The Huron Expositor, 1872-01-26, Page 6eele t; 0 GI jl tl The Krol of Wife to Choose. After all, in looking but for a wife, a mean whist consider how she -will show at the fireside, rather than at parties-. Yott eats learn so anuch of literary and cesthetie tastes, the fitvorite books that are always in wand, the music that is veaularly 'studied and sling, the kind of asso- ciations, and the general order of- tastes. It is by far the best way of getting up a flirtation, which is not j ilnpleesaantLy done under parental eyes, when•suclr eyes fire - kindly and k nignant. .Loveenaa.king is,'etn un- eofxinionly l;leastnt employment for. the winter nights. You. waytalk'; • of the • perils - of young, men when they come up to town ; but there is 'no hotter safeguard than giving snob y►auu; fellows the associations of home and sweet woman. -Parents :make an immense mistake in taking too severely- monetary a 'view of a young' fellow's prospects. I never knew a young fellow under ever so i dun a cloud, who, with purpose and ility could not work out hisway into the sunlight.' Better even- the long engagement, or the' early mar- riage, than many other suppositions that might -be put.—London Society. it► ' The Hare aid -the Hound. An old hare,• when, hunted by a common hound. • seems to regulate • her flight from the first according to T- the'speed of her pursuer. She knew from eayeii.ence :that re very rapid light would be less certain of carry-. ing her mit -of the reach of danger than a more deliberate oriee .ind ]ienoe she carefully husband her strength. : She seems to h• cl :obb 8 .served that iu grounds whe a there are nany young shru`es; t1 a co' tact :of her whole body leave behind a 'stronger scent, She the dere avoids all thickets, and.keeps as much as possible in beaten ro• cls ; but w hen- - pursued. by greyh unds she •t ,Isis then as fast. as she is able, anl seeks for shelter in woods and thick= eta. Kugwin-g that; terriers, even though they, do not see her, can fol- low her track/1 she often practices a , 'sttatagenr-to deceive thein. When • she has run fora considerable time in A straight line, she returnsa_short :distaattee on the road she has collie, in order to render the scent very strong on this space of ground ; she then makes several long leaps, in a side direction, and eliereby renders it difficult to recover the scent. 'By this means the bounds are put at :fanilt, and the hare enabled to get a considerable way ahead, and thus she frequently makes 'her escape.--- aCassell's Natural History. Helen Josephine Mansfield; Miss .Helen Josephine h'hnsficld:, the beautiful woman over 'whom James Fisk, jr., the Prince of Ede, and Edward S. Stokes have quarrel - .ed for many years, is' a diverted wife of Mr. Frank 'Lawlor, he actor. e She secured her- • div oce after becornin,g acquainted with ijir. Fisk, who meanie madly enanol'ed of her ;on first sight. Befere she applied for her divorce, Mr. Fsk •deeded her the magnificent five - storey., brown stone house, No. 30, West 23rd street, for which he p tid $65,000. As soon as the- divu'ce -was .ebtaained, Miss ,Maarnetield, who assumed her maiden name, .occup ed_. the house. $40,000 iu superb f�lt :niture was plaaced mit and paid for hi' Fisk, who- also gave her. $5O,d00 . jra money to place at.linterest, This money she afterwa rd handed 1 tee Fisk to speculate with for her belie. fit. When she and Fisk pined, by her failing in love with. Stokes, then Fisk ref'tsed to give heir. back 4 lis sum.. _Renee, she sued hien, and • threatened to 1)ul,lis11 - the private- t the private notes .sent her 'oy Mr t Fink during the period of -two :years, also to expose the conspiracy of the s Elie ruiaauatgils- who bad don the eno, of their c s.torlsl,:i;a tacy in her hv:u ;e. Fisk l»u-1 an - in ullt;t4au sensed upon ler and Stokes to 'Kee 1 1 vent their publishing this rnatte.i,- b and as our special dispatch explains; t ODU of this has grown his death. Torn .turkey'a-s rift in' and a-si ;lrin' and a quitteri ' a d flou tin' his tail feathers in be un, like a lively young widower al ready o begin. life over Agin. '� ' Brut,' Says Hi �ldy, ' you know he can't set on gg• `„„ c He can't? I'. like to know why,' says the pa son. '',He shall set` on Beggs, ant ha fit them; too.” " '.0 Doctor, says Huldy, all in �a tremble, cause ou know, she didn't want to contra let rhe minister, and ., she was afraid she;should la: gh—' I never heard tl at s. Toru] turkey -would set un eg s.' " ' Why, the ought to,' aid the person, getting luiite eu'ries , ' what. else be they g' od 1 for 1 ou just , :>a bring out the eggs, i ow, and put 'em • in the est, and! I'll Imake h' in set on 'ern:' "So Hul • cly tl ouebt there wasn't no Way'to conVince hire telt to` let him try ;• so she to k -the eggs out, and fixed 'em all n `ee In the ' nest, and then she ca a cele, and found old Time a -ski ni lin; with the pa on pretty li el• is I tell ye. Ye see. old Tom, he .iiia h't take It he idee at all, and he op d and gobbled, and fit the parson, • nd the','parson's wig got round so th his cue stuck straight Out ov r is -ea'r, •but he'd got his blood up " on see the old doctor was used o crrying-his pints o' doctrine , ant h hadn't fit the Ariuenians and oc hens to be beat by a Tom turkey �• so finally - he made a drive, and etched him by the neck, in spite f his flopping, and stroked hini own, and put Huidv's apron; roun f him. • `c''There, Huldy' he says, - quite: red in the face' e've got him' now,' and he ray lied off to the barn with him°a liv..1y'as a cricket. " Huldy acute with :laughter, a: ter would, look rdun Now,' 'Haiti :, legs, and! set. hi parson when he got you: see p he . is he'll set there all And the pais, h old Tom.he sot th 're; and held his head d lug, lookin' like a ceck, :a's long as the hire. " 'There, you set sets,' says the pec on " fifthly. was 'most she should laugh. ' get up,' Days she, c w ' en you do. 4 Oh, no he 'won' says the par- son, quite confident ' theie, there,' says he, layin' 'hist ha ds on him �a• if lie was pronouncin' a blessin.' .Etat when the parson iz +p,, Toni he riz riz up too, and be. an to' march over the eggs. cc c'' Stop•, DOw: ]' sal a the a:rson� • .P I'll make .him _et down agi n ; hand ' me that cot a b• diet, we'll yet: that' over hien.' "So he cryTom's okP . I cl begs, and-�of him dowi a-•aiin ; and they put the corn bast t o ver. him, and then they 'both bt.od and waited. That'll do e ' hing,' I3:uldy,' said the parson. "',I don't kn® w bout it," says Hulcly; quietly. " `i+`Oh, ves it vil, child: ---I un- derstiind,' says he: Jest as lie Sl) ke the basket riz right i p and too , aid they could see olcl T'om's lore_ lees. I'll make hi ) s ay bowl fount nine says t ie iarson, f see, 1)'11:40115 18 me I 1 kir the 1 gas, and the docto ha I got his, 1)eh1nd jist choking d al raicl the minis - and see her. we'll crook his Own,' says the ini to the nest, ge ing quiet, and rid t." got down, arid &tonin enough, wn, all droop eat' pious old arson sot by how still he to Huld.y. dyin' for fear 'In afraid he'll all eon - r you est of puck 'SHE huge EXPOS TOR. TIE VERDIC OF TH PEOPLE DECL�ItLS THkr THE ¶ARflNER SVIN ACHINE supen or to • any now in the Market, Having been ox mined and tried by the most skilful mechanics and best Indges the ootintry can produce, and by them ay ed Prizes et all the principal Exhibitions held throughout the Dominion during the present year; a d although all the loading Machines were arrayed against it, the GA1U)NEB PATENT hes been declared VICTORI ITS OVER ALL 'CO1PETITOR,S, upon eery test, and now stands foreruost in the rank of sowers. - 8 D TI1 LINT OF PRIZES NOR 1871; first Prize at Toronto. irst Prize at Lonon—the great Western Fair. . First Prize at Grel h–the gr at Central 1' ir. First Pr e at St. Cntheriles, County of Lincoln. first Prize at Chatham, County of K •r pt. First Pr zo at Watereoo, Canty of \r(itorloo: 1+'iast Prize at Orangeville, County of Siuncoe. Fi t Prize in ono, Cbimt of Peel,. First Prize in Caledon, County Of Si ticoo. First Prize at Wel- ls dport, Count - o1 Wellan First Prize at Otferville, County of eixford.:Second Prize at Provincial Fair, Kingston, iploma at : amilton, and various County Shows. This beautift specimen o mechanical ability's a purely Canadine iu ention, surpassing in simplicity, durability, and ��tsefulnesa a • y other Sewing Machine now in the malice whether of Canadian, American, or English mandfacture. - ' t will here, word, braid, t ok, gather, quilt, fell, and do all and:every kind of Family Sewing and light blennfacturing York, using all kinds of threed. It haw a most complete SET OF ATTACHMENTS. I3UY NO O:1'HEB-• If t o -price is a little higher than sonic others, it is the cheapest in the end. Sed for Ciroulars and Sam lee. • GARDNER, SE ING iSiACITINE COMPANY, HAMILTON, ONT. P. S.—. Intoncisng purchaa:rs should not bo Misled by unscrupulous agents of othor Companies, who keep Machines tey do not : ell, in damaged state, to make capital foil themselves. Call and exa ine the Ga Miner before purchasing any other, at V1I near Glussn 's Warerooms, Goderioh•street, Seaforth. ' gents wanted. PETER GRASSIE, Seaforth. ]e79-52 NIPOIITE 1 CHESTER WHITE BOAR. Th First Prize 'horongh-br I is claimed b, breeders of of ork for the fo td consuinec rapt ly, weighing rom 400 to as h gh as 1000.Th . of Dresne Also,an improv.d BERT shire Pigs aro ado ittcd to be England. Servici of this boa Al 0, an import d POLA Will nerve a limit d unnibor o ginondtille,--o'..21, 187 TER 0 d Chester Mite Boar, purchased from L. I3. SILvRR, Salem, Ohio, U. S. Chester Whites, in the United States, thathey make a greater amount than an 'other breed known. With "ordii� ary attention they thrive very 00 lbs., at. from 12 to 14 months old, tend faro frequently killed wei +hin Pork. This boar will be held for the serrileo of sswa at Egmindville. B s.—One Dollar, Centel with privilege of returning. SUfiRE BOAR, bred by X S. Oomenezers, Campton, whose Berk - he beat in Canada, his etaek being imported from the best breeders in at One Dollar per sow. D AND (IIINA BOAR. The Art imported into this Country. sows at One Dollar per sow. 207 W. J. BAILEY, Proprietor. BAILEY b or Trai.da train ug and devol Kentsky, with th rami! 1 from all on Ito h e them train for g, od drivers an Tra' ing will recti ing. We have as Horses refer: AND 206 fit iffiYlf 'TA . • Tial.irng lied Stile Stables SEAFORTH, ONT. ge to info the Farmers and public generally, tri t hci hex specially fitted np ..Stables and ,illnj lilornq,,, and purposes to A}lDI.E TROTTING STOCK by ping them o the best adventjige. He has eni ag d. an old experienced trainer from assistance ,f competent grooms sad every facility for'isarfect and most sati4lnetory er my char • e. Potions haling good young sound freeenteppin}; Horses would swell d and see 1 they cannot be made to.trot feat. I tm constantly in receipt of orders. can Hell a.y number of good movers at Hum Fir( tails. Parties having Horses in o their tint evert week, thus enabling them to ee ' the improvement they are xnak- ood a halt:, 'le track as eau be found iu the Doini 'on for training Horses on. - ought - ABLE:1—S Term -s Reasonable. Sold. - One or two go cl Trotters for Sale. th of the 13. & LI Hell. 11. Station an It opposite the Woolen Factory. Address, 4_ II. BAILEY. Seeforth, Out. • WM. Haye just r `c'You just hlhd him a tit ante, t1 C1(O[. a nd- 1'll get= sonit_lt) Bile, that'll ni4ake' kiln �taay, 1 _guess a ick out Mit wE111L o the fence, and ro gilt 'in ii long.' hin, flat stone, r1 ' laud it i n olci I_ i Iii Lo11l'e back. I: • - Old rl.'otrl, lie ilei down con- ii',er-illy unclel; h 1, and L oked • tllly as if he was g ' in' to gi e in. Ti, scaiu there a g lMi long; Dell ; nd' the t iii ister a d Hula left: iln the •e, and cot ie °I :i' to the iocise,_ tit they hesin't no than ` cit in l e door, ,lyefort'e th(1y see° ol( Torn hilt;llirl' along, a • s Z•Njellstep! )n' as ver, say ing,: 'tall,. t: lk,' and quit- er, uuittet,' and s le ti ti' tine gob- iu as if -he'd come tl+rough th Red eat and got the vi .to �y. '"' Oh,: rnv eg, s ! says Illidy=, 'c I'tn-<lfr;ird ht.'s .5 :1,1.5 led 'ern.' . cc And auk's et ell l),0 tiler th-ev Was, snaarsiii�d flat n.;}lgli und,r} the tone. How' He et the Turkey. ' r cc c Aridy, say's -the •Irt111ister. onet •d:a't:yy, tto .his 11CW laE:lp,. ' you aril- -t. ex -1. per ieiiced cur donl's ; and when -you want to know anything, you -must. zonie to' _lite.' 4 act Y' cssir, s -11d I3t:1.1t1ti, 'cc Now, Hu WY) sa-r s the 1)arson, you trust be sure to have the Borley s eggs, 50 -thait wvr-, can h 1': e a1. lot of tui•kev> for 'flee,ksgiein z' P "Yee sir;' says 1-ltddy and she t L'l`l hdi. ve hick 0_11 _t we \t•on er�'olilicl."- oI)nued the lige try door, rt tltlshot t o .:;find a nice t,aart'ei she'd heen savili' the eery next dae- i lie' • pa+ewe's [1111-t,ib:ke , ‘vzIS found kill- ed, uu to old. Jin ct•odge'S kcal ri. Folks &Lid titer. `Se oggs killed it, though ,Setoggs be stuocl to it lie didn't ; <1t any -rick. 4. he , t'iitrlt1y lle;T nettle at mealc�..i t, and she felt i,:t-d about it~ es she'd set her heart on t<tlslli' (;!{t'„turkeys, and says she, ` Ott, dear, I clnn_'t ano , whatI 'shall do, 1 was: Lust ready to set ” c Do, H l d y t,t says the 'parson, ' why, there's the other turkey, ort: • j there by the door, and a fine. bird, too, he is.' " Sure- enough, there was th'e old 1, lolled,' Sahel the h seen t crit- II 1L. Stow T LET1I rxTn c TI{ 1) " \''ITI I )1.-'1 - PAN. (4[`:',fT\\ I. 1 raete to 'tiitreit:. cl.i,ts' Ftisinnr - Mr. IN ti .etinfix;let it Tt41 velav :1141 \i t etI1 r.. ;). ., sc.r icon etli.!t ithoit l'ie'n l,r the nm a'ti.' t111ct tl i r tlu Feet ,t eyes '•te •. n the Market s Settfutth it 1ox's hotel• d!je..tl'v of c-nt mouth ; in ( e fallowing ler of the tittle at ith 11 'eregne tali to call, ou. k te• first day of at- oiled by 4New at the C )iutrterciall Hotel, on tel dep. and Vreene n. C The remain las t'.'trstit:i-d,,g.�e t _ rut Pita .f< � , i if at Seeforth< tc•nde.nce. Over 54,004 p tiitnte ?tate her teeth extrf the usat) of the as, at Del Cdulton's office York. f1 new to it Clittttm., TOOK.'S -Repairs L+' ceieed a la ClilOULAR SAW Cuts through all opposition. BERTSOri & CO. e and splendid asanrtment of Rogers' and other celebrated m..kes ' U.TiER ITE A D OTHER SILVER LATER COODS, EA T t AYS, CIOAL OIv LiAMPS, - ing and Tulin -table Apple Parers, Every Fathilt should hare ono. i• IMPROV t D CHAMPION AN OS -CTT S I CEL a BRATEI EXTRA Warranteclitho beet in use. coir A . ell's Patent Gear ai 1ikl I S. . .CHINE OIL orse 'Power, And ovary- other article required in the hardware Line --I hell and Heavy. y R i JACK ► CI EW=if S TO HIRE. SHUN Uri THE CIRCULAR. S l 98 Cra 11W. li )1 TS0-,: -; df: GO. x • Lai . eINT TI\Irya hhrld a large stock reeee of leather•, and iwiii 7. sprin,;�i,tork. \'itiaiii the ens: so tits' our step bring now se booth and ahceee'wl'�ch will rare Ci'eer laf \\'01i1 attended tt Remember the iilsorti, first dour ,�Dca's , • - — h t _ • D ¥O C'll 1, Wil' .Is -UE t W[LLIS, Main Street, ttf':Bro); ; end Stews which were pnrcit 'h they are now selling at emit price. ti.ty weeks, haute rued shoes hate. adverse ]d at former emtitliriees, an upportuni y occur. ;lrroiuptly, ns; formerly. A gnocl fit, et oath ref Jolui Lo.tun'4, stud oppo,itc •r. tl ) e•aftirth, s•t1 before the lute rise in., ' e th, Order d 1 t to iii - rt i.e room for their l it price at Ieant ten per cent., - sic offered for obtaining cheap 1 first ekase; article guaranteed. \ ltolxrtsnn & Co's Hardware 11leLNTY1.E & WILLIS. Ea G'MONDVILLE GROCERY STORE. WM. THOIVISON, (Late of Seaforth,) TTAS received a fresh supply of Choice Family Groceries, of every description, embracing very Fine -flavored Teas, of various varieties. - Also, Sugars, Coffees, . Spices, Fish, TOBACCOES, Biscuits and every other article in the Grocery line, all of which ho will sell at prices as low as can be had at Seaforth or in any Houde in the County. BUTTER AND EGGS taken in exchange for goods as -cash. FLOUR AND Ill:EA of every description, kept conetantly on hand, in - A call is respectfully eolicited. WM. THOMSON. REMEMBER THE BRICK STORE, LOGAN'S OLD STAND. JOHN LOCAN Has a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, 'Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Cost, YES, BELOW COST, Therefore, Ladies, younvill plea.9e call at the Mancllester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, riled get your pick of the Gooda before they " are all sold. Settforth, July 25, 101., 190 SHROUDS ! SHROUDS ! M. ROBERTSON, • CABINET 31A1IF.R AND UNDERT.A Johnson's Old Stand, Main street, Seaforth, has now on hand a good assortment of Which he can furnish cheaper than they can be got elsewhere. ' 205 NOTICE . TO DEB TO RS. ek,"' LL ACCOUNTS of the current year and also "all acemmts and notes or other dolgts contract- ed in previous years enlist be paid on or before the 10th day of January, 1872. Otherwise they will be placed in Court for collection, as my business must be wound np at once. (3!, GAIN of all kinds, Pork, Butter, &c., will be taken in payment of accounts or notes, at the higheot market price, up to the abortnetated Ainleyrille, Dec. 6, 1871. JOHN LEOETE. 209 MILK. MILK. pARTIES vrishing NEW MILK can here it DELIVERED AT THEIR RESIDENCE.S, IN SEAFORTH, Every n -eek -day zoorning from ditto. JOHN- IfAl3KIRK, North Road. 206 Nonember :16,4671. D. McNAUGHT 17/an's. inhabitants of Seafortb and vicin-. ity, that be . now caiTies on business at his 1S El% m rear of Killoran Jobbing of all kinds, and 'Norse -shoeing specially, proMptly attended- to. 1.64-t t -h- Terms reasonable. DA V1I) eNA LIGHT Telegraph and. Express-, Companies, CANADA 'LIFE- ASSURANCE CO., American Money bought and sold, Particular attentilim pp id to JOB PRINTINt;', tore, 6eaforth 17 rm.; eies'eiler hies, be etett. that be bee riteeel to th,! 77)..114011y Gecupis,il Intel up in it slats/At. Ilion - net. ft,r a Hot td. tin Ile: ell his friende and t.L•tona,rs to his new trainers where be will be homer to et tele"' to their wanie. First-class Stab- liog and lerge rant in remit "then Parties going North will tirol it to their aeivontege to patroeize Rotteee Mail Line of Stagee, wirieleetart -Irmo this xesrEs 'ROSS. ICENkED ArCTIONEER for the County of -e--e Huron. Sales attended: in ell parts of the Country. All Orders left at THE EXPOSITOR 011ie. will bo promptly attended to. 1981 • JAN 26, 1872, aforth Foundry ZAPFE 6:CARTER Would desire to call attention to- their greatly improved THRESHER & SEPARATOR 'Which is able to compete with any other Machine in Canada. Among its rna.riv advantages. we call at-. tention to the -foIlowilig,--the way the Cylinder is constru.eted—it requires kw power and is ca.pa.ble of TRRESH1NC MORE AND CLEANER TITAN ANY OTHER. The great complaint among' Threshers always was, that they could thresh more than they could clean, our improyed drum - does away with these compla.ints ; is so constructed as to regulate the wind' tc keep the riddTes from choking. without - blowing any grain over, We h'axe also, improved our Mille tO prevent *the grain going 'Over with the straw. We would invite Farmers and Thresh- ers; generally, to give us a call, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing else- where ; we can sell aS cheap as any other None but the best Material used, and the - very best workmen employed. The Machines we sold last year enable. us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than any other ever Hold in this - county. • PITT'S HORSE POWER ! kept on hand at al times. We would also casire to direct the attention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES r Which are capable of sawing from fortr to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters,„ Cultivators, Seuillers. Wooden and Iron - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, tie., All of which we warrant te give satisfac- tion, and will be sold as cheap as at any other Establishment in the Province. - REPAIRING AND CA.STING Or EVERY DESCRIPTION, Done on the shortest notice and moist reasonable terms. 143-1y— CHEERING PROSPECTS - ABUNDANT HARVEST The present'favorable Spring weather -warrants both farmer and mechanie making timely preparatiens for the com- ing harvest.. While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded them the past, would cordially invite the atten- of Farmers fo their choice assortment of HarvCsting Machines for 1871.. Our Ohio Iciontbined Machine, with Johnson's Improved Self-ntke, has given complete satisfaction for the past oivo years, and is now °tiered to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability ana perfect work. The Cayuga Chief, Jr., Hower, Which has gained for itself a world-wide reputation is again offered as the most - durable, handy and best working Mower known, being constructed in the body of 'the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy .competitioL aho offer the Johnson's Self Raking ; wliieh took first and second prizes atBro- vincial Exhibition, 1870. This reiper acknowledged. to be superior to any other pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangled. gram better than any other rake or reel machine, and cuts equally well frona either side of the field Nvheri wind is strong from any di- rection, can be raised Air lowered when in motion and is very du'rablc. We invite inspection of our machines and mode of manufacturing by pur- cha,.-.,ers before giving orders eleewhera. We guarantee' satistacti.on EVC11-y chink, or no Hale. TERMS EASY. joining countics will not -(we berinn-n) be so blind to their (mn .intere:-.13 as to give thur orders to sholis more than 100 milts elq, when there are rirstelase Nvoilis in their mixlst, building largely the besi inachith (mull to any of the same Ina.ellint the Province. Call and see ns. send in :7,-our,ordors hy mail, or deal with um- agent:;, as irt every case 3, ou 'V% .get a, perfect nu- t:bine, and on tke ...emu? terms as your and pnces, hung f...)tafqieti and mil - All other Rinds of stantly on hand. • And all kinds of MILL IVOR K done Address MITCHELL, , Ontario - for pri see rile sae vay lyee - of trai ject fait Madi Besi Man Pren 'eri re lockf the s vaitik inveI mind liaje ling auce an ev fresh the to of the tig riages to his Am lances They BUlltil aeters -ed out assigim with NI licked = The D At lae pected midst o ne .4t110 beet tOld hit more th one iia) him of foree custom siwet and if its 4 that the, the Mil by Me. the oppo which le at a- etiatomat packthre In • this covered no eola ing, and him from been. mat