HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-19, Page 1t A 1872. f charge for statute labor . ,., . _.. on collector`s roll.--Oarried, • Move&l by A. McDonald. seconded by S. Stenion, that the Reeve. make out a dem benture in sofa of one hundred and fifty dollars, to pay expenses and .fees for in- spectiorr arid stiperinten.deuce of roads and bridges for the current year„--Cat- d. tilofed by J. Strachan, secondee# by T. IilliamsoEi, that this council do= n€ w adjourn.—Carried. The following constitute: the couneiF for 1872 err heir amici ikERVES. *.rn -10 , T. U. Day. akell, T. Matheson. Listowel, i).». Hay. N Easthope, Jas. Trove, S.Ilastho , L. wicker. beanie. T.T. Ilailautyne,. Iliartehartl, A.M. Driver. 'Fullerton, W. Davidson. Ribbert, T. re ing. Login; It. Jaws. :Iomniugton. S. Whaley.. Ellice, J. Runnier. Elms D. Falconer. 1T`ul aCC`, . Mea.)erzitott... rtr:rerms. Thos. Stoney. • d`as. Stewart.' Salkeld. Deihl Brethoem. B. Francis. . }1. € ardiner. .TW. l tty. V.B. Rothert€re ..- . Dat ubach.. • By, Roo. A.. Little. ` sborze., Bn strr; rxo . -- A. deputation from: the Thames Road Presbyterian. congrega- tion, -waited upon their pastor, the Rev. Henry flracey, on the everting of Satur- day, the 30th alt.,, and presented hini with $100, accompawe i by the following %ddress ; 'Dela PAsoj—We tFherepresentatives- f the Thames Road congregation, know - ng that you much require better cutter.. arness, robes, &c., are requested to Irresent you, in. the name of the aforesaid Eongregation, with one hundred dollars - o assist you in procuring these eonveni- • ric€;s and as a tangible evidence of our respect ani love for you,. . Dear pastor,: the are taught that "man is born to rotittie, as the sploa fly. upward. " We ,reed: not therefore expect all sunshine,. ,here will be dark and cloudy days, our '.arps will be sometimes hung on the- i='ill€ ws. Satan may buffet us. The. or<ht may frown upon as, and what is still iuore disheartening, God may for a. ;ire hide his face from us.. In these uc:imstauces two things are most prec ons, namely, s3 mpathy and good coon- reL. You, as our pastor, have always; 'leets a< preeenle synip ithizer, ready to • tianifest sympathy and good counsel, and you have ever in prosperity and in ad- Fersity pointed us to • he Lamb of God vho taketf-i awtay sin. Theis lay your i.inclness and jaulit:ious.: connselyou have lrawr your chug; elation around you, rad secured their attachment and con-, idence. e would -wish also> ta. addr ss qrs. (race=y, in similar terms :,f friendly *aid. And it is the earnest prayer of Thames ate I hautes, Read ' eonizrega tion,` that lou may long enjoy together health and. irozp€:city, and that in your work of ath :noel, labor of love, yeti may be lea , p !pare€t and that theM tster mat- shake €�u air i dantl 4 successful in pracl:iimi ng its truth and aidutg his cause; GEORGE MONTEITH, JAMES HACKNEY. T.—bear friends, this is truly a stnpzise,, audatte handsome present you. faiirg is, perhaps, all the ,hare agreeable, ;oining as itdoes without anyintiuiation, even: the slighest, - that we might look star anything of the kind. Gifts from a .orLgregatioui to their pastor are some- times not veiny acceptable. If he is re- Ceiving headequate. support —a small salary, and that not promptly paid, or allowed to fall into arrears, asis too fre- quently the Case, it is hut a sorry amend for 'such neglect, to pat the balance of the stipend into the form of a present, that the congregation may claim from their aerkuawledgemeni< of liberality; when really they don't deserve credit for being just and honest,. But the con- luet. of the Thames Road congregation [ias been so_ entirely the opposite of ,his, that -the- purse your now offer m is, tot only au the highest degree gratifying Eo inee bat it is else most creditable to - mar own liberality. bo fu nor the salary falling behind here, yotr have al- ways; since 1 became your pastor, paid ifomptly to a day and paid sir months n advance. 'There is another thing I iannet. took ripen it€ this connection with rut feelings ofirreat satisfaction. `,This rear you hoe had rziore than, the ordin- ry outlay in managing your affairs. In ddition ta'the stipend and the current acpenditure which h'as all been paicd, you - .ave cleared off seven hundred dollars of. ebt On the €.Linrch: and manse,, leaving your property without encumbrance ny kind. You have also remembered. poor and destitute, contributing: rly one hundred dollars- to theereliet - sufferers by the late disastrous fires in. ichigan. That you have found your - Ives in a position to make your pastor tell a hartcisorne phese nt, over .and ove all this, is a meat gratifying evi- nce of your liberality. In agora ex- essing for myself and Mrs. Gracey, r thanks, I :would say nothing can, .ve us more pleasure than your sticcesee cl prosperity as a congregation ancl tong =vane thio we shall both be glad bor. Tirana: GI ACEY Kippers.. Acme\,- .—We learn that on Monday he a young nizui named Robert Mer :an, son of Mr. James McLean, of tie std€ n Road, Tuchersmith. met with a st painful accident - hick will likely- ;able him •for some mouths to carne. seems that young McLean was ert- hed tri threshine at the, farm of Mr.. Ines €`oollt,r, when, in stepping over. e tuadelittg rod which couueets the tee—powertee-power with the separator, he slip - and l.Fis-left font was caught by oto• tier coup in. bolts of the rod. The t of his boot was torn completcly ii and his foot badly tangled. last anal Munro were speedily seat- . and upon their arriving it was as- mined that the secoad toe of the foot told have to be amputated, as some of bones of the: foot had been literally out by the bait. The operation was termed very skilfully, and the foot perly dressed and bandaged. We glad to learn that the patient is 1144 on as vv di as could be expected d ler the circumstances. Crarz rook_ ee•i0r\r.---f}n Monday-, a4 Ren. Mr. kett .tad Mrs. Sm-iIIc ni were driving. ng the root in a cutter, a young man - ring behind, in attempting to passe against Mr, \\ iokctt's nether, fright-. rtg hrs horse aud causing him to run y.- Cotnrrig m contact, with a stump vehicle was, wrecked and the oven- its thre'n to the ground with muel Hence, dislocating Mr. W%'ickett's: ruder, and otherwise injuring him. s S nalldon, also, was stunned and:. rah shaken. htoittaytE 5. NO. 7. runrasneb EVERY FRIDAY MORNINCr, Tratits.-0..50 per year in advance,ior $2 at die e.1.4 of the year. Advertising Rates. • First insertion, per line, 8 cents; sertions; 2eauts each time, per line. ▪ 5 20 00 Ono-fool-W:1one year 20 00 One-eighth one year Business Cards, (6 line • Itud undera* year.. 4 00 - Advertisements, 91Atrayed, Lost; Found; (tee not exceeding 10 Aines—first month, $1; flaw; first rlionth, 50 cents °Web. month. 1 Advertisements (-if FARMS and REAL ESTATE for sale. not eXceetling 15 lines—first month, $1 50 k *Egg,. Suet, br ea each. subsequent month, 75 cents. - . ' ' Sweet he -. • ii nci carver le Me now.behold be inserted till foie:lid, and charged accordingly.. • 1 ' eubseq• uent in Half one year. id Li lilac t. 1. • FRIp ODE:1ro -A CHRISTMAS TURKEY.. Fair WI thk honest, jolly face ! Great Clfieftain of the Poultty race !. Above hera all thou talest thy place, "tArell. art thou Worthy of a grace Thy swelling bteast, a shining hill, With many a s reaming butter -rill Then did thy r test a dew distil .White of by bosom &rare, iSever the joint with artful care, Of legs a hl wings ; Then dig insid e a mine is there Thy, stuffing 0 thou Bird of Pleasure ! Thou bast kept burled as a treashrea But givest to us now, at kisure, - The colt oundalce, lecriunbe; ell in measure, Your valiant st 11.)eg on The goo( :wets ICA L. Ts there who, fr Unnatural, una Stonia,ch and p. Dies, leo Ye POw'rs' who And write eagle Old Christmase But grant this A. Turke A-''' ria College, Plipfieittn, Surgeon ete.. etc., Office and resitleuee, Thompson & Stanley's. W, R(.. SMITH, Physieian, Surgeon, eic. Office—Opposite Scott Rebertson's GroCel-Y, TAXES STEWA.RT, M. c. m., Graduate of 7 University, Montreal, l'Itysicbm, Sur - Ton, etc. OfMce a-,AlItesidence-13ruceficlir. \ t'sf pen, etc. Residence, coiner of Elniket and High etreets, next to the Planing 110W.I.. rim CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County.. Office load Desideuee. over Corby's corner store, Main street, Seaforth. Otliee hours, front 11 to 4, each day, aud all day Saturday. 159 1 uplifted bold lesauce. Can't be tole thirfit of it ! n his; Strasburg pasty,. iolesome, nasty, ful glance would cast ye dinner ? ate epoilt, at last he and. sinner ! or mankind have care,1- °nth its bill of fare,7.4 boast ; ast, oar fervent pra.yer, Roast ! THE FIRST MACHINi. " • pointed Agent for the Colonial Secunties Com- pany of Englawl, he is also .Agout for several )pri- -very reasonable rates. Interest ayable yearly. Charges moderate.' Vingham, Dec. 15, 1871. .213 torneys Law; Solieitors iu Chancery and 4"nRolventy, NetarieS Public and Conveyancers. Selieiters for the R. C. Dank, Seaforth„. Agents for the Canada Life Assurance Company, IsT: B.—S-80,000 to lend at 8 per cent.", Fames, Souses and Lots for sale. 63 - . at Law, Solicitors in Clumeerv and Insolvency, Conveyancers,. Notaries Public, cite. Offices—Sea- le/tit and Wro3ceteir. Agents ler the Trust and Loan Co. of Tipper Caulala, and the Colonial Seconties Co. of Loullon,'England. Money at 8 per cent. ; no commission eliarged. - 53 • HOTELS. l(NOtS HOTEL, (1,ate Sharp's.) The ether - signed begs to thank the public for the liberal patronage itwarded to him in times past in the betel businefs, teed also to inform them that he has eg•ainresuiiied business in the itbove'stand., Where ' ate vottl be happy to have a call from old friends, and Many new. ones. 126 THOMAS E-NOX, BINGE- OF WALES HOTEL, Clinton, Ont., .MeCUTCHEON-; Proprietor. First-class accommodatiou for _travellers. The Ber is sup- plied with the very Vest Remora and -cigars. Good Stabling attached. The stage leaveb this House evezy day for Wingbam. 204-4t -of American Hotel, • Warsaw, N. Y.,) Manager. .ThiS tiotelluts recently been newly funfished, and re- ,fittecl throughout, midis now one of the most eom- .fortable and commodious in the Province. 46-ood Ua'..r Terms liberal. 1, 123 • 91 A. SHARP'S LIVERY & SALE STAR:LES. Oftlee—At Blurray's Hotel, Sea -forth. Good Hors.es and firs,t-elass Conveyances always on hand. • ,S;RAI1P'S LIVERY STABLE, MAIN STREET, Seaforth. First-class Horsem and Carriages alwaye on hand at reasonable terms. • jtblINT-ERIG-II:111, Exchange Broker,' and Rai - 17 -7 -way' Tieket Agent, Houghton's Hot+ opposite Railway Station, &Mortal, (hil. Through tickets issued to al points ha the Westeru States, California end Red Itirer, at redueed rates, affording ' -the greatest facilities to Emigrants.. All necessary - information, _given rospecting Land Agencies, etc. 1 Gold and Silver Coin, bought and sold at best rates. CCOOPER, Conveyancer, CommiSsioner Agent for the following MT. Life and Accident Tn- tual andlthe "Western. Fire Insurance Companies 'the Reliance Lif A MONEY TO LONNIoti real e'statd sec uriiy: All orders by mail. or otherwise Nomptly ktttend- . ed to. Office opposite Ross' Tailor Shee,- Sewing AttaChin Spencereithl mesa, mills at 4 eari3 received Iits first In Subsequent y factories and tied, -being invent a Medina vented a needle, witht an eye in. work. up and d and ,.oarry the ,Mon stitch. wood an.c1 wire using tale thre shuttle, and car near the! point. means td pay f quit ed for mak the' Inventor of, the was boen in 1819, at usctts. His father was er. He worked. in the aee and there his mind • bent toward ma.chinery. ars he was employed. in .:11ine shops in Lowell, oston. At 21 he near- jbu raeynian ma chin is t, 1843 he determined to. fin' sewing, stimulated - e poverty. He first in - pointed st both ends, he middle, that should through, the cloth, ead •through at -heel] 'd not form the he 'formed. airaigh odel, which sewed by ed. needle with the eye But he had not the the raw material re - ng a Machine after his 1, Mr. George Fisher, assisted bini 1.1, money; and in nty, 1845, he I eornpl ed his firet sewing, ma- chine. It - sewe all the seams of two Woolen snits of c thes, and the sewing h. The machine may '99 Broadway. It em, ciples of sewing by ma- in all the sewing ma , chines new in se ; and. in its crude form makes perfe t work at the rate of h Every co trivance in it has sinee w ones have been ad in -e istence con ain some of the detic first met with the 0 >- machine should pro re uld reduce the wh s to beggary. Its pr. c - n it sewekfive sea is` mild be sewed by ers that could be feud 1. 846, it was ,patentec ; $2,000 foi tools and - materials and o support his fa,mtly x.vhile he teas bu still be teen at bra9es all the pr preyed, and of this first sewi jeetion that if 11. fraternity of tail -tical value was upon one occas faster than they *of the fastest se‘ September, bat as none CHURCHILL, 'VE`ARINARY ON (Member of the Gutario 'Veterinary Gallego,) and. surrounding country, that he heS (welled au -Office in Seaforth, where •he may be' (consulted per -I aonally or by letter, ou the Diseases °filmset:, Cat- tle, etr. Halving. reeelved a, regular and Prdetical (01 the Votoieary College of.- Ontario, T. J. ,Charchin las every tsontidence of satisfaction, to all Veterinary Medicines conetently•mi hand. calls promptly ittended to. - LIST OF LETTERS 1--)E2T...ki2NING in Se aforth Post Office, uncaled Cewen, Wm -Cameron, Mi -a +Cartirt, Miss Davie; Mr Yr.:man Wm Hera, Wni Honer, Sam Lererance George Me Lind, Den oalo Irk. Miss Baia art, I? with his invelitio n, became discourage 1, anel abandoned all hope of it. i Accer iuglye in Octoinr, .1846, hie broth r, England, where it wae approved ar d 'aide, London, f X250 sterliug whi .11 tense as marry o hers in, his bnsiness s be, desii-ed. Mr Thomas patented ' t Mr. :Howe £3 r every machine sol 1. It has been estm led thOt Mr. Thom s has receied,a pi lit of over $1,600,0 0 from the £230 VeStetl' = Elias Howe; 411 ; being in indigent th•- "country, went to ondon with his famil in -1847, wher ha worked in IN1 :unfair treatment Mr. Howe parted froin Themes, and exigencies were su X.50,) and else to pee n and letters patent, o kia April, 1849, aft r , with but 5:0 cents ut his trophies :w and the loss of 11 is, which had been e sel wrecked oft )e (though. woit is first machinn ay hie` expenses wo years' abseil achine shops ; in Cambridge, .M ligis household go - At this period he found that got ton. Others much ta his surpri s sewing machine h while he seemed f ad. been improviniu on his ma hibited in chine," I receiving man xna.ch the variou contest ear successful tonal inch the found' 14 sewire hine. Western The cents ut weekl nist, he • infringe stry beca r of it. machine • ma line was eta- ew-York, as a great ankee Seeing Mr). - tick it. Although wage as a journey - e of h'e patent. The .he vas altimately eadine branch of na- ne tri were in su cesful op ,ratio and Wor ester, -se ing eons, boo lees eta. ; Jr., besul.'s invent making mtge. was rought 1 nted thr 1 .seen but Mr. as infrin 846. Af :chine, and hit own h of having point of inanufactu Singer inv achmes hat he a Merit of 1854, truth e bpragn -4 shadow of - don bt 11.1.1859, the Fir neett awl combine, . Inch noe are that wing m chine pe . hich Mel des ever eneral It ing machine, the p Ir. -Howe has been ..s ate of alai The' who ARY 19, 1872. rp with h' porridge " They're saut, iester, nil they're pour, aud they're ooty, an 1 they're thick, and grime, 'and Michae eh pro u d the' 'mall -shop in aY nigh INS 5e ythoerky alters, pante- so that Elias Howe 00. rig th sewing mal he firs machinewith entitle 1 to the credit is inv ntion to the e ori the Howe 'inger sewing" eminded him g in. on the Howe lid, a a lilac o arnvesret an an ion, t very 1 sew of the combination, 0 the i combination. yes one of the seven her sit go into the nd for de 'ending the patents evotcd about 0 years to. the el ' emen .ompei Sated,: at the t h75,00( a year' BLit it cobt se siuns t defend ,his rights. e number of seeing machines re 'Unite the defeud- e that leaves • all the bene - c by the in- iine. the pub - e. anufacturers bout to have onestly made Howe one ug machine, !. patented by ill the end of 1866, lwas a out 760,000. poring the 3 months endi ig Dec. 10, '866, the urber made by ieeesed. com- 't 68 each. The following an estimate inee mad by the three lead- ies in 18 0 :—Genuine Elias nes, 75, 56. C4 nuine Sinker 2,863. enuin Wheeler & ploy 500 maeln es, and the all made in t to foreign i, great scale made well rachine now needle ever elts, binds, :41s, braids, n -holes. It every gar - hose, sole leather , hal e blankets, flasks, 'Mail bags, s sad( les, corsete, s, parasols, ehoes; les of dies' attire, mong the articles Calle Of the cannot be magnifying ithe mac conapa owe Mae Wilson Ma England en l'roy shirt the United States l'e se countries. . It is only -upon at the ers, f stIbuuetto wom 1 ic Canada. Celly, a vagrant front jail at Steatford last Satin: - Men -rand bonus for the Ham, Ake Erie Railroad was car - ay last by a majOrity Of over ates at t legate examination for xford iddulph i4 certaihly not .an overpaid very lin dted dollars whieh he cellects. near .Lis owel, charged hvith stealing a air of m lee, wagon, and also with rob - 1 ing, a st re and dwelling house in Cass ( ounty, tlissortri. He had part of the f the st len property in his• possession idings have yet been heard of arts unl nown smile days ago, nor is it DOW11 t e amount of money he took ad off a large amount (Jr the 1,ave, cart rra rir us have been sinking rapidly for s tine tin e. We understand. that our thinson --It is understood that the great Pull - aa Pall ce and Parlor- Car Company ve dec (led epon erecting works in onclon or the construction ot their agnifice t cars. The • company have irchasec seventy-five acres of land ad - g Comp ny's plot, and it is expected will c mmenc Intik Mg as early as the sea- - The Listowel Banner says the con- t actors for building the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway from Pahners- o the chapping and clearing alone, the ✓ ute, and a good deal of work hail's al - ✓ ady been clone. A good many ties and s me thnber have been delivered at ✓ 601.13 p hits along the line. The'work o cut -tine and grading will be commenc- e as som aa the spring opens, and. will - --- List weir by special central, is found have 1,2i4 inhabitants, heing an m- ase of 238 on the Government en- erforms ne id h It e i used int ent worn anis, be and mak 'an k s, harness, car s its, awnings, whit ate, caps, alise.s, po iters, ladi -s' boots, itches are so re that the strictly been wit 011t a ass. - as greatly thie to hi inven lilted Ste -flea were liable( b en prodaced -t. me; a telegraph order for 50,000 b -,en -received in New Yorh. gton, the bags were made, ipped southward. ith a machine in. an hour, aim that it ion that the to put and field, during oxes, shoes, never have ithorit the hours after1 serial ba,gs,i works,) h.ad paeked, and lea rn. to seW An averagei T stitch a man'e hat by ha (1 takes 15, Imachine as 10 men can y llama A- uires 6 (lays' steady al work of a tailor . uch 'Work as 11 se • st-clatsovereoat req ing by hand ; chine. 'lathe gene e machine saves a j 12. In carriaue t a d 3, liana do as h nds. fn the truss and bandage basi- n ss 1 machine equals Ift woneen • GT 11 At 811 in th th sa eu of 11 es a ist of insolvents in Onta o for 871. The total number it 352. with considerable satisfaction rth has no representatiye in Wh:n John Lovell. of Montreal, tered 300 of his Domieion Directories thoritie vould not believe that Can• da, but insisted that allege 1 publication of the work in s coml. ry was a Yankee dodge to ,e dut es. In consequence of this picion, Mr. Lovell had to pay a duty thirty shillings per cwt., instead of een ; heti, however, the strange M- c rlailaus esS of the officials N.VELS fo ced to uccumb to facts and evidence, the excess of duty was refunded. -- The i amilton shoemakers are- on a strike. 1 appears that a difficulty arose rate as t playees machiner is infeeior To Wnship arreeted They will Spring As The ton of the wages to the same at of Toronto. This the: em- jected to on the plea that the used by the trade of that city' ta that of Toronto. - rurderers of Harman, ia the of .Tilbury West, have been mi. lodged ith Sandwich have their trial at the ensaing - meeting ' of the DOLTliniOn. P rliaineu is pnstponed -until the 127th of Febreary, and is not then called to - The Ottawl Times of the llth inst., -s : " hid of our leading physieians ready id a letter from Dr. Ballard, Londen England, who was appointed report .o the Privy Commit olt the tes tha the old theory of TqleWing' ed' that in entire vaccination holds good. in the sys ea until the aae of fifteen ye Ts or ti er -abouts. It srimild then be° now COMM ,r d. of little er no use to the ge sa ha to su ett • The ge of Drayton,. on the Wel- gton, Grey and Brace Railway, issaid to be makine great strides since the Rail - w. y was oheaed, already there has:been quite a nuMber of new stores opened arid other's: in rospect. Grain and produce of all kin is purchased largely. the marrufaeture of 11 ur, salt; and meal Therh wee quite a seasation Mora gs, 1 ma,chnie ie cc ual te1 9 'girls. on New Year'is day. A 'fair maid. and litnunina machine (14es the' work of 50 her swain wele to be united in the holy , that sew: she loved better; and so acquainting him witlrher p sition, they managed on Al on - day to get the knot (11 1s. lt has been rt, and testified. un machines, as far 1 ed labbr $19 00' stimat er oat d by au ex- sa 000 year. The trio al value, of the labor done by the sew in , machine in 1863, was.$34h000,000. m tri in Manchester th-enti. -fhie years a d discovered that the nor e proceeded feline a growing -boy! employed on thei iemises, who was dissatis ed with his. e•-tutinal meal. Th folloe hag dialogue 9 om, lad," says the farmer, goodnatur- e ly, " tell's what's to do." " It's these ttoasi by town line Arthur. farm of Ja, tion. It c eight. to t meal. T lens of wo avtay unseen to Fergus, where lea distillery has been seized y r•nites from Guelph, on the between Marybentughl and t Was in the woods, on the eis Robb, and in full onera- ntained a good boiler, About u -horse power, and the Usual a quantity 'of spirits' And re were also about 5001, gal - t -in a tun, from which they ., were disti ling, and about 1,000 gallons of wort in ourse of fermentation. 1 • — The -'hrievalty of the County of Bruce is al ,oncaugaghatbtootubotecbtoeomarereivi."poiagnean:loth,iivirlgeriftoffor laxities committed by him. in Sutton be pressure b 1 IR 50 u ever, in advance. his official capacity. His probable suc- cessOr has not yet been named, but there .As doubtless a fat berth m store for some 'useless Government hanrier-on. — few days ago, an old man, a resi- dent in Green Settlement. Garafraxa„ was grinding au axe, when it slipped and cut the upper part of hie foot, when infianiraation, succeeded by mortification, set in necessitating ainputation. of -the leg bdow the knee. -- Alderman Campbell was on Mon- day last elected Mayor of the City 9f London. — The Canada Southern Railway Coln- pany intend to apply to the Dominipn, Parliamen for an Act to permit the con- struction of railway bridges across -Oie St. Clair and the Detroit rivers, or for theformation of independent companies to undertake the same work. The com- panies request permission to unite with the United States companies fortried for similar purposei. — A divelling house was destroyed by' lire at Bradford, Ott., a few rods. from the station at two o'clock on Sunday morning, by which five lives were lost in the flames—a woman named Tensier, ing in the house. Aneeher man- with li her two eh dren, a young. woman her nieee and a loung man who was board - his wife and child barely,. esza.ped with their lives by gettina out of the bedt room window. The 'origin of the fire is unknown. , —James Young, M. P., of Galt, fell on the ice last week, while curling and severely fractured one of hiseankles. — A two-year-old bog was, bOught in St. Catharines market, tais week, which weighed 837 pounds. This is claimed to be the biggest hog ever taken into thou —Small -pox it very prevalent this winter, in many of our ZQWI18 9.1111 cities : In Montreal it has been resolved. to. con- struct a special hospital for the treat- ment of small -pox cases. All the etn- ployees of the Montreal Telegraph. Com pauy in that city have been vaccinated • rnAsse, by order of the Managing Di- rectole. and other e,Stablishinents where large numbers of hands are employed. are A whole family perished. in a fire which oecarred in Bradford of Sunday morning last. The family consisted. of a woman named Tessier, her two children, a young woman, her niece, and a man who boarded in the housee Another man, with his wife and child, barely escaped with their lives by getting out of the bed room window. Bradford 'seems to be an unfortunate place for firee. — Rev: Mr. Smith, EpiScopal minister, at Kirkton, was last weeVen the oce casion of his birthday anaiversary, made made the recipient of.,. a purse of about $70, by- a number: of lila parishioners and friends. 1 — In the city of titlibet; Ott Friday kit, there were two distinot shocks of earthquake.. Ilbeses were rocked. to their foundation.. In lofty, houses the vibration was greatest. The4hocks took, place just at dinner time, and soup was shaken out of the plates. audeevine spill- ed from glastes on the tahles." . --It' is stated that a new issue of silver quarter and half dollars will short: ly be made, to relieve the present scarcity of change. A consummation devoutly to be wished. has been lecturing in that city on " Irish _al—mill:we:. Mr. Carmichael, bf Montreal, GLEANINGS. " Parson L." inquired Uncle Olin, a pleasant old Man who AITS8 at work one .day last smolder cutting the grass in the large yal.d. of the Baptist church In a Franklin county town, and spied his minister, who was_ of the Congregational order, " how do you suppose my old cow will winter on this Baptist hay ?" "Oh, well," was the quick reply. " think she may live through on it, hut she'll probably give rather thin milk ro — Our Major,' says an old Mexican volunteer, had very lona feet and also a horse 'that threw every ( ne but the Major. 'Otte evening the Mkjor's servatit was _on, the..parade ground with the horse, and, as usual, got thrown off, when ene of the boys spoke up and said : " I know why the horse don't throw the or more. " Well, you see the Major's got snail long feet that the horse thinks — a recent letter to hit doctor on " vaxuration,' •a Cincinnati man. wrote : " If vaxination oretaxinating was to pre - can convince me of it You would. have got my two sisters — & vaxinated before this time. But I do not Believe in it. If Providence winches to lay a Person Sick in bed .uo matter what dis- eate it is -1 trust irr him and have con- fidence in him that be can Relieve them and also prevent the disease," — The Stark conk!' (Md.) Ledger welcomes a new comer to the town of Knox after this. fashien : Miss Betsy Oppleba.ch intends locating in this place soon. She is hrtelligeritand handsome, and don't smoke, -c hew tobacco; drink whiskey, paint, play sweet,' wear dumplino,' or -chigna0—is opposed to warner). ,Suffrage, free 1love, and things that squeeze her out of shape. She is not on the marry, and will entertain no propositions. Her eard annuuncing her biz will appear in our columns when she -- The absurd report that the British Governm.ent was negotiating with Spain for the retrocession to that country of Giberaltar Arose from the fact -that a young Spanish editor at Malaga wrote to Mr. Gla.dstone, saying that a, -number of Spanish corporations intended to me- meiialize the British Government on the subject, to which he coutteonsly replied through 2ais private seo*tary, that he should be happy to receive the d.ocuin.ent.' England has held Gibaraltar One hundred and sixty years, and there is not the slightest probability that she will ever • voluntarily give so important an out- post. - —There is as yet no means ef C0711trill- nieation with the gnard or engineer on English railroads, 'and recently a train narrowly escaped destruction in conse- quence: Such would, have been its fate if one of the passengets, at , the risk of his life, had. not crawled the whole length of the train on the footboards to the ard's van. Several years ago an'act of arliament was passed requiring all the companies to adopt some Mode of eom-. munication, but none of thena paid the slightest attention to it pathetic story in one of the papers lately, notel in his memorandum book as fol- lows :. Somebody whistled. TeaCher calls up a boy on suspicion. Big boy comes up and holds out his hand, sullen and savage. Noble little bey -comes boy that whistled, sir," at the seine time holding out his hand. Teacher simmers • down, and lets them both oit (Mem:— Noble little boy thought teacher wouldn't lielchitn he told' the truth, and he knew tbe big laaj, would if he didn't)" e —In. California, brandy, which is said to have more body and a smoother taste than grape brandy, has been distilled .from the berries of the manzaaata bush, which is indigenous to that State, grim- ing nearly everywhere alon the foot- hills and in the mountains, Ile bushes thrive ecoildly waif on the mountaine where the soil is -ctry and in the wileys where there is no moisture, requiring, no labor for their .eultivatio.i. The berries are about the size of ordinary gardeh currants, and after gathering may, be kept in sacks for months without ex- hibiting any signs of decay. —The cinestion of how old A tiger should be before being smoked is (titer' a The workmen, who ought to know, • smoke the cigars as they make thenc. . If yen go to a certain well-known 'cigar - store in New York, already quite cele -E, brated for its Cuban. cigart made', iit the. and buy a cigar there, before hand- ing it to you. the very courteous Cuban will. with great deliberation, first apply the cigar tahis ear. You ask " What is that for ?" To see, or rather hear, how dry it is. If too dry, it will snap very short. I can hear it A green cigar is soft, and makes no noise." "Hew old ought a cigar to be r "La tWO three Weeks, in this; climate, a cigar- is dry enough.; longer thair that does net int - THE man was never known that could please everybody. but Frank Paltridge comes the nearest to it in his line Of business. 81. per dozen. Scott's blook, Seaforth. The Siamese. Twins-.--Exviacted Death.- of Cue. The Siamese ! twins, Eng and Mang-, -who are now living tha western por- -tion of this state, and one of whom 13 dangerously ill at`the present thne, were born in a small. village on the coast of Siam in the year 1811. We aro in po- session of sonie particulars concerning them which my be of Interest. to our re,aclers. Their :parents got their Jiving by fishing. And. until 1829, when Eng and Chang were brought to the United StateS; they made their living by shell -fish, Their mother bore seventeen children. At one time she gave birth to three and never 'less -than two.; But none - of these children were deformed. While you may, whieper in the ear of one without th.e other hearing ; while volatile salts applied to the nostrils of one has, no effect en the other and. whilepinching the arrn. of 011e excites no sensation in the otlier ; still, if yoli but stick a pin in the eXact vertical centre of this con pecting link, both' will fiinch from the hart. These twins ateeseldom. observed. to converee with each other. They- play a pod game of dran make pretty much the same moves, and at the same, time, and frequently play, against each other. They are both mar- \ tied and have grown children." tons ended on Friday, 12th, but. we were not to know onr fate until Mon- day . We went to the Normal on Mon day, about 11, . an& remained there in. suspense until near 4 ie the afternoon. Then we -were alf sammoned into Mr. Kirkland's lecture -room, to heat the re - salt. After a preliminary speech from Dr. Daviee, telling .us how severe the examination had. beent and how few had succeeded in enterinh the Senior Division and how much :better it *as for those to enter the Senior Secti q the Junior Division, and obtain, sewn ,class certifie cates before applying for firSts. I began to think, of course, that we were . plucited. And so a good many were, al- theugh 1 was among the few lucky 011ef 11,-tio passed. Still- I intend -taking. the Director's adviee and will enter the. Junior Divisron, as it is called. Dn Davies told us that the .Nornial WaS tO be harder this session than ever before, and would be still more difficult in coming sessions There are . a, great number of pupils thie session ; the seats filled ta es.—Letter if? OM otua4nt. 01111. THE WAY TO LEAD.—I never i•new but one Or two fast readers and readers of many books whoec knowledge ;was -worth anything. Mrs. Martineau says of terself that she is the slowest ef read- ers, sometimes a page an holm But then what she reads She makes ber own. - De impress this on ;E.—Girls read: too much a,nel think too little. answer for it that there are few girls of eighteen who have not read more books than I have • and as to religious books, I cam count'upon my finger -ix in two minutes all I ever read. But they are mine, --ag. TV. Robertson. WHEN you are in Seaforth, just nin into Frank Paltridges Photograph Gale- lery, 'twill do your heart Only $1 per dozen. Scott's Block, Seaforth. •