The Huron Expositor, 1872-01-26, Page 1K IJRRA14 FOR 1812, WM. - AULT, NAM S'rgEET, SEABORTH, ON HAND a superior stock of FAMILY (-1110CF.RIES, embracing Teas of the best retti.:, sager!, 1Zaisins, etc. Also, f'rockery and antft•Ntry artiele usually kept iz a first-class Grort ry Such as Flour, Oat and Corn-tueal, Potatoes, Po, etc., alscl, el,.:Ty description of rje:111131,_ Such a Chttgs Pe.4044 titan find 81101.114, tat of whieh * w ill be sold ateaper than th: acoovest. VAIC.3t ' 0 rf14-4:E. market price paid for all l;indS Idnec,„ tiber the place, Main htrei,t, East aide, rosi e (o‘entry's Boot aud wtStore, Seaforth,. I• Pit() BO -XC) PUBLICO, ATCTIES JEWEI,RAT . COUNTER. jIISt•rcceivedt very, choice aud superiOr stoel;: Of jcwc-lry of every description ; also, Watches and JU14e1instru-neuts„ ` A choice lot of Vi.dins. also Violin Strings in variety. Every de:,cript on of Watches, Wid Jewelry rt. paired, and NN arranted to give satisfactinu. It is needles:: to say mon, as Conti - ter well enough, known in the County of Hon. FAR, FOR SALE. ItttLI. in the Township of .qtanles, County Hurt.11. e cellent faro:, beim.; composed 'Nu. 1:1, Sixth. Concussion. tortainin,„^' 100 creaO0 of whith ore- cleared. well fenced. and in a. :Attie of ettlth Lion. TIACIT fire 18 acres un- -': (IA fail wheat. There are on the premises a. log hon,.e. log barn, end frinue driving -house ; also, it fIOU 1 oreletrd ; thov._, is a f;flua. spring well COR - I rcenic,n4; to the stables.. Dist.- 11, good spring. crea_ This farm is situated tate utile and a liulf south. of Varna. 0=11,1.grtici.1 road. Fo.- further ptirtioniars' ci 1-.)-4v to the nroprietor on the vrilnises, nr to • Narna. - .114 1.- 1IITCHELL. a t - FARW3FCRSALE 11 Sale. Chetip, Lot No. 30, (ith Concession, irowta.hip cii Drare, County‘of Droce, contain- in;.T Ina acres. about 'Au of which an- elottred, tho beltnce weh tub '-ell with litecit and n.taple. No wte-te lima. There is a never-failitur stream of water running through it. It is aituktted within • five mih,. front the llottrii.ing Yillege of Paisley, ' tie 0:ugh which the Wellington,. Grey and _Brox(' Railw•ty: sluntly be running. If the above pro- perty 1 n.t sold, it will be leased, fhr a term of ' v.•ars for tie. iniprovernents. Fdr further partieu- P 14s. epplys L1'osXio1 Qi.c Seafoith. -July 1,>71, 189;tf. f ;OW FRQTCGRAPH BOOS FOR- SALK_ It -XII. 29‘ co:!.. 7. townshi'v = A tictin.711.M 70 kif which. c1eare4 . tall in a : goo,t cultiiaLiwi. era, 1 is - Tle.re are on tin- T,t?- 11.is/bod 1.1 hev.ed log-botts..!, ktl.m, two wells bt i. d Thi:. form is within of. A jolt 111.11, a 'ILti 1'1, P0 where a. .1. 0 of tlk!, Wellington. Grel• and D.ruce Railway wih be 1.1..ated, also the breadth of a lot from the Nortitent'firavel Ito .d. Also, a frame dweUing 4.4 ° t911-41'. with the upptr part fated for a Photograph Ualig--ry. There is a good well and stable on the premi,es, also ft ft-efoti pirtien. This property is situateti twat the i.a.dne,.:s eentrk- of the vitiage ot ti.4-.4.14.Ii which the _Toronto, Grey and lialittav will be running within one year. 111 Tht Nctiffit. will be soid on catay terms. For ptirti- , culttrs apply to the rroprietur- efSAAIVEL WALEER, Photopalpher, Wroxeter - N. 41. -The Photographic.Instrunnints will be to sold with or -without the g:dlery. 210-3m Or to (I.R COOPER, - . I,ann „Agent, Dingle P. fa, UoTION SA LE LAIND INTUCKERSMITH. re Lfs • AMES HOWSON has been instructed by Alex - t Montetto. tax:bran P. O., agent for the estate of the 1 o Robert McMordie, to sell by public auction 1.-s• on the rroaises, ou k'RIDAY, 2ith. january, inst. at t-velve o'clock. noon, the following yalualde pro - pen v, in the To•wi:- hip of Tuckerandth, vig.; Lot Noill, in the 1.-A Con. 1...11.S., of the Township of Tucker,mich, in the County of Httron. ethisisting „ of one 11.0.., 1i1 acres,. morl or less, two acres under learehold being reserved. The land is of excellent quaiirF, and in a gJo'l. zitete of.cuitivation, situate, 2":' tqiies of the village of Urueetield, 'wish go -al builtlizIgt; and orchards. Also a quautib farming' implenientS, &C., for cast. LP 1 • 1 '.0 hundrtd. (1012 u. of jrehzoO • money rectal:NA down on -Real Estate ; terms for halamre easy by 1.t1-iing good security. Further pill- tienhirs 001le known on dav of side, .J 10:W.-ioN, ALEX. E ..Auctonn.er. Agent. Iiisoivent Act Of 1869 in th ;totter of ROBERT PARR', an .trisoIvent. ..)..'1hL itottice that a. meeting of' th( - crEdit9rs of .tilO tt"..ar,--natrieti insolvent will be held. at the f.8 : oflit-e of 111 (1' IrVtitsen, Esq., at ficnIerieli, on the . 11:2;.d tlav el Sztituacy, 11,72, at the hem of five o- . e",11-1: Iv. m.„ for tit. 1011.14>.41. of a•lvising, the As- ,'.:tiv..... as t.) tiHInOrtflagfof jaue..; Ilatohinson ;::,•!.. to Eh,- di1.1 sal to bc: made of the notes and 0.0-- co111.!.s d!te tine estate, for the appointment of in - or c, an tor the Ordering of' tile affairs of the -,....te g,•tier illy. - - JOTIN TIAI,DAN,, Otlieial AssiL,rnee. ( le -i -I:, Istrailry 7. 11172. 21.1 Insol:V-eot Act -0f 18.69 AeiliNIStIENtr. a-. pro tlw a1 of JAME-'t TY.ONAliD, of Ain1eY- 1:tie, an insolvt e7- fl Ict-to:Nent i.- 10.I0 1.11. te-o,b-ninent of his 1 01.- ere litors are notitlea to - 1 1.11 v: L,,, 1 here snit! It. t1( 1. 141.011 eftr- busla in the %Magi, of A. iLleyville, 11.111141, WediNICAttitY, '2 11 -Any of 1-.111 1.1 ry, tIo. luvu- (0.‘ no, n, to receive statements of his a1441,, and to H.:: an as.' e. L• e r 1!eh:keit:is 1011.1 day of. ,Tanttary, A.- - 1)/X111 1.V.ITSON, ezitu Assignee. SW'S: 01.* THE 4. aa .... sr,- .,-,,, .r.... ,--• 0--. ••••• k ;--E ":77: • 174' st`tirilf • A ehoite aseertioeut of liteht end heavtr har1t11.4, whips, bellshorbe clot Ling; etc', • L.. pt ettliAmittly 011 111111(1. t -Lepairing pi onliit,ly 11:i1-i1:I1.(1 to, Nu t3- ' charges IltOtterut eheraatiber thc plaCer. ign of the Stoteli Collar, Main. Sereete: Seafor-th. 16tlt f W... H. OLIVER. • 1111.111mmtmermeemsmonanne' VOILIPPIE 1.51 NO. 8. I WIIOLE NO. 216. SAFORTH, FRIDAY, JANITARY 26, 1872. 41M1.11M01111.1111111.1111111ae ki)Ite :grown puniasZED EVERY FRIDAY 4011WING, IN SE8.FORT1L, TAIMS.-$1.50 per year in advaiies, or $2 at the end of the year. Ad veil bang; lin les. ' TitAxsie.sr. //First insertion, per line, 8 cents; subsequenein sjirtions, 2 cents each time, per line. 1 CONT'lLicr RAT08. One 001111NU one yOIII t .. . . ..... $60 oo half " 35 00 " " 3 ni'Onths ° • • 20 00 Ralf " one year ..., ...... 3501.) " " 8 months . • 20 00 12 00 ilne-rourta ono yesr . . . 20 00 " " half . . ... , '12 00 " 3 months ..........,....: 8 00 One-eighth one ....... . . . • , 12 00 tt • half ft • " • " 3 months . ...... 5 00 One -twelfth one year • 8 DO 4,‘ ‘,4 half tt 5 00 3 months 8 00 ()liminess 'Cards, (p lines and muter, V: year.. 4 00 Advertisements of !Strayed, Lost, Found, &e., IRA exceeding 10 lines -first month, -r; after first irionth, 50 cents each mouth. Advertisements of FARMS and REAL ESTATE tor sale, not exceeding 15 lines -first month, $1 50; each subsegnent month, 75 cents. Births, Marriages, Deaths -Gratis. Adyertisements without speeifi0 directions will be inserted till forbid, and ohargetliiccordidgIy. ' . MilLE.AN BROTHERS, Munn() L McL.AN,) • PUblishers. ALLAN McLEAN., - BUSINESS DIREcTORYa MEDICAL. r MITCHELL, ist.. D., Graduate of Victo- ria College, Physician, Surgeon, tc.. etc., 1Crti0.n1rtt, Oxtc.-Coroner of the Count,. of Huron.' -Offle,e and. residence, at Thompson & k 1 'IR. W. R. SMITH, Physician, .Sprgeon, etc. Office7-OpPosite Scott Robertion:s Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. , -J'Sirs 81'7:WART, M D., C. rd., Graduate. of - McGill, University. Montreal, Physician, Sur- geon, etc. Office and Itesidence-Brucelitkld. IT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sii,P • • goon, etc. 0flie and Residence, corner of Market and High streets, next to the Planing MU JjCAMPBELL; Coroner for the County. Office and *Residence, OVer Corby's corner Store, Main street, Seaforth. Office hours, from 11 to 4, each 4lay, and all day Saturday. 159 LEGAL. :1" M. LEET,.Solicitor, Wing,Ition, has been - pointod Agent for the Colonial Securities Com- pany of England, he is also"...kgent for several pri- vate Capitalista of Toronto, who loan Money' at -very, reaeonable rates. Inteieat payable yearly.. Charges moderate. Winghara, Doe. 15,-1871i 218 kfroCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Banisters, At- • A'Vj- torn 's at Law, Solicitors in Chantery and Insolvency, Notaries, Public and Conveyancers: Solicitors for the It. C.Bauk, Seaforth, Agents for Us Canada Life ASSurance Company, ' 4N-4.30,000 to lend at 8 por ciint. Farms, \Hounes and Lots for sale. - . 53 BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolveney, Conveyancers Notalies Public; etc. Offices -Sea- - forth and Wroxeter.,it.tunts for t -he Trastand Loan Co. of Upper Canada, and. the Colonial -Securities Co. of London; England. **ley at 8. per cent.- no eommission•le rged. JAS. 11. NEN 'ON. W. C. 31F.YER. II Oil% 0.6 KN9. X'S HOTEL, (Late Sharp's.) The under- signed liegs to thank the public for the liberal patrOkage awarded -to lino in times past in the' .ho::ei business, and also to inform them that he has again resumed business itt the above stand, where he will be happy to have a call from old friends, and many new ones. 126 THOMAS KNOX, pRINCE OF WALES 'HOTEL, Clinton, Ont*.,. C.. J. MeULTCHEON, Proprietor. First-class!.' sec .mmodation for travellers. The Bar is sup-. plied with. the Tory beat liquorS and citkars. Good stabling attached. The stage icavea this House every day for Wingham. 204-4t " EXCHANGE HOTEL; Godmich, Ont:, 21-4' .1. CALLAWAY, Proprietor; J. S. WILL1AM8, (Me ol American Hotel, Warsaxit, N. Y.,) Manager. Tills: ?,_hotel him 'recently been -newly furnished, and re. t fitted throughout, 'and is now one o/ tthe most com- fortable and canneodious in the PrOvinee: Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. , --Terms 128. 1VIIMCEL A. StbV'S LIVERY & SALE STABLES. Offlee--U *ILLTILY'V Retel, Seaforth. -Good. Ifor.ne. tvid lirst-class Conveyances always on hand. • S„; LARP'8 LflLL STABLE, MAIN STREET . 8eaforch. Firal-class Horses and Carriages al.wity4 00 h.anti at reasonable terms. It. L. 811ARP, Proprietor. OlIN BRIGHAM, Exchange Broker, and Rail- way Tieket Agent, Ilongliton's Hotel, opposite G. T. Railway Station Seaforth, Ont. Through Tizkets issued to all points in the Western States, - California and Red River, at reclucci rates, affording the greatest faPilitios to Emigrants. All necesse4 _information given respecting Land Agen•eies, etc. Oroenbatica. 13e111.18, Coupons and uncurreutMoney, • 0 -old and Silver Coin, bought and sold at best rates. f"! It- COOPER, Conveyance;:, Commissioner in Queoit's Beiteh, insurance and General Agent. , Agent for the following Fire, Life and Accident In- I sex -once eiv panics : T 13 he esser m'M id Toronto, it- 1 teal 11101 the West....‘ra l'ire Insurance Co/tip:tines, a -the'Relian.ce Life Assurance, and the Ilartfor.1 Ae- „eidettt 1:H.11ra-rice company. ' • - E IN THE TUNNEL. , The disastrous 9 ri equences which sometithee ensue .fr•in. efoung people of oppOsite sexes being brought: into prox- imity to; each other inn . railway tunels, are I eleverly set for h in he ap ended veros froththe liar 1 ele/vocate: Riding- up fro pr,. On the Pull n rain, From'. a -six weeks . hooting - Lathe woods if faine, Quite extensive h skers, Beard, mustie ie as well, Sat a '" student el r;" P • Tall, and 'line, an swell. , .. Empty seat beh' d /e u One- at his id. o a pleasant, st, ti NOthe train o h glide, nteraged coupl 11 I :Take the hind:r seat ; Enter gentle maa • en,' - Beautiful, petite. Blusilingly she falters ' ".Iii this seat e gaged?" (See the aged cot Properly ening ,d,, Studente quite ec ta sc, Sees her ticket' t‘ through n Thinks of the Jon thiniel-- , Knows what h Will do: So they sit and c atter t , While the cind rs flya'. . ; Till that " studei t felle .., Gets one in his eye ; -.And the gentle ai iden im, Quillely turns , b tut-- " Mak 1, if you p el se, sir, , Tryl to get tt.ou ?'' ' Happy' "student el er"... ' Feela adainty to tilt ;: : Heara, a gentle vviisper-e "Does it hurt oumich V.' . FIZZ, ding, dung ! a montent teethe tunnel quite, . And a glorisois .datIness , Black. as Egypt'. night. 1 * Out into.. the dayl ght Darts the Pullin n train, Student78 beaver. eufijied ° Just the merest dn. Maiden 8 hail:sleet :led, And there soon p 'eased . Clipping little ear ri Caught in etude g it' beard. AN UNPLEASANT AtPINTURE Written jor. the Awo In the• winter of 18 , th South of Trelend was in a & very distu bestate• Outrages and burnings :were of- common occurrence: _Armed men. smarting under a sense of real or iniaginary wrongs, paraded the country oads some- times in open 'day, and the peaceably disposed inhabitantallised i colitinual terror. I lived at that time n a retired part of a very disturl ed district, .end (like 'Many others) wa. arm' [ling to be •Out after nightfall. Bt i eme dark night; - m the month of Jun rY, hiving been detained about two mil 8 4'011 home un-' tee o'cloek, was,: returnirig, end had nearly accomplished' half tho distance, Wheii in the most lonely part of theroad was siohlenly cenfronted ty three arm- ed men. The' came tO the Charge, and preseutt:d their three bayoriet within -six iiickes of Jny breast. illhey continued so for soine sechnds (which to me seemed ;pry long) w•ithout speaking a *ord. During this titne could See that two of the bayonets we.re fastened .itn poles, and one 0(1a etin. I sif-aii muffled. up in a large walkeig• cloak, mid he who carried the •glot peered closely int•o my face, .and then whispered sbniething Irish to the others, who i 1'40:0 edi at ely sh, Ide red arms and marches1 off, leaving the alone. assure'. you that I was not long in get- ting hones, fearing lest rey ge,rstry should eilan-se tlieir miiids and reture. The neXt morning before I Fvas out - bed, our sorvant chine hit!) the -room, to say that a messenger had wine over the mountain -to. tell me not to be annoyed at what had ochrtered last nittht, that, I was mietaken for another, VIA I had 11, friend ;slid that no mischief Wde as intend me I honied out of bed but all traces of the messenger were lost. I question- ed our *I but could learn nothing from her more than,that the es: *tiger was a giri whilai she did mot know, which Story I verY mech. doubted. " There -was in the neighborhood .• a workman named Daniel a quiet, industrious mati; on -Whom I had confeered,sorne Small favore, and he al= ways appeared to he very 4.10.1C11 attached to me. He had a son. Denny, a strap- ping, 'wild young fellow, who was strong - y suspected to be conecertiedin those lightly proceedings: Some short time !ler my alventiire, *Daniel, on' returning rom the nextvillage, where he had MONEY 1-0 WAN ou real el tate security. * taken' enon of ' ' t inn chatty. callet 'into my house. He anneiliately introduced the stiliject All orders by mail or 0: crwis proinp tly attend- j ed to. Mice, opposite 11,0t,fs“rttiiOr ShOP) T VETERINARY SURGEON, a Iscandly ur by letter, on the Diseases of Horses. Cat= b tieeete. heotle eseeivee a see -new and practiCal , dn...ation,-and liming been awarded the 1)iplonia. ef tho Vete, it r'. College of Ontario, T. J.-Charehill has every f:ir f Ibillt4t of giving satisfaction to all who may employ . • • 1,t1yuits.zier.s--A, Smith, V. S., Onta- rio Veterinary C,,dlef.,e; Professin! Bneklantl, -1)r. Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, fkna -./(Vt.11S., M. D., tt,, 8. v.titernarY MedirineS constantly on baud. , cabs promptly attended to. • 'Office-Gamic:boa's Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2m 186-1f t AINLYITILLE. told me I need -fear nothing,. that I had -ottenaer of the Ontario Veterinary College,‘) -„ logs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and ttarromichrtg eart‘itt,T, that he itas opened an J .0n-1es itt Heafot tit, where he may be consulted "par- t friend, that his th-nily was sometimes broad, and that ne one would 'dare in- ure oue of hie friends. T began to Ties -- ion him further, but as if he had caught • A e m sa -hie too uch, he suddenly . toppl-d, and cnuld obtain no moi•e rnm "him BIlt E had learned euough to eiheve that -Denny was the lep.der af the arty which stepped nie, and . to his Maness 1 was 'probably iadebted for my fe. -The whole , trans4ction goes to how that kindoets is not thrown 4way, yen on the moialawless. - -r- . - LIST OF LeTTERS . PEMAINING in P.eoforth Pot Office, nucalled -Lv for, on the Oth ;armory, 1872 : Blair, 13 Hera], Wm Cep; D Gown; Wirt Hare, A T Hart, Mrs .1 Cameron, Miss M Homer, John Critendee, *8 Isabella tannin, it cameos!. E 4 Lerera -Curtin, Xfiks nce George • Dunsmore 11, 11311cirLiethoet'l;Irs B _Darby, lEf ' ' _Dobson, W A McGregor. D Davis, Mr 011arre, M Duncan, Mrs II E , Oltourk, Miss Nfilott, J W ' ' Reinhart. P "Fraennifi, Wm _ Ryan. H A : - Sayyean, Mrs .T, el'oarrr8yotJ.n ,h „ Slinerlses :, Stark; James , S. DICKSON, P. M. o• ( I Superlatitre Meanness J . , . renshis,"; the genial Senior editor of f ItIcLEAN M, PuhIbh. 01 50 a rear, in advance. keep his family alive. He had a garden twenty-five feet square in fi ant of his 'house, 'When the Secretary, of the So- ciety Which eupported hi n cane i on him. he asked what was • the yal b Of thee ly.". About $18 ? ''Yes." . When the garderipatch---$25 ? No. $20 ? " H rd - the next quarter's salary came $18 had been cleducted from it. An ther in- stance west of a I;" donation" pa ty given niter. All the g fts w re mark - such price as the givers chose to he, and the sum tote of ien s was deducted horn th pastor's Among the - rest was a little of black pepper, ma • ed two At another similar "d >nation " wo fans were sent in, alued at ts each, and this amoun was de. from the minister$ salar to a mi ed wit] put on amoun salary. packag cents !- party, five ce dieted f • The anadian Dal is Ag- . • SOCiatio • • The fifth affnual conlventio of the .. lanacir ii Dairymen's Asseciatio i will be k • .I. leld i the Town Halle Inge -soli, on Wedne day and Thursday. tu"" e th and th of tbruaey, 1872. he Eecutive ave thb satisfaetion of a nottec ng that rrange ents have been lade by winch he cm big aminal meet ng wil besone • the sliest . iinportant and ukleful to airym rt that has over been !old :by he Ass4ciation.. X. A. Villar( , 'Esq., f Little Falls,- New Yor -, will deliver he ann ial address. L. Amok , f 'ithaea, New York, li il kin lly eine-. exited. to favor the cony ition with a arefully prepared article 41 " it isonees lieese,1 with Microseopi Him rations, h ieres in milk. folio a ing will . . (talon of the here , en any s coin- 1 ar, a (l svhat ecure furth, er eese. How- !), e ahlei.id: with what year uggest ter in C nneetion 'With Cheese "-Can the•t‘vo be *milli ctured, with profit, and t What exteot, ' 1 the erhain be t :en- fi orn the lout in jiving the the 1 owing the vatioos clia mong her subjects, th e diseased : i 1. Tanted Ali k. -Has i ent lul the col vered at the fah th the previous.y mild she used to erioeati n of 0 Early Cleese fore lo ing flay i does the experiet ce of toe ise to ear y sales. . 3. But Making. together if any, c milk wit cheese?. 4. Food for airy Sto extent. has soilii g been the best system 0' winter f 5. Hee the qu lity of o ing the Oast -year met the of the fdreign in rket; if has it, been deti ient, • an take to prove iik del ared w Tuproveeens 2. De lbng ea safety alte neceseetry to defieienc es ? . 6. Ho does pest feiv' Years hility to iig a spe ✓ ising? Ample: fitl discu and mem ly into t time w sionef ers are e discus' he expe arrant the excl 11 be al ach of t e equested, 1 'on of the tofore, ti . e will le _given f si laof fetich other pertinen arly member may wish to p consideration of the Conve 11 Q11. George ' Brown, Pro Rev W. F. Clarke and other s hav ineitedtoi attend, and it is El. pecte 0 1 an amount or Knowledge .a1 exp will he brought he bear u 1 th jeete he f ore, th e Con vent ion, s wil grisat value to thle import t in reresented. Owiig to th liifici .he etofore obtainieg full rep 'Is fr fa toriete it *is. urgently "re 'este( m mbers ettending will be •repa ii _ha d then to the Secretary t the ,cc ve Alma p ..send them by ail, t no y rece Ve the • very :a rtly af' en - 14 • ualit •-T actic diug che equir ot, 1 wha med nce kit% . on ,of grain of the ) what al; and se `dm, extents What steps those of the then adjourned to meet Itchru'ary, at the school .tection No. 3: • • WILLIAM . . agein on 10th house in School ff 1 ' Canada. .1 ; ! The foundri7 in Port Elgin, belongipg to R. ,.. McLauchlan, was burned last week. Nothing was saved and there was no insurance. - - - The driver ot the Halifax "Black Maria," or prisoners' van has fallen he r , to a fortune $ ,000;000 in England. - -Hon. Join has been mini caudidate in th present Nor th Commons. Ora.wforde of TorontO, ated the Conservatite coming election, to re - Atari° in the House Of --- The 'Welke ton Telescope talks like a father to the B uce County Council. It says the praetice of meeting at 8 P. M., the first •day, an charging a full day's pay for half an hour's work should be discontinued: al o, the making of bun - comb motioni /aid speeches and the pra.ctice of 10relling, to which many of the members are sadly addicted, should be done away i h. -1 At the rterly meeting of the Presbytery of 1 uron, held in Clinton, on the 91h and 10th inst., Rev-. Mr. Goldsmith, of eeaforth, was elected Moderator for th ensiling six months. --:It is stated i the London Adre7lis- er that the ilities of the firm of Atkinson, (tattis flotigins, timber and grain merchants of Widder, will not - amount to obey $50,000, instead , of $100,000 as firet uppoeed. Nothing has' been heard of r. Atkinson since his disappeal•Once -bet re Christmas Lind the feeling is gaining ground that Phe is not an absconder but as met with foul plate The statement in this column, lait week, to the effect tha Messrs. Ca.vanagh & Armitage, of k eaforth, were heave losers by. this fir , we are infoemed, was incorrect, as thes gentlemen were amply Secured, -- The Cornwa lowness of water for three -or four n 'present time is 80 The oldest inhabit like it. In the u wall Canal there only seven feet of t 1 Preehohkr says the in the St. Lawre.nce onths past and at the • ethilig extraordinary. nts have seen nethipg per level of the Corn - re at the present time rater. -- The South L eds agriculturists are of a belligereot n tare. At a meeting of the Al icultural tkociety, in Gananoque. tn-i Friday, a rola* was caused by a pro- pbsal to change ill place of holding the quire the calling o e of the Volunteers to annual show frota Ganameque to "Delta, which assumed au h proportions as to, re - restore order. ; -Mr. John Livinostone, of, Listowel, has writter. a let ezr to James Gordon York flerabl, thank- fforts to effect the y of his brother, Dr. the African explorer, , dispatching, at his; expedition to go M : Mr. Bennett, in ea.:. etter, states that he Bennett, of the Ne ing hint -for hiS *escue auk reco-Ve] David Livingstone by . organizing ail Own expense, an search of hime knowledging the 1 entertains the most' hopeful feelings re- garding the ultimo o success of the ex- pedition. ' -a-Mr, David Shew, of Eirdno, County of Oaiford;las leasid for a term of years is farm in East i•re, better known as Lie "Stewart Far "-for an antinar rent - 1 of over $1,100. The farmeis a mag- ificent • one and .contains four hundred 1 cres. • - Messes. John aied George Steuthees, ho reside neer Dpnegal, in the town - hip' ot Elma„ hate recently returned :um a. shooting excursion from Mus- oka, Where . they shot sixty-four deer al one beer, and tleapped, a large num- e.-r of mink. - Says the Montreal Sitar, under the aption, **Signs attic Tithes ": "-Dr. e =Sala, a -Jewish Rabbi, and a foreign - ed -fir the; 3e su ject ' ent t.•tree- itheAlihscetri:-- sti bj lets as sent or the tion. The , • Buc land, been 0 e• ;tickets of adinis -ion to all he se of ' hie Cd, vention,. $1 each, wine Associetio, i Until Februery, 187' col stitatta, the pere n a mei' er ell Sll tli i t tl* !tie nn o te other doctune the Mb ers of t year. Ladies rangement as pr vi11i the di lerent -pa..s- Mem ers of bh4ir read ae redu • Jett& nnual re ort tits as may ie .Associe ,admitted vioualy, w ailway the Aesee ed faro. NOXO.N, P be se ion (I free. 11 be that h rissetilLbee- at be of u letryesitisl a MaeCtrIttvitiotliintailiellet- fakswil slops L- b ii f, and id to )t out uritig Ar - made er, opemeg Congress with prayer ; and Rev. .W. Morley Punshon. Diesentet,' lecturitig on an Anglicaa platform in be- -alf of a Church of England Young Men's Soethey. Verily, the world moves !" --A petition sigoed by all the most lluential peofessional men of this •ounty has been trensmitted to Toronto, king for the re-eniting of the Nerth disouth Ridings of Huron for Regis- ation purposes. - The St: Thomas Home Aurnat, last eek, devotes a large poetion of its space a speech by Day d Mills, M. -P., for Ahwell, delivered at St. Thomas on e general. lisped and prospects of enaction politics. \Ir. Mills is a rising d able man, who is likely to take a gh position yet t e ranks of his party. coocindipee his .sp ea. he hoped that • ere Might be at a early day, -formed a vernMent of suffieient energy and suf.,- ient bole:nese .uedertaire to guide the public opinion of the country, in- . stead of drifting about noon every cur- rent, having no other object in view than to Maintaih themeelves in power. - The pertyin London favoring the 'leasing of the Port Stanley Railway to e Grand Think .have obtained at:orn- le victory. At the annual meeting of areholdert, held Last FridaSe a Direct ory of leaeists was elected bya large majority. The present aspect of railway Matters does not please the .London Ad- rertieer, which Says, as folloWs "The London and- Port Stainley Railway is now in -the hands of the leasists. Aldermen S. Bark, r, Egan and Cousins, have been elected by the bogus votes of those hold- ing the. transferred' steak, in room of the old Directors, and those greitlemen who paid up their stock are (mated by our Addermanic wire -pullers, who have not a „gent of capital at stake. Mr. Cousins edinitted that the stock had not cost them three cents on the dollar, and maintained the right ef the city to give it away for nothing 'if they were so dis- posed. it ie probable that legal proceed- ings will be at once instituted to make the votes of the bogus stockholders void, and thus save the icity from the iron grasp of monopoly. ;It uow be seen how intimately connected is the succese f the London, Huron and Bruce with he progress_ of thiS morement. The 1 R. A. JAN -Es, So :retary. r-4. • INI. M-Pathq8 to 1_11 atron over z:ts esidept. .ah tr Morri'S. • - w . ; loONCIL IMEETI SG. -The b .3wly elect- tO ccl iembets of the. Municip41 Council of 6( the towiisl ip of Miirris met, on Jaeuary th 15th, deem ding to law, at Brown's botel, e' in the village of Jamestown. All the ali. members present ; the Rea -e .in . the hi chair. ' Ti e minutes of lriet meeting -111 were read rid adopted. 'The famine th officers tee 6 appointed for tie preseel GI) year, 'i'-iz-e_ Wm. Clegg, Cler ; •George fie Forsyth; lector e 3-01 sT 7 fo ti the Is ese York Obserrer, orffered ti ty dol-' enticated case nieh a well anti 13 lars reward, some weeks p, if anyone to could fur of meanness melner -than dne. he gave, w where a ministee s wife was invited to di Council at next el -eeting. The tilerK was orderte the Mnnicij CoMicil an seessor e _Henry M oriey, Col- n McRae, Treaserer ; Wm. rmstrong Tavern and ItLicee se In pee - or. Rob rt Armstrong a a...,/ mes elly, Ant itors. The follow'ng acc unts ere order -d. to be, Paid : onagl y & immons, ,24 for printing 4 inutes ef 'ouncil ;1-.Lawsoie - Co., $1 -- for prititing. ( hos. Kell • $25 for•lodgin eben ures -Ali Prov'incial I Teeasur r ; ,George mith, .‘tfl 0 part Ipayment 0I1 j0 ) on eh concession ; I) or. Clegg, $1 for ereices as Rot:unite; Officeri at no not- ion and e ection ; Henry , Mooney, $90. ar iee. roc ived orders on the Treasurer °lector'ssalary in full. : The following ✓ etaxes wrongfully charged aeetinet len:. ... a Browne $.20 .12 ; ' Alexander lli itt, :$1 j. Armstrong, $1. Jonathan loor ancl John Jackson were appointed investigete the. cirtiemetaeces of John irminglisAla and Thomas Halliday, who ere reported to the Council to be 141 in- gest t circunistances, mid report ti the to. purchase seven, copies of el Manual for the use of the 1 its oflicers. -,. The Lieese cep! 8 of th lcuulloch ple bentUres ;. sh , visit a wEek among the icciple, and the amount of her board was afterward de- -ducted Oin her husband. s salary.- -The responses to his offer ha.Ve been so munerous as to overwhel him, and in his despair he gives them to; the larger Jury of the Observer reade s for decision. One case is of a hard,worlung missionary, who, OD a -,$400 salary; - just managed to ; Inspector iwas ordered' to notify all parties whoi intend to apply th the Coun- cil fer certificates fdr to.yero and shop license, toattend with-. their' sureties at next meetirg of Co sn.cil'S' The Council Prospects of that road are now in the hands of the bogus directors of the Lon- don and Port Stanley Railway, and we shall see how -they &will fulfill .their trust." -Douglass Russell, the revivalist, - was in Port Hope last week. The Gaide reports his meetings -well attend- ed, considering the brief notice given of them. 1--A joint-stock manufacturing com- pankis being -organiged in Port Hope. Capital, $100,000. - John Miller, of Pickering, has im- ported between $15,000 and $20,000 worth of thorough -bred stock, during the past year , and. intends to make another visit of purchase to the old country in the spring. =Upwards of $9,000 worth of pork changed hands in the Goderieh market, on Thursday of last week. One dealer purchased $6,000 worth. -Boring in the Waterloo salt veil has now reached a depth of 1,520 feet. The drillers are still boring in the "blue shale" with alternate layers of Lime stone. The ehale is strongly -impregnat- ed with salt, but the percentage of the latter varies somewhat. Cord.wood seems to be selling at a high figure in Stratford this sdatoiu The contract for a litindred cords 'maths C011itty buildings was let for $2 80, this being the lowest tender. -Mr. Modeland, of the IrVine Foundry Elora, tecently shipped from that plaCe to Vancouver Island., *nit 'reaping machines • and six plows.' Mr.' -G. A. Bruce, of Guelph, has aleo' re- cently shipped several buggies to, that far off lead. -At the recent convention of Trinity College, Toronto, the honorable degree of D.C.L. was conferred- upon the Lord • Bishop. of Huron, Dr. Helniuth,' 'and Archdeacon McLean, of Mamtoba. - Mi J Klotz, 8011 of Otto Klotz, - Esq., Preston, has been appointed Emi- gration Agent in Germany for . the Do- . minion of Canada. -The journeymen carpenters of Stratheoy have requested from their em- ployers an advance Of 25 cents per day on their present wages ($9 a week), ths advance to cemmence on the 1st of May next. - --The Brantford Area's calls the editor of the Courier a sneak, news thief, liter- ary vagabond, and mental, physical coward; andi he editor of the Courier replies by calling thiS Hews a skunk, an ass, one of New York's choicest -black- guards, cheat, swindler, unmitigated fool, and foul-mouthed liar. • --The Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway is now in perfect running order to Walkerton. One passenger train a day will hereafter be run each tv,ay be- tween ,Harrisburg and Walkerton. Only thirty miles more of this road have to be built to reach Lake Huron, and that thirty miles is graded and realy for the . . iron. ,. : -1 , --:-.John Wallis, ex M. P. P., foriWest Toronto, died on Friday, after' a long ill- ness, aged 57. .' . -A laborer, named Thomas Cross, whilei. choppiug in a lik tah near Rockwood, County of tVellingtor, tu , on Sarday, was struck on the bead by a falling tree, and instantly killed. - John Snell, of Edmonton, has sold his eelebrated ball "Louden puke." which took four' first prizes at Provincial Shows, to a gentleman in Virginia. - Lewis Corydon Moore, Deputy Judge of Bruce, (lied at Port Elgin, on Wednesday, 17th inst., aged 36. About [ eight years ago the deceased came from the County of Norfolk to Goderich, fwhere be was for several years a partner of Mr. Toms. Two or three years ago, he went to Walkerton, and soonafter received she appointment of , Deputy Judge, which he held till his death. -Letters for Manitoba and British l Columbia are now made up at Windsor, I and are forwarded in closed hafts three V, times a week. The postage to these dis !itant Provinces is the same as to other 1 Parts of the Dominion. - The mansion and grounds of the Hon. '1:, B. Wood, among the handiom- est in Brantford, are to be sold.by public anction; on the 27th Met. Mr. Wood sets $20,000 as th p upset price. -s* so as 1-“sysick. i COUNCIL MEETING.- The Council -met Ion Monday, the 15th insa ,., pursuant to 'Statute, in Mr. Gilmore's hotel, Gorrie, and having taken the oaths of office and ;property qualification, the Reeve took, it hech air. Members present: Messrs. 1 . Alexauder - L. Gibson and Benjamin ., Maguire, Deputy Beeves, and Messrs. Thomas Wilson and Wm. Higgins, Celia- cillors, when minutem of leet meeting were read and approved. Moved by Mr. LhMaguiee, seconded by Mr. Gib -on, That, e suni of $21 50 be paid to the Treas- rer of Grey. being our equivalent of the oney expended on boundary lin?. be- tween the townships. -Carried. Mr. 1 ret -rill's case, postponed from last meet - was considered. Moved . by Mr. thrum), seconded by Mr. Maguire, That Mr. f emit be sisal the balance of has-ac- 6eint, as: appears by the By-law to innoitut to $1 03. as suon as he furinshes aatiefactory proof to tile Council that he has complied with the By law of the to wns hip. -Cerri ed. Accounts rendered lout ortlerutlto be paid.: Win. eianderson, $2 63 for plank to eoyeth- culverts on con- Ossion 6; Simon Littre, $6, part pay - Anent tor work on lot 18, concession 4 ; .Robert . Jamieson, $15 for work at same. place. Moved by Mr. Wileon, seconded_ by Mr. Maguire, That the petition of Thomas Gibson, Esq., and .:.8 otharsr for th4 Council to submit a By-law for the approbation of the ratepayers of the vil- lage of, Wroxeter, to grant a sectional bonus of $3,500 to th6 Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company, to aid in the construction Of said Toad, and. also a petition from Dr. Aylsworth and 25 _others, from the village of Howick, to tubmit a By-law for $1,500 of bonus to Said Company for said purposes be receiv- 1 • Amsamssm ed, and that the prayer of the petitions, be considered when the By-law be pre- sented.. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Wil- son, seconded by Mr. Gibson, That -two assessors be appointed to go -together in assessing the township the present year. Carried. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded bj. Mr. Maguire, That James Foster be appointed one of .the Assessors -this year at a salary of $85, and that Thomas Walker be the other, and salary $80. -Carried. The Clerk read the re- sult of the votes taken on January 1st, 1872, to aecertaiu whether the Council would expend the /limey accruing- from the Land Improvement Fund on loeal improveMehts in the township, or buy debentures to the amount from the Wel- lington; Grey ahd Bruce Railway Com- pany. The votes taken for buying up debentures were 605. for improvements .19; majority 586. Moved' by Ma Gib- son, seconded by Mr. Wilson That Mr. Hendry's offer be accepted, and that Mr. Perkins be authorized to redeem deben- tures of the Wellington, Grey and Bence Railway to the amount of $5,000. -Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Maguire, seconded by Mr. iGibson, That John .Aikins and John Wiggins be Inspectors .:of Tavern and Shop.license for the current year. - Carried. Moved' by Mr. Maguire, sec- onded by Mr, Wifson, That John Keine be Andieor for the. present yeare--sesr- ried. The Re,eve appointed Mr. Earngy the other. Ahditor. Moved by Mr. seconded by Mr. WigginS, That the Treasurer get $6 for an extra journey to Goderieh, and his salary the present year to be $65. Mits. Dodd's taxes for the year 1871 were canCelleth Thb Council adjourned to meet again the third*Wednesday fit February next, in Mr. Ketchum's Hall, Fordwich, when applications will be receivied for licenceet &c. Geco Deetiz,. Clerk: HIGH PRICED HORSE.-Mr.Wilbam -McCulloch, of McKillop, sold a horse a short Line ago to an 'American bliyer for ,$175. COUNCIL MErrrsos-The Council Met on the 15th inst., pursuant to Statute, at glhambers' hotel. The followidg gentle- men deposited their qualificattons and declarations of otiiee, viz: W. J. Shan- - non, Esq:, Iteeee ; jae. Has, Esq., Deputy Reeve ; and Messes. Bell, Rea, wed Govenlock. Councillease alie Reeve then took the chair. The Reeve appoint- ed Jas. Kerr, Auditor. Moved by -W112. _Bell, seconded by A. Gewenlock, That Lauchlin McMullan be a.opointed.Audit- or.-Carried. Moved by Jas. Hays, seconded by .Wm. Bell, That theeateries of the different officers be as follows, „viz: : Clerk,, 90,$Assessor, $60, Col- lector, $65 ; Tavein Inepector, $8 :; Treasurer, *40 ; Auditora each, $6. ---- Motion carried. . Moved in amendment by A. ttovenlock, seconded by A. Kerr, That the salaries of the -different officers be as follows, vizQk.i k, $80-; -Asseie- or, 0a,$Collector, $65 ; Tavern 14,. speCtori $8 Treasurer, 4O,$Audittnes each, Moved by Jae Bevis- Sticonda ed. -by Wra. Bell, That John O'Sullivan be Clerk for the present year. -Carried.. 'Moved by Jashays, seconded by Wm. Bell, That John AseClure be appointed Tavern Inspector fur the present year Moved. by Jastfays, seconded • by Win. Bell, lliat the petition of each party making apphe Awn hir tavern license be complied with, providing he has the proper accolurnotiatiep,, in ac- cordance with the By-law, and theTavern -inspector's certiticate-Carried. Moved by Jas. Hays, seconded be A Go venlock, That James Dodds be paid $8:for gravel- ling on CoucessIon line 6 aisd' 7, Loi. 32 • and 33.-- Carried.. Moved by James * Hoye, seconded by _Alexander iteyr, That John Sternigle's taxes be remitted, , viz. :3 32,. he being M indigent eireum- stances.--carried: vioved by Wiihara Bell, seconded by James' Hays, That Wm. Bowie be paid *5 for keeping a sick man named smith for three weeks. -Carried. Moved by Jas. Hays, sec- onded by Wiliam Bell, That the Council do now adjouilii to Meet at Mont amier .°s hotel on tile tam' Saturday of February next, and all parties wishing to obtain tavern licenses sere hereby notified to attend. - JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Cierk. PENNY Reannsusa-The first of a sci i es of Psliey iseadings, under the aus- pices of the Churchman's Association, came off in the nave iafl, on Friday evening last. In e011Stille11ee of the •stormY, state of the weather the au-al:mice was rather small, as was also the humeer of -performers ; but taking everything in- to consideration, the entertaioment was one of the bese held here durin`g the winter. Amongst the piectee more par- ticularly eallingior commendation, may be mentioeed 12te mono solo, " The Ree- manten" Mts. . A. Bockus ; a read -- log etat1ed the Death of Mai -anion," by Mr. It. D: Freeman ; " Meet Me in the .1..ane'•' by Mr. Thos. Harris, and "elan theLife-B0 it," by Mr, ,Sedgevvick. The tWo latter geltLie111A being ohneed to answer ent:ored ; ,both of tbeiu bulging • with marked piecision and animation. •The cotertainno nb concluded with a leughatee dialogue " 1lie \1 ay to V% ind.- hain,' by Messrs. Moran . and 01ause. The next, of ale series will take place ix- about turee weeks. DRAMATIC. - The athatear Dramatic Club, of this place, are preparing to glee' another ell tertanthielit. iV e understand it will consist ot to fal'OCS, " The rish Tuue and " Ornnions," with . a short nouncal melange between the plays. We are ;sorry to hear that thoir President, Mr. G. M. King has, on ac- count of family rash's,' been offiged to take tip his residenecin Kincardine. His s 11bIt,not oniy by the members of the club, but by allwho are acquainted with hint. -Cost. FRANK, PALTRIDGE has been working like. a brick, and. has got all things ready to make you a dozen photographs this- -winter ; only $1 per dozen, Scott's Block, Seaforth. - •:4