HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-19, Page 8,
non erty6ttor,
DisTacci. M Ati'ERS,
— Wanted, abeit twlvee
cords of good green Maple wood, for
eialuch the , highest market. prie4 'M
cash will be paid. Apply at '.1.sear: Ex7
Tomcat office,
posits in the Seaforthfostbffiee Savings
Beauk for the three months endina De-
cember 3leti 1871, amounted to $87387,
Mosiv.— -Messrs. Denson & Meyer
-have on hand $5,000, of privatei 'funds,
which they ere desirous to loan for any
• length of time, at a rcasoria,ble rate of
I interest, upon fai•m security:
j 'births, n3arriages and deaths in the vil-
lage of Seaforth, for the year enclifig De,
cember 31st, 1871. : Births, ' 47.; mae-
riages, 34 ; deaths,. 14. -
glad to learn that the publication of this
journal, will be:rest:need:in a fess Wee15.s. _
The material for the office has. already
been purchased. The Sicii% \Olen it again
makes its bo '!to its patrons will do aso
in a new dress and an enlarged form.'
PERSONAL.— We are glad to leraai that
William.•0 Reed, whose dangerous
'illness we mentioned IAA -week, is. now
in a fairway for recovery. lie con-
sidered to be nearly out •ef daaiger, Al-
though it will be some conaiderable thee
before he is 'sufficiently- recovered to be
I•ound. again.
• siotrEntInct NEW. --Messrs., Strong &
Fairley bas -e opened their new grocery,
feed and seed store in the old Express
Office. NVelelieve it to be the inteotion
of this film to make -the keeping 9f field
seeds of every description a epediality iu
their bueiness. '"Flu•rners desiring totriro-
cure _good seed would, therefore, do well
to apply early to :Masers. Strong &
Fairley far it.
Nen. APPOINPAIleNT.—AS will be seen
by the minutes of the proceedings -ofthe
:Village Commit at its meting on Mon-
day evening last. which we priblish else-
where, Me. -William Elliott has been ap-
pointed to the -office of V-illage Clerk.
This -is a most important ace, and
-.should be filled by a careful and paips-
taking person. From our knowledge of
.11,1n hott T have no hesitation in say-
ing that the Council could not haveniade
Spurr & Si being desirous to clear out
-their boot e and shees i& orier to
make reran for „spring. goode, offee the
, whole of their present, large stock at
cost: These eel-ale:mem although they
have .only bettic; established here a Stunt
time, have already succeeded in building
tip a good trade, and we have no, doubt
-but the superior inducements they now
Offer will be duly appreciated by their
kuets. 'Edward Claah, of this
-village, has peen doing a very large
ieusiness iu furs this season. -The,
Iier and variety • of skins whieh he has
badior some days displayed in his stere
leas truly ,amazing, and embraced some
_Of the largest' and handsomest religion
andefox skim We have ever seen:. Indeed
it is einprieing that in a section of the
'-couny so old.aettled and so well ,cleer-
: cd upas this is, -that so many :of these
animals could be captured in a season.
We believe that Mr. Cash has disposed
,.set the whole of his fine :stock to 6:fur
'dealer of Toronto,
• Baaeneserrrns' A ihrE :FTION—We under-
th'at withie tie past teiV weeks
the price of iron and 'hardware has ad-
vanced about talcuty per cent. In vietv
of this -advence a 'meet ing.of the black- •
=lithe and wagongmekein of Seeforth
and Egniondville wes held to take into
. .
, consideration -the advisability of raising
411.6 prices of iron work. At this m4-
-ing it was deemed advisable to secure, if
toasible, the cc -operation of the black-
-smiths nd wagoetionakers cif the snr-
zoundieg townand villages: :An ad-
jourlied tneeting was the 'efore appointed,
to be held_ at eh e Maitsin, Hotel., Sea -
forth., on Weditesday. the '21st inst.,
vheh it -is expected there will be a large.
attend/ewe of those ia the county who
areinterested in thie- rilattet, and that a
a fair aid eatisfactoryt taa'ilf of chaeget
will be agree( upon.
• SEAFORTI1 :OoteNcine-The Munieipai
Council of the Village of Seaford' met on
liandafeVening imt,—preseutti.eWeevet
and all the Coanotilore. The Cerk have
lug ta,ken the Chair, certified that all the
Connell had made the micessitrydeclare-
-tions of offiee.Moved by A, 8,roug,
,0alti seconded 1y Joha Broad -Foot, That
William -Elliott !tie Clerk for this -M uuici-
patty foe the year 1.872 at a saiary of
.seyenty-five d4ars per veax.e----Carried.
-Connell adjaeratat to the 'following erm-
ine; at half -put SeYell OICIOCk. COW.O.111
anet -at i Il4a41.,,-e‘ en„ mesent :he leeeve
atkall th Ceti/miners. The Initiates of
the last meet-nat.-were i•eail 'and adopted,
'The Reports. of the Breed Insaector and
l'avere inspector eveee. Ltd before the
Counef,!.. letter from W hitesillee
anspectieg .1h:ell • oe. 'lain street. a'hc,
...recleve,apeonneed. Mr, Dewar ae editofi
for the yeer 1872. The followittg ac-
counts were peeeete iNista., 87 ;
7. P. Billie 25e.
Moved by tis er, secOltded by
.Taines Ben ttie, tirLs Council appoint
•W- N. Wateou Atulicee, for 'ahieli
receive &O. Move./ -hy A.' 8troug,
.econded by J le'sro.ut oat, That the
•;repeat of tiette.lieueel lustier:to: be 1.(lopted -
—Carried.el ot- Ld bY A. Sarong, seeotal•
eel by e. Bre ithoot; That !Jae eccouut of' •
Jamee "tVisee el:noun Giti;-; to t:we
_five ce.ets, be peid, - and a ;..6ebenture is -
:raised for the atitentit.---Cartind. Moved.
by F. tiegmitler, seconded,' by :Penes
Beattie, That ‘Vi eside'e. letter be
referred tes the 8tieset Com
Ales -ed by Y. 8egtni11er..0EcContled
-by James 1,1eattie, Tilat the Taeleen in:
npector's isainey ,for the ear 15i,"et. am-
oluiting to be pine, and a dental titre
be issued for -the sank --(tarried. Mov-
ed by j. 13roa4foet, aeconcled te• A.
titrotig, reat J. Duaean. be appoiatol
Treasurer of Municipality and School foe
the present year, (1•872), salary to _Le
F.30 for Village and $10 tor*hool.—Car,';
Tied, 'Afo ved by-, F. Segni er, eecoilded
by Jazo,!..? li'(?.attie, That the Treasurer re,
ceive a 4ebenture for $40 as' Salary for
the y.p.q.r, 11871.—Carried. .Ninvecl by 1
John Broadfoot1-, seconded by A Stron ,
That the.aceennt of E. Lusby' be pail,
amounting, to $6, viz., $4 for Collecti g.
Billiard Lfhense, an,d $2 for acting as i
turning o: I cer: for Municipality of Se
forth. ---C; rried. Moved. by F. Segm
or, second d by James Beattie, hat t le
salary of le Clerk be paid, a ounti g
to --Salary, $75 ; for Bread speet r,
$5 ; as R tinting Officer; $4 ; Iegistr r
of Births, Deaths, andMarriages $9.50
$93.50, and a debenture 'he issued fir
the same' .payable to bearer, Carrie •
Mo-ved by I. Segmilkr, sec titled y
James .Beattie, That Messrs, S ong ai. d
Broadfoot be a Committee to in pect t e
Clerks ac °eats. Moved in an endue° t
:by A.-StOng, and seon ed by .. Broa 1 -
foot,• Thai James Beattie and F Segin
ttleme t
amen 1 -
al for it
The mo -
1 for it
of e
egmill r,
hat the-:
day of
• maind i
d rehi it ,
ittee to
ler act as ,rainmittee to Imake s
with ex- • ea., -CarrieI. Th
• meat wa
Messrs. 6
tion was
R eeve *go, re
seconded b
put and thjero svot
roing and Broedfoot.
pit and there vote
miller and Beatt
his decision in -fa
Moved by F.
James 11 elttie
he first
ct the r
1871 a
- February,
of the tax
Te until
71, to coil
or the yea
the roll. I1oved. by Ja es lie
onded by &ermines., That C
Strong an 1 Breadfoot be a Com
- - o thcease of Mr. Ha-
t- person, and give
sc& fie.—Carried, 1‘
Jatoes Be, tt e, seconded by F. L epull r,
That the C erk be instructed o notify
Dr. Gratin k that the I COUnCi Will not
be respon e for the rent for he hou e
riccupied 1,v. Mi -s. Milligan , fter this
diete.--iCa •ri d :Moved by F. Leamill ir,
seconded by James -Beattie, 'hat ttLis
Conned now adjourn to Iri et again
two weeks from to-night—Ca ied.
. A? , • i
...Willie te-'fnAssoCanino.N.---
of the prii cilial cheese anaemia
the }furor Tract was luild. in Se
the 28t1 • f, December, 'Thome
tyne, Esq , Chairman, and J.
Mq.'Sec- etery. At the ineeti
niattees f interest ,in
the moat facture of a
re disetesked.
rn, nufaeture
,ut, as theyli
enquire In
an indige
aid they
11th concession
straw, he fell o
Starting Sildde
was that he
ground, falling
ing the bone el
very likely
likely a c
will remain pe
, was -teaming 0. load of
on account of the horses
ly, and the consequence
was percipitated to the
on his elbow afid fractur-
se to the joint, He will
r a length of time, and
rtain amount of 'stiffness
• Mr. George Eyv 1 is our authorized agent in this
place. All orders eft -with him for subscriptions,
• Job Printing or nlvurtisli g, will be promptly at-
tended to. Mr. E3 vel is ab,o empowered to. collect
accounts and grt t receipts for money due Turg
• ExPosrron.
SINGING SCI ootee—Mr. J. Orr is about
to 'commence al singing- school in this
place. . We hq *e to ee a good attend-
ance, as we be ieve h'm to be fully capl
aisle of imparti %ono ical instruction.
tion that
•carefui ab
Europe et
United S
keeping e rery thing " cone ec-
the faetoi y seta* and ;lean, al
ing that al irk sent o the.
pureraial 'le Farmrs inf
with the factorY•.ehot
selves • in this, matter,
very requisite
have a fine quality of
cussing Several other m
to the da reit% :intere t of the West,
good q
n calla
ye c
for th
g sever el
ion With
malty f
S que
t be t o
mpete n
ith. the beat maker in ti e
aes and ott count ies
of competer chese maker
iOn wit
tl" to se
etery s
nnecti n
ld inter st then -
as Wittiout th s
ion, We Cann t
eese. After dia
itters perteinir
was .ineye 1 by George Hamtlt la Eeti
and_ secop led by IV. 8. Roberts n, Esq
that . h Leal Darymen s Asso iation
the does unnitlfecture 8 of ti e liur(
Tract be , erased, and
lielikin Se ifotth sorehae
.Ball an tyn ei', 1., was
. J. Hickson;
(lc:lit and
After- ha
hat in
ed Pre
oa Very ileasitat and. i
in e the meet DP adj. rinsed.
Hodge*: is ab at re-
thiefurifiture lie; in
Parker's hotel He
this neighborli • od as
inati, and welippe •h
ss. — Mr. Ralph
pening business in
the stand opposite
is well known in
a first-class work -
will secure a nod
PAR LI:inner ARY- Thomas Gibsen, M.
P. P left here on W dnesda,y, the 17th
inst., for his Podia entary /duties at
poill'illteusd"tErt:1—st eIro.f •TNI:01A4tga's.c-111:oaosl,aph;
place: of Mr. A. L.- Gi ssou, who ha. held
the office. for t e last 12 years:- •
SHORTS.—D a Bre) nesuccesr-nir to Dr.
Worthington, is- getting. into a good
practice.—Te Wet& Philharmenie Club
perform in fton's ll on Thursday
evening. itetion •om Turaberry
went to Toron o last uesday on railway
lmsiness.—Yo ng • la les slide down hill
on tobogans. in Wrox ten—Lainentation
and weeping a long t
ie youths of Wrox-
eter. Cause beator h Bazaar. - Sold
again !---:-Town talk o getting up a -curl-
• ing club in .N rroxet
roaring game. a -Ifni
r. Success to the
n soiree eat Gem-
Cornees NI ednesda,y •euening,
Jan. 3Ist.—Lerge uantities of pork
homing into 11 reaete maxima
Lawrence, of
Mr. J.. Troot's
and. is about
this place. M
ly good. basilic
ctoubb but he 1
meetIng was.%
on Tuesaay; t
were addresee
Rev. 'Mr. Mu
was a, collectio
the servece.
, -
meeting of th
Society was held- at the Albion- Hotel.
1- The following iffieers were appointed for
n the current year : William Thompson
V. Irwin, Vice-Presidept ;
&re eu•y ; H. Fie her,
irector —.Messrs. J. M.
•Kee, T. Farrow, G. Beim,
1. Jacl son, ..11, Wilson, J.
ing am.
HANG . Mr.- Thomas
Lackn NV, 114 pal -chased
stoak t f stovos, tools. &c.,
comn clueing bus -thins in
-Law ginee is -a thorough-
s- mai ,and we have no
ill do veil. .-
111 EE1`4:G. •—A missionary
Id in t, Paul's church,
e 9th inst. The :people
by .1.1 v. :Mr. Davis, and
phy, inctunbents. - There
taken ep at the chase of
ao Socnerv.—The annual
Tule berry Agricultural
.:. NEw 0 moreeeoves' L E.-- 11 11 -Tue
day. • evenne • •last. a . hew 0. Mello*
Lodge,- en itied Harou Ledge, iiisti
toted:in C ' ten by Bra -her Johii Gibsci
W. G. M. of Str;.I;fordj assisted'hy'Br
W.' O. lc inedy, P. G.. of Toronto, a d,
others.. ( in e a nnnib r of the rethr n
O[ the nei di oriag lodg-es were in attemi -
anon the .e 1eing twenty-five from
forth, twe -four .frOm •Godeeich, three
or four f a i Mitchell, and a numbik
'from Tor nt. . Twenty new • membees
.Were inititec , . We are.. glad to be able
to seyeth . the future :of liurCal :Lodge
promiges Peet favorably. The charter
inem.bers. all of who" were formerly
.treembers. it Fidelity Lo -ge, of this pi* '
are desers
Lodge E
. ,
- tel of. the hig est creeliit for il 'e
ariangementt provided. TI e
oin iii fitted up in first-cla s
Style, wi- every cell enience for 'ti_ e
proper w rhing of thq Ledge. Atrtlic
conclusio of labor the brethr n all ae -
journed o terson's Bote ,.
where aoat repas awaitcFl
them. '1" ' e re the names of 1
1 1
Mrs. Pa
toile wing ,
the rs or the carte t
quarter •
e Bro. W n.
'Bro. Ch s.
Bro. rii
Bro. T.
13rO. iL
• Bro: T.
Bre. I
Bo. 3.
. Bro. R
Fos er, N. G.
luaker, V. G.
4. Youill.
flJo ns, P. S.
atteulatry, Treasurer.
Thanes,- W..
, 0: G
Grigg, 1. G.
u. . 0.
Bro. W Muir, L. S2N. G.
'Bre: C. Cruickshardie' It. 8. . 0.
Bro. 1). 13, Kennedy, L; S. V (1.
Bro. Jai. Ferguson, R. 6, S.
'` Bro. P. filrant, L. S. 8.
. ipeeen.
Ar,i4E Bice T [MESH ING:--,-We have
heard. g eat deal abou - nig threshing
in the E\ esS1Voil. and other papers, but
E what tibeut to relahe takes . the
- spots -off 11 as yet. - Mr. What Moffat
• 1 Va ran, and. 8anitte1 Moffatt, of Tuek-
ereinith, tfireelied on • 'el ondite List, o
the farm of Mee Iveemi, near Kippea,
104 bhele'ioroitts th 22 minut s.. This
1);as done in their regular wee f thres -
mg, as ttlite, threshed over .1100• bushe s
iu a littie over three hours the Same doe
The machine was one of the Clint;
make If • any can be -at this -We aein
:like to beer trogn them, ! -aa 3. believe ti e
parties re' Irtal to cnuld haete threshed. t
hi still le,s. ,
AGuict: - The annual
meeting 01 the 8tenley1Branch Agricul-
tural Secietyewas held on Weduesd,
last, when ethe fellowing °Hiders wete
elected' -f r the. ceerrent -year :' George
A ielerSon, P resit ent ; . Ed mund Wes
eike .c -President ; John AValke
taiy Jo mct Arias t rung, Treasure
pteeetors Dr. Woods:- 1). 1-1.. Ritchi
aw es. Co , %Thomas' Sinipson Ualp1Ii
eptleuseleitharles Tough, John Mo -
gate J. B. aecord, and Joseph llood. .
eltereetst: teTorn..----fteo cif bur molt
enterpriseeee farniers, - ;xi rS. John
llliot are Walter (sowa'n, hiet week
par-el/a:eel from Mr. Ja'ck.son, a celebrat-
ed stook Lineder, uear Guelph, a. very
fine, year-old heifer and hull oe the Dee_
haut breed. TheY are really lialleenne
arifinale, we' trust they may aliri e
well and move a profitable investment
their ownlere arial a benefit -to. the
Ci'IDENT..-,-‘1-e and erstan(1
Thursday, he llt,h theta while
Ttirekee, sot.i of iNfe.lltiJt Turne
that o
, of the
Presiden t ; F.
L. J. • Brace,
'1 'reas u 1
Leet, E. M
BY-L.k.w Turk]) —The Turnberry
Council haV ratifiec the sectional by-
law, grant- 'the '.1.`oronto, Grey and.
Bruce. Railwae the sum of live thousand
MERCANTILE.—Kent & Wilson's is the
place to get bareains. Their stock is
second to none in he Proviuce, and-fi•om
the affable an pleas g manner of their
clerks it is a 1 leasur as well as a profit
to deal with ti em.
CoURT.—Th Thi d Division Court
was held in MeInt sh's Han, on the
.9th inst. The e was a large attendance.
NOTICE. -4r. C R. Coo ER will act as basiness
agent for Tiii Exi osrron u Aialeyville and vicin-
ity-. Parties requi •ing Job Printing or Advertising
eau.he attended t by cal mg upon Mr. COOPER
He is adso authori• ed to so kit subseriberSfor THE
).t the annlud,i m ding of the Grey
Branch Agricu tural .'ociety the follow-
ieg officers we e- elec ed. for the present
year: John Shi Is, President ; J.3.
McLauchlan, 1 Vie -President; D.
Stewart, Secretary; Leckie, 'Treasur-
er.. - Directors—IX Woodaiff, ,James
Broadfoot, Jan es Joh iston, S. Sleinmon,
,W, Wilson, W. 0 ieve, J. W. Kerr,
.Jame a Chewin re C. P. Cooper. Auditors
--D. Seat an • O. S ith. The following'
resolutiore was then c rried
_pesolved—T itst we, as menahers of the
Grey' Branch' geicultural Society, deem.
it :expedient to putCh, se a piece of grouud
.for the purpos e echng -la hall and.
forming exhilition g ounds I for „the use:
of the society, that a chnimatee consist-
ing Of the Pre Went Vice -President and,
'Treasurer, to 1 ok fen and aqe the terms
upon whicil piece f ground. 'could be
got, -and repor at a Meeting of Directors'
to- be held ti e first Thursday in Feb-
caTive. ---A hall and sup-
per nudier the anspie s of the Quadrille
Association, o this 1 lace, will be held
-111 earmstrolig .on the evenine of
41h4d1y, the 2- bh- J umary. There will
also be a bal and Supper at Laird's
11 oLi 011 the eveninto; of. Thured my, the
25th iiist., w len good. enueie will be in
attendance an Ia gay tune is anticipated.
• s
-.of Bullett, o
Hull tt
While Mr. INIartin Code.
Tutsday het, was chop-
ping in the sa t le tree lodged, end
a;_lien he cone• eneed o cot the one that
rwas lodged , g,ainst,
leafy, and o ef t
the, leg and roke
'Leine and sh uted,
-but before aeei.tance.
they both fell sad
min struck hine on
t. Ile startecl fur
ith all his might,
came, he had Dian
aged to get zomeho v acroe-3 two-fielde
but waS atmos exha
71) the Editor f the .1 aron L,rpoBitor.
, .Sin, -- mil(
insert the fol
paper, the fism
statement et
Clifford on .th
araeantiti to
eight thousand
the remainder -
of Spring wh
$1 19 ; perk ra
the '15th of J
*Council a all 1
papers 4ere
and Treasurer
Emile as last ye
MelYongal - we
yea be kind eeough to
owing n your valuable
•ee of ) -hich are a correct
'ram 11)(1 pork sales in
0th of January,- 1872
he nie emit of $12,000
of whieh were grain, and
in 01 k. A verai;e nriee
.ate $ 10 Fall wheat,
'ging t onk 4 90 to 10.
. D. M.
'tep en.
ETING: (" t on
artery • 1872, members' of
resent The necessary
ly sinned. llhe Clerk
were re-eleeted, salary
r. (.1 Walrond and V.
'e •appointed, Auditors.
•TendeSS tO be received at next meeting
for Asiessor. Meeting of Council to be
first Saturday of .each month commenc-
ing at 1. o'clock., The foll wing orders
were given : Wra. ,Mitchel , repairing
sm. pet, $1.50 ; j. Hannah. Deaiing and.
Sta lake, road Work, -$40.97„ J. doore-
house, letter book, $3.93 ; Cl atity, $41 ;
Law expenses, $7.75 ; onc4i, lf year's in-
terest on gravel road debentures, $300 ;
Giavel, $35.95 ; Erro/o . in assessment,
$7. 0 4 Registry ' births m Triages and
&WIN $13.25. / PROU` Y, Clerk.
Le i4ative Grant to griC41tu-
ral Societies.
To the Edito/ of the Baron ' pesitor.
eta, In' looking over a ate Ontario
Bltie , ooli, I find- that the. County of
Hu •ones very unjustly usedi in the dis-
til atien of the Legislative rant to Ag-
riciltara Societies. Every one :knows
thee G ant is only a poet of our money.
'['he Iritish North American Act pro-
vides .that each Province receive the
511111 of eighty cents per head of J)O1Ul2i
ti')0 f oni the Government of Canada,
84111 by that means Huron deposits the
sm. d $41,563.00 per a,nnam into the,
'Yr' ast ry of Ontario, and receives in re-
tur he agricultural grant of$1,400—
cer aie ly a liberal grant had it been in
ration to other count**. Take for
ex in le the County of Hastings, which
dei osi a the suni of35,976.00 per aa
nu i Ito the Treasury of Ontario, and
rec qv a in return the agricultural grant
of , le 01.00. The principle of dividing
-1e3, p01 illation is admitted inthe division
of eh ol money. The principle of divid-
ing ac .ording to ratepayers is adMitted
in lIhe division of the 'Municipal Fund,
(or 1w lat is commonly called Clergy
Re ersi e Fund). if it ishist in the
Se oo and Municipalities fund, the
sumo pririeiple ought to app4 in the ap-
por m meet of the agricultural grant.
Ap or ion by number of ratepayers in
On ar o, And Hitron will fee ive them
, su
of 1, 46.00, or by populatio , $1,924.00,
or cc •rding to inembership, as m the
am or 'raiment of grant to Branch Souie-
tie , Itiron compared with Hastings,
woi Id receive the stun of $0,137.110. The
fol coy ng table of statistics ' taken from
int rn to the Government of Ontario
for 18 9 will show the injustice of the
for go ng, it is high time that the
fei,nd • of agricultural societies mould
lob - a -ter their interests. The Press and
Mum ipal bodies should uni e with agri:
cal •irr el .soeieties to press he Govern
me it of Ontario to bring bill before
the t ouse this session thin, would dis-
tri ut the grant on a just pi Mciple. We
lime 1 eard and read a great deal for the
las - fi e years about the great boon
gai ea by Confederation in gettiug re -
pre entation by population. it is all a
sham. Hastings, statistical inferior to
Hu 'le , sends three Members
on sends only two to the L
im Parliaments. The
the ta ALI referred to :
Nun bet members of I
Sue s A.: Branviles 9,149
Notnbe of ratepaers, 11,120 •1 1,021
Number of acros,.... 805,586 I 5
Aricultural Stock.
Nur ber of earths, .... 48,17,1
Nui4ibeii of shcep,..... 80-,585
NubwI of hogs, -....25,1,11
Nube at hoses,— 13„168 9,474
Ass sse I value of Real
Est tte, . -58,13'7;44U $3,713,086.00
Assesse1 value of per-
sonal property,. , 495,660.00 208,540.00
Amount of taxable in-
COIllefi, 155,985.001 • 10,600.00
Grant te) Agrieulem-al
8ocieties,1,400.00' 1,901.00
Grant t ) AAricnItural •'
8oe etles for 1870 1,400.0g 2,100.00
Clem- 1 es. mon. 1869 5,671.20 3,886.71
School 4rant, . 6,11'3.06 4,113.00
Pop. 1.4) census 1361, 51,964 44,970
By heslast census the di erence will
be mo e in favor of the Coun y of Huron.
A 111neinen ox THE '. B. -A. S.
Mon' , Jan. 15,.187-2. •
while Hur-
cal and Do -
'allowing is
SOI EE.—A soiree .was • •eld in . the
Meth dist New ConnectiO Church, at
Orang hill, on Thursday, the llth -of
Jaime y. The day was all that could be
desire 1, although there was,Inot as mealy
prestu t as was anticipated, o ying, doubt-
less, ti the fact that • such iectings are
begin ing to be • numbere4l. with the
things that weret Many in his part are
oppos d to • inch means of raising money
to licit idote debt on churches; notwith-
se-andi lg. there - were a goodly number
presei t. Having repaired, to the old
school house to satisfy the Wants of the
inner nin by partaking Of 1he bounties
plonk ed by the ladies, of vhich theie
was a i .abundant supply, tlhe company
repaired to the church to h ve an intele
lectua feast, iu which theywere not ea._
tirely disappointed. Thomas K. Boddy
Was, y a' unanithous voice, called to that
ehein We noticed on the plettOrm-sener- -
al pro lieent gentlemen, among whomwas
Thom, s. Gibson,Esq., M. . P., our re
speete 1 member for North ljluron. The
‘Vinx ter choir kindly and gratuitously
came forward- hi assist thee friends at
,Orang hill, and 1 must say that :this
part o the evening's cntci 4.inrnent vi ae
m its cif a treat: Ilen J. IN cCarroll was
the fi st speaker called uoo,
who de-
hvei 1 a, brief but teceited. addrees.
Rev. Mr. litibbert, Baptist minister,
was a xt called upon, who, in his usual
manner, delivered an intereating aud in-
structive discourse, dwelling particularly
ui th effects of the reforia4oie describ-
ed in he most luciti manner the liberty
it gav to the:press. When that giant,
:Marti Lather, sprang- forth, siipersti-
) ton a id idolatry were el:taken from -their
Celar 1 to their circumference. Rev Mr.
Clark of Ainleyville, was 1 the -a called
upon end made some very Profitable re -
mirk on the influence we have upon
each ether,arid ending- with e strong a-
pealb the youth to walk in the paths of
virtue.' Rev.! Mr. 'lenders*, of Walk-
erton, gave a. very interesting discourse
on tlit4 present condition ajuc irobable
fnturj of the Dominion of Canada,. Thos.
G ibso 1, Esq., M. P. P., kindly consented
to address the audience; althimeth not
posse.:ged of that lire, eloquence which is
to be jound itt eonie, yet a close observer
will sae at a glance a beauty and depth
of tho ight in his expressidns whieh is
seldom to -be met with, and t tan endorse
'the sentiments of your special corres-
pondent at the Capital, that he will be-
ctnnei useful member of the ions. lie
dwelt 1 principally upon the infinence
which, Presbyterianism has, had in the
world, showing the diffictilties. which
they endured in the moors ,and glens of
Scotland. B e• also described pit; in fluence
. which 'other denominations have had in
stenaniing the flood of iniquity, so that by
potting our shoulders to the wheel we
will ie,able :to resist our eommon foe
with the victorious weapons of sympathy
and co-opei•ation„ Atter coedit -dine an
intereeting speech, a perfect ,oration of
app.atise burst front the congregation. ,
A iter votes of thanks were tendered the .
compapy separated. One pleesing feature
in connexion wibh this pleasing gatherina
was the almost entire absence of levity',
which is too often found in houses -which
are dedicated to God. Such a course of
conduct has, in my opinion, the effect of
deadening the more solemn part of the
poderich Township.
COUNCIL MEETINC4.- The Council met
on the 15th inst., pursuant to Statute.
The Clerk in the chair:- The following
gentlemen handed in their qualifications
and declarations of office, viz.: Witham
Shepherd, Esq.'Reeye ; David Patton,
Esq., Deputy iteeve, and Messrs. Cox,
(10ok and. INIcKee, Councillors. 1 The
Reeve having aSsumed the chair, the
minute's of the December !fleeting wero
read. It was resolved that the Clerk be
continued in office, at a salary of .8130..
Mr. James Patton, Treasurer, was con-
tinued in office—salary, $85. Mr. Henry
Beacom wa,s appointed Assessor—salary.
S70. Messrs, Whittingham and Cantelon
74 -
ITsis ON RAND a superior stock of FAMILY
-Li- GROCERIES, embracing is of the best
brands, Sugars, Raisins, etc. Also, Crockery and
(+111,swarp, and ovtry othk article mually kept in
a first-class Grocery Store.
Streit its Flour, Oat and Corn -meal, Potatoes, Por?.;,
etc., also, every description of
Such. as Oats, Peas. 13nut and SliOrts, all of Inca
e 111 be sold cheaper than the cbottpest.
FaILIC11 Pittetarianee
The hi-4h;sht market price paid for all Linde of
F011:11:0ensnilielr111%'14::::.e.eca*t.thr3e-'s1)11311u'roei a.:Arli.1111;-11thij'iter4S:\iffi.t..30:;AfTeutaif,:Tirat.t":„
were appointed Auditors at a mATCHES & JEWEI Pr re
uner; .
ation of $5 each for their services as such,
Mr. Joseph Proctor was appointed‘
Tavern inspector, to receive .$2 per eacb.
tavern inspected. The following accounts
were ordeied to be paid, via : Edward
Kelley, '$2 ; Alfred Gale, $3 ; ItRobert
1Ferris, 818; A. Bay, 1'. •L.- S., $15 ;
1John Johnston, $12 ; Christopher Tab -
butt. refunded dog tax, $1; DaYLI
Barns, refunded, $3.24 for wrong assess;
meat M 1868. Joseph Williamson, ex-
empt from paying dog- tai, bemg wrongly
assessed e Wm. Bray and Mrs, McGee
were exempt feoin taxation for 187.1,
Tke statute -labor By-law was amended
be in-serting the words " penalty for
neglect, eighty diillarse" in the 10th
section.thereof. The Couucil adjourned
to meet' again- at Knox's hotel. Hol m es -
on Monday. the 5th, February next
J. B. -STonEs, Clerk.
The following is the number of births,
deaths and marriages registered in the
township of -Osborne for the year 1871 :
births, 81 ; maniages, 23, deaths, 28.
meeting of the Stephen aed 'Osborne
Branch •Agriculturai Society was held at
Drew& hotel, Exeter, On Thursday, Jan.
llth. The annual report, as read bythe
Secretary, showed the society to be in a
most prosperous condition. The follow-
ing gentlemen were electedoffice bearers
for the current year: A. Bishop, Presi-
dent; 3. Hunter, Vice -President; Jaen
Greenway, Secretary; J. Pickard, Treas-
urer. Directors—Leonard Hunter, Jas.
Oke, Samuel Cornish, Wharton Hodg-
son, 3. Sanderson, William Bodden,
Jones and Mr. Penhale. We bc.lieve
there was another director appointed,
.but We have been unable to ascertain the
To the Editor of the Huron ,&rpositor.
' SIR, —It in --astonishing to see with
what ease and 'pleasure sonic people will
roll ecandal, falsehood, &c., under their
tongue as a sweet morsel. Nearly every
section of the country have- to maintain
a few of those personS whose sole aim and
life is eo injure their fellow -being, persons
-who will grapple and. twist it into a rope,
a word to form a sermon., a bap to make
a scandalous untruth. While other
parts of the country - are to a greater or
less extent nested with such infallibles,
this particular part is no mean competit-
or. Who has ever resided in this Sec-
tion that can say they Mere not in some
way or other been th-e eubjeet of
calumny, and very often biought togrief
and shame by vilifying tongues? A
_school teacher in this vicinity went to
spend his vacation among sew friends,
and not having received his salary from
the trustees, left a few bills
This was sufficient—some one said "
looks suspicious," another "may be he
has run away," and another, " 1 believe
he has." This was as much as vomiting
something as black as a - crow, and con-
sequently it must be true he surely is
in the States before this 1" Heads were
stt ck together, stories exchanged, and.
doubled gossip was the order of the day.
Tattling old dames sipped at their tea,
-sugared. by the latest news; eheerily the
sleigh bells sounded, followed by •the
pleasure seekers chanting the cherishea
"hear say, and • they say."
Greedily' were the turkeys gobbled
down, -spiced with the welcome
tidings that one more unfortunate was
being "pushed down the hill." A war-
rant was isseed, a seizure made of oii
:books, 'clothing, &C.,rennlining in his
boarding room. Monday evening came,
the teacher returned—intending to etatt
school on Tuesday—but to be shocked
by the doings of those who a few days
before were. regarded as friends. But
why all this fuss? ,0h, the mighty dole
lar, it -mast come regardless of a man's
reputation. A few dollars before a man's
character—but hanraly so by unmincipl-
ed, niggardly money cravers. How
could such woudeiful ideas get posses-
sion of ehose wonderful little craniums ?
for any numskull coaldeeasily see that a
Dian would be likely to take his best
clothes and other movables that might
have been taken under the circumstances
if intending to leave the countalt But
en 1ithd lnisnies--m a looee kind_
of way " and "we heal (1 or saw some --
thing '' ,,which, of course, Di71,5i be true.
Let' those who are without sin throw
stones. How long still such week eoli-
th:toe ? When will people learn that a
man's character is worth something ? 11
this does all blow over, let parties. have
anare how they handle the edged tool of
i calumny, leht they be taught some day
from their tenderest spot—their pocket
e ---that a character ie not to *he
tampered with, cried down, and spread
all over a township or country without
some reasonable cause. 'Do to each
other the thing that ie right, there is
room in this world for us all," not for-
getting that we are crania:mauled ‘„‘Do
-unto others as we would have o(t]Itiet do
MRS. WIIITNEY has just received a large stock
(,kf Cordthlk4 PArlOr aiiii RoX Slove,t, ()f the
manufacture, which she MU hen as cheap as an
in the trade y
TINWARE, of evt.ry -drstription,
kept constantly on hand and made to order.
Also, Stove Pipes, Eave Troughing, etc.
Cus,to;n-work promptly attended to, and 0ut,i01e
work will receive every attention.
C OA 14 011.
, A large $doek of the very best -Coal Oil kept eon.
staidly on hand, and will be sold wh.oiesale and
rsetrittli;t.,,,Spt:hfid.etihred by note or book account are re --
lace, Ca
Remember the prmichael's Block,
quested to settle immediately.
Rags, wool-pieldrags, old iron, erase, copper, ite.,
, taken in exchange for goods. 197
JjASjust rreceivcd a very choice mid s...1.perior
'stock of jewelry of ei7ery description ; also,
Clocks, Watches and Musical Instruments. A
very choice lot of Violins. also ViolinSt .1:1c,rii in
e dlness variety. de
Every scription IA tches,
Clocks and Jewelry ryvaired, and warranted -to 1.,rive
Satvifuetum. It is needless to say mere, as Coun-
ter s well enough known in the County of,Thiron.-
• SAEE, in the Township of Stanley, County t
of linren, au excellent farm, being composed
of Lot No. 13, Sixth Concessioneontaininbrr 11)0
acres 80 of which are cleared, well feneed, and in a •-• ;
good state of cultivation. There are 18 acres un-
der fall wheat. There are on the prell3NeS a log ,
house, lop; barn, and frame driYin,q-lumse; alsopt
young orchard ; tlire is a gimtl spring well C011-
venient to the -stables, also a good spring creek.
This farm is situated <nre•mile aird n half south of
Varna, on the gravel road. For further particulars
apply to 'the proprietor on the pri.:mises, or to
) Arne I'ost-Ofliet.s.
• 011 Sale, Chep, Lot G. 30, fith Concession,
Township of Bruce, County of Bruce, iontain-
ing„100 acres. about 20 of which ai•e chaired, the
balance web timberedwith beech and maple. No
-waste land. There is a never -failing stream. -of
Winter running through iL It'is situated "Wifilin
five miles from the flourishing village of Paisley,
through Ni•lticb the 'Wellington, Grey and Brace
Railway will shortly:- be rnimim.T. If the above pro-
perty is not sold, it will be leased for a ,tertn of
years for the improvements. For further particu-
lars. apply to Tait Exrosrron Seaforth.
• July. 18,1871, 189tf.
T.F011 Sale. Int No. IT, con. 7, township rf saorria,
containing 100 acres, 70 of Nybith Prc cleared
and in a state of good cultivation.. The whelp, is'
-welt fenced. Tht.sre Are OD the 1>1emise.4 good
frame barn and hewed. log -house also, tWD Wells
and a Young bearing orchrr.d. Tills faru is within
one niile of Airileyville, a thrivinr, dtinge, where a.
station of the Wellington, Grey arid Brute Railway
Win be located, also t -he breadth of. a lot from the
Northern Gravel Road. ' Also, a frame dwelling -
house, with the upper part fitted for A Photograph
Gallery. There is a good well and stable on the
premises, also' a .,rood garden. This property is
situated near the ITusinese -centre of the village of
1Vroxeter, throus.It which the .Toronto, Grey turd
13ruce Railway will be running .within one year -
The -whole will be sold on easy terms. Vor parti-
culars apply to the Proprietor.
Photographer, Wroxeter.
N. B.—The Photographic.Instrurnents will be
sold -with or without the gallery. 210-8m
Or to C. R. COOPER,
Lane Agent,•Dingle P. O.
TAMES ITOWSON h. -is been instructed by Alm.
t -f Monteith. Auburn P. 0., „ a.,-ent for the estate of
the late Robert 1\le..)lordie, to sellby publietmetion
on the prenaises, on
FIIIDAy, 261th JA.RilArn hist,
at twelve o'clock, non, the* following Yalua.hle pro -
perty itt Om Township of Tuckersmith, viz.; Lot
No. 19, in the lst Con. L.R.S., of the Township of
Tuckersmith, in the County of Eftlron, consisting
of one hundred acres, more DX less, two acres under
leasehold being reserved- The land is of excellent
qualitY; and in a good state of cultivation, sit.attil
within. 24. miles of the village of Ik-atellold, with
gjf....)2(rit1d401...)31u8i.sIdoirNtgand orchards. Also a quantity of
balance easy by giving good security. Further par-
Triams. ---Two hundajed. dollars of purchase
money required down On•Re:11 EState; WrIAS for
farming implements, &a. for vash.
ticulars inade known on day of sale.
Auctioneer. ALEX. MONTEITH,
Insolvent Act of 1869
In the matter of'ROBERT PARK, au fusels -eat.
91...A_IiE notice that A nreeting of the creditorsof
J- the above-named Insolvent will be held at the
office of Dixie Watson, Esq., at Godericia, onthe
2thal day of jamiary, 1872, at the hour of five .0 -
clock 'n m for the purpose of AthiSilaf,f the As-
signee as. to the mortlrage of :fauled. Mitchinson;
as to the disposal to be mink of the notes and Re-
counts due the estate, for the appointment of in-
spectors, anti for the ordering of the affairs of the
estate generally.
Ofiteial Assignee.
Gralerich, January 7, 1872. , 214
Insolvent Actof 1869
Li thr matit.r of JAMES LEONARD, rig Ainley -
an Insolvent.
rrITE Iusolvent has made an assignment of his
-1- estate ton;e, and the cre litort are notified to-
me( t at. the place A% here said Im,olvt.nt. lately car -
• 011 busmoss. in the village of Aieleyville, In
the,CoM:ty of Iihron,
ii-ectmeAdny, '24th dui- of nary, 172r
Tit the hour ?If twelve eciackk nofn, toTee-ei11.0
statements of his alour:., and to almenit an 3J)aI4-
tI1 Ill: Goderich till.; 10th day of January, A..
D. 1872.
214-2 Interim Assignee,
a7 las
ea.; al
C.) •=0 -
A choice assortment of light :mil hea
harness, whips, bells, borne clothing, etee,
kept constantly on hand.
Repairina promptly attended to, tzta
charges *Iterate. Remember the Placa.
sign of -the Scotch Collar, Main St
163t1 NV. 11. OLIVER,
First insertii
gertione, 2tent
4.4 4%1 11,11
43 44, 3
At bpi
•4. .3-414 S
lane401111b One.,
*4 .4 Uld
1.41 At S
43 Ai
s •o 3
One -twelfth on
Itneiriess Canis
net "exceeding
=owe 50 cent
for sale, notexe
each subsequen
• Ifirths, Mtrri
be insert4-xl till
- ria Conage,
Irazowars, ON -L-
AM° and xasidO
- billeo—Of0
Iffaixt street, &=ti
in, etc.
'Market and nig]
and Resider:
.etreet, Seafortb,j
4ay, andnil
--L-0 pointed AO
ipany of Elightu
„ Tate Ottpitalists
-very reasonable
,Cherges modem.
terneys it
InsolvencY, Not
Solicitors"for the
• the Canada Life
;C. 1.1.—,3130,000
•flouses RUA. LtS
-4-" at Law, $olic
Conveyancers, N4
forth and wroxm.
Co. of Upper Cep
Co.. of London, Eri
commission ohm*
:awe. 11. unxecr:..1
1.7" NOX'S HOT
signed begs1
patronage award
he1 bush:es-situ
• noin resumed hq
he happy
and many itow o
sec qumodation
- plied with the N,er
ntabling ettacht41
every day for Win
W" FC1
Atrunican litot
-hotel )30.43 receutly
fitted throughturt,
lot -table and co
tj‘imple 11001118 SeA
Teqns Ube
91' A. r.51I.A.81"S
* Ofilee.-44
wad iirst-ei
0» bawd at
wv Tiket tg
Lk Builwalf
Tiekots issued 10
California and Rod
,:the greatest forilie
.Informatiort TaiTer
fireenba-cks, Bor
livid and S4'yor
1,4neri's Rene
Agent for the felio
aurorae& C.imp•rnies
tnal and the W..ss
the Relia):re
All ord-rc )iv
,ed. to. opp
-(.11.24:412er of -
legs to i11tilaat44
mad 3u1rona.1171,"
4aftii:it in Seafutzb.
,issonally or by letter.
Me, etc. 1.
431 the VI•twiumw C.
has every •o- 11.i n•.!
Arlin may onirloy hi
Iturnn, zieLP:,•,-- A
rio V4,-tetinary C
Thor/nun, 1/r. R,
Veterinary 'gear
All cal:s,
?EWA...INT:NG in
%) for, n 10-9t14
,Cep -a,
,Cowan; Wm
'Cameron, Nils IN
rritentl,...n, Mrs biAtii
Caldwell. E
Clutitt, Ali:ss 11
Duratunore, 11
33arby, 11
Pobson, W A
Davis, Ilr
ihmean, 3n -ii 11 R
I'orayth. Charles