HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-02, Page 6The Street of Moscow. population is °iv n tw ;Lncr : .A.-pietureaque view of the strieet in he follo sketch Neither cathedral not blamer nor. hospital has more chute= for -the stranger than the ontidoot We of diet -city. The streets -are of ' varying width; crooked, paved. 'with sharp, flinty stones, a ings of every st Ofturches, palac VIlow whitewas hued with build - le of architecture. and the pink or d cetteges Of peas - anti are jumbled together, and from whetever :point You. look some pic- ttitesete grOup of domes,.andtowers slelights the eye, or perchance down the vista you Catch A glimpse of the ,Kr011in wall. Thoughthese; aven- ues pours the varied popel'ation. Princes pass in their swift.carriages, and perhayi th a Metropolitan, -hid- den:in his Stately cotieh . cloven by sleek blaok hors ei of noble breed; merchants dash by inttheir droskies' ,--men, it mak be, of enormous wealth, and whose . transactions are nal?. with Pitris and :now, with Pekin ; drays and. eouutry carts luniber along, driven by peasants. with Vide trousees tucked into high boots, or tied with a stringa-•their ifeet incased In shoes Made of ,plaited 'reeds or- strips of lime -tree • bark -.---a blouse -like shirt of pink ,caiico (why, with their florid fitoese =they should choose pink, I cannot tunderstand) over the tronsers„ cen- ifined. at the Nit aist by 4 sash or a belt of leather, and above this, 'unless in twat .of uoort, :a wrapper -of sheep- skin reaching below the knees- -while often there is no covering fol. the head but the L yellow, matted hair, bound with a fillet ancl failing lont on the shoulders as the full beard falli on the breast. In the open spaees stand the coachmen _with their vehicles waiting to. be hired -dressed inlow, broad -crown- -ed black hats; long craftans of chri Cloth fitting close about the -neck • lent,eitheut a cellar, padded at the lips, double in front and fastened theoleft arm with site metal Ws. tons ;, while their, thick white es. when 'lain use, lire secul-ed theBy thumbs to. their girdles; Men- cartt About buckEits -with salted c6uMbers, selling them _one by one, to the peaxent crowd., as a relise for their 'black bread, which they eat as they go. \At the 'lurch- -es. and the street shrines of the • Virgin, passers-by make the sign of the cioss and even prostrate them- selves intheir reverence: Nurses ..appear clad in the Russian national -costtune-- a... white under garment, • rather low in the neck, with foil, short sleeves ; darkskirt kathered into a band just above the bosom and suspended by straps over the shoulders-, and a belt about the 'waist from :which depends a long" white apron. Earrings and a necklace Of • betide areevOri, and on the head a -high, turban -like cap of some bright color: Tins - striking, but rather formless lett-ire, seems now to be given (WO to nurses, and court la- dies for. ftate ;occasions, when the did not take it • Inquiries among the country people developed a coin - mon belief -among them that the whose business ib as to milk cos were seldoru afflicted. With the di eater; and ' further investigatio moved that inoculation did not tak6 effect in those who had accidentall taken the "cow -pox." Jenner fo lowed upthe idea thus suggested b experiments; but his belief tha vaccination -from the cow in th first place, and then from one pergola to another ---would protect, against the small -pox, was iidictiled as an absurdity for sixteen -.years. He persevered, however, and in 17'96 ' vaccinatel, a boy eight years old with matter taken from a milk- maid's had de The child recovered ti satisfacte ily, and was immediately inoculateifor small -pox, but with- out the slightest effect. Jenner's discovery theu became widely known and practOed. 1 Although -medical i opinions vary somewhat, in regard -t this subject, it is pretty generally greed that if •the protection afforded by vaccine - tion' is notperfect, it is superienet ' any otherknown;' that althoug theoperation; once performed, often fails' to afford complete security, ye it generaIly modifies the disease, renderinglit comparatively mild and safe ; andl many physicians are of opinion t et if the virus is thorongh- .' ly inserted until it ceae.es to affect the .system, the person is protected fo7*4 time as effectually as he would be by an attack of small -pox. --se •-se- ' How the, Jews Aegarci Christ Of Chri t the Jews have -ne uni- form opinion. The Radicals regard him very inucli as a good many De- ists anertsitheists hay done before - them -that ' is, • they believe Alin). either„to. have been fy great% reform- er or a religious enthuSiast; and the , New :Test input .theyi suppoSe to have •bee written long after his. death, and to have be -en made up in part of ma erlal taken !from the Old Testament, the Maxim "love thy neighber as thyself," beiug consid- - ered as an illustration, of this. In feet, .whatever opinions they may have .on t1ns subject; they have fermee by thinking for themselves over the w -itings of the great skep- tics, just as, many others have done who are ndt Jews ; and this is the ease ai Well with the most advanced of the Cousernitives, ia.s no doubt also' with puny of the hest advanc- d of the Orthodox. Of the last, howev-pr, a -eery Considerable mejori- ty havetexpended no thought whet - ever on.',the matter. Their notions about Christ are of theyaguest, and to 8orae he is even veiled in mystery. j„ What they know most iclearly is his fate, and he persecution. of .them- selves and their ancestors On account of it. They have a very pecnliar -name for him. • It it not often they have occasion .to alludeto Min ; but , when they 'do they call him to tai - the hangedone. He is rarely the stiject of conversation among them ; it would b a distasteful topic and i 1ead-dre4 blazes With jewels. Mer- they Word I -have no motive • for chants' derks, %viten not busy, may bringing it up. There is, as 1 have be seen sitting in., the sluip d3orssaid, no Usiiform sentiment enter-- . , playing chess or dominoes" and per,' tamed in. pgard to Mee ; but one . . haps liolding a pet ctet the while. thing nuty nevertheless be sgely as- Jebads 94 bitch wood g4 by, geld at„ sorted of the whole race : All ex - twenty rut:1,es a eord--2-a. large sum pectatioh tliiiit they will ever . come for -the peasants ; IAA, a' little wood . to regi-ird 'Men as anything but a Wall lasts them long, as their'brick Ovens, and -81. Son olf.,nean is based on desire are -not alloweel to cool and air is "only. ----`117/4 dews : .What they are - excluded. &slates ca onscious nd Conzi lig fl411 in, Jannary Caicay. . . unbending in thew uniforms aye ;d- waye in view, and the dark face s of Canadian -Poets. the (4Ypsies, Tartar•si Persians, :and. The follewmg 18 fitken from a . . Jews are a pleasint relief after the S1711°1)81-8 (-)2' 1.4.- Daniel Cie]. k's fair monotony of the average Russiel lew-alre on " °emu -lieu Poets and o ans.- Why is it tli;Zt the men. of ill e .1 .-'oet1 37 :" • . Slavonic familv aee so -much comeliel ' " Tlin lecturer divided the Caned- er then the Wainen ? TT;tildSOnli; : inn fwets ii 0 two classes, the great - Men. abotind, ttud doubtless there ,i. or ;-idift the esser.. Among the less - are loveli-, graceful women here,Pr poets.weve included he names...of .but tlsey_ arerarely -visible in a ureh, ::J°1111- ite"" of : 21101 treal) i1is or street, oiebazaar. t saw wily 0116. .,-211661ip, Charlee. Mai and Evan or two- Whte could be called bieueti- [ i‘lcOoll, :while to but ti ree did he. fill, but they SlIOW0d the posibili- !, give the appal tioil of g settee poets. ties. of elle raee--deinty- erf•Anres. , The fil'St ot .. these, elfltries Heavy- Nvitlolse lily complez-zion, Noe creR,- 8ego,' is as 'yet little. 141QWn to the ,I ;and blonde hair, which. we aseethe 1 general public, and who ten yeais to angels,; the tSpe7perbao, e of the ' ago Luigi t have been seen, quiet and 11 . . AllaStil :.'iit!i and Ns -tidies 'whom the 1 reticent, covered with dust and toil, :early Ozars 'hoe out of :1,11 the land ! wurking in `-'1'`-'• 61'n'unl. TrUilk Sh°18 ..to Share their blirone. • The tesmee at Montrced One of his tragedies hee been e id liv -TelilI1VS011 end of ehe lowei clasece, -with their „ ti res, andt);.tie • and eyes a.Ild _skin .df enuch the satue hue, have ordin- ariIv nothing but ail 110! «r good- netered expression to redeem theit• - rou11.1 fa ef'S from -positive ugliness. -.They wear loose boots, short NkirE.S, :long .4;:zeglte8 Of WZIatiked 010E11 or sheep,,kin, tie zt. handker6hief ' over their heads, and at a little ; Losigfifflov• o be equal to any writ- e fr, 81.11:Cti *the' tame of bliakespeate.. Ills special inalities consists in plc- turing` the desir OS end the passions-- the workings of the inindewhile the next,. Charles' Sangster of the Post Department at Ottawa, excels the port -eyed Slid. description of tho lestutiee ot nature. The third, tame i)ols. indeli incli 111 1t °I: L'`triaCia)1/ A " 11 3 te- r, 1 VO CM! 11 ardl V tell whether you are ';1-14c1]li1, 11'6' llat t1)(3- 111'6'4 of gazing 1 t 1 iz at. fiSstngste,e, ncnthe powe • of Eteavy- Beun, tege, yet he can touch the heart and j rouse the feelings by Os beautiful , itTenTh-u-L: and Vaccinatien. lys..ie i)Oetr3;.)) • 1-aecinikeiou now so general iy pra.c.tieed -A-c. a protection against: a.' 'Insolvent Act of 186 triroll disrowei•ed A-Nli;A:31KX1);NIENT8 '1'11E1E10. 3uO. JVLocign. It f:V1101.15 to the 'year 17.1)6 111W...il1a1ion was, the only method of diminishing the, danger ix-aye:du:it.; to silt Ill -pox • for It was belieykl that all rnitst li theein .Nna V'. -Dr. Ed:, Wa.rd jenner, in itroAfailating his pa- tieuts'forsmall-pox, found that Many' I. 11 In the master of ,T0,1IN of Wroxet. r, Co.n„t: of I nron. •,..nro%ince or oianrip. .1; Itt, ,11. ' ,EDWART) .1...en appointed •-•-•; sigte,e ,111 taut matta-r. -anal Creditors • tioeSted 0 file- thitir elainys itelt..r. lee s ;thin onu- mouth.. :\...toutrettl. 6th iftinuary, 187f„?.. IA.i•Sigi get'. ‘4 ( i 1 n i , . • EGf GROC •WM ONDVILLE RY STORE. THOMSON, (Late of .Seaforth,) , TTAS reeeived a fresh eattpply of Choice Family Groceries, of every deSeription, eniabraeing very Fine -flavored Teas, of variants varieties. Also, Sugars, Coffees, Spices Fish, TOBACCOES, Ebonite and every other =tide in tit Grocery line, allot which he *IL sell at prices am low am can be had at Seatortli or in an House in the Coturty. BUTTER A D EGGS token in exehange r goodie as cash. FLOUR A D FEED of every description, kept onetantly on hand, in- cluding Shearson tn.Co.'s No. 1: A call is reapeettaily soli ited. • WM. THOMSON. 'REMEMBER TIIX BRICK STORE, • EG4ONDVILLE, . LOANS OLD PIRTICULAR NoTICE. JOHN LOCAN Has a Lt of SHAWL, MANTLES, -ANDI- 1.:11=LS CI -00138 • Whieh he is lions t Sell Off, at Cost, Or any • YES, BELOW.COST, senable p 'that a customer 11111:f offe Th fore, LaRue you will pleaee call at the nchester House MAIN STREET, Soon, and Seaforth..lnly gat your p elc a e allsot.. 25, 871. goods bbfore the: , . • . -190 SHROUD .. CAllINET r . Main atr whiti h u • M. ROI mA • .3.0111186 - et, Seafort as 81--ir can forth 4 - go , ' ! SHROUDS ! - • • a good i they cnn be • i ERTSON. R AND, Old has o'rtinen . oT3-13s •h tAiettiker elsewhere. UNDERTAKER, Stand, . pow on hand t of , 'than ' A LL A -L-L, all ate ed in pro 10th da,y be placed must be GRA} will be..t the high t aloe. Ainley .ill., NOT1 TO 'COUNTS ,f ounts and nous yeara of Januar) in Court f , °maul; a ` of all k kenin pap.; at market irice, Dec. 6, EB the e °tea on mast be , 1872. n.. colle once. ids, t ant of up: 1871. • E 'ORS. nrrent year - and else other debts c.ontract- 'paid on Or before tbe [ Otherwise -they will tion, as my business orki Thittcr, &c.ri 10.011 fl or notes at. to the above -stilled , JOHN LECKIE.' . pAral DEL EverY we Novell; MIL ...S wishin ERE") A IN k -day ;nor e • • )er 16;1871. MILK. hare it Road. 206 'KW, .".1 THEI .1.',11.`01 ang fro; 301 LK can RESIDENCES, TI r, ' a daps. IN 1:TADKIRX, :North "ci'. ..tii'l` - iii1 ---if..,s• ;":.•_,_- 1"---1-;-; t. if o V i ty, thit lis NE [teem's •johbi special I 16;1-t ...•tPfl ''' 1'. "Ir.,. 1111 . . '0 -:-.. 1 I t-' 1 ,--E- , -:: . u. .. ,. .. ro''' 0' -I ‘, so ,.., 11'?"•1 or*. , , )- . ,. 1., • I.ATIGHT ectful of Sea.forth. easri in re nds, and tly' at DS rea..onable. Nal) - ",11-,...„, • - ' .',: • , ;.i si:CYOV•i1P-tti ' Ateir T, . , ., , .., ... k ,t‘ • .41.,....„.,...,,,..____ 3 ' - .F2Z._ '-i ''---'; - :Ittitt).,-.. - - i 1 y i -"ttilit ate to.the and viein ‘s on business at tr of Killoran & :filen-se-shoeing onded to, • Ato.N.fitjOIIT, • mc Trip re-si. ihabitan is - he now V SII.OP, -ig of all k y, pioini „ele• Ter D. , r., ()OKA]. . 'Telegraph ';AIN.A. I Amer .'artieu OFFIC tore, K •t10.1(. -11-11.", sul - named .1. 31. 31. Ito Litho], w .-1 for a 1 astouters tppy tn ta ,It: 11 ilti 1' ortit Wii .-.'-; Ala ,t 0. C. H. AA, A...17 8 8 and .A. LI PI Suer Oi A Ca.n. :Mo ar at tenti. - JOB .1 -:,--EiliUti ,aforth Y_A L 0 \.:C1.) Sr scriber beg. to the lha iertson i.u. a licit he loe; ot..I. Ile i to hie new t teed t 13 ah'h' if..!.. p.rd in Iii.il it -ti; I 1 Line of . „ CULL, Ii',Np 1' .,,' 117S(1 Express A KS arr10 ley l»ught m. paid RANTING. & Armstrong's lf (:F, to q lithe; fOrmerly t'al4ni tittpd up tvites at; emu-0os WTI t1 i romp.. 3,1... 14311:311)t;04.• .n.l..4,. shielu.'sca',-t 'll ..„1/Ts1(1/1/..VES Comiknie's, CliA. IN CE , , ieeences. and to i)SS'S IIOT_EL .. OFFICE. ;t:. 11:11 be 'wonder' t Faetory, in a sIiita111.•• ni . oht !Heald wle•re 110.nkell; .... ril*Nt -11:1.4,. '1,112. .1.:111-1,...; tl; .1.k111;s CO. sold. Book. 174 lei.: Iry near ril'e 1,1;111- -and i. . iq:11)- ”i,ht.4 in,frooi, • front Itos:-:,. I(:ENS1:3) i ijill'.311 Pillory. rt ii, prceoptiatten . v.i. P. A IT1.1( N'lit*.: Ilt A-11 nil ti rt. :k - S iii i NEElt 4-11tit'll 't :It Tat: ed. tn._ - - - rA4 for the County or i'l 41 part- (4 The i E.-..eosi rim ort;,. , - • •,, THE VER ICT0EATTI-IE PEOPLE GARDNER SaING MACIIINE Is superior to any Having been examined and tried by t and by them awarded Prizes at all th present year; and although all the le VICTORIOUS ir grea Ken Firs land Fair, . T dura or E Man 13 now in the Market. e most skilful Mechanics and best judges the country can produce, principal Exhi Mons held throughout the Donmnou during the ding Machinete were arrayed against it, the GABDICER PATENT has been,deelared VER ALL COMPETITORS, upon every test, 4nd now standa oremost in the rank of sewers. , SEE 'JPIIE LIST Or SIZES FOX 1811; t Prize at Toronto. First Prlz4 at London-th great Western Fair. First P.rize at Guelph -the Central Fair. First Prize at St..Catherines, Cottnty of Lincoln. First Prize at Chatham, County of First Prize at Waterloo, Conn y of Waterloo. First Prize at Oiangeville, 'Catmty of Simcoe. Prize iu 'Mono, County of Peel. Find Prize in qaledon, County of Suncoe. Farst Prize at Wel- ort, County of S\ lland mit rize at Ottervill , County of Oxford. Second Prize at proviiicial Kingston, Diploma at Hamilton and 'various Co nty Shows. • 'a beautiful specimen of mechanical ability is a pUrely Canatlian invention, surpassing in simplicity, ility, and usefulness any other lewing/Ifsehixte *ow iu the market whether of Canadian, American, glish manufacture. 4 ill hob, cord, braid, tuck, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and every kind o/ Family Sewing and light lecturing Work, using all kindr 31 thread. It hot a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. NO O'l'HER. If the price 4s a little higher than some others, it is thenheapest in the end,. Send for Circulars and Samples. GARDNER, SEWING IACHINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. keep Gotle ch -street, Seaforth. Agents w uted. • PETER GRASSIE, , Seaforth. 179 52 PORTED CHESTER WHITE BOAR, The First Prize thorough -bred Chaste It is claimed by breeders of Chester of Pork for the food consumed than an rapidly, Weighing from 401) ,to 700 lbs., as high as 1000 lbs. of Dreesed Pork. •• Tnirars.-One Also, an improved BE UK. SU IF 'shire Pigs aro admitted tc.,bo the best i Englund. Service of this boar at One Also, an imported POLAND A 'win serve a -limited munber of sows at Egmontiville, :Nov. 21,1871. ----=-"*" White Boar, pnrchased from L. 33. Su.vn.n, Salem, Ohio, TT. S. Vhites, iu the United States, that they make it greateii timount other -breed knOwn. With ordinary attention t.hey thrive Very t from 12 to 14 months old, and are frequently killed Iweighing his boar will beheld for the service of sews at Egroond‘ ilia. oiler, Cash, -with privilege of returning. E BOAR, 14e1 by 11I. S. COCIIRANE, CamPton, whose Berk- tCaaurstitrooa,2shi:. ssteek being imported from the best breeders in ou 1) CIIIIIVA BOAR. The first imported into this Countil". ne Dollar per sow. • W. J. BAILEY, Proprietor. Dexter Trai Islamirms ingalnd Sale Stables, S AFORTH, ONT. - DR. BAILEY begs to inform the Fa for 'Kr i hitt g and Selling training and develoPingthem to the be. Kentncky, with tbe assistant% of compe tiers and public generally, that he has specially fttted up Stebles awaseA, and purposes to HANDLE, TBOTTING STOCK by 6 advantage. He has engaged an old experienced trainer from exit grooms and every facility for perfect and most; satisfactolT results from all under my charge. Pers mu having good young sound free -stepping Horses AV:mid dowell to have them trained mid see If they ea not be made to mot fast.- I am constantly in 1C( ]1)t of nrders for good tlrivers anl eau sell any numbo of good. movers at Own Frounxs. Pazties haying Horses in Training•will receive their time every w .ek, thus entabli g them to see the improvement they are mak- ing. We have as good it half-mile•tracli as can be foundi iu the Dominion for training Horses 0 • T xms Reasonable. HorRes Bought and 8 ht. One •9' two good .Trotters fn. Sate. OFFteE AND STABLEs-South of th B. & L. IL B. Station and opposite the Woolen Faor- ct 206 - I Address, .1.4. H. BAILEY. 5wann:04 Ont. u,...ougumunnomma 7/2 'Ls! 1.'' e ett :771- ••• 747` -7*;""' •••_4,•41477C. -4-- • 4 ' -1, • .•;•.„ - - , - DO YOU WAD1T CHEAP BOOTS. - • McINTYRE ? W LUIS, ifain Street, Seaforth, ITAVE on bend a large stoelt of Boots and Shoes slAch were purchased before tiro ii In thP price of loonier, and which they fipring stoelt. Within the past few wee Re that our :Thal; being now Hold at ft book and shoes which will rarely oet...ur. CUSTOM WORK alt tended to prmrp - S tort,. 1111 .. DOW ht•Ihng at cost inlet!, n; tinter •to make rt m oTor eir or, boots and shOes haye advaneed in price zit least to; pr ce 31., ruler eost prietis, an opportunity is offered for-obt alibi., eh • 15.-. as A formerlr. good fit. and first Onss artieli -goo ..irteetl„. . . zer the place, lit door south. of John Loptu's, and opposite AV. Robert & Co's IiiirdWare Alen 'XI) THE CI cuts ROB ..!.•parsamerniowsiraorsmamnoximatmeirmar.... (PULAR SAW • hrough all opposition. S 0 RI & lave just received a loge and splendi 1 assortment of Ilogerb' and other et:Wort:tea lpalc TLER CHUTE AND OTHER SILVE-PLATED GO6DS, TEA TRAYS, COAL OIL LAMPS, ghtning and Turn -table -Apple Parers, ENV: Y- $11011b1l n. DIIIZAYSTED CHA I)/ ON AND OTHEIL CROSSI-CET SAAVS STOCK' S CELEB1ZATFD EXTRA MACHINE OIL • ;IT on. tbe beet in use. pai fOr) A Abell's atent ear and Ilonie Powe)-, , Ana - ----- oth.r artb-le r qif.t1 il thrardwarit Line- )o1f intl 11 3-NCK SCI1E1 , • • T() HIRE. surs o.ti"LuE CI1CI„`.f,A1; SAW, ROBER.Tifitt'' t' [ P. .-Intending purchasers should not be mieled by unserapnlona rigents of other Companies, who Alachinea they do not sell, in e, amaged state, tci make capital for themselves. and examine the Gardner bef re purchasing any other, at Witmxtat GRASSIE'S Warerooms, FEB. 2, 1872.. Seaforth reundr ZAPFE & CARTER Would desire to call attention to their greatly improved THRESHER •& SEPARATOR Which is able to compete with any other Machine in Canada. Among its many advantages, we eall at- tention to the following -the way the Cylindefis construeted-it requires less power and is capable of ; THRESHING MORE AND CLEANER THAN ANY OTHEIt. The great complaint among Thresher, always was, that they could thresh more than they could clean, our improveddram - does away with all these complaints; it is so construTted as to regulate the wind to keep the riddles from choking, Without blowing any grain over. We Lave also improved our Mills to prevent the grain going over with the straw. We would invite Farmers and Thresh- ers, generally, to give us a call, and ex- amine OUT stock before purchasing else- where; we can sell as Cheap as any -other • ENoeantebblisuthtinnheebtest _material used, and tue . • very best workmen employed. • The Machines we sold last year enable us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than any other ever said in this, county. PTT'S 'HORSE POWER I • kept on hand at all time*. We would -also desireto direct the • attention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES! • Which are capable of sawing from forty - to tifty cords of wood per day.. Superior Gang Ploughs,' Straw Cutters,„ cultivators, scuffiers. Wooden and iron, beam IPlougjis, scrapers, Kettles, &c., All of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and Will be sold as cheap as at any - other Establishment in the Province. REPAIRING A,ND CASTING EVF,RY 13ESCRIPTI01, Done on the *shortest notice and most reasonable terrns, 143-1y- ZAPPE At CARTER, CHEERING PROSPECTS FOP. AN ABUNDANT • HARVEST The present favorable Spring Weather warrants both failner and InedlaiIin in in tking timely preparations for the coin- ing, harvest..., - THPIVISON 84 'WILLIAMS • While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral eneOnragement accorded them in the past, would cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesthig Machines for 1871. Our • Ohio Conzbined Jfaehine, with Johnson's Improved Self.11ake, has. given complete satisfaction for the past owo years, and is now offered to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfect work.. .17-te Cayuga Chief, Jr, Mower, hich has gained for itself a world-wide reputation is .again offered as the most durable, handy and best working Mower known, being constructed in the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it ts e,. defy competition. We also offer the Johnsw6)..1 • Set/Raking Single ,Reap'er, which took first and second prizes atPro- vin-cial Exhibition, 1870. This- reaTer IS- acknoWledged to be superior to any ether pattern now° in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangled graini better than any other rake or reel Machine-, and cuts equally well from either side of the lield when wind. is strong -from any reetion, can be raised or lowered when iU motion and is Very dn rbie., We, invite inspection of our maChines and mode of Manufacturing by: pur- • chasers before giving -orders. ehsevthere. We guarantee satisfaction in every Ma- chhie, or /10 sale. • TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth and ad- ! joining counties Win 1).0t (we belic!ce) be- ,, so blind to their OW11 interests • as to give tiluir orders to shops more than 100 Mile:5 east, When there are ;irsteelass ; \voiles in their midst, building largely • the best inaciimn es, equal to any ni tho same machines made in the Province.. call and see US, -sena in your trd 1,:c Mai), or deal with oor agents, as in every ease you will get a perfect ina- chine, and on the same, tenthi as your neiehbor. . Our principles 4)f busines, and7 prices being established and uni- form. All other kinds of implements con-. stantly On hand. 6TE.A.M-ENt4INn.-> LFILT. Aiicl all kinds ti04 MILL WoRK don Adress THOMSON •S.- WILLIAMS, - 180 -ch Untaries. 1 EB. 'oniensansenfan „The -;:he°A.rke°11,:e°: rptholietiwca,hoie l Ifield Jr -erreatest The mos •quletly ac 1 :a4C)N where 'ael°P Saer yet,Y:eP. theC4SeaIely prevent .th •repaiting tti as ordered - insurrection will be, prl the fcuda ..oilOoitsfmf 8 Japan 11:1511:15graee, caw' to be menti se it to TIOLIt and InOS :fs.auwl Henceforth -They have /I: thing to it -the nation bread of the :greedy hord tyrannical ot Tei"vrenfetiolcir rte -farmers, men bech°4etriltktal T .Self secluded -. -subjects, but -and. foe; wit ,ceding it, ow :bow down be When ,one fi :acoorwtengen,pnorudetli o uf v bYYuorek:a ()Eh ah' mai 4:1 reverence, tax -via from staTikhien7miNisi • tt.tlithine PesYticabeggiodl number betetap athets1 't°in triistttl° eYd5. 01-1° re tion as to - ,eapacity intr )( 16- ye egdi I in the! none but pre branches of st The intention -stitution 'aft! European uni advancement admit of iog fact deser this eonneet -awakening-awakeningi people Of alt edfordyhfeneLlea gu- W1iC1i was September la and it 1 nunel now. A ev-et at this pert h furnishing IL -8) scheel-house alLsai eitsse,os, Tioithe I _am imfortn, -temple at Kat '8iterasr1ta li11; a)K, po This is also to liSh studies. '1 at this place I)Pi18 111. it, 111 -Jon. : 1.):' al: soon to be ere a from all- parte' facts serve to • n the coentri the desire'for i : of TTeo g reil sxs et henceforth to _sources free). - government but they are: the ranks and *fibneas by reas ti gpla.c,eaittyesatilmeleaastli Republitan id fortunately, . as it ought tithes grow teaeeers are, -yet be an ex We hear- -who went' to family cons wife and good al la the family I, of the ‘4 0 the fireside man tipped visitor follow by a tree, 11 necked bottle to keep it iii get to drinkit would raiee tb -a. drink, retu -Soon Toru, t