HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-26, Page 3JAN. 26,1_ 1872. whole riEder et it- ir aiage- rapes- tu- t, few ayage this mod,rak U °ems. and removes alleiebstauctimea, and &speedy cure natty be relied on. ee To married hullos it is peculittrlysied. wilt_ y en a short time, bring on the monthly regeherit. peenta These Pills should. not be taken by dining the first three recitals of Pregnacy, as mob. mre goxe to bzing on Mieecarritege, hut at any reelerita- t,inte, they aro eafe. Iu all eases of Nervoutt andSpinel AtectiOne,-- pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on aliehe ere ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysteric5,. ant whites; these pills will effect a cure whon 00„ee raeatta have failed and although ite, peweaga remedy, de not contentiron, calomel. antraiony, anything hurtful to the eonstitutiort. ; Rill directions in the pamphlet aioniel packalee, which chould be °awfully prenerreet job Moses, New York, Sole Proptietor. $1.041aza 121 cents for postage, enclosed to NorthonI,Pante, SpeCt Newceetle, Oat., general regents for the Dominion_ - will insure a bottIee contenang over 50 pm% return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hiekson & Ce4 lent Luresden. 1074 44 IP Ow WREN ran are in Seaforth, just .rms into Frank Paltridge's Photograph Gal- lery, do your heart good. Only 31 per dozen. Scott's Block, Seaforth. neugh vhich e .Save reiCe WSe• ed— athic of Cen- nber the ice- :tany Aent RAILWAY TIME TABLE: Trains have the Seaforth station as fallewa GOING WEST'. Expreett. Mixed. 2,37i'. 1.40 GOING( EAST. Exprese. Mixed. 0-50 a„ at. 1.40 P. M. S.00 A.31, asolonalemenesemeeseemeasmiee Divsin 00111t8---1872. Division Courts will be held as folios: eniegnaea,„.. Jan 16 Dungannon.. Abileyvine .Ttat 23 Hayfield- Seitfot-at Jan. 25 Gotlerich. .. .. t Exeter. ... . -Tau. 27 Wingleam April la Danganiaort. Jan. 80 Amleyinjje. May 2.1 Beyfield Jan. 31 Seaforth Clinton. Feb. 1 Eeeter . Ma'r 25- Goelericle Feb. 5 Clinton... _ May 31 aeot Nerroxiter March.26 Dungannon June 3 -e; Seafortla March 2a _Jane 4 ExeterMaibh Goderich........4, line 6 p: the cuesee .....— April 1 - ilttate The Ccurts will open at, 10 A.M. ea.ch day. 4.,„ menszetuummem16311311W ye $ulyt ti lber f -t to "tile ers, t;es. ea e • ithe tieee Ou the ; ane - are ab- tah Lae Fee Ira g E*-( •••, L72 0 itt E, r-4 co ate pea. cc kee , SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc. ; kept Constantly an hand. Repairing prcienptly attended to, t Charges inolierate. ltememl)er the place 'II of the Scotch Guitar, _Main Street, St;aforth. • - 163tf W. OLIVER. 1VER SIGN or THE CERT AIX PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT. • LA2eums, moRRIs & . PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND XB-arsessEs. The peculiar form and scientifie accuracy attained. by the aid of teem- pliceted and costly machinery, war - the equation that they are the moat perfeet SPeetacles ever manu- factured. They aseiet the eight most brillhently, confer ease and comfort orkethe wearer, cause a continuont and abiding improvement of the eyes, and last a great many years without requiring to he changed. SG they are the GMAREST as well as thellEST. COti' NTER Agent, in Street., Ses.forthe • 212 Bonus to the Farmers OF GREY AND -MORRIS. ARMERS, beware of pereona. in the shape of peddlers and agents, peranibulating the country, We forcing a, sale of inferior impIetnente. Encourage home martufactteree, and you will anti a Supeiior article at 41. reduced price. The subscriber would respectfully return his ein- cere thanks ta the fat -mere of Geer, Morrie and 311r- roundi*g tow/II:aline for their most liberal patron- age the past, and would inform them that he will keep conetantly un hand, at the • DINGLE FOUNDRY, Iran Mows, Wood. naves, Gltug Plows, Cultivatore, Land -Rollers, Straw -Cutters, dee, Guaranteed of then -best que.lity, and at prices to- th fy roeipetition. He l'414ks1 et hely call atten- tion to the "Farmer ow," veltich gives general defection whereveqintrodace& Polnes fur all the principal Plows kept eon- stenfly iflhard Highest price p:da ler Glel cert- ifies. Repeiting (bile promptly CrIl very reaeouseble eerine. W. R. -WILSON, 199 A in fl 4a- eeEene .e.k• . USED AND RECOM- MENDED BY THE MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW ENGLAND POR THE LAST 45 YEARS. " N 0 T RING BETTER.' CUTLER' BROS. & CO. BOSTON._ • so cis ii9SOfd bythee'Druggints LIMAN, ELLIOTT &Coe Toronto, Agents. FELLOW'S el-IYPOPHOSPITITKS. xersasa the di -ease e overcome by the usG of nateasr Compuend Syrup of Hypophoephites, are COnhtipation, Asthma, Ceneamaption. Leryneit- s, Nerveus Debilit v, lee epereia, Chrorie 'Bronchit- is, (11174,pL7,Pit'al 111;a, sr nau.-11(dy. Debility rye n It- - dfc Leg fame '1 yi,heed and uer low ferere, Diph theritie let e e t ra: len , Ti e-Att. : in, lypo.-heiniria, AIII,C110rrhu‘a, Chhofo,i':.. Ana min, Lo*.col'rlie a, Nervous .1extita-• Wee); eneea...n.a, or Wasti'in; of the Meseles, .tepho; t.,r1.,,,,,!-. of Voice, Chorea. or St. lattis's Dance,. Sneetielereee of the Liver. Interrupted and Feeble At tie in of the Meat, nuff .cate _Feelings ciente.: „ l.y eitreeee obetrentieue of the Irennet and Air Fee :ewe e le.eline therete, and Debility tram v!•J'. `F ,...' Vt.:, LLVLIly ea';.1K a widen appeaced hopeIegs. 1. e in peeheenriee. l'ricteee1.50; Six for $7.e0 JAME'S L Ft:LLCM-8e Chaniet, St. John,. N. D. rzoPi Pi THE swop. HUN errj vr.s.1NT SYRUP makes the -wo al; strerri expk le c..1 ea -se by suulyiug the Wood TT 0-iym SoFyr--ritON. ea-utE0rt —De se -:e you ret Pf,rurian Syrup. lenneenlets free. J. P. DINSME. ORITonriceor. Ne. e',•6 Dey St., New .1orle.. Suld -7g,ists genepilly. THE HURON EXPO ITOR.:' • BRIEF NOTES. Ten million 'Cows in the United States. ---Nebraska has an editor' whospells wife, yf. - --- Smoking is reported to be de- clining in England. —The populatiatn of Virginia, is add to be declining. — Sixteen railways of England own 8,400 locomotive's. / - —A lady superintencli: the schools of Kolistuth county, Iowa. — The stnalk-pox is making fear- ful ravages in Browiacounty, Iowa. , —The or:der sef Deaconess growing in favor in the English . . Church. --Stat Lake City is now invest- ed with garroters as well as polyga-. mists.. - • - - In Nebraska cotirtShips are said to average three hours. and a - half in length. • — saloon in Watertown, N. N. has conspicuously posted "vitals cooked•hele." --The French Governmenthas. refused to sell its eroWn jewels tol private personS. • An Englishman in Iowa re‘a cently sent half a dozen praiiie hens to Queen Victoria — The ice on the upper thoueandl, . . miles of the Mississippi River is fifteen inches thick. — The Richmbiad Whigmolurns because -Virginia has two emisirantS to one immigrant P . —Tennyson has been invited to Berlin by the Queen a Prussia. a— Mrs. Abby Sage -Richardson his given a ,puJilic reading. in Boston. 4 • r'r k- The Prince of Wale's has dis- missed his doctors, mask is able to go out of doors. —The Prince of :Wales has --a wonderful memory for. faces :and everything told him.. -- Prof. Tyler says the bestGreek and Mathematical students in the Unisersiap of Micbig4 are young latlies. —A barrel i-Sf buckwheat flour 'recently eiploded, in Scott Co., Iowa. -The flour was wet, and gen- erated a varion We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary ticket to the Pelware State Poultry Society's Show at Wilmington, Del. —a Six thousand acres of tobacco, it is estimated, were gi own within 15 miles of Edgerton, Rock Co.; Wig:, the past season. . -- At a Poultry and Pigeon Sho*,- Wilds Co England recently, white I I .geese wee exhibited weighing thirty rounds each. s• • &IETIES. Moat bitter things are hot; but a bitter cold day isn't. — Thiele -soled shoes are consider- ed good •things for the f• elevasion and protettiou" of --woman at this :season. • 1,f • -- gentleman .who had lived for a 100 years in Verniont lately left for Michigan because the Ate didn't agree with:hun. E1' -e- was the onlyiwoman who never threatened to go and liVe- With 4.11211111D;t, And. Adana was the only. man who never tantalized his 'wife aeout the way mother used to cook." — Old Age — " Do you not know." Raid a teacher to a pupil, " that old age is to be tesneet-ed, lbw 1" " That, I suppose," replied the boya L depends on whether the toatn is applied to the human race or tO poultry " — A nian WaS arrested recen tl for elacking his -wife's eyes. if men ° would marryblack 'eyed women the fir8t pletee, it n,'Otelti save n deal. of trouble. They wouldn't nei'd to g be frescoing their eyes every little 1 —The Hostess— " Dear Mise Linuett would you — would eyou sling One of those charming ballads victije go see it supper's ready T' rhe Companion " 0, iak the—I feel nervous. 'There are so many people: ---e." 'The nestese—~‘ 0, they- 'won't listen, less f011 not one ef them !. Now do1!"—htneh. heal Al,ernethy was canvass- " ing for the office of eurgeon to 8t. P tethulotnew's Hospital, he called a upon a rich grocer. The great man addressing lam, said--" I suppose, ts' yeu want nly vote and interest lq; wouleiltous epoch of -vOur b No, 4. dou't,'' said Aber • .1-= nethy ; " I ,,vatit a, pennyworth of (.,.1 4es ; wee, look sharp, want to be "Jane has given warning."—"Tat poor child, Milani hasn't a th*ng to wear."— '7he back beetle are werse;thaniever. " I've hearel from Mamma, and she will be -glad to cone and stay av th us."—" Ceok says she must 'ha, e a new. aa. chen igrate."--" ym mind tuning out r of your. roo on Thursday, dea 7 It sadly w nts cleaning."— , enry 1 there's I ome one ringing' at tie ft ont-'cloor bell. I know those ser ants have left the dining room win ow unrastened. Do go down and see if, it's .t e pOlieenian."— "Pease M', will ort come up into the nurseeST and peak to Master 'Arthur? I can't o anything ‘vith him "---;" Ts i it the drains 19—..' 0 ! .. M', the cat- lias go the cold fowl." I , Canna find my keys !any- wbe T."--7---" My , be t dress is • coin - plat ,ly ruin'od."— Dont you t link, '-my ove,. the, childr nr look as if they wan eds a change ? '—‘` The ,sweeps areeomingin the re ining."--"Ilave you any siltljer'r —*Dinner will be three quarters of t an hour 'late clear."--'.' The -girls, think we ough to give a dance."-- ',There's no ho GUELPH SEWING MACHINE Co. THE OSBORN -Tho sands throughout Canada are nos+, u ing these machines. The Y have been t sted beyond all question, make the fa -orite lock -stitch, alike on both sides nd are pr nounced superior to -any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and. excellence Of inech'anism, adaptability, strength and durability, t The Osborn &wing Machine Has r, No Rival. Kr Improvements have lately been made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines., Hundreds of testimonials are being received 'daily from ail as well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. GUARA14TEED TO HE AS REPRESENTED, OR NO SALE, WA.R6ANTED FOR - THREE YEARS. water, and the kite en fire's (Att."- 1 s " Haab 1 I thin I hear baby.'. i A SinOls. -tor:Sr- . 0 cmb frs'll,lovAt .7.1 1 vouches for lie 1 trat.1 • of, the, f llowinv, st 7' %vivid was original y publishedin the guise of _. fieti n : _ "Car' .1 ne -A.—, a-good-lookin , finely propor- tioned young lady, lived as a maid - with a ' fas ionable y t ng widow. One evening, after, haying assisted at her mist etss' toilet ..fi)r a dinn r_pa.rty,, she am used 'herself, ‘e - fore putting , away :the various articles seattered alseut the room, in tryingou a pair.of sLk stockings and dress shoes beilor;ging to her naistifess, and having done so, ishe viewed !her well turned lite s with complitoeuey, , saying alOUCI e ' The 'e's a leg fdi a stockist g, and there's bli. foot ft)! a shoe.' t —Having stitish A herself as to their symmetry,. she diveated herself cf her b rrowed 1 pluine, put the room to righs, arid waited the return of her Mistress, via in Srlie saw.in bed. That Wiwi the la t dine slie saw her alive. 1; She was found in the mot rr ing murdered in! her bed, the jewel . case az-id ' plate. chest broken open and .-,roblbed. Thel iobbee and marderer left no li race,. by .which he -could be leapt ia4d, alnd in Spite of the. iriost diligent seareh escape 1. Threeyears After, Carolitie ,was en- gaged in ,a similar eapacity by a lady , NA ho I took her to -_Paris. She had al noSt, forgotten the Turcler, and if she thinlight about it, it was not with the hopeof iscoveking the erimin• l. It happened that she was walking in one of:the promenades one afternoon, when, as she pass- ed -a group of ' men, She heard these words : 'There's a leg for a stocking, and there's a foot for. a shoe." ,In a moment the events of the evening before flashed 011 her me Dory. A d now for her ... marvelous presence o mind. Pre - ending n t to have h trd anything, • she glanc-,d sideways .at eliq grea . . f men. She r'as El .,..t ...az ee there, ht .lie cou1d uot,:tell hi li of them lia Token.' . She `1 wilke slowly by llama t ete steppe in an ,undecidetl li number, and _ finally turned back, and'w al k in g up to them, asked to )e dire t.ed to a: ca., tain street. As she eap.,cted, all of them had a wor 1 for her and 'atno g t le voices .sli _ easily ecogt.ized the ono that had just sp ken. --Their language and 1.--jok wt- ill beat very free, 'but she nly told ibeite they ei.e itupertii- rent, and that she wot ld get the in Otanatic u :the wanted front the this einlartne. ,- She t les- ayeeted• sus4 ticion if they n icedr her spPak ing O a pol coman. he next difficulty vas hcar. to inform a g1/4ndarals what she wanted ; she ad only: beep a fortnight in Fri nce and knew ecaicel a a Freneh vota „ She, how-. ever, c; riled a rock t dictionary . wait he - f'or meki g p irchases, and as a sit eine to acquieing a little -Freneh.- (...1-einc;• oser t, . a bench she e sat dovi . and searhit) , througlethe dietionivy, fetind de words elic,,, I ranted, -.-trid wrote them ‘vith ie t` ' elite] 0 1 the fi vele f o the diction i , ry. The sentenee .ivii thus : " Gen-, dartne je osoir bes rin voila Arrester ri tnoutltri r., ! al e grammar was ,.., ot yer-V corr ect, a di tionaries do Ot, teach synta*, lait he gendarme r1deeeteo;1 -it,. and *n t nether 111111- t te herd the unirdOrer it his grasp. Ie svitis af erwerda c 'evicted and xeente (3!). liie f1 i•] , s teatinioey. , --4-4,-,--1-- . Sult,131$3 Ilitts1) ‘The .1110A1 en 1.1( Ct011't ''its theeeat, takes snu off.' Isfe,NC- to Dress a Ctletimber.--a- Dr. Glynn, of Ca winidee, being one clay in .1.t.t.encliiiic..e ori a2111y., i11. the eptskty of her phyaiciau, took, oc- casion to leeture her on the itupee- Path .g Cumin) ',erg, whIch w She wziS 11111.11MICnItu1y f011d, 1-13 ga Vv. her the following lituuovous re- fO ceipt for irressing them :—" Peel the' lb eiteumber with great care; then edste it into very thin sliees ; popper and ht salt it — and then throw it be a way." • se 0 da - f _Extracts Mtn Punra's Almanack UNPOPULAR QUOTATIONS. We do want 9tue ceals."---" They' called se for the rates again this ukoriiiag."— go "The water -pipes have burst"—_ in 1 his 'back to ti 110111we would n arry 01; any ebns "r !owl or nione`kcr,' r 10Ve, t 11a4 a is• over, is liscfove ed- to have Id none, is Very elnre o make the: _St husband. .1.)a ttie nu.; de - ryes to bq iewdr4ed with the best wives and the 'e St. mothers-na w. When you Meet with such a man,' your best to marry him. In the verest winter lie would not niin ing to the 0a feet. nde. fiJe tea, M- anz?. stands 10 1111, 04 L bfaite Lt alliise you- to ole i- i tio ei ther Ipt decide lly not Mar, wile, when The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half th price hitherto charged for ma- chine's oing a like range --of work, the manufa turers being deter ined to place it'i%LthIl the reach of every fa iilyin the con itry. • A.T.n AL FEFORE ,PURCH. SE WI 1 ,Coll- vipce all that our ,,,macLit.es re un- ecifialed 4 . THE- GUELPIII REVERS BLE i Is pre -e inently he best Sing,le-r hread Machin offered t the pub ie ---he cc its marvelous success Will do all v. rieties of domestic sew' g. PRICES o EA.TLY REDUCED. Band Irtachine, Treadle do.., $1i guaranteed. lir A ents want here. did inducements t� make m ney. , Apply to . • with ful . E d every outfi Ch m GUELPH SEVII C MAC GUELPH., CANAD W. /g WA'.d ltsN, A 180-ly SE 412, chile pion - INE. 0., • ent, FOR H. PAINITIN JAMES WILLI MS Begs to intimate to the pu lic that he has removed from McInt ah. & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, an has rented Mr. William Grassi s 'Paint Shop, Where he may. be Mr, Williams is p the shortest notice, Carriage Painti . and Orna• Give him a call. opposite Murfay's found a epared to all kinds g, Sign ental Rentemb tablea, any tiro.e, execute, of of Painting ork. r the place, 170-13ti RENipveip. ftEr OVED. ERT ON, Cabinet-maker and Undo kor, 1LEM6VED his are -TO OMS 0 JOHNSON'S OLD STA 'Main -street, Setif ortla, Whew he has on hand a superior s turd of veiiy descriptio CA L L D, ock of T. T JUST RECEIVED, A T AS LEE'S, A CH ICE STOCK OF FRESH F ILY GROcE IES, comprising TEAS, . SUGARS, COFFEES RICE, CURRAN RAISINS, SOAP, TOBACCOS, to., Etc., All of which he can afford to sell as cheap as any in the town. • TEAS FR,0ia56 cents TO $1, !emit warritnted to e satisfaction to all.' SHEA :SON & CO.'S o..1 Fl Of every description PR Of all kinds to be he Simpson's Spice, t Farm Stook in use. The highest price kinds. Remember th SHEARSON & TH ur and Feed, nstantly on hand. And ISIONS at the lowest possible rates.I best Condition Powder for armors, try it. en for Farm Produce of all place, O.'S OLD STAND, est Side, Main -street, SEA:FORTH, Ont. SPA -RLI T_THVIN4 purchase of Thomas Bell's prepared to -SUPPLY WE WITH Cheaper than it eeer made great additions tend. manufacturing MAS LEE. GA SCOTT the wholeelle department urniture Shop, we are now ALE DEALERS URATITURE, s Hold before, as we hese to the mitehinery 9.nd in- ausively: Partiee may be sure 1'good work, as none but good mechanic.; are en loyed. A good stock kep .constantly on hand. Lumber taken iu ex mtge. Turning done on eh est notice. e, Leese Thome Bell's Old Shop, , Corner of Market Square, REAFORTH, 20413 • SPtRLING & SCOTT. A, 1 LT. • e ORDERS For all kinds of Salt Can now be filled at CRAY, YOUN &SPARLINC'S " E C IPSE" SALT -WORKS, SEA.FORTH, ONT. Nov. 29, 1871. 208-4 UNDERTAKING. Haying pun:Wised Mr. Thomas }IE RSE,. I am prepared to attedd fuuterals crd the sh lent' notice, either in town or country. Cofflim, All Sizes, Kept constentlY on hand NOTICE TO DEB TUE undereigued desires to state 4- received instreetiene to extend payment of debta due the estate Deveee,nulil pext. Court, day. All that time will poeitively be sued, w Lo pereons. aps J. S. PORTE OR • that 19 has has e time 1 r the (ent-'e IT 1 debts dtt thont spect ' , Seafo tie SHOPS FOR S LE. T.I'OR SALE, two shape ucl 16rty-lo ir fret rent - age on Main Street Seaforth, pposite Car-, Michael's Hotel. !Aunty o :19e-tf.J. EATT R. THE AGRICULTURAL UTU .i . , ..4, -.rt.,-:,• 4:;ikleNt*" 'Afi';•:411..4,',...; IC.ii•j: .i'-'''' " f•t,,,,. ',Ni:' -'11 ASSURANCE ASSOC ATI( N r , t , OF CANADA. 1 HEAD OFFICE, LO ;DON, ( NT. Licensed by the Dot ivien GOTt *nment. CAPITAL, -.FIRST $231,2. Cash and Oaeb. It JANUAI v, 1871 2 25. ins, $72,28 55. This Corupane- continue s to grow i the p blic. (en...Menet,. 011 the unary, 18,1, it hi el in force e4,528 Policies, hes ineelering he yeer 870, iesued the im'ineuse emu r of 12,810 Parniers, patron s your . n CANA IAN Comploy th ILtsvilune t:11 good Tc1 ice aim eget you 'leer ieeureece epplto e • 011AI LES M011 OW, Agent, 01 nem P. .• 1111E s ORTH LTJ BEI . INTA.11Et'. 1,1‘1 A.CDOI B" Tece ta 1.1.1,1r:1111i i that th T v P • c; • 1, they .,E011.ittt tjt. b tart-, nen ou thr 'ground forme • v used a * u Lux Ycsa• by me, Theeee, Da. Thy will keep (+testae Ur on and a geod as dreeeed N eLEH, nwest p $ HP ALD 'meet of .A.L.F, liIN1)8 OF 'LT'IIL undressed. Also, LATH AND 8 which they are prepared to sell at the ble prices, for Caoh. Deiblere and other's sw" age to inspect our ktoc before purchasingfilsewh to offer good -inducement 160 I find it to , and aseert re, as we are to cashpu EE & MA 0. Ane4 (n's ober eIrt- alno(fl he adetent- inibnaossoprsef.\iticoe,no DONALD. • CUTTERS. CUTTERS. The best made, post stilish, most durable, and , cheapest (fUTTERS, PLEA S'CTEE SLEIGHS, DE.110 C .11.A TCUTTERS, &c.,s Manufactured at ' McINTQSI & MORRISON'S. Carriage Factory, 210.13 Diu -street, Soaforth. Insu-rance OF .LIVER130 CAPITAL - $2, Company. & LONDON 0,000- Sterluag CHIEF OFFicas—Q en Buildings, Liver- pool, And Graccel r h Street, :London. CANADA BRANCH 0 FieR---Exchange .Buildings ilontreal. teana—Win., Mori Esq., Chairman:, Henry Thomas, E.(1.• David Torrance , Esq. audthe Hon. James- Ferrier. BaNKEns---Mels nii Bank. • Messrs. E te hie, LEGAL ADVISEE. Mo'rris & Rose. MEDICAL Anyista Esq. M. I). SURVEROTZ—Tho A I, rron--Th om Sutherland, • a S. Reott, Esq.. I. Johnson, Esti. • LS RESIDENT SEC'REI'A ."1- AND GENERAL . ENT,—A. ,Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Saerement Street, Mo atreal. The undersigned hving been appoint- ed Agent for the abovj. Company-, parties ' desiring te insure ab-ra, list loss by tire oan do so on the most litmourable terms. Life POlicies grai tell on as advantage ous termsas any ot ie pally- doing bn sines. i JAMES OFFICE—BENSO !. • • Seaforth; Nov. 8, 1 • respectable Com- Canada-. . BENSON. Agent & :MEYER'S Law Office, Seaforth. 0. 153-tf.— • Pei . Cie CDCD C-1 cee 1•••••,* fr4.3 t:1 s.X 0 - 11^1 CD CD CD P., a2 CD so cjq a4 cre 173 es"Ni �hI.'�IO'II�Z 0-3 0-1 Cfci Cala eieee ea. ' ei*S 11116 Cfts•ii %Ft ttg • f4,1,69 t1/1 1NQ uoJtsOci li 1:1 a; eat- Cd0 ass eit th; "CO VOC# and •41) 111 a OW e rA OMNI •i° Sad I 1.15Z °.rog Old* r:1 z • 10410 010 la* eels qtruntrur.0 anuiluaa pan aelifta CD Peed 'ebZ last ass t!.D kera• FH rass' enel amme 01•1 • ONO Pee renned *se tang On& Om*. joimi • (11 ent'" Oselie °N3t ;1=25i