The Huron Expositor, 1872-01-12, Page 8pw a -0
JAN12, 187
. ALI.
-n by being -amount of charge for sta
-w for their Some excellent vocal music give tute lllor-
-exertions the me laut two ncerts speaks ell
re Vollr' against them on collector's roll
ken wed -e ected Arecom _ip
at 151 -0-o's much r t e hig] p o cien is
d Dr. 1pll was elected iii room 0 ciety. position it r fl and we have no d6ubt they X' M �Iok and B-rotli-
M W4'decl cLoo4, Sifter It
Alovect 'by A. cDonald. secpricled by,&
hoUrj6&t of entertain
c b as att aiued.� The st4tem6liti will sebAi e. a bumper 1 er 1). Vollick, -and a couph
trua,, ee, -of the arriston, that tbe.-Reeve make otit
`1118 dialogues spoken by mi# - I
McLeod $lemon
Treasur a 3 rew I at t te aun
41 re and
t!.' A. G. McDougall Was .—The 'from ills "G Sum *f one hund
Y itid her assistants reen. At benture in 0
9 red and lifty
fi& school'�cc' t ing, sbows the Society to 4c iai a In ex-
?kppol d A adifor of Surveyors -are busily engaged sur- fe
. . i - a late hour tbe,compny parteA- well dollars, to payexpenses -and CS Lor in-
-e' Bruce
cell6titfirlancial I' losition te of the I�r�poseA railway. ne 0
Dist-,RICT TrE.RS"
veying the TOU ction alA superinten(I cc
Satisfied. -with lla�ing passed so pfeasant, e f ro3d
A HGH SCHOOL FOR- SFAkORT4.—WG Tbey.pa3sed through NVroxeterlpst week, -.nt profitale an evening. --Cwt. and bridges for tho curre
e. to learn th at steps are no Ainleyville.,
e and are, We understand, pushing o tile oved by . Stracha;n, Seconded
ftu u0iness SUrVb Ow
-1 you tak by'Some of out- prommen b 'lam
!Veajofth, just rdif NOTICti. 'T&. C. R . .000 will not hs b y t rds Teeswatet. ooderich. T. Willi son, that this counci dol
ino:�rank Paatriogo-% Phofogipli Gal itizens 'with' a, view of havinji - a ia agent for THE EXPOS) TOR in- J Linl0yV1116 ft'
nd. �i
MAIjITOBA. —Mr. —Carried.
John Robinson, Jr., -adjourn.
Sery., 'twir.'do your tieari good. * Only 3ch'61 es 1) She'd In Seaforth.i-
ta 1i 8 is ity. Parties rcqtdrin�� Job PrInting or Advertill 0 Mr.. Win. now
0 Mg _DDIizows
'can be attended to fty c9linP. U1)On Mr. Corr PIC11 Ae of Wroxet6r, writing fkom Manitoba
Vr dozen. ScOW's Block,, S�aforth. �u excellent, move, and ill, We ti Churchill, Veterinary urgeon, who died
1-10 is lago duthorized�,o solicit sabscribe fol H
rs T E says that altfiough they have Ijad. some
ve sue Perth- County 1872,
odssful. There ie no doubt but -E, xPosTox
cry severe weather this winter.,I the cold, last'Saturday inomiligi of typhoid fe
YOUR SHI.LiNG 'OV� I Spea "Morr'
generally k' s mdch more w Thefollowing constitute the �councir
anie The furiecal
'ea 'I rV1 or-� �d 'he ot.
I a named furch,a school woula be liberally,, support.- N EAVi-EsT.—Mesrs. n as buried in, the Goderich cemetery,
Ftraticis Movift son of , -217. and would -be gr6at ow' honors
-Un, rro - I Wright & Ross bE ig ciet ei oed to 4lear severe than in Qntt'a�yrio, and theyeather, With -Oddfell for 1872
this vllla�e, gof� his arm badly �v ever scen in enience.not only to the people �. thi's off the balance 1)f their stoc,,,c at biace was one Oi the largest
_crashed between the roll.ers- as a whole. is just .s endurable.'
ofon ' e of the . ill -age 1xit also to- those of the a laill U 04 Ion Urchill had.been only . �1 . have reSolved to once an a Godefich. Mr. Ch Daly.
nthis g
-Aax nl",ues in the Fla -Mill, in this. Ships. Th6re are, in eas sale on J 81h Janniar SoiREEi —The New Connexion Metho-
wa 1 With
Tharsd' h -el month a member of the Society when mitaba, 'T Mathf-son.
c in
. one
-1 -on Tuesday last. r
ire glad ch of eat rth, fli�s -ch s inbli( We t ists, of Orainge Hill, Howick; purpose
Y There is a conside Linount Of -stock
that the boy is doing Well., at N b holding a soir�o in their.charch at that death pat an end to his earthly career. N Easthope, Trow. stewalt,
choolsq and th eachLof the ' )t� r Y
of one kind or w e 3t' on hand, and
. —At the regular meet-
wollld-fur'nihh.,:an�ally, its due -quota plade, on Tbusdty evrn�g, l[Ith inst. O"Ne. good bargastis wif. o doubt be goin
iN THE of pupils to Several cle�� ot the Goderich, District, beld at -the pownie, . - T. Bn1lankrn
rgymen will addrese'the'audi- Ing
h12h schoolY provided therc A.�T,. David BiratlLonr
Xe ei n. the even
we all W.:
VA Thursday aftemoon of ek, a Popc,.�— Withm'' tho'p%8) fe I. I cession Lodiie Roorn,�O I
-V pe, . . . .1 r ence, and the Wro t choir �ill be in 7th co i
Wa§ one es ablisibe , d here. '�e ho it hsasd x1oui 17'years.'of ' age, nLaed W Jh . iminensc. uantit f P)r sed ing of Tuesfjf�y last� The following wer6 ibbert, T. in. eref6re, th t !the imatter may not "1 11 1 e. 11 be attendanca Gar -liner.
throngli. this village from ces North to ceid office -bearers for the ensu' . Et
employed in. Elder's Stave IroSt _L elec Ing Lot -fa,
sigbt of, 5ut that -thoge who: have a - I Howicy, AGRICULTURAL SO ETY.
Win. Donaghy� District Master morninBun, T. B. -Ratheeod_
got totir of the fin ers of his Severe, Sexfortb. AL -Con iideratle amount1has The annual meetim - of the - Ho-wick7 ames me T. Bmint-Ir. W� Bauwbach�
Factory 9 ready taken itive well �07' fonArd,ita WZLY into 0 Y
dt -hand taken off - b -market.. Hath, Deputy District Master the, knife of. the d also own. D. Fralcner" a.
til. succes i ctoWns their effort,,, an inch A,,ricultural, So W
aIon, D
Br, cietv N . held on wallace, J- Little.
Wl�i� jointing Staves,- feel' c -tt they will have the VANSIVO?ii's 'MhL. — V * * Robert GorL 0. ; Robert lussel,
in onfu th, e believe the Tuedy, at McLaughlin's . hotel
Z'el Ofinagg D. S. ; Thomas Sueyd, D. 'T. J.
ers were stitched on a(fain but I rt ana assistance of , r achinei-y f or Mr. V ans one's new saw Wrox Tile folJowilig gentlemen
0 arnest suqp 011 In et
san inL titatiou
lifful whether they :will* e, D. D. of C.
again gen e an r 1)�, Usborne.
Ilk. 8uch mill is n1ow all on hill I were elee, ed officers of the Soci
d Ii being -put
ety. for
�kuit with the 6ther part' as� Ve togethar as rapidly as oss the lea(ring roads
th6y ha ppoba r cc st tbe'villago a trifle act- ille. He The sleighing on ay 113 the current, year - PP.-&SENTATfON. — A deputation from
"tional for ei itte itio4al pgrposes, bit the laying in a good a tock f logs prepara-- Pre StiI'l. continues very, good, 'the roadbe.
%een taken off' at theqOint. d
ident) Joseph Anilerson. - i
the Tbarne�.Rad Presbyterian n
lay mill a tory"to,'the'surn er's op rations. being nothing bat a sheet of ice. �ur
14 be ch'. more th Vice President Win. Dane. 1 od upon their pastor, tile fte,r 'A ne t
CATTLE FAM.—The' regulair monthly- c I Er NE, 7 - I tion, wait 0'.
w "I G ATWo-Rx.—Oirrsalt wells are
ensated fbr by the b6nefits (lei ived. T PiAl IN MILL.—Our new See. and Treas., 'Win. Laurie.1
I Henry G'raoey, on the eveninf, of,
Atle Fair, ai Houg � f, I about
Iton!s 'Hotel Sea -
g.1 nill, wl�iG I ork ae"air bar, been in full blast I Directors amitel. Johnston, John comm. day, the SUth al
planin encing v some of them
forth, came off on Mondyl4st. Tbe t-' U �jFr BA presented him
S.T JIUJIE�! R Z.&AR. ----t The foi 86me weoks, is turniag 6ut con er- Wallace, ohn.McTavish, Geo.:Gibson, .1ave alreacLy done so. Tiiere se6m. s to be with -$100 b the follovi
Bltendance -of ry accompanied y buyer§ and sell&rs wa's ve a prospect that the Americans. will re Jollowincr is - Of -winning numb s of *,Ili ng T 4i able woi c, which g.ves. iversal satisiac- Wili. Keleher, r T. 'B. Saiiders,�,. xeorge address
her6kWas not a veryJarge displ�
),e M ' D. Stew&r trong, Rlt bert Mahood and- Henry P DEAP
Y lickets�s!' t �h a Lid of St.' tion. T' proprietor, I r. tp 35 PASTO
e- Bazaar' i er- duce the dtitv on salt one-half, or to
-6red were rnes
4d stock. but the spe6m6l:I4 off' -Vf
Catholip iChurch, Sehforth. The is a genial, good. fellow,`weii With this discrifflialt- liked'by kins. �.uaitors' Nathaniel Alken and .-ents per brrel.
of the Thames Road c
of excellent q�� A consider f OIJOWIL ongregaflon know.
lig pri e mbers come in the every pei son, and i 3 sure o do well. This D. ill g tariff our works could compete with
e i�iro better cutter
able number Of �a ils 4aba &nds, �sam Qrder--alq th
nged b ing that YOU lilruch r
sup, SecretaryIs report
y did in the advertise establish nent Sup ies awaint which The fdllowing is the the Americans their own market, bat
..;�t fak,,�,Prices, .1or this year fat stock barne3s, robes. &c., Ment3 and`iE )resent the "me di ticle Lis 'been lon� � felt here and ill be of in ch of eedinas of
-emk ahe Sociei� for he with the present rate of '70 cent I s per present yott, in the name of the aforesaiii
e Qp
and*brings. 'ther set 'tie tfiein benefit t( the year'187`1: barrel it W, d be impossible to do so.
be most in Aernan Was
-the hiehest prices. --re d do inL 'IN76. of' eg tion, with 6ne hull< -i
'lie. of t
in Winning, Los o r Lo Yotijr iredtors feel macii �Teasure
('�' S Ve no ethatMesrs.
to assist you ill procuring these cony
unber. Prize. t Nnmber. ef
in being a] le 6 state- that the Rowick 11owick. -rib DR -(T'OODS AT A,84CRIFICE.—Wle ......... .1 19 .31.1 ....... . .2,920 IM. & T. 3mith ate,this vinter recei 0 ences, and as7 a tam evidence of
&tot th6 attention o 2,074 a very lai nu rabc r of Sal 118 Branc A icu. tural ')ociety iL6 f intending pury v4nga.- T �makijig E 'LF N NEW YEA OUT`
)las- .... ........ 1,10 '32.; ....... ea CT!Oi R.— respect an* love, for you. Dear pastor,,
.2, 27 38 .............
Apra to Mr. Thomas Kidd's. .............. )rogress,
'ncre Now t1fat the New Year is us� in 'we are tau,,,ht that sin d, them frdai - )oth 4s to i to,
172 are encya:,ed id( Eip and ar
-,mnoth aa. ...... 1 84. ll excite ered rn
UrpWard.)) Ave,
...... all( judg-awing in. memb' and the triouble, as the spfiks fly for.
Arertisement. iq this'issue. Mr.' K lis . ......... . 85 ........... quarters, I ng from the ppear . . ticles ex4ibitase ment of inother municipal
...... 01 a
--determined to clipar oat the ot
92 86 ....... 2,985 ance of th. ir mill -yard, they are bound the last f ' I show bei o any (,lection subsided, all eem settled down lieed n therefuMS exp�ct-all sunshiu 01h
whole of his
ciit stock of dry ds, in. order to ..... ......... .823 to a large umber business n' xt held by th a Society heretofore. !Of 161 to their vari"..Ii voc t NJ!
e .8 a ions with eikergy there will be darlL d elou-dy da
900 12,996 Ua..I . ...... .... 12860 .4 summer. I exhibitors total
foi extensivo spring.pur- nembei MI. were So -live part harps will be hung on -,make -�iroom .111M 39 ................. 1,674 &ndr.zeal. who took an ad
er eing an increase willo ta,
'19 40 ................ 2,741 itries 79��. -b -1 -6 is- therefore 'prepared to- of. snumber
duritutly reported briller years WS S n Ma ht
6ri in the political contests of f
872 41 ............... 1046 _Specific, Y
h6re that the las'and [Xies over the pr'evious year.
-ifei-unvf ual indtic 4SerS. *
s ements to pu�ch are now numbered with the silent dead world,in frowh'ilpbu us, and what
166 4a ................ 2,118 -for the �E ciond secti6n of t lie Welli We wolild also observe that the wheat
.. ............ gto%
)o 4$ ......... perhap� before the close of another Till more disheartelli
'rey an(] Bruc aw tl ie first, prize at the Fall Show year r it may be Our P God may ft)
.... and
e R, from Lill
ailway - ow e;J arde
THE We wouid, -to- 14 .......... 1,5M 44 ................ 19 ainful duty to recof(I time hidt h 3 face Troni us,
In these
two tr
.;;-2,651 45 ................. L 2,J-18 to Ainlevville--aro about , r was of Daild 'sample, the seod from the demise of. others who took- no ss cirburnstantes prec-
d those of our villa(rers,,6irho ddsird-to 16 e�ady, -and �th,e hings are. racist
....... ........... L 2,5 1,1) that tend �rs for tl -noti of said. c -ed
cpate in.t;hep.1eas$, and ex.biar . at_ ...... ic cont oil whi. li ii vas grown* being band�4pick active part Ili the political struggle of iotis
41 : 47.1
.1 7?art' ....... 2,089 114111ekv, sYnIVA-thy nd good coun
-4ing amusement of skatinal, that the Sea- ...... : ........... 820 48L ...... 1,184 w -11 be asked for i mul- in the ear from a lipIct. of mixed 1,wheat, 'this ii?terest* :to tl�e YOU, -as our Pastor, have alwy4,.
ing, -wnsbip. Altho
............. ............ ERC -Ve'
WOL -he previoi�s year, co-,iteltding parties are almost eqully., been a pre8eiir, Sympathizer ready ja
40Ah Rink will- be ppeu for the 'first 49 �2,580 M ld direct the lmost a t tl failure t
21) 196 50 ............... L 751 11,ug t
4ime this season, this evening. 1,106 51 .......... 110
as show lie benefit and The ice ttention -of our readers in this impor�a`lcc'3 balanced, yet I aTa happy to State that man:ifest,�ylnp"ltbyal'ldgood,CoUnSeI anrd
........... Care in Aelection' of Seed. The sho
have ever i 'Lty
good oidGr, and every 22'.: ...... ection, to th nts 0 and 'you n pro9peri in
conveni, ence 2,790 5) .............. e annolnicem f Messrs. w the contest has been a bloodless DA1
-.vill be prepared fo- 21q .......... �08 $tew pson & and N.
-ater 1,285 53 ................ art, Thom of. -01 f.) -e rains was good the roots tranquility seems to pervade the hcarts� ed us to -h Lamb of �C
r both il, 4 5-4 .......... Jo5 Li much bi ected, C
-..2,11 . A, otartorE.: Welhpetoseeilargeturn viiico,,stotie, which -Ariff-lie'found in this in r than expi onse-
211� ....... 952 55.., .... ofall men. Councillors have been chosell who sin
1 ... 2,299 l7lius by Your*
"t at the Rink to-mgla. issue. B th these establishnientg ank. quence, o E ie dryness of the seso�. The to in.,watye fhe affairs of -this, township' kinduessa�,u 1 . . -L 0 ) I I 1011s.comisel yahave
27 .113 10 -among the best in the COull'tY, fruits, Aieularly apples, were- excel-
.......... 7 ..... . ....
and goods some of -whorn are men of considerable drawn egatidn aro
.28 your Conro" und ou
IcIntyre & Willis are �now Sellig,- 6ff 3o... ses in, villxre6 near the front. exertioi3s on behalf of this tow"mhip -Will idence.� , We -would wish also to address
09EAP BOOTS- AND ..... .......... 991 58 ............... 718 can be III as cheap at either -a at ally lent. Tka% -Was a tine show,ot dairy mental. clibre, andw, that.their, and 'secure eut aud,con'
ssrs. I e * trust cl.their attachm.
. ..... 1,076 59.1 ........... :..2,470 of the hou Ocluce and domest, maullf'-etur,es, and
60.., ..........
Abeir stool- of, read -made boots and he peopla-riow realize the truth of,this I spiendid Oisplay in the ladies' depI
y onor. Tile peopl. ilar terins of friendly
Any p'art holding iay of tile -h , y redound to their
elkeesatcost-price.7 Asibis, al)ovb rient. Th' how Ofagrioulturali"iniple- e als. Grace
stock as can be E-, denced,by t10 large stock W-612, 4
was tickets is TeqUested- to bring thelp. when' here, s well as in otherewtownships, regard. And it is the earnest pryer of
e recent, rise in 6- ke - t, th-e. lrge bits �iess & s,�h`owci or, rather meglib. The
jpar�hased 'before th hey com af�tei the prizes. its w havestrucraled against almo�t the Thanies -Road con that
t e P One by;
'ch th -IP66e of leather, the prices �t -whi these estAlisliments. own was very good, Som thor-
stock sh
ey insurwountl)le. barriers to bew d you 1Y long eni-oy o4yet -heth na
1?U(r own are Selling in comparison I h-br
4ninils be
glad to 19an
vitli pre�qat ing exhibit d bere
AjrI.9TT,i' Guelph,4 N-INTET, 1'e are the mighty forest, and . bring the virgi prozperity, and tht in your of
J?nces. are,verl9y cheap,' nd as the"IrstOck was ba for the firs time and acted con er- zoil into state of enitiva.
d -vi4ien IN"il that the riteniber"s o' St. ilin's c%u atte . LO
-The ploaghii�r
e kinson had it, r6b -is all new -they will likely rush'it off in but now that it has ot i . nto the hand of this viLl Y tion, -90 t11-%45 taith nd labor of love, you may be logr kinu co' there existed iiothiii.,' but one spared nd that, tile age, are nenclable
oniplete 8
9 s of U
hurrv. Parties wishing couple,'of ox-palaogu6. it's %vorse thall. effort� to get a re(YU a ecess, twent -five "monotonous, -jiformit th6. standird of D
slould ilierefore caU without delay. ,ilicr oil t1le- round, sliowing Y011 -�bu da-iltl-v successful inproelaimin.), oipetitors b 0-
heL edi�t t hu rch 80ciety -%vill pr
over, T orials tLre nitainly N�ri hat befor' the Co 9 Zioif is now erected ; an,1,%vhq-e the -wild his truth and aidin a
his c u e.
Sciss6rs ande the peess-worl or to Z Of tilp, vide a pas C611gi, tyatio a cer- arilmal,6 formerl rnade their solitary
PEWRO.N�'u--TII,6 -many friends of Mr. 'sheet h1ust be lone on mngle, I t, -in pruportion of lie K THO-M.-kOlY, Pre'sidient, y G.EolIGL,- Alo-,zTrrir,
ll�iiister's ary Iai' the bi(-,rh hal elujalis have been Sung
-Willim-0. Reid, for mnx- 1 - Secretary., years irian- papF. r, in Bturahurry, Austrtali, we. m ust be raised ety and the oddness of God
d paid into the Sori ejoiced ill.
ger of IV16ssr. Will-. Robertson & Co's pr
ilie�l a sfo�i 'about' be Tile nloui —Dear friends,. this is truly a
e week �forc. it require I from this eon?rre(ya- But whilst we rejoice in the prosperity of
'ise, an
kardware store;,in this village, will be d tie handsome presen yta
W fora -P�
sorry to learn that Ile has- been pro9t . rat- tial; for tl i already' b our township, e will not A to State sull'
i purpos ha eeii -'LVTO`RFLXiV.—It is rumored, but with bri 8, is, perb-%ps, all the more agreeable,
n !subscribed aalclwill shortlY be paid over h lVe Cannot Say' that these impro, a Eave been 40eSWitrhoutanyint- latiorl.,L
�ed for.severAl days, by s6vere' and :—The risiiig-village6f flarristo" cau . I wh at trut vement omin I g as it
'to the prober parties to receive it*
Irt is called the
llness.. On- Ttte6day and now bo,�st of a riewsp, Mf. brought about at a greatcost to'tbe in_
danaerous il _ wb�ii Patrick Ke ly and Allred Brown, e el tile sl
as Soon aft er -as an a vid on ime, and itab e
milisteroa*ubeprocared hewillbe -k Gifts from a,
last, so seriousad his Harrit T -)Iib As edi_forr lbl -, all d S`a Of habitants. Railroads have bee' built, ghest, - that we might rris, are Lbout to t4 e proceedings in for anything'of tile kia.
Jltmes Youll late of G oderlch;. well and others are now being built.- 8ub-
-J)ecome that his Tecovery was alm ost de 9,31
ft If Chncei4y, with ew to 11 to their pastor are solue-
knbwn Ili thi her, 'Y'v",e h am tb at there is a _a aoliggregatio
1pai -e 9, County frbrn ll' stantial. Gravel Roads have, -t
-d is. oonnee-. been made
r lille
of by' his inedical 'atteAld'ant u psettin t) Railvi, I 'By-law rc�cently -- s not very acceptable. If �he is, re- t
'M sufficient T umber in this place belongi g e ay in. vrious
tion rith- the Th trib parts of the County toll lof
lVe are ilid io he able to state, ho I e T --itne is
wever, c wried I tieft township. ceivinry fnadequte .8
-looking. Fi et, Well fille(l with inte �o tl�e Epii copal denomin i It is also said Which How;clz has contribute Upport -a
ileat ation to foraila d its quota
'that Oil Thur�sday he had taken turn r- very gregt iun 'L n- accou tiat Messrs. Cameron'& Garro�w, of so that the Salary,- an -d that not promptly, paid, or
eting matter—� lie local dep �cqng b: t 0 it
46r the better, and we-trust'the crisis is rtibent evi- taxes have become oppressive
of th irig no re ular p, 'Lily 0 -oderi, lVe to those wh6lavenot yet surmount allowed to fall into rrears, as is too fre- I
del ere be toi in,
blow plt. tly bklag w, i I attended to -and, for a t- st this I quently the ease, it is - but sorry ameri(l ist number, h vin theslave got int' U umor may be incorrect, s. tile difficulties of a new township. 111'e
a 0 the habit
g, very fair of attend
suchproceedillas could not for -such negleci, to put the blanceof
A GOOD MozvE.—we iinderAand that �advertisiug, e -hope Mri Young anti Other places of worslip, so that POssibIv itesult have roads here, which. will bompare th
lt ill good, e StIp
oift if incr the 11- d prosper. will take a while tc gathe aril: Would Pat end o the- -form of a present,
efl 3 being in4de -to have a read* may go,on them all t6' the to�"v';shil? to favorably with other townships. We I
chugiderab e needless expense in defend- o
-Oraoni eltblialled in Kidd's Hall, in con.; Tb'A,' Ing getber again. If, however, lergyl feel, however, that it is not � our diA that the congregation- May. fr -m
beggins the. naii ilk to t ' , thd suit. wledgemen of liberalityj
�Pectionl wih the -e 'is lit tie do d i eir c - no
-Seaforth Mechanics' new year in Lit new office with new type was settle(1 here, the i ubt but ictate to '-our -township fa-thers. "We h To COPP ave re- when really they don1:t deserve credit
-taie v� What fedale press. Of,course alarg"oncregationeDuld so li
b This, is an excellent niovie' and, lie Dri, c formed to till at would merely express a wish that that on
cl�.ived It communication in. repl�v for being Just and ntBut thec
looks brigl# -I d'el,
ean; as it
*eL CallnOt eve hames Road congregatiott
s6e why a reading too
of i-Turnberryi passed through possible, Upon rods so
LNVA ' Messer, last week appedred �ver the public funs as duct of the
-alid will, We trust, prove RAI august body would apply, as little to the
M can! ought to' late Re ' JL
ew rk Weekly i is 'Lit! thL
The N signature of- Aliquis, b' e ill at the rates of. this to hs been - so Qiitirely the opposite qf
e established amd maintained iw che, 9 wilshi may be
ot b Su? the 'bete on Wedii a routd- to Torontb write,- h neglected to this,. that the parse you now offer me 4
Cp .0 Witli th as p 3-
i8eaforth. Its vast benetiti are so marne . ilway 'Debentures of the amount.
pe its size,"we-kn w of. with the
-Si. 1,olumns of ol only in tli� hi -hest degree ratifyi
g comply reduced to the lowest po, ble
iveslifty X,, ose rqa, ling- nsbip t deposit them in tli generz, rule wbic N Otwithstandin the many s not
Y Afest that we should think there would be. Tow e hands 9 eemina diffi- Ing
quires c7rr oude to Me 'but als Most ord
matter every we �.k for one -dollar ts to /fnrnisb :their jtbJ4 t
it is
400 difficuly in. carrying ou .6f, the Prov incial Tre isurer. culties, our motto is still t the sdheme, Ally of our reMers who wan A vel Mr. KellY rEal,rimds� not for ptiblicition, but as -a war(!.
Y the late R eve of IV orris, O'L your own liberality.' o -f��,r frora t)1e, it. gone about energetically and with oijeai a,11(1, als ent to S %vAsbip let
awere s-whiUt we pro per s a to
But' very )Od/Americ guarantee of good faitil. If 'the Writer behind here, you have al- o, a. g( iz, I
aToroiit'o on the s us never forget the source fron
lie -wo
adopt6cl for the �urpose, an&besides �e, ng8flow. Wiji1st oth ay
I will. The hall spoke of, is admirably . - ame day for a like pu- ill. furnish its with his corl.Qct Ilarpe we these bless w s since f b
newspa er sh6uh-fenclose a/Yankee (lol- i which
P pose. We lindersfand that the Deben:
Ili an efi. el
With er lands
e, W
�th theirname silall PubliB1. his letter'next'we Pro"TtlY to a day and paid six mo
--tug U
Bed as a reading room, thres for Goey are also readt nd will have -athr, Audi
w-cililde and -bl been deluged with gor
post-oce e .91, ght modificatio in dvance. There is another thiner -X
0 t & .pnsited t) to same, as the ot'h
ost convenient for a hal.1 for ��dress it h
LII eutL 'the bones of our fellow creratures have
,r I ers in a fe
Veil by Sah,,,New Yor I . w I
hisconnction ith-
r for tile, benefit of unicipallti en left to bleach -on the gory- field of
'at$ 'I d9ys. This the' ni es hal b canuot look, upon in t
Eafit Wawanosh.
4he Institute. n.g of cheap papers ren -ii s Us fithfully. alit feeliugs of. treat satisfact�on. This
erf9rined their Ipart of the death, *e have enjoyed the-bls
1remu? a copy. of agreement. 1EAS.—Mr. RichardHingstnn, d prosperit ail y r
ntford �Jeel si-S of
of the, Br, To FA -R
I an Whils ' b 3 YOU have liad more than, the ordin,-
-Which. was se of Morris has the Sa'i' ord e, dimmed additior, `THE DFu.-4i..—The Sekforth'Ama-t' Y, t - outlay iii M.%naityliag your-'-Lffa"S. L 'In
eur us'tile other day, and i. purchas1ed ary
Wroxater. Swi in othbr land% has be V*d
-mraniatic W�b gave their first en formerly owned by , kIr ROL
price of' wit cl� is -15 cents year to the d an d the current
bert Moore, with the blood of a brother, A wouldal- ipe n, -on Monday evellin of. s qui e, smal Mr. creorge Eyvel is' onrau I thoriml a Oil . . wa most seem -all been paid
T e !Vewe lot 35, -,.-)tb concession of E L .4uent this Beaso I Alect, 110WON st expenditure whih has
) yo
'Th. e hall was qui or if Irs leftwitb Iiiin for obscriptions, a
andiot v che p All ord noh.' The mill will i 'Is if the predictib-a.of the have clered of hu
te crow tile y it dobs li -.6 1 1 a short til �in ollr native -
I . I- Job PHriting, t, I V.
-ded, and 1, r aivei isli lie be Prophet -Was being fulfilled ndred dollars of
the gy, win )6 &6niptly at. pil debt oil tile c),,
year'but. t in tho -ough working order,
speriy loug
all your property without encam., bra;nce
bL the performanc Talking of �,ale,�p ep 7o vf An)
So that
alto elupowereil to coheat be k t 'qonstantl F arniers crintinue to bless -our 11o&1e land otel
Mechanics' Institute; in the. interest of ind will land. arch and maiLse, 1eavingr
tellido4to. �LL �i. May peace an(I
e was given, W papers reminds .9 flLcauuis mid. grant recoip -,a for y running.
for oney duc TuL,
of. ai kind. "Ou. have als
-who have log3 or parties who -wut !Jum- the din of battle wal. 'nev remembered
quea. handsome beliefit. The again Of.'an i eicl: t! relied to as by, g' y
in PQ Lipy,CAItY be r should ca] I at Mr. Hngston's m. W. on. our shores; but may tile voice f
a er. be heard
4plays represented were the "tittle Son- gentleman t e.;'adjoining County -of, 011 A the n- the or and Jostitute to
an is hat Z2 4UneP' A -ad the "Pliefforuencin." The Perth, Tile geltiel 10al. moetir (Y- of nearly one hundred dollars to the rel
tit for t the ter Literary psalms and-tibe simple sonr of praise be'
-Vuts werewel],Aaken, and the enter paper Weddliuht ation the- following ffic -1 0
exceRen sqcc��'. McKillop f Sufferers by the late disastro, the 11"eekly erswere echoed, until the mi
ghty victory sha.1 be
-snent passed off sn�oothly and pleasan tl which is $2 3ar, an ected for the curreiii year ames B Z 11 over ihe last encmy.—(;o-i1 That you have found Your -
y. well worth th e FART I
i�,6oi s wo,
elves in a poEition to Ma
A. McFee, tile veteran comedian money. President, J. E. D tb -esbed, I' ;t k -p you
One da; alworthyfarmer called odd' week, on the f r pastor
on bim i rin - of
1 131011 ekersmitli. present, Over and
I in both pieces, and wasJuilni "a sl Agent I'm Ist Vice-] �resideu t, W Hol'and, such' a handsome
-8ppearei I Aleu. eventh Conces' -
e' P Tu
thinking of tryi g .�.Iie 11eadl;g 2nd Vice-] "-resident, I above all
ever. -Mr. Wiltiam. NNIeDouaaws ht next �O. ", McKillop, 1 ;0 bushels this, is a ll,
X of oats -in 35 ost gratifying evi-
xer was a year R
-"ndition. of 47teedidtow. what do- t ibsoll. minutes. TO the course dence
00a rw 0 1 -,Secretary William. �a%vrie MORE B � Ti of yoiir liberality. in a'Ala --srery pretty piece -of Sir, of three days and a -half's
In ad va- ed was the 1,dpl*,y. o� Treasurer, TjB. San,. ers. -threshin' sing, -for myself
-acting. The layeis 9 pries and, -Mrs. Gracey,
-wpresentin' the fernal cb, Two do]] nagement: Thos Turnberry. Oil the farm Robertd lgie Tuck' OUT toan
ars 8a -
the l gentle- ks, I would say no
per- rur, C millittel of m, Gib- thing caii,
Jform- ed ir mail T 11, by John G'ayry and Joseph giv;e us more pleasure th
the different pats with
great. WO dol. not by a jug -full Son, M.P.P., A. L. Gil�son G -(.,o The towns'
an your succew
ip council of Lea, they threshed 101 bushels
icredit. The orchestra furilislied inusio, I'liad-the Mitch( !John Inglis
last ycar,� lid Jolut oran -of oats and pr
The So- Tu rnberry OsPerltY asa congregtion and to,
a iou of 'the players
-.worthy of the reput ti lfor-JA� �ents !0ar,.andpaid it in. 147, oiety contemplates in ��Ilg fiti-ther -addi- '-(M bel(I session' yesterday, iii 28 ininates . The machirie,is of )IC. adve
I ondy,) ian, oth be glad �fi*
A I they refused to ratify the Phers6n)s make Clinton.
th Pow -speller as their now ice and valuab . le I)Y.l�wil",Iilti:ict-,tE;ectioilii-bouust labor. Hmvry GrAcRy. G. IT -
I'hVe library. o the MoRE, BTG Oro To reY an Bru6e Muitay threshed
On Saurday last, as N give you two �The I
ddlls*s'.for your r:1ehd1i0ht t or ny Other RELIG -anctioned. the, by -la. Turner third con,, JKippexi. 4C-harlea Degell ;;.nd Mr., Willi� Easton —Specia se -ices are I coitneil ha oil the farm. Of Edward
p, per )ein a w at a 070 8atUr-
held in resbyterian at Ilavillo- been ilone,
Kilk eaxs6n & ous SES81 day, 6tb inst., 212 0 Acci
7p�, were. 16avtna
t e
ted �eaai i week. -DEN.—We learn ihat on Monday
in a r to(' '180013, it Ws illegal, and a
1008 commence t 7 p. m. ial -hour and five niiiiii:tes, NuAL' MEET —Tile ec last, young
ANz med Robert Ile-
&-ttlile cutter, thi6 amlitial meet- each evening. meetirig wts Called yesterday, ldf terward in
ad,, a q a i ck in,, of the Tuckej th Brnch A Len-, son all, of the
or e
while, Tuckrsinith. met wie! a
above result. Mr. Resser, ex-Joeve Ur gri - th the I 10 buslels I thirty mintae.s. The same of Mr. James MeLo-
star --rhich caused the cub- lural -Society, - mas held at McLeod"s worki i MS 'in f0i'ar of the r Murr Y -threshed 0.30 W, La over-ru
Cle occlipantg out. IT last.
tto �Iew round. and Upsa,� throwing Fjotf_1 8eafortt on - at'ticafiOn ])lit bushels in four hours, inilicling stop most pairif ill ccittent which, -,vijj
Tlfiirsd,�y 119 Email circular sAw, had his !
he h.orses getting little bliger nearly severe' I& I by a �Ttj likely
Hitbaito the officers of ority of the
400se from Mr. Degyi6ll, wit tbig society ha -v' was mantifackired
( from tile oil. Some Seem to think di, ;viii & Co., Git.
o was drivia� hand. The machine di8able hm for some celi el by L
e6l t f ll 9:1)leed,, smith lone, , bu ged. abou ve years, 1 sitte notlier vote; others ay the d6un- rail LP I aiii str y b mp not from Tucker. A. little I�Oy s TehaMcLean ivas ell-
I towships of -1wel hotel
they �roln the adjoining g ed in thresh"
_\fr. Alex. 0 $oil of Mr. Jobu I cil ca be c DID pelled to ratify the by-law. al.;, III- at the farm Of iNlr-
NICI Mop and Hallett James Conper'--wholl, over
Grey., in Step
pim 1',shop, virheret they ox also keel;er, WrOxeter, -,s;as ki�7'ked'in flie
we in as these to IC I
Wshill 5 are as 11111c hie
h iriter'es tile tutil'bling rOd face -by hoise last.Moildy. Hay, COUNCIL NSTEETING Council ZAct at connects th
'ed ih theso The corks which w I
as Y!
fitandiiI4 th6,6- Witii �o, the s Tuckersin Moorl,?s hotel, horse-poer with the separator, he slip -
Z ith. O,%viu�g of the slib' - I great force t his fa e FAST pet
and pursuaiit to 11 burn
provisions of the new act, bo pretby severely, A few weeka afro I niont from last nieetin:g dj�
tbey, cqa
but tbe woun John J.
Sleigh; tile J ever, Ahe 6 cers bhiis -,ear h*ad al. t was lip
e ac, Ze nd 4)is left foot was caught by one -
(Is are not so deep as Richbeil- of tile Towusl Afembe�';s a
0 -lay, th us] led oi- present; R e,� The mill- 9
draCk it � as off -a, e ' e in the Of' the couplim bolts of the rod. The
w 9 4 0
chose,., fro feared, and the little, fellow is f
Iii Tile] (er h, the t �%;vilsbip in a fair - i the farm. aU s torn com
ed. The hor a, the of Mr. J. front of his boot -%;va
from, which tlic s�ci were tead and ap. off Way of redov2ry. utes of last meating plett-ly
I t -S Shore, two Opell� and his foot ")adly Dn&
The folio
-wraluable apim fell- down., ety obbaihed lIluldred nd following accounts were
name. - Tij; One bushels of wheat 1 0
31 �vilx-g s a list of the c A R I I a. n y 10, one Pro d. The Stuait aa -Munro were speedily sell
stre-tc-bed out nd1O.U1 is 16osed'f, tben presented, viz. Account of Law-
hoi. r ill tl
mels inthislcI, who irtY minutes ndfive �lur-
derabl 'Pr ell. rying and ti irt o, it w,
-the eatter. He %ras \co.1isi fic elect: 0-f the far have, for and 'upon their arriving as s -
y �cut esideil Culloch & Co., prilitilig
t-�,Ja- es roadtoot, jr. vie- the Hrristoll grail all(t y-tbree of oat� in deben- er tmil otherwise ilIjured.\-Thc �cc4 �p tilres, .516 Thomas ce tbled that the se�colld toe of the foot
ants thr oboars, Thuq, 'Mitchell, PT rk markent complai
mputated, as some of
iandesboro,. Sec,. I it, the short spilee of 9th con., ert, -would have to be a
har prict., s 41 ran ary was s
of the.-Clitter were not h4it. ame that the buye"
ITIhe* otifter 2 - N
-was tat -uc,b do no b oft 1011"S M Taylor"s g t Armstrong, balance tbe bories of tbL(- foot had been literally
slight]3 clailacre(J. suffic tract, 115 J. It. Grant, po John Logan, 'ent- I li 734 bt sh Is Of beautiful grain, ;-�-i
r1ctors—C Xith the 38c."Iforth, tele- f torlI Some an
M, al)
ey, any of t
a ter fr eckiet balance aceparit 1870, 86 5.85; J.
s. tared almost sufficiently performed very skil ally, nil
Dale, 'ly Ulli to oillpete -)y the bolt. The operati
-qf which hi d Isttiollery, 1,�21 63 J.,.'
Scl-001 Caa Willi Jacob Gee, W M pl- f the y pr, c litinue tc 'take ylng Yed.
Cil'Roo L' I ir ry ain I eckie goods to Isaac
2neetirig-.tco)c-.plaoo ill the ()01�1� at,: William. Chesney h 6 lean for ni irket. properly 4-ressed and banda,
In Robert Ei i to 8eafo tb and C', inton. Sprilia pL�r
patient ist
1,,.o)ert Fulton and Alex. y find i '6 06; T. Leadbeater, Treasur�r ',60-% are lad to learn that- tb
*A the "T -k I ts ihe order, e
et Hollft,. on t;; though the (listance
s. greater, it
MelntosL of tli( 6n Of Zurich. Lecki� on as well could be
f P T, E AS.4. NJ F
-the 8e- rittepaya!o resent- I'llo, U tLe circumstances.
ry to see �o -few p i -,1FTorris6n them. t take th �ir pro( uce to the —Atemperian , . k* * L �� I de, r'-:
,6re-so' Pays. , CoUlicilfees, J. Le'
p ce lecting urors and school bu
;vill be seen -OT Soc� l was oiiven in t siriess, �5 J.
lttel� villages, the prier i
higher..' The HNrris6. I -e Tw zday e--% 1119 jurors, ad sebool 14 SOCKJAYJS 4inder e i t I men will ba, the 211d illSt I and
Town. Hall, oil Stracha-ri, selecti
'tendanoe C4 'ale'll 0 the above that tije -,s being so much ecc' tit new managerueti' the business, 532; T W
Jaak- of interezz in ibis ra, ost impo, tant fo to
r the current Pay the wice if they wisl t' 911c,,ess whieh do., 32- Cranbrook- 'oil is'c ecure
be otfice'rs elect 0 s aitended
e is )rogress. ')f Donald, do,, AccIDENM —On Monday, -is Rev. Mr,
liam.f not lieu, an(l Ave believethei -32
tot creditable to t1 6 in- are allgood the trade. den ce of th it gave good evi S. 81emon, do., 32; A. N11C
. the cauhe in i W. Grieve, work on road) 81 0.,
who wi Ft rR. —A, T.
Zurich and , ri inity. After e Wi -kett, and M rs. All 13allan-tYlie was not pu
p4sirited ell i Mir, for the�saie of njoying: the I R. Grant, salary, .570; . R. alrman nd fort, Ili$
X. Y. No T m fry. The � y in Young inan
11 tN1 8 Dav" no, the road
Ut-MMt e Ke�tions to stre gth.en Q4#1e, &c., yi.11 be he.d at .. r lux lriCs of I Se in the shape of eAiil)le Alit, alo
"ean 8ft allilul 1 -and exteiW thd Ilse hott-1, Gravel. Road, n Brother Vlo S- I v0ter.S' list and return, 8.30; Twice
f�ulness Of tlte so,iety� ear I .
weport I-ra 1kingham to r4e- a behind in attempt
-s rad by Hill Wroxett-r, on Ex(e ok the chair' turning officer and SeIC. ill to paw,
Sec- t Of te ratirin erg, Monday in ]lent in Cting
we must say, that the, last juraps, 'ends o t e 91 and Mel
Oc ety am ode
buyers are ex)ected:
be fy' -om pia�,Io �AlOved'I)Y J. traclian seconded- by e
wetary, ancl dopie(L The 'follo anu&IT Several usle was given fr call a(yainst Air.. Wicket's cutter, fright -
by -Miss Hopkins of
..fentlenleit were nonlinatal as Trustees i. debted to OLIS ill Exet- Jjltbollpld, th 'ling his horse and cawsing him%to run er at forego' aNVay. Col
th t1, eir o �vho also s4lig some be and 1-tecounts be
that t ning i
n dntaci, with a Stamp
91), oom of tile two ret�ril.lg Mes§rs. .101 A-NoTHrm CONCEET. The IV, roxeter i .`,p6eches ie e!� delivered _autiiul Sogs paid, he Reeve grant an order behal f an(l, fthem. more tha Band intenk -We beliE ve, giving 'VN-. for the sarrie.—
IVAtSon, fati& -Carried. -by T palits thOwn to
'tl;e atelinde ),&I)le courteou and O�b- another of ad y, IV. arr4ck John Grandy Williams, Moved ground wi�th much
Hill? olas, H. Ben4on, -Dr. Cam n B bY \f essrs the vehicle was wrecked and the occu-
_ell, W.
their popular Oncerts in
and Willi4 1- liging Seci�et r, Bro ivil aud On, Seconded by J. Stra@1
Ary, I rother an
Th v lence, dislocating All.. NVicketf-a
on ,
Connell. fli Harr:st e long. e Manner Iov- Ai e8gay .was that the Reeve make out a debe
',said; that in ai by BrUber i John Carri riture in 8] er, aud otherwise injarill", him.
Atiott. After a show of ha. b may 1 ie.
9 to Mr. irbich the ve been patron, ck, all
zed at the rea� ing g -; L
d a I favor Of Jarnes Calder, in the sum of S57
113713 - Idon, also, was stlinned an&
by "'rother lViriter, I alid John. McL sum of $1,
aughiin, in the much sha -.eL
an r Y