HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-19, Page 39, 1 4smik there are ,sonte sius vehich• are irtie; and this waS on of them,' • said Sir John, pressing her to nig . eare. 1any people after this wondeted y it teas tbat Sir John Hancock- tidietts, haughtyeirascible Sir was always,. on .atfeli goo terrns with Gay, the attorney. Gay had nothing to reccommend hint, said soteety. ile wee vulgar and familiar ; oue of the most (dent-dye- ly mannered men to he -found in a, losageuunnee'S day, and Dune of the gentry, 'about the piece admitted him vete -their compainonship on that, account. To be sure,. he was good-hearted; that was allowed oti di id ut wiien you had said. that, 3'ipa bad said every thing s ana Sir John' Hancock was scareelv the s au. to Care for heart so mueh as fo Ii eeding. Be that aS it may, hoiever,. 'th az after &tusteffair-#1ticla Gay was chiefly instrumental, in keeping 'dark and emodthine, over—the brixtd-eitested ,and familiar attorney, who wished , kie ladies, alit' stu ek. hi t1nitnus LAG his waisCcoat armholes while esplayed itielgivary tunes with his play fingers Upon his capacious ichest, was a welcome guest to the ;llati whenever he chose to come. It may be as well, he w ever, to add that he came very seldom, and that when, • there tie was visibly su bd tied. One day, speaking of. bad man - 11'b, Sir John Hancock said point- edly, " Welt 1 mice hated bad m ers more thau anything else; but , since I have known Gay better, have known a man whose uneelitieh- ,, ,ness, honesty, atilt real nebility of feeling so far autweigq his ulgai it y ithest 1 have learned to accept, this as one does accept a small flaw in eny ing that else would tes perfection.' :One doesn't Collie every day upon !such a, man as Gay ; and, for my ewn part, I am proud of hiw aid not ashamed to ewe ee" SPECIA.Ii NOTICES- j ssr For a- cheap and substantial sew - in machine try the Osborn Lock Stitch, made by the Gaelph Sewing- Machine Company, W041TRYC OTE.—An exChangesaye • there is scarcely a day passes that we da 1: not hear. either front persons coming in - tour office or in some other way, of the success of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment iuthe cure of coughs and. colds, 80 pre- vXe1t a.bout towa is now. isn. If we can benefit the readers of* the 'Exeosrron any by recommending ParsonsPurgative Pi -11a to be the beat, 1' anti -billions medicine in the country, we are witting to do so. We have had aboat aa good a chance to knew as any one. , 4-tr. At certain seasons of the year most persons are subject to diseases emanat- nag from a low, state of the blood. The caasea are various but it ia only necessary, in order for the prompt purifica- tion of that thud:, that the patient should. nse Fellon,s' Compound Syrup' of Hypo - phosphites, with full assurance of ob- taining the desired result. This Syrup I will strengthen the' organs of digestion, promote healthy assimilation, nourish the muscles,' ana renovate the nervous system. kns "Tired nature's tweet restorer, balmy sleep." . But there are times when the ‘' Renewer Of Strength " ie denied us, times when our minds and bodies have been so over-worked and are so - worn Ontthat we "woo the drowsy god 1 in vain. The Peruvian Syrup (an Iron tenews our strength and makes ar rest sweet and refreshing_ A BEAtrrattf„ HORSE. -There is no- ing that can contribute so; nutehs to tiller the,horse beautiful and elegant, to icaprove-ltis condition and make him all that is desirable, as" Uari, y's (Ram Powders and Arabian ave--Ite-: meilv » it has been usLit by many per- = sints who own vahlitble carrotse and other with dec:ided •5ucce4, Poi-1 so Well . pL:•aseti ale toy liwith it I tust they 'al- ways. keep it (ni hand in ca -e of ernerg- ss-; .t may be given at a-1 fitites with. perfect safety. Remember t name,: ami see that the tguaL ore of Hurd & Co. is on each • pack- age. Northrop & Lyman, :Newcastle, propiietors fur Cana I:L. said by .all medicine dealers. - man Wafers, (the groat public re- rats4 4 have now been in use osser twenty ' 11C!,.1(4'.: It CallflOt be said hat they - aro on tial. , They have beea hereaaidy tried, and pronounced ton :the authority of those whose ;Ives and :os mita titey itavt. preserved) to be a cure, armless and eminently salutary ptepara.- ou, awl if taken in season will invarian- ., eure culds, coughs, sore throat, and all icnik-d affections. One fair trial will myince the most skep t kat. sold. by ail Italic:41e dealers, at 2,,ictt. per bus. •--- NO RISK - • Oil Worth Ten Time it in (if Id. Do :,-ott know anything, • ? it. is time yo,i did. cannot stey where it is used_ It is the • e -t ay, r tux Lo. thw daae cures ( LVjsere ▪ Lio-eat One bottle Inis eared Bron- Pifty cents' worth has cared an ola stand - one or tIVt.k hoLtle.i cLaes bad eases of an kitiney trouble:T.. ,Six to eiz,ht appliea- t1 ..1s cure any c.t!...e Excori...ted Nipples. or, ILL-- A:v:11(.1 -ark:a:rt. Ono bottle has cured Laine tack •"; Cglit, year,' standin„. Daniel Punk, of Brook- Tiga Co:Lilly, Penn., " I went thirty Lt -for a bottle of your OU, which. effected mintk o. croultel six appre :lions." Another. who has had A.;t Lung for ye "1 htt,V,I. half of a fifty cent. bottle left, a id 1 .ti would not buy it if I could got no more." 1:obillson, of Nuodn., N. Y., writeq: "Oa bottle of,:inar Eclectrie Oil restortid the voice %lore th o penwx had, not spoken abov.': a whisper ;for rIXO yCskrh."` Itt.W. S. of Wyoming, N. 'Al write 'X'f)P.1" Ecleetric Gil ared ni.:? of Bron- tiiiti one week." Dealers all 0;er tile country "We lave never sold a medicine that kis .en alma compietzt satisfaction as this." is composed of six of the best Oils that are • Is as good to take as fur external use, and 'eyed to bo. inaneaSura:bly superior to any - ver made. Will save yoa much suffering -tut many dollars of expense. Is hold by one Or &talent:in every place. Price, 25 cents. Prepared by S. N• Thomas, Phelps; N. Y.,.and ICTIIRrk & LYMtl AN, Newcase, Ont., solo agent for the DominSp... No•rx.-Eclectric-Selected and BIeetrized- • E;Efick.sion t Cu. vaid. 11 Luzusden, Agenta far 4zterth. • 208-4 JAN 19.1872. 0111.1119111.11...111111.11111 TI -IE HURON EXPOSITOR, s. lare. LaMbert's Demoralized . Cow. • i . •, . ;. . . Since ' Ails 01 r t ary's cow got he name In the paeer„ the Whole envi- , mus bovine family -lire Gatti rig , up di - • does to secure an equal' notoriety. The'lateet exploits are by a cow be- longing to a Mrs. Lambert sof Pay City, Michigan. Exploring the back yard On a recent ,eyeeing, she put ber head into a. barrel, which she couldn't get off, aucl kecoming very such frightened at her conditiou, she blinelly forced her way into the wood-sheA, thence into 'the kitchen, and thence into the, dining wont of the house, becomink, all the NV hi.si more furious. From this room she made her way into, the parlor, throwing down and trampling under. foot evetythipg that came in her way. Mr'. Larnbeet aroused her .. haseand, who arose, but finding be eould do nothing?, went for *help. The cow next rushed into the bedrooni_where Mrs.. Lambert with a little baby and one child occupied a bed, and another little child a crib in front of it. The enrasssell athwal mounted the bed, li,ut help arrived, and not an insta•nt too S0013. 'The window was raised from the outside.. , ,and a neighbor attempted to enter, when the barrel gave him. • blow asbiehlnocked hurl back against the , • -fence,. Thechikt were at last _se- cured and passed Through the win- dow, and Mrs. Lambert soon follow- ed. - The door of the bedroom was,, &era closed and thb• cow left -to her- self. She finally became soothed, and walked out after demolishing all the nice fueniture in the lower _part of the house. --Spr. ia /Odd- Re- publican . The Curse of th ur. 'There IS too mneh lying. On every band we meet wieh exeggenition, equivx catiou, deception. 1,Y;t3 call ie all lying, and every man or. women. who varies oue- iota from the strict- est fact and truth is indeed a -liar. were destroyed exc "Battle of the•A trnyons. sending them west. Cox toselay, ()fret ed 4 resolution the House• to' reeognize the, Cube ns as belligerents. The -War Deptirttient has given orders to put the fot titications of the • southern seacoast in it.,1ij.,ossjb1O .condition for defen e. It is report- ed.tnat this is done in the view that war with Spain is eossible. . • Wa,arwick dtle. • English :partials mourn over the great lire at 'Warwick Castlfs as a natibnal disaster -a destructiot . of a 'nage in English.bisto- Trwhich•neither tittle nor skilkcan replace.. The five is said to haVe ine ken out in the _ private apartments • though of were a treasure -hon draWing-room WaS finest French carvit g, of the time of Louis XV1,, and was hung with choice evorks,of mot bril art, collected, by Lady WarWick, herself an artist Of great ability. Pjte saving of the state apartments wee dee to the mas- siVe stone wall whi • baronial hall from roam. The two chi • ingover the'banque barely time. O sc hall before the fla f the countess. no greet size, re -of-art,. Th e • theled with the h .;separated the., he red drawine- - • Idreen were sleep- ingeh and hed 'pe through.th pee Would -have • • • mit oftretreat by that: Way. Lord • Warwick WOS abou ann nal ehristmits 'and .upward of fiyd ,ridges were store 'When • the. :.fire that ioom the! foam fig -couragee rtishr carried the au] 111 u stant part of the bai roOns and the state escaped daniage, thought necessary t 4 tune and paintings. ,x the ituilding was ed ; but aninspec iegs shows that in danethan wes at 6 theert .,reasure,s , The expressthan agrees most sol- emnly to deliver a trunk for yeti at a cert tin place by a certain hour., He deliveis th c.3 day after the time promised, end thus to entertain his tlinoting. party,_ hundred c;trt- n the gint-room. as, approaehing n with thought - .t1 inte =it, and ieto a dis- tlidg. The cedar hatpeily hough it was •remove furni- The exterior of t 1 ightly inj r - on of the paint - re damage was t believed. Ail • the great hall t the paiating, NEW YORK110 We submit a 'brie New York horse tkd tp MARKET, summary of the during .the year lies. The grocer promises to send 1871. In examiniug he ligures •coven , , below, the fact raustbe taken. in COSItlerz . . you the . best tea in .. the market. atisn tint in :the cirniit of about 100 He takes the first his hand falls u en. without •any care for the quality, .bigh'valtie 0 land.; no reed in s a,nd rear - miles ft ow. kilos, York, on account of the and despatches it to you without a ing of librses is earrie 1 on to any °swat • twinge.. HU .is listr. • Tee printer extent, 'and that cons quently a thickly peisouses to do your Work caeap• er cities', villages, and fa, res; drawingthe . . -I populated sections oft ,fcountry with its 1 than it can l be cone elsewhei-e in • greater part of its sum lies from the New town. He forgets his proruisc-- York Horse Market, vhich, in its turn, w hitt, ' he pleasee____ana is dependent' on the c uutry at large as charges you. a ne follows : Ficarr ag horses from. Oen- lies. The tailor agrees to deliver it -al sant ,Western N York. Michigan, of clothes without -by six in the and Kentucky ; speed horses for New evening. You 0 -et them in the morn- . York State N ea , eW ersey. Verrhont, -nig, and the tailor is a liar. The Maine. Kefittiekv, and Canada; saddle dentist pledges his word that yonr horses chiefly front teeth as filled by him will r be all right for a dozen years. The fillings come out in six'months, and the den- tist lies. A. man over the way is in need of a temporary loan: You l€. id him a small sum, W hich he promises •by everything to .return at a given time. He keeps it a. month over the time and is a liarAn auctioneer tells you that a. certain picture iS'by a master artist, when he knows it wits painted by e fourth -rate painter. -He lies, and is not, worthy of trust. A. szdestrian lie§ about his goods. A bootmaker lieabout your ..boots. The jeweler lies about your watch _ The gossiper at the dinner-tabletell exaggerated stories to astonish the. ladies, and is nothing else then a, liar. The florist assnree you thathis flowers were pickvd ira the morning, en they are neA5-1y two days old. e lies, and will lie abonteanything. _ entucky ; heavy draft horses from .P4nnsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Iiidiana ; common Work horses, for railro d. cars and stage use, fren Indiana, Illi ois, and Canada. •'The quality of the st cls offered gevern- • ed its market value, 'a most entirely in- • dependent of supply ind demand, both of - -which having 1)een vit.° steady throughout the. year The influences hearing upon the cond. ion of the market were lessfavorable th1n m former years. Trade has neverthele.s been consider- able, and_ dnring the fsaisy season suf- ticiently profitable. The subjoined table -.siva an exhibit of ti ansactions during e the year, noti including, however, the sales by psiblief,auctiot : 10e0 horsei for car and stage use,. averaging ' .1 $170. ' ' • t 5,500 heavy draft horses, a ?raging 8250. ' 8,500 rOad horses.(light ha noss), averaging $400. , 260 sadIle-liorsea, 'o.vOra pg 6,4350. • . 58, speedy horses (could beat three minutes) sold in pairs'averafong $4,500, 934 fine carris.ge horses, sold in pairs, averaging ' $1,225. 22,302 The 492 pairs of fi e earriage horses 801(1 in the following 1 oporpons : 94 pair at ,I4-1,500. 186 pair at 4000. 135 pair at 800. The practice of dispiisuig of horses by • auction is growing in f vor With the pub- lic, and New York is closely following London in this respe , *here even the most :valuable stock i changing owners -under the hannuer. .' he business trans- actions. of Messrs. Llohnston & Van" Tassell's Auction Mart will give some ' 18pair ai $3,000. 21 pair at 2,500. The book publisher advertises 'that . 43 /ear et -2,000. Lis book- is selling by the tens -of theusandS, When he has not sold a thousame He is a liar and one door 0o11 from the murderer., Every where,- everywhere we hear lying.* Men and womenwho would knock you down ifvou.called idea of the extent of them liars,- 'lie every hour. . Decep- trade. They have d -tion is the rah:, rather than the ex- posed of nearly 2,50 ceptiou. Canvassers lie about insur- ranging .frOni. $50 .to name compaifies. Brokers lie about Amopg the':`isvaluabI4 brog' :to their ha stocks. . Editors lie about politics.. Cuht hat*, Gieese broug _ Exaegeration. and misrepresentation mare 1, sletto„4,S1'500 ; rule the hoar and are its cut se. . . S2,00'j Ind others 'ecia •,Oentiernen-ladies--why cannot the truth be told° always and ever? iBeseseesse----Bers'S COCOA-GRATETTL A.N.`-` By a orough Why all this deception 'and lying ? :kDuewlCUMFORTINGedge of the na ural lathws which Why- so much felsifyine and °beet- govern the operations of digestion and ing? In the name of all that. is trition, and by a cc. reful application ro g s o er, bay gelding - t .6„000 sorrel bay gelding Dan, lly high eitees. . Ins branch of the ring the -year dis- horses, at prices $2,000 :per head. t ttin t GUELPH SEWING MACHINE Co. •THE OSSOPN eA es es Z r=4 cd Lock -St]. ch m CHIN JUST RECEIVED, .A OMAS A. CHOICE STOOK OF FR SH fAMILY GROCERIES, CM:uprising • g • Tho t -sands throughcut Canada are now u ing theS machine . Th'y have • been t sted bey ind all uestio 1, make the fa -mite lock -stitch, '.like n both ncl. are "IT nounce 1 sup rior to any ot ter machitie offere 1 the public: For lir dA range of won., per ection, beauty 'ands -excellence o mec ianism, adapta strength and. durab lity, The sborn IS wing It achin 1,Ias &iv& Ito- I provem nts ihave latel been made, eoablingthe mai ufactu •ers to claim i as the n plus ul ira of Sewing matthin s3. Hun reds of t stimonials are being r eeived d ily from old asell as new on erators ttestino 'ts wo derlul. .capabil 'ties. • W 11,110 ail kinds Of do- mestic ewing, frpm- the f nest ambric to the oarsest eoierceat or upper eather. oustna TEBD TO ' BE AS ZEPRE. . 0 NO SALle, WARSA. TED FOR • Tau sr: YEAR. . The . Osborn q1fit is readily p1 -1)i -0e sdeds • f hall th price in herto ch, chineSpingo). li'ke range , maunfa turers be ng deter it with ii the re sell of eN the country. A rra AL 1"int0 I z ',viten. vince 11 that bur mac equal& . THE GUELPH RE Is pre- minesitly the best Maeliii e offeredkto the pu maronl. Us sus:del.-1s . Will c of don estic seWing, PR Han 1 MachinLe with fn ' TreadI4 d 0 ., '-, I GI- , , I• , guaran eed. ./. gents wanted every 5$ did hid. cements to niaken A,ppl- to ' - CiJaPH• SEVII'l'IC I'llA GLIELPkI, -CANA . WATSON., 1AT. 180-ly s °mph 801(1 rged or ma- . of W rk, the lined io place cry fa nily in sit w'll 'con- ines re un- te and t one - Elle IBM 'ingle- "'bread o all v CBS 1 onifi ach r oney. - 1 NINE A. (tent FO nee.its rieties: tliATLY • , $11, , achine Splen- TH. rtiCa A13 RERS nianting AV Jed: fo • a few 4 wee -s will find employment u. tne G3VE1tNI ENT - DRAIN In Grey. WAGS, $1 25 per da. Enqt ire of t5e foreman on this work.- or appl to the altent at• the ale , 3 as, T. Blai . G. BLAIN, Contr. tor. Grey May 12, 1811 ' • 1 0-tf Begs to has re rump's Mr., Where e may • Mr. W lliams is the sh(34•test mati Carriage Pain and Orn • Give him a cal opposite Murray s Stables. PA NTI NG. JAME WILLIAMS intimate to the public t oved f orn Mclittosh 'arriage actery, and has ilhan Grassie's hop, e• found at an time. prepared -.;o exe ute, of 'c, all kinds of ing, Sign I'itinting meutal ork. . Reme iber th place, 70-13t at he Mor - rented aint -N .A.LL Persons indo PETER 114.msAY, diate payment- to the ized to rc ceive the%sa TIOE. ed. to the Este re reque Undersigned no. All nui retual.,ing un- paid afto • the Fit d tato of. to ma who ar the late o innne- au Cher. 1 y nf Janurzy next will be placed in isuit. • BENSON & MEYER, - Solicitors for the Administratrix. Vitted tb s 29th diLy- 1 „Noy„ A. D., 1871. 208 -SL FO port S cheap, and Oiler, .good Co., Bra Mord, Mitk AND BEL mi a used. to M. & P. SMITH Ainleyfille, Dec. 11 • true and good, we beg of you to • of well seleeted_ Cocoa, Ir. Epps has pros les with sa deli- 7which may save .' '-crivil !Service ith "boiling wa- ket is labelled- , 1-1 ni prasof Also. 7.1°. • Do as you agree! Do as yen agree! Do as you 'tgree !---Eilenbig Prospective War _ Between the • • United. States and Spain. A dispatch _from Washington, of :Jan. 8, says : Within the pest two days questions ELMO arisen between Secretary Fish and liinieter .11ob- '-erts, which have led to some sharp words, and are not unlikely to re- s- tilt in the speedy departure of the • Spenish Minister. It has leaked sew that these questions have arisen out of the intercourse between the American and Spanish,- officers in CIA% and which have been brought to -the attention of the State Depart- , merit within the- past two or three -days.• It is reported that the Secre- tary of War has -ordered - recruiting officer Davis to continue recruiting. And to retain all remits instead of vided our brealdast-t cately flavored bevcra many 'doe -tore' bil • Gazette. --Made simply ter' or milk. Each .p. "Jasiss tnrs & Chemists! - London." Epps's Aftilky- Cocoa densed Milk). (cocoa, and Con, REMOVED. 'EMOVED M. RpBEin'SON, Cabinet-nanker An , , H.A.S REIIIOVED his Wm. • JOHNSON'S o • Main -street, Where he his on hand a sn ture of every d • CA LI. A _..YD U ndertaker, oms to STAND, aforth, iu-lor. stock' of Suriai- script:4ot. - SEE I. • UNDERT riming' purchased Mr. Th I And prepared to attend fu notice, either in townor cm Coffins, All Rept. constantly on band.: G. as Bells HEARSE, tcl rals on the shortdet try.. sizes, ••••••,.. SALE a 25 -horse power ENGINE' LS new, C. IL WAT inot-s & rs. Also, E: *nuontillenv or boring S It Apply Dingle P. (1). ,1871. 210 • HOP-' FoR sd: li, two s1. ) St A 195-t.t. FOR ALE. ps and fort -four fe t front- eet, Seeforib, oppo ito Car- ly to THE ACM fr LTURAL J. SEATTER. •MUTiiAL ASS RANO ASSOCIATION • • .OF CANADA. . . -FTRAD .OFFICZ, •.LONDON, ONT. Licensed by the 'Dominion C-overnnu nt. CAP TAL FIRII—T OF JANUARY, 1871, . . $231242 25. OWL and Cash Items, $72,289 55. eats xnpany nOntaniel to grow in tle public contidont e. On tht, 1st January, 1871, . it had in. force 34, 7,8 Policies, having, during the -at. 1870," issued th numenso n-iimber ol 12,319 Pull( ies. irmer:4, pat titian -your own C ulanrAN Company. that has do le such goer_ sersice }amongst , you. Pp Insurance:01)ply to - • 203' CHARLES 'MORROW, ' Agen; Clinton P. 0. , -REG t I,Ju Mill, on Yard, by They ment of undresse which th ble price • 13Liilde age to i before pi to offer ,, 160. THE SEAFORTH MBER, YARD. BEE cit 114A0DON ALD inform the nblic that they have opened nber Yard in STaforth, 12Par Shearson's he ground f rmerly used as .a Lumber Mr. Thomas. en. I keep eon untly on land a gocd assort - LL KINDS OF LUMBER, dre-sed and . Ale, LA 71 AND SHINGLES, all of y are prepare to soil at the lowtat possi- , for Cash. • s and others• -ill find it to their advanto- spect ear and ascertain our prices reliaSingelse -here,:as FL are in a position od induceme to to cash purchasers. A13EE & MACDONALD, AS, RRAN TS, AP, eliho c RAS Aidw' antetl t SUGARS, RICE, RAISINS, TOBACCOS, Etc., Etc., n afford to sell as cheap as aps in the town. OM 60 cents TO $1, . give satisfaotion to a. AlISON N. 1i-1.our and Feed, Of every descript on constantly =hand. And P ovis forms Of .sfil. ki ds to b had at the lowest possible ratef4 Situps n's Spi e, the best Condition. Powder ee Farm St ek in u e. Farmers, try it. kids.hi ',host pr co given for Farm Produce of an kids. emembe • the place, SHEA sSON ao.'s OLD STAND, west Side, Main -street, SEAFO.RTH, Ont. THOMAS .,LEE. SP R ING&SCOT- J2RVI 'G 'ptir Mood the wholesale department 1-01 T omits .13 .11's Furniture Shop, we are 'now prepared to SU1' PLY HOLESALE DEALERS 1117IT FURT1TURE, - Cheaper ban it ver was sold before, as we Italie made grat addi ions to the machinery. and in.•=, tend ma ufactur ng extensively. Partie may b sure -of good work, as none but good mei hanic reciiiployed. A good stuck kip constant y on ha a Lunb.' taken ih, exchange. , Tamil g done shortest notice. tt T zzer of minas Bell's :Old Shop, tr.ket Scpuire,SEAPORTH, *STARLING & • For qRA SALT. all R S kinds of Salt n now be filled at UNC & SPARLINC'S CLIPS E" A L 11-1W 1 k, K ORT115. ONT. 208-4 I, - ...A.„! • NZ.... /5." S'•••- \ . 1 \ • Tho ;t nu;c1c, ehepestii - cl7'T4R,9, P L ,1100.RA' , 8,„ CUTTERS! motiti styliah, most durable, and 'A 8(11?E SLE1GIIS, CUTTERS, &c., Maintfae wed at Mc NTOSH & MORRISON'S Carriage Factory, 210-13 • Main -street, -Senforth. LIEEN surabce Company F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. 0 CAPI AL e $2,000,000 Sterling , p GRIEF r Jeese-Queen Buildings, Livers peel, nd Gracechurch Street, London: (1' D 'AN A BRANCif Oys-E ioExchange , BuildingS, Montreal. BoIRD Wm. Morton, Esq., Chairman: H nry Ilioma , Esq.. David Torrance,' Esq., anal c Hon. James Ferrier. BANI, ERS-Molson's Bank. tE0A1, ADV SERS - Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Ros Mimics? e A DVI sepe-Williara Sutherland, Esq. M. D i SURN EltOR—Thqinas S. Scott, Esq. _A tre oe,-Thoriat R. Johnson, Esq. , , . 11 ESI ENT, OF;CP.T.A.VY AND GENERAL ACENTi-A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St.; Sacrement Str et, Montreal. . The nndersi ned having been appoint- ed Agent for the above Company, parties desiring to insure against loss by fire can do so on the Most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage ' ous terins as any other respectable Com - pa ty d.Oing bu mess in Canada, JAMES H. BENSON, 1 Agent 0 PRE --BE 'SON & MEYER'S ! Law Office, •i Seaforth. i I Seisforth, Nov. 8 1870. 153-tf.- I • •,. c+ CD C/2 )•••• CD c -t - CD CI" CD1.•••‘ M•J fs• • e\i C-1 174 1174.1 161 )- • 0 CD 0 • , P r-1 e•g- -i ct- c•-• e•-•% C.4 • cfp. 1 '73 (gee) Ter...41 C"4s <!"1 meR, ukia ezcs ‘ute4 latZ a Q. (t5 cc' (.Q • ca.) Vta7 ft4ies • • tt) '"414 1°4ft es311 C`441. via;) C_t°•$ "t•) t".418 (111 C‘1% :4144 ese eew I1`ZHIATIaVdaa 604 lard toeb% 112"xi ar(! er4 Owed 110110 *aid 34* - 0110111134 este `. ou oa) num m H .‘411 OMTUfla tTi C44•11 t!Ilbt t444k• tai.1 4.4 C144w • 11.4 C14.. (sQ iftegs..4 est) 11. '441• Iftwoui t'ss (Et 4.4 solo 'tee • offio *al erP %a) /121 6710 par,A WEI 9 ' EMU ON= 0 • MEI 1=0 sugm 0769:41 - *VP W24 nod =El Imalf 5th January, and Imiu3” . Pe+ • Keel pairezi &cm sszcesi Wit het - *um., ouo eels - (1) CID )004341 t•mi 1-4 Img—t