HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-02, Page 3rs. int JUST RECEIVED, THOMAS LEE'S, 4 CHOICE STOCK OE FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, Comprising TEAS, SUGARS,, r COFFEES, InCE, CUA TS, RAISINS; S0 I' TOBACCOS, roaEfo, Bte, Idiot which he can afford to sell as- cheap as -say in the tont. T 'notes so cents TO $1, And warranted to Ore satisfaction to SHEARSON & CO.'S No. I Flour and Feed,, Ot every description constantly ort hand.: Arid- PROVISIONS Ends to be had at the lowest possible ratio, ,son's Spire, the best Condition Powder for Stock in use.. ;Farmers, try it. The highest price given for Farm Produes etas kinds. i Itemenber emplace, SHEARSON & CO.'S 0 -LE STA1D,. West Side, Main -street, n SEAFORTE, Wit:. T € AS LEE. ALT. OR- ERS_. For . all kinds of Salt Cart now be filled at AY0400 SPARL[NG'S to t C LI -P S Ft SALT -WORKS, .SEAFORTH3 ONT. 29, ia7:1. UTTERS• CUTTERS. The best; Ocie, most stylish,moat durable,; and cheapest CUTTERS, PLEASURE SLLMGH,s, DEMOCRAT CUTTERS, dc; Alanufactured at McINTOSH.t MO1.RISON'S Carni ge Factory, 210.13. Irian, atr et, Seaforth. SP.E LINO & SCOTT V Iti G purchased the wholesale department: f Thomas B irs Furniture Shop, we are: now prepared to sE epee WRouseL. DEALERS 1t ITI. I'URZTIT URE,. Cheaper thud it ever was sold before, as ire haws made great additions to the machinery and: In- :tend n: tent Manufacturing extensively 0 P:crtiea Tray be sure of good work, as non& bn food Mechanics are employed. A good stock kap. ceztHta),.tiy on hand. Lumber taken in exchange. Turning done on shortest notice. f - ' Thomas Bell's OM Shop, Gerlier of Market Sjt nre, SEAFORTH, .204-13 s:1}ARLIXG & SCOTT. OF OAP i c�.zxti� Henry Esc audthe Hoffa. James: Ferrier. TIANFEi '--McIsojfs Banti. LFat4la,. An i'Eies— Messrs. Ritchie, Morriq & Rose. MliDle ..t.r. ADvism—William Sutherland, Esq. M., 1) Salta Ei:o1 Thoni<a S. Scott,; Esq. Aunrro:ik Thomas: R. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT., SI(1;E'rA1\ AND GENERIC&. o N_•r•,---A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. CaerenicutStreet, Montreal.. The.undersigned having been appoint - el Agent for the above C empauy, parties: if sirizig to insure against loss by fire can fe, sc. orai the most favourable terms. Life: Policies granted -on as advantage }.. teleses as any other respectable Com- ;any don business in Canada. J Ail ='.S H. BENSON. Agent. r<I'WE--1>EN-SO_ & : MEY ER'S Law Office, Seaforth. 15.3-tf.— Q UEEN ranee Company LIVERPOOL & LONDO'N. 0 TAL $2,000,000 Sterling 0 }FFI€'ES—(neer Buildings, Liver- �ict Gracechurch Street, London. BRAINCH OFFICE—Exchange Buildings, Montreal. Wm. Morton Escl., Chai_rman. Thomas, Esq. Dam id Torrance,_ aforth, Nov.. S, 18 70. 0. FEB. $ ? Novas. The' -great fie :.3 freed Chicago of vermin. -- Thomas Ducey, of Lowell, Tl- noir, is a father at the age of 63. The Due-ey is. • '— An Indian invalid lunches on five pounds of beef -steak justbefore retiring every night. —A -wretched looking- wood- sawer in. Boston owns real estate, purchased by his earnings alone,. worth $15,000, —A vagrant was. committed to the Pittsfield (Mass.) jail, who had :, n seven shirts, five pairs ofpaftts, ero vests and two coats. In his multitudinous . pockets were found about a bushel of rubbish,consisting in part of paper, twine, thread, needles, pieces of cloth, handker- chiefs, mittens, gloves, a dozen half- iiuncheo apples, scraps pf bread and cheese, lumps of soap, beeswax, scis- sors, rusty /nails, old junk; etc. Be - aides this trash then was found filthy lucre to the amount of one hundred dollars. — A brass band , compotyed of twenty woiinen is being organized in Cincinnati. -- Mr. Porter, of Missouri, hav=- ing completed a century without any prospect of dissolution, has conclud- ed to rub out and begin over again. Accordingly his grey hair is turning black and 11e cutting his third` set of teeth at the early age of 101. Nature, is fond of what are called •" gift enterprises:" This little book of lifewhich she has given' in- to .the hands of its joint possessors, is commonly one of the old :story- books boundver again.. Only once in a great while there is a stately poem in it, or its leaves are illumin- ed with the glories of art, : or they infold a draftutoid values, signed by .the million -fold niillien- aire old mother herself. But :stran- gers are commonly the first to find the ', gi t' ;hat came with the little book. Ilalnaes. A young couple got married down town -a few' clays -ago. The bridegroom gaye a male friend the dominie.'s fee in an envelope.. Male friend put the• envelope in the in- side breast pocket of his coat { along with- another envelope. When_ the time came to pay, he Banded . the dominie the; envelope aict . deparijed. Dominie opened his envelope and found an invitation to Phoenix Hose • ball. Male friend' had` Made a mis- take, which was soon after fectifled. "The dominie . respectfully declined theinvitation, to the ball.—Po'keep- bie Eel/ie. GAIETIES. " Ben," said a father the other day, " Tam busy now ; but as soon as Lean get- time I mean to give you a .flogging• « Don't- hurry yourself,•pat'.' said he, I can wait. —" Willie," saicl.a doting parent at the breakfast to le `to en abridg- ed brid -ed edition.o�f� himself, and who had just entered- the grammar class at the high school,. •' Willie, my dear, will you pass the butter?" Thir fainly, thir—takthes . me. to .. pathe. anything. Butter •ith a common thubthantive, neuter' -gender,. ag •eeth. 'rich hot buck -wheat caketh, and it11 `=governed by thug.u•— molatl3eth under thtood." '• • g,•. —Two Irish teen, on a scil try night, s u immediately after .their , a,rriyitl in sv India, took refuge under -tlae bed- 'le -clothes from a skirivisling• party of an mosquitoes. At last one of therm, sle gasping from heat, ventured 10 pep 'wh beyond the bulwarks, and by chance T espied a fire -fly, which had strayed ne into the iooiu. Arousing his corn- sou panion with a pencil, he said : nal « Fergus,' Fergus, it'=s i o. use. Ye .floo might as well:come cit. Iere's one ds of the craS tel:s `sarchiug lir us wid a, lan�ter.i." THE IIQUSE. LatiT li,;II'C: • you have.there. Will he do to bet onr' ,, u, Bet on 4 Guess he will that, I tell yet, Jini . Boggs, 'hers the best "mule in this country. Paid $500 for liim."' " Great smash, is that so l" . ejacu. lated Jim, " Solid truth, very word of it. Tell .you confide tialiy Jim, Itis takinghim, down for betting pur- poses. I bet been kick a fly ;off any man. withont�i hurting him."' "Now look he e, Squire," said Jim, " I'in not a ketting character, but I'll; bet you sp ething on that myself". ' 1 `` Jim,° ther 's :1?' c� use ; don't bet, I don't want to win your money. "Don't be .'ala •aped, uir ; I'll take such `bets)`as tem every lime." " Well, if you 11 re determined to -bet, I will take u mall stake—say . five dollars." '� All r ght sgdre, you're my man., But who wip.'he kick theJfy off? There i nd one here but you and I. Ybu t y it "No, says Johnson, "I have to be by the mail 's head to order hini." " Oh, yaws,' says Jim, ", Then ['m probably he .gin. Wa'all I'll do it;; but yon °.are Ito bet ten.to my ' five if I risk it: ' . "All right ;' 'gioth the squire. "-Now there i a fly 'on your should- er stand still.. 4.nd Johnson ad- justed his mall' - , i " Whist, Je y,, said he. The muleraised his 'eels with such velocity an d force, tat; Boggs rose . in the . a r lace a: bird, ` and -- alighted on a l fo>�irs in a muddy ditch, bang upagainst a rail fence. Rising in a owe ing rage, he ex- claimed '" yea , that is srnart ! I knew your clay ed Mule co Ida't do it. You had tit t put up.' I " oulcln't be kicked like that for lift dollars., You' can just f rk over the . stakes for it, anyway. "Not[ so fav t, Jain ; J rry did just what I sui he would ; that is, kick a fly off air an. withou hurting him. You- see -the Mule i not in- jured by th e ` of erasion. owever, if you are not -s: tished we will by it again as.ofte i as on .wis . " The deice take you," growled Jitn. • "1.1d rat lar ' avb a am fall on me at•once, han ave tl at crit- ter kick' ins "•gai K ep th stakes, but don' say any thi g abou it." Boggs trudge 1 on in soul, inunnn it to 1 im elf, '' Sold by thunder, and :kicked by a male !' 1 e bit41:nese of A Model O itua discolisoiM e. e�itor • A � l thus be- moans his depar ecl spouse : Thus me wi e 'died. /No *pore will -those lovini ha ds pull off nay boots arid' part nay back lair, as only a tree -wife RM. Nor ill ever- -`, - _ enish e coal hod oi. water ;p i 1. No r IV will . she/ r3r`ise arnic th.? teml.estuous storms. of wint'r, apd hie herself away to build t le fiie without dis- eutbinee' the sl u;, bets of the man wlio 'doted upb. he • so `artlessly. . Het Thewory 1s enit aimed in my. heart of hearts.. 1 1 anted to enj halm- her body, hntI found that. V could elftDalaiih, r tn. mory "I' proccired of a li Mu neighbor of'min ilea per. l,et, a {,. e, ra� very I pretty ,t eetone. � -4.s �'ife was con�- atpti.�;e; aucl h ke t it on.hand i-eral years, in anti ip:otion cf.lier nth. But she rallid last spring, rl bis hopes iv re b astecl. Never x.11 I forget th Poo man' grief en I asked hi to part ith it. pike it, Skinner, ud nig y you ver know- what it i to ha e your 1 lacked with disaPpbintment; as lie has l)eeii ' < ncl 1 e burst into a d of tears. is ,•Pint was, in- ed, utterly btoKen. � t I had the i!olilow llpg epistle en- graved -LIDO her tombstone, • ' ro .the memory' , of Tal_itha, 1 ife of Moses Skinner, Esq, gentl Manly .editor of the lei ovibone. Ter s, $3 a :year, • in' zlria A. 111s:clvan e. Akind mother. ails :exPinpinr wife. Offt"ce over Colerurn's gtoce y, up fli,�h is of sta vs,. Knock hard. shall Miss thf.e, mother, 4 ;shall s thee.; Job I einting Tintingsolicited.' rix did, mylacerateds . irit cl•}lout in Dy., even as Rachel weeping for children. - Du one lay of ligh titrated the dc,,spaii of njy soul. .undertaker tool.-.. is pay in job • ntiug, and the,,s�ext a owed me Ae account I 6h, lcl not have got - any :,other way. Why should. dine at the. ulysteriouS w;tvs of vide:uce sand vicinity 1 (Not a inclrtlln.)-Has F) (Iflf'isi) (:all. ., HOTICE TO FARMERS. Who's the Opposition ? t 2'2 says Mat. Cameron No one . else—deuce, a one— Pin WC Opposition !" 'SV ere are the Tories? - Dead ,every one of them— .Each i'notlier's son of then:.Mat. • Batting Cameron. . Where's •th' Axe -minder ? . NO suck creature now ; Grit every feature now, Voting .with Blake ! Whr, f. will the upshot be ? - -Victory everywhere ; John ;L. wall shortly share The fate of his ahadow. —I. ICG �,t ton 1 epee i .-icked by a yitue. two 'ie nils a Th ago her. pelt e pri littl ten. we Pro Jake Johnson bad . iliule There COM 1taS ne)thnrtg relict,alba%1(e-1a-tbe mese_ ' fact of his beii i the ,possessor: of such an .animal, but thele. •was So111e . thing peculiar abdut the mule.. He —the auitaz1.1---cot4ld kick -Higher, hit higher on the 4lig,htest pr•oi•oc_c-. tion, and act uglier. than -any other nude on record. 02-ve-inorning Tiding his. property - to market, Jake mer. Jitn Begg aetairpit wham lie had it- 'concealed gruttge. He:knt w Bog rs% wei.krttess - Jay in bt•:a„t ug and betting • there - 'fore 110 saluted hurt accordingly. t. IIO�t' dl't3 you, ,lilil ? Mae morn, { inn” `j lI-cart3T, Squire,"' ter lied p Jim. a ne ; ati Gather. Nrice nettle that POULTRY Highqst Price in Cash, For any quantity POUL DeliveYed at the Egg E 20,7 6 0 CD o CD ce- cc re- • in 0 1-3 H- LT(2, ..,gPo7IT 72 Cln edbl cat 1.1 Mai eel e. i ONIH.LO1O 0 110X ORO MILLS ! C AHED HAM. uudersigt led. having 1 nrchnsed the Roxboro repair, are now pi eptu•ed. to do • AND All vher kin s of gen on the shortes Tho would al. desire to others that ns o work wil own tivervision hey have w teeing ;entire .faction. A trial i resrectf B. SHANT RoXtMra ,June PLA HaPPING rm. Custom Work notice. state to farmers and be done tinder their lly solicited. 184-tf. AFO ING —AND L N FA TORY. cos omorS for he liberal p 0-x0114-.44, trstended to him sit (34.1 Co111/71e. Hang Whirl ..3S ill"SellfOrtli, :rod , trusts hat Ito ma, ritt favored with -a ettutinuanee 1 Portia; ottendina to build w reld do well to give him a, i all; ss he i ill' conthin to keep. on hand a DI Y PINE UMBER, Ile Eta who Ina but first AIS, BLINDS, :A SH1Nbl ES, LA.' -class war] ineu are 0311 nth:bit-tine to those patronage, as none Pa tienlar undo!) yaid to Olsten) Planing. 201 JOHN H. pTOVES, .TINW RE AND maimfactore, whiel she eau s 11 its cheap as any the trade.. . kept constantb on hand and tirade to order. m ssttria;:tliyisets:o haud. at d will be . old. wholettule and 1:Ann-tuber the place, Canniclutas Block, Main iodplart,i 1 y. note or tn. ok a:cc:omit are re, ltags, wool-pickin.414. old iron, brass, copper, ete., b..D. WILSON, taken in exeltung,e f goods. AI N EYVI LE, ARE,. SELLING OFP THE BALANCE OF THEIR ALL AND WINTER STOC VERY LOW, To make room for Spring Importations. BOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS. Call ancl Examine for Yourselves Before Purchasing Elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE-1E0E1ES OLD ST.AiD. STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. AlNLKITVII.,LE, January, 1872. "DOMINION HOUSE." CASH VS. CREDIT. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, , LIVI)GSTONE WILL ALLOW A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. ON ALL GASH PURCHASES AMOUNTING TO $5 AND 1TPWAR-D. Just received, large and carefully selected stocks Of FRESH TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS. &c., All of which will be subject to the above discount. Now is the time to obtain BARGAINS. The above offer beinu genuine, will be adhered to in everY case, when purchasers pay CASH DOWN': Goods marked. plain figures at the lowest market rates. Convince yourselves by making an early inspection. • NIPTICE. ALTTIOLG-11 BOOTS SHOES, WOOLLEN GOODS, CROCE ERY, ETC., Have advanced from 10 to 20 per "cent, WE WILL NOT Put up the GOODS now in Stock MONTREAL ORT TIME. E HICKSON C HO SE SEATORTH. LSON Has purchased inel increased the stock formerly beloneine o S Powell, and has now on..hand a first-class stock of FLOUR, Fala) & PROVISIONS. Also, ft stock of Spencer s and Carling's AP, In Casks, Half Casks, and Quaeter Casks, VERY CHEAP. etKle delivered in any part of the town. Remember the place, Powell's Old Stand/ rOpposite; the Mansion *Hotel, Seaforth. 213 MEM SEWING. Kong. ..i.THE• OSBORN-. ti Lock -Stitch Sewing Thousands throughout Canada are now Ming these maehines. They have been tested beyorul all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are pr uounced superior to any, other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism, - adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn Sewing 3fachine Has ier Improvements have lately been made, enabling the manufacturer,s to -claim it as thone plus Ttiltra of Sewing 'machines. Hundreds of testimonials are being receiVed daily from °IA as -well as new operators ';'-attestine• its wonderful capabilities. Will do Z1 kinds of do- mestic solving, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat er upper leather. GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED, OR NO SALE, 'WARRANTED FOR THREE TEARS. Tho Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the race hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range of work, the raa,nufacturers being determined to place it within the reach of e•very family in the country. vince all that our inachites are un- equaled. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelous success. Will do all varieties of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY . * Hand NIachine, with full outfit, $12 ; Treadle do.; $17. fir Each machine . guaranteed. GUELPH SEWINC MACHINE 00., GUELPH, CANADA.. W. WATSON, Agexit, or A gents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducement& to make money. Apply tio THE AqRICULTURAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATIO;sr OF CANADA. HEAD. orncE„ -.LONDON, ONT, Licensed by the Dominion Government. $231,242 25. Cash and Cash Items, .$72,289 55.1 This Company continues to grow in the pubile -confidence. _Ou the ls—t January, 1871, it had in force 34,528 Polieies, haying, during the year 187% issued the hmuense number of 12,319 Policies. LI.- Farmers, *patronize your own CasAnian Company tha t has done Such good service amongst You. For Insurance apply te (19. tilLES MORROW, THE SEAFOR;TH p1:0- to inform The puhlie, that they have opened Mill, on. the i.cround formerly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand agood assort - meta of ALL E.INDS OP LUMBER, dressed undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, all a which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possi- ble 41ces, for Cash. Bluilders an,1 others will find it to their advant- age to inspect our stoek; anilati4itertain -our prices before minim:411g elsewhere, as we are io to offer good indueements to eash purchasers. • 160 11A1317.11; 1111.CDONALD. 1118 Cabinet-maker and Undertaker, JOHNSON'S OLD STAND, Main.street, Seaton)), -Where he has on lanul ;inperior stock tura of evdtw description. Furni- Haling purchased Mr. l'hoinas HEARSE, I aro prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice, either in town or country._ -COMM, All SiZeZ; Kept constantly on hand. JArvi rri. Z. WILLIAMS Begs to intimate tO the public -that he has removed flan)" Mc Intosh Zyr, Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, add has rented Mr. William Grassies Paint Shop, Where he- may be found. at any time. Mr.. Williaans is prepared to execute, of the shortest notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, Sign ..Painting and Ornamental Work. - Give him a call. Remember qie place, opposite Murray'S Stables. 170-13t "NOTICE TO ;DEBTORS. THE undr,,,igni,a state. that be ball -L rve01-t-71instruaiows to extend,the time for tho that time pth,ithely be sued, without respect 3". S. PORTER, Seaforth. SHOPS FOR SALE. l'OR SALE, two shops and fortv-four feet Iron A- age on Main Stro-O-. Settforih, opposite Car- rniehaer,s Hotel. Apply to •