, Melancholy. Debility result- ing froiu Typhoid and other low ievers, Diphtheritic Prostration, Hysteria, Hypoehi'aidria; Anienorrhom, Chlorosis, Lenconhava, Nervous Excita- bility, Marasmus or Wasting of the Ifuselea, Apho- nia, or Loss of Voice,Chorea, or St. Vitus'a Dance, • Sluggishness of the Live , Interrupted ana Feeble Action of the Heart, Su °eating Feelings caneed by mucous obstructions of the Lungs and Air Pas- sages leading thereto, and Debility from various causes, many casea of whieb appeared hopeless. Sold by Apothecaries. Price, $L50; Six for $7.50. JSCNI-FS 1. FELLOWS, Chemist, -St. Min, N. B. • Farmers desiring to eachanee theirwheat -•for Flour, at the Drill, • Mayalways aely -upon getting our beet Family or Pastry Floun in exchange, pi quantities according to the value Of their wheltt. I W A SIIHAB.SaN &z CO FLOUI T_TAVING purchased and thoroughlyrefitted the mills formerly owned by the IftsisTS.SCOBIE, I am no -w prepared to iurniah FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE' IN SEAFORTIT, Ana. that, win Compare favorably -with, any it the Do - If you -want A 1 1131401C It, g• to the followhig Dealers_ and ask for MARS VS--Itemember MARSHALL'S FLOUR: - W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, j. WHITEST DE, SIMON POWELL, • 1-0IiN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S MisilS, Orders left with W. S. ROBE nox -win be promptly attended to. Parties who wish to .Exchlinge Wheat for Flour, Are tertain to receive proper %mut ty, and= arti- cle that will defy competition. W. MAR HALL. 1M-tf NOTICE. J. W. FITLLE (YOMIL'iLLY OP CLINT IVELL kUOVITII to the beople o " surrounding' countu as LANDSCAPE 'ARTIST, wishes • people of Seaforth that he has co )1eas in the PORTRAIT • First door West of Mr. Lumsden My long experience in the art en entire aettsfaction to all Who may f trial. The latest style of Pictures e Children taken from 14j'a. BRING THEk AL • Young persons wishing to learn t well to com(3 to site, as I tam give .rienee of over eleven yeas. 217 j. W. FULL • TON, Seaforth itzla Domixami to• notify the mood, Busi- LINE Drug Store.' Wes me to give vor me with a. in be obtained. NG. e art wonld do em any expe- RTON. * Seaforth. PRO BONO PUBLI WATCHES, Sz, JEN ELRY 111. R. CQUNTE just lreceived a very choice arid sUperior stook of jewehat of evei-ar des° Station. ; also, Clocks, 3/Vatches and Musical Ins rumente. A very choice lot of Violins, also TR lin tStringa lix endless variety. -Every descriptio f Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and wa anted. to give satisfection. It is needless to say n ore, as Coun- ter is "well enough known in Coe ty of Huron. EXECUTORS' NO ICE. voTIGE is hereby given. to ;III arte� having elaiins against the estate of the 1; te WILLIAM ELDER, the elder, in hie lifetime of he Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, ust send in the same to the undersigned, proper y attested, on. or befoie the Arat day tlf March, 187' All claims presented after that slate will receive no attention, as the ;Lilian; of the estate must be finally WOund up ea' that date. • J.A3rES .1I.9.Y, ALEX. Mc REN, • Executors- • Tuckersinith, Jam. I?, 1872. • 215 -td - Fellows' Sy up. GREAT SHOSHONEE'S BE EDY. ALLEN'S LUNG-. B LSAMI CLARK'S FEMALE PILLS. ANTI -CONSUMPTIVE SYRUP. A FRESH st,Tra, Of the above Celebrated Patent AT dieines RECF.IVED. R. LUMS CORNER DREG STORE, sEsron IL ALRO, SHRFSONS CELEBRATED "SPICE," Vox- Fattening Cattle. ForSale, Wholesale and Retail.