HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-26, Page 7C JAN 26,. Fly Foundry at CARTER odd desire to call attention to their greatly improved IEHR & SEPARATOR lith is able to corpete with any other - 1 iachine in Canada. Ong its many advantages.' we call at - Lion to the following -,the way the: hider i constructed—it requires Tess• power and is: capable of RRESRINDMORE AND CLEARER THAN ANY OTHER. 'he great complaint among Threshers. ays was, that they could thresh More ri they could clean, our improved drum: s away with all these complaints ; Er eonstrnefed as to regulate the wind' .eep the riddles from choking,without amg any era' in or-er. We have alstr roved° our Mlle to prevent the grain: .g over with the straw.. would invite Farmers and Thresh- , generally, to e,ive.'us a call, and ex- ne our stock before purchasing else-• ere ; we can sell as cheap as any other ablishment. to but the best Material; ussed, and the very best workmen employed.. `he Machines we sold last year enable- say that they gave better satisfaac 1 than any ether ever sold in tl iSe sty. 1 PITT'S HORSE POWER r kept on hand at all times: :We weuld also desire to direct the _ attention of farmers to our lAIVING MACHINES r kith are capable of sawing from forty- to fifty cords of wood per day. )erior Gang Ploughs, Strew Cutters,.. Etivators, Seufflers. wooden and Iron - learn Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, /cc.,' of which we warrant to give satisfae. a, and lull be soled as cheap as ext any- zthh€<r Lstaabtishtnent in the Province - ;FAIRING AND CASTING OP ES ItY IJEScRirrip r, on the shortest notice and most reasonable remits.. • - -- ZAPI• E_ k CARTEL. REERI-:N0 PikOSPELTS- PK; • A *t BLS 1\D A2tT HARVEST - lie `he present favorable Spring weather - manta both farmer andmechanic in: king timely preparations for the cora- 'harvest. t rttr SON 84: WILLIAMS iih thanking their patrons for the Iib - L ene_ottragemeIrt accorded ed them in the• t, woaldcordially invite the atten-- .'errmers to their choice assortment of t estiirg Machines for 1&71. , Our Ohl i o Combined Jfachine 11 Johnson`s. Improved Self-1:ako, has a complete satisfaction for the past a years, and is now offered' to the lie with the strongest guarantee for anti perfect wurk.. Jr"e Gcu fzrya C,Ji of Jr., lfower, ieh has gaited far itself a 'world-wide ration is again offered as the most - co, bit:, haandy-anti be wo-i-kiug Mo'-er TL, being trot{stet ct€ d in the body of nacl lute entirely of 1I'C1.11 and Streit with it we defy competition. , to oftr the o son* Seli Raking Single Reaper, h took first and second prizes atPro- ,4ad 1 xhibition, 18-70. This reaper is .o' 1.dged to be .superior to any other ,crit 310W in use, as if; eats perfectly, a up lodged, ot- tangled - gradin bitter any } v cltc;l• rake or reel machine, arra-tl. I equally well zrom elzher side of the l W hen wind is simile from. any di - iFc it, can Ile raised o.. lowere(1 when in on and is vert- tiurat.1c. . c invite inspection of our machines- - mode of manufacturing by pal-- yrs. oeft.re gin i''_g o}rdur.s elsewhere.tt .r:.In tee saeksttctien ie every nel.- c, or 110 sable. - TE1,1 18 EASY. Jit . ke aericuititlaalasfs c.f Pfrth andaad"-.. . lei ctattrrtir:3 t:' d. IRA S:. W(. IeelieVe)'tie: `deed to their, ot:.-n iet "ae.t8 as to t ile.ir oreit , -to shops more than Unite e.t-t.. wi-;F.a t}ltie a -e IirsU-chis& jk-s, in their midst I'tlldti1r' largely . et utaklith a t crud -t a e ey e ' the • . net sail Its made .ir the Pro lute. F4 i :ria t't` ly, , ..t-i't1 in, your of lora -�,'c`l, tai c;€at, ' LtlI our at ,,c- t-,, at it rt e,Lit: y tart a ill ,—t,et a. perfect t ilea:- .e, a ti. tart the euee ia'1les as your ;11,ol'. inti` piiritID ,', of lusinesa 'p;.f"t°:`s • I:et1 g L:at°aI'ii,li d: and. ani- [t alto* -Kiiicls of ire/Acme-as ton -'1 1:1•11.14 -ENC ;IS S .131:134T, all kinds of 1VORK done :itl•. It -ss Il`D €SON & ' ILLI 018, M1T€ H ELL, -ch ()uteri*, a JAN. 26, .1872. r;', .art In dentiv Mina.. The death of Ch ries Barb the age of .seventy-nine; revi memory` of the pleasant ;graphic sketches, which 11h .ed some seven years agd, nun title of -z: Passages from the 'hil"osoplrei•." . . Enjoying a, wide reputation as a rmithem his. naive wee familiar to, th .ury English public as the i <of what •was popularly know Calculating Machine To c this machine was one of th 4oifjects of the East_ forty .ye Babbtage's life, and 0 it was 't euce•a knowledge ofit into a outside that of science that- ume was, written.. ..To : have 1 its co!iten3 to a 'description :invention would not have -p -ized its merits. So to. ala book generally readable, _its •determined to intr;duce, so trarieous matter; _ and though ciiuss whieli are' obviohs wh ' autobiography is published .lifetime, of -its' subject the b not. he entertaining as ;it rni h • been, yet it furnishes bq cie, fora desultory +chat Its character• is the. natiira pression of the far •eacIiin seemingly inexhaustible act; the man yvhose publication more than eighty in number says .himself, "'Every movie my walking` hours has been bee by some train of ,inquiry." .The of good methods ' is recognize every practical student, and a n 4a.1 curitsity is felt to be the. by which any successful. worke economized his time. Oa this Babbage says that his difficulty • slated in adapting- the work- to state of the body. The nece ,training was not easy. W be at night' he found himself sleei yet wishing to sleep,, be took a -jectfor examination that. req little mental effort, and which `had- little influence on. 'worldly fairs by iits success or failure. Difference Engine -• or Calcul Machine, was his mzagwacm though it never reached- cowplet Besides 'the . well known Tab] L,,g;.rithms, the Ninth Briclgew Treatise, and The ' Economy Maa.nufactures, his list of wo • comprises papers upon. subjects - removed from the oi,dina.ly.trac study. -A visit from-Vidocq, French thief -taker, suggest�,;Ld fu er researches ipto the art of pit locks, in whose prosecution he fo the assistance of Mr. Hobbs, at ..Exhibition. of 1851, to . be m. valuable than anybody else's. T invention of cyphers occd.pied mind for some time, as it had _ viously interested Lord Bal Can. could not see a ballet at. H Majesty's Theatre without sugge an arrangement of different c ored ' lights to invest the ea_ilib dancer with, new charm. Did find himself ;delayed in Bratdord ati evening, be " immediately •snug fresh ideas at One of_thct factories the town. Nota i ng carne amiss hint, 'He assisted to fight the tei.tt of the gauges, and made efperinen bage at ves the autobio- 1>uulish- der the Life of al world- alticiaan, e ordin nvento-r tis. the oruplete e ',greet ars of O intro world. th is vol_ invited of . the opular- - lie. the author rile ex - ;from en an In the ook is t have t food 1 ex - g and vitiy of s are He nt of; upied valise d by atur- nieans. has point coo - the ssary hen Mess, sub- u ired also LA= Bib sting o�zcr lu1i e of a for of ries fax k of the dol le 1 p amusia elemplificli- tion of the en nit y of . he street boys' was related by Mr. : abr►age hi e seltia.avith infinite nest. The plulo - opier kept'a parrot, and taught i_, as hecarne t,ie bird,pf a mathernat' dab, tore ?eat a berie ',of number Tirol," as iklr. Bar, re reinarkec with proper pride in- is feathete pupil—" n t in mere rithrneticn1 ;progressions •y. u know.' One day, o' ret ruing to � is house. be callea th patrot-as usu.1 to mite ti her lesso Obediently, •ally began in a bust - nese like w y : " Twice: two are four ; :four ' i' les four are sixteen l; sixteen tire- s sixteen; "—at this poi'dt .the r p tition saiddenly-'drep 'ped off, and i a voice uii nistuka.bl" • oorrowed f o 1 the. "gentlemen o the 1�a,verne t, the, lesson conclude wit ` " hun ' Id Babbage !" Mr Babbage bage's - n estigations into th con ;tion.o eggars may not b tideless" to 11 'se sii�nilarly occupie . in our= tow The result of hi. littbor he a i. odied in two general principles; 1 first of which is, tha a p �ofessionaa'l asked his addr it a very �distaa that those beg. want work, an belong to trade ly possible .to inent without .valuable prope industry of M everywhere,' ,a bring home him` for his. life= -it whit', rneadican}t, on beim ss, iuvalri" b1y . make.I t one ;1 e second is, cars who! profess to not charity, always in which it is scarce- give t h elnl en pl oy- trusting them with ty. - Li truth,'the Babbage led him he seldom failed to s mething to reward urney. His active to day was allowed to pass without its work—was peculiarly of tl e kind qualified to e-n:d.ure, and it d'd 'not end until the' had - been exceeded ars.--.Examiner. j r Psaltnis&',: span by .nearly ten y From ';A e Written fo 'calking of cropped up tin Looking at th treme point o from the steal into the Mine i, pious catechist w. in a fearful ba e were swearing it ner, which ''dc alarm of the la d afraid," said t safe enough a nth- wearing ;" the king' What do yo and. asked -the 1nesi the timid the catt9ch: Ore Jet," - A fello he case i'n point. his the ::coast • he Pre- open boat fr•orn ile the islands. of er .st ol- ovr he: for bt in to le t3 k ° in the West,' .the Inverness urier. sornis, 'a: -good story c urse of the journey, hu Storr, the -ex - e 'mainland visible as we struck fairly we - were told of a o was caught the • master and 1t1en a shocking man- ed tenfoid in-edenfold to the SMAL1. •" Don't lie skipper, "you're long as they- are s oral grew worse. think of it now l" . - c' Thank God !" "they are swear raveller 9tioted a -notherlioint of ventured in an c, ne to 'another of t e Hebrides, and - was -overtaken [ y.. tornadoof wind-; for eleven .hours t ie Lnen were root - in the' oscillation of rakvay, • rlages in a short train itppropriated ito his use on the°Great Western Among Mr. Bat,bxge's acquaint. 'ances was til:e Duke of Wellington.. They were both present at a very: small diener1 party, when. the char actera of the French Marshalsbe- emu() the Su (eject of „conversatiou. <rhe•Duke," beirig'appeaalfcl: to, point - .ed out their various qualities, and assigned to each hiss ;peculiar excel- lence. Ono of the psrty,.aftel bear - i>• g this generous Cern ;enc atiUt'i, said, " Well, •sir, how was it that with such varictus. great gawl idesou licked theta all one after € fter -.t;ri9thy er 1 . The Duke was taken by surprise.. At last, , aa shoat pause, he said " Nell, 1 don't exa.ctl know now v how.it W4S , I ut I think that, ;:f any. unex= peeted circumstance orient -.'eel' lrlthe midst of a battle which :deranged its whole plan, I could perhaps organ- ize alother 'plan Mo, e':quickly than most of the -n." Rogers, the poet, another friend of the philosopher, told him that he had' never wi•ittt;ri more than f'o.tir lints of v rSe in any one day of his, lite. He also told hire of a very strong •iiisG�,l;ace of the force of his own inl tgination: The custom of foaming \Viudu.ws of one sheet of plate glass was then ;love), aid Roger ohjectect to it heti,riseone d iy its appearance/led him to fancy that the window ltreiailld hid; at din- ner was (Tete- - ' As , a tesltlt . I -ie .,aught cold, though the window was perfectly closed. The effect of the anecdote -was startling tl )O,, its; auditors,- and was lieaa,rtily• received by Mr. Babbage, bout.rasting it with the onposrite fact of his imagination, which led him, if compelled to sleep. at a friend's ' liot,se without lis customary nightcap, to tie a piece of packthread Lightly i•oat3ld his lieacl. In this- `wav imagined• himself covered with nightcap, and caught no cola at alt. The. last anecdote •of Mr. Babbage is told in last night's . Echo. His a4'ersion to;organ-grind- ing, and the odium which his pro-,. secution of the g ndeis drew on. him from t -e street boy.,, have long been matters very familiar to Lon - I• st A as 1 end .to their seats, bours they were danger . of being that time scare€l terect, the ir:en ti 'king to theiroars with the look •f " grim death"' on their faces. A Young nd for six of these in niornentaty wamped. 'In all a word was u t There is som young fellows to s least under's'tood. I know a odd int, Oxford man, wle Coin than. brains, find himself in London, ai;no, -in fectual"ly, he prof; pocket cad Co chi .hint. *The cad`s vantage of the acl iuediaeely assent young friend felt eujolnieut, in, 4i if he were _a cone! irnpoetance, and; of what may - be {lisghise. g . My 1°i'1 n as a ro.tigh aid re '-e tohis heart's conte -called a 1 an soin, promiscuously_ fo The drivel who over inhis mind t 'tepee of his fare, • 11. n's Passion. les a passion in - e the darker and to of London life. nee of this in an had rather more - He managed to worworst;t;1unis of older to bee it of- o'ed to some pick - xi -Ye ickn7e raiment with the obvious act a lgewer,t, and im I suppose nay gloomy' intense. rising hlniself as itator of historical a ized the position a liieved under a i :get hiin glf 11 led iu theslunis ft. At bast he ri 1 knocked about - f11 bouri or ,50. h; d been turning b. °eed eedy as ppeaf•- ,u.Idenly drew -up and refused to •go- t .tep further ulz- Gl 1 he' seen t lie• �oio t f his .Honey. My frienc proceeded • to put his hand into hi pocket, when he suddenly: recol e ted that I e Bald left his purse iii the raiment =bid) be handed over to Kh • cad. -=-L 'radon &clergy. - Winding a Tater]. Always be •cal h I to "have the tube :of tie key th•roughly lean, picking out any lint gatlleic,d from the pocket.and rebo -ing the esti trace of d u's t in it, This is very .im_poitant; the.sligla est particle of ,dust may f• 11, in through th. • key "holo ands° c1 g some f the de icate works. M re. ,was tt h •:s are, in need from this cal' ase, and r quite fi•e ' uent. cleaning, • tan ,fro any ther reasons. watch sl ould liev r be wound or •Opened wh, n dust .is fly, ing lathe air, nor sho ld it be t pen- ed with soiled fingers. New mat hes, even of the, best ma nufaactur.', re- cru;•e a year -or so of ear to ge ;til the parts smooth and n proper run- ning older, so that a sew watc can hardly be fully re ula ed -to ent rely accurate time the 'rst year. The • I if ing e.f the near the rigl an'ol . ration quire to ac? may ; onetini first' . r second egiulator when very t point, is so delicate hat a long time is re- 'ust it exactly; one s.chance to hit it on a trial. Cb 0 O 0 w -18 o. z p 0 2fit) 0 2 03, SJ) • o • etlaae PIO end reeel Cig CD CiD Re es+ lazed 0.4 anneraweerserenrsuesereemieweiremeawarsareesterpermew .NOTICE TO FARRIERS, POULTRY WAITED. The undersigned is now prepared to pay the Highest - Price, E', 1T1 Cash, For ant quantity of good well-dressed OULTRY, Delivered at -7 the Egg Emporium, Seaforth. The Poultry'must all be drawn. D. D. WILSON. ROOMS TO LET. TO LET, ' in Scott's Block, two commodious Rooms us • c flat. . Apply to • 195- m hicCAUGREY & HOLMSTED. Insolvent Act of 1869 AND AA•t'TND ENTS THERETO. In the matter ofJOHN INGLIS, of Wroxeter, County of Huron, Provi eco of Ontario, . an Insolvents EDWARD - EVANS, laveI, signee in thio matter, a quer ted to file Chair claims 1; month. ' • EDWAI 111 ntreal, -Stn Joinery, 1872 been appointed As - td Creditors are re efore me within one D EVANS, _ Ansi tree. - • MR. - JOHN TL THINKS E. HI'S S his n-1tar eron cus s s eral Jatronage during the last ho receive its continuance. He has now on hand a large Son d Green He he warrants will 'give ea OMItPSOH oniers for t hElr• lib= 16 years, and trusts ssortnlent of Good dock, isfaction. Also, FE*CING�- �AN,�D DItAINIl�G.. �! lJM13EJi, Always kept on hand. Also, - 200,6.00 FEET. OF PINE, - Cat f r building and. general - purposes, which he offers on 'liberal terms. OR L ERS T `ILL BE PRO.2.11PTLY" A2'TIJ 'DLT D TO. The McKil: ron lip Birt is situated on the op and Hallett, 3 and ad. ownline between Iles from the Hu- 212 MONE $5,000 TO L rND. hl VE.the above su on hand for investment on good Fa Security; at 8 and 9 per cent. ,—Priva e Funds. JOHN l . PORTER. SE:LFoxtTH; July 25, 1870. 139,— ,t ' • C • Hai purchased and increased the stock formerly belonging 9 9. f, 1 and has now or hand a first-class stock of f . GROCERIES,WINES a •LIQ o S. Powell, uc.Rs, LOUR, FEED & PROVISIONS. Also, a stock of 'peneer's and Carlin '-s Ali. } In Casks, Half Casks, and Quarter Casks, VERY CHEAP, Goods delivered in any part of the town. Remember the place, Powell's OZd Stand, '213 Opposite therMansion Hotel, Seaforth, PJOTFCE. ALTHOUGIT BOOTS & SFI(6, WOOLLEN GOODS, ROCKERY, ETC., Have advanced from 10 to 20 per cent, WE WILL NOT Pu•.l ups the GOODS- now in Stock >,VIONT: FOR .1 SORT TI;]iE. E. H1CKSON & CO. AL HOUSE, SEAFOItTEI. `DOMINION HOUSE."° CASH VS. CREDIT. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, • M. LiVINGSTONF WILL ALLOW A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. CASH PURCHASES RCHAS Oti LL E$ AMOUN 7TIN(;;• TO Just rece vet All of whish i BAR GAIN:'. when pure aset Goods m rke Convince you 5.00 3 AND UPWARD. large and carefully selected stocks of FI.i.ESH TEAS; SUGARS, TOBACCOS, &c. ill be subject to the above discount. Now° is the time to obtain i.'he above offer being genuine, will be adhered to in every case, s pay CASH DOWN. l in plain figures at the lowest market rates. rselves by making an early inspection. N. 11 LI VINGSTONE. AINLE VI LE; January, 1872. • STE ARE ART, THOMPSON & CO: AINLEYVILLE, ELLING OFF THE BALANCE OF THEIR FALL 9N1) WJNTER STOCK VERY LOW, To make room for Spr-inSmportations. NO iV IS THE TIME TO SECURE ]34RGAi7 S; p Call and Examine for Yourselves Before Purchasing Elsewhere. - REMEMBER TIIE PL1 dE—L ' ' G .�GAII: ,S OLD STAXD. AIN L EY IILLE, January, 1872, STEWART, THOMPSON & CO. Analmarmseeemeeameseemaemeasemsseaessamenua tzs • p tee -41 rio Oeie ems F",' 5' )5 •-. i a; , Omni cz; ,...-- . 6.....it i""\-- 171 iinum3 tweed* read (11 roma ROXBORO MILLS CHANCED HANDS. rplIE underiigned having purchased the Roxboro -A- Gristingand Flouring Mills, increased the Ma- chinery, and put the Mill in it, thorongh stato of repa'ir, are now prepared to do GRISTING CHOPPING other Itines of general Oustom work , en the shortest notice. They -would also desire to State to farmers and °there, t.hat as the work -will be -done-under their own supervision, the,y have no hesitation in guaran- teeing entire aatisfaetion. , A trial is respectfully solicited.' Roxboro Arne ,1871. • 184-tf. ..PLA4NTIN:G .11p1,1 IJLThili FACTORY. Tut subscriber begs have hank his numerous ciantolilers for the liberal r031age -extended-to him since commencing business in ,Seiforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would de well to give him a call, Its he -will continue to keep an brird • tlarr,e s ock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBE4, Sili.8111E S, DOORS, BLINDS,. MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Ile feels confident of giTing satisfaction to those who raay favour him with their panne -Igo, as none but first-clase workmen are employed.; 1."--7Partienli.r attention paid to Custom Peeling. 201 JOHN H. 13ROADPOOT. STOVES, TINWARE AND COAL OIL. 1/111S, WHITNEY bas just received a large stock •LT`L'. of Cooking, Parlor end Box Stovea,sof the best TIN E, of every derreriptien, kcpt eons tly on hand and welite to order. Also, Stove Pipes, Eave. Troughing, eto. Custom -work promptly attended to, and outside work will receive every attention. A luge stock Of the very best Coal 011 kept ton- atantly on hand, and will be sold ilholeaale and, Remember -the plate, Carmichael's Block, Main' street, Seaforth. Parties indebted by note or bobk account 1:0XJ =- quested to settle immediately. Rags, wool -pickings, old iron, braSs, e,opper, eta., taken in exchange for goods.