HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-02-02, Page 1f HRRAH Foftwn. WAI. A -ULT O 111ND a.-Ruperior toeiz of pA�47 hando Hrgws, etc. AJF,), ry ano! C'* er 7 0tl1(.,rVkiC16 aaua4, I-c;pt ia eiiteh no 11ouri Oat mi(I Corn-ra q, eal, rotatoe, etc., &Isa, of er7 descriptio -.1 of Poriz, iq 0MR, Pelt-, Bmlx aiul ' hortR, all ol Trhick vW. bo.- "Id cheriper. than, the� ch"pest 111mium ------------------ 4 Vol. UNIV 9 -t prjea paid fqrL all ki -a M- 1VU0jLE Jvo. 21. AFQRTH FRID4yt FEBRUARY MCLEAN HIROTIMERIA, 1pubUshel.,4. 2) 1872. Remetilbor the plRee, 'Wll-bl Stroot, Ea -qt $I- 50� ft year, Ait advance., 1pposite� Coytntry'a Dot sucl shoe Store" eaforth. THE., jail and -'Cyo-qrt House COUNTY 10UNCIL. 06mmittee. tion of i the C e,. 011113il in petitioning, the be supportea for a 'very much less sum within my "urisdiction, L�dki Oarrick, Dlton, Me- Legisl-abur�fojrvarious objects a than it ow ddesire to can y THE"FIR -Donald,.,"' mogst costs. ffer a ST MEETIN'M -Walker, Yearly, McGuire,. he thought 'it -bia� few remir Our carriestonsidelrs�. which s conne � d 11t1i one fro time that a rich Cc, cte Wi MY -work, to a question that has' Council unty like H '�cott. and Snell. of the County of pe and in doing TO MAN, in the County FACTURERS. Donald wakl$ troubled y0t WICC00111 of Wardeip —Arch - I .80 for t116 first tilh Bishop, rth, sking the co. making some provisi take for several successive- sessions, --I refer THtTRSfDA1 opelratimi .(if the. 0ouncil in petiti could be p qnwhereby the podr U-ceve oleUmborne, the Choice oning rop b wed for, and li�e Iti I fmnry t1lat, t Is Opportunity of- expretaingmy- thank to 1e P-etitions respectig re-distrib., he the G cou or the honor conferred, i portion of tlx� axe e7Co The Council -met pursu art to adjourn. o, ramerit t D rezunite the County not conceive of of th to offer inost liberat indue would pl4qing. me in tion of' '6ections. hfor regis any scheme which Position of trust and inent. The minutes of preg''Ous mb6ti ration purposes. by. WR7 more adva gregt responsibill- size and shiLpe of jell ol' The County -crouncil in ritage 01181 y out this ob, o sections in man- chf&--o'-r,"permf me Y_ et*, on Tuesday,: were fetid -and- it when it was Mr. ckie thoughttrong`�ild decided ject th&n the etablis 1by In return for,au townships, is a fruitful Sol ppro ved tree Of great OF AIGNW BONU 23r(I Jarl"arY, Pursuant to statute, the a6tion Of a Cler oved by Greenway, seconded by a ould bei - House to aay,* that I shall do my Utmost &mer_ -dissatifa,ati taken in 'ibis matter. of Refuge and Industrial Farm.. As to size the greatest in the chair. The various repre- Mr. Gibscli, Th He -th sucli person or porsous As will establish ancl, at he War(len and Qlerk ore moved. secoi ided by Mr. Mr. Be i ' t YO1fr constant pprovAli 'And 4 perform differenco� exi-sts. In ray district, serlt�Atives-of the'mu nson s iid ih6re Was not a mem., present faithfully the, wor_assignq�4 me. to the rural sections -A-tmin in operation in said -,W­1ga a emori x1i C i c! I Sin-pson That a Committee of five be ber of the Coul ty Coun il who -vary from _ seventy -to, nicipalities be instructed tim sla .�iri ze the L " * P;p e9l . i= filed their certificates. - of 'eleetion after llpointe. to draf did not best of 'my ability. iu!re Of niari6 A part of the' b a petitioz e: -hundred, tro fifteen hurldtoad acres. MKIIJEA" whie-hpropos4ls were received'as f0flo, the sbnti nents 0 to amend th mbodying have troul--�Ies si ch AS that complained of Since ich r t is Coun(il r 'the ex ESTARL _wb I - )OintinA - `_ , WENT. Ws Municipal Act quires the Clerk f elative,to by Air. Moon, a ad I Le- thought it wo my app . )."AULL -for the position U14 Ception of two weeks' have received many appeals personally of Warden,- of eadh urilcipaity - to "'Q end by- each,, Ridifig r: gistry A ces. Th 1 Committee be highly impi 6_�r's&fetrb-y yr -u in and by letter for -a remed impleuxomt kanufatory and. Moved y Mr. Girvi, seconded by 'the y to order to fi4ish school "5 Y_ everal appointe 'consiste For farther ptvrt10n1&M eeve - and Deputy, ceftificaies'of elec- woilr; -my Ifine has cases the pupils are utterl shut out from ac-Shrip preferre(L . . - d of MeTk8rs. Lenfldel.l grant aid in one ocPaslef or Y to tlie,N, Wage Clerk, seafrtI4 (hkt. -Mr. 'Cr�sswell That William Youn _ tion.. That i ad O;D Benson Iolmes . ); when they coul entirely �deoted to .work- artain- attendance of 9 aste 'a h Olerk - be- in I ys and Greenw ot do so in I �een P dliriill� the greater part.of t all. Iffe;felt strongly tha, 1. J__ _ 0 2 5L . . . 11, IF , _t Esq., P.46-� I , he e C61borne, be Warden for structed to for* ."Moved by Ing to the 0 ice.' Indee,� t4e %ork'of y ard t6 t e 173ourity Clerk. Mr. Perkins, second6d by 801110.8tepsItould be immediately tak ' 1. ear, on accoun,f.bf the state of the. roads f yea -r.. en collecting, se'lki-anliru a urns n the -result. of ihe elect -i iis in their re- Mr. Gibson, T�at the Townhill, of Ho for the es-tablishin (I ap- *and distance from schools, lir Mr. Arm- one -came Wved in amendment, by. be permitt ent Of a County Poor ing the Le i I '*hieh' a Ihr IV hc--�ekt 0itntione specti ipk propriat JGZ d ive. municipalities, 8 spon as as,cer- ed to !pend til "r -'h holary House. A weal ge family. cannot -reach the . school- Certain Prorqisso,y g ike Huron ttrong. s'eco'lloied.".by Mr. Castle, That- ti 6 d. line Pplopriatio ou tb\Y County I was unexpected haA to bd' hous Xy n in such art of the should ilot allo-w he- erforiaed� e unless the memb �'teleYi Xov� 1,970,Aa faxor of- W. cam' Da,vid -Pattgn, Esq., -Deputy R' poornd destitute "Before th work'. of-.-Appq er,stravel between, eeve, of Mr. Gr�en ip e. rtionjin four or five miles. Were t�e inhabitants Or mVor, for the SUM Of $ t37 and 60 0. way stateo� tf at -what. led tOwnsli* as -they ir ay see fit. to travel from door to door seeking alms. In 21, Goderich townshi e appointed Ward- hi Mr. L school in IP, iril orley as conclu ar te is loot alid pai(i. - OPPO th' Bo all - willing to engage tho said; no to move this resoltion was the ed'the mo esides it kie en for tho� curr tion. He B wotld rid the . municipal of Ex in the changes of ent yea.r.' &miners number dto bo tet io� t& bounda was Opp examinatioii of W. C-Aamr of informal ce -tifi-ates which -I ridary lir counciig, d t e p . ries, the matter would all ray of a be simple clidicites for 'Tea6heiii"`beKi1fcates.' eliough. J�ut in some cases the Smfodh, im, 2,4-, presented 'year a ter ye&T. - This ations erllirelY, bill if the Council would continul ano p rsis ;ent nuisance. Even The Nvfork conbected-Vith fibcY exiLmina. Vpol ikvote been -taken beween Mr, he was ii atton aid i4r: Young, there oted. f or was an important matter, a ot make ther I, all towr ships shoi tld. be treat- ill a Commercial poir u of vie v, he fq1t tion occupies -at least f9ur weeks of the PaYers in larse sections have no desire rmer fitteen And for the latter sare pub that hei- ed tiolike and put upon,th ne basis. House of Refuge -a d Industria TQ L, E. T_ the fo r wholo' proceedings a to -aid those Jess favorably situated, and I Farm Formerly the ex PM Pfeln&eff Ozi the ruarket at prp, 4eialiteell. qout compied 3iiu9l4'be -illegal- and -'Could be. upset -if Mr. Gibson sai that the year. 4W P -Re of How- Would PAY. m_st - 341inatiOn W --as '.tbu thernittert- Alove'd hirther in amendment by Mr. I think- it rieces- and; po&tcmio, .(C c6iripleted in & few under the sary to press this inatter upon your- at_ person felt disposed to. st the ques- ickwasallexceptioaalonel Thattown. After some further now WAr. 8imp§orii seconded byr Mr. iYearley, es'lonnu ship bord discussion of a order of things, -th6 'Work.' �'is more tenti Ily t b ered on - three 6tb er coun ties eneral Mo on at th 215 That Thomas Geetiway, Esq. -taiOu Tl� I mig rased, was kiud�- th( 'ion was allowed to ous. ! e.present time, as in many Reeve of the acted by n and Bruce did not meet then[ half go to the Firiane COJ al�dll 6. ss trans sections iembers who Way, new school houses a -re-, about to- Stephen; be Appointed _'Warden. for'the had takiieni. eir vertificates i po nform. ninittee. Many of thoseapplyl immediate beQ ides H)Wick wa� i bound for larg rail- an b 9 fqr.,c*=tificat,eo be bui CA U-tO-N., current year. . Upon the vote 'being al e Moved 'by M, . F rr , seconded by failed, an c 'd ly, before A d onsi crab e -anxiety -pre. 3�y Purtly fOuRd An'Amin-­ Timbr, or tre.,q)&W- certificates, legal. 'If tIA,object. of way bonu wi. Mr. Detlor, Tha a c inmittee coi such is.done, In, such cases Wheire- 1he Ay Imes said of Messrs. Ben i it wbuld.do is ton, ]lip e ..taken there voted for r Gre' risisting vailed a;s to how the scho 'were to be subject is --being agitat d or lik ly to JRZ 1-11 AnYj manner on Lot 6, 7th c-oncenion. enw 1�, his motion weie cairied-oil. Dr. Hc was 111- bons, kept open. However, "d away With this dja r, adiiich simpli- il L the samil: way, Leckie, to the utjnoat ex- ior Mr. Y6u,ng 19. t6rested 80 1, (Arreenway, Gib Orib Council of, I wo at ilf the law, lSu t still they and the mover, be a Uld respectfull Moved further in am6ndineri by Mr. committee Publi y suggest that the fy in& rige w, Lut any 81 ecial legii lation. to report at ne. ct �n C.InhtlruCtiOM graff" adthbril�f t�� n tters: greenway, seconded by V� did not eeling of Coulic the BO rd of taki6i� to afford t, Rays, That A pe -TI Mr. M(On also (b ected. t) ' Examinerspto v* fio *cial a Is I titiou from T olerrian, and i an excep. upon the. fesibi,ityl,lof �d . R. MILLRRp ve of Us- one bun -Archibad ;shop, -Esq., Ree dred-'otbers, rdsidimts of the tion of thi; kind. bei I Meting ri poor -certificates to all who were waged in ade. ect f:�col_n A villge W Seafbrth, praying that a High Mr, Gibbons thnught the Council had Upon a questic borraq, ainte Wirderr for the curii� in, housp ii -I this Co: uty ln�p , or of Public School the work, who b ad fail�of at th� jx�mjn ii� .#_ a- My, about tho Ift.4t or rent year. Cort h as centre not the po�ver to n boing raised by, Dr. ation, and whFase. True 4 IREPORr oF mg. DEw-A,-R. A No.. 27-v 6tlr Con hOO strict, With Se. ss this mot, Holmes as to er if eipfessed -a red and W,hita, ion. ptember bist, arlinf_� S T�ere- voted for. Mr. Bishop Messrs. be set.aprt,.-.'-was read andrefearr h 1e mot' G.ospel wfleth' ministers of the 4wre.to retain their, h6r#ic�%:' III- this To the Marden and Couvt� 0071,716110ra. -40le in on,^ eal, and a -slit in the other. -Am, y PttOn, Brry%v ed t was in ard6r. en oubted if 1, ion ..could be (om�,elled,by the laws of w, Y�atley, Me- the 'ittee. t the standard, was -mitint ' ed, and Gentlemen, --l' bare vi-.ited sixt i!IfGmatiou its will leivd to tha Omm r s -by Air. Gi 1VIr- Per] z h' fonrt Guire Gibson Carrick, Shepherd, oved ins thoucht t 0 Council to - F IT f011, it Wa agreed bson. se6orlded by e three of the eiglity-three schools commit- e0v of tha abovoi-named nnim�avll be suit chools did not sugqjr �fqr gut of son da er motion that mi 'W: -,re ex-enipt from the te chers. At the I ' ' dy mwurdQ, un Ca6itle, Ureenway;- Far'ria"fn,, M'r. Snell That this Coun but of ordet- ast meeting . of the ted to my eliarge—� Cliton, ­Seaffo il emoriadize paymebt of toll mly� were t _rth, and Hays, -Willis, Nvilson, 'and Young.4-17. flif ravelin in rd, held in I)ec^ Urge lium-* Ainleyvu.le taking sixanda half Legislture' of Ontario tf Mr. CT Uji Boa ernbq, a ell v ;hei Ininist Mt. Youh nnot su� Hiffis Grven P. 0. For g. Messrs. Dalton, AArricultural Act, ---4 so' that.Ti he Officers as taken. Tb e follow c d the "anted th,-_�oint of. the discharue of erial es. ber did order deci(led beforetbe vote w, ing, kepo�. ceed iii setftlring',th' 'do n Armstron, ts were then read; necessary OwingtO circumstances .1 tbe mcr ii en the Coinc Moon.- Holmes, arld Directors o! 1�rauch AgriCUItUr' I The -NA den rule, qualificati3n iv- �rary to.. be- ESTRAY REtFtK. McDon a oil out of Wh two of these visits official.: ald, Walker, fl- ad ourned I spent -ray come legally qualified te"herp,. bVkt the' unicipa- glas Bishop, ties othe-' up t the J une, meet percentage was consider� erel HEa%R, r than those �aft r _,ffliiich -th educed in twentY, but failk(i throuhthe tbr- �' LOE 22, �iwxth B, Detlor, Scatt. Shannon Dou' at it betaken -day. time in t4ink to visit one of the iME into th-,- prt"-laise of ,,Ira. Scott, Societies can' be -chosen fyom N1 order,, And r6commend6d th, until Fii. le ey 9.- COUTY TRE SU,�mi;t',q and the p'ape U uAdtruel Th ORT. rs handed i�u 0 F_ I e b"dance of 4. __ Leck, and m ay be'llaiiied. everal -accounts vl nre read and refer- Accompanying the i0ounty Trea8urer?s ers, showed a -very 'great iWi e state of the roads. III ,I est� (I to, pay uyptilxft�oi PrOT6 Property MI. B41lop was declared elected, took Mr. Cressw red to the p emei in may ft nw.vkly. ell thought it 'would be ilaanceogminittee. Thefol- Reportof the time* x rec aipts and expenditures the knowledge of the suV* *as lost -and briefly thanked the Coun- well if the 1110tion.-wexA hi rther. lie 'lowing pet;itioji froln fhe Trutees and the past year wa 3 t6 )eeft�1140e4ftrY through an' accident, -and also the chair,. cept what Cil for the honor coafertil. uPon him. th following state. to be taught in our ach Ought thi� act sh ou I rate -payer' E$_ �Wky RGgs& d* be,',qo amended. Of School Section -No. io whibli mayr be of liteiest.to ou 90L had been my time since 'the meetirlo,.' of the Not only, waq the The decaration of offi ce was thm taken, that of Adjoining in Township', f Usborne was -red an wid ob i readers made.z, fully the pn-ioi,es, of the d re" You serve bbat the exi)enditure on cided improvement in ma(L' uticipalities, M a very - Board, has been occupied by the Warden, when the,miutes of the though iin di ljurLlt h&lf (4 Lotit 35 and, M Ist Con., Tu;m- fferent Electoral Divislon-83 c the matter but al- with business connected wit 0 .!r -M abuitt, the Ist of Dc -c,, -brow last cay -of last meeting were read- and could lie Ance, Ferred to t e School I'Olunlitte, ".That general ac ounf s has exceeded the h 'the I formed. For. �irisl the amnrit atink it. spectorship. R sohie year -Ago the Township Council estimat 3d so in the manner 'f tonii#t�nid 1:6 hAuds aw about, 7 veavi old- approved. TRe Council then adjouraed. town hi ersm. broke -tip o ; by 81,819 76. - The reason has freqnently,4*�nl 1) of Tuck sectio 'Mked, I-1- aw-rXer zo rvq1ke5tV4.L tO:.PrGVe ith, lind Pr the pres. r t of all The exces',� Quite a number of th,3se schools are 1 il, ilidepen(ten 11 1expendit _Propert---, pay, WRDNESDAY MOMNING1 e�Ltlaw,'6annotil' protests a, d petit, ure has why -so many failed Is. ig -on. account a very satisfactory state, t1rb teachers nite with N -Ellop to ons given em and bebu, greatest in roads and bridies and of the ne�v subjects recently4utroduced ? doing honest -and fair work, th&t really NrE Gks.r13T0Rr. form a Sociiety �`beaausc they bppela to -1 't 8 C k, 1. f6rced 'is into a sr, 11 e ti)ll, �That repairs of OraVEI Rroads, the former Many TheC noil met pursuaiitto-adjour* be'in diffe eni 14�lediora,l DiViS . LO11S_, sa­(J cectio -ha Only about thirty-three having exceeded I he :'timate by $29,125.. Ally ansWer may 'sfirp'rit A' -W' h e*n I has soniq toidency to a,%vaell thought -on T110 laillutes of the previous, Mr. state that it-lvas� iot MTRUY STEER. vll �'k-,there were per- f land orifirmed.. h is is caused ly a veral i large gralits Meetbig being read were d ' :the -hundred � eg o and corsequently Thi ' a the part of the pupils. A few schools -1ps tw6-,s 0 new subjects inta the ofth. subscriber,north Moved by Nlr.. Hays, seconded by Mr. 'to ugl't They to keep a failure oil i t- principa and only .1 few� ar. in a higli, id this atJon. d teael er is -very heivy tl�s haviii been: made, at the cl I'lly state of* ef'-. 9 o -se of the th at deficieri Q di - tee in. had a. SQcicty in P -11y,, -which, for many well. as un*ust to the r 0-Y ficien lid under the managm -thq have boen t lift -If Of'Lot 9th Con. 6f Stimley, tkboa,,t tbo Scott, -N. Watson, of Seaforth atepayers of said une mecting after the estimates Ifttd Ion e re cy, a] ith, of Ta4t, a cor,aing -twu J� ers coiultcl not g the subject's that ent Of old, Cho beAuditorfok the current y et a cent 6i Q-0vernment section. That in. so. ne sectio., is of said been made up and P�a Wh-, teachers whoi thoroughly uderstand their arried i,,i reqiae,sted, to pro -1,4 pro-, yo t ssed. The lairter— in ty a m wnsbip t ere are o ting'to'teach, such. ,i,rty. IlaY chluges Und ta,ke it jority of one, money, ho'ecaus g or attemp 11 'Oil Afambiar a -us nse.d usborn a] we have fPetitiDned ibe the estililates by $1,12%, the total cost geography. e Withthe end in�-view..� In il bor6 the- ioads—has overrun ing, readiva af d the el Society in Usborne' to ver 6.00C acres of repairs of Gravel P S spelb, business,. nd who do not confou- J -N- CoorPER- oved.by Mr. Shepherd seconded b Agricultu -the and In Ol N .� 3 y hae of lid ty 'land. Th t Oil billet -All rall Societ Towlisbip r th, allces far too numerous, the work r. Simpson, That T. Stokes, Esq., jr. Y-. ouncil'fo redre ay. of repairs being $12,121,)nearly 51,000 The Council of Publi lintruction, inst IV ss, and MPERTY FOR SALE, of Goderl 1, be appointed Auditor'for Greerrv�ay if Stephen, have refusEd to look ia�o the complaint. :more than -the revenue derived from the is- done is not- of such a character that I -can this year the Directors of tht ir ,�, That aiccor cling to th - sued a limit table- to reg*te the work- commend heartily ;,yet, considering ther the current year. —Lost by a majority of 3ociety new School Act tolls. The expenditure for Jury purpose had 4peri 8 in Of .N EGMQNDVt.L,LE. n idera e difficult your honor %ble body. ias vj� 'lie schools througlNoiit the 'Pro. , owe- to end has been. -3714 un(Ter the oyed by -many of P - meagre 21A%rautiges enj Their . amount eati- e,-whichj-wheftpi6pei1ry­"` SociatYhad a numb Of membe a Committee to in r stiga diut, the teachers and, also the fact that -beim-m gbout to retim fr Moved- f urther in am. en rs -te c aid c' mated, Om_ indicatingthat a considerable wilt: give us. iflim has ld�tbftih ii*ir. am Wg dbient by Mr..,, from Hay.. yet the 80 plaint, andl,we pray t at you, see fit saving is effected by the new law, re- v in t'Oachers, esPeciillyyouaig teachere,.have - present bu ess, Gderti fuw atacthe _Brnnond- Girvi, -!�econded by 'Mr. Scott, That, bhoose L)cI y could not their ilid, freque Fa tOry with the hAX &ere Qf land at- Titly to defer to., public opinion a single offi, 'PPOi euo� uire quiring on y two sessions in each year. classification.' The. -MILVagelubnt so James Tisdale be Auditor forth curr r flr6m. Tat townshi.! to I Rt a Committ �e to W-hidl, tht-10 i8 4 Kmi f r -hard., e ent He thought,perhaps the'diffic, LI said grieva into M* AVP of far as to act contrary to theii b by raised ach elief There has been no large special ex0endi- 'teachers has been AACch ThePropaitywiUbo year. —Lost by a rn�jority of four. ce, - id I Tant us I'll Mr. Was `W,Mr. Brown' could be �ovi y as- is just. iriolis. to the work ju etter witi-, or wihoat the WoO. Th& build- oil was thereup ,rcome b The geti ion was durned.by ture during d ents, 'it -ri)oin, eacl! -ifi a just 0 erhaps be on declared hidving 'the past year*, and if there is in the school gin would, p be in to rn 0reeUant dwelung dulY elected Auditor. a majon y of the elected John MONb mY, Robe rt knderso'n, Wil. none likely- for the current one, I thi- an *hi ii InYpart to d evireciate their labon mk law unto hims i1h e-v(-ns.e. The. -il)oye proerty v' fro -in 'the municibali r liam McArt ar, Trut6s. i elf. Now elch teacher is TheWardea appointed William SocieV was called tyiiFlft i vhich the . u 1117, too mucIl more -especially as these on c,.,Iqy imc- Moved by V�. that a 8 in Of from $6,000 to $7,000 reqaired, and it is the duty of * the te Kay a,- the' oillerAuditor. aers -have, Almost ,qs refere That, ti "grant 01 Point 011 ec)uded by might be appropiiated from the revenue spe ex - The motion M I t Mr. - Wilsbi otor to see that it is done Ow 6 a Selec r invested in some good County the in ethoa presc:rib�d. . in tlii mm Moved by Mr. Greenway, seconded by d eitbE tO� fell , pressed a desire that I sho 14gluond-cule F. 0'. Committce�. comp6sed o M ltssi 3. Browl, given to t of 'a Way tile any defect- -in their Mode Of Tha- a - com s ob,served Xr. 0 �f . he townsh ips of Morris and or Township debentures towards the re- change teacher Will not mittee of five 'be balloted -lo' 'to select ckie, effect� the - te�jchin and have shown a wiU m�gness the standi Greenway, resswell, Girvia ai d Turnberiy 6 assist i-i7tbe re -e. -ection of demption of our Gravel Road debentures, sch6ol as formerly, and the com ng -with pow uniformityr mittee 'for the Ybar �i the ge o, abe bow idary line between or taken credit nil rem er to repo,rt upo tl �e ge the brid, 11 -for in the estimate of �ness to act upon any sui'ues Provisions of the A witli which the work islaccomplished, er as last yer..—Carried gricultu il those two townships, rrisbank. this Lyear. The former I think, would will" do much not tiOns made to them. Indeed niany' of Moved by Mr. 1�attoii, I Referred to th only to benefit the the teachers have been q in -a ablfflot being taken the se ded by e,Finace Committee. be ore j)rudent, prticu arly s $20,000 Pupils, but also to 'Create a Wholesome ets by I uxck enough com C. oMpa;r. inittee' ws declare Mr. Gaunt, That the By -I' Moved by'Air. Moo- detecting their wn defe d to con§is df Messrs. MY Imposing A: ri, secon df d by Mr. of that sinking fund was distributed rivalry and stimulate to greater ink their In Siml Qirvin, That Mr. NVT a - ode -of -wor1k with mine. - My Brown pson and tax "Pon dogs'be repealed. nd. hat &re. -T Dou all, an iudi- during. the. p exer- ast Year, and the, taxes of tion the several teachers in tb t . . 'n e various decided opinion is that many, all. L ent persbu, IMET GirA after dogs- be free 9 receive x d from -present year, will, even without not reckon- ty rom. s Coun- lie it tbe� rtit e of $1.5 er Week. reduction, Ok-elybelighi. edtat resent as fit -rate teachers. will the work of inspection begu . , eX in -oved by Mr. Cresswell, seconded b 'ac 'fr. - Warden, th n ye se cellent teachers, by the Aid y o sooner had this resolution been ally municipali ties. y46 .1 by 1% Mr.. Perkins, That the 8tai cling Cohl.- canine 1%1r.� Moon 6Xplaine -that this McDou- NO_N-Rr,,srbENT LANTUS, I adopted the -plan, which had tke�n up its po,jitic nd at once proceed- of some jud-icic, ,Is a, owing is a an 'Mittee' be. instrnated, to reconstru-ct the n- i�i the gll as an old man," lao was _1113able,to The foll statement' of thd 'ed d by a slight- of the hall, 'set up joy].,,Ill howl to . classify the schools w' severa committees required for the trans- earn:lijs:owi II'velihOO-1, and Was.couse- collections made from the rion-resident I my instructions In order ly inreased emuneratiou, to that they wis"illust have had a softeI.r ing influence quently in g. -eat walit, He did to do the* may be in a position to avail themselves i� SEATTE��'. action of the business of this Council a not be- lilids in the various municiPalities in the work thoroughly,, I should have -bad t upon. he hearts of the- 6cu"GIloyss for long to th follows: Th. , of the Opinions of en.who have spent 0 6�r township, but had been C WAY from May to Dec6mber, 1871: more time, but -with the time at my dig. e.-Pimance-and Salaries COI -n- theresoluion which -bas bee, I vol -ed do wanderiii ibout, and airmne person A sli field. to.,be mergad and called tb, Wn 9 their lives in the profession o XCHANGE BROKER e 'year after year, ...... S,869 58 Toal, I did the best I could iid f teachkin alittee; the Qrav�el thi� by large In ljorities was hearing of h, s distress .,d arrang- I iegretto �state that in &Uce Com Roa condit oil, took Colborne ........ a fewschOot. 48 !98 ed the classes in every school, with One him up, and brought im into t' a MajOl ity of six. although happily but a fe I it ndealer in 1�ure -and Road and. Bridge Comm ittees to be timecarried'by he folvil- Clinton ......... ... 26-40 ex e.ption. That''thoi Work should -in erged and caled oved by: Mk. Moore�' %econded by ship.- This person bwl 'apf)liel to the Goderich T be. attending 'them derive now'cdlaecatiopniall Own ................ 208 30- done as satisfactorily as- possible, I WIK- benefit, and but a very lIgt th Road and Bridgre Mr: Castle tha:t the 0 be To-Arriship C)"Undil fo ad for the old Goderich Township ........... Coramittee�-; the -VV&rden's Committee-, slim -of :�300 raised' by. this Council 7 09 amiaed ever uPil in every, school per- benefit. for improving y grant ............................. 197 32 8onally, and very frequently'in the prb- boundary lines any - as he did not belong.to, tham. He Hay -... . -. . . Any of our schools are not to re-mia as. at Present, the Jail Coll man, but ti e- Courici. refused to., Grey CS0.84.11CALS AND DYESTUFFS, Mittee of the Various minlicipli- Althonah ML s. At , allid Frilltina Cb m mittees tj was clearly a ca Hullett '192 85 sence of trustees and parent' -he iaitlt Er to Temai-Ill as -at present, -the ti6s said sum to be expendc-d as in form- (Mr. Mo6n) thouchty the what I wou to be elr years.. se .52 48 -ach examination Id wish them. to be, i which claimed the -assistance of the' owick . s not altbgether lie with the tea�chers. I ...................... 103 66 1 xnerged a al the School Com ' 6 Of I explained doe _u(l e, led c'Os mittee ought I the reason why stt6h a course was taken k.NCYAND70 LET7ARTt0LES--' and that the Sele0tillo" Committee b' Mr. Perkins. ill hi. -S systeni County. McKillop The attendance is vrirregular, aild ........... ...... ra,cfed to .should be ab 67 17 and Pointed out the benefits to be deriv- that- :further. iiiz-,t ;�ve' each . ndoned thi ar, and- Messrs. esswell, Leckie, re lorr more general tban one would readily hioe wo-uld vote against the Several. and others strongly resisted th mtio. ... 202 07 ed. I xc�eat for N ip ................. In man3r, cises parents thought. it a motic)n "I OSe. In manYinstancesparents will One. representative in te Equal- 19 25 hardship that they were required to pur. supp :Iz Howi lle�illg that in- almost' every mi nicipali Pply the -jecessary books, nor do 11111licip, ck amo ag t b , minittee." - �o num-_ hardly su .......... ber, had last year ganted he.avy bolius6 tv there were sev . . , 51 60 chase so many. books, -and expressed Moved -by Mr. Si 0 e eral such ind.viduals- Stephen aTe trusteesi W Pirre Wiiiies and Llqqors for nlc(li- �M,PsOli, secouded by. t -1 -,too 1-15eral o, ai ways,, ild did not intand to spend who, altho ..................... 113 32 themseiv t I In f urnishig the at, �r 0 sly be- -ersmith. es -willing to do it if here was a schools -wl�h wii they bad previ Tuck the apPmtus required. M -r- Gau in a-mandment, rhat comulitt Y money for, internal ts longed to. other in: 107 39 prospect of that quetion being settled. ees remain as heretof ore exce firiprcvemen uniclipalities.0 yet had Turnberry.-.-.. MAnY of the'school houies have an but 22 14 I Admit that there hbLs been too frqu the Grvel Pt during this- year. He tll�cre fore thbught 'to be supported by thb municipality in' Usborne.......:,� 21 I et bare walls, without eterriii, at all to Road tiid Road and 4 change in this res n 3, 16-70� 59-tf. Bhdae it unfair thlvi so -i;u* h B& ould be spent which they I ect, but now I thi k the miserable h-uts, low were. They'also. alleged West AV'awanosh nsorne in- CoilimUees, whioh may be merged intoi 553 3 that -for the flitiir6 there -will be no cause sta7lees, Poor , chi one, the School oil bouadary roads nd none in tbo, centre. that if aid WE re granted in this ihst ............. 3 in which, and Printi ance East Wawarlosh... tig Com- ............. 136 46 of -such complaints. 1dren are made to suff4r of the toivuship§. He no U ff oil ell Muttees to bp 1,1,1ircred into one An, e Town-' t1lere w Id I ie ''d of l�plic Itions to a 311 kinds Of ineonvenierices for six hours 00 111II-ittee. Oli n vi of schools - I (I called -ship �Couiicils A ....................... 8 — - - I in the day-* the 8ch and p;lutillg CO sh ' Id be ief to raise the the County for aid from simfl i (11 III -the gre't majority JL -V 'wading far beyond their money out of the to' & as duals, and mlireov'er, the Couil;y could COUNTY SU11V Inspector of PublicSchools. Day., Tot. 3,11126 found the pupils The am, end' wnshi ment Was carried by ps or nc Ryon depth—tbining t iority of I 9.. ma;- th.e-y chose. not legally gr alt su'ch aid, s the law dis- hey knew everything, The County Surveyor submitted the when. 'irst principles -had not been learn - Mr. Gibboni lhou�ll --mu * icipalify fo' Af erkins' tilictly provides that ea ')Y A r. Sh—Muon, seconded V�- t h n lloWilig report oil the present condition. ed. In one case, I now thinkof pupils Thoouncilmtpursnnt to -adjourn-, er oil Was senseless shall support its own p or. e. Mr HtL�y, Committee of five be Plan- the �rop it of the road and"bridges : Of the state were in Proportion who coal( for the .1 no i n sugg t do men appouited for the pulpose of revising the Man ciPalities to sendlioney to Mr.. Farra este the propriet�r of of lgridges exclusive of those 'on the Ad t. The minutes of previous ineetiag tb dition correctly, and who bad no idea were readand adepted. es of the­Gouicil, ' d '�o e ounty juA to ave it..sent back establishing coultt-�, Poor llous3, and aravel MOLV to.th Roads, I have to say that the of Notati 77TS, on or ensuration eol by Mr. Perkins secndecl- em. -again from the Oounty.' thought itha actioll s ould be aken at 'bh; ge a eu In several Imittee to be co of Messrs. Green- t L�' . Miller's is in the'r worst I - by schools there was no classification and Mr. Leckie, That tile (;I_e;k be intrueted r. Gibson -also opposed the motion this session, even if it ere nothing, more co dition The stone Piers way Leckie, wtsteo!12 alld -for ailililar re Of bridge every 011e was a class by himself.. of to '�urehase one hUndre& cop' Con, ittee to's worn.away in front and course, the school w A ssessment Act for the use of the To Wilsoill with PbWer to addto their num asons to those given by Mr. than loa it a atly i -es of the -%rried. how as in a very bad 'w3a- ber. S�Iicl)ppiplil titutions were working ill otberwise,damarf e schools pupil ship Councils and the Assessors.—C er, s were ar- 'Tr. Greenway supported the in tion other places, and the probabl i cost of ubt, by so much ice and drift -wood stud IV -loved by 1r: Castle secondeLl by 0 ed. This is caus'd ying the hilier branches df edca- ried. a erk at Mr. P&r1im'op- estalishing down the' stream. 1-1 LA Mr. �Woil, Th t t 'e very reason -ill, 11,1111n, on(�. 00111111" -.9 6F� B4 CK h�e 01 8 f oi- th CIO : to recL, be'ieque ted I I The stone tion, fen they were totally ignorant of by Mr. Detlor, econ(Jci- b I- poal It. His tonship had Mr. Gibbo ive sealed tendei&s. for ille County so: incur�'. n 3 though the que.8- don of work was built, I -understand, -about th pri red-A-eirym liabilites during tlie' past County Poor11ouse o ose sub ects essentially ne Mr. Beon, ThAt the Warden aiidClerk till" foir the current ' a i cessary in 11 -which sl oul : da,v, life. The reatest 'Of ar for -i acil ye, naprovemens d re- twenty-five years ago, of very small every evil pre. be authorized to prepa, �111blishers in the 1 esides their ceive the-ost earnest .1 e and sign cn be- 3011sio: er It stones taken from the ed of the river, vailing in. the schools is, that the Council, a'memoial to -the 001-laty.—Ca'- r�'il Nv-(-'Y bonlis they had b,oi rO1 un if V � don course half of this' 00 Owl $10 wot11sJ be, well o scerti i , )nId not -,v1iicb has s-L4er-ed - greatly'froui tb c ac-' of tniining is Domini t not sufficiently protracted. on Parliament, requesting -that their roa 'he J�W The C0111161then 'adjourned' till' tea: ilited ml);76Ne (Is. � As! 1; w P er to minth' genei �al poor tiollof the frost. The number of piers Education is the dra-wing forth of all the subsidy same as granted ib�oloek lVe.dae s -day- the ratd of tiation thjy coui�l house than as at present to t�,-e,- line -of la' aY bOtt 1 one a poor and Abutments is ei ght tile cost of powers a steamers r Thc follo Impose of inirld nd body, for the duties U1113ig fr 1111 N, ei rpuni. eatl ality al ing which would be about $450 of after life and this shold be the 'Fort William, be- -gianted. to a line, --of be' -thought i -lei Collingwood to N -EW DRESSESI, g emen compose the 8) it..�necbssa!r the ouse in, e� y iP, Sever, build .10tild' ha,�,e this bolliD.Aary'linT' appro- hundred dollai s Wer tlly in or "53,360 iu: all. The supers con- stebier rulmin, e spent n for the current pria,64)u to eaoli. c) true- starit aim of every educator and friend of 'I,' from S - ia and God- ye:ar. rn -make finprovements if they Goderich in sn[)p9rt ?f. the poor.' if, as Fure of the bridge� lso, is in a bad -state*. education. Let us have the - higher I crich to Fort William, t could I Contrilittee. IvIes dire. et. -it p -.6.1 ratuici Dality Was to 1m built of pine timber in '59 or '60, branches of - education by all means if 1 0 t raise, a sufficient sum resent, e, --Carried, Moved by Mr. Benson, -econded, by Moon aGirv' aof. I fo hundred dollars and is hardly safe for not year. possi. Leckie Qpposed the lOr her ble, but first let the fotmdation"6e Mr. Leckie,That- this Council petitioa for the the sup 0 of I i�s poor, it (xt'bs0n, youg nd Holhnlos7. would cer- �The whole structure, however,..co il be prope.�ly laid. I examined in the 'nan- the Local Ldgislature of Olita Same reasoll which he did la,tt-1 49r. H_ ' tainl no -to so, nitt I 11rcct �e esr&. e ry mLCc lighter 'if the repired so as to make it stand -fO]V a,u- ner indicated every school in my district amencl the -existing law respectig tho! Atheexpenre would be ,vi'4 one exception, Armstrong, (ire thought it muA be a bad sfat.oi d things poor of %]I tb e- rntln�icip lities W re s other season, bi Leckie, Glbl)oIls Farrala', Da a if the to�-wnships could not r" e� sAfici�lit ported in ihe.Dn ho e. Beside�, we c6risideralAe. There are two 1) 11 I half a I- spent not less -appointment- of -Coulit�y Cou"A Jud,,es! ridaes on tba day in each school,. but 'in as t6 all ow the appointment of an Ar will 1w Ytry cheap., ouaays, ScO-4' "lloileyfor their own ii4pio-%T4!03 8neiA i with. 0 wed it its du ty to thl nfor- the, Bayfiej,d Ri�er, in wan o e tern- the majority Of cases spent the Whole ant Jude in large caunties like Huro2 castle aud.Shepllerd. poor n C t of s ru fcs '011 t the ii e: f thl wlic. le Ilia- turlte of our County,:Ao �pe that they pokaryi-cliair; alsooneatT cli er� of urner's mill day in tbb school -room. The teachers That the Warden and Clerk sign nch -ed af ber a thecourlty�to were properly -which will probably have to Ile repire(I in almost every instance, readily ace petiti- d S�fflx there to the o GT�, -TL FAJ R. G,11111t Donald 8,0�6tt ' 11 i d' t f 01, them. D de red for Simpson, Inilli on an son. township the sin ept- rpora�e e d ex7 and not Allow them to trvel froin place during the ensuing summer or fall. it ed the suggrestion offered, and were only seal of this County, V 'CC on to a- and forward the- mM be b0d hereafter at, litl istedaill Hoick,, They�16M .-pl celoo�killg for ai�,istance. It was as first built in'57. has stood ncarlY t0owillingto do all they.could to insame to R, "'thIg 00111mittee. Perth an frequently-bbeborc.eri " tow ligli, timtt Gibbons, Esq., M. P. - P., for, 13ea�qou Xerkins, n- ht this'rich Coliaty fifte n years, �and is. now the old S! F,A F 0 R T If, or, She e est prove. 'Under the new, regulafion their presentation ; also that a copy of the -pe,� p Shi* did not do their fair, sbare'l f 'im - !should ta-ke soil Ps b Wilson J, . ps in, this matter,' ridge in the County. 'tion be forwarded to Thomas Gibs e Armstrog It has had -no re. work will be more sa't'isfactory than in ti the S provemets oil the. boundaly 'in' I 11- e -And he felt convinced t at if the poor. of pairs in all that time, with the exc�ption the past. Many a, te enfore- AYS, acher has be TIVI.P.P. romote pupil nson explaine mumly in euch rnontb,. Carr ek, the'refore fb6ugbt'thA the tb ships the County weierbrought together, they of renewili'L, the floor, aid even yet the ecl to en his better Mr. Be on nd Bricirre C01-111nitt should 'be'left, free to 'Lis e wh cl that his rea, I .. r� e Ild 1i e this could be suppoi t d for (ne te4th what timbers are not so very bad. Wit] k fit. . I a set judment dictateta different course, but 1 Youlic, no f as they saw it now C�osts. for moving this resolution was, that in 'astic �ney O'. Of new stringers it would no doubt stand, to retain popularity, or per�aps his posi- M,%IIY large co ties such as 6t . . 11uron for 3 , �riiter.lconsiderablc ftu-ther dis- ssion :. �fr. Leckie i I reed with the.. everal years longer. tion, he was compelled to give in. instance the D iial(t Scott ;ad Benson. re the v e wais� 'f Mr. Gibbon They had in SCHOOLINS of lm-� ti,ni �vill be in attendanm, of wriverstional DIL remarks The Judge as -unable to proper� plyrtie% haiin;r Rte,,:k inav r(-Iy on dic b-st mm- FECTORS' REPORTS. ers are in. carries es of his office. This,, C'01n4littee. t-1ken,' when:the motion Was deflared Grey, 13 in(;,Iige Aeraoils who h to be IIEPORT OF MR. MIL4ER.. great majority of teech t'. ly attend to the duti �Iay —INIessrs. Green- and I am in hope that for them an was.fre0ently a cause of 1 nd incon- 8 r -I ired. o ed bk tl e town., hip, and he felt -n(I 9, �To the IYarden and County Councillors. Gibbons a carried by ajo ity of th supp A Oung, ain, d for Os all a bright clay h vernence to suitors, and might be remedia- and yarda. 196 veral c' as dawned. oinninnications were read convincedthat.f ccomodation such as NTLF '1� 'Ibavethe houcirto re-, In only. oirl GE_ Ifrom other councils,' one case have I been compell- by the aPP tment of a Jui3ior Ju.dge. askig t1 e M-9ptra- I tht indi�ated were provided, the y coul& port. brief the state of the. schools ly on ed to withold the Goyernment grant. on Fwwa� Page. e