HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1872-01-12, Page 6) , . A Pie leadtoree . -*Proin the He Pork Times.' It happened in this way. ' Walk- - , e , lag *wag one othe 'avenues, theie i was a pleasant odor. It reCalled the tong lost ambrosial fragrance -w iich space greAed out ' youthful se 8eS- leng ago., Like -a sleuth houndon ea trail, we instinctively followed put. . nose. If it wage not the sniell of baked pies, what was it? .: -faculties strained to the ut . 'amid a din and clatter of 'chop and pounding, there came a eatt tin pans, all prceeedingfrom al building. infrontof it stoo numerable wagons and vans ,b1 ing the street,. and boys and with pies in baskets, boxes and were rushing in and out in the inost delirious • way, as if life depended upon their securing a given quantity tof pies. .. , 'Why,' . we asked of a driver, 'why do yoe have two boteies to one pie -wagon V' We could understand two hoses la) a load of paving-st nes, but not for a load ef pies. :. 'Why, you see,' said the de 'g pie' (be - said, poy) is a 'kid delicate thing, and -got to be flaky. , Theheft of a pie is two =a half poundseand as We'carry . -4 them, and they, ite get to be vied along easy, a steady wagon 310 Shake is the thing.e. - We I tip mostly with. 500, but as w driven, most mad just now, !piles in all the Plies the horses pull.' • ith oet, ping e of rge in- ck- en rare ver, of ept and 500 car- th ads are we ban You don't mean to! say' tha* all those waggonsfull of pies are old - a day, do you -7" we inquired: • 'Five bundred—eight hutair d— to a -load, ain't -no .circumstance. he back here to -day two or t ree times for more. , Why, it ean t a inouthful---hardiee a bite.' What kind18 TOOS:t'der)]* a .'They is running desperuf lfliDeeS, just now, and is hot on c -berries. Bless me, if there isn't street. I'm most afeered g seeing I've had to diSsapint 'em t daYs hand running; -on minces. sdon'tedo to foe]: 'with woman f just now who has made up t -*thuds to have MITIOS pieSfer t Christina§ dinner.' Without much' trouble wet our entrance into the pie fact Pies ! We never saw so man our life. Pies were stacked fifty deep all around you higher t your .helad. ,* Pies Were as walls-, pies were cbrning andgoing all the time. There. whizzed a steam eng , turning mlachinery adapted to, pie inakinge add - there, with; . • their :mouths wide open, their .cepae;ous -saiaws cram full of pies, the glowing furnace throwing its ruddy- glare' on the golden pies, acresof pies Were getting baked. Men were slapping and banging about lumps of dough, zoning the 'pie dust into sheets; ..prickineond Marking them with an. II. (for Tarry evidently) like in he Mother Goose story, while score of twomen were ladleing Out! .g 0d - -things and -cramming apples* in the Ties. There stood hogsheads of su- gar—one man' d;stributing. it around in the most reckless way wit On one side, hissed .:cplettered huge vats witli ,cran Aries' gettieg cooked by steam. it poesible that all the mpn, wo -.and children itt the. world could eat that stack -of puropIlitas piled up in• the eorner there . What ie that awful -looking machine, grindieg nd .grunablinee away? It is the Mi Ce- stteat-ma,ker, the crowning leas ;piece of. the whole. d 7' on aa- ont to, . ree . It lks ieir ade ry. an • La nd as en 'What r we asked, are all th vats full' of mitioe-raeat Yes,' replied the proprietor, Awe are dreadfully short, and -,littrdly keep up with the dema -That poor machine is wor&e1 beyo capacity.' . . 'How many pies do you turn att a week? we asked aghaet. 4 At an average 46.,•00-0 per we but we are running now! Intl& ab that 'How many Mouths wilk ti _feed?' we inquired. It is bard to say. May be aecorcline4)to whether they p tn. hem ifour or across? How on earth did this cap kusiness begin?' we .asked. In .the simplest' way. Mywifd1- commenced baking with- a. .range, I l stnd when we hexeel sold the first 10 we,made four more. After a w —it was in 1858. --the ra ear. , wouldn't stand the pressetre--'f-- hdl &tot a hundred. ranges. The peon "vas .wild on our pies, and it's kept e vending in a kind of ovetwheltul Hutha N 17 - se. rid d. nd k, ye 'Cs ' Just so,' !A the reply. 'We inaketlesta 1 etieSt. Only .he best 77 • flour will M. ke'a good erupt. . Try a , , . Piece of tlee ince,' and a lingo seg:. Went wies.o ered As. 'It mey ne t be an aristocratic pie,' •ith,Javers on. lavers of crust; like ehater's Dictionary _bee'. leaves, u tit ise,--mayIl. call it so—a sincere rticle and appeals' to the masses. We . ate a piece, and.found it as sincerity .itselfee'rin 'a, pie sense. With otieen outh' full,- We said .. ' Thd9e eat Of ,Hearts ' ' She .;made some tarts, All (ma Sarnmerrs gay. ',That might have been *so in the nursery rhymes, but! here' it is no child's play , What, with forty b'tueis and ;thirty horses in the iiie business, that Queen would , have had: her hencis hill: 'Are you Nell posted in the his- tory of inincepie;i: we asked. 'les Dutah, is it ,not 7 ,Brought over here from Holla cl.'" .. '• 'Very li` gee but it's en'Ameri- . can -Institut n' no w.' You do t .know how old , it is do your l' Never t ought of that; Sir ; age , , , don't hurt. r 'mince pies- .-they are good -a year •1.4. 1 Thankin the worthy pie 'ill nu- faotitrey for is politeness, witI the 'savorytaste - of the pie still in our • mouth, we left, happy with the thought th ;t •oet beloved chron_cler had not ide eived us, for We noW felt Certain hat the thonsand exen at the Abbeb of St. penis mut have gone -into' • ince-Meat—yes, ()Very o e of them I- I .1 1 'Cost of ivin in Manitoba. , i , The Red1River cerrespondee t of I the LondonAciver iser writes as fel.- lows : 1 Rents in ginipeg are very high, Much higher thauln Lone:ion. Wood sells from $ to $8 a: Ciotti., .and soft. poplar woo at that. Flay is. very eeerce and deaf, large quanti,ties having been burnt by the prairie fires, which feere exceedingly numer- ous and, destructive. . There. 'being no market, it is, hard to'state accur-. I '4ely the prices 4f produce and stock; 1 ; 1 .1! a d any one vvishi.1 g to buy has tol ake a , tour of the seOetnent,' in o der to get 'sucharticles, and then often meet with disappointment and exorbitant rates. Prices of produce, 4.1: are about as follows : Wheat, (Spring,), -..$1 to $1.-25 per.buShel. No fall wheat rown. in the country. Barley, same price as wheat. Qats, none to he h cl. Peas, ditto. But- ter, 40 to50cents; tend very scarce. - Cheese, 59 cents per pound. Eggs, none. Fow13, none for sale. Tut - l k i keys, geese nd ducks, one in the coltintry-e.ta 'el ones Imean. At certain seasois f the year there are inirnense.nu e b rs of wild ducks on the lakes ant, r vers, but wild geese 4 are very renty seen in 'thiSsectien. Beef by the it rter; -9-to 10 cents ; retail, 14 te 0 cents. Flour, $3.75. te''$4.26- per cw . (I have not seen any #rst,clas ft ur since my arrival here last a ri g.) Millers take every sixth .1) 8114, for grinding. Fresh pork, • 3 to le\ cents per lb. ; mess• pork, 2 cents' Per lb. Cows . .,. ,- . . . scarce at about $60. Oxen about $150 to $225 . per yoke. :Ilerse's about double the puce in Ontario, butt Canadian horses do not appear to thrive well here, and Teeny have d edthis veai from the effects of bad ater, etc. Candies, 371 1 cents. Goid,en Syr p,,1$4.60 per gallon.. A. commen ..wh te' cup and saucer; 25 cents.;, a‘platel 25 cents. ;Coffee, 50 l be ts. ' la fact, nearly all articles of pusehold,use and wear are jlISt It bot tt double Ontario prices. 't) i TheDu should •always ready She should what lie does I I ty of a Mother. 11 be ftime :gentle, land, e • o 'attend to her child. ever laugh at itirn,, at, that is. cunning ,•• ni,4Ver allelw hirn to.think of his 1oolcs,1 x- ce tto be .nett and ‘c.lean in all'i ha - bits . She 'should teach him' .so Obey a look .; to. respect those o der than himeel • she ehould ,iiev,Tri niake a cotnzjuand With ut seeing it is performed lin the se ht manner. 1 .N ver speak of a chil 's -faults or I To 31,es, or ret t hm is remarks before 1-11. .r4, It isa sure .way to spoil a Neve reprove a child when , / 1 le nor'l t your! tone. of --yoke used w a t orrecting. StLrc Spire' lov .-ot dread ; resp Re ber log. are tre. duca a sou :for eteimi 31. eavay ever since' Henry.Wm i 'Americans are, \ then, the pii I ' ' 1 . t le crow as "eaters of the world'?' this Special q i Pies and liberty go hand- 1- lass, we have ..liancl,' was the reply. It's constai t rite crow, he business. Cheap fruit may a& t ourselves. ' els ffer a month or so, but ever o human ; he is Cale, Now we are running o 1 .hu u. He -enince heavy ; but apple -pies at e itho e weaker t ...staple al the year round.' is. )attlike. il ). ‘ FtIditts is in—cats is out,' ' 4... for morrow -very inativerently remarked, its f day,, showing to outseilme. denee. 1 Be lea 'Sir,' replied the worthy propia than he does t tor, gra.velv, iI have forgiven th a trUe boy-nat tarnented Mr. lileies, long ago, fo .,..atb is- bit ' of fu a.' , `4 Pe mortui„8---' ahem,' we said, ure of the Oro Beecher .epeaks of llo s : A eide from n of pnofit rm. Side toward ch like one of esti SO 1111 is. la catkinesn an .hi e is what real n .s tri efal t re. 11 y, and: that andthat. &vantage elf. and th , and. hid can't eat uman prat 1- m uch fits x showi g thinks is 1 own color the blest, aud loves to h r -his cl n voice, which are endue traits, f humanity. H. will nev ;4 work work trait, his c ous hung is at cept wile won are his and men. their them :to be whe h wIlse eat a a 7,1a cl t wer Liisown 1 b has. c1 en I 'nine 'ings, ani rows. wo' smartnes w.ould b croWs. - e tiait get another to —a genuine h4man Wrhatever lie can get and less mischiev- ll) full than ab iS like man. He tallying things ex - hid, and with. them othing else to dd. No despise crows. ''I'hey like men. Take off put him in. breeches, lcl make fair av'erage en wings,' and reduce a little, add many of althost good enougly 999. SIIIIIMINNOMMINO".."!...11111011IMPOPIONINI WILSON purchased and increased the stock formerly belonging. to S. Powell, and has now on hand a, first-class stock of GRQCEIIMS:,WINES -..F49,U;13, :FEE)) -;& • P4gvistaN Also, a stock of Spencer's and Carling s AL In Casks, Half Casks, and QUarter Casks, VERY CHEAP. 1 10— Goods delivered 111 any part of the town RemeniVer the place, ,F'owell's Old SI ``303 1SI73 T e.sb- syl 4 0 OE jeN5.3°.. OTT DEBTORS. THE undel signed desires ta state that he has -L• received instructions to extend the time for the payment of I debts due !the estate of Griffith. Davies zintill next Court day. All debts dine at that time will positively e stet', without respect to J. S. PORTER, Seaforth. FE OW'S HYPOP, OSPHITES.1 A MONGST the dis es s overeame by the Use of -4-3- F.ellows”Corapout (1 ...imp of Hypophosphitem, are Coustipa ion, ..A.s .Conaumption, LarYne,it- is,. Nervous ebility, zepsia, Chronic 13roilichit- la; Chronic D arrluen, rinclioly. Debility riesult-- ing 11.•om TYp oidand pt et low fe e.rs, Diplitiunitieg Prostration, vsteria, Hy . ochond -a, Anienori: cra, t Chlorosis, A temia, Lee orrhren, Nervous Es..ita- bility, Maras MN or IN u:th • g of th , Mascles, A. ho- nini,_ or Loss °F Voice, Ch rea Or St. "Vitus's ance, Shig,„ • of the Lill: Interrupted -end eeble Actio of the Heart: • ocating Feelinga e used by mucous obAtructious c f the Lungs and..Ai I'ass di sages leang -thereto, ai d Debility from v rious COMA:St many cases of \ -bitth appeared ho ..less. Sold by Al»thecaries. rice, $1.50; S'ix for .47.50. 1E 5 I. FELLOWS, hemist, St. John, Ni. 13. CERTAIN P_RESERVATION OFT D SIGHT. LA. S, MORRIS. & CO' PERFECTED SPECTACLES AID ETE-GLASSES. The plicated azu costly machusery,;war- I 1 oculiaz- form and scienti fie acemstey att tined by the aid of aemn- i rants the as rtion that they are the most pet fee Spectacle ever Maim- factiired. T ey assist the sight flost ( brilliantly, nf . . c I 01 i on the *ea er, cause a continnons and abiding rnproveraent of the eyes, and laa f.,st eat niany years without riumiring to e changed. iso they are the CHEAP ST as well as the 1.31z:ST• M. It, 00IT.J.TTER,1 - I. Main stri Seaforth, Agent, • -CROW fr- 4:3 M NDED BYTHE MOST USED AND RErCOM- • b E INENT PHysicheois ;*' tiF.;• .1 "14 THI111G BETTER." • • IN NEW ENGLAND FOR T LAST 45 YEARS. . A- - CU LER OROS. & CO, BOSTON. w mall° GIs iklitoe. Sot, by t e Druir.glsts >. FOR C:OU GAS, COLDSA° , ruasoTT Co., Toron.to, Agent4 • Opposite the Mansion Hotel, Seaforth. 8. and 1213 LADIES f you want aN-EW DRESS, f you want a beautifnl set of FURS, cheap, f you want the nicest, HAT or BONNET in the Pr vince at thalf its value, f you want a, handsome SHAWL, WATERPROOF LOAN., , FANCY FLANNELS, in fact, f you want anything in the DRY GOODS or MILLINERY LINE, glo right to DENT'S. e h s just received 4, fresh lot of all these Good for Christmas and the Holidays. Don't fail to call first at DENT'S. , JUST ARRIVED, Another lot of CHEAP FLANNII Scarlet, White and Fancy, Also, One Bale of large • heavy LS, ITN EY BLANKETS. Parties wishing a good article, cheap, woulcl do well to see them, at LEE & SWITZER'S. •aloolsdinj l ‘s2airisTuana syloo a0I1141, ao2VIRO (IRV ES VO 11HIII.AkS ATI I 91/31 3010140 Viinad Ah3N -nazums 2s. aaa •gtMH (XL 'TRW' loautit dreaff lutil JO mould autos MMINIONNIMIP PREPARE FOR WINTER.: Sleighs and Cutters. WILLIAM GRASSIE, AEAFORTH, J. SEATTE'R, K. Has now on hand a largo number of handsomely EXCHANGE BROKER) finished and substantially built • • CUTTERS5 Also, a num.ber of first-class . SD EIG-P18.. Terms as low as any Establishment in the County. Repairing, of every description, promptlY attend- ed to, and fiatisfaction• guaranteed. Be sure to call and see my Cutters before pur- chasing -elisewhere. WILLIAM GRASSIE. N.B.—All overdue Notes and Accounts nmst be paid farth.with. 207 • FARM FOR SALE. VOR Sale Cheap, Licit No. 80, 6th Conceasion, -12 Township:of Bruee, County of Bruce, contain- ing 100 acres, about 20 of whicli are cleared, the balance welt timberedlwith beech and nmple. ..7;co waste land. Thereis a never -failing- stream of water running through it. It is situated within five miles froxu the flourishing village of .Paisley, through which the ;Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway will shartly'be running. If the above pro- perty is not sold, it will be leased for a term of years for the improvementa. For further particut- lass, apply to THE Exeesrron OFFICE, Senforth. July 18,1871, 189- t f. r ARM AND PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS FOR . SALE. . F011 Sale, lot No. 29, con. 7, township of iMorris, eontaining 100 acres, 70 of which are : eleared and iu a state of goed cultivation. The Whole is well fenced. There are on the premises a good ic t b 'none barn and lieWed log -house, also, tWo wells nd a young bearing orchard. Thin farm is within zie mile of Ainleyville, a thriving village, where a Staltion of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway Will he located, also the breadth of a lot 'Isom the srthern Gravel Road: Also, it frame dwelling- bonse, with the upper part fitted fiiir a Pho:ograph Gallery. There is a good well and stable .on the premises., also a good gaislen. This property in situated near the bunioess centre of the village of Wroxeter, through whieh the Toronto, Grey and Brute Railway will be runnimsr, within oro Vtlir. 'I)1,, ‘5111)10. NI ill be sold on eaay terms. .F0 ilarti- critcs apply to the PropsrAirtur, 'EL WALEE Photographer, Wroxeter. X. I3.—The Photographic Instruments !will be sold with or without the gallery. 210-3m Or to C. R. COOPER, Lana Agent, Dingle I'. 0. NI ON Ey FOUND,, 1?ouND on Friday the 22nd inst., in W. 3,obert- - ROD Ckh's Hardware Store, Seafortla, alsum of money. The owner can have the smug upon proving property and paying for this advertilemeat. Apply at the store. And.dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCY AN D TO I LET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend. On: easy terms. Pure Wines and Liiiners for medi- cinal purposes. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. TICKETS. FOR EUROPE, een11V19iiNsFtYEaa7b ap 01tedAge/ati, for the iNMAN. LINE OF STEAME S. , Parities contemplating visiting a y part of Eui•ope can be supplied with'Pickets and all necessary information by apply- JOliN tO SE -ATTER. 185 tf. Druggist l etc. Bonus to the Farr&ers OF GREY AND MORRIS. VARMERS, beware of persons, inthe shape of ^1; peddlers and agents, perambulating the country, forcing a Hale of inferior inipleruents. Encourage ! hozne manufactures,. and you will find a superior article at a reduced Price. The subscriber would respectfully returnhis sin- cere thanks te the farmers of Grey, Morris anti sur- rounding township.; for their most liberal patron- age in the past, and woulti iztform them that he wfil keep constantly on hand, .at the DINGLE FOUNDRY, -Iron Plows, Wood Plows, Gang Plows, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Stzuw-Cutters, Guaranteed of the best quality, and at prices to defy competition. He would apecially call atten- tion to the "Farmers' Plow," -which gives general satisfaCtion wherever introuced. PorszTs for all the principal Plows kept con- stantly on hand. Highest rice paid for old cast- ings. Repairing done promptly on very reasonable tarms. W. -R. WILSON, 199 Auilorino JAN. 12, 18 72. FLO', t FLO T.TATING purchased and thoroughly refill ted the • A -A -mills formerly owned by the Messrb. ficoBTE, rE Ball now prepared to in-/gals/A FAMILY FLOUR., .Second to NoNE IN SEAPORT And that Win. Conapare favorably with any in mmio, Do - on want A 1 FLeirm, go to the illillowing Dealers and -ask for MARSTTALL'S:--IttiMamber 1%-.1./.113HALL'S FLOUR, : W. SCOTT.ROBERTSON, J. WHITESIDE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGH, Or at W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders left with W. S. ItOBERTSONliwill:' b proinptly attended to.: . Parties who wish to . Exchange Wheat for Flout ,Ale certain to receive proper qaantity, ikn arti- (de that will defy cempetition.. • W. MARSHAiL. 186 -ti p.-:<-73c.R'T A NIT TO HOUSEKEEPERS COOD FLOUR AT ALL TIMES. W. A. SHEAR‘SON & CO - Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS r Are IlOW Manufacturing, the be41 FAMILY (.6 PASTRY EIOTRS - In the Dominion. • . Intending parchaserai in Sesiorth and vicinity - can rely upon getting our Fami13- and Pastry Metro from the following Dealers, ONLY :—Thos. Lee, A. M. Stroner, John Walsh, James C. Laidlaw, Alc.X. Ault, Thclia.s Kidd. J.- AleGinnia, William Atilt, G. &H. Jackson Egmontiville, and at the Seaforth Mills. Orders Itt at our office, Market &mare, 'will receive prompt attention. Farmers desiring to ach'suge theirVinaeat for Flour, at the Mill, 1 May always rely upon getting o'er best Family or, Pastry Flour in exchange, iu quantities aceording to the value of their -wheat. W. A. SHEARSON * CALL AND SEE THOMAS BELL'S CHAIRS, LOUNGES, SOFAS, *CENTRE TABLESi, SIDEBOARDS,. • WHATNOTS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, ; . Looking Glasses and all other:ai'ticles kept in Firlt-class Cabinet rSJcps, which 4e he is Belling • AT VERY LOTT, AWES. A large reduction to parties buying a quantity. . REMEMBER THE SHOP, Opposite THOMAS Kipp's Brick S ore. - CATTLE FAIR. A CATTLE FAIR will be held hereafter at *LOYD'S HOTEL, SEAFORTH, (Opposite the Station,) On the First Monday rn. each month,i BE 011ilincG ON \ _MONDAY, OCTOBER. 2, 1871. ' Large numbers of buyers -will bet in attendanee, and parties having stock may rely on the be.st mar- ket prices. In connection with Loyd's Hotel (lIonghtoes), are large and cchnmodions stables and yards. 198 TB:E FIRST -PRIZE IMPROVED EERICS' HIRE BOAR. TB -P subscriber will keep for Ben -ice, at his pro- mises, Lot 4, Com 2, Stanley, two miles from Eippeu, that well-kr...Ayr,. improved Berkshire Boar which took the let Prize at the two County Shows :- also, at three Township Shows, all in 1871. The subscriber has also purchased a young improved ,lierkshire Boar, six mouths old, at the Western Fair, London, which he will also keep for service. Terms, 81 for each sow, to be paid at the time of service, with the privilege of returning as often as necessary within twelve weeks from time of first service. • WILLIAM BLAIR, Jr.._ Nov. 7, 1871. 205 I:-ZON IN THE BLOOD, 1.)40 ,.......y, Z1;11 p di rze SY PERUVIAN RUP makes tbe 'weak straw, : SeYm MN ° 13 • C z on —13 u P la yr up. Olvi'N:asuTererrbYTA0sLutzmrPaPeitoYinAognGtr..:;,- b—n1:1;(01;7,:litiL- kauiplactsNiore.e3.01).1.1iy1).sitn.NN-Sely1(1)1.101;11k. .Proprietor,, - 8014 la Druggists genersItr. - • • • 4 away na m quenc mails 1. .41 itti (ir turf. tur tiOiO .eorues the for h. itli t tO 15vnitleaced tohetsl:et tightly • wbetisheTteltu'h verel Alt the b. foot. i 1:70) parts substat ; anal bE eglivor:tIgspgaiyarl bY alt A how ttibr'e o o /ming good 4 favorite, from th u) and the, fully s torture sheoekui w igenwsese. shoes," - patent f ventors to obvia es ,aconesaeeu neneatla al vinceth supply nanYeoIh of it)-1 tain mor: .a life of detnine sPel-tzliZel— The 1.)-4: - the partij -aeath of - the Red the 14114i ywho has Con of ti gare are - that ,deco presurapt that be k Termite. 14 was • wealth aa. otteer in Fletcher rquis lae* son; known al ,Ae cani laealt,T), • .cOuritry to Make Valiey, toopen 11] fine resi Roly Cr kcita Teri Fletcher for burili: metallic from 8t. ;preparao. *dew,wiidethcs s tof Miles •t 2CCom pa., to its last 'land. A 'BEN town in by, name irnlnedit Mission4„: true, fir& churches and to pr parson I voniparat, man titer Bible for of the sh a Bible fe ister ther anxious f was infoil per -eon hal, he expree remaiking had been the niattei •