HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-02, Page 5ondedly Mr. Moon, 'That_ two Connty aJuatos be- appointed to go through y eoneeaSi011, and• ascertain the acta. iI value of all cleared and uneleared land. - - 'LES Mr. Greenway thought that in thi3 commotion many townships lied ,geeete ;hat grievances. In the township of Stephen, etd also in other townships, there were ;hat large traga of Cenada Company lead. These lands are assessed at as high a. ;t,‘ valuation as possible in order that the 'Al township can make ti;e*Coinpan3t pay as tete t high taxa, as possible, and coesequeutly-, "'"17•11et7.- the valuation of the cleared leeesea eais,. eeg ed on the Mivalieation Committee to cor- respend with the Canada 0;mpany' Iand. mle which had probably been assessed at its full melt velem. Even if the valuatio of these valuatore should not be takey , the Equalization Committee, gill ie would form an excellent guide fdi thene to regulate themselves by. It is impeee sibie for the enembers of the Equalization Committee to form a correct estimate ot the valuation •.(4 property ino various townships aa they are unactenainted with After aeveraf further amendments Ws -tie moved, discussed and put to the' meeting, the matter was teft just where it began by the following resoletiot be- ing carried ahnog unammottaly - Moved by Mr. Castle; seconded by Mr. Willis, That this Council take no actiou in the matter at the present time. Mo -et by Mr. Gibson, 'seconded by Mr. Douglas, That the Council petition the Legislature to amendthe Assessment Act so as to assess personal prOPerty wherever found. This resolution was carried without a discussion, -when the Council adjourned - until seven e'clock.in the eveeing to give e the various vommettees an epportunity to finish the work before them and re- port to the Council. FRIDAY, EVKNINGe der tor- ).nd he t. hat the tnd his the- Rr- be s The 0=161a:ea pursuant to adjourn- ment. The firet business was to read ' the following report of the SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON REGISTRY OFFICES. „ In the matter a the Narth Huron Registry Office at Myth, the Committee made the following recoutrnendatione, That as a petition: has already been sent tEt from. this Cenuty Council asking. the Government to repeal the Act providing for the erection of Registry Offices in V. ridings, and as there is already a Bill be- ' - fore the House referring to the matter, un further action be taken by this Coun- cil at pre.sent. Melted by Mr. - Young, seconded by Mr Girvin, That the report be not adopted, but that thieOowicil petition the Local Legislature to abolish the Regiatry Office at Blyth, it being ewe_ ance to. the Noith Riding, and that the Government be recommeaded tit reim- burse the incumbent far any loss he may • have sustained throtigh his appointment. Mr. Leckie thought with Mr., Young that the Registte Office in question, was a nuisance and an inconvenienee to a. vast majority of the peonle of the North Riding. He thought that deterrained and decided ectiom should be taken by this Council to., have the office abolished. If it were not abolished, this County would have to expend . about $75000 in building a new office, He would be .s- strongly in favor, however, of renumerat- t- ing the Registrar for any lose he may 1 sustain through his appointment. . Mr. Young. thought it 'would be much Y' mare beneficial to spend. $7,000 in ..the erectiou of a Poor House in the County, than. for a second registry office. Mr. Greenway said his reasons r for supporting the report was that the:donne eil had already strongly petitiouett tl-re Government on. the subjed, and , he could see na reason for another petition now, The `Government thoroughly - understand what we want, and he did not believe that another petition was re - gulled, He was opposed to spending or any sum for the erection_ of a, second registry office, but he di& not think that on this matter it was right ' or this Council to. attempt to assume . the functions of the Government Mr. Gibbons saic1 that a bill hacl been. introduced into the Legislature on the subject, but from. what he &kid learn, it was the object of the 1e11 and the inten- tion of the Government to prevent further divisions being naad_e'without such division being asked ior by a ma- jority :of the County Council, but that - the 'divisions -which Lad been made would, be left as they are. The following e division was then taken ; upon Mr. Young's motion For the Motton.—Messrs. Cresswell, gnell, Moon, Gaunt, Simpson, Brown, . Benson, Girten, Leckie, -Walker, Willie, Douglas, Gibson, McDonald, Carrick, Young, Yearley,- Scott, (Morris. )- For the Repore —Messrs. . Castle, .Armstrong, Dalton, lloimeS, • McGuire, Detler, Pettoe, Wilson, Perkins, Shep- herd. ffays, Green' ay, Scott, Shaeunote Ferrate-1re. _ The report as amendecl was adopted by the Cutincile The following report wag teen react: eeeone. ae en -0. sendoe AND PRINTING XrrrEE The Scht-ol and Printing Committee reported as fellows::Referring to the pe- tition of Jahn Mowbray and others, from. School Section No. 10, Usborne, the Committee recommereled that Judge le-ough, J. R Miller, County Superin- tendent ; John Pearson, of Crediton; Robert Brown, of Zurich, and W.J. Shannon, of McKillop, be a cominittee to whomthe matter iu difference be referr- ed., Referring to T. T. Coleman and one hundrect others, respecting a High - edited -atSeaforth, recommend that the prayer at the peeition begranted,. and. ; that the follOwing municipalities be see apart tis High4cheat dis.tricts. viz ; The tettei (d Codeiich awl township of Col- . beree, for cEtet.lerich High. School ; the villaee of Clinton, toweship of Goderich, and -township of Hallett, for Chilton High Selneil, and the iUage of Sea- „ forth` itywriship of Tuskersmith, aed teveiiship of McKillop for . a High - I Sehbol. The Committee further recommended that the tender for printing of Donaghy 1 & Sinunone be accepted, it being the ! lowest. Referrieg to the reportsofJ. R. Miller rid rehileehl Dewar; School Inspectors, tv-e are -pleased to find, that they hae-e en- ' tered faithfully and earnestly upon their dutiea, and that so many sehools are in a satisfactory condition. „Nloe-ed by Mr. Patton,. seconded by Mr. Moon that no township be -annexed F ZO- any High School District, without the cement of the Reeves aud Deputy - Reeves exterested.—(.arriecl. The repoet was amended in accordance with the above resolution, and after co-a- sidertlee discussion adopted. Moved by Mr. Benson, seconded by Holmes, that the petition of T. T., 7 - FEB. 2,1872. Coleman: and. others lie Over uiitjl th June meeting.—Carried. . • FINANCE RxrcTx, • The Committee reported V : Referring to the letter of the County 'Treasurer and suggestions in •regard to -the Reserve Fund. we recommend that – at least the Sum of $6,000 be taken credit for in the estimates - of the enerAnt year, • as hie accounts which are very explicit and satisfactory, showea balance on hand at the b_eginuing Of the present year of $7;963, and the expenditure for the cur - reit year is not likely to be son heavy as the past. - Moved by ,Mr. -Cresswell, .seconded by Catrieke That the-1`iinance Report be amended by striking out the recom- enendatioe . to grant $250 towards the erection ;of the • bridge at Morrisbank.— Lost on a division: The report was then adopted as read.. REPORT OF ROAD AND B.itroa.K columrriBE. This committee recommended that the' 'bridge at Ben Miller's be, repaired, also that the .two bridges on the Bayfield River and at Turner's mill be repaired :According to the suggestions of the .En- ,:gineer. It was also recoinmended that the several neciji3sary repairs be made On the Cattetyrgravel roads ,,,t'..they were also eglad to learn that the 'grdvel Toads gen- -exalter were in such good condition. This report was adopted without dis- enesiert, when the Council 'adjourned. , The Session on Saturday:mbrning last- -ed but a short _time, and there was no business of importance transacted. AUCTION ateLE. °Thursday,. Feb. 8, on. to. 3, Third -Concession, McKillop, 'Fenn Stock and .Implements. Thomas Neville proprietor; el; P. :Brie° auctioileer. , BIRTHS- " WALKER. —In ,Roxbore, ;en the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. Geo. Walker, of a son. ERVIN. ---in H11ett, on the 26th ult., ethe wife of Mr. Geo. Ervfe, of a son. HINGSTO'N.—In Aieley-ville on 'Monday, 1st nit., the wife of R. TAlingston, of a daughter. MARRIACIZS- FLANA.GAN—GREY. --- At the Catholic ChUmh, Irishtowp, ...by; the Rev. Father Asnboro, on the 20th Sanitary, Mr. Michael Flanagan'eoeSeaforth, to Miss Mary Martha G-re'tel of the tame -Ceretrat.Fuss.---At Kipperi,!oa the 23rd January, by Rev.= J. Eakin, B. A., Mr. William Cann, .-of E)4ter, to Miss Catharine Fuss, of the same place. .SCOTT—ALEXANDER. —At the residence of the bride's father, .on the -31st of January, by Rev. A.. MeDiarmid, Mr.; Welter Scott, of Howick, to Miss Jane Alexander, of McKillop. Beeteaeour — ALEXANDER. — In Mc- Killop, at the eesiclence afethe bride's tether, on -W4c1riesday.. the 31st of January, by Rev. Mel 'McDiarmid, Mr. James Broedfoote Tachersinith, to Miss Agnes Alexander.; .- EATHS. altoner on, the 29th . of January, of consemption,' Mr. Joseph Shaw, st n of Williarn, 11. Shaw; of Bowroanville, aged 29 years. THE MARKETS. ! SEAFORTH, Feb. 1, ,1872. 1 There is not much change in our.mark- et week. Fall wheat re- mains firm at the old (Flotations. Spring wheat, barley, oats, and peas, however, have a downward tendency. Coarse grain e are Offering in: good cinantities, but wh6at, both falliand spring,e is scarce on the market and is in pod demand: i''ork still remains firm at the old quota- tions, although judging from Markets elsewhere it must decline. in price before very long, so that farmers who have any yet to dispose of would do well to bringl it in as soon as possible, Butter has cle- • dined in priceeat least twa_sents, and, it requires a vary good sample to bring the quoted reprice. Wood and hay are offer- ing in 'abundance. Farms still stick out for the highest cluot4 price On the latter artide,but sales efe dull. On Thursday last several - load bf splendid hay Stood" on the market eer several betua • waiting for a purchat'er. They' were ultimately disposed oftt. but at a ,mi eh lower price than first asked' We Falleyheat...'.., .. ... ....e. , .. - .$1 19 to 1 20 Seeing Wheat.... .. . ....... . . ..... 1 16 to 1 17 Baeley.......... .... -....... . ....... 0 55. to 056 , Oats...........e. .. . .. ....... . ... 0 85 to 0.36 Peas . . 0 60 to 000 Butter 0 1410 ; 0 15 Begs.... .... ' .... , .. ....... ..... s 0 15 to 'ff 00 Flour - 800 to 000 Potatoes - ' 045 to 0 50 Hay, 10 00 to 12 00. , • Hides.. . .... . ... . e ..-.... e7 50 to 0 00 Sheep Skins.. ... ..... 0 50 to 2 00 Lamb Skins s 1 00 to 2 00 Calf Skins, per lb., 0 08 to 0 10 Wood,per cord 2 00 to 2 00 - Salt (retail) per barrel, , - i 00 to 0 '00 Beef. : .......-....... .. : . .. . .... 0 03 to .0 05 Mutttiu . 0 04 to 0 05 Pork, per 100 lbs. 4 50_ to 1. 5.12 Stave Bolts, per cord.....: . . r. . 2 25 to 0 00 ran Wheat....t Spring Wheat . . .. . . (hits ....... .... . ... Peas. 'Barley. 13utter Eggs Pork, per 100 tbs. Hay, per ton, ... . CLINTON, Feb. 1, 1872. ......... .. $117 ee 120 :.-1i8(117 937 060 eel 060 O56 ca 057 , 015 ees 016 , 0 15 ee 015 00 ee 14 00 INIoeereiee Jan. 31. IATHEA.T.IN-Os reported tltansactiont: Pees—Quiet t•quotatimie nominal. Beeenitt—No ti eest.ctiaes repOrted. ;, -quotations purely riorninale T- Deessee HOGS—Dull an'd &dining. Poext—Quiet at unchanged.eates. TopoNTo, Jan. 31. , WHEAT .—The street price was $1 28 to Si 30 for Soules and Deihl; and $1. 20 for spring; not much offering. BAR LE Y.—Holders are still askine6.8c f. o. c. for No. 1, with buyers at 66e° 67c. A car of Nipissing sold' at 66c. on the track, 66e to 68c was paid. on the street market. Pees—None offering in' cat loads. Street .price 70c to 71c for shipping samples. 73e woulct be paid for choice. Ors—.Offering freely at 43c, aud buy- ,ers generally hohling off: DRESSED Ho9s--Choice lots would , fetch $5 25 ; ordinary, ,$5. ; etigtroet, Jett 81, 1871: Market -quit, not much doing On ad- eeitnt of bad. roads. . Wheat e it toll 19 Treadwell ...'......... 1 12' to " 1 15 Spring wheae.... .108 tie :110 Peas,5 to _ 65 Oats - . . 33 te 37e 'Barley. ... . 52 to 58 PotatoeS 'ipr busla)„ - to 70 Butter . Jp tg- 17 - Pork . ... eat 4 60 to 4„e0 Apples (per bush.) to 65 - Hay (per ton) .. to 13 50 • LIVERPOOLe - ee' c•I ca • cn • Flour. Red Wheat. • . • . Red Wmter White Corn ..'.. , • • Barley Oets Peas . Pork • • • .1eard GOLD.—T York fluctuat ANT-' TO. SEE: 11,3:G NICE? S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. 27 927 027 0 11 0' 11 6 11 6' O 11 10 11 1011 10 te 12 4 12 4124 80 3 80 8 80 :'3-• g 8 8 8 8 3 ' 8 0 2 11 2 11 2 11 o 41 0 41 0 41 0 Z 59 0 59 0 59 0 44 6 44 6 44 9 e price of Gold. in New s from 1091' to 109e. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. , Thursday, -Feb. 1, 1$72. RECEIPTS. Cattle, .Sheep, Hogs, cars.. cars. ears. • Past 72 hours Past week... Previous 'week Past 72 hours Past week.... Previous week The market light demand. interior dealer pers are wil priterion. Sales comp $670 for n week Tuesda 05.' Sales report McFarland t av 1085, at $5 Cutting to j 1230, at $6. Greenlee to at $6 60. ` Cook to Sill, 650. Market 'gee _ The supply and prices adv .195 . 12 87- .......331 62 129 t......330 38 175 SHIPMENTS. '-54 - S5 ... 289 48 127 . . .. • . ..:312 32 186 CATTLE. pens dull and tamer with The sales today were to s, and above price g ship- ing to pay, hence no se 130 head at $5 37-t to ives'against seles last of 206 head at $5 to 4: Henry, '66 hd 111. steers, iand, 20 hd Ohio do a,v ame, 16.hd do do' av 1420, 28 hcl do do av 1415, at SHEEP: y. Market not open. HOGS. ' ot equal to the demand. need 60c per cwt. since last week Tues ay. , Mai -kg active. . Sales compri e 66 head at $5 10 to $5 25, against sales last week Tuesday of 1,656 head -a, $1 50 to 165. _ CHICAGO LIVE ST CZ' • iavE,Hoos Inn at $4 35 to $4 75; eteema---Very dull, at $3 o $5 62e. CALVES FOR SALE. 7 TIFF, subscriber has for sale two w11 -bred BULL . two, STEER CALVES. For terras and other par- t-1-12107.A4L*VE., S, got by a uthEoLroucglith-bd wr Bull. Ake, ieulars apply to OBAN, Jr., - Mill Road Tuakeremith. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. uneersigned requests all peitions indebted THE to hem by note or book account to cell and settle immediately, as he is greatly need of the money. They will thereby save thertiselves further trouble. • - GEORGE BriBleFtR, e17-4* Blacksmith, Winthrop. • NOTICE. . HERE*13.-Y caution and forbid all and sundry against negotiating or buying a certain Note of Hand for the sum. of $188, made by James Switi- erten and BenjanunSwmerton, in aver of Allan Hobson or Bearer, dee sometime in ilhe first of this ,month, (the name Allen Hobson wa endorsed on the back of the net%) as the said ote has been paid; and leas been lost or stolen, w thin the last three weeks. ' JAMES SWINERTON. Township of Hay; Jan. 29, 1872.. 217-3* . FOR SALE 1. A DESIR&BLE Dwelling -House On Goderieh see- street, adjoining Mr. Thoma e Lee's, with. good Garden and well fenced. For further parti- cuiaxs apply to = HENRY BYRNS, 217• On the Premises. DISSOLUTION -OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership 4-1 lieretofpre !subsisting between Us the under- eigned, as Cabinet -Makers and Undertakers, at Wroxeter, in the County Of ninon., has been this day dissolved by inuemil. consent ; alL debts owing to the said partnership ere to be paid to Nathaniel - Allen, itelVroxeter, and all claims againet the said partnership are toSbe presented to the said Nathan- iel Allen, by -whore the, same will be settled. Dated at Wroxeter, this .20th day of january, A. D. 1872, . (Siguede NATHANIEL ALLEN. (Signed,) ROBERT MILLEN. Witness, Wm....LA.1711M . 217-3 AUCTION, SALES. ARO HIBAL.D. BISHOP RaGS to inform he public that he has taken -1--eeout County. Auetioneer's License, and will, hereafter, be prepared to. attend Auction Sales of Reel Estete or Pereonal Property iu any part of the County, en thel shortest notice. From the success he has haa Name commencing this business Co he feels confident that he can give ehe Utmost en satisfaction. da All orders left wieh Robert Brown, Zurich, S. th Samulees, Post Officer, Exeter, or -addressed to the the undersigned will receivo. prompt attention. " • ARCHIBALD BISHOP, 217 ; Hay P. O. TH• OM Si BELL, Mainertr et, Seaforth, an show you. somet g worth looking at in the FUR ITURE r. He has just rece ed a large quantity of NEW NITURE f -every description, W a'eh, for HEAP.MISSS, . BE UTY, Is really wo Warteeeibms Opposi Sore. aud QUALITY, th going to see. • e Robertson's Hardsvete 217 J. -W W. F • (Ppaerene WELL kn.own to " surroanding. con. NieSCAPE ARTIS ople ef Seaforth that !elk. nes• ORTR First door West ef My long experience i a tire satisfaction to tiltai• The latest style Children taken fro BRING T LLERTON' 7 OF cLOITON,) e. people of 'Seaforth and try as the DOMINION , wishes to notify the he ha commenced Busi- in the , , IT LINE • Lumseen's Drug Store. the art enables me to give who may favor me with a Pictures can be -obtained. 10 a. m. to 2.p. m. KAI' ALONG. Young persqns svishin to learn the art would do ;well to come to me, as I can give them 'my ,expe- rience of ov 3r eleven ye rs.• ' J. V. FULLERTON: Artist, 217 Seaforth. ASTE TO R BLA WAGGO • COUNTY DNTLE N :—You are insited to attend a conventi n of Black miths and Wagon -makers, to be heidi in the T WN HALL, CLINTON., On Fit DA.I.r, t bifida February, at 10 o'cl ck, A. 31., T Jorm a County Asso iation, ;and to take into co sideration the List of Prices decidedemon at the S forth. meeting, on t ae 24th eanuara. Any fur- th r information as to t io objet 'of the meetitg y be obtained from he President or Secretary. D. MeTAVIS 1, Clinton, Chairman. 2 6e3 ' A. J. MeINT ri-474 aSMITHS .AND -MAKERS 11 TnE F HURON. z ItliELLIN TONI C A.I SH, Seaforth, Secretary. 'EY,‘ND BRUCE WAY. SOlJT ERN _ EXTON SION-, NOTICE TO C ONTOCTORS. ENDERS are -invited for thee Southern Extension of :the •nel l3ruee Pullman nstraction of the Wellington, Grey from SiTCYNATIJ, in he townshii of Palate, to .1,11€10410W,r in:The towns p of Kiuloss—a distance of 42,miles. Plans and 00 ces of th B ilclings, ja th 27th inst enders mi them Ex be reedy riday t So wi Specified -fan may be, seen at the Company, Oariado. Life Assurance es -Street, Hamiltbn, on and after 11 rked "Tenders for Construction of elision," addressed to the Secretary, d up to nocn of c 16th of Feb glary, 1 S72. W. M GIVERIN. President. W McCUL 00I1, Secretary. amilton, an. 23, 1872. • 216-3 Imo}, WH ARE. LAZARUS, MORRIS tk CO'S pecta0es LIKI BRIGHAM YOVNG ONTRI4L FOR murai)ER t F NOTICE.—Any person sending the answer to. the above to the Agent, M. R. COUNTER, SEAFORTII, weerin the next thirty days, will re- ceive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new pattern Eye Geisses. 1 FARM FOR SALE IN STANLEY, One mile and a hell from 13asteld. 1 9, g Acre▪ s; good orchard, fraate barn. and stable, -este 10g-nouse, exceleenticreek and pring; about eighty-five acres cleaeed, sixty free from stumps, wood first quality. Apply to Dr. Woos, Lot 1, L. R. West Stanley, Bayfield Post Office. .217 TAVERN STAND TO RENT. • TO Rent, on reasonable terms, a Tavern Stand -1- on the Northern Gravel Road, fon.r and a half miles North of Sertfortla Immediete-poesession can be , given. For eurther particulars apply to THO3fAS SHANNON; Seaforth. • 217 4.--• • •••••,, - • ent Act of 1869 CANA]) , 1-1,, ) the Couitty Court of the eince of 0 tario, -eCounty of Huron. ounty of rime ) In the matter of iTTTNRY CARDIeele an Insolvent. gued has filed in th e office of this of compos tiou ands diselen•ge .exe- reditors, an 1 ou the twenty-see-6'th ry next, he vill apply to the Jralge of he enders ire it deed d by hie, of Febru said our for a con.exination of the discharge 'ebv effect itle tiled at I) tale, thisenneteenth. day of January, •. 1872. - I ENRY CARDIFF, • b ellS011 & eleyee, his Attorneys, 16 ad lam.. PA IL UP AT ONCE. IAM- GRASSIE SEAF Thtin,g sold s Winter's ter. on credit, noxv wantsne car y on his 1 usiss tie. the eiore give notice the OVERD E NOTES a a mu,t be settl t once, without fueth r notice), an sunS. This is no empty three canied. out, illness payme in t e. S aforth, Jan. 22, 1872. MEDI p C. FAIR -Lee geons and EraNacItGII; front - St. Th andlthe Royal . Iles 1 clence—D Call • promptl • I :V. Dee Me Licenteate Licentiate as's Hoes Infirmary, Vercee's attended t RTH, .tock of Sleighs and Cut - cash te enable him to •ugh the Stutterer. He AND AMOUNTS • else they will be sned withoet respect to per- -, but still positively be t be made. 13e warned GRASSIE. 216 AL. ber Eqyal College Sur - loyal Ciege Pb.ysicians, of 311 vifery ; (Lately ital, London, England, 'Unbirglie Office and old fit. nd, SEArOurn. at all 1ours. 216* STAVE BOLT L. 11. CORBY, of eaforth, ' authorize anyjtmount of _ STA AND- H To 6 delivere at nry St which, cash ee 1 be paid. 216-4* - JO ANTED. the " rarmees Store," to make contracts; for •ING BOLTS, Woks, Seaforth, for GEORGE A3IEN'T. THE SALE STILL CONTINUES AT TR • • Special inducements in Grey CcEttn.a.. y;i1 • 200 iiees, at fifteen per cent. rower than can be -pur cha's d"Wholes,a10,ww, owing th the advanCg in Cotton Goods.' EGURE HE ,.1,3ARGAINS, FOR TI-fil,ER WEEKS ONLY; CASH AND ON PRICE. Those indebted will pleasecall and settle and oblige.—T. # X • Seaforth, Jan. 81, I872. A IA I T. KIDD. 217 T K. ANDERSON To accommodate his extensive and Ball inc easing business, has enlarged. his store to newly double •its former size. He has on hand a very full and judiciously se1ecteOE stock of BROADCLOTIIIS, DOESKINS, MELTON'S, Scotchand Canadian Ttt, eds, etc., which he will make to order in the best style and at the lowest prices compatible with good wr.prk and good (malty. Re has on hand a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHI., G, (Made by himselfe And which he can guarantee for durability and quality. FURNISHING GOODS. T. K. ANDEItSON still makes a specie. Furnishing Goods, and everything in the Neck-tie,Collaes, Shirts, Uutlershirts, etc., hail in great variety. HATS ANP CAPS.' ''ty of ety of an be An extensive steak of the latese and hen& omest styles. 216 T. K. ANDERSON. FARM AND PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR SALE. V011 Sale, It No. 29, con. 7, township of Morris, -1-- containing 100 acres, 70 of which are t leeretl and in a state of good cultivation.. The whole is well fenced. There are on the premisesv,•good ti . frame barn and heea log -house, also, two wells and a•youug bearing orchard. This farm is ithin 0710 mile of Ainleyville, a thriving village, e.•bere it station of the Wellington, Grey end Bruce RI ilway will be locateas also the 'breadth of n let froa the Northern Gravel Road. Also, a frame dw dling- house, with the upper part h ted for it Phot graph Gallery. - There is a good well and :stable on the premises, also a good gardere. This property is eetuated near the business centre of the village of Wroxeter, through which the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway will be running within one, year. The whole will be sold on easy ternis. _For parti- culars apply to the Proprietor. , SAMUEL WALEF.11 , - Photographer, 'Wet xeter. - N. B.—The Photographic Instruments well be sold with or without the gallery. 2101-3m Or to 0: R. COOPER, Lana Agent, Dingle P. 0. FARM' FOR SALE. VOII SALE, in the Township of Stanley, Cerinty -1- of Huron, an excellent farm, being comeosea of Lot No. 13, Sixth Concession, containing 100 acres 80 of which are cleared, well fenced, mei in a good state of cultivation. There are 18 a.cres un- der fall wheat. There are on the pr-emises; a log house, log barn, and frame driving -house; also, a young orchard; there is it good spring welli con- venient to the stables, also a good spring •reek. This farm is situated. one mile and a half so th of Varna, on the gravel road. For further parti ulcers apply to the proprietor on the premises; or to Varna Post -Office. 212-18 JOHN MITCHE L. ROOMS' TO LET. , TO LET, in Scott's Block, two commeldions -A- Rooms on tb.e seeend flat. Apply. to . 195 3.1cCAUGeiLa & ROLMSTED NOTE LOST. A LIe parties; are hereby cautioned against pm.- -lee- chasing et certain, Promissory Note, =de by George Whiteley, Nov. 1870, in favor of W. Camp- bell or Bearer, for the stmie of $43 and some odd. tents, as the said note is lost and paid. Seaforth, Jan. 24, 1872. W. CAMPBELL. 2164 ‘"r°LT premises or:theMarkEet at present occupied. by P. Metennoon ae a. Tavern--.seaun.tlitTP4To,scsoesIsli.oh. OU the lse March. ‘) • Seafortle Jan. 16,1872. . 215 • ESTRAY STEEL STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, ke Lot No. 27; Oth Con., Hay, about the last of See:eel:fiber lest, a yearling STEER, red and white, with a hole in one ear, and it slit in the other. Any person giving such information lee will lead to the recovery of the above-named renemel will be suit- ably rewaided. JAMES HOULDEN, 214.4* eThlisGreanP.O. ESTRAY STEER. riAlo into the premises of the subscriber, north e -e hell of Lot 6, .9th Con, of Stanley, about the 15th 0,f November last, a STEER, corning two years old. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay charges and. take it away. 214-4* • JOHN COOPER. PROPERTY FOR SALE IN EGMONDV1LLE. TH" undersigned being about to retire from his 1 s present businets, offers tor sale the Egmoml- villa Pomp Factory, -with the half acre of land at- tached', -open -which there is a good fruit orchard, also a well with pump in it. The property will be / sold either with or without the tools. The build- ing coeld be converted into an excellent dwelliug with but little expense. The above 1. eperty will be gold s'ery cheap, and on easy terms. For fur- ther partecillers apply to , LEVI TINKERS' ' 214-1* Egmondville P.0. PIG ESTRAY. to the premisee of the subecriber, about October last, a small BOAR PIG. The owner is regetested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. AT,EXAN,DER FARQUHARSON, 2144* Lot 23, 9th Cm., Morrie. ESTRAY SHEEP, STRAI'L D into. the premises of the tuidersigned, Lou No. 7, Con. 7, Grey, on or about the 1st of Augusta. TWO SHEEP end TWO LA31133. The o •ner is requestecTt to pro'eT property, pay charge and take them away. 214-4c ROBERT INGLIS. MONEY! $5,000 TO LEND. TII AVE the above sure on hand for in-vestreeet on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent.,—Private Funds. . JOHN S. PORTER. SEAFORTH, Jaly 25, 1870. 139.-e- USED AND RECOM- MENDED BYTHE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW_ENGLAND FOR THE LAST 45 YEARS. NOTH !NG B ETTER." Coq CUTLERBOBRSOTS. BOSTON. Sold bythe Drug,e;Ists Seise. :" LYMAN, ELLIOTT & Co., Toronto, Agents. [ FELLOW'S HYPOPHOSPIIITES. A MONGST the diseases overcome by the nse 101 -4---k. Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphit s, are Conetipation, Asthma, Consumption, Larynrsit- ite Nerveue Debility, Th 61)01)311, Chronic Bronchit- is, Chronic. Diarrhcea, Melancholy. Debility result- ing from Typhoid and other low fevers, Diphtheritic 1 m P rostra ion, Hysterie, Hypochondela, Aenoreheea, Chloroe s, Alumna, Leueorrhosa, Nervous Excita- bility, A eras/nits or Wastieg of the Muscles, Apho- nia, or Lees of Voice. Chorea, or St. Vitus's Dance, Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action el the Heart. Suffocating Feelings, calmed by mucous obstructious of the Lunge and Air Pas- sages leading theret0, and Debility from verities causes e many casese of which appeared hopelese. Sold by Apothecaries. Price,$1.50 ; Six for 57.50. .T.A.MES I. FELLOWS, Chemist, St. Jobe), N. B. • FARM FOR SALE. 1 VOR Sale Cheap, Lot ND. 80, 6th Concession, Toss -edit of lance, County of Bruce, tont:tie- ing 100 ticres, about 20 of which are elearetl, the balance well timbered with beech and Maple. No waste land. There is a never -failing streena of water remeing, through it. It is situated within hve miles from the flourishing village of Paisley, through which the Wellington, Grey end Brnee Railway will shortly be running. If the above pro- perey is not sold, it will be leeseil for a terra of years for the improveneente. For further par:len-- lave apply to Tnr. ExPosiToR OFFICE, Seaforth. July 18,1871, 189-e1. ° 1 PRO BONO PUBL100. _ WATCHES 8z; JEWELRY ,..., 3 - tj •-J M. R. COUNTER 11,ee inst !received a very hie and superior t. Mock of jewelry of every desezietion ; also, Clocks, 'Watches and Minden' Instruments. A very °helm lot of Violins, alsoeViolin Strings in endless variety. Every description of Neettchere Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and warranted to give settisfaceion. It is neediest; to say more, as Corm - ter is well enough known in the County of Huron. EXECUTORS' NOTICE- - NOTICE is hereby given to all parties having - claims agaittst the eetate of the late WILLL4-11 ELDER, the elder, in his lifetime of the Townehip,- of Ribbed; in the County of Perth, mnst send in. the salne to the undereige.ed, properly attested, on • or before the first day of March, 1872. All claimg. presented after that (lac will receive no attention, as tie affairs of the estate must be fielelly wound up by that date. -3.A1fles ALEX. McLAREE, xeeuXtors. Tuekersenith, jan. 17, 1872. 215 -td DISSOIATTIOR OF iARTINTERSItlit. TILE Partnerehip heretofore existing between -e-ARMSTRONG &. PRICE, as boiamel• lers and stationers, in the village of Seaforth, N this day diSsolved. All debts eontracted by the said firm Well he paid by 0, ARMSTRONG, fud afl aecOuntS due the gime win gollected hy - 0._AIGISTEONV. J, E. Seaforth, Zan.12, 1872. The book and stationery store known as thcf " Telegraph Zook Store" will bp carried on by the undersigned, who will do his best to please hie customers. 215-4 ARMSTRONG, NOTES LST. T .0ST, some thne during las week, two NOTEX e-iof hand, one drawn by Anirst Iirealutgen, the Township of MeEillop, in I vor of either of the. undersigned, for the sum 27, and due on the lst of January, 1b72, the ot er was-pdrawn Ly Edward Lundy, of the TownsJup of Monis, in fa- vor of either of the unclersigne ior t ..saxionset of $15, and. due on the 24 of See t-embeic1872. The public are hereby cautioned lust purchasing or negotiatinge‘ither of the abo uotee, as payment of the same.has been stopped. .TO N•DONAHOE, It GER EANE, TRICK MOORTeewater, Jan. 16, 1872. 216 -4 - Fellows' yrup. GREAT • SEtOSITONEeK8 kEMED-Sr. ALLEN'S LUNG )3ALSAME CLARK'S FEMATA PILLS. ANTI -CONSUMPTIVE SYRUP. A FRESH SUPPLY Of the above Celebr ted _Patent Medic zeg .RECEIVED. R. LUMSDEN S CORNER DRUG STORE, SEAFORT11. ALSO,. SIMPSON'S OE- LEBRATED "SPICE," ..For Fatteniesg Cattle. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail. 215 e HARNESS, HARNESS. • Great Variety] AT WILSON'S SEAFORTH TRUNKS of ell lends, VALISES—not a few, -- Weete-PS—ef all sorts, COLLARS—all sizes: ,Bletaee, Curry-OM/the, Card. All priees—from 10 cents up. Bells, liTankets, eireingies, Saddles, 4nd in fact everything usually found in it first- class Saddler's Shop, and et price extremeleelow. ,I.A1VIES WILSON Takes thiseppoilunity oftlernking his numerous friends and cnstorners for the liberal support ea- t-etielea toward him for the pest year and hopes by strict attention to business and manufacturing a first-class article to,merit a fair share of the pat, ronage of thOmany. Remember the JS'illn, of till?, "GOLDEN SADDLE." 215 STRAYED STI-1.AYED from Seaforth, about two months ago, ke' a spotted COW, red and -white; on the right hind leg is a lerge lurup Ah.n, etrayea bout the same time, 5 large white SOW. Any informetion will he suitably eewarded. THOMAS STEPIlieNfe. Seaforth, Nov, 15, 1871. 213 Opening To -Day, At the • 777s MAIN -STREET, SEAPORT:at SlaN OF BLACK 'BEAR& 'NEW FURS, • NEW SHAWLS, ENV DRESS And a large kt READY-MADE CLOTHING, Dirett from Engle/14, Which will be soM very cheap. CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE riun will be held hereafter a „ LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORT1i, (Opposite ihe StatIon„) On the First Monday in each month, BEGINNING ON MONDAY, OCTOME“ 2, 1871, - Large numbers of buyers be in etteodencee and parties having stock may rely on the best mar- ket prices. In connection with Loyd's Hotel (Houghton's are large anel commodious stables and yar4s.:;190