HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-02, Page 7orth Poutativ' dr CARTER Id. dem to call attention to their greedy improved S ER & SEPARATOR Wilkie is able to compete with any other Machine in Canada. Among it many advantages, we call at- tention to the followiag—the way the --Ca-linder`is constructed—it requires, less ' power and is capable 0f9 PREMIUM MORE AND CLEANER • '11fAN ANT OTHr.R.. The great complaint among Threshers always_ was, that they could thresh more than they could clean, our improved drum el -es -away with all these complaints ;it so- constru:Aed as te replete the wind F-ete keep the riddles from choking, without blearing aaer grain over. We have also 'improved our Mills to prevent the grain •,goirie over with the straw. a We would invite Farmers and Thresh.-- ers, generally,. to give us a call, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing else- ' alere ; we can sell as cheap as any other' -Eatablishment, - None but the best Material used, and the - very best workmen employed. The Machines we sold laat year enable us to say that they gave better satisfac- etion than .any other ever sold in this, eounty. PITT'S. HORSE POWER !, kept on hand at all times.. We would also desire to direct the attention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES! AN, Inch are capalyle of =sawing from forty to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters,. Cultivators, ScuMers. 'Wooden and Iron- ' beam Ploughs* SeraperEr„ Kettles, Sce., idi of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and will be sold as cheap as at any 1, ot.Wr Establishment in the Province., 1 REPAIRING AND CASTING 9.1" EvRRY DESCRIPTION, Done on the shortest notice a,nd most reasonable terms. ZAPPE & CARTER. ; -aciRING PR ospg cTs ICU AN AB-UNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather mints both farmer and mechanic in king timely prepara.tions for the corn- ,. harvest. HOMSON el: WiLIJAMS While t4ansking their patrons or the lib- .i-ztI enceuragement accorded t , era in, the ,-:i.st, wouid wrditilly invite the atten- Farmers to their choice assortment of gal -vesting Machines for 1S7-1,- Our ' f Ottia Combined ifacItiiie, s.-ith -:fohnson's improved Se1f--1:ake, has. -iven complete satisfaction for the past years, and is now offered to the. hublie with the. .stranst rgiairantee- for atrzthility and perfeetcwork°. .77/e Cap., get ("Thief, Jr., ffower, (Citich has gained for itself a. worId-wide _ putation 1s again offered as the most turable, handy and best working -..N, lower. ?„nown, being conkractul in the body of lie machine entirely of iron and steel, .4ul with it We. defy competition. a,Arotfer the jolt i tiSoWS" Selatakitly .Slityle .1.6v pqr, lei: took first and secand prizes atPro- u.. ti Exhibition, 1670, 'This reaper is- :emiowletiged to he superior to any other ?attern now' in use, as -it elites perfectly, _ ;ekes up lodeed ar titngied grain bettet tu any ()tiler rake et reel mac). ine., anil Itt‘i, etinally Well fecnn:uttiter sit1e of the • iCel Whoi wind is Allele -frontany di- , di 11 can 1q.: roised or lowered When in lweit,./ and is -very thimble. ' ! kVe invite inspeetion of our machines, :ind moth; of manufacturing by prir- ;,-o Li :,,. it.re ::iVitig (ird.ers eisem here. :o;itrantee sittisfitetion in every ma- illint , or 110- Sale. TEMIS EASY. !w a:Ticnitiirtli,t.s of Perth and euutie, will. not (we b(.li.evt.) he 1,1tad to their (AYH interests as to Ort:ct, t,1 slums niorre than e:L„-tt, there itrt.t h. /I/ -their 111,e1y machines, etotal to any of 76.0. 111 the. Pio'inee' i 1I and see U. -sena 111 Yaur orders, 44 tir dI. Li with our aG4its,. as in C:LSe %. 011 11 j1gt..'t a perfect ma- r. auLL on die ..,:une tcruis as your (Jur of businesi. p,rit:es being estaffii,hed, and iuii Id utitokinkts Ut lipit cuts eon- . gan',.iy hand. N.1.4 all kiatls uf NULL "Woll`K done !I eiach & WILLI IMITCHELA, Ontario - FEB. 21 1872. .The Political Revolution ixt. Japan. correapondent of the Spring- Repub/ican, writing from 'Yokohama, •Japan, says of the political revolution in progress ithere : The most remarkable thing about :the whole movement • is that the :greatest and . most infitiOnti Daimies are the leaders in it, 4iniet1y acquiesce in his Majest . policy. No inteligence Of any vi lent opposition to it hits been hear ,of as yet, exeept in one instance, :11, place called Fukiyama, in Geishe where thepeople took up arms prevent their former master fro ,repairing to Toklel with his fami as ordered by the Mikado. Th insurrection, however, has been, will be, promptly suppressed. took centuries to destroy the pow of the feudal barons in Europe, b Japan has done it ,in this year grace, a cov d'etaicertainly,werth . to be mentioned in the categor* :signal event § that have occurred 1871. The yearbook i should n •orait to notice this great,- but peac ful and most beneficial revoiutio Ileneforth the two-swor,ded, o :sawiliTip class mustworkor starv They'have Ven an idle incubus o the nation too long. They ate th bread of the country, but added no thing to its resources except ;greedy horde of office -seekers an tyrannical oppressors of their lower born fellow , -countrymen. - New the revert to the ranks, and must tur -farmers, merchants Or mechanics, o be content to become paupers. The Mikado_no longer keeps him self secluded from the eyes - of Lis -subject, but drives out in his co_lch and four, with a mounted guard pre (ceding it, and no One is -obliged i tow- down before him as he passes 'When one remembers that it is no -fiVe years since- even the Governor - 1 • la! Yokohama, when he rode into ' town. from ' his residence in. the suburbs, had criers going before his .cortege,- ordering the people. to be down upon theft haunches to do him reverence, this change appears most striking. , The Minister of Education' is at- teMpting a thorough remodeling of the Yeddo college, as it is some, times called4 dismissing all the na- tive teachei,s, andl\reducing 'the number of pupils fi-can about 1,100 to say 500 in all,. who are to be ad- initted or readmitted on examina- tion as to their attainments_ and capacity to learn. _ Hereafter only , foreign instructors' are to be em- ployed in. the schoO),- aid eventually none but professors. of' ' the ,several -branches-of science.will,be retained. The intention is to oraanizo the in- • 'titutiou after the °fashion of a European university-, as fast as the advancement of.- the 'students will admit of it. - Another most proinis- ing fact deserves to be mentioned in this connection. I refer to the .awakening desire -on- the part of people of all classes in this vicinity for female education. A -.Vermont lady has a girls' schepol in this place, which was opened -Ion the 1st of September last, exclusively for girls, and it numbers seventeen pupils now. A wealthy native , merchant -at this pert has offered.- to build!, '-`a school -house for the purpose of furnishing a School for the people of all classes, and has receiyed. the per:- •a -mission of the government to do so. I am imfornied that a Buddhist temple at Kanagawk on the opeo- :site side of the bay, has been tem- porarily taken for the purpose. This. is also to be a school for Eng- lish studies. The government sohpoi at thi\s place has about seventy- ve pupils in it, .and a new building da -soon to be erected for its accoin mod- ation. The pupils,in this school are from all parte of the country. These _ the desire for knowledge had spr ad facts serve to show how exterisi ely in, the country, and are a good sign. of pi ogress and improvement. The orders of nobility are not. henceforth to be, of course, the sources from which the officers of government are to be selected, but they are to be sought among the ranks wad wherever evidences Of 'fitness by rea..son of intellectual ca- pacity,and attainments are found in greatest measure. This is the true Republican idea, though often, un- fortunately, not carried into practice as it ought to ' be. Pupils 'some- times grow " wieer . than theit teac:lers are," arid the Sapanesemaay ye& be an exemplification of it _ Family Prebautiqn., We hear a good story of a man who went' to see a friend. The family conthsteclf,of tbe.husband, his wife and twol grown sons. The good old lady was the only one of the family who did not take a little of the ".0 be joyful." Sitting by. the fireside a fewt minutes the . old man tipped him -a wink, and the visitor followed him out. Stopping by a tree, he pulled out a long - necked bottle, remarking, " Lhave to keep it hid, for the boys might .get to drinkine-, and the old woman would raise the deuce." They took :a dunk, returning to the fireside. ,Sooli Toth, the elder son, asked the al or y's o - tit r, at or It er ut of of in ot 11. e. a • ',hater. out to see him to the barnip remarking, "1 h hid,' for the .old -drunk, andthe deu they both took a dr Soon Bob steppeci. toes and walked- o lowing. As .they pen, Bob drew out tle, rematking; " man -and Tom will have to hide this." eluded that]' coul drink 'donfidtmtly three, and started f Tattooed from THE URO' EXPOStTOR. cOlt, and taking out,, aflask, ve W.:keep' this an ivouldget e is to pt.7,!' and k and rettLrnoi on the visit.t. • the visitor foil-- eached pike.' pig - good sized botr ou know the old et drunk, and I The visitor don - not stand it to ith the hole e home. ead tosPlot. The Briti8h _Medi ,1•Journal says there is now exhibi mg in medical _circles in ViennIt a remarkable in- stance of 'tattooing of the whole body. According o his own l ac- count, the Man, a reek by birth, had been a pirate, a d had also car- ried on .brigandage on the Contin- ,ent. Seven years go, he and five 'companions were aken prisoners . by onetif the wild tribes of Asia. 'Three of them well) put .to death, but this man, with t o othersrl were preset ved alive and literally tattooed over the entire body. • • The opera- tion lasted two months, and Was performed by six me who each play • operated on differen parts of ithe body. The proceedi g caused rnr- rible pan; and his V70 companions did under the treat ent.- His bi)dy is coveted from hea to foot with delineationa of me , animals and fabulous, things. T e coloring, ma- terial used for the gures appears tb be indigo, the around, especially, on the chest and bdomen, be;ng vermillion; here, ant there, about a line's brea‘lth. of the a ormal color of the skin can been se n. The hands and the soles of the eet are colored, but have no figures. -On the face and neck are inicript ons in charact- ers resembling °Ara tic. The skin has the gen-ral ap-fearance, to ithe sight and touph, of luiih-gray Vel- vet, He attends tilt- General Hos- pital in Vienna, nd Professor 'Hebra, who showed im to his class a few days agla has. ad him pheto- *graphed in -various a i titudes. 1 Thk) inv'entor' i.)ream. The story comes • fm an authen- tic source -that Mr. 1, att, of Bris ol, a pluMber by trade, was. led b: a dream to the inventicin which made his fortane. In his --ay gunpowder e assistance of had been brought to t the forester and hu had been on troubl leaden bullets ; but ter, and there in moulding he production shot for the capture of small game . , was tedious and, cost y. :Watt had given m ucla 'attention to the ubject, eary hours in tless effort at Lt. 4.t length problem. ;' He a man upon a adle of melted and had spent many • . perplexing but fru 'study and, experime a dream solved the dreamed thet he saw high tower with a lead in one hand and a sieve in the otherr-th e lead was sive, to which the- o vibratory motion, an in small drops, like r tom of the tower, W ceive.d in a tank of the man descended, leaden drops from the tank. The, dreamer saw that they 'had Ueen solidified by the coollLess of the air through whick they had' fallen, and that most of theni were of the pro- p er shape, but not all. Some had not quite cooled, and Ii4.ad become flattened by contact with the water, while others had cooled out of shape. go at the: tedi- g out -the good He took the top of at in- ered them all to roll (hewn.. Thos which were perfectly apherkal, rolled directly in: to a receptacle att the bottom, while shapen wrig- and thus a tion was af- eured into the .rator gave a the metal fell in, to the bot - ere it was re, water. 'Then and took •the •But the man.'"did not- ous operation of picki shot with his fingers. whole -of them to the alined plane and-sufl those which' were mi gled off at the sides sure and speedy separ fected. -Upon this hint Watt went at once to work anew11,. and the pat- ent was evolved from his dream made him wealthy, a1s he had little else to do than to follow to the let- ter -the manipulations lof his tnysti6 teacher. es. • E - Say. The following comp sition, by an advanced: five-year-old pupil in one. of the public schools, is sent by, a correspondent: A. doAT. A goat is stronger teen a pig he looks at you and so d es the doctor, 'but.a gote.has fore legs, a boy with - °ilia father is an orph,an and if he aint got a mother be s two orphan. The goat does not give so much milk as the cow but . nliore than an ox: I saw an ox to die fair one clay with a card tiedonhi ;left Etili, and 1 we all went in on the amily ticket. Mother picks geese i the sumer. . nn A goat eats, grass and jumps on .a box sbme folks/ don't l'ke goats but ule with a F t. animal and. to dollars and go to the the Elephant :which five goats. -Father is and th0 baby has got t I circuS to see is biger than oming home e crupe. TTY JANE. 0.a a' =1 CC SCOTCI COLLAR. A choice assortment of light andheavy harness, whips, bells, horse cl � thing, etc., kept constantly -on hand. ! Repairing promptly atten ed td, e.nd charges moderate.' Reinerub r the , -)lace sign of the Scotch Collar, i fain E-,.treet, Seaforth. 163tf .W. H. ILIVEJ. , HUR MAI STRE T_TAS 'ON FUND a s GR CERIES, em brands, ugars,.Raisins Glasswa e and every ot a first-dal3 Grocery Sto ruoir Such as Flour, etc., perior atm - of 1.2 racing Te s of ti etc. Also, Crocke or artiele u ually Oat and orn-meal, also, eve .y descripti .11? Such as Oats, ens, Bra will be le ld cheap otatees u of EP, and Short , r than the c F RIM 11.0DII The highest m''tu'ket price paid fo Farm Produce. Remember the place,Main stre opp6site Coventry's Boot and Shoe 213 all of oapest AIILY e best ry and apt in Pork, which E. 1 all kinds t, East side, tore, Setif milt. 'M. ATITLT. of VIOLE as for me eii're me a the goat is a eisefu smells as sweet as bar oil for the hair., if I had to much, hair .1would wear a wig as old aptain Peters- dose.1I will sell my goat for three , CH INK. SEATTER, NGE BROKER, cl dealer in Pure CS CH MICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PE'P.Fc NCYA D T'LETARTICLES (rent fo4 Se4in Slachines. Money 1‘ ncl on e1sy te s. or a geod make use thp S R N A' V Y See T. ‘iSE B. #..)n Each 'Plug. PricO so Low that all can use it CAUTION. Tito Brand ;" MYtiTill NAVY I' J registeafrin rty ingeMent on it will be proseotitct The name TUCICETT &13nximis Is on each add, and T. & B.on each Plug. 216-18* Hamilton, January 15, 1672. A GOLDEN SELLING 00 0 PORT -UNITY ! AT DE T SI To urnhis Itutnease 81 G.,.DE T WILL BE On. FRIDAY, When GoOds will be sol ,whole stock must Sale to .continue as long A rare chance for Ba REMEMBER DENT'S C of Dry Goods into Money. I A SWEEPING SALE 1 th JANUARY, regardless of value, as the be cleared 6ut at once. s Goods last. ms, D9n't let it pass.. . I - AP STORE, SEAFORTIL New Grocery, noir, Feed, and Seed Et 0 T HE Subscribers are noW pening out a choice Stock 1 of FAMILY GROCERES, FLOUR, FEED, -etc.-, in the Store formerly occupiea by the Montreal Telegraph Comiany. TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS, ETC., OF TAE EST BRANDS. Flour, Graham do., Buck h at do., orp. and Oat -meal, Peas, Oats, etc., etc., k pt Constantly on hand. As we- intend making SEEDS a pe iality, Farmers and Gardeners will -find it to their advantige to give us a call. ' .THE CASH' SYSTEM AND ON P1RICE STRICTLY ADIIRRED TO. Goods delivered in any pa4t oi the village, free of charge. -N. B.—The highest Market Price,pai,id, in Cash, for all kinds of Produce. - Remember tlie Stand, old Telegraph Office, one door South of • the Black Bear. - 215 sT.Roir & FAIRLEY. 1111411•1141111111111r1111.1•1111,1=111 STOP A10 READ! And by so doing you'willascertain- that you can purchak every description of • BOOTS AXD SHOES At, Prices that defy CoraiDetition. To know this to be facts, we would ativiSe our numerous customers to call early and examine our stock. We keep constantly on hand every description of CUSTOM WORK, made in the latest style anel by first-class workmen. All may call and be cQnvincec that SPIJRR -SO'S BOOT AND HOE STORE is the spot which the public has long been looking for and has come to light at last Strict attention paid to repairs. Remember the spot, in GRIFFITH' DAVIES' Old Stand, two doors South of the P,Ost Office, i-yIain st., Seaforth. - SPURR & SON. , N. B.—No advance put on goads on account of the rise on stock, 215 ' CLEARING SALE To make room for Swing Goods. LEE & S1V T Eitt • WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF THEIR. WINTER S AT OOST .' PureWines nd. Liquers for medi- MAINSTREET, SEAFQRTH. cin lpurposes. - J. SE.A.TTER, e eaforth, Nov. 3, 1870, 59-tf. FLU FLOUR. HAVING purchased and. thoroughly refitted the mills formerly owned by the Messrs. SCOBIE,. I =now preptireci. to Sunlit& FAMILY 'FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTH, And that will Compare favorably with any in the Do- minion,- you want A 1 IFIADVIE, go te the following Dealers and ask for MARSHATZ7S—Itenaentber MARSHALL'S FLOUR W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGg, Or at W. MeinallA1,12S Orders left with W. S. ROBERTSON' 'will be promptly attended to. Parties who "wish to Exehange Wheat for Flour, Ail certain toreceive proper emmtity, and anarti- elethat will defy competidon. - W. MARSHALL. 186-tf 1A/IPORTANT TO HOUSEKEET)EpS. QOOD FLOOR 1 AT ALL TIMV.S. W. A. SHEARSON & Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS Are now Manufacturing -the best _FAMILY PASTRY RIO UR In the Dominion. 1.3 tending pu.rehasere in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon getting our Family and Pastry Flours froxi the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos..Lee, A - Al. Strong, John Wash, James a LaidlAler... Ault, Thomas Kidd. J. McGinnis, William Ault,0. H. Jackson, Egmondville, and at the Seaford'. Mils. Orders left at our 'Alice, Market &mare, will re ve prompt attention. Pamers desiring to exchange theirWheat for Flour, at the Mill, Ma always rely upon getting our best Family or Pas Flour ht exchange, in quantities according to tiio value of their wheat. W. AI. ISHE.AB.SON -& CO. tf. 'BUSINESS CHANGE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP., ;24;e:Ak: IHhIIi Riga W. DOHERTY Beg to announce that he will continue the I rA.1,- nese of the late firm of Depew & Doherty (Mr. De - pew •erneving to the city of Loudon to extend his business operations,) and while that:Wig Mr the past patronage, he hopes by increasing his stock and Meeting the wants of his customert and the the st year of the business, eau, was sad over a. L. Publ c in every possible way, to do in 1872 a =eh larg r business than last year in which, although 1100 PIANOS:AND MELODEONS I At a cost of Twenty Thousand Dollars. . The -y present stock. must be sold 'tiepin -0101 -to heaver Importations in the Spring, tio -come now if you -want Bargains. CLINTON MUSIC EMPORIUM Is the spot for all kinds a MUSICAL INSTRUMEXTS 'I Of the best makers. ' ton, :Tan, 3, 1872. , .2.15 TICKETS FOR EUROPE. R. JOHN SEATTER has lieen ap- pointed Agent at Seafoith, for the INMAN LINE OF STEAMERS. Parties contemplating visiting any part of Europe can be supplied with Tickets and all necessary information by. apply- ing to JOHN SEATTER. Druggist, etc, THE FIRST -PRIZE- ITHCFR6VFD 1 BERICSILIRE ROAR. ; • ILL :' subscriber will keep for service, at his pro- .1'ises Lot 4, Con. 2, Stanley, two miles from. i Rip la, tied weillinc.wn improved Berkshire Boar wide took the 18t Prize at the two County Shows : also, it tb.ree Township Shows, all in 1671. The subscriber has also purchased a young improved Berkshire. Boar, six months old, at the Western Fair, London, -which he will. also keep for fmrviee. Terms, $1 for each sow, to be pard at the time of serviee, with the privilege of returning as often as necesSmy within. twelve weeks front time of first service. 7, is. • WILLIAM -BLAIR, Tr. -2U5 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. (1 CARTWRIGHT. L. D. 8„ Surgeon Dentiit, \--'• extracts teeth without pain by the use of the us i Nitro -Oxide Gas. 4MIC-e—oVer the Fountain of ' Fashion, Mr. Powter's store, on the Market Square. ... 1 Attendance in Settforth„ at linox's Hotel the fir' 1 Tuesday and Wednesday of eatb month; in Clinton, at the Cminnereial Hotel, on the following Thum - i days and Fridays. The remainder of the, tire° at , his Stratford office. i Partici" reqtgring new teeth are requested to -ea% if at Seaferth and Clinton, on tne first tilers of at - 1 ' tendanee. ; • Over 54.000 palente have had teetb extntetei 1)y the use of the Use. ut Dr, Coultons offis ceNew , ,2tg,, 1 York,