HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-26, Page 5ssiamensmimenue. JAN. 872 E1qpoing the present ent TcrEsn.kr, ,Tan. e te upon the fortuation df the closed at a late hour last iiIght, ordinary business.q the session' ow be proceeded with. A good the supporters. of the late Gov- t-ook, occasion to "define their position" a, second' timebut it wbuld: not be of interet,t to follow them throng."' 8. their explanations, suffice to say t1e*. the debate Showed that the orrosieseale esTRoeoveiree newonetrama. Indeed it is a matter of doubt after this tlebate whether there is such a thmg as au organized Opposition. If there is certait7ly its numbers are not :arge. Mr. Coyne, Mr. Cumberland, Mr. . Me_ Callune Mr. Boultbee, Mr. A.rdagh; Mr.- Ferguson, Dr. Boedter, Mr. Me. \talk, Mr. Corby, Mr. Grange and Mr. Gut, all staunch supporters of the late Government so long as they held -- power and patronage, declared_ that they would give the new Government a fair trial and jildge then' by their measures. en Mr. Lauder, while hay' inn. his %no, at the Preaideat elf the Council,. did not say that he would oppose the Govern - merit arid- ,lo sere -ice under the leader- !, ship .of Mr, Cameron. Mr. Richardse I only objection to the Government wan' that Mr. Scott had been allowed thie - Commisnerelifp, of the 'Crown Lauds, and he certainly Will not recognize. Mr.. Gan..eron as his leader. Mr. Sand.field Macdonald said nothing (luring the, whole- ourse of the debate, but he would repue iate rn Imago:vie more forcible than po- lite, any iroputItion that he was a follow- er of the present so-caIled leader of the Oppesition, Certain ex-presstons let fa.11 from Mr.lCameron in the coure of the debate gave a degree of credibility taa . the reports current in the lobbies that there was not the most cordial feeling be- tween that gentleman and hi a late leader.. Who then are the Opposition' that -at- one time boasted. in its organs that it eenid turn the Government out upon the Ajax& House? So far - as members have yet spoken, and as al- ' ready stated, a goo& many- of th.erri have - defn-red'; their position, the Opposition- coesista of just two gentlemen—The Me , Cameron, the leader, and Mr, It S. eacdonald, of Leeds, the rank and file.: This,' the sole remnant in the Ontario House of the great Conservative party, E: may be briefly described by saying that the leader is worthy of his follower, and the follower of his leader. Turning to; , the Reform side of , the House, it is ne4 - ticeahie that, notwithstanding all the etalk about disaffection and diseatisfac- : tion in the Reform ranks, not a single Reformer expresse(1 any disapproval AI .the eererse taken by the Premier Mr. _Sexton, Mr. Sindair, Mr. Perry and Mr. Galbraith spoke, mid all of thernexptess- ea their candid approval of the composi- tion of the Cabinet. The remarks of Mi. (lalbraith were of particular inter - :est, because the Opposition had, tried, to impression in the country that, - he had been greatly wronged in not be- : 'nig taken into the Cabinet as an easterra :man instead of Mr_ Scott. He deelared that he hail never expected a seat in :the 1;0vernment, and that if any of hi*. constituents felt annoyed, as had .been stated, that he had not been offered a. seat, he had never heard of it. •Mr. ' Blake wound rip the debate by a general review of the position. In his conejud- ing remarks he chinned that his Govern - latent was A eeeere eovereaanaea, and the way to eetablish tht statement Was this. The old tionaere'eatiye party had been declared by its leaders in 1867 to be defunct it had committed politi- • cal suicides; itsleaders had declared that there was no longer any reason for its ex- istence ; it had become merged in the .C6aIition. -party ; )Jr. Sandtield Mac- donald had in his speeches repeatedly basted of having brought over the Con- 5ervative party to his views, and not a ngIe Gomervative leader had_repudiat- that bout. Well, such being the aositioa of what was once known as the ortsereative party. was: there any earth--,, y rea-o-1,, Mr.. Blake asked, why aember for Ottawa, being fully in 'empathy with his views, should not win,. and why he hhOUld ilOt ask him to oith the Reform govermitent ? Now, !hat wag Mr. Scott ? Mr. Blake ao- wered this -,question in this A,a.y. He hanenged -any man to deny that the roierairune of Minieterial policy ,. as eat-- eel:9d by himself and the other minis - era vas an embodiment of Reform rinciples. Well then, Mr. Scat had imself stated that what that programme 'ratle him that he was this day. Mr. 6ke concluded by challenging an ap- eat te the diviaian Ii.t Ifeae had been. harged; he had been guilty of an ont- ge npan etibIle decency and public rerality, surely it -war; the duty of the Lppoeitian to place their views upon the cord of the journals, so that they might Ihen the proper time came appeal to the .rintry against him. Mr, t'amcron wa.s st so imprudent as to accept this mileage, and the debate closet -1 with- rEr. Blake'a speech. Olizer4s4mr,Argaropm dv-9....°MeleSiel9m9orkrrtp,z9.-9 AUCTION SALE. :Thursday, Feb. 15. on the east hell of t 8Sixth -Concession. Ifullett, near mbuen, Farm Stock, Implements and oueehold Furnitnre. Lobert 'oates, epreeter ; J . P. Brine, auctioneer. %V.ellnes.tay. Fele 14, in Seeferth, real tate, consisting of one-tifth of an acre Maite-etreet, *it'll stare, dwelling; `)re -house. stahhi, etc. NV, N. Watsou, rftiriutor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer, MARRIAGES. HUGTLL. --In the township of ruckersmi h, at the residence of the [ride's father, on the 10th inst., by Rev. Mr. Starr, Mr. Wilson Cook,. of ro.t, to Mt88 Lou isa Ann, eldest Ungleter et John Hugill, Esq eee-- GoftDON. —At the Presbyterian Vanse. Alma, by Rev. J., Davidson, T. E. Price, :keafortb, to Alice, third laughter of Thomas H. Gordon, Esq., Drayton, County of Wellington, DEATHS. kRK.—In Tuekeremith, on Wednes- , 17th inst., Margaret, third ,aughter of the late Theraae Stark, 4,rea 5 years. (Satan, on Friday, 19th else, after a lingering illness caused 21,5 Constunption, WiThana Read, native Corkshire, England, in the 37th year hia aere. r)eceased was neneh respected as hon - and faithful in the discharge of he* ies-as sexton of the, Wesley an Church, n a number of Municipal duties, as. t of InSpeetor, etc. JAM 26,, 1872. THE 'MARKETS. THE HURON EX SEAFORTH, 'nn. 25, 1872.' The market for the pat week has been <lithe active,'untff to day, ,when the stormy weather caused farmers to be - 4chary about venturing out. 'Errices are rather bolo* laat quotations andthere are indiAtions of still lower rates. S. The de- mand for oats is good, and we quote one cent higher than last we&k. ,Hay and wood are coining in in large Anahtities and both bring lower 'figures' than 'any previous time this.;eason.We quote: Fall Wheat.-- ..... ....... ... . . *1 19 to 1 20 Sprinf.,- Wheat 1 17 to 1 18 Barley. , . 0 56 to 57 Pats . • . • v . • • 037 t 0 0 371 Peas. ..... . . . .. . 0 00 to 062 Butter...........................0 10 to 'I) 16 EggR• .... • • • • • o te• o 1.0 Flour :.. ... .. . .. . ............. 00 to 000 Potatoes • • 0 45 to 050 . Ray.. ... . . . ...10 00 to 12. 00 Hides . .... .... . . 7,50 to 000 • Shep Skbas.. . • - 0t0 to 2,00 ' Lb Skins 1 00.to 2100 8kine,perlb 0 93 to 0 10' Wood, per cord 2? -00 to '2 00 -Salt (retai)) pet bumf.... 20 to 006 ' Beet. - 03 t� 0.45 Yutton 0 Pork, per 100 lbs, •• • .. • .. • • • • • • 4 4301:14' t° 0 to512 05i Stave Bolts, per cord 2 25 to 0-00 CI,INTON`,.. Jan. 26, 1872. Fall Whest....., . . .. 13 (',4 120 flpring Whoat • 1 12 0 1 14 ' Pats • . . 0 84 ,(A) Peas.. . ..... .... _ ... .. 0 66 :0 60 Barley, 0 56 't6) 0 13 7. Batter -0 15 (it) 0 16 Eggs , 015 g .0 15 Pork, yier 100 4 50,0e; 625 Fay, per . . .. . . 00 ce, 14,00 MONTREAL, Jan. 24. Rates of' flour and grain generally UP - clanged and nominal. • f BOGS—Dull at late rates, but inereae- - ing diihculty is cycperienced in finding an opening for the liberal arrivals. BUITER-7.-Choice is in request forethe American- 'markets; but Most of *hat is in stock is not suitable, and. quite ne- glected. TORONTO, Jan. 24.- 'the English market shows le fprther -decline of. Id to 2.1 per cental in Wheat, .and 6d per -quarter iu corn: Very little business was done here, buyers and sell- ers being apart in their ,views. Sake of No. 1 superfine flour were reported at equal to $5 30 f.o.c. hereand of extra at -$5 80 f.o.c. Fancy at $5 611 Loa; On the atreet market $1 28• te $1 3Q was paid for Soules and Deihl, and $1 .0 to .$1 22 for Spring. A car of No. 1 Arley evhanged hands at 66e f.o.c., which indi- cates- a weaker market. Peas werehigh- er on the street, having gold at 7pe to 73c; the latter for bareelling sanIples. -.Oats were offering freely at 44c ozi the track. Hay and straw -.vere in rapd4rate eupply, the former selling at $19 to $23,' •the lattnr at $11 to $15. Dressed hogs Were in (large supply, the several ear loads sold at $5 t� $5 }O. On tliest ego., several lots of heavy weights sold a $5, which may be 'considered the outside rate. HARRISTON, Jan. 24, 1871.. The market has been flat this week owing to the bad state of the roads. I. . Fall wheat......... ..$1 16 to $1 21 Treadwell ........ .. . .. 1 14 to- 1 17 $pring 1 10 to 113 Peas' 60 to 63 ..... 35 to • 39 Barley 50 to 58. Potatoes "(per bush.)... — to . 70 Butter 12 to 18 Pork .... . . 4 50 to 5 25 Apples (per bugle .) ...... 65 to 70 Hay (per ton) ..„ — 1200.to -1500 t LIVERPOOL. .0$3 );3' a ez Flour.. ' . . ...... 0 30 0 Red Wheat . 11 9 11. 9 Red Winter...... 12 0 12 0 White............ 12 9 12 9 Corn . 91 3 3] 3 Barley........... 3 8 8 8' pats 2 11 2 11 Peas... ...... 41 0 41 0 Pork . ... 59 0 59 0 Lard ............ 44 •' 3 44 3 ei ca ' ci ci d el 9-a • PI S. D. S. D. 1 28 0 28H0 11 7 11 1 6 12 0 12 10 12 , 6 12 7.4 8),I 9 30 3' 3 -8 3 8 2 11 1 2. 1 1 41 0 41, 0 69 0 69 0 44-6,44- 6 GOLD.—The price of -Gold in New York fluctuates from 108i.to 109. 1 - RUFF..4..1,0 LIVE STOCK': . Thursday, Jan. 25, 1872. RECEIkTS.. Cattle, Sheep, Hoge cars. cars. cars. Past 72 hours ..... ..159 10 : 105 Past week.. ..........330 38 '..= i 32 Previous week._ ....366 44 214737 SHIPMENT' Pa -t 72 hours ' 51 9 Peet week. 31 Previous week ' 4380 40 ' earree. The market opens quiet :and steady a about the tame es last week. Doman light. Receipts less than the pteviOn week. 103 186 179- t. Sales eomPrise 296 head. at $5 to' $7 for natiees, aucl a bunch of stags. an(I butte at $3 621 against sales last week. 'rues -day of 724 head at $4, 871 to -$6 87 Sales reported Monaghan to Geary, 19 hd Ill. steers av 1.068, at 85 12e. Saone to same, 40 h(I.‘ do av 1220, at $3 621. Regenstein to Woods, 34 hd do do av 1123, at $5 15. . Bills to saane, hd. Ind. do av 1406, at 85 50, Colt & T. to Kirkover, 17 COWS av 1123; at $4 2:5 elyeee & Co., to Coleman, 18, lid 111 -steers, av 1260, a1 85 50. Watkins. to Thompson te Co., 15 "hd Ill stags and bulls, av 1420, at $3 621. 164R7T:13ale .,7..toMonroe, 39 lid. do 8teerS, av Doty fer Spencer -to Woods, 68 hd do av 124, at $5 60. Travers to Andrews, -21 lid Mich. do -ay 1137, at $5. SHEEP. No sales. HOGS. *Receieits small as cenipared with the previous week. The market fairly ° active and the pric,ee 20c above last week. Sales comprise 1,656 head at $4 50 to $4 65, against .sales last week Tuesday of 3,500 head at $4 30 to $4 45. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. , LITE Ifixis,-Opened firm and c sed dull, and buyers and sellers apart. Sales at $4 10 to $4 7.5 for medium to choice, bulk sales at $4 25 -to$4 56 • dressed hogs active and higher, at $4 915. NEW -YOIIK HORSE IARKET.; uEsDA.y, . 23, 1872. • , • The -horse trade Of the w ek under re- view, 'although far from bei g active, has en less dull than is gen rally antici p ted at ihis time of the year. Thi 81 unprovenient 18 chie y owing t . . the exceedinglyfine.state o the weathe which induced a feir numb r of buyer to stroll tothe arket ncl the sal trebles in the hull's ead Market ales of the weck w 11 avera e 110 head f horses of all d •scripti ris; Among tibe most. prom r,len traesactions were : ree span ca lag horses let from $900 t $1,4130 per air sold tp a Havana (lealer ; and ot spa fine Coach 'horses s6ld for 1,250. T e DthCT sales cow- prisecl light and eavy ( raft horses, ,ra ging froth $155 o .$185, for railroad. 118 ; $175 to $ 00 for fart arid elight h rness horses an $350 0 $450 for fiehvy truck hor es. The hore au tio sales f the week h ve been well ttet (led. he stock of- f red was c( ns' era le, but prices real - i ed were on4 1111 derate. The late ssian Mixiist r 'ataeazy's carriage .ses were amo g hose brought to the emer, . the sp n b ing knocked down at e'750 ' 0 To' con 85 the 1 • 21 OSITOR, Enlargpd Premises. STER B.L OG HE 0 SMITHS AND N- MAKERS 101, T COUNT1 0 HU ..ON. NTLE3IEN :— 'On a e invited to attend a onveution of 131 knit ths and W aet'on-makers, e held: in the TO1 N HAL ,CLINTON, FRIDAY the 16th'F biuini, at 10 • 'aloe , A. M., rIp a doitilty oiciat on, ancl • take into n tb.1141H cos decid lepton. at the th *Tann . Any fnr-r the bject of the ,rneeting the President or Secretary. 'H, linton, Innen. OS , Seaforti, Secretary.' information as t )1 be obtained fro I D. McTA.V _ LINOTON, A -T WE bRE AND BANE Y.1 SOUTHERN EXTENSION. trEsiC NOTICE TO L114, RACT0RS. ERS are invitet for t e construcition of the hem.' Ex tension of tie Wellington, Grey i and Ileueerailw y, from, ' - 9 1.1IST b e 1 in the townshtp of -ailaee, to 11.1LTIKNO in the ownship of Kinloss—a istauce ef 42 miles. Plan and ppecifiQatilons ay. be eeen at the Officesof the 1 CoruPany, Can da Lilo Assurance Blab' s, Jaraes street) Ham ton, on and after the 27t inst. Tenders marked i‘ Tenders or Constrnetion of ,to the Secretary, mazy, 1 872. e0IVERPIrNsi e. dela. Southern Extension," addresae will be received ue to noon of , Fridae3{., the 16th df re iv. W. McCULLOCH, Secretary. Hamilton, Jan: -28, 187. 216-3 InsolVent„Act of 1869 • C-4NADA., ) IN the C linty Court of the Proviucelof Ontario, ,C nnty Huron. CountY of Huron. ), Li the j atter of #FNItY CARDIFF, au nsolvent, The undersigned lids ffed in he office of thie Court a decd of • composi-ion IU d discharge exe- , sated by-lus!creditors 1110 on t e twenty-seventh Alay•of February next, he will lipi ly to the Judge of the said court for a eont1rInaiou of theglischarge Ilhereby.erfeeted. A.Dpn.tei(8174t Ding2. ile, this ni eteen h day of J'anna17.• 2.NRY CARDIFF, bY Benson it°par, 's Attorneys, 216 ud lityn. P Y UP AT WI .1. LIAM GR SXA.F01415, Having so ti his lyintier'st)ei of ters ou ca clit, now wants caeli t carry on his business, through t therefo#: r iv es udtice that . DiflE.NOTES JLND 11 must be se tied at once,. or without 1 urther netice;and sons: _ al& is nO etripty thrpat, carried out unlese paYineu in time. • 1 v.- ' NI -LLL Seaforth, Jan. 22, 187 N -CE Sleighs and Cut - enable in to e $umuir Ho CCOU S • Dia t er will, be sued itho t respeet ito per - brit iu positively be be m Ile. Be viarnia GEKs8IE. • , 216 MEDIcL. R , M. - . C FAIR M D Memb ,r Ito al College Sur- • georis and Lieentiate Ito -al Co lege Physicians,. Enisnuitor.K; Licentiate of Midi ifery ; (Lately from tA. Thomas's Hospita , Lo 'don, Englund., and tife Royal Infirmary, Edinbur th.) Office and Residence—Dr. Vercoe's old ..etaid, SEA.FORTH. Calls promptly attended to at all ors, 216* CARD OF THAN S. 11F.,G TO A CK_NOWLEDGE the eceipt of T1tir- 4- ty 1)ollars from tlie•Treasurer 1 the Seaforth Dramatic Club: in aid of the 'uncle of the Mechan- ics' Inetatute, the same.being out o the proCeeds of the last entertainment. f . W3I 0A.3 PRELL, Vide-Preehlent, of If ch. es' Inetitote. Seaforth, Zan. 17, 1872. 21q -i STAVE -BOLTS W NTED. To accornmo riskiest, has e has on.han s tealie exteuisive and still increasing nlarged histore to nearly doable its former size. ` .1 and -judiciously eelected of a very f ull stook RO DOE 'KINS, MELTiDNS, icotelta7 dCan dianTweeds, etc., w ich he will in kc to order itt the lowest p Ces e.ompati good qua Ire as en hand in the est style and )1e with ood work and fity. a stock EA DY- A DE 1 OLO (Made by hiraself,) And which he can gaarant e for d -quality. Ne ha HING, d bilit/ and FURNISHIN G ODS. K. ANDER. ON Still nnkeg Ispeciality of nishingGood , and ovoryjthing in the way of k -ties, Collare Shirts, Uu ershirttf, etc., ca be' 171' groat vari ty. HA AND CAPS.. ek of thc teat tindhandso est K. A.NDERSO. Aii extensive .s styles. 2 '6 solve 1 t Ac In t • e matter of OBERT notice th) t meetin the above -nam dlnsolreu , Mlle of Dixie W tson, Esq., 2211«lay of janni ry, 1872, at doe p. in., for t e purpose sign e as lo the ortgage of as to the disposal t be made court s, due the est. Ile, for the spec ors, and for t c ordering estat generally,. JO Go lerich, JiLnuar 7,1872. FAR AND P OTOGRA.P SALE. 29, con. 7, t cres, 70 of .Soc, lot No. -a;O utaining 100which-are cleared and 11 a titate of.!go d cultiviitlptn. The whole is well . enced. .2.'here are on th premisett a good frame balm and hewed log -lions also, two welle and a oung bearing orchard. ¶lhid farm itewithi one n ile. of. Ainlevr ile, a thrivi g village, where a etatio • pf the Wellii gton, Grey nd.Bruce Railwaf will b located, ills° he breadth of a lot from th North ru Gravel E ad. Also, frame dwelling house, with the upp tr part fitte for a Photograp Gallery. There is a ood well a d stable on th premi es, also a ge d garden. This property ei setae d. near the bu mess Centro of the village o Wroxe IT, through N hich .the T .ronto, Grey an Bruce Railway will e running Withinoue year, The 1.01We will be sol 1 on easy t 'rms. !Por perti- ,culars apply to the P .oprietor. SAMUE. WALKER, Photo apher, 1Vroxeter.1 N. E. --Tho Pheto nphie Ins turnouts will bel sold w tb or without he gallery. 210-3m Or to -C. li. COOP t`,R, Lane Agent, Dingle P..0 of 1869 RR, an Insolvent. . of the creditors of Will be held at the at Goclerich, on the advising the the hour of live p'- f ernes Hutchinson; f the notes and ac- ippointment of in - 1 the affairs of the L HALDAN; Official Assignee. - 214' ROOMS FOR wiiship of 'Merritt 1 • FARM FOR S ORALE; in the ownship of Stemley, County .. I of Huron, an tem opt farm, being composed of Lot, No. 13, Sixt Concesido , contniniug 100 acres 80 of which are leered, well fenced, and in a good state of enllivat' n. There re 18 acres an - der falli wheat. There are on tit , premises a log honee, og barn, and ante drivi g-hotme; also, a young rchard ; there is a good 5 wing well on- veniont to the stebles also a gocti spring .creek. "This h rni is eituated c ne mile rim it half soil th of Varna, n the gravel r ad. For fit -tiler partieulers apply to the propriet r on the rornia0:4, or to Varna Poste0flice. , _ - 212-13 JOHN MITCHELL. Aff12. -L. R. coBB-y, of th t,`Flt er's Stere," , -"-/-Seiforth, is authorized to ma any amount lo STA vE AND HEADI Contract f6r G OLTS which cash if ll be paid. To be delivericl at my Stave Vork , Seaforth,j for 21�4'1X0IFIN G :OR9E AMENT. BOY WAN, E . r. IATANYED, inimediatily, a etr " active Iad, T about Io -niece or sixteen rear 'of age, as j an apprentice to the Printing. 13u 'iuxesi1 Apply per- sonally at Tun x1.)0SITOB. Ofil e, S aforth. ' AUCTION OF LAis D IN TETI •R, 'MIT11.-1' A1LE E - 1 AMES 1101 'SON has i been nstrUcted by erei. lemteite. Auburn P: O., ag ut foe the estatelof -the late Rober leMordie, to se 1 by public auctien On the premises on - FRIDAY, 26th`Jana ry, at twelve'o'elO k, noon, the fell.wing valuable p o- perty, in the T wnship of Tuc orsin th, Viz.: L t No. 1,9, in the st Con. L.R.S., rf thel Township. 1 iasehold being reserved. The 1 rul of excell tnekersruith, in the County of Hurt consisting f one hundred acron, more or le s, tv, 1 acres und r qualitsy, find in a. beood state of ultiv !tient situit e within 2 miles of the village 1 P I cetield, wi h good buildings and orchartle. Also quantitY 1 nu -ming iMplements, &c. for en. h. TeLti4s. -T- Two hundred do lars 1 pnreha e M.oney j reqUirecl down on Real Este •; terms f r balance cagy by giving good seen. ity 1 *rther pa - tic -Wire made known on day of 0 le. IlOWSON, ALEX. MON ElAgTHen, A.t, uctioneer. 214-3 - ARM OR 13 LE. ale, Cheap, Lc t No. 30 th Concession, County of Bruce, eeutain- of which re cleared, the ith beech nd maple. .No never -fa ling stream of it lt is ituated within age. of Pe isley, rey and Bruce 1 running. I , the above pro- I be lensed for a term of 1 eits. For Luther partial- isilern On* CE, 189 -ti. von. Township of Bruce ing 100 acres, about 20 balance 'web timbered waste land. There is water re iming throng five mile from the flourishing vil through which the W llington, Railway wiii shortly be perty is 1Ot sold, it w' years fori the improvein appy to THE Ext july 1l, 1871, PRO BONI PUBL WATCHES & JE • co. ELRY ' M. 11. C UNTER -JJAS ju t !received a !very • choice . stoek of Jewelry of every demo ClOelce, .NN i4ches and 11-unica1 Ins very ehoide lot- of Violins, also Vi entlleiss variety. Every j deecriptio7. °lecke an Jewelry rerun ed, and we satisfaction. It is needi ete to 'my m . ter is well enotigh k.nown1in the Co and superior 'ptiem ; also, rumente. A lin Strings in: of Watches,. anted,to give re, as Cortn- ty of Huron. I . FOR SALE. OEDAR FtlICE POSTS, Cedar Foundation Timber, Rai_ limber, Framiug Timber—Ash and Pine. Apply to "' P. HICKSON & CO., 215-2 Heaforth. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Av0n,c1r. si hereby given to all partle,s having 4.1e1njnnagainst the estate of the late WILLIAM ELDER,t elder, in his lifetime of tho Township of R1bb,,r in thi County of Perth, must send in the mune te the undereigned, properly,attested, on or before tho firit. day of Alarch, 1872. All claims preitented after that date will receive no attention, as the affair.; of the estate must be finally wound up by that &ate. J..11IES MURRAY, ALEX. 31eLAREN, Trickers/nith; ,Tau. 17, 1872. ,;lixec2tilt5°-td DURO THE Part °L.A.UMSTR stationers, iti di -solved. I will be paid 1 due. the Nam Seaforth . The bo UTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ership heretofore existing between )NG & PRICE, as bookeellers and the village of Seaforth, is this day 11 debts contracted by the said firm y C. ARMSTRONG, and all accounts will be collected by, C. ARATRONG. J. E. PRICE. LL 12 1872. nd stationery _store known ae. the " Telegrap 1 I ook Store" will be carried on by the undereienied, !who mill do his best 'to please his .customers. 1 • 215-4 C. ARAISI'RONG. OTES LOST. LOST' no time during last week, two,NO'IES of hand o le drawn by August Brodhagen, of , the ToviisIiip of MeKillep, in favor of either of the undersigne ,•r the sum of $27, and elle On the it of JanInu1r, ..., the other was drawn by Edward Lund , of the Township of Morris, in fa- vor of either of the undersigned, for the irtnotint of ee $15, and dn the 2d of September, 1872.-e The public are hereby cautioned against -purchasing or negotiating either of the above notes, as payment of the same has been stopped. - JOHN 'DONAHOE, ROG-ER KANE, - - " PATRICK. MOORE. Teeswitter, Jan.18, 1872. - Fell • SHOS ws' Syrup. GREAT liONEE'S REMEDY. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. CLABEI'S FEMALE iiLLS: ANTI -Co Celebia CORNER D te SUMPTIVE .SYRUP. .RESH SUPPLY Of tho above .1 Patent Medicines RECEIVED. LUMSDEN'S UG SPORE, SEXFORTII. AL80, , sIMPSON'S CELE RATED "SPICE," Cattle. For Sal Wholesale and Retail. 215 JARN-FS,t HARNESS. Gr at Variety T WILSONs sE FORTH. TRUNKS of all inds, VALISES—Jotit few, , WHIPS:I-of sorte, 00 S --all 8iZes. Brwthes, Cairry-Contbs, Cards. All pri ps---efrern 10 eente„np. Bells, Blan ets, Circinglee, Saddles, And in fact ever, thing class Saddleits Sb iji, Ire 1-, ES WILSON usindly foetid in it first - d itt. prices extremely low. Takes this opporti friciulti and clisto tended toward hii by aria attentio it first-chtse article -renege of the num ' member th "0 BusiN iil4 of thanking his nninernliff tierli for the libel al eupport ex - for :the past y ar and hopes to business and manuffieturing to imeit it fair shire of the pat- .. IS'eoi of the iit sADDT.F..". 215 ,1 CHAN C: -E. DISSOLUT)10 QF PART ERSIIIP. 4ft• pilpigt-;11.qt,,11141111i11.1ill ijUlf q'ff'.4i '1? 111.. 1111111 lir!" VV. OHERTY 13egs to aunourfeat 'the will continue the buei- ness of the late firm f Depew kt; Doherty (Mr. De - pew removing to the city of Lonclim to extend his businees operations, and while thankful for the past patronage, he epee by increasing his stock and meeting the wa ts of his customere - and the public: in every priesi le way, Z -n do in 1872 a much larger bneiness than aid y1'.ar, in which, although the first year of the 1 indite le there was sold over st 100 PIANOS AN0MELODEONS I At a cost of Tuenti Thousand posers. . ,The present- stock lust he sold pleparatory to heaxier Iniportntioue in tiAt Spring, 80 etnne now I if you want 13argains. - CLINTON 3.11USIC EMPORITTM , 15 the spot for all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Of the beet makers. Clinton, Jan, 9. 1872. 215 . STR YED. STRA.I.ED from Seafoit ,!about two Months ago, eit spotted COW, 'red and white; on the right bind1g is a large hinip. Also, strayed about the eatne time, it large white SOW. Any information will be suitably rewarded. T13031AS STEPRENS. Seatorth, Nov. 1, 1871. 218 4111"11111.5.11.11."1"1"1"1001111011•1111.11, SMOKERS For a good smoke use the • - MYRT_LE NAVY See T. &B on:Each Plug. 'Price so Low that a.11 can use it. a CAUTION. The Brand "MYRTIM NAVY" is registered, any infeingernent on it will be proseonted. The name TCCIMIT &Bunt/Nos is on each Caddy, and T. & B. on each Plug. Hamilton, January 15, 1872. 216-18* A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ! SELLING OUT AT DENT To turn his Summer Stock of Dry Goods into money. G. DENT WILL BEGIN A SWEEPING SALE On FRIDAY, 19th JANUARY, When Goods will be sold regardless, of -value, as the whole stock Must be cleared out atonce Sale- to continwe as long as Goods last A rare chance for Bargains,—Don'tlet it pass. REMEMBER DENT'S . CHEAP STORE) SEAM/Tit; SOMETHING NEW, New Grocery, flour, Feed, and Seed ST C THE Subscribers are now opening out a choice Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, ete., in the Store formerly occupied by the Montreal Telegraph Company. -TEAS9 9 SUGARS TOBACCOS . 9 ETC., OF. THE BEST 'BRANPS, Flour, Graham do., 13uckwheat do., Corn and Oat -meal, Peas, Oats,etc., etc., kept co,nstantly on hand*. As we ititend making SEEDS a speciality, Fat mer' and Gardeners will I find it to their advantage to give us a call. THE CASH SYSTEM AND ONE rr,IcE sTracTLY ADHERED TO. Goods delivered in any part of the village, free of charge. N. 13. --The higilest Market Price paid, in Cash, for all kinds of Produce. Remember the Stand, old Telegraph Office, one door &tali of the, Black Bear. 015 STRONG 86 FA1RLEY. STOP AND Im..."!""milm..1141wm AD! And by so doing youWill ascertain that you can purchase every description- of BOOTS AND SHOES, At Prfees tliait defy Competition. To know this to be facts, we would advise our thimerous customers to call early and examine our stock. *We keep C.onstantly on hand every description of ousTarvi WORK, - made in the latest style an by first-class workmen. All may 611 and be convinced that SPURIt 4SatiV'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE is. the spot which the public has long been looking kr 4nd has come te light at last. -Strict attention paid to .repairs. Remember the spot, in GRIFFITH* DAVIES' Old Stand, two doors South of the Post Office, Main st., Seaforth. -SPURR & SON. - N. B.—No advance put on goods on account of the rise on stock, CLEARING SALE To make room for Spring Goods. 215 LEE & SWITZER WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF THEIR WINTER STOCK AT COST. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.